J L News Without ..." Bias V'Views ' Vithout7-'-? Prejudice. ,4... HP ...-. .. . ".T'''"..' ' P s . .1 ! -N. X- jf "W ill- ftn? .r.-Jli'X S .? i"i!,J UK VOL. 2 nr :!,J fefiw. Y.J I ft' TKeir OwE 1 U ::. - r - 4 i i - i V U U J i 37' . J I i 1! 4 I If II L 1 . - 1 . '' r ' " 1 H T -. vr v . EWBEraGITY, NORTH CAROLIN FRIDAY EVENING: AUGUST 191711 210 i NO' 214 Pope Benedictln Special )inmuni cation Giyen United Press Die- clares That Democracy Cannot be ... Imposed By Arms. resuue Rem : III OFFE i ad be- (By United Press) Paris, Aug, 24. The French vanced more than m::e today tween Avocourt wood and Deadmans Hill in the resumed fighting of the great Verdun oxenslre. The French now occupy all of Hill 304. RUSSIA WILL IT COLLAPSE X .HI (JOHN H. HEARLEY) i ti ; YHftrivHorht 1917 Tlnitfiit Press 2 ,1 I wvrJow tc fiTTi o unoniRi. iiH uiiiLcu xicaa 111U UECU auiuui' MHIjliWV X , , ized by the Papal Secretary of State to make the following statement: : 4 ' The first two points of the Pontifical appeal for peace treating respectively of disarmament and freedom of 1,he seas, j rA Vtt T5ric-i A ont XXfilonn 'o well Irnnum mf99n.OA t.n he Senate.' ' "Consequently, we are inclined to believe that they Will now find on the part of the American people the same re ception they enjoyed when President Wilson proclaimed them at the Capital. "The third and fourth points, wherein the mutual con donation of war expenses and damages as well as the mutual restitution of occupied territories were formulated, were taken from public speeches recently delivered and statements of dif ferent belligerent nations or resolutions passed by their parlia ments. Therefore, these same statements cannot be refuted by them now without contradiction of themselves. "Moreover, it is necessary to remark as to the condo nation of damages caused by war that' there is an exception, applying particularly to Belgium. "The fifth and sixth points concern special territorial unco anvtViino- Hpfinito nnrl ar.rnrriinfrlv rnnfines himsflf. ex- ""w , 7i i j ihave been thrown into tne nussian pressing the wish that said .questions shall be examined in a situation by tin united -rates to tide conciliatorv spirit, taking: into consideration as far as possible over another crisis in that country. any just aspirations of the people. "The Holy See wishes to emohasize the fact that the appeal was not suggested by any belligerent powers and was not inspired by the particular advantage of any warring nation. "Finally, the message said nothing about Democracy cr the democratization of any existing government because his tory teaches that when a form of government is imoosed by arms it does not and cannot live, and also out of resoect to a free will people who, having the right of universal suffrage.may choose whatever form of government they please. For the rest, democracy will receive such impetus from this war that wisdom ist prevent its deterioration into any excessive form, such as jarchism. ' ' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXTENDS MORAL AND MATER IAL All) TO TIDE OVER PEND ING CRISIS (By United Prss) Washington, Aug. 24. The Unit ed States government today extended flirt her credit of $100,000,000 to Russia. Russia will fight on and not col lapse, that is tho general official view here. Secretary Lansing authorized the statement: "Don't think that tiirre Is any feel ing here that Russia is on the verge of collapse. She is stronger today than j a month ago, both from a government and military standpoint. Both TttoTaT-and TOStenat ro? eee oMnev, ships, and supplies have been available and a upw nolo expressing confidence in the Russian people will go forward from the Stale Depart, mcnt. To night At The Alkrama . ' AT .CTrriKOAD,',) IjU' The Pastorf ;Rev.M C. B. pulbreth has returned from conducting a meet ing near Windsor and will 6ccupy the pulpit of , the City Road , Memodlst Church at both the momaig ana the evening services Sunday. 7 l H The Sunday School will meet at 9:30 with C. R. Pugh as Superinten dent. The public lb cordially invited to attend all tbese senrices. Uiseuss .11l. 'i-y oris 'tvni Pi .vfu n A. ...'A. mi 7,r Mote ,0. i d 1 i.. tt II I !" W. ........ i. gtOR AT CHRIST CHURCH Owing to the absence of the Rec tor, Rer. H. S. Osburn, there will be no services at Christ church until Sunday September 8th, except the Sunday School which will be held on each Sunday at 8:45 a. m. The congregation o mis .cnurch will worship at the Union ' Services which will be held at The First Bap tist Church, Sunday evening, August 25th. , AT UIRST BAPTIST At the First Baptist Church, Sun day August 26th, at 11 a. m. me pas tor Dr. B. C. Hehning will preach using as his subject 'A Strange "Trou ble." The Union Services will be held at this church at 8 P. M. at which Rev. J. L. Cunnlngglm will preach. Diplomats Say That Pope's Views ' On Democracy Tally With Thoc a Of Lord . Balfour, Of England; y . ':r. f- (By United Press """1 AT BLACKWELL MEMORIAL Rev. O. P. Campbell win preacn at both the morning and the evening services at Blackwell ftiemorial 'hurch, Sunday August 2Gin. The Sunday School will meet at the usual hour. .The public is cordially invited to attend all these services. HE Y. W. C. A. IN WAR WORK i iiv t:- 'ress Agent) TO BEAT U-BOATE (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 2. rrearty two billion dollars for 1,272 ships, ag gregating 7,968,000 tons, is the Uni ted StPtes Shipping Board's program to beat the submarines, it was offi cially announced today. CREW OF DEVONIAN REPORTED SAVED (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 24. The crew of the torpedoed Leyland liner, De vonian, Including 65 Americans, was saved, according to messages received by the State Department. GERMANS DESTROY BRITISH TANKS SPECIAL MEETING FOR SOLDIER BOYS The B. Y. P. U. of Blackwell Me morial church will grve a special pa triotic program at Sunday evening's meeting, In honor of the boys who have gone and those who will go out from Its membership as" soldiers. Among these are Earl Chesson, Henry Newbold and Joseph Peele, all very active in B. Y. P. IT. work since its organization here. The meeting will be held at seven o'clock. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK DISTRIBUTING A VALUABLE HAND BOOK FOR FARMERS. The First National Bank Is giving away a book of valuablo Information that any farmer will profit by read ing as it contains over 100 practical suggestions that will save both TIMK and MONEY. The next time you are in town go by and get one as they are Free for the asking. adv Aug 21-6t. I (Br United PreBS) Berlin, Aug. 24. Twenty-one Brl ' tisli tanks were destroyed by the Germans when the Britls'a vainly sought to advance soutn of Ypres Wednesday. TO LAUNCH COMPROMISE OF WAR TAX BILL 1 1 (By United Press) , Washington, Aug. 24. With the Wealth conscription, torces threaten ing a long drawn battle, efforts today 'CLEAN SWEEP" LASTS THROUGH SATURDAY O. F. Gilbert, proprietor of Mil ch ell's Department Store, is Just back from a few days fishing at Ore gon Inlet, and announces that the big Clean Sweep Sale bt Mitchell's Is go ing on with. Vim and will last until the close of .business Saturday night. .Customers are coming and" going all day every day and bargains are being offered that Continue to startle Friday, tho Bargain Hay in motion pictures is here, and the ALKRAMA HAS A FINE LINK OF BARGAINS. WILLIAM DESMOND will be the star on the screen tonight in "THb LAST OF THK INGRAMA." A Thos H. Ince Production, and that Is say ing enough. Anyhow the story deals with a man who besmirched his fam ily escutcheon, but who is rehabilitat ed by his inherent sense of fealty to women. Those are some big words, but is a big story, and one that will please. Now MOLLY KING, the mysterious beauty, so elusive that she Is hard to get to Elizabeth City on time, has ar rived, she spent the night In the ex. press office, and is now resting at the Alkrama. "The Double Cross," will prove a veritible whirlwind of sur prises tonight. "DONE IN OILS," Is tne title of a Bllck Triangle comedy, requestloned Into tonights FILM FROLIC. Come along and Bee what is done m oils. Now that you have read the above outline of the7 big eight reel, real show, let us have a word aDOut to morrow. Saturday always looked for ward to by both young and old as the crowning glory of a week of wonder ful plctuies whl not disappoint the most exacting. Mr. Kramer has se cured "Till! STARLET LETTER, "as the headline utiraction. The picture is a screen version of tne immortal classic of the same name by Nathan iel Hawthorne, and should ue seen by all even if you are not strong on literature William Fox Produced the picture, and you know ne is a man who can make a picture more won derful than any author ever dreamed of writing. Just a minute, if you are not a child, please relate the following: to one: Musty Suffer wilt ne the bene diction to the program tomorrow, as there .are only a few more Mosties In the mustlorlum, you will please dl V-t f-"i to f -" rf t'" (nv United Press i New York, Aug. 24. "Safeguard the girls" is the burden of scores of letters pouring Into the national head tjuarters- ft the M0. vtemen'a Ihristiau Association at New York City. The National Board nf the Y. W. C. A. is confronted with an Immense responsibility, fur helping safeguard moral condition:! in the neighborhood of training camps and lor providing for the welfare of, women in special industries created by tlio unuusua! cunditions of war. A still further n "ponsihillty has been brought, to Ihelii byy rablo from European countries asking for train ed American women to help !n the const rii( t programs for new life among women in Russia, France anil England. Through tb" National Board the Y. W. ('. A. has assembled on its War Work Council a number of women known from ocean to ocean for their public spirited Interest on all that affects a community. Requests have come from a large number of tlip centers near which troops aro being quartered for ex perienced workers and secretaries to work with local Y. W. C. A.'s In or. ganlzlng the young women and girls of the various communities with a view to counteracting the very natur al attraction which the uniform has for younf girls. Admiration for uniforms Is based on a deeper admiration for the man liness and courage of those who are to go over to the frojit. The lure of the khaki mar The made a summons to dignity in the girl and manliness In the soldier. At various training and concentra tion camps trained secretaries of the Y. W. C. A. are on the spot gathering up all the resources of the community which can be made to serve the Inter ests of the young women and girls. There will be a number of canton ments in centers where no large city exists. To these the Y. W. C. A. is giv ing special Utentlon. Hostess houses, where women rela tives and friends of tre soldiers may have a romelike place to meet their soldier0friends, are being built. Washington, August JlThe expiation "of .-Pcpi Benedict's peace offer issued by the Vatican through the United Press immediately revived peace discussion here . -T , . ; , , The Holy See's remark that Belgium must be excert ed from his original advocacy jf mutual condonation of &m ages caused by, war aroused new sympathy for his appeal : . In diplomatic circles the Vatican's conimeht on world democracy aroused much speculation. Some regarded It as dis tinctly a message to abandon the intention to fijrht'until tha abdication of the Kaiser is forced! It squares,' however, with ' recent comment by Lord Balfour of England who "said that the democratization of Germany must coide from within. ,k;q. ' The Pope's warning against democracy's, impetus reaching the stage of anarchism is believed to be particularly, for the benefit of Russia. VM-J Copies of the new Vatican note were sent both to Pres-' ident Wilson and the Secretary of State by the United Press and were read in the cabinet meeting this afternoon. Number Killed ....... ,r Was Fifteen Total Of Casualties" IKTexasTlibt Increases From Dozen To Fifteen; Negro Troops To :Be Removed At Once. Houston, August 24. Fifteen are known to have been killed in the race riot last night when members of the 24th U.' S. Infantry ran amuck at Camp Logan and on the streets of the city. 1 "KSJTlrfSfCiJl The 24th is made up of negro soldiers and these were . stationed at Houston as guards during the construction of the camp where Illinois soldiers will train. The outbreak originated in a row between two negro soldiers and the police. The police arrested them for disturbing the peace and sent them to the . police station. Shortly afterwards th rioting was begun by the negroes. Regular army soldiers are on the way to Houston from t Galveston to assist civilians and National Guardsmen in pre venting a renewal of the rioting. ASK FOR WITHDRAWAL PUSH TOUDLEIIS : . (Br United Frrei) London, Aug:. H. Tne Canadians f Austin, Texas, August 24. A resolution was intro- . duced in the Texas legislature today by Senator Claude Huds peth urging the Texas Congressional members to confer with Secretary Baker and demand the immediate withdrawal of all ' negro soldiers from the State. The resolution went over, until tomorrow, . ttffi ISIHa - WILL BE MOVED AT ONCE Washington, August 24. The negro regulars who en gaged In last night's riot at Houston will be moved at once from that city, Secretary Baker announced today. . - 'j After visiting Secretary Baker, Senator Sheppard of . Texas said that he would recconiinend to the War Department . that no more negrotroops-fee sent iirto-theState.. LEAVE FOR NORTIIERX MARKETS . Mrs. G. B. D. Pritchard and Jllss Kate Sanders left today for northern markets to buy goods ror rritchard Millinery Company, fl'hey. were -ac companied by Mr. Pritchard and Miss Clara Pritchard. At NAGS HEAUr v ftftv fend, Mra. O A-TwlUr sn little son, and Mrs. Pas Twlddjr are f rr J ,t" err" i t'-1? r " T.'E. L. CLASS TO GIVE LAWN PART"?, The T. E. L. Class of the First Bap tist Church will give a lawn party on Riverside Drive tonight at eight I o'clock. . The patronage of the public la com dlally solicited. - Homemade cake and ice cream wtU be served at popular pricea. .' 5 : ' v WEATHER CeneralTr fafr tonlcht n4 Pitif I

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