VOLJ ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAYjEVENING AUGUST 11, 1917 N0.231 Bodies Give Up Voluntarily Reports Reach Washington of Weakening of German Morale in East In Flanders Germans Prepare To Retreat. Washington, August 11. Hundreds of Austro-Gennan troops are surrendering themselves voluntarily to the Russians, according to cables received here by the Russian Embassy. This evidence of the weakening of the German morale is strengthened by additional cables stating that Kaiser Wilhelm visited the German troops at Nitsu and pleaded with them for continued loyalty. BATTLE ON RUMANIAN FRONT Petrograd, August 11. A big battle is in progress on the Rumanian front, an official statement from the Russian war office reported today. The conflict is proceding along the Suchitza River. It started on Wednesday. ,) PREPARING FOR RETREAT iV-a With the French Annies Afield, August 11 The Ger Ans are fiuring on the possibility of the British-French offen sive in Flanders forcing them to retreat to their next defensive line. The desperate hope of taking positions that would per mit retreat northward from the Aisne and Champagne region is what inspired the German crown Prince to his violent as saults against the French lines, it appears today. KILLED GHTNING MODERN THEORY fS THAT THE i COWARDS MERELY NEED MEN-1 TAJL AND PHYSICAL TREAT-1 MENT AND THESE WILL BE ' FURNISHED Mr. John C. Quldley of Aron, Dart Conntr. received a telearam her on jFjiday statins that his daughter, Mrs Thomas Meekins.'of Aron, bad been instantly killed by lightning. ' Mrs. Meekins was well known in the coast section and had quite a num ber of relatives and friends in this city,1: ,; (By GEORGE MARTIN) (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Ang. 11. The draft Sammies will take their own brain specialists right along with them when they to go France. That was one of the things Surgeon Gorgas made clear today when he told how Sammies' aches, pains, wounds, 'germs and brainstorms, will be taken care of. As for germs, the General is going around to every one of the canton ment camps in this country and tack ARE APPROVED UFOLETTE HIS BEGUN FIGH1 Washington, Aug. 11. fletwtorf Follette of Wisconsin began his fight in the Senate today to force the dis cussion of world wide peace. He Introduced a resolution calling for a re-statement of the Allies peace terms "based on the disavowal of ad vantage either in the way of indem nities, territorial acquisitions, com mercial privileges or economic pre rogatives by which one nation shall strengthen its power abroad at the expense of another nation as wholly incompatible with the establishment of a durable peace in the world." CONSPIRACY IS SOCIALISTS ME II 10 WORK " a;lr' United Tressf London, Ang. 11. Efforts to in duce American, Belgian and i By United Press Washington, Aug. 11. Huge ship ping contracts aggregating 775,000 tons and an outlay of $100,000,000 have been approved by the Shipping Board. The tonage will include ing up one of her well known effec- wooden vessels and sixty of steel, it tive "No Admittance" signs. is stated It was Gorgas who drove the yel- The contracts signed were drawn low jacket out of the South, made by Gothals but were held up until the Canal zone safe for ditch diggers Admiral Capps could study them care and put the finishing touch on the fully bubonic plague rats of New Orleans. . He is now in supreme command of America's surgical and medical war plans for the Sammies at home and abroad. "We intend to make our military cantonments as safe as medical science knows how," he said today. "We have put the best brains of the country on the job. We have or ganized a staff that you couldn't equal in nny ten hoiiitals In the United States." Board Divides ... ?" Fit Worn sUiiS It Now Remains For Exemption Claims To Be .Settled Before Pas quotanks Roll Of ; Honor Can Pa Definitely Determined. PRIVATE VESSELS REUISIIIIED v United Prowl Washington, Aug. 11. The requis tioning of American merchantmen has There will be specialists on every- begun. Seven privately owner pas thing. Major J. R. Goldthwait, for in- senger and cargo liners have been Stance, the wizard of bones and taken over by the government Ship. Joints. The Mayo brothers of Roches- Ping Board, it was officially learned tefMlna., are MaJOTe unoga fobT - """Trhe Boart wffl turn these ships Regarding mental disorders among over to the War Department which other the men, which he characterised, as will use them for the transport of ma- Allied labor to participate in the So-! "very common in this way," General terials to the great engineering works clalist Conference at Stockholm and Gorges said. the seeking of clear ruling on the "We will take special care of these. British law regarding such sessions Dr. Pearce Bailey Is working on that at which representatives of enemy may be present will be next step of British workers. ksibmiu is accepted the 'n our department with the rank of the Major. 'Mental troubles are among the most common to be dealt with In mod ern armies. So much so that Euro- in behind the Sammies In Europe. WOMEN USE TACT INSTEAD OF BRAWN I FOR I 5s ,ry United Press) London, Aug. 11. Arthur Hender son's resignation from the British cabinet has been accepted .according to the Pall Mall Gazette. Henderson was the member of the labor ministry wh? has been active destroyed half the plant of theJ i'i advocating the participation of Gary Ing. Aug. 11. splracy is blamed for German con the fire that Aetna Explosive Company here with a loss of $100,000. This suspicion is unconfirmed. The pun cotton de partment of the factory suffered the most. British labor in the Stockholm Social ist, conference. pean hospitals had to specialize them. "Shell shock of course, requires scientific treatment. The best results are ooiameu woe.. u. pau. Pc , trencheg The tQOth Wftg punched out under ODservauon wiinin bouuu ui the puns. (Bv United Press) London, July 20 (By Mail) One lost tooth and one blackened eye are the total war-time casualties of the 560 police-women who have helped to release 'harness' Bobbies for the during a slight misunderstanding (with a lady prisoner. Another minor CHUT EVADE FREIGHT RATES SHIPPERS MIST NOT CONSIGN SHIPMENTS TO POINTS NEAR BOUNDARY AND THERE RECON SIGN THEM TO ANOTHER STATE MEW CITIES HE SI! Ml Ml REPORT n INDICATE THAT CAN TONMFNTS WILL ALL BE READY BY SEPTEMBER 15th AT THE LATEST. WORK IS BEING RUSHED (Hy United Press) . . New York, Aug. 11. More than Washington, Aug. 11. The Inter- 100,000 workmen are working with state Commerce Commlsion held that "11 naste on tne sixteen cantonments It Is unlawful for any company to , "fattered throughout the country bill its interstate freights to points in ,he e,lort to nave them near near the boundary in one state and completion as possible by September there reconslgn them into the next fourth when the first of America's state in order to defeat the new in- new National Army will probably be te'rstate rates. mobilized. , . Reports gathered oy the United Press show that nearly all will be ready by the middle of September at ithe latest. Sixteen new cities with thousands of buildings, with streets carefully laid out, with water and sewerage system, hospitals, garages and stables are rising into being. YOUR LAST CHANCE , .aw 1IFS IS DITTIT II Willi American Headquarters AfieldAug. 11. A great sham battle during I . Which the Sammies frill charge for-! Only two mora Saturdays. remain "Ward under real French fire .after on which you may be vaccinated free their - trenches .and, embattlement for Typhoid fevef. If you have not . nave been blasted V artillery la in, been vaccinated do not miss these tha njaklng now. , ; 7 " ' Mast chances. ' , . : - '. ' ... J7 , , u '""'- f V Ht y , " ' ' It used to be that a coward or a quitter was rewarded with a kick or given heroic treatment in the guard house. Our prevailing practice, as is the case in all modern armies, will be in the majority of cases to give the needed mental and medical treat ment to these men who can't live up to their duties as soldiers." General Goreas' plans call for the enlisting of the services of 25,000 American 'physicians and surgeons within the next 12 months. PA FOB AMEIUS STATE DEPARTMENT LOOKS WITH DISFAVOR UPON THE SOCIALIST CONFERENCE AT STOCKHOLM (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 11. Secretary Lansing announced today that no passports will be Issued for Ameri cans desiring to attend the Stockholm Soc'allst Conference. The State Department looks with disfavor upon the conference, believ ing that there Is possibility of Us spreading "Peace Germs" to the countries participating. FEREBEE McPHERSON Mr. Philip N. Ferebee of Gregory and Miss Annie McPherson of Cam den were married Thursday by Jus tice of the Peace, J. W. Munden at his residence on Selden Street. Mr. tFerebee is the son of Mrs. Laura Ferebee Of Gregory and Miss McPherson ts the - daughter of ,. Mr. and Mre. Dennis McPherson of Cam den. ''.M, difference of opinion between arrest er and arrestee was climaxed by an unladylike wallop In the eye. Cecil Chapman, a police official", to day explained that the police-woman up for her lack of brawn. One police woman, he said, was shocked by the hugging of a young soldier and a girl in public. She attempted an arrest but learned that as the pair were en gaged they had a perfect right to borrow and pay yback kisses any time they pleased. So the soldier had the pollen-woman arrested for interfering. NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OF NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This is to notify the patrons of the above named Company that under the existing laws we are compelled to have the various reports which we have to make to the Federal Govern ment and to the State In on time or we will be penalized for falling to comply with the law. We therefore request you to have your rent, in the Company's office, 509 East Fearing street, not later than the 10th of each month. Upon your FAILURE to comply WE WILL BE COMPELLED TO DISCONTINUE YOUR SERVICE FROM THAT DATE. Owing to conditions brought about by the present war we are unable at any price to purchase more instru ments, and If we should be 'compelled to take out, your 'phone we will be unable to reinstate you until condi tions chango. Therefore, take notic and govern yourself accordingly. All telephone rents are DUE and PAYABLE on the FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH in advance at the Company's office. Norfolk ft Carolina Telephone & Tele graph Co, j . C-W.GRICE,' -' ' ; . ; '.t, General Manager, ' - Following ia Pasquotaifa roll ot honor,--those who reported for ex amination and were declared physi cally fit by the board for active ser vice 'is Uncle Sam's army: 258 James White. C. A. Prltchard, Jn Henry Clay Nelrbold. Albert Hardey. Ellis Augustus Perry. Jerry Wilson. Ben F. Markham. Douglas M. Eaton. Dennis Overman, Jr. Howard B. Jones. Ash Griffin. Freddie Brite. William Jones Cox. John Harvey. George W. 8tevenson. F.dward Holley. Hayward Brite. Edd Cole. John T. Rowland. , Archie C. Copeland. J. L. Bray. Lev. Eugene Newbold. J. H. Bishop. Robert 8ummrsv t , ;, 604 Alexander Gallop. Matthew Stewart. B. F. Pritchard. Freshwater Johnson. Henry C. Turner. G. W. Turner. Ernest Davis. Isaac Brothers. William E. White. V. C. Alexander. William H. Ward. P, C. Harris. " Lemuel Arthur Jennings. D. M. Sawyer. William Louis Sutton. John William Copeland. Earl G. Brite. Will Smith. Frank William Sellg. Rufus Price. Julian Joslaft White. Claude Vernon Ballard. Claudy Brothers. Wheeler Harrison Bateman Ernest Giliara. G. C. Temple. Irving Moore. Ira B. Parker. Everett W. Harrison. J. Thomas Glover. Jas Elliott Jones. ('has. E. Richardson. Wllford Spellman. K. K. Forbes. Eddie Albertson. J. E. Gregory. W. A. Morris. Warren Sawyer. S. E. Perry. Jno. W. Brite. G. F. WInslow. W B. Borohm. Walter Rlddlck. Frank S. Lynch. It. W. Johnson. Winton Davenport. I). I. Jones. Iley Gallop. E. L. Harvey. Junius Keaton. Jeffrey Williams. C. L. Twiford. .G L. Rlddlck. Jeffrey Morris. Paul Hall. Bernard Castle Munden. John Cartwrlght Russel. William Henry Riddlck. F. J. Rlehlte. James Whldbee. William Commander. Ben L. Cartwrlght. Cornelius Snowden. Charles Edwin White. Wl-t S. Brothers. J. H. Cartwrighth. Frank Gideon Depfer. William II . Cartwrlght. Luther Fenderson. Moses Norman. Charles Thoaias Smith. 1142 ( George Junior Lacy, Thomas Shannon, 4 Wellington Ward, - ' - J 468 1095 783 1117 837 337 678 509 564 696 648 1237 784 107 1369 616 373 1226 692 607 154 1014 10 924 614 433 1329 487 1323 797 1236 223 1292 983 868 332 379 874 562 1300 1221 432 1282 739 601 1146 182 5 Hi 1080 1099 760 289 982 726 rs; 1148 67r 530 1022 711 154 549 S82 770 981 574 1334 218 tt4r 620 606 1294 4 52 677 1114 84 1 870 15 46 269 685 1314 1016 335 391 1217 571 488 72 356 805 11 900 -.1 .44 93 Winiam Edward Sawyer. 987 George Washington Respaas, 845 Fred P.. Markham; Jr. , 1355 Thomas Sledge.. f, 103 R. J. Cahoon. ' . ' " , 1102 Joseph Slaughter Whitehurit 656 Charles M. Jones. . '. ' s: 51 George Lliy Pritchard. . M .4 1256 ' John Albertson. ' 519 Frank Parker. 383 Nathan Bowe. 1166 Henry G Roughton. ' i 856 Jesse Pritchard Mercer. 705 Robinson Crusoe Skiles. " ' 1002 William Baker. 1101 Andrew Stanley Pope. 1010 Clifton Gibbs. 390 Lake Liverman. 6 Moses Sutton. 1366 Jesse Brooks. ' 392 Hughie Johnson. ' 128 Joseph Everett Peel. 679 John Elliott Wood. 944 Alexander Sylvester. 939 George Lee Dance. "' 222 Joshua Whedbee. 1337 Otto Barco. ' 321 Richard H. Swain.- , UWrfIttr ;Cr,WJflUey.' -926 Will Taylor. 656 Chauncy D. Wood. The following were disqualified tot service for physical reason: tlon These were: S58 Zenas Dsnce. 275 Wm Haggard. 1185 Cecil Thos White. !M6 Mills White. Ouv Daniel Rb'drs. 766 Leslie Il icpr. fiC F. B. Whitelniist, 600 Clarence Griffin. 810 John Scarboro 309 B F Sanders. 140 R D Owens 18 Harvey Summers. 652 W K Stalling. 966 LB Pritchard. 43 W H Perry. -. j 420 Jos B Brothers. 1066 J Lev McCabe. A 1178 Paul Sawyer-. t 1331 Henry Pendleton. 194 O W Dunstan. 1031 W C Bateman. 721 W J Grant. 927 I) W Wilson. , 126 7 Thou R Etherldge. 117 George Watson, Jr. 757 J E Elliott. 542 OR Sharbei. 343 Frank N Penn. 75 Bascom Sawyer. 972 Oscar Pritchard. 746 Ernest George. 280 C. S. Small. 1045 SO Etherldge. 1322 Earmlon Cherry. tj 1354 Robert Miller. 905 John David Savin. , 1288 W. A. White. 355 Lloyd I. Berry. 809 E. T. White. 650 John A. 8pence. 31 John Clayton Davis. 1211 Leroy Dixon. M 525 Axum Brothers. 56 . Jesse Edward Wood. 1276 George Ellis Harris. 350 Joseph C. Markham. 440 John Morris. 1054 Ira Holland Rice. 792 Martin Hinton. 1275 Benjamin F. Burgess. 1032 Thomas William Love. ' 623 Ernest Spence. ! 1141 Wilson Dozler William. 493 C. P. Pritchard. 1358 Dave Miller. " " 923 James Brooks. 341 Charles Wesley Wilson. 360 John Cartwrlght. S53 Wilson If. Pcott. .: 970 Mack Rirps. 70 4 Latham W. Cox. 679 Wallace R. Jennette. 36.1 Henry II. Whedbee. - t I j 1287 William Moitrooe Twiddy. j J27 Edward R. Ferrell. 1112 Lem William Barker. " 1 I 154 Ernest Victor Newbold. ' 1281 Daniel Raymond Kramer. , ' ' i 717 , Howard II. Jordan. " 1057 Vincent M. Hugh is. . r (Continued on Back Pag)

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