fv, 4 a w V I' -U-' j i .rrejuaice , . v r y ;. Wyv '. ' ' ' : - '.' . ' :- " .V' . . ;V " . ', ... ... .. - . ' . - . - " , ' . -- ' i - , . t v - i39i in i - . ia'J eu'j f. .? ; tt1 saia.-va Germans Attack Field Hospitals ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLI. sAtuRDAVl, ntw Bin 60 (By United Press) DRIVE AGATNST i ouiUSR" DOLLARS (Bv nnlta r- - ' i i troa ) i -Washington. An? k .i .... - ' . - luo rouna v. ci&cKer dollars" and hWdn VPQ It h L . I u.s uegun in the Senate I , Senator Jones nf v.. . .. . 1UBXJCO tO- n.iea me .drive wltji a bill to r vww i j v " WflshintAn a 4. - .. . I08" etarted the .driv wifw . m. o 'iug. . rr68lQ6nt I i " 4-jU a. DILI CO Incendiary Bombs Are Dropped ilrZfil' "" ep "(''''owworCMch 'a"" Twenty Fourth IT : Disstrmeid A&jF : In Digife X And Red Cross Nurses Are De- liberatelyShot. With the French Annies at the Front, August 25. Proof that Germany is deliberately attacking the Allies' field hospitals in aerial nrfrla " " "wiw5u wuay wucii a vxcmian aviator was downed behinrl th vuvu uuca ttuu ib was io una that he was carrying photographs of the hospital at Vadelain court which plainly showed the Red Cross insignia on the roof. 1U Udie lIie Germans nave bombarded four hospitals in the Verdun rponnn iriiHn v, j , w uuisca auu panenis ana wouna- mg 55. Most of the bombs were incendiary. Nearly always the aviators sunned the fleeino- - UlU kJ O. GERMAN DIVISION WTPP.n attt a MAS V V X With the French Armies Afield, August 25.-France took 7,600 prisoners, 201 of which were officers, in the Verdun drive. The Sivt.h fl 1 """"I,u iviaiuu ui reserves, one oix the strongest enemy units, was literally wiped out. ITALIANS CAPTURE MONTE SANTO Italians and the penetration of the Austrian lines at several points is officially announced here today. SPRING OFFENSIVE TO TURN SCALE Washington, August 25.-America and her Allies are preparing for another winter campaign and for a spring offen sive which is expected to turn the sr.1p , nn. cl en(j " " "ic war 10 an fM,- i exenange or views with the Auies bas been completed and with most of the nrie-flrw ' "o ui ui me Yva r A . t " j uu iud coal wnrir nn tho " hue DUUUIU erg o( Controller Oarflain x Lorett. the President has more time .o devote to the peace note. BIIOR IP. WB TI CHI IS SFI Ffii FD (Bt umtea press) sowuers, but practica Washington, Aug. 25,-The Presi- and order is restored nt today approved the salM . wwrea (By united Prss) Austin. Aur. 2R o o u.1.1.. Lieutenant Govprnnr hn. nor today, following the impeachment lust night of Governor .IBmB. v euson by the House on 21 counts. Mil Iffll aent today aDDrovert th .i-i. n..M r .J Dn or - --, BS rooa Aaministra tor of South Carolina There are nnw 99 .... . . - oiaieo witn rood "uuimsirators. Others r0 uo an v. -"ijiiuijfy waits Court Martini For Mutinv An7 Which The Penalty Is Death. wldiere, but practiadhT nT-f gM ong'b"lior f Ptoi4kl. ... '..'..if. HEALTH IMPBOVES 1 Bill DIET, J.ou i:i!i; or dkatii i: ti; i M v 11 vo i k m i y nn; SI I!MI(. Ki:s .T Ol I'ool) nsi i;v.vi io amivxk.v 'ilii)ii!(.'t. '' -'I - I'd III 11 .! il illill Xi'W Il,l!!ili I'l ml m l Km aid ( Mill''!! ill a mar;, (Icatli rate nf Imi 2.V- Tliat Hie in VI 1 in iiiL-: mi ' i' 'oimt -in- i'oinl ( 1 1 1. ' 1 r a 1 ion lias re " (I liciiinc in 1 i" ! u !t s and diiM- im:ti k i hom o('i:. gimvk Miss Mary Mitchell Gilbert ,las n, tm-no.l fryn, a several week's stav at Ocean Grove, where sl. ,.j()u.(1 ,,, splendid music of this well l,ra summer resort and also anraded much attention at the Imte: i she was stopping )V he,- own ,vi,.,i ,al,M" fxeellent n.usieal t rainl,,', W1,s 1 !,''1H -roiied h her an,, l. .Mm ! V. l.ol'tin. ' Hv ('riite-l Press) "aHiiiiiBion. Auk. 2 i.. President v. .ar.d :,da tl,t the first ("aft ..f r.ii.s.ooo i-.-.zqv Boldiers ?hcuul lonsiEt of tnrst who are not heads if fjijiuihcf. in a let'cr V, Sr rr-t.-.n llrtl,- hn sad the only exception to inrs rule '"' ' au .-f .,.. seeki,, ryv ""'UK!: i...v.;pre or In t),e ias( o! 1 eoenile.n 1, .,,(.. ......n . m suiiicient '' ""le 'o SlippnM t3 ,.;r-,.!vps ""'I.' fresldrr. s s expeet,,! ' ' 1 "v I'n vos' .A'. , . j,; i'owder. COMMISSION OF THREE ADJUST LABOR PROBLEM TCI! IS tile Srl.j,lt. ;;taten,e,,- of ),. U 'I" ..... ".is. 1. Aesiinin, superlnreiicenr for Health for the cit v and coutiiy. Dr JNOKiuit is one of the )ut known health ollieers in the Tniled States. ins work here having attracted the attention of health anthnWti..c ti,... WOMEN ARE EAGER TO SERVE of Mrs Frank A Vanderlip 1 l'''sident of t Natinnal city 1!u,,k '" X' w Vork Iiiih hern eMivnie'- lv act ive in v:i !;.,( i. . . ' ' 1 " ' (ii h . not 11 as a worker herself arid as a director f 'lie thousand and one ,,ew ocenna- lions that are open : women a: Giis line. Writing In the Sopfcm'.icr issue of Harper's I! ilZAr linu- ..... .1 M.. ' ' ' . -i 1 h. v an- 'ie country. The decline Is , ,' , Bhown by vital staHsH,, f. ..... """" ",UK(!S Ulls atcmint: "Wo few months comparer w.tn the IJ" "e l T1,cy naVfi al months of previous Vears ' at "nm Now our Kv Decline In the death r.i o.rrnniei,t "Pe,la their outsidr huted tothelar.er variety in th.H.M hmPS They wi" be fr of th city anu country resulting from T? 1 be"eVb ,nat tI1P ide the tremendouslv IWM, democracy with its promise of f gardens. Many fresh vegetables ,7,',u"l,y for a clear ave tonic qualities, besides Pvi,i. DPMer ln m,n'18 in a larper antIty of minoraIa an( I wom'"- a" we are ready to give nails than are found In v,n i,m..,, V "ruTmost "eate a world demo diet of most neo.do cracy. .. , Amonp the great tilings done by nanover Foot PonRprra- women thus far. Mrs. Vanderlip men tion Cnmniiuuw... l . I.:. , s piaime,- ro coi-i nons ino deevjopment of the Red """ wor' thn.uKh the fall and fross. the Increase and Conservation winter and until tin end of the war. -f tho Food Supplythe taking of "i- a.-w Hanover Ceiniii'ssion will lb" Military Oiisiir of Ite.uvrs an, '""'"f. aiay when ivnco s iieipnu; to raise our recent. I.ibertj """"" 1,1 Europe, declares Chalr- man . A McGirt Uashiiuto,,. Atis J., - The first l':i'" went to oir.inrzed labor llied ,v the I'nilcd States govern- lice n.I-,V " I"'"1 ''"' .ouinil.sfo,, of I'ir. tn .-el , ' iniii nun is 11 in , "'n'lilioiisof labor in all private ship- I'Uildiiig plants jn the counrrv. I '' !'''''i'"t inniTed V. Kverett j v- v t,, icprc-ient the people. The I'h-mhik: Ijoard and Organized Labor ll;'Vl' ""' V' "ained il,,-!,. represenia- I I V(JS. MOVEMENTS MUVUlViXliJ ax z&uxet POLICE (liy Vultea Press) '""S,U. AU1T 2 llv ATll i" "ion, . brave batik clerk Il 'AH Ml 1 (la 1.; the friend of War Minister Kerensky for life. When the mob wp.o ,n 1 ' -" . INK Ol I 1 evolution in Poii-.hm,,,! .1, f.. ....,1 m, (miiu ' Stations were hied. The crowds bclievinp- r. have been started l,y ,',.!... ics, joined in the ti,ei,,ui. Iieart mid soul. Xo on,, , . ' realize that the records of the UU, 1 Hundred would bo nf ... ""in in a statu or uh ..... "uiivn, All) aterapu qf ouvw.lMe.Jtlnfr onlook y any or the documents ''"in ti.o honrir.,8 met with rMu, In-.,, the crowds, win, wee ',..'.", .... lo "' l-v (!' detect. -.e; - ,, - ,.?,, tors'. K,1,'""sk s 111 f'-i-nd was in , "'""'I around one of ,t, .;,-,,,( ,in.. Among u butch nf i,i. n.. I ...1 . "" I'ai'eis ' 'IWmpeil ,. ... ; WHS a ihcsicr mark,l Kerenskv il, SC'.-ll ill-'. 1 1 ; - ,11 spite ol II Hj ,s 1 I " e c! 1 j , 1 , . i,i... it - ' I,IKl " 101, 1 ti;.)l '""Ic a spec, , ,la, ,,,,,..,,, ''lal the " !(:. ' l.-i- , , .... , . " I HI I 1 I). "V"; Keren.k,. a, ,!,. .;., ' nn noai,- :h, he, oii.i . I, The casualty list includes 14 whtte, 0 Three negroes were killed and 22 wonWfe:.- OUI eignt Of thfl r4nfaM v , wu V4- IpoUce believe that tZ'lt ? 5'? been "K to in some of 0.7$ " 1 Thirtv f nn r -ui civil authorities while the Z n? JtatelV S. Infantrv hZ' i! e wt? 600 ambers of the' the Breliinin7' r" msarmed and in dismce. Tt?.? ! tlOj A .! I. Ke t!ie laiil. t i.e i ( , n Shi IV. '' -I'll 1 1 1 I M K in pr I c ,1 h'liidn ,1 the s,cr i' iUg ili.'lil . .clltetl on ,ist and ' :i,,d for sj- GoDT B'te" Asks T - -aUgCu i o Day Of iGE INCREASE ISfiRflNTfD Washington. Auk. 2K.A xv.0 . . . " "u(,i; m crease aggregating Sunnnnnn iiually has been cranro ti, op hop employees of the railroads' , uns,8outneastern territorv u , . w WHO announced today. Tl.) ....! . ....n nuilll-Hient WaS Rffoclo.l U o . .. v" ' c" "J .-lecri'iaiy of Labor vvik. . " 111 n mediator last, month Bft,.r repeate.l effurts Kince February bad fall d. LIVERPIAN BRAZIEL Mi- 1.-,-. .1 v , ' '' i.neiuiriii and Mss of S()ll(ll Nor.olk. a . were married in ,1lP lu-gister of !)r,s .,, . .,. " ' II Uolll t' Ol I lie Fence. J. VV M,,.i.. ...... x.v.l., ,JU mi - day afternoon till: I'MJST NATIOY II. nivir l)ISH!i:(CTG A VAIJ'AlllP 11 AM) HOOK I ()H l'AHMKKS. NEW YORK TO LONDON IN 48 HOURS p way a that an ing as i Stages ions that will save and MOXF.V. The next time you are In town go by and got one as they are Free for the asking. , dv Aug 21-6t. . -t- . , .. :i fa-," ' ,'' (My I nltei Press) .Olldi'll. Aug. 24. ew YnrL- l London via aeroplane in 4S hours i Sir MARRIED! FORREST J ONES Mr. John Lemuol Forrest nf n.'i. Icy. Va., and Miss Ella May JonP3 of CmIU XT i .,, iMirroiK, va., were married Sat urday afternoon In the office of the .Kisier or Deeds, by Justice, of the I'cace, J. v. Munden. Th" First National Hank Is plvlno. Iiook of valuable Informailon the post-war nredictlon nf farmer will profit by read-1 -omnton Dckett, Army paymaster. He oeiiiiiiM uver iinj practical wi" wilr nas unvciopod Hying n 70 lmtii Tiirc I decado bevond tii ""Hi 1 1 ill I'J I f " "I uiui J tl n 1 (1 ililvntnnmAnl - j uv,wuiucl peace When ajjtrl marries and enters in to a strange cnviroinnenl sue ;s con rronted with ;v trying taste. Tl, .,v I'i-Innc.. of Marjorle U'Hao u so com-prehpiiHlvei,- describes y Theodore wieer , -.Manle, " in s,.nmmi.. 'osniopolitaii that every reader will Ull- ORDERS WILL STAND SPITE OF PROTESTS Oiv Fiiffcd Press) Washington, Aug 25. Th,. u-nr noparlrnotit ruled idav that n nrri. ers sending the 4.r.th nivlslon to (.'bar- I inroad ol to t;io T'aIo Alto "anip will Ht,,d in spito of western and' port hern protests. t it to mm nsixixo MISSES OWENS . .1.1 f -I 1 ' ' ".. ., Mrs. Lean Rosa of Norfnt KUest of hflr cousin, the Misses Owen nn P1....i. .... . ' J ! imr. .,.. .. i. ...... " 'I witn symi.aihellc uersianiiing. T'o'l'H'O Ureiser ia the author Qf "The Genius" on of thn b.Cf -..it.. novels In the past ten years a novel that created world-wide comment ror Us daring discussion nf -th temperament. ' r-. This la M ripnta.-... . ,.-.,-.vi.i, b appear ance In. Cosmopolitan, and ha ha? . in-, )r r in .... .- 18 IDT IICME .POPE'S PEACE ' (Dy tlitted Press)' I Waithlnrt-nn U. vIe Im. nations, UelgiunJ, Servia and Montu nogro, ho havij sufrerea under the ffon heel of c . . ... ,, , . . Raleigh. Ano-i, ! J in the celebration of Sepfetb L TC(,U ta the ia honor of the Mm.i, p ember thlr'i as a Patriots n,- cantonments on ZZT Whft ""V for All trip min; .. 1 i carnation to preach patriot Zl aSked in pro the Second. Pat,MUc Serraons n Sunday, September Third arelied 7oS C0Unt seat on September, the AGAINST PAPER MAKERS fDy United Pr.ga) Washington p '"ncerted act.nn . ' 1 har,n bopk nanpr, ,e pr,ce"n two years. h '"Tf Ir the P"t. mission toda , : ' :ra,e m. . gainst the n Coa,W and 32 paper manufacturers. HURSHMAN CARTWRIGHT --,:,;;i;:"';;,,ri":-... Mr. Htirshmnii i.. "f vears ben,, a number r arn bee,, foreman of the Darn dumber 'o.ni,nv . . re ' ", " ' "rtwrlRht of this city Tha 'onpln loft on tlm three o'clock lA?! for tLelr bridal tour O.VK THorSAVD KARMRRjj FARM WOMKN KXynrTKD I'OR JHK ANNUAL rOVVKVTION AT HALKIOH THIS MONTH Kalelgh, Aug. 2F. r-mi - nidi aliunde mfMits have been nnmn.., ... meeting and entertaintn T1 r. . t. .. 1.000 or more of fur,,-,. - unn iarm women who will enthpr ..v. ) i uesiiuy, U"'lnesday ami Thursday, August "s t" 30th for their fifteenth annual '"iivontlon. Tho Hovi' ,i Miort (rse at the college had nn af tcndnncotlilsypar 75 ,,nr rent g.-eate, 'ban last year's attendance ,) if Jm "xpecte, that tho attend!,,,,.,, , r,.... ' " i a i ill - 'is and farm women tthi show al most as great as Increasr. Tl. ' i": convenuon thl ynnr will (!n voto lis attention very Urgeiy to the '""Hiiicratioti of thn farmm part In tho war and how best tho farmer can servo the nntlnnun this great, crisis. Ti-ili ii T ) . . 1 .... j ' " ' ' lilT conventioD. in ecut IVA Ofirrafattf the North Carallna Food Consorva. tloli Commigslorriand the domlrtant fintA nt . I. a.l1.ii. .-y. vjiH, t-uuTernuon will T)9 food production and rotiservatfon. The field deni'- dmtionn iiri,. etc. will m t., ,! S1IKE1- IV TUB HTSr. -X VroL fl3 T., iBt.l . --l Tt" pu.oT serious operation nt liurhnni t'lii piirix- i ...