'3 Without Bus uTwi Without s r - Hejudice I w . 1 -r X Published ia Elizitcth . City VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTICAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING AtJGUST 10, 1917 ko.203 Insurance Bill Is Introduced K Provision For America's Fighting Men And Their Families Bears Approval Of Wilson And Mo ' Adoo. ' (By United Press) yj Washington. Aug. 10. Bearing president Wilson's approval and 't, -with Secretary McAdoo's plea that it v e made a law in justice to America's y flighting men and their families, the it' Atong expected war compensation in j 4emnity insurance bill was introduc ' ed In both houses of Congress today. " , This bill represents America's first attempt to be forehanded in provid ing forirtnose whose homes may be r TrreckW hy war. I TbMJstandlng featire of the bill ls,tf . ' orlzation of Insurance for every fig. Nig man at eight dollars a year per thousand dollars worth up to $10,000. The bill provides for the assign- tcoiisios Tim (By United Press j Washington, Aug. 10. Twenty-six thousand men trained in the Platts burg camps for the past three months will be turned out as officers on Aug ust 15th. Fourteen thousand others will be disappointed in their ambition to win commissions. The War Department has announc OF IS PROCBESSIOG WORK OF EXAMINING FIRST LEVY OP REGISTRANTS COM PLETED FRIDAY MORNING ment of part of each man's pay to hissed, however, that more than 2,000 of family and for a separate allowance those- who fail will have a chance to passed by the government for gradu i ' ated sealed payments, for total or par tial disability, and for death indem nity insurance. If a man fails to make application on the $7 to $8 per thousand plan and is killed, the government pre sumes him to have made application Y for a $5,000 policy and pays his 'widow and estate that amount. For the support of dependents the Mil provides that $15 of the enlist ed man's $33 go to his wife. The gov ernment, If there are children, gives .the wife $32 a month additional, mak lng a minimum income of $45, and J5 additional for each additional -Child. The father may give more than $15 from his pay, if he desires. If a man's dependents are his father and ' mother, he gives t5 a month of his ' -pay to them. The government gives them $10. Thus a private with a wife and three children and a mother de pendent on him can by allotting $20 Of his $33 gets $47.50 from the gov ernment, making a total of $67.50 for his dependents. The bill provides that a man wlth ' out dependents or who does not allot " that for his pay may be compelled by " the government to deposit up to one tyt with the government at four , ' VH'nt interest. If total disability Viults from Injury or disease his compensation runs from a minimum of $40 to the maximum of $75 a month for eriliBted men up to $2000 a month for hifiher offlcersAn officer cannot receive this disability allow ance if he receives retirement pay. If a man dies his funeral expenses up to $100 will be paid. If he leaves a wife and two children and mother, they will get $60 a month in addition to the $5,000 or $10,00 insurance he may receive at $8 per thousand. Under the old pension system this family would receive only from $16 to $24 a month. All of a soldier's insurance is non assignable ar.d free from all claims of creditors of the Insured or of his beneficiaries. repeat their course for the next three months and thus w?n the stripes. The whole group will be ordered into ac tive service at once though they will have until August 27th to report. Mil l TAKE OUT HI I S WILL DO ITS PART By United Prea, American Field Headquarters, Aug. 10 The American Red Cross Is n-aily to take care of all the wounded inimies. v ; 'it will be unnecessary to send them home for proper treatmont after they are brought back from the firing line. BUT GOVERNMEWASTTCbM- MANDEER PROF1T8 AND 'THIS HAS BEEN THE METHOD OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT (Bv I'Ditcd Press: London, Aug. 10. You can't take the profit out of war without disaster to normal business. This is the view of the British gov ernment. But you can commandeer that pro fit for uses of state after It has been made. This is what the British gov- ernmit is doing. The present fiscal year will show a billion dollars commandeered .one of the government's financial authorities told the United Press today. During the year ending March 31, 1917, the British Government claim ed that It received as its share of ex cess business profits $700,000,000 or tiO per cent. Business shows no sign of discouragement either. ATLANTIS SUNK BUT CREW SAVED (By United Press) Washington. Aug. 10.- The Danish bark, Atlantis, wa sunk July 9th by submarine gunfire but the crew was saved by a British destroyer, the State Department advises. JOINT LIFE INSURANCE 608 638 126 185 112 919 776 1103 1395 608 1007 D BRITISH LABOR WILL BE REPRESENTED (By Unite Press' London, Aug. 10. British labor hjijdeclded to be represented at the international , Socialist Conerence .-scheduled to meet at Stockholm in September. v Ono of the logical developments of life Insurance Is the popularity of In surance on two lives. This form of Insurance appeals to the common sense of partners in busi ness and to husband and wife. In case of insurance on two lives the policy is payable to the survivor in case of the death of either of the insured, unless otherwise stated In the application. These policies are written by the Pnn-Amerlcan Life Insurance Co., on the whole life, and twenty payment and twenty year endowment plan. The benefits and privileges are fur nished for lowest cost consistent with safety. All the figures are guaranteed. A clean jcut policy which any intelligent man can read and thoroughly under stand. The Pan-American issues all forms o up to date policies at low non-participating rate. This well known In surance Company with assets of over $5,600,000 and business in force ot over $42,000,000, Is, represented by Wood & Cartwright, No. $18 Hlnton Building,., v - ' U '.' adv ' The work of examining Pasquo tank's first lejy of 242 men was com. pleted Friday morning at half past ten o'clock. At three o'cK k this afternoon the board had not completed its report ot the morning's work. The list of ex pupuons appearing below does not include those examined Friday morn ing. The following persons failed to ap pear when summoned by the Pasquo tank Exemption Board for elimination: John E. Proctor. Geo. Lowrjr. J. Gould Moore. Geo. N. Barrett. Tbos. C. Jones. Luther Evans. Charlie Sawyer. Samuel W. West. Peter Smith. Freddie Hunter. Davis Haley. These "slackers" will be reported as fit for service to the district board at Goldsboro and so considered until further investigation. The following were disqualified for service for physical reasons: tion These were: Zenas D?nce. Wm Haggard Cecil Thos White. Mills Wniie. Daniel Rh dpf. Leslie II icpr. F. B. WintelMiist. Clarence Griffin. John Scarboro B F Sanders. R D Owens Harvey Summers. W K Stallings. L B Pritchard. W H Perry. Jos B Brothers. , J Lev McCabe. Paul Sawyer. Henry Pendleton. G W Dunstan. W C Bateman. W J Grant. D W Wilson. Thos R Etherldge. George Watson, Jr. J E Elliott. G R Sharbei. Frank N Penn. Bascom Sawyer. Oscar Pritchard. Ernest George. ('. S. Small. S G Etherldge. Earmion Cherry. Robert Miller. John David Savin. W. A. White. Lloyd I. Berry. E. T. White. John A. Spence. John Clayton Davis. Leroy Dixon. Axum Brothers. Jesse Edward Wood. George Ellis Harris. Joseph C. Markham. John Morris. Ira Holland Rice. Martin Hinton. Benjamin F. Burgess. Thomas William Love. Ernest Spence. Wilson Dozler William. C. P. Pritchard. Dave Miller. James Brooks. Charles Wesley Wilson. John Cartwright. Wilson H. Scott. Mack Riggs. Latham W. Cox. Wallace R. Jennette. Henry H. Whedbee. William Monrooe Twiddy. Edward R. Ferrell. Lem William Barker. Ernest Victor Newbold. Daniel Raymond Kramer. Howard H. Jordan. Vincent M. Hughes. Frank Speights. John Wesley Green. Oscar Rodger. George Spence. Jesse Betrand Evans. John Key. ff8 275 U85 !M5 ;r6 600 810 309 140 18 -52 966 43 420 1066 1178 1331 194 1031 721 927 1267 117 757 542 3 41! WANTS ADDITIONAL .. v v.- BOND ISSUE NOW - (By paired Press) i Washington. Aug. 10. Secretary McAdoo will ask for an additional bond Issue this session of Congress it. was learned today following the conference he attended with House leaders. hTe issue will run Into mil lions, it Is understood.' BLACK WELL MEMORIAL CHURCH Rot. O. P. Campbell of Fayetteville will preach at the morning and even ing services Sunday. The public is ex tended a cordial invitation to hear Mr. Campbell. Mr. Campbell will remain in the city and supply the palplt for a num ber of weeks. At the services next Sunday morn ing all members of Blackwell Me morial Church are urged to be pre sent. Business matters of much Im portance will be brought to the at tention of the church for action at this service. Nine Arre StS : v V;;. : v 4 : n . - . ,.J. j '. ; ' Of Smugglers f New York Police Begin To Un cover Gigahtic Plot Of Smuggling Rubber And Aluminum To Germany. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Dr. B. C. Hennlng will preach at the morning servivce Sunday, from the subject "The Parable of a Closed Issue." a 1 y fllllES 0 72 746 280 045 3 22 1354 905 1288 355 809 550 31 1211 25 56 1276 350 440 1054 792 1275 1032 623 1141 493 1358 923 341 360 353 970 704 679 363 1287 327 1112 154 1281 717 1067 1073 30 773 25 889 578 OPIDEMIC OF INFANTILE PAR ALYSIS NOW IN ELEVEN VIR GINIA COUNTIES WITH SEVEN TY KNOWN CASES (By Uniteu Press) Richmond, Va., Aug. 10. The northwestern Virginia infantile par alyysis epedimlc first reported legs than a fortnight ago has now spread over eleven eoantles. There are at least seventy known cases. The State Health authorities be lleve that there are a number of oth er cases in rural sections which have not been reported. The affected counties are in a virtual "state of terror." State health repre sentativves are on the scene every' where making investigations and try ing to control the epidemic. Of PASSPORTS AS A RESULT OF RUSSIAN MIS SION AMERICAN RUSSIANS WILL BE GRANTED PASSPORTS WITH GREAT CARE (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 10. America's first aid to Russia as a result of the Root mission will be a limitation ot passports to Russians in New York who would go to Russia to spread German money and propaganda. Hereafter an applicant for pass- post must show that his purposes are pure. The government has no intention of sending troops to Russia at present. DUTCH CARTOONIST TO HELP WAKE AMERICA New York, Aug. 10. Louis Rae- maker, Dutch cartoonist on whose head the Kaiser set a price of 12,000 marks, for showing up the Hun in all his 'rightfulness. Is In America and will attempt to rouse Americans to a full sense of the "brutal Boche," driv ing home his argument with his pow erful cartoons. Raemaeker arrived at an American port recently after playing hide and seek with the German spy system at London and evading U-boats whose commanders had order to "get" him. When seen at the Vanderbllt hotel he laughingly told how he evaded the Germans who were Intent on pre venting him reaching America. He remained In London for several days then Jumped over to France, where he apparenly sailed on at least a dozen vevssels bound for the Uni ted States. He would board a vessel late at night. The German spies, see ing him go aboard would feel satis fied that had him cornored but early the next morning or a few minutes beore the ship sailed Raemaeker would qulely slip ashore and em bark on another vessel. In this way he managed to keep the spies on a wild goose chase and eventually sail ed unobserved. Raemaeker told the United PreBB how Germany had "kultur" blighted Europe. "If the Kaiser tried to stop the war today I believe the people, would depose him," he declared. FREHCHDVJHCE (By united Press) New ork, Aug. 10. Nine were ar rested at the first swoop by the police against what is believed to be a glgaa tic plot to smuggle rubber and plati num to Germany. Six of those seized were sailors oa the Red Star, Gothland, a Belgian re lief shhlp. Arrests of persons higher up are expected. CARPENTERS STRIKE IS SETLED TODAY i By United Press 1 New York, Aug. 10. The carpen ter's strike in the four cantonments was settled today. R1UIG CAMP Willi (By United Press) Parlr, Aug. 10. Violent German attacks from Panthe to Epine De Chevrigny are reported. HAIG REPORTS ADVANCE London, Aug. 10. Renewed ad vances of the British and French in Flanders including the completion of the capture of West Hoek are report ed by Haig. (By United Pros) Goldsboro, Aug. 10. The, War De partment is Investigating the practi cability of locating a divisional camp at Fayetteville according to Informa tion received here. " The supervising engineer arrived la Fayetteville thla morning to survey" Jthe.water.facintleafoijucttt'camp. , ...... I f 1 NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OF I (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 10. Evidence pointing to a conspiracy to corner the tomato output on the Pacific coas,t by arge packers was placed In the hands of the Federal Trade Commission to day. NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPB COMPANY. JURY LIST FOR SEPTEMBER TERM Following Is the Jury List for Pas quotank County, North Carolina, Term of Superior Court, beginning September 17th. FIRST WEEK The rate of physical disqualifica tion was higher among the colored than the white registrants, as has been the case throughout the coun try but it was noted vthat the teeth of the negroes were exceptionally good. One of tho examining physicians de dared that If the draft had called out the men between 31 and 51 a much better showing of physical fitness would have resulted. Apparently, the young men of the city and country do not measure up to the mark set bv their fathers, and this In spite of modern sanitary measures and cam paigns of disease prevention. Mr.. P. D. Twiddy returned Friday from a week's fishing, trip, at .Nags Head. ..,'."''' v-: -..:, ,v. D D Overman, M E Pappendick, C G Eanes. J M LcRoy, Isaac Davis, L C. Hudson, J B Bell, R G .Rollinson, J W Markham, J R Brite (Newland) George J Winslow, T L Overman, A L Chesson, J M Simpson, H E White, W E Cox, Martin Jennings, C P Har ris. L D Rogerson, J J White, Sr., S J Bateman, J N Richardson, Joseph Self, T F Bartlett, Milton Ives, D W Roughton, M L Sanderlln, J R Brlte (Mt Hermon) Paul Brothers, C. P. Prltchhard. J H Cartwright (Provi dence), Irving C Harris, Davis Simp son, J R Bowden, W K Jones E. City) W H Keaton. SECOND WKKK C W Markham, J II Price, Cary Ballance, Lemuel Jackson, II E Own- ley, Joseph Banks, W T Jackson (Mt. Hermon, J M Banes. C C Pappen dick, W G Overman, E W Gregory, C W Sawyer,, J C Hare, E K Prit chard, W II Ballance, M W Lister, E D Rogerson, E W Cox, S J Cartwright Ellsha CboryvR LCommander, F H Lowryl C II Berry, H C Markham. This is to notify the patrons of the above named Company that under the existing laws we are compelled to have the various reports which we have to make to the Federal Govern' ment and to the State in on time or we will be penalized for failing to comply with the law. We therefore request you to have your rent in the Company's office, 509 East Fearing street, not later than the 10th of each month. Upon your FAILURE to comply WE WILL T.B COMPELIJCD TO DISCONTINUE YOUR SERVICE FROM THAT DATE. Owing to conditions brought about by the present war we are unable at any price to purchase more Instru ments, and if we shJuId be compelled to take out your 'phone we will be unable to reinstate you until condi tions change. Therefore, take notice and govern yourself accordingly. All telephone rents are DUE and PAYABLE on the FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH In advance at the Company's office. Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Tele graph Cm, C. W. ORICE, General Manager. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE FOR Currituck, Camden and Pasquotank Counties. AT- High School, Elizabeth City, N.C. Ausfust 13-24 Inclusive OPENS: 9 o'clock A. M. . CONDUCTORS: Prof. D. J. iGles, Ex-Superin-, . tendent. Wake Gountyy, N.C. Mrs. T. Edpxr Johnson, Ex- Supervisor, Salisbury, N- C. , WEATHER j ...-.-., , Fair tonight and Saturday. Moder. ate west winds., , . . ,.1

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