VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNDAY EVENING AUGUST 15, 1517 no.:: 5 I MM ISSUES H"" ocnnrin pan CiuUIIU UIILL 'TAMES AJTD XTMBEKS OK TH06B CITED TO APPEAR NEXT FOB ;v, EXAMINATION FOB ARMY BER- v vicn omTAW PAPER URGES 'RESTORATION TERRITORY (By United Press) -'-Ammsterdam, Aug. IS. Maxillian Harden', suppressed "Zunkuft." re appeared today advising th reetora Uoa of Alsae-Lorraine to Franc and of Italy If durable peace to be ee cured, German dispatches atated. 3 I Tbe following are the names of the two hundred men called to appear be- "tore the local exemption board for ex ' lamination. These constitute Pasquotank's sec ; Hond levy to fill the required quota of Sll men. They will be examined on fonday. Tuesday and Wednesday of ext week, the first sixty seven the Xrs't day, and so on. 4J Matthew Cartwrlght. M D Sample, R F D 6. Isaac Perry, City. MaUhew Parker. Jaa Simons, City. k Lonnie Cooper, City. Trim Wilson, City. J. T. Davis, City. , 114 1175 Jt- aa i . - .-'. Jin 1IJ4 11 6 841 111 391 &4 1004 1205 1091 470 312 .1284 90 191 . 477 1187 .1179 763 130 168 i .Ci .'lets . i l0t Y 622 5385 1257 1077 7S1 105 ' :tr,8 A i, . 1 :: ; :: sr.T -iv 250 Joe T Crane, City. W C Bunch, City. Henry Speliman, R F D 6. Jos Singleton, City. Wentworth Blount, City. Eiekiel Brothers. Willie Brewer, City. E. O. Banks, R F D 2. E. E. Hollowell, R F D 3. Cbas. F. Raulfs, City Ralps Pool, City R L Commander, City. T. E. Forehand, R F D 3. C. B. Parker Weeksville. J. S. Stafford, City. Jno. M. Spruill, City. Jno. Brown, City. L. C. Davis, R F D 3. C. W. Stafford, City. Noah Burfoot, Jr., City. 270 Nat L. Brlnson, City. Jno. R Outlaw, City. Harry Van Simpson, R F D 2. Isaac" it ePVrson, City. Cbaa. Barolift, City. Jesse J. Dance, Weeksville. Mack Whedbee, R F D 1. Da art Jones, City. Johnnie F. Evans, City Emmett Wynn, City. 280 Jas. Hicks, City. E. J. Houst Jos. F. Demp8ey, City. W. B. Green, City. Emanuel Davis, R F D 3. Charlie James, R F D 2. Grover Winslow, City. John M. Sawyer. City. Burrel Thompson, City. John Lincoln, City. 290 Henry C. Lowry, Weeksville. Ben H. Leigh, City. Jas. E. Jenkins, City. Dempsey Twine, Chapanoke. Albert Charles, Chapanoke. Bennet Archlbold, City. John M. Johnson, City. Paul C. Meads, Weeksville. Cecil A. Copeland, City. Harry L. Carver, R F D 4. 300 David Brite, R F D 4. Fred Sawyer, RFD3. John A Sawyer, City. George Quldley, City. Jus Dallamy. City. Frank Kramer, City. Samuel Lewis. R F D 2 Willi-. V. Simpson. R 1 Wk. Sin -1 1 M ( in l,ci i . -i: v .1. AY in. Utile, K V I) 2, T14 81 1024 1291 171 1841 1043 71 1166 1393 S56 78 12S0 608 1391 1272 877 435 681 713 935 1121 1160 450 1390 113 725 1004 156 1034 808 780 1183 267 567 1218 421 940 1232 1254 169 426 391 89 1804 1107 1270 862 257 1109 155 284 133 807 867 Zad Curies, City. David Warren. City. John Cnavls, City. Bennle Jackson, City. Tboa. T. Reed, R F D 3. Erneajt Speliman, City. We D. Glover, City. John B: lierkbam, City. J. Ambrose Ward, City. Sherman Gatllng, City. Herbert Evans, R F D 4. Claud. D. Harris, R FD 6. Henry C. Lamb, City." Jaa. T. Prltcnett, R F D 3. Cleveland R. Cherry. toginhf: . IBsWFTEO I T V r T. M. G A. WELL 8PONSOB RECEP TION TO PASQUOTANK'S FIRST QUOTA IN THE NEW NATIONAL ARMY f 340 350 A special committee of the T. M. C. A. mapped out and decided upon the Initial plans today tor a Farewell Re ception to be gten to the men of Pas quotank county who are called to the colors, -on the evening of August 31. The details of the program will be worked out and completed within the next tew days when It will be giv en to the press. A number of address es by citlsena and an elaborate musi cal treat will be provided. The pttr- A FRE2 COUNTRY Burnett O'Brien, City. Galther Toxey, R F D 2. Marlon Perry. Weeksville. Lucian Morrisette, City. Joseph M. Barnes, City. Elbert White, R F D 2. Andrew Pallln, City. Lyman Armstrong, City. Wm. Bowe, Weeksville. Wm. Henry White, City pose of this Reception will be to give the men who are to represent this dls-, trr." The trict In The Great War a proper a8d'wnat freedom la nor what It cost the' (By Jo. 8. Vowiee) "I thoutir,tnttwa-e,ee eqpfr try," exclaimed on who to Inimical j to the Draft Law,. "The Law tt,n constitutional,'? cries another who, never read a volume on the elemen tary principles of law nor a paragraph on the Interpretation of laws while great minds like those of John Mar shall. Roger, B. Tanney, Salmon P. Chase and our. present Chief Justice White spent days and weeks In" the study of a clause of the constitution that was In question. No country is or can be tree In which every cltisen does not yield up to a government some of his national rights for the good of the whole. When every person retains all of his natural rights gives up nothing. anarchyno Mnnnmt-i rein.' and no man's Ufa, liberty or property are sate. "1 thought this waa a free eoun-. speaker never tbougbt. Eoo All ies Strongly Oppose Favorable View4 Of Pope's -Peatie PropbeaL) and hope that Russia And Amer ica Will Remain Unmoved. " i f - fathers to gain it. Everything or vaiue cost something It wai the courage and valor ot our fathers that made us free. They did not hesitate to meet their foemen breast to breast. Our, Military Campa ot this country. The ancestors struggled In old Bngiana a General Secretary will give each sol-1 thousand years for the principle of fitting send off by the citiaens of large, and the T. M. C. A. a chance to Introduce the men to the work that the Association Is doing for the men at the battle front and in the various ma me AFTER GEO STORMED POSITIONS DOMINAT ING LENS AND DRIVE BACK GERMANS WITH THEIR FURI OUS ONSLAUGHT TAKING MANY PRISONERS Sterling Fauth', City, Joho B. Jenkins, Jr., City. Frank Albert Reed, City. F. P. Hamell, City. Martin Belamf, City. S. L. Cohoon, City. Herbert Morris, City. J. A. Jackson, City. E. 8. Bell, City. Geo. T. Williams, R FD 6 370 E. C. Western, City. Ernest Phillips, Weeksville. Walter Godfrey, R F D 1. Jim Johnson, City. J. H. Hooker. City. W. D. Harttn, City. Frank Etheridge, Weeksville. Johnnie Skinner, Weeksville. . Jaa Bpence. R F D 5. Pet tUscoe, City. dier an introduction card to the Sec retary of the Association In the camp to which he is going. The general pub- 360 lie, ladles and gentlemen, will be cor dially Invited to be present. The la dles Auxiliary will serve light refresh ments and a specially appointed re- l ceptlon committee will be on hand to render its valuable service toward making the evening a signal success. liberty we enjoy. When despotism prevailed In every country on the continent, they were broadening the nf nhrtv The origin of : London, Ang..il. The wye of th Allies are turned to Russia and Am so lcanot to Rom. v ; u Tlia nHnMnal nnln nf IntaMat la the discussion ot the Pope's peae pro poaals Is the effect they will hav OA Russia, ., Next come the speculation of the possible affect on American Catho lies. .-N That the proposals cannot and wUl not be accepted by England Jranc,or Italy Is, taken as a foregone conclu slon. ' "VJ BELIETE WILSON WILL REFU83 Washington, Anr. 15. The Allied opinion, the United States Govern wlnir strongly ; to I l I iiLSOO us (IfH A CULM I I EE Kill i3y United Press;' (Br United Press) With British Armies, Aug. 19 Positions oyer a thousand. m,nt deluded I..., I. lout in the mists of verrl fmnt t ha Ac-nt nf W PC pro- the past. The baron, of: England fore- Jy a were Stoned and Cap- Kom ' iJffit , l Canadians Who Cable. 'reaching her. early todAf v r.rJthe rreat charter of are now making a new assault 'or the State Department lndleatsd Anale-SaxonrlghU. These our fatiers' on the German defenses Of -irons opposition on the part of Enf. brought to these shores togetner wun urnm,,, the Writ ot Habeas Corpus and the . m famMg Common Jl4j;taw of City'iS nOW nothing more than Germany is willing to make repare- ' American sUte These were the death trap for Germans if tion. restoration and guarantees. ' largTly the Constitution of England, they Continue to hold it. Their 1 , Th f Z"?" largely nori III A- j. 1 stands with the Allies in the deter when the o J toSS' Pf1? cost them. dearly,- mlMtl0B mt wta thelr obJc, sought to tax the Colonies n import" m hoQ the Colonist, felt that 1 With The British Armies Afield. tppeai ha; m.de no change in ths sway -- - Anf. io.-ine uanauians nave atorm- ww tBto country. This Is th taxing them without th consenvo poB,tlo domlnatlnf tnB ta t ,BiMIIie.m-nt fPom the Stat lanr, France and Italy to a favorable view of the new peace step and belief Th great war must go on ttntll Washington. Aug. 15, -T. th. Colonies r- -!5"Ly PP Wt"!.ceded troithM?tbrn DpMtment;today. 380 Wm. Parker, City. C. D. Goodrich, City. W. P. Temple. R F D 2. C.,W. Pags, City. Oscar Johnson, City. Rolk O. Skan, City. Tom Louders, City. W. C. Overman, City. Scott V. Parker, City. S. D. Morgan, R F D 2. 390 Wm. Louis, R F D 2. G. C. Lasslter, City. , A. S. C. Perkins, City. Howard Harris, City. Richard Thompson, City. Hezeklah Pool, City. Frank Jones, City. J. P. Carter, City. Mullins Stalllngs, R F D 6. M F. Sanders, Weeksville. 400 W. E. Aydlett, R F D 4. E. L. Suttorl, City. Raleigh Morrlsette, City. MfiHarry Spdpewick, City. 843 Jas. E. Lumsden, R F D 1 . ('has. P. White, rity. K M. Moore, City Dortson White, City. Willie Nurses. City. Alex H. Wilson, City. 930 185 1398 265 285 1313 1119 1051 560 303 563 '211 1163 1050 1376 1379 1008 229 Frtce-FirJDaniUW ... - - i.u..r.w wrthet arrt Pt2JV'mL himi fv urn VtVZL" went forth to MttsfU . tag rT0 by csnadlan onslght ahd ernmentpoTolot the 191V crop. tfduou wfcr Th majority of th wer, ta BeUnbor. - n1?t r e wnnpathWed with field ot WlUtams College. Chairman; them the gfeat ,Ute.men 9n m hn ukm tt th tttnt ot M, Charles J. Barrett of Union City. Ga.. t . A. rh.th.m. rox and Burke, de- ami i " v - FRENCH ADVANCE IN BELGIUM President of Farmers Union; Wm. N. Doak of Roanoke, Va., vice president of the Brotherhood ot Railway Fire men. 747 Felix R. Elliott, City. 965 Miles Russell, Jr., R F D 5. 1269 Thomas Perry, City. 440 1258 John E. Hughes, City. 929 Edward Johnson, R F D 1. Tbe following are those who made no claim tor exemption and who, therefore, will be part of Pasquo tank's first quota of 121 men for the new national army: 310 1 : i .lo-lina A n'lii-,.. ( it 1. I' M"t:i: . K !" 1 T.. TM' ' 1 M 1 (. il ' Inii 'i. l.iMir . i( I" i I J. I a!-!! W. I ' ' -. ' 't v u . l: K ! l . ' i: I ;i I ' ' ll'l: i U I ;al ( tviTtcn. i . I " i 1 1 1 I I. ('(! rell. 320 HiUuv ( Hilwiif I t. It V l. i Hich Mlxon, City. KM.fip Pawyer. II F D 3. I ' r. . i i-.,-..nrT Unltnn . f'ltv t - Willie H Jones, R F D 4. ., ) Walter Johnson, City, K ' N U Sitnion. City. - 7ir. "'in V Barcllft, City ''' ' ... . , . k i i. . n v n i "63 Sain McDonald, R F D 4. 330 249 Martin L. Scott, City. set 1. Bruce Jones, R F D 4. 601 P. A. Prltchett, R F D I. ' HI . Trannle Crank, City. ' ,871 C. H, WUson. RFD !, 4 1 0 i o t r 1 1 M ::. (i r s Abram Shanno Cclnu Martin. C;tv. Ktltene P'lMin. City 410 Weeksville. I'.ill H k Ivcy - vi'rt Falls V.'iillai'f Hi! Wm. !!" 'in . City. Cltv ;'-ell. H 1,1 Will' V D 1095 458 837 678 548 784 616 154 1014 1292 9S3 s ; s :i3 2 1S2 I H.iO !l S 2 : i i s Henry Clay Newbold. C. A. Pritchard, Jr. Jerry Wilson. Douglas M. Eaton. 'Freddie Brite. John Harvey, v Hay ward Brite. j Lev. Eugene Newbold. J. H. Bishop. "William H. Ward. V. C. Harris. Lemuel Arthur Jennings. I). M. Sawyer. Krnest Gillaru. Irving Moore .las Klliot Jones. H K F'oilics. Kdil'i Aiu. 1 1 -..in. W. A Morris. ii. V. Wirslow W::l'.-r I! liiii-!. I. l; s Kf at 01, . i ; -a I i: .1 . fended them. The King was not able to raise an army of twenty-nve wou sand Englishmen to make war on them and was compelled to hire Hes sians. There were always mercena ries In Germany. r. Lincoln had three quarters ot a million of Ger mans bbrought over from the Vater land tor the conquest of the 8outh. "A great price paid I tor thla free dom," cried the Roman Judge. "But I was born, free," answered Paul. Free dom has been bought always at a great price, always at the cost of cour age and valor. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.' was oft repeated in the country "until the present gen eration. The free so'on forget how their freedom came and through lack of vigilance lose It. Rome was free. To be a Roman was "as great as to be a King " Then no Roman was allow ed to own more lane? wan ho could cultivate with a spade. They ceased t be vigilant., Greed and. cupidity triumphed and the land was seized hv a few larpe slave owners. The Gra cchi's struggles for the people were in vain The great mass of the people were poor. Patriotism died. Roman armies were filled with barbarians. Ilomn was enslaved. The Roman ar mles fell. vr. siIUr "Flag of the free, heart's I,,,,,., a. Ml liom.-." "LiiP'l ,,v" f"( ..,,,1 l,rmo nf the brave." Do w 'imeiwiinglei'slv or in a puirioti. kil.'tiiliiu' :o b- Ih-ivm vJt-i res- : ' """ '",:Ur. floms, Ang. 15. Th Italian pub li regards with disfavor the lnltlaUv taken by the Pope in putting forth peace proposals. that the move is pro-Austrian is Paris. Ausr. 15. The French ad vanced last night conalderably West Bhrpl 8Xpre,,,ed bv 0Tra of Dlxmude in Belgium. SB 1ISSIDII Oil THE IM ment officials. President Wilson haa not definitely determined upon th full scop of his reply. His decision awaits the' full study of the Pope's formal note after which the President will reply. According to one high In hi conn- ' sels and who actively participate in the formation of this country' poli cies the President will refuse to ae- I cept the proposal. Whether or not he 1 will make suggestions that may fur (By United.Preas) i ther negotiations.he will decide after Atlantic Port, Aug. 16. The Swiss awaUing an expression of world opin- Mlsslon to the United States led by lon Jean A. Sutzer, arrived today en route HTAlvn with the At.l.iRH to Washington. Nothing has occurred to change There are fifteen in the party and America's war aims and these are sub they plan to reach an understanding Btantlally those of France and Eng- on the shipmnt of food to Switzerland iHm, wfl(1 offlpaiiv ai k , I State Department late today. This statement is taken to Indicate that the United States and the Allies will stand firmly together rejecting the der the export license act. HIl" -pirli t'-i'l- it ( i; 4 0 . i. H .1 li' FIVE GUESS SHE PRISONERS l I'.v i'nlM' l Press ) ,'.'ishltit'toti, Aug. 15. Five Amer- mi ii ii ; rs iusli'iid of four iind tbe ipiam of the CastKipua wore taken : -s w li ii Hie vihkcI was sunk lm;it Hie Nnv y 1 )' iart im nl un it 1 .!. Pope's peace offer. COTTON REPORT (By united Press) Washington, snmed in J uly against 4 89,r Anr- 1 ,r. Cotton con was ft 4 1.49; bales S of July 11) If., the Census Bureau announced today. The consumption in the roiton growing Mates was 1 :'.C. last . 1 (.'!!! I habs auainst 27f, I' ; h 'A i:. lior, 228 136 872 430 328 896 1098 624 670 544 , l.ar.il' M i. ' : Itaer. R I' I) 1. Crrtiory. City. Giirdelbl Williams, Citv. John T. I.elgh, City. Tnos. 8. Owens, City Kverett V. Prltchett, RFD2 Thos. R. Hollowell, Wksvllle. Mordecal Keaton, Wksvllle. l ii p i 1 1 n Hi'! 1 i- k. Kx;ioi Is. ,:i: a I urts el l.i;it ill I II ai'ist W i" e Mr. iing lln 4 70.752 1 O.2A0 430 Edwin F. Aydlett. Jr., City Jos. H. Winslow, R F D 1. W. T. Wllloughby. City. Raleigh Williams, R F D 4. Walter Carver, R F D 4. Wai. C. EUherldge.il F D 4. lOtl Gordon Jeffries. City. . i . .i .!;,nn VV lit !;ii iiln a'li 1 '"Hi ! 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;" . I,. artwricbt 3 :".(' William II. i aitwiinht. fit; 4 Wellington Ward. 34f Fred P. Markham, Jr. 1103 Joseph Slaughter Wbltehurst. Bl George Lisy Pritchard. 1160 Henry O Roughton. 866 Jesse Pritchard Mercer. 1002 William Baker. 1101 Andrew Stanley Tope. 1010 Clifton Glbhs. 392 Hughte Johnson. 939 George Lee Dance. til Joshua Whedbee. I32t Otto Bairco. . V (Continued on Back Page) , mad" i,, 1, Had th ennie it'll '!) it tree. j f, It tl :' tho--e v. !m s'.oinld lliepi 'V'OllId I"" fill Selfish anil rowardlv lo defend 'heir eoiritrv whr'i war should be made mi it fhev would have regretted that they bad made the country free Had we base ly submitted to multiplied insults and injuries from the Germans and waited until America was invaded by them the most cruel and barbarous naMon that ever started forth for the conquest of the world, our freedom would ware been lost. We have-never engaged in a war that was so neces sary and unavoidable as the present war. To maintain oar liberty and inde pendence it was necessary to enact f'U' r-vistr,' armies. Those wlr : .1 th" 'aw arc traitois. pivin ; aid ii eeniliirt to the enemy. Ilerll: i . s m't r their disloyalty fur they I (''treed us with beitii; mere lie crabbers without courage and POTATO CROP IN WESTERN N. C. I l.v I leuderson. Vtilti ii 1'rcsn) Auk. l Ti The Hender- In many yoars. They are selling at $1 a bushel. Other truck crops are abundant. patrlut.'-.m. Our touutry Ik f ull of Ger- son County potato crop In the largest man snips, spending and wtlting what (hoy can fl dishearten tbe people and to arouse sentiment against the government. What was said hy Tom Paine In tbe Revelation may be re peated now "These are times that try men's souls." Tbe Summer Soldier and tbe Sun shine Patriot will' at this crisis shirk the service of their country but the man who does his duty will deserve the everlasting thanks of mankind. NAME CAMP IN HONOR OF CHIEF Washington, Aug. IB. The amp of the Rainbow Division at Mlneaola, Long Island, has named tbe camp, Al bert L. Mills, in honor of the late chief of th militia division. .