VOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST. 16, 1917 NO. 20 6 7 lISOill'IL BIO WATSHSPOtTT ' SEEK AT NAGS HEAD What Is described as the biggest and most specUeaUr waterspout ever seen In this section vis obserred by visitors sf Nags Head Tuesday. The phenomenon was seen about tnoon. It'eame in'fronT the sea and moved off across the sand dunes car- nine up a'vast amount of sand that soon gave the surrounding heaven. an orange-colored cast The waterspout was seen by practi cally all the summer colon at Naga PRESIDENTS , STATEMENT . TO SHOW THE WORLD THAT THE UNITED STATES IS FIGHTING AUTOCRACT AND NOT THE GER MAN PEOPLE V' R 1ARI, D. GROAT) TeJtod Presa Staff Correspondent) Washington,' Aug. Wilson to Head Md WM occasion of a great 'expected to answer the Pontiff's peace deal of lntereBt. It ald no mage 0f plea with statement snowing weMy consequenc; butrwhat might "world way tne Aiues must ngm on as long as German autocracy exists. Unless present signs fall, he will re state more emphatically than erer that the United 8tates Is at war against Germany's autocratic system. Its Intrigues and horrors rather than with any aim of crushing the German people. It Is expected to be another bid to German Liberals to cast off the yoke . . . of Kaiserlsm. It Is now regarded as certain that ' ' tic go'ernment win reject me pro- i hare happened If there has been any buildings in Its path was Indicated when it struck and completely de molished the shed of an outbuilding. DO YOU LIKE FOOD WITH YOUR MEALS? Ilulll ill. MERE LISTED The following Is the list of name George Ade has a great fable in slang in Sptember Cosmopolitan. If you like food with your meals, you will smile your way through this lat est whimsy of Indiana's philosopher humorist. This is the bill of fare of the Stut ters, according to George Ade; Four- ten to sixteen Spare-ribs smothered with Kraut, four or five Helpings of Fresh Vegetables, a few light Bis cuits inlaid with Gold Butter, and possibly a quarter of a mile of Nood les, spiced Peaches, frosty Doughnuts, a little quart bowl of preserved Cher ries, to say nothing of Coffee curdled with Cream, etc. V. i it vf in nnvsan n 11 u mifi 1 1 m saiiri vmii Who passed physical examination un- or Jf haye . . v . r. 1 - . I .... Dn.lAa lot rf Uav 1 fler me oeiecu" oc.. ;, .nnm and rannnt (Tnrrt to RAtlft- fy It, read this fable which Is as good as a square meal. Look for "The Fable of the Walst- 18th den: LTD UVIVVIi v 1917, for the County of Cam- 7 Jessie Lee Harper. Jessie L., McPherson. v Henry W; Nosay. ' Joe Willie Walston. Paul Williams. V ' . : , : ;'sm3rkkhouRe;:t-;. Jessie McI?QirJrotmatt;- r f Jqo-Ft 01 u '' " '. . ' " V James" L. Tdrneri John Hill. Moose. Jones. Joshua Burke. Granbury S. Walston. Jim Percer. Vandecar Baxter. , Charlie H. Walston. Daniel Bacchus. Claud J. Needham. Jessie G: Bell. James Roach. ' v Joe Gallop. Joseph Howell. Charlie B. Cox. a .lay Jacolto. ' Willie H. kason. Clarence T. Trotman. Edward J. Davis. Charlie Ferebee. Marshall W. Klght. Maurice C. Jones. John Spence. Bennie F. Pearce. Korney Harris. Louis Latham Berry. Willie Bright. I Luke G. Wright. Larry Carlson. Mack Bright. , "Sam Jregory. William E. Godwin. Herbert P. Pearce. Oeorge W. Bray, i GranBy Barnard. OreenVHle Bartlett. Samuel T. Boyklns. - MEETS TONIGHT Elisabeth Rebekah Lodge No. 2 meets tonight at 8 o'clock In the Odd fellows Hall, Corner of Road and fearing Streets. All members are urged to be present as Important -lness Is o be transacted I. Cahoon of Fairfield ws In the city on business Wednesday. Band That Was Taut Up to the Mo ment It Gave Way." In September Cosmopolitan: - - BETSEY SDRHVES LEAVE NEXT Sill TO THE PEOPLE OF , ELIZABETH CITY The Board of Aldermen bare sug raatadf that tha Gaa Comnanr ? an 'proach Its Individual consumers la the T"3fnjTy matter of a small Increase in 'rat, T.1L1 , feet . If we are allowed this Increase L J Vu " consequence by the Board of Al- Sl ;-SJE2I8? fldemen. there lsteason to believe we TRAIN SEPTEMBER StU AND na eontlQQ, to ot, pl,nt. U i not continue In business. Betsey's Braves will begin to leave ! Therefore, we are faced with the Elisabeth City for their training proposition of dismantling the plant cams on September (th. and abandoning' our basiness at Ells- The local exemption board have sbeth City or selling our product at been notified to have thirty per "cent's higher price. We are not concern. of Pasquotank's quota ready to en- d about profits at present. W will train by that date. ' " I be satisfied with the cost of operation Another thirty per cent are expect. 'of the plant. However,. we cannot ed to entrain about September ISth, and will not operate the plant longer and the final contingent about Sep- at a loss of several thousand dollars a tember JOth. - rear. Aa a business nroDOsitlon.' it Following is the report of Wednes. would be better for us to abandon day's work of the Pasquotank County the plant than to continue operating Exemption Board: at a loss Claiming no exemption and posted On account of the small volume of for service: hnalnMi fnr this Comnanv at Eliza. 1264 George BelL Discharged for physical ty: 1039 Ira B. Parker i conditions produced by the war.which Exempted on the ground of having ' have added immensely to the price BrMsli Press 1? Sunders 4 "No 99 Official Text Of Pope's Peace Pro sals Regarded As Even More Pjro Germari!Than Unofficial Outline Indicated. v- tw MM (By EDWARD L. KEEN) (United Press Staff Correspondent) London, Aug. With new m phasls following the publlcatioa of nun iiriiinf If AIK II l itn omcll text of the Pope's Peace llfllU iLIIIULiPropou Brltlsn preM "ld vy (By United Ftm) to his plan for ending the war.' The conditions outlined ' by' Hla Holiness are regarded as Indicating a beth City our bu.lne.s h.. B,w been . Rome( Anr H;Kottr were knM , of Iniplrttoa dlsabilN ( profiuble, but instead ' large yearly , losses and under present abnormal and 17 wounded when Austrian, air- than the unofficial outline. dependents: 1117 Ellis Augustus Perry. John E. Proctor. Edward Holley. Edd Cole. Winton Davenport Jeffrey Williams. V. C. Alexander. Chas. E. Richardson. Claiming exemption but claims de led by local board: 314 James Whidbee. .G L. Riddlck. William r.dward Sawyer. Wllford Spellman. for everything we have to buy, our injured ' expense accounts nave reacned to tne 608 1369 373 218 452 223 726 114 93 933 14 wJ niinniii .-. n i n t n . i inr nnnTniinn (By United Pr'8S Petrograd, Aug. 16 Counter revo lutionary plots having as their object the restoration of the Czar to the throne have been discovered and scotched. They were disoovered in connection with the deportation of the Czar, Czarina and family to Siberia. Hi e Forbes f Cad was In the city Thartaay. DR. BLADES GIVES PICNIC TO EMPLOYEES Dr. L. S. Blades Rave a picnic to his farm employees Thursday at Davis Bay. In spite of the rain in the early the pimicing place and enjoyed a de the icnlc'ng place and enjoyed a de lightful day. CARMICHAEL-KAY , Mr. Josephus F. Carmichael of Hen derson and Miss Elsie L. Kay of Ports mouth, Va., were married by Justice of the Peace, J. W. Munden at bia of fice Thursday morning. R. W. ISLEY GOES TO BEIDSVILLS. r. w. Isley, under Whose 'superrls- ion Poplar Branch High School, and the schools of Currituck generally, made such rapid strides to. educa tional work during the paat ,lw years, goes to the Reldsville High School next session. Reldsville it la the Piedmont section and Its high school is one of tha best in the state. TO TinimCH BLANKS ITRES OF CnARQE The United SUtes government hat ing announced that It will no longer furnish fonna tor Indtriaoal e In mtnar elatms tor exempuon irom military aerrtta, Tha Aivaaoel Will suiiplr tha amlsstoh. BEI16 !0 (By United Press) planes raided Venice Tuesday. The message made public last night A hosplUl wa. .truck by the bombs at the foreign office, suggests the fol- ,and two patients were killed and 11 lowing principal points as condition upon which an understanding can be i Several Of tha raldara r rannrtaA rs&ehlMl rntnnUarlr nMkU mu ' point where the burden is more than to hav. hMn Hwn-H i th iJ Th- ...h.H,.H , .-1- by Italian planes. armies: The substitution of moral forces of right for material forces' of arms; -The reciprocal diminution of irma. ' OP SIX MILES ments, leaving only enough arma ment for the maintenance of publlo- i we can sustain, in view of any possi-. I ble relief not to be seen or expected! j within the next few years. I The simple proposition before our ATTACK ON FRONT .111 . T-. 1 I consumers, lue cuizeus ui auzuueia City, is this: Does the City value the Qas plant enough to be willing to permit us the bare expenses of doing business? Do the people of Elizabeth City, as individuals, value the convenience of (By United Press) With The BrltlBh Armies Afield, Aug. 16. The British troops swung another terrible blOW SKalnSt the having a gas plant enough, to be will- '0ermaM todari attacking on a front Ing to pay this slight increase in the of miles cost or the product? With this small increase Elizabeth City can continue to have gas. We believe the consumers will meet us on common ground in handling this mat ter; -thai thayyarei. wflllng to pay us Tue"cWul ofli1 tiiiiinialiii mn ontq condittons return to normal or until the volume of business lbdrea.es to Washington, Aug. 16 The War Bucn Bn extent that we will be able to MO I "rGO HOUSAHD w. i imiii v a. Department has assigned numbers to the divisions of the new National Army. The Eighty First Division is made up of North Carolina, Tennessee and South Carolina men. The Twenty Ninth Division is made up of Virginia, New Jersey, Maryland, Deleware and District of Columbia men. INTEREST IN CHECKERS AT Y. M. C. A. make a little' nroflt out of the busi ness, w We ask that people of Elizabeth City to approach this matter in a nnirU nf falrnpRN. keeuine the Inter ests of Elizabeth nt in view, and we have been assigned to go to France. hva fPr of the result that they They will receive further intensive .in hnnnrhfv nRi with a concern training there and will ultimately fill that Is serving the public and striving up gaps caused by promotions QHvon- onH naaitii in hnildlne uu casualties. the city. (By United Pres.) Washington, Aug. 16. More than two thousand of the graduates of the ! first series of officers training camps and There is a growing Interest in checMH; as the davs pass, at the Y. M. C7A. Last night several games were going on at the same time. Any body either men or boys Interested In the game, whether members of the Association or not will be cordially welcome to the social rooms at the building, corner of Main and Martin Streets. Five games weie going on simul taneously last night and the interest will increase as the fall days ap proach. If there are any checker champions in town come aronnd and meet the secretary and he may be able to suggest some one who will be able in the future to share the honors with you. The names. of those playing last night with the scores follow: TABLE 1. The Management of the Southern Gas Improvement Co. GRANDY NEWS The assignments are from all the camps. Others are to be ma'de later. BIG CROWDS AT MITCHELL'S TODAY w.ldArf has returned trL a Vtott WfaUttre TorJtJ , Bttiixtnc that kajm Iwosslble trom ? r-T? - AfZtkT to prepare ihemrdTOs tha .ihStf Poldt Harbor aifl eomplleaUa torn -eeded tn tb ty Thursoay. itnis paper, wm yvm exemption oiann ana wf . .aM n - n nAltekntn In : . IKIH V4 wl w mm rw i 7EATUEB ,. I pasanotanh County. : ; -1 J Thefa blanks. Will be ready t . short tjma, can W Obtameo sx Tne Advance oHce ott Trater Btrgat : -t ::,7,'towrer. ttfora f-rd-y. ' FtHv; light Clyde Morris. . , Paul Morris. . TABUS' ' Slftlttm Bright Harry Lent ' TABLE aV John Hooker. ' ' Percy Davenport TABLE 4. Claude Bunch Alvertie Divers TABUS 5.' Roger Haymaa iHtaaPajsons Lost 2 bare. Penn; Who I'.ln the Afmf. v, vV';-:'.'.'vVr-' :?.?: y-i- $ .' Pmf. a. BlanAerwood. Snoarlnten dem't Of the Pitt County School Is In the aty, Cm (neat ot ft, H. Commaad- er on West Mala Street ' Zzilvt Fsrsoni of Portsmouth, Tl., r: ti Cr city Tivrljy. Grandy, N. C, Aug. 15. A few of Mitchell's Big Clean Sweep Sale the young peopole enjoyed very mucn openea up luuay uu mo a pronuet narty given by Misses Sudie , were on hand to greet It. and Fannie Simpson last Saturday afternoon. Miss Rosa Simpson entertained a number of her friends last Wednes day evening, in honor of her cousin Miss Annie Smith of Aydlett, N. C. A number f the younger set en joyed a very social evening at mis. Gladys Evans last Saturday evening when Mailer Charles Forbest of Newark, N. JM and Miss Lessie Ayd lett of Poplar-Branch ?ery delight fully entertained tne erowd by their violin and piano music. Many choice Also Mitchell's was ready for tne crowds, Bargains were displayed that would tempt any chopper in these days of high prices and the question soon came to be not whether thera rwere bargains to be had but how much cash one had in hand with which to buy and save money at the Clean Sweep Sale. The sale is wm In progress. It will continue for ten days and reductions are featured on every article of mer chandise mentlonable. The bargains are not merely for the ladles nd chil- selectlons were played and ana. Aft- dren, but men may find amesing re ductions in standard wearables wbicn wlU help them to save a great deal. Everybody is falling In line and the procession Is headed for Mitcneus Clean Sweep Sale. Better catch step and see what Is going on. It's wall worthwhile. dt Verier Lsmh has' returned honte hare after vtsltln' his sister lit Chea- tar, Penn., aad hi Krothet to 0ttys-J returned hom after Totting relatives er which many games wwra stayed. , Those present were: Misses Ida and Annie Smith, Pattle Bono, Fannie llmnson, Lessie Aydlett, HatUe Oar- Hngton, Rosa ttmpson and A. 8mlth. Messrs Walter 'Poyner, Samuel mc Hafney, Jamea Brown, Jerry Brown, Eddie Doudy, Logan Pngh, B. Wood house, W. Dowdy, Avery Simpson, Charlie Forbes, Orion Evans, Merrill Evans, P. Aydlett, W, Garrington and Cecil Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Poyner ot Charlostownfl. 3. C. have been Tlslt ing their mother Mrs. Mary Poyner. kr. and Mrs. I, K. Forbest, son Charlie had. Utile daughter Evelyn. otlffewaffc M:-J.'Vwtlhi Un. Oante-sWsri-'-sW'. d Iflsi Annie Bmlth of Aydlett. -rlltsttl. Mrani .u Jf. JPojmet amtancalof ifoyajt, , motored to Wortpm Taeadaf; '. t:.'-;'--i. ; Ur. and Mrl. R. t. Ddwdf btU re tamed td their home al Coffee Inlet tfter spending $ few dayl In Morfoih aftdCranly. ' r:,V. '-" r,-;'" i?3i4 gad Kr. tr' BASSETT BOWLES iHr. Frank Uoyd Bassett and Miss wnda Mlna Bowles, both of Newport Newt, Va., were married Thursday by Jastica of the Peace, J. W. Munden in bin often. f : COUTH 1HLL3 CullDAY Berhert Paela wffl gpnU at Eheno ser Baptist Church at Soath M)lln, eandayBBornmg ln tha absence . of tha pastor Ber. Kl B fhephrd who la conduction a revival meetfag In Poysar, and Mr. WUUs Dowdy and Mfsa Ida Srnlta wera - Oat motoring order; Each state must accept internatl onal decision according to establish ed rules and be subject ta punish- . ment In refusing to submit to arblt tratlon or accept the decision; True liberty and the freedom of tha seas; . j " ' Restltuton of all occupied territor ' tos; '''" f i ":n ,' k Evacuation of Belgium, with" guar , atee.6f her full political and econo- tnio Independence. r;-'-l-, As for Italian Irredenta.lt is hoped that the disputing countries jwlll bO' willing to examine .each !qtaetlon' In a conciliatory spltj; ;' ' . '. The question of the Balkans, Po-v land and Armenia' ls-o be examined in the same spirit of equality -and ' Justice. ' ' "f , t "5 England Is frankly surprised , thai the Pope should place the armies of ' Germany and the Allies on an abso lute plane of equality, and at there being no word of censure and no pro-, test against Belgian horrors. "The whole world" said the Pope, recognizes that the honor of the ar- ' mles of both sides is safe." , .", The Pope's message was 2,000 words. , -' Lloyd's George delivers an import- ant address at the House of Com mons this afternoon at which it is re garded as extremely likely that he will make England's first official an nouncement on the peace proposals. REJECfEO SJIVS II (By United Prase) Rome, Aug. It. -The Pope's peace) proposal will certainly ha rejected by the Allies. this Is the view of th Italian press. .-,' PRESS 111 STRIDES ten li,''! By United Prene , , ' , ' London, Aag. 1J. Balv atnole again today, this time In Belgian north ol Tproa at 4:4B thin morning. -- The BrltlBh and French attacked on) . wide, front ' Heavy fighting la re; potted tn orogrees but progreM Is be ing made at alt point by Haig'i foroeav in spite of stubborn resistance. . -. ' Tha. Capadlans;stUl hold Bosltlonw dominating, l6as dospita desperata German. ep.nntr . throhoat, th night .U a,''.-'.i-.r:. ' Parta, Alt. it,Attcktr tn con cert, British and. French attt'ed all objectives ra a t?X assault on tii " !-" in" - r r '