. j New Without Bias . ' Views Without 5 Prejudice ... - , IDDFIILYIO-DAY ' . :-. .v. .7 ,' ' ' .' .The Only Ddsocril! ..: 4. 1 V Wtr Published in Elizabeth ; city , - ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY EVENING AtfGUST 18, 1917 NO.20? PROMINENT CITIZEN AND MAN , OP STERLING WORTH QUIETLY PASSED AWAY AT :25 THIS .AFTERNOON ttv l ( Fred DaTls, for forty yean In the t 1 i' T V 4 coal or coal and ice business in Elis abeth City died Saturday afternoon at twenty five minutes past two o'clock. This news, which; flashed over the city in the early aternoon, came with the shock of surprise to the people of the town at large, who liardly knew that Mr. Davis was seri ously sick. Even his intimate friends, some of whom had seen him sitting up yesterday, were totally unprepar ed for the news that the end had come. Fred DaTls was sixty-one years' old and until the first or July 1917, ac tive in business. Fur about three years, however, his health had 'been falling ,and for the past month and a half he had kept to the house. It -was not until Saturday morning that be took to his bed, nd death came a few hours later. Mr. Davis is survived by wife and two children, Weymouth' and Margaret, aged 13 and 9 years, res pectively. . There are also two ls ters, Miss Lou pa vis and - Mrs. ; I. ; Fearing ; and , one brotner, William r "Davis, : A nephew ia Fred Bell of the o -United States Navy. ' . . . ' Mr. Davis was a member of jbe ', City 'Road , Methodist Church and' of , t SsXhe Royal Arcanum. , v - ' '. v , r The funeral will be conducted Mon -.,'.Jpay mprnlng by Rev. C.R Culbreth. V I. WAE DEPAETMENT 1 : ' llf NAMES COMMANDERS I (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 18. The War Department has named new departt ment commanders as follows: East ern Brigadier General, S. D. Hoyle; Western Major General, Arthur Mur ray; Southeastern Major General, W. P. Duval; Southern Major General, J. H. Ruchman; Northeastern Briga dier General, John A. Johnston; Cen tral Major General, Wm. H. Carter. Brigadier General J. P. Wlaser was given command In Hawaii; Major General P. P. Townley in Panama. ,W KILLED CANADIAN 1TUNITION WORKS WRECKED WITH SEVERAL HUN DRED MEN IN PLANT AT TIME OF EXPLOSION -V i STR1KF FAR FROs 1 I. A t ,11 " (By United Press) Mntreal, Aug. IS. A series of terrific explosions today wrecked the Curtis and Ha,rvey Munition Works at Dragon, Quebee. Reports reaching here state that many Were- killed. Several hundred men were in. the plant at the time of the' explosion but communications from the town have been, so inter rupted that o'nly fragmentary reports could be had up' to eleven o'ohek this morning. More than forty houosa id the town were destroyed. A sec tion of the Canadian Pacific Rail road , was destroyed and all , trains over that division were cancelled., A heavy pall of smoke is hanging bver TWENTY THOUSAND MINERS IN ' TWO HUNDRED MINES STILL AT VARIENCE WITH COAL OP ERATORS ASSOCIATION ' Uv ntn Vrfsa) KnoxviUe Aug. 18 After a week's duration, the strikeof 0,000 miners in nearly 200 mines in southeastern Kentucky and eastern Tennessee ear ly tday appeared far from settlement. Federal mediators are working in-',efatig6bly. Tbe Poutern Appalachian coa! op tors association as yet lias re 1 .srfl stolidly to recognize the Miners Union. Ttio nilnprs. subjected to vavi iub points of petty cruelties and to ejec tion from their lmnn's, are believed to bo prowinn belliteren1. Only 12 or 15 .sinull independent mines in the en tire suction are in operation: IPCS FOLLI IBM 6F MO trrizENM or nash county AROUSED BY THURSDAY NIGHT MURDERS AND LYNCHING IS FEARED ' ' ... (By United Press) Ilocky Mount, Aug 18. Blood hounds followed by a farmer's posse i are today In full cry on the trail of ttie negro, Cicero Seasons, o killed officer Cary Week s and seriously wounded Bruce Taylor, JBen, Sharp and other white men wko on, Thurs day night surrounded his small house near here to effect his arrest on a minor charge. The negro is said to be heavily armed and determined to resist cap ture. Nash County citieens are greatly aroused and lynching is fear URGED TO Si bVEET POTATOLS i (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 18. An emer gency campaign for the preservation of perishable fruits and vegetables was launched today by the Depart ment of Agriculture with the slogan "Save your Sweet Potatoes." This is the first message addressed tc the South from the Department. HSTITUTE 18: m in in NINETY PER CENT OP TEACHERS ENROLLED ARE ATTENDING EVERY SESSION OF TTU-OOUN. TY TRAINING COURSE 0:t3 DRAFTED ; .' FOS IJILITAIiY SERVICE jj pyg ii il TRAINING (By United l'ress) V.'asliiijgton. Aug. 1 8. Some Amor ienn foices will proceed to Eastern ('nt)it for trainin,; at an early date, it was nliieinlly announced toduy. The first week of the trl-county teachers' institute now being conduct ed here closed today. The total enroll ment la eighty four.' ; V ; y i:, "The institute this year," said Sup erintendent Giles of the Wake Coun ty schools, who is in charge of ths work, is different from any heretofore conducted by reason ot the fact of the 191? legislature which made it obl gatory on all teachers, both of clt and -rural schools, to attend. ' . - f ' The conductors now are not per mitted to issue certificates except to those who attend for the entire tea days of the session. . , . 's'Y " "The attendance on the Institute here during the past week has been above the average that obtains 'for the state as a whole. This high rate of attendance is being carried over Into the second week's work and I think I may safely say that ninety per cent of the teachers enrolled in this institute will receive certificates! The -work being done in the insti tute is a study of a combination ot the best methods of teaching and a review of the subject matter of the more important subjects in the course of study. : ' Mrs. T. Edgar Johnson ot Salisbury is teaching all primary subjects from the standpoint of both subject matter and method." I Mr. Giles has charge of the .gram mar grades and of the high school. 7bos3' aUegTrfga1 "EiS,,,rrr:t City are: v? - -V'--c: Misses Callle Perry,' Hattie E. True blood, Gertrude Perry, Marie LeRoy, Nettie M. White, Hattie M. Harney', Elbora Strupe, Mary A. Fprbes, Pan line Taylor, Martha F. Bfliott.-'Mary P. Bell, Ethel Mann, Minnie Harreh, Marlon Barcllft, Helen Bell, Eva 1. Berry, Florence Bell, Dora BlaUchard, Irene Brite, Lillian Brlte, Alice Brock well, Lue Lee Burnbam, Little Burn hara, Emma Cobb, Agnes Et berth go. Mattie S. Hewitt, Katherlne HinkonJ Mattie S. Qrlffln, Carrie Pappendlck, Inez Reld, Bessie Richardson, Maude (Stanton, Ella W. Thornton, Annabe)T Trueblood, Pattie Walker, Ammf M,' Brlte, Mrs. Irene Burgess, Mrs.Tf.fAVi I Commander, Mrs. Tiara Bell.'- Mrii! jMaggits Blount. Mr. R T Bell. MH' 0. Pool, Mrs. M. G. Brooks, Mrs. Cooke, Ma. E. K Etieriige. Mrs'-JG I Fearing, Mr. K. W. r.rann. Lira. Laaf Skinner. v fi: Misses Knln Wood. Minnie W Helen Wood, Caroline White, Frof -Jti )'. D. ti: Mrs (!. T. U'llli.Hiis. Vt ba Weeksvillc. Miss Lillian Ph1UT-ft, Ml A Ml.. Pnlmor I .ye ' i J,' F. Adams' returned from 'Nor folk Friday,, where he went to appear id court against Dean H. Cramer and J.' T. Guinn, who were charged , with robbery, having knocked him dowfl and robbed him when la Norfolk several weeks ago. ' The robbers were found guilty Of the charge and were placed la the hands of government authorities and sent to Washington, D. C, where they will be drafted Into military ser- ,.V't,'. Belief Grows That President's An- ' swer 5 May . Suggest Consffuctivc Policy For Hastening End Ol War. '), ;iBy Ualted Preal : Lonwyn"Aug.; 18. An engagement between the Britlsn and German scouting ships in which one German destroyer and sever: mine sweepers were damaged la reported by the ad miralty. German submarines also engaged m the fight which occurred Thursday morning. ' in , 1VJL nrnniBi nnitn i-imi iiri.-i u . lT miOTDIA UliDLL llll.l I IIIU Hlllll r sals. iiuunirn Huui.1. N0BF0LK : CHECKER , . : CHAMPION HERE . Mr. 8. A. Meads, of Norfolk. Vs.. champion checker piayer of that city will be at the Young Men's Christian Association Monday morning August 10, at 10 O'clock to play any and all aspirants for honors at this Intensely interesting game. Mr. Meads -.will play single contestants or thhree at one time. All players and persons in terested tn the game will be cordlal- jueaaa wm naeiy i be here all , the morning and part of the evenaig (By United Pi sssv Rome, Aug. lS.-irmany has as sured Pope Benedict of her moral ad hesion to the peace prooposals ad vanced by the Pontiff, according to dispatches deceived sere. , . . Austria lias gone further and de clared her readiness to Initiate nego tiations. The dispatches are from Berne, published by the Idea Naiion ales. . ' 1 ' i , - ' , COIIIIIIUE for : (By United Press) WILL SPEAK FOR HERSELF Washington, Aug. IS.' Americ will probably speak tor herself when she answers' the) Pope's pence propo It was stated officially this after noon that the Pontiffs communica tion la snch as to teqiura an lndlvt dual reply. This will be sent, how ever, only after thla svernment has exhaustively exchanged views with the other Allied governments. The matter Is now under careful consid oration, la the statement of the State Department this afternoon. , .. Washington, Aug. It. President Wilson'i reply to the Pope's peace of fer may afford an actual working basis for hastening the end of the war. , , . ; Germany and Austria have already moved in this dlreccon, dispatch t from Roma say. The belief grows that the I'; ent'wlll not merely flo ; , I'i'y Eee's suggestion but !" i 1 r itrurtlve policy l?i v ' ' S fmi ii m iui . i - " London. Aug. 18. For the third be cspre ied. Drop In today and.arrange Vlth the day the Germans have continued hurl i General Secretary fur to game. lng masses of men. against -newly won British positions near Lens. All ' counters have Deea completely , re From South Mill- VIss Koi ( hand. .MiuiU'Ct Wilham - ('. noler. Rev. S . Hurst, W IS SENT IB Wilraa Rartlctt, .Mhs Noni I. Miss Susie DiKgs, Miss Pari Miss M:iry Forehand, Mi "a llfil I'.! nULLI Una, )ntn,h, lid la Spence, Miss Mary Ceil Villfanny From Shiloh: Mr. V. J. nftjfgesn, Miss Geneva B. Ptipn. fj, - From Old Trap: Miss Bettfc''3"it- eliell. From 7 I f ' -' WEATHER Gf ;t';;ally fair tonight arid Bundey; (By United Press) Asheville, Aug. 18. The body or Senator Kern who died In a Sana torium here last night left here for the Kern summer home at Hollins, Va., for Interment accompanied by Mrs. Kern and her daughter, Mrs. George R. Lawson of Roanoke, Va. TRADE COMMISSION CHARGES CONSPIRACY " ' , . By Unitea Pressi Washington, Aug. 18. Charging a conspiracy to suppress competition the Federal Trade Commission to dsy filled complaint against the whole sale saddlery association and National Harness Makes Association. The twa.astoftiatlons have a member ship Li'Ui'&Tbtj' i. ' "- v., . - Poplar Branch: M Cora V. Wescott, MU'.s F.IsIr roxei t From Aydlett: Mi;. Ruthrflell. From Snowden: T.Iiss Elizabeth Ferrell. From Shawboro: Miss Jennie Ferft boe, Miss Adelaide Fora. From Coinjock: Miss Pauline Tate. From Baum. From lett. Kf-n1 SENTENCED TO IN FEDERAL PRISON JW, Haig. REVIVAL COMMITTEE ELECTS OFFICERS (By United Preast Big Stone Gap, Va., Aug. 18. fOld Man" William V. McCoy and John Walter Phlpps, convicted of j ;'''. : f 'conspiring to seize y force proper-, The Joint Committee of the Union Xj ot the United States," were sen-; Revival metta tfce'Y. M. C. A. build tenced yesterday t- terms of five log at g:(fV Thursday night, years each In the Federal Prison at! August TtajfjTelfted the follow AfUnta. The Presiding Judge direct lng on1coraeiiJL' i. Cunnlnggim, ed a verdict of "not guilty," as to the President." )Revw U Culbreth. Src charge of "lpvylng ar against the retary, an'Mr. J. T MeCabe, Treas Uttited States," on tho ground that urer QTfTn OILi.i.iLu I? lii DISTRESS the Incipient revolution which M .Cojr and Phippa orpan!7cd could ban ly,bA7diKiiifl War.' the term "levvi: i J f ' p L.I I Following the e-rtlon of officrrs ( chairmen for the different coin niltteos on the Revival wore elect d 1 Iifv are hk follows: '.mini ittfo on Arraii;r'ni''t''': M". J. P. KrPiiw. 'hairr.ia:i. Conimltten on Kntevlainrnent ' lf- ' W. Ore;to'T. 'halnnan. CcriirJ'i''o on De"orn ".''jua : yrii. L. E Sklnuer, Chairman. Comniitteo on Ifshers: Mr. Geo. Spunee, Chairman, Committee on Miwtcj ,. '.,. t" Mr. J. W. Foreman, Chairman. ,r-. i- r4. j Mr. Li R; Skinner,' Director., " With The British Armies Afield, Committee on Persona W6rf: Aug. j!. A total of 114 German air- Mr. J. B. Leigh, Chairman. .'. planei have been downed In the past Committee on Extra- Service: : week 4a the fierce sky fighting' in con-; Dr. B. C. Hennlng, Chaitraajl. noetic Vith the Allied offensive. Six-' Committee on Finance: ' .", ' ty-two"machlnes were destroyed out-; Dr. L. S. Blades, Chairman. f if mm ; I: II! CREW SAID TO HAVE TAKEN TO LIFE BOATS AND HEADED FOR NEAREST PORT. THICK FOG OVERHANGING SEA . V ?nv rniNd frens: v ' An Atlantic Port, Aug. 18. An! American steamer believed to be the Rapine Is In distress six miles ojl the coast, according to the report of naval n n! hnpit loct nara . A thick foa Is hanging over the sea and nothing can bo seen of the1; vessel. It Is reported that the. crew nave ir.Kcn, 10 me lire uuais anu ara headed for a port near here.'. . JOINT LIFE 1NSURAHCS Kitty Hawk: Miss Nora L Belcross: Miss Arc. II. Til- Pnranfs Nock: .' iipht northwest winds. kv ; ', - ; W. G. Cox of Weeksville r ',' ity Pat au My., FRENCH Tr.n0PS -. ABVANCr. IN FLANDERS Miss'Wozelle White, Miss Jennie P. Newbjf. Prom Washington: Mjss EdltB liardiwon. From Belhaven: Miss Maude Hoot-en. From Corolla: Miss :My Sander- l!n. From Marion: Miss Margaret Sheep. From Portsmouth: MIbs Rebe G. Pruden. right aud fif ty-lwo driven out ot con- ( trol. . . I L. Cunnlnggim, 'Chairman,,. B Culbreth, Secretary 'ft - ug. 18. An air- raid In ' Paris, d which.. Ill French airplanes partici pated, dropping 1,300 kilograms (35,000 pounds) or projectiles on German military establishments,' Is reported. Seven German machines were downed, eight others and a balloon were badly damaged. I Twp French machines failed to re- ' i turnt- v i - ' Or . IN POLICE COURT v.--"-. t m STRIKE 00 v ...'.. . ' . D'll n fin (By United Press) One aMhe logical development J of life: insurance Is the popularity of ( insurance on. two Hves.',1';, ;;; - This form of insurance appeals to. tti rntnttifin no fjf nnrtnor lit ' businWe,n-W husband and' wife. ! vl Tn Aaaa 'aV Mats va ns. aW rwa Hvoa. the. policy' Is payable to the survivor 'in case of 'the first death' of, either of the InsuVed, unless otherwise stat ed in the application. " These policies are written by. the Pan-American Life Insurance Co., on the- whole life and twenty payment and twenty year endowment plant. . The benefits and privileges are fur nlBhed f or , lowest , cost . consistent with safety. ;- '.; -pVi'.?... V All the figures are guaranteed. A clean cut policy which any Intelligent man can read and Inoroughly under stand. . ', The Pan-Ateerlean Issues all forms O., Di Trench : lvatice in troops Flnnd- Sherlock o Nlxonton was Jn ,the city Saturday. V; j ( ; Ih i'olice Court, Saturday morning the ct6 against A. B. Houtz, for the. Minister at Labor this morning, erectink a garage nearer tho street . '. than the line of the main body of his dwelling,' Was continued and will he tried tn Polfce Court, Monday morn- London, Aug. 18. The strike of of up toate policies at,loW non-par- 40,060 railway engineers and firemen cipatlnates. .Tata wall laown In- on English railroads Is declared to be ouranUe Company. with.assets of over, certain this afternoon following " a , 5,$00,000 and ;bysV)ess in, force of .. , t , . ... ?? !over $42,IOO,0OT i represented . by meeting of union leaders with the , ' . i ' . r u . . i o i . a . , Wood & Cartwrlght, No. SIR Hinton PpoatflAnl nf tla tlnarrl nr TranA an1 1 . . 0 Building. "LEAVE IT TO WILSON" v log St ' r-'Ttfilliam'Drcwr-n colored boy, was tried f6i .'stealing atiout ?G6 worth of brass from The, Elizabeth ,C!ty Iron iV.'orl'S 'n- 1 i hh SAY THE ALLIES " v (By United prees) . v'l '..'LortAon, Aug.' 1: The Allies will n)t reply to the Pope s -peace propo- ( f?nir ,.r..,tl!I..Hnf ti) V-).'t- DATES ENTRAINMEirr .. OF ARMY CHANGED , f y United Press) , I; . WaHhttigtow Aug. I8.fr-1 The dates of entfalnment of the New Nnttotint Army fur its various (.-.nl