I; ' Pre udice ; , ;- VV ' " ' -. 1 " ' t"" ..... . ' ' - - ' ' - ' " News Without Bias '.Prejudice ; Published m Iliiz.ilcUi ! ' City ;' , : ' w VOL. 2 On Second tey 1 -- - t : , I klllir IT. IT . . '- KT-. NO i 213 a ; Of Two Hundred Called Fur Exam iriaiion Thirteen Slackers Failed To Appear SPECIAL MEETING FOR SOLDIEB BOYS iorlal churchrtiil nr specUp- meetlnr. In honor of Mi boys whe har gone and those irto wlU go out from 1U membe'r&Mp m ioiaterB. Among these are. Earl Chesson. Henry Vawhold and Joseph Peele, all rery irttve In B.'Y. P. IT. woj since na ornlsatlon here. The meeting will be held at seten o'cioca. Te Pasquotank county exemption . Kard completed Weanescay evening he examination of the second levy ; of two hundred men registered for military service under the selective; araft law Saturday. V' ct the two hundrec called for ex- V iimlnatlon .thirteen registrants failed : Jto' appear. These "slackers" are the following: - ) 3 9 M att fiew Cartwrlght. 686. Fred Sawyer. R F P 3. 781 Jas Ballamy, uty. DIG INCREASE 19 FOOD PRODUCT i5'Ajo81iu& Anite-clty isio 1183 J84 JJ98 t 4 1021 29 Cleveland R. Cherry. Wm! Henry White, CUy J. A. Jackson, City. Oscar Johnson, City. Tom Louders, City. A. S. C. Perkins, City. Geo. H Wood, Cliapanoke. Gordon Jeffries, City. Edward Johnson.' VALtTie-OF INCREASE IN THE OLD NORTH STATE AGGREGATES OVER 115.000.000 FOR INCREAS ED ACREAGE OF 20 PER CENT HX PRICK I USTHllCllE OH COPPER DICTATOR WILL NEXT RE APPOINTED AND STEEL CONTROL MAY POSSIBLY FOL LOW rBv Uni'i Press"? Washington, Aug. 23. The prices of anthracite coal will be fixed "hy President Wilson probably .within Z 4 OfWOPRRATION BETWEEN TOWN OP INCREASUVQ NATION'S FOOD crop ;.a' . . (D United Prs) . It la offlcially stated Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 23, During . 8imultaneousIy announced the recent war months, Nortn ar-tnat Una hm Inrranni1 It food OUDUt 10' was the President appoint a una nas lncronaou n iuuu vuPv ""jppgj. dictator ior me aireci pur the extent of approximately 116,000,-1 chM,ng and dl8tributlon of copper nAA it ,o oiiriori hnnt 'ft nercent to . wrfl me 1 000. It has added about '0 percent to roduct8 tatoes, sweet potatoes, cowpeas and minor crops. The State F6od Conservation Com. Those examined on Wednesday and the physical ammn- ' xT 4.. m.,ttnUn of N 'th Car ' -i- nui iw""i'"-'- price-nxing ui . olinians is launching a big Fall drive ( EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY with two principal objectives, une is in accodane with the appeal of Her ebrt C. Hoover's nation's food admin- paBs i ne wer e: 1857 285 1313 1051 1 J03 63 843 t ' 10S0 ' 1879 X-K X99 l 1075 i 750 E8 '; : 19 400 ;J. 1320 " 832 r ' tOi " 228 '872 ' 430 S 965 i'l 3?.S Jas. E. Jenkins, City. Richard Thompson, City. Hezekiah Pool, City. J. P. Carter, City. M. F. Sanders, Weeksville. W. E. Aydlett, R F D 4. J46Ha'.ry Sedgewick, City. Jas. E. Lumsden. K f u . Chas. P. White, City, E M. Moor. ltr - Dodson White, City. Willie Burden, City. Celon Martin, City. Eugene Pailin, City. Irving Falls, City. Wallace Russell, R F D 5. Isaac Butte, Okisko. Alfonso Klnsey, R 1 Wksville Arthur Watson, City. R. D. Raper, R F D 1. William Garfield, City. John T. Leigh, City. Everett Phitchard. R F D 2. Thos. E. Hollowell, Wksville. Miles Russell, Jr., R F D 5. Mordecal Keaion, Wksville. i noa nni hpfin dnctded whether a steel dictator will bo added to the list or not, but it doe3 not now appear likely. The President is eliminatng all en gagements possible to clean up the coal Prices fixed on bitumrnouos are now In effect. n ... Ttimnltv wrntA All en QUI I iavv.v. t OBCICLftl J J Uiuu'.; " " v " ,istrator,Jor Increased live-siock pro. Qulrer about the new schedule, duction. The other admittedly .one ..Eflectively immediately." of the foremost Questions ior tue state to sojve Is extension and re forming of the state marketing sya- tenr. ' I in,. rMnmininit wants better mar- keta for IU corn crop, for flawEeatn t otti. and for meats. Recent es tablishment at Raleigh, New Bern, Charlotte and elsevtiere, of meat - tk. AAinmlflfllnn hp- D&CE1DK uUUbcd, luo vuuiii lleves, is going to g a long ways to STATE AGRICULTURAL JBMTJM . .. . .. I trcwT STATION URGES FARM- "VZZZZTZ as ERA TO FULFILL OBLIGATIONS start far as practicable, adequate profit to . TO FAMILY BY SOWING W rai the farmers of the state is one of the first plans of the commission. West Raleigh, N. C, Aug. " ,a urn." ,.. nnfntpH the way While the growing of wheat on a rreaiucwL mvu v - , .hi. rtirprtion. "Profiteering" also, larpe scale Is not advised for the farm (By W. J PEELE) Am m. auffroatlon to promote lnten sire farming which Yeryhody knows is good farming, nd tenaa to pieniy dwellers in cities, iow and 'rtt- lareii mav each hate ; .cultivated on shares one or mora acres of land In wheat thla wtntr-r-they furnish the iMd wheat and fertiliser a plenty or fertiliser and tha fanners do. the rMt it woald oat both sides; for the ten bushels per aera, which con tents the averngs tarmsr in North Carolina can oe raised to thirty or forty hv a nlentv of fertiliser; and both parties to tha contract, will pro fit the farmer especially. I mentioned the Idea and offer to a farmer today and he closed tha trad at once, ana m wmww was would I .furnish enough fertlll ser to make, on good natural wheat land, in ordinary seasons, good crops. We meant tor making good crops to put in en6ugh fertiliser to reasonably double aad perhaps much more than double w)iat he had been maklng.Thls contract , pays both sides. He gets nis seed free and more wheat than he .usually makes and all straw, and , the effect of the fertiliser on his land tor future crops. ( The science of farming isthe science of fertilizing.. Np'It;up:.in.'-'::; i.ens StiU The Hottest Point Of The, Fighting Oh The ; British Front. French And Italians Fighting With Incessant' Fury;" y-tiH (By United Press) ;' y-l'M; T nnlnn Anmt. 9TThe" Alliei creat offensive, un--; coasinely" boring ahead, has already cost the Germans and Ans-; tiians close to luu.uuu aeaa ana wuucu u . o.. vvzr :ij orisoners on the British, French and Italiaa fronts. : ;, But despite tnese staggering wssea mw . in the deluge of shells and of men, ' - V. ' H itr f tVi Italian front the Germans are starting a . f V vmV V vv awt - - defensive of their own against the Russians and in their drive nave aireaay gameu jjiuuuu ww - t .tui aiia VirtttPRt nolnt in the flcrhtintf tin the ; jUCUS tO 0lwvi r . " - . British front. Despite all resistance, the Canadians advanced f . their encircling lines sligntiy lasi nignv, repq . , NEW ZENITH DESTRUCTIVENESS umriT rnti iWlirlll rUil mm m v ! n I l ai'iiun ii r fid I Lull H. U. W4t. th. Vrinrh Armiea Afield. AuiTUSt 23 A? WW ! i W zenith of destructiveness is being set by French artillery fire wt.; V of Verdun. ': . -'.''1'' mi.. t.-2i -r a tVa 1TrATipt imnrtArfl floured and ''. ' ' -xin oo-ftirtet. t.hA Germans and as far exceeded ' ' v EUil UUUbXUUCU. VW 4Vkii ; (, i i- i-i.4t.. omnrrfttn the enemv the nnnrecedented hor There are doubtless toany thousand iiu na P""1 JV u . p,.a1. tlinsfc acres ot und in North Carolina that'r0r of the great German guns at Liege and Brussels as tnose. ktv.u mathnA ran Im aowed in wheat) V AorW lava nf t.Hft war RUmaSSedanT tre . v vious artillery. ' v1,;i ITALIANS UNCEASINGLY ACTIVE With the Italian Armies Afield, August 23. A' gun ' ' . i- .Li. m vvnt nf 37 iyiIIak was th concentration d tHUges ot Northievery imnxjfwwvuev.v. - r . rhojrouid do w.eii tojcf artillery achieved in one place in tot great line where General, hv this method.ca'n be sowed In wheat this winter and splendidly fertilised, which would otherwise IM iaie, or what ts nearly as bad, be sowed In in ferior grain with poor preparation and meager or no fertilisation. ' rhata am mmv tiousand dwellers In the towns and tillages ot North 'ottua Alone who aat'tfn their bread i next vear by' having aowec down tor them this fall at least one good acre of wheat well prepared and well fer- clllsed. I do not mean by a good acre. .ik lanri thnneh that Is better to l V. 1. . H U , -.J a- " 'A ,!V. T. Willoughby, City. 'Kaleifth Williams. R F D 4. "g j Walter Carver, R F D 4. 125 Joe Hughes. Those falling to pass the examina tion Wednesday are: Frank Kramer, City. John V Barclift, City Henry Spe'iimnn, R F D 6. K. ('. Western, City. Frank Jones, City. Mulllns Stalllngs, R F D 6. Raleigh Morrisette, City. Alex R. Wilson, City. Abram Shannon, Weeksville. Patrick Ives, City. Wm. Reginald Lambert, City M. F. Gregory, City. Thos. 8. Owens, cuy. Wm. C. Etherldge, R F D 4. Thomas Perry. City. In line with the president's edicts in Eastern North Carolina, still there must cease in North Carolina, says is considerable of mis grain produced the commission. - in this section, and there are some Besides production, the commission farms where the production com cooperating with the Home Demon- pared favorably with that in the Pied . f iw.nrtrapnt .of mnnl. and Mountain sections of the Btraiion oeii-" u7 . , i.,it,P. ha8 conducted a state- State. In the opinion of members of nm.t tvw-u- l for drying and aimnt.lw 2.000 t!lerv nieces of every conceiv- AT ai VAaawvy I " mm - , able calibre are unceasingly acti o in this sector. The enemy is; ?oritiv rmt headauartcrs detected signs of waver- 1 that is better to , f t enemy'g forces in the face of this inces- ith. but I mean land adapted "6 - ' A. Tl. .11a At to wheat natural wheat land. There 821 IKUiivu uio. is plenty of it WILL BUI LESS 5 15 Kl GAS 10.".: 7i: S4 2l 1119 660 llfi3 229 410 1189 115 1180 136 544 1269 wide campaign ning of surplus fruris anG vegetal. As a result, 3,000.000 cans, it ) mated. roiose in North Carolina's war larder. J. Paul Lucas, of Mecklcnnu -'. County, heads the Food Commissi . n. Mrs. James McKlma.on directs l..t, Agricultural Department's work. I Governor Bickett thinks North Car olina's commission has accomplished about as much If not a bit more than any similar state food commv ' , i .ho union. Also. Governor the staff of the Agricultural n-xpen-raent Station, the crop may be grown profitably, at preiseat prices, in cer- , .,; ;, ; u i of Cue Coastal Tlaln, if several precautious are observed: First. th) soil usd for planting must be fine-grained and fairly com pact In nature, and well drained; the land must be properly broken, allow ed to settle well, -and the surface Tor i inches put In fine condition Just be fore seeding by means of disk and moo ning harrows; seedings should peck tU UIIULH Kill THREAT nniuwn nyi.il he made at the rate of 4 to 6 Bickett insists .on telling you of th- per acre of good seed of standard var- ' wav North Carolinians have bacnen leties, sucn as v Du. -way worm v, p,iflr Prnle 8traw. and hU C0ram,S8ln UP- rultV or ft. bearded Fulcaster and ! qi a PXIPPCl FTJJOY Diets-Mediterranean; an excess of oi- I TEACHERS ENJOY Hke a9Bi weedB ana DELIGHTFUL ISVIiJMIJMW ,egumlnoug cov,r crop8. should not be turned Into the soil at such a time and in such a way as to leave the soil The teacher-students who are at- iQQ oppn ,n lu nature; the wheat tending the Teachers Institute here ghould be geeded after the flrBt kill- enjoyed a delightful evening ai 'v- Jng frOBt; good apPHcauons oi iarm i..'. Rnnrh Wednesday. mnnnrea. supplemented by the right iru o . , --- About forty or fifty of the teacne., k,ndg of commerclal fer:ilisers, or or ih Rimerintendent Giles and Mrs. , alone.. If manures are not Johnson who are conducting the In- avallable( ghould be used In the right "MOCTH OF THE PIT" PKICHS PROMISE TO hp; LOWKH IN THK HOltH THAN IN OTIIKU Hi:( TTOVS AM) TRANSPORTATION lWTANF.S ARB LHS8 ( IJy Ci ulO l'l mat I 1 Richmond, Au 23. D xio win' ! burn up less money in kitchen i;UOv8 "this winter than in many o kl winters past. The coal mon here have ngreeu thnt consumers in the South may nroiit even more by President Wll- on's "mouth of tha pit" price fixing them in other sections. The prices named at Southern mines, it Is pointed out, is in most in stances lower than in other sections and transportation distances are less. FRUITS OP VICTORY ; Paris, Aug. 23.-" Prisoners in France 's great ' drive ; taken v since Monday have increased to: a total of 8,426, ccordlng to an-; V nouncments from the war of nee. TOM THEMSELVES TO IX)8E OF wv uwoyii-a, w what the boches uheu with Other fruits of victory are 24 deadly effect at ifiBST cannon and more than 200 ma- chine guns. 1 ' , (By j. w. peoler) Rome, Aug. 23. - The Ital-' . With the AmerUan Expeditionary v.r- -r- Army in France? Aug. 23.- 4 . ' , in their sweeniiixr ad troops have been "gassed." Vance, of Which 350 are OfflCCTS. It was a purely voluntary gassing, however, part of the battle naraening COTTON REPORT (f.y United Press) (y United Pregsi 1 10 Washington ,uAg. 23.- Germany Mill bring pressure to bear on the ..u.iona with the threat to give more- steel for shipbuilding , .h000 shins be UBed for Oer- un ess i"4"1" , man interests during flVp ve.irs after. , . wiition, Germany told Holland tv ,v can.have a certain allotment 0V( oaib .t!f she wishes more she send her own imu Washington. Aug. 23. Exports ot cotton seed products August 1st, 1916 m i.,iv 31st. 1917. amounted to 162,- osn 9R9 nounds of oil: 614,094 tons Johnson who are conducting me Bllablet ghould be used in tne "gnu 414.907 running stltute. and with several members o way. and finanyt good seed free from I . a r.A nihor nv ted nt,n.,iH h. ticoH Thfi D,1B" "uu ... h pirincation uutnu auu v..v-. disease Buoreo ouuu. , observance of these lew simple ruies will add Insurance to the growing of a l'ul' ci'op. w:i at and flour both are likely to . it I be high In price during ine cumins WIO cuuuv. visitors , left town in automobiles and auto trucks. Arriving at the beach everybody enjoyed games ana par took of the delicious refreshments which had been taXen along. All ex- Th nh nan iikcu -.-,- - na mii in u - manv thanfes for automobiles . lnd,vldUal farmers would tAin fnrniahpii thnt . . .,111. Kllrrof irtti - tn thpir J neMAr BHH KLil 1LD IUI " t t Til I n I I III V Nil 1 1 LI 1 1 kuVIU ' w H II II UlUCI i; " 11 w made the evening success and es pecial thanks to those who allowed the use of the beach for the party. Gates were carefully shut, except In nn inntance.-and a gen:le remmaer Imports were 11,982,441. successes on 'the soutn jI1'n nriri on1 otrrtTI ft Ttnsl t M& cA.Ti. process. The soldiers donnea uibh - - . . " gas masks for the first time and -were tlired,-this is the Official J6 sent through regufarly built "gas port today. chambers" to meet various kinds ar-1 fected by the enemy In his attacks. Then there were drills In the don ning of the masks and their proper adjustment. The soldiers quicKiy caught the Idea and oefore Ion were nn tha ir flitnm In four or IIUIWUB VM fc" -' " " five seconds. n.r the who e American camp today there was another kind of vap r. nice, aoothlng, pleasant-smell Ina one. It was the smoke from thou. j iaiiM nd uIdss in DavUUD Ul - which burned good American tooaeco nice again. The quartermaster's de- nnrtment announced the arrival or a big shipment of Omerlcan "makin's" and big run on his store followed. SOUTHERN HEN (By United Press) Washington, Aug 23. President ; Wilson today nominated Jamas T Newton of Georgia to De Commlss-' 1 loned of Patents, and William,-!., j "v" Frlerson of Chattanooga, rsnn..- p t ' 7 V ' JCILL MOVE NEXT TO FOWLER AND CO fulfilling families by putting ialJfaW acreage . a intnrlni III home OI wueai, biiu vuui iy.fi o m- bread supply for the seasonA , n have to send ner owu u. rmlndeT i Germany for it. .nr'it ta omission to the atten-. Calrtain and Mrs. W. B. Alexander nenartment advices outlining brought this omission to Trn,ren and Mrs. Margaret Cart: th maneuver Indicate that the ; tlo. ot VZi motored to the clt from Nor pressure Is mostly 0,;jZ now rlsitlng In the cty and llfolk Vr Wednesday to spend some Denmark. too, 1. under mllar PJ" J gaa mtmiX,mn wlth.Mr. and" .Mrs. W. A. Jack- hnffi Germany. aunou6 r . t M pnnitTlv.Tila Avenue. - F"W""" . n nreVpntlon. ' " .5 i 1 - J ' 7... i. uncertain. . ) 41 O VL "V "Mie E. M. Stevens Co., now oc- ,nnvin the building on the cornet f Matthews and Water streets nexi . j H. Avdlett .Hardware kxtd rany. will more to tha. building oe- V.n Sellg's Jewelry Store ana row rA rnmrianv. ' 131 w . . ' m.. v,.iMi ! hnln remodelled l ., ins .-,--. - J now and tha ' work is progressing HER SB1FTE0 '!3 1 E'SU be assistant attorney general REPAINTING BUILDING J. B. FLORA COMPANY The large building at the foot ot Main street, occupied Uy ths-J.' Flora Company Is being repainted and repaired and begins to take on the appearance of a new building, greatly adding to the appearance oi ; the business section of tne city. (By 0'iUeu Press! Washington. Aug. 23 The Natl. , . i n-.ta.rdsmen who were entrained tar Paloalco. California, wilt be shlft- j riirniina.. according to t u w . v " , present War Department plan I WEATHER . Generally fair tonight shd Friday; light southwest ta west wnds.' .'