VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST, 1?, 1917 NO. 207' Hill 70 Runs Red With Blood Canadians Repulse all Attacks and Retake Positions Lost During Night. '(By United Press) "With The British Armies Afield, Aug. 17. Hill 70 ran red today with the blood of the sacrifice of German divisions in their repeated efforts to recapture thels important dominating height from the sturdy Canadians. Along the entire Lens battle front the most desperate fighting has been In progress for the last twelve hours. The Canadians hare repulsed all attacks. t the time of this dispatch from Me field tbey have retaken positions west of the site of St. AUguste from which they were forced by sheer weight of numbers during the night. Prisoners continue to arrive behind . the British lines. Over the flaming and bloody field British airp'anes have been accom--plishing mlr;les. acting as d'rpatch riders t'tween the auvaix.n.q infan try and Headquarters Battle planes guard them as they fly through the -shell filled sky. Many Americans are In the ranks with the Canadians. London, Aug. 17 Continued Ger man counters in front of Lens are re ported by Haig. One resulted in the British being driven back and pushed slightly from positions established during the night. $ MS END OF 0 SOCIALIST RULE (By United Press) Moscow. Aug. 17. Socialism fail ed in Russia and Premier Kenersky recognized tho fart, and the great conference here on August 2 3rd will mark the end of Pan-Socialistic rule in Russia and the entrance of the new element of conservatism into mmerce and finance. 'JLERKS THANK THEIR EMPLOYERS Tli clerks of K':al-'l Citv who have enjoyed a Friday In. If hIM:i even week tlirourh .T! ;inl A ro will , i x i . i t; ; appi i.ni'o. through 'Ho- Adam e fur I in - l-li day. The Advance ;ik mlive in the in aiiL'ura I imi of ihis summer c ustom in Kli.iib' th City, a lew years aac .shin- which litin the nioveinciit has f.ach onr gained in favor with busi ness men and their customers. A larger number, of business pla ces than ever before closed each Fri day at one o'clock during July and August ti'is summer. Kven tho hanks who are in th" habit of keeping their employees and their hard-up patrons continually on Hie Jump, let go to that extent this your and made many people happy by so doing. Kmnlovees who have been bene fited by the observance of this half holiday are most appreciative and express thmselves as hoping that the POTATO FARMERS 11 ill LOSE BIG TilONEY ON EARLY SHIPMENTS OF POTA TOES FROM THIS SECTION LOSSES HAVE AGGREGATED $12,000,000.00. The local Federt Market News Bureau today issued the following sensational statement to the Caro lina Sweet Potato growers: "Due to poor grading, you have lost from $1.00 to SZ.OO on every barrel of potatoes Bhipped from Mon dav to Thursday of this week. In round figures, 8,200 barrels moved, making your total loss fully $12,300. In many instances, the potatoes were sold for $5.00 per barrel, less than they would have brought had they been well graded ana properly pack ed. "The seriousness of the stuation lies, not in the loss In this week's sales, but in the effect upon later sales throughout tne season, and, again, next year. Buyers who are stuck by the present shipments will lwlr elsewhere foreenrees-cfsupplyrf and, as soon as they can buy potatoes from Virginia, the North Carolina stock will be hard to move at any price. "If you will put up a good pack, well graded, you will have a decided advantage over the Virginia growers, because yours are tne first potatoes on the market and the buyers are here on the ground, ana the houses which they represent would much prefer to keep theme nere than to go to the expense of moving them to another place. If you will properly grade and pack your potatoes, the buyers will be glad to take your crops throughout the season at the saim prlces which the Virginia potatoes luiui". which, as above slated, now ri'"o. from $1.00 to $''.nii per liariel i than the Not Carolina poti- I""-. The Hade demands rood stock a ml il n st s entirely with vou v. h t h er vou supply the dado, or wlietlo- v on r ma rkol vour potat m a I l i i in ed pr'ot's. "Tlio above is not intended to create any excitement, but it is a sim ple s'ati ment of mo conditions as Ihev now exist. It ts the rule iind not the exception throughout this feet ion. Just watch the shipments at tho dock each day and figure an aver age of Jl.'iO on every barrel shipped, ami you then will realize what a seri ous loss is being sustained by both you and the brokers. "Above appeal has not been print ed on bulletins going out of the State, lest the brokers be further disconr- TEUTON PLOT - i FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS TRACE HAND OF GERMANY IN AMAZ ING PLOT TO FOMENT ACTUAL REVOLUTION By United Pres Big Stone Gaf, Va Aug. IT Federal Investigators today are tric ing the fine hand of Germany which apparently had wormed its way Into the Virginia Mountains here to turn 300 mountaineers into insurrection ists against their own government. Witnesses In the trlai of W. V. Mc Coy and J. W. Phillips, alleged lead ers in the1 revolution have clearly es tablished, it la believed, that they were merely the cat's paw in an amaz ing Teuton effort to foment actual revolution against the United States. Phlpps and McCoy are under heavy guard since their attempt at whole sale Jail delivery last night, which was bloocked by the betrayal of a fel low prisoner. e 100 DEED (By United Press) London, Aug. 17. A violent con tinued thrust that is . carrying the British and French deep Into the German lines on the Flanders nine mile front; a statement of complete confidence in Lloyd aeorge; and the unanimous rejection by the press of the Peace Proposals, these are the answers turned in by the Allied to day to Pope Benedict. POSTED TO GIVE COUNTY CREDIT EXEMPTION HOARD EXPLAINS WHY NAMES OF REGISTRANTS WHO VOLUNTEERED FOR SER VICE HAVE BEEN POSTED Pasquotank County's Exemption Hoard today issued the following statement : Front the fact that there may be an erroneous idea relative to the follow in;: a having been posted with those who tileil exemption claims an'', tho-e whose claims were not allowed; viz, Mr John KMiott Wood, I Mi ,Io.:eph Finnic: reele, Mr Wiilirim Flunk Selig. L'i 1 a' !' i all of t!o e lo nM'im n having alreSdv jc-.li-ted in so;-.,e branch of the ser vice. They filed an exemption from litis draft upon those grounds. Still, l" I'.oard war. nun polled to post them so that we might get credit In our iiiota. "This Hoard also wishes to call the attention of the general public to the matter of signing afladavits In support of exemption claims. ' "These affadavits should be abso lutely clear upon every point, and nothing either for or against the party should be omitted. In other PEACE INSTITUTE ' ' EXPECTS GOOD YEAE Raleigh, Aug. if. Peace Institute la looking forward to the most suc cessful session for several years. This prediction is made on account of the fine registration to date. More form er students are returning than last year. This percent is a flattering one to the present administration. The applications of new girls are away ahead of this time last year, with fine prospects for the registration n Aug ust, i k' ' .i?-"U.ji... Each department at Peace has teachers trained at the best colleges and universities in the country. They are erigag6d on this account and also for success in teaching, personality and christian Character. Miss Mary Owen Graham, the pres ident, has given special attention to the physical department this year. She believes n a strong body develop iment for the college girl. Miss Mar garet Blake, graduate of the New Haven School of Gymnastics, will be the Director. The wnnate of Raleigh permits out door athletics practically all winter. The great need of physi cal development for each student also entered into the employment of the Instructor for her whole time for this department. Miss Margaret Iugraham will be the Instructor in England. Miss Ingra ham comes to Peace with several years of successful teaching in Flor ida. She is a graduate of Vassar College, and a student for her Mas ter's degree at Columbia. Miss Alice L. Harsh, Birmingham, Ala., will be the teacher of Express ion. Miss Harsh is a graduate of Smith College and the Curry School of Expression, Boston. The Music Department at Peace has always been one of distinction. Prof. Brawley has been at the head of this department for many years. Misses Lovle Jones and Mattle Burwell, piano, and Prof. Ouster Hagedorn, violin, will assist him. Mrs. Horace DoweiL Raleigh, Is VUgalu, frYhVtairtflti Dp. well is most successful in training the individual voice, and also in her chorus. Mrs. Ruth Huntington Moore will continue in the Art Department. She Is a teacher of note and has attained marked buc;?s as an artist. Miss Graham and ner able faculty ase maintaining a high standard of scholarship at Peace, and are training younf women for the Church, State and tome with the hest Ideals. CAtffeUT PLENTY OF FISH SldngRtiins vn " f - - ' ". . - !! Hn.iii unfi- ui X Completely Beautiful Cathedral Sacked By Vandals Before Being Set Aflame. AT FIRST BAPTIST IM tTnlfjul Praaal 1 : With The Trench Armies Btfor St. Quentin, Aug. 17 Beautiful. t Quentin cathedral is, today smoking mass of ruins, a duplicate of its sis ter martyr, the Cathedral of Rheims. It la the latest victim of German destruction. .V' - Beyond the cathedral mar be seen the smoke of numerous Tillages curl ing in the sky. , ' The fury of German destructir ness is agian asserting itself. .While the burnln and loo tin r raaemhlM At the First Baptist Church, Sun- that which nrIC4ldad tbm .-..- day August 18th, Dr. B. C. Henning treat ln Marcn tner0 M no tadkttl01l will ooccupy the pulpit, at the morn-'tnat the enemy preptrlllg tolTt. ing services at 11 o'clock using as cuate terrltory in this regiollm- hls subject, "A Lost Hour." At 8:00 mii..i ? P. M. Union Services will be held at rlre and terror are belnf ,pri4d the First Methodist Church, when though French towna held by the Dr. Henning will preach on the sub ject "A Dead Lion." AT FIRST METHODIST At the First Methodist Church, Sunday August 19th, the Pastor, Rev. J. L. Cunnlngglm, will preach at the morning services at II o'clock. At 8 P. M. the Union Services will be held at this church at which Dr. B. C. Henning will preach, using as his subject "A Dead Lion." AT BLACKWELL MEMORIAL Sunday at Blackwell Memorial enure ,i at both morning and evening vice. se o pii iiv invert nv i;r. i. n 'Ji-jpis at Davis Hay to his farm em- ployees Tlnirsdny was a big success, I ill" weather to the eon'rarv. nnfwilh! sla'ulini: 1'lei.ty of fiv.il wm'- aucht for dinner and some to lake home Thn:;e caurht, cooked and e 'en on tho spot, ere. of course, ihoheit in favor a ; a larc. st in ize His subject for tho morning ser vice will be "The Secret of Happi ness," and in the evening he will preach on "Life's Supreme Ideal." Mr. Campbell is a graduate of Wake Forest College and a student at the Baptist seminary at Louisville. The public generally Is cordially In vited to attend the services and hear him. COSMOPOLITAN SEPTEMBER enemy and now coming under the fire of troops fighting to redeem" them. Recently captured prisoners de clare that St. Quentin has been com pletely sacked and everything of any value carried off. Everything that could not be carried off was destroy ed. Everywhere houses are filled With ' smashed furniture. . sEcono RiBor -MM 0 tllf" Of sale. the new Pan r. I ' i . . ' e. Thete is a tear -toilo ill nlnio.it eveiy line. (,'ouverneiir Morris is there anil a next summer may add even more names to the list of those who close the whole section, put up tloir places of business. T'uat such a graded honest .barrel. " holiday is made possible by the co- - - ii'ii ration of merchants and custo mers 1b also recognized and thanks !jre extended the public generally for co-operating In the movement. words, what the Government wants, aged from handling North Carolina expects and demands Is all the facts stock. It is the desire of the Ie-Mn tho case. partment to develope the industry and hot to hurt it; yet, our state ments must cover the facts as they exist. "For your own goort, and that of b well IN TRAINING CAMP OF AVIATION CORPS (if nun so. Kohert V. 'ha inbnrs" io (- I and "best novel. 'The Ue-!b' :',e. ." IK the h ( ' i . 1 1 1 1 ' I o 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 now on .Next io thai -i.me a s:i i ' li nt.. I!mt "Cet Keailv tile W r is this popular writers tna -' piece up to (h with a tale of terror and romance, entitled "The Purple Flask.' This popular writer appears again after a long In terval. Ills new story Is a grlpper. Tlieoodore Dreiser makes his ap pearance in September Cosmopolitan with a story entitled "Married." Ev ery reader will feel n sympathetic un derstanding with Marjorle and Duer as they endeavor to adjust themselves to their new relation and environ ment. "Blue Aloes," by Cynthia Stockley, Is continued. This Is a three part Rome Aug. 17. Pope Benedict Is mystery story of South Africa, land I reported to ge greatly depressed over of adventure and romance. Head the In Police C ourt, Friday morning, ; ,le gelierally unfavorable reception synopsis of the first Installment and IN POLICE COURT BAND MEMBERS MEET TONIGHT All members of the .1 II. .oilier Hand are reiiiesied to meet tonight '.it Mr .('. U. Puuh'x ollice in the llin otn Building Husiners of Importance is to be transacted. POPE REPORTED MUCH DEPRESSED Washington, Aug. 17. The Second Rainbow Division composed of Nati onal Guard Troops from each of the New England States Is soon to go abroad. In fact, It may leave with the First Rainbow Division. Under the shift vZ war plans the War Department haj rtetlded to send Maryland and Dlstm' of Columbia troops to Camp Meads, Md., instead of to Petersburg, Va. Tho Second Rainbow dlvivslon will probably Include all New England troops who were intended for the Charlotte, N, ('., camp and these will probably not go south at all. UBOII OPPOSES A8B1THATIBH i Hy l ulled Press ) Washington, Aug. 17. The gov ernment plans for compulsory arbi tration of labor troubles on war con tracts are threatened w:th failure be cause of the opposition of the Amer ican Federation of Labor. Samuel Oompers carried the pro test, to the President today. PORKERS RISE HIGHER AND HIGHER Levi Crank a Jitney driver was sen tenced to thirty days In the county jail, for wilfully demolishing per sonal property. Crank had some trouble with John Crank, another jitney driver, at the I Norfolk Southern passenger station and their cars collided several times. -"k was nlso sentecetj to accorded his appeal for peace. "o sure to nnisn tint. remarKaoie nar- The Pontiff Is sard today to be rativc spending most of his time secluded in his apartment. FIXING 01 I s BIG FEATURE p-nTTTT,"' Th' Hilly" Web, who u"ed to be In Advance Shop aV;ng with Louis j thirty days in Jail for creating dls Cox, and Vr. Chaplin. In the flays turbances at the Norfolk, Southern sta i liv fnited Press) city, Aug. 17. Hogs reach , here today, which is 2R ,,is ab .ve yesterday prices. j whi r, the editor vns just out of the i schoolroom and the associate editor i was In short trousers, Is now getting ready to serve Uncle "am In France. Rllly was born with the naturr.l . ability to take machinery to pieces Hilly Hughes of the United States pul u together again and'so he Navy is in the city the guest of rela- enll8ted tfie Aviation Corps to. see tives and friends. - v, : .WDat he could do for the flying ma chines. He is now in training in a TfTQfl fflmn'nnil n-,mfKP(i ffi 1efM ho to' the Alkratna tonightij you Advance' hear of his achievements tlon. Hoth drivers took nn appeal to higher court and were put under a boijd or ?T.0.00. Cora Leo Bowser, colon d was fined $5.00 and costs for assault. William Andrews and Frank Wil liams, colored boys were fined $2.27 each for fighting., Williams being un able, to pay the fine was placed in jail. Jeriki?) Bri'-khonse, fcriored, ! was f i fj r:or:hi c-n the county roada Tho big fcatore has arrived. Tlieda Bara in "The Darling of Paris," has arrived and will positively lie shown at thn Alkratna toirgIit. Also .Molly King in "The Double Cros-i." has shown up, and will ho I ho se rial attract ion. Come early, there will be no disap pointment, adv M. E; Carmine of Norfolk, Vs., Is visiting his brother, - Charles 'Car mine, on Euclid Avtnue. " ... , i th' -da Para In "The Darling Herbert Kaufman writes about the Morgans father and hoik The person alities of these colossal figures of fin ance are depicted ln Kaufman's won derfully picturesque phraseology ('. N. aud A. M. Williamson write of "The Adventure of Jose," the girl In search of a huhand. A motoring romance of rare entertainment. Lillie I,iingtr.v, the fatuous beauty, writes her reminiscences for Cosmo politan r adi rs In 'Myself and Oth r." In this issu" she tells of hor ac quaintance with Oscar Wilde. Jack London's -Michael," the greatest dog story ever written, is in this1 number. Also a new Fable in Slang by George Ado, the philosoph er in cap and bellsv Ella Wheelor Wilrnr Is represented by a great, mov- flf l'-y; .oot!l rttffl-'l1 "Th" ?''''"!-' " (lly United Press) Chicago, Aug. 17. Represent, tives of thirteen State Councils of De fense are here worx:ng to give the Federal government every possible as sfstance In the matter of fixing coal prices regulating the nation's coal supply. Government control Is generally favored. crmping trip In tho Northwestern Rockies. All things considered, this is one of the best numbers of America' great est Magazine. Dr. E. W. Lister of tV'feksTille was In the city Friday 1 :vi - Best show, ever offered at the AI kraroa fonlght ' "