BE IN FRONT OF THE ADVANCE OFFICE AT 2 O'CLOCK SAT P. M. THE ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN ELIZABETH CITY NEWS WITHOUT BIAS VIEWS WITHOUT PREJUDICE No: 10 VOL. 7 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1918. Wai Again In Peace Negotiations- .1 r o. I lVU-o;i;ul, .January li In tin' fever of j rill uii s for war Trotzky -declared today thai Russia lias no intention of sning for the mercy of imperialists who refuse to listen to tha voice of the people. . ' If the democrats of the Central Powers do not rise in their might and make their voice heard in the councils of their gevernments, Russia will fight to the bitter end, he insists. Trotzsky also demands that if peace negotiations are to fct continued they Bhould be transferred to Stockholm. Nicholai Lenine re-echoed Trotxsky's sentiments and veiecd his belief in the Russian determination to fight for imme diate peace in an interview given out immediately before his departure from this city, probably for Stockholm. "I fear we must halt our peace efforts and prepare for war," he declared. If Germany continues to refuse us honor able terms We shall formally declare war. We av ill never agre to a shameful peace." Plans for the defense of Petrograd are being drawn and guns for the defense are being shifted from the northern front. NEGOTIATIONS AGAIN BROKEN OFF Amsterdam, January 1.1 Russo-German peace negotia tions at Brest-I.itovsk have been again suspended according to dispatches received here. The rupture came about as a result of the ftat refusal of the German delegates to accept the Russian demands for a transfer of the conferences to neutral soil. For eign Secretary K'uehlmann declared Thursday that it was the fixed determination of the German Government not to negotiate peace elsewhere. Russian foreign minister Trotzsky replied and on "his motion the sittings, were suspended. Whether this supension is indefinite or final hus not bten made known. FARMERS HAVE MODERN EUSINESS n:cr;ri:e Which Insursz Kill er Cotton Prices And Et ter Market Facili ties Generally MURDEN STOKELY SHOT BY FATHER Old Man Tr.kos Gen From Hands of Grandchild And j Snaps it Piayfully j C I onsxess Muddies M cAdoo lans i r am! TiMua. ! Company of Ell, ib-nli ( liy fbout months a0, !'!, not ar k la tin er s how ir,:.t;.;. c to co-op- -.1 Vu-dc:i Fto'ul; ''!tf "tally shot ' Thursday nteht a ! 1 i-.i- . the lu:'rf s'l'd V' i "; : ;-. , .' : . 0. McXhiUan ii" .:"lSii,""i; T ". folk Hospital l'rida of Chapanoke was , by .' father cu ! 1:!5 home. ! :a-st . ali'iv. ft! t V, 11 ll'K pill . ill ?: .! ii StviUe ucks to and w a--; t!1 ke:i to a .';'- :l li';;:. 1 h iiiu!. .h.aih -:i i. . luit pi-v ve fatal, it is believed. Murden Stokeley is the youns man who was tried hero for killing J. I jnton Towe and was released by a Pasquotank jury. Thusday night's accident occurred between seven and eU:ht o'clock. Uu fus Stokeley, Murden Stokeley's fath pr, took the pistol from the hands of his little grandchild and snapped it himself, thinking that it was not loaded, as it had not been loaded the night before. . 1 fi r lit '1 It s i":'.r is uisuacUJ' : X fntorprise. The tc-ckuoiilvi- ur-. V. . itt.-.(.td;i'k. J. R. Britlit. H. M. White, D. J. l'riti hard. V. I'. I'n ry. J. M. Jennings, V. G. liarris. D W. Morgan, J. S. Morgan. K. R. Wia- slow, J. T. IVrry, M. W. Saunders, M:ka Lright. M. S. White, C. D. liar .ell, A. S. Neal, E. V. Bright, E. 1'. artwright. Wade H. Reld, Taul F. White, L. B. Pritchard, M. L. Davis, H. F. Sample and J. D. Winslow. The general manager is Mr. D. C. Perrv of this city, who originated the plan some months ago; organised the company and has been Dusuy ai wor TTT? APPR! TO rtnrine the oast six months to make! STIRS HJ5AltJ!.Ka iU the Farmem Ginning and Produc V.mnany a success. Mr. C C. Pap pendilk is President; D. J. Pritchard '.ecretary-troasun'-r. The otfieerr. with' 15. V. Vv'hite, J. M. Jennings and ('. U. ktarris muko up tho director's i.oard. l ocated at tho end of West Main street, with the m ist modern achtn . ry, all ran by t lictricity, tiny i)..;u'.l,t iiestrly two uiMlion iiouiul". of -,1 , ,,;;im i;isl l:tl'. ami are i ' par.- - ,, . ( .. ,,r f' "V :-.'llll: io m f.-rtil'.i r I in poLili KEENEST INTEREST V. was an intensely interested au dlence who heard Gilbert Stephenson speak at his conference with mem litrs of the exevuti.-e. committee of the War Savings Stamp campaign, at the Y. M. V. A. at eleven o'clock this morninir. "North Carolina bmsts that sh has never l;i . ' M 'i' 'li.' o1' nnv natriotic cause." lie said. Washington, January 11. (lovernmont owiicrship ad vocates in tho S into are determined to reduce tho incomo arantees provided for the railroads in tho Federal control leg- : slat ion mapped out by Director-General McAdoo. Tho proposal to pay tho linos compensation based on the net incomo for tho past three years would mean about nine trt dred and fifty million dollars annually. Senator Cummins, tho ranking Republican of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee believes that this is too mueb by two hundred millions. Senator Cummins proposes that instead the Government guarantee 'the railroads interest on their bonded debt ami divid ed uccording to the three year average. Ho is also unwilling that the rate-tixing power should be placed in tho hands of tho Director-General or any other one man and would insert in tho bill a provision providing that the rate-fixing power remain in the hands of the Interstate Com merce Commission. w. a v a i "Fi-sl at ,'lh 1-enh -I 1 . .i'!'- , ; u H -.. ii e for seed (!' t 'ill .if ivted att . i.i Ion in th'- Kin ii i" .. a.- -i. a;'.! t hi"- :i -. "VP 'l tnu: W 1"!. ,!,!, in nil.', rood pr ct to J'arfrll'rt n ,.,i.,,. durii'.K mis. They l ,t Get- !i tysburg, and last at. Af.mto'.n.itox w l,;tM' cited a"- e'lil: l'.M.i'U' t'o re: , of the O'd N'.i Se..- to "ery ( .ill u p'in lwr pati-i'it'-in. "If we would live up to our hisloi North Carolina must do its part in 'lm War Sav'nst Stnmp eampai';n. ll'lllll r.: o I ...V.3J'.... i-r' w. -iJ . " t War fiasR t G -roTw .Kl.iitiu' a ntttiio bowiaa-., "XhaLjaiiaaAti'.t twenty their plant of ginnery, warehouse? worth of stamps must be pit i-lui ',. .,,,.1 mees and are planning 'or a f,r. 0Very man, worn; n : "'(! child in ,;rii mill anxl a wood yaru. A visit to thin new ginnery in th full was of unusual interest, it was the state, or one hundred dollar.; no every family. 'We must not forget that this .. . . l ' , ., .. ,w,.r,.., f hi ,1 a pleasure to watch tlio ' wneeis k means a dollar mo ev.n n. v ' -ii slid! up to date maelrnerv. ..,9 wcn as for every wh'te child nr.: - who had .vason to p -ak .vi'h j,)lu, it nieatn on- lemdi-d dollars authority declared that mere mod - j ,nr rv,,ry nn-ro r-. mily as well as for 1,' !tr : (Hi'.'. - i everv wum iiiinii Creates Imnreraon Evyt'-i- r:;sy "WHen Cou'ntry 'FxcUk. Cris.s Says Wadsvorth i,vit to b" found anywhere m stale. More than !f Winston Churchill G lis ican aid on r;:.; Scale, 4. J er- l e the pell Wasliington, ii. r '.nit' i ; 1 1 ! i is a "This i' nil job. inve-ted in huildinus since ,i "n 'A as h '" 00 and th th '"' j Tail to meet the i . pheno- i "Tl,(, war Sav no Moal! I'l-l: it i a !'i;n rtut we cannot alToril to 'visibility. SMnn-p ' 's a t'ov London, January 11. We have arrived at a great crisis in the war which can be only satisfactorily met by vehement and effective action on the part of the United States, declared Min ister Winston Churchill today at a meeting of the American Luncheon Club. He graphically pictured the peril resulting from the un ceasing piling up of German reinforcements on the west front and nhouted, America come aid us with all your might. Speed the time for action on tho largest scale ever planned. menal pron-a made in the first six lll0.,tlis of '.,. exist nee a ..liniK.nan oi- r.ioo'i rvowth in the ,,!,.. I'-ir, 'or v.!ii h ll" ' o, en do. have STtX-KHOLDKRK MKET VISITORS HERE FROM GREAT LAKES NIXON SAWYER Johnnie E. Nixon, formerly of Cho- , , , ,v . ,,.. , wan County, but now of Norfolk, Va. Vis tors from the Great Lakes in ' . . .. . . .... and Mibs Mary A. Sawyer of bouth the city attracted attention here this ' ' Ml: 'iotb murileil Ihuisdav OV JUS- M... . .1 . n .... ...I n. ,.t. ....... . v. . - weeK. i ney are v uum uumu mni who have been- transferred by the government temporarily from the Lake tsations, which are closed dur ing the winter months, to tho eoat. They will be stationed from Cape Henry to Hattoras.' where there alwpys rvpvij (lair-er to vecseU during severe weather and tho 1!) alivn-lv hero are to bo joined by others fn.m the Great Lake stations soon. tioe of the Peace, J. W. Mundon at his office. The bride Is the daughter of II. D. O IV e, of peu'il, .'.'Mi 11 " i th" i-'tn "a tin son of Charles Ni:ou of Cho wan Connty. TiM v Mere aceompanied her a by r. Jen'iio A. Cleminir r.nd Miss ernment secnriiy l!ond is. :u"t a-' t' I.i'n I tv . dvaol ''.;'' over th" If T am pressed for fit.liev di-pose of Ibe as "It. l a ' th!-' l.ibertv I'.oi'd. inoiiev 1 must bond at less than par or put It 11;. collateral for a loan.' "But I can tako fly War Savinpa Stamp to the post-office, and Ret my money for it practically on demand. The law provides that the postmaster may Insist on my giving him ten days notice, but it will not be neces sity for the postmaster to avail mm l.muaiy 11.--The War Department's pow nate to sniMilv the needs of the American e Wni. rn.iy ai.u pcrl'.'il'S pr.iviMe am ior un- .iiin-.-s, m-v i iaij V. :,or. t'-' (loclilll'S 111 j,,. Ki'iiat- Cuiniiiiiti'o on Military Allairs today, lie ;v.' d tails of the c iintry's powder reduction at an i session (.1 t lie etll'.te. . ATTACKED BY SENATOR WADSWORTH S. :;,!.. Wad -worth bitlerl;. attacked the Secretary of rrv,t annual meeting o ftbe stock holders of the Culpepper. Griffin, Old and Grice Company was held weunes day. . . . The following were electea erec tors L. S. Blades, P. H. Williams, L ,r t v fillhert. W. T. U rvrttllir:!, v. . ) Bury U1 l"a l""'"""' Old W. N. Old, L. E. Old, D. B. Brad-, ,f of that rlj;ht In ono rase out of ford and W. G. uaunrr. - ft hnndrefl. ing officers were alBO elected: W. i. Old President; P. H. Williams, Vlce rvesident; L. E. Old, Secretary-Treas , rer; W. N. Old, Asst. 8:rctary. ONE OF NEEDS WILL BE FILLED Ma' t ie er. si' t -v of I lie brii1 IB07.SCJ0UTS We can insure North Carolina's taking its allotment of theso stamps by thorough organization and hard work. We muet paint North Carolina Fed, White and Blue with W. S. S. We must organize thrift societies in our schools and in our mills and li our factories and in our churches. The banks are Riving splendid ........ rr-i... .,..... oV0l its read-i. nlv throuch mo- lieil lilt rtiiau v . t co-ojiei 'ii iv.i , ers to suj-'pesl -'Klizabetb City's ;tIv,.fi of patriotism but through mo Nends" at the becinninp- of tho yeai . vw of business interest. As bud one of the nirt-estions, uhich, '-'y ; Vxadod businers men the banker? ti. wily, was made by Mr. A. h. ..;iK,v t.iat if the ch'Mron of 1o': 1 tout z or tin.' Co-o-icraHv,-- ?' ,n 'are tavRht throii."!) nnh'M of 1.1 rill jit ',., was "n:'zab"th City Needs ;, ),0,-o'W. niv-rs I hey will Conimi'nilv Nurse." li-ive.-nrs tomorrow, i lie war n.i "Vim I'm liroac IK ; 1 1 I ;ir ,.fe;'.t.' an t liro'.io-lioiit tlie conn "that et rvlhii!!r is rosv and that conditions are liuit tin-re is no need of haste, when in fact wo are ap- ! the oravest crisis in our history. DEFEAT OF GERMANY : WOULD NEED FOUR BOON TO WORKMEN MILLION WORKMEN And Men in Shons Must Co operate With Annies In Field to That End (By United Fmi London. Jan. 11 The interests of the worklngmen of England ami of America are bound up in beating (Hy Uiiiu-d I'm.) . Washington, Jan. 11- Chairman Howard Coffin of tbn Aircraft Pre-' dnetion Board declares that one hun dred thousand airplanes within a year Is an impowdble goal. Kour uiiliion workmen would be iiiMsded. The. iraiisportation problem, tho Tb's nend. i! a'.'"U'-H. '", m be (ill- d row. V.TA. Ill n. Vn Hon". vl'O rrea nd the savings denositp. in Km.'- i., .. - Mi uad of decrna:-iiri? tbem." .. I.i .',Un.a Of IllL V V I OIIOW1IIK "l IIIIIM .1 U -" the German armv and this caunol question of bousing th- planes In be done, except by the wifling co- J Kurope pr:seni tremendous pro)HM8 operation of tho men in th work-j However, the aircraft progrnm is shops with the men in the field, de-inow well under way toward realua i lared Kigbi Honorable J. N. Bar-, iou, nes, m'ember of Parllnment and of I the British War Cabinet. GERMAN CHILDREN SEVERE STORM COMING i (P.y Unlteil Press) HAD SLIM XHAS MISS ( 1IAKLOTTK W1IALKV MEET FRIDAY The Bov fieouts will meet Friday I - . The funeral of Miss Charlotte evening at 7:30 in the . 31. c. Whalcv waB conducted Thursday at building. Belcross. It i expected that Captain Hyatt Miss Whaley died Ttesday after- "that Military man," will be there ' -l k -ni,.b- of fho hnmn nf her unit it u Imriortant that all . seouts noon hi tirother. J. H. Whaley at Belcross. should be present, Misi Whaley l the aunt of John Whaley of this city, who went to Bel nss to attend th funeral. befrc-o her riiarrliii-o va-s had nurs" lit. the Klbrabelh City hospital, will:(. A Stephenson .vent at. one" foiiiervise tho work of Mrs. Albert- to (),P 1,1, Kt ,r,ol buiblint; to addrrs. n , , . .1 r ..nnrn m n a In .1lA I U1U BOBWUUU III Uirjui; city Saturday on buslBMl. SOP, Wild lias nan Home u.iumm ... nurslns, and the city's poor will re ceive Instruction in making their homes more healthful as well ns ac tual help in serious illness. This Id but one of the many steps taken by the Co-operative Relief Committee for making tjie city a bet ter place for even the poorest man, woman and child to live In since its the Himlent.B there Hair or snow in east, snow and colder in west portion tonlpht. Sat urday colder and generally fair with a cold wave in west portion and by nieht In east portion. PtronK east to recent orRanlzatlon shortly before the south wlnda hitting to northwest Christmas holidays. . JSaturday and continums strong Wasbircton, Jan. 1 1 A f"v,,' fitorm ce ilcr over soiith("'ii ippl is nioviim northiast. Winds Avii ultv.lll' HO nlherlv toiiifht or1 "in--' ' .1 r ,,-t(il(r t west and northwest una ' vi,.os received here tmlav. 1...1 1.., I continuinn ntroiiK Dceompaui.-.. cold wave. (Hy l uiti "I Pre-v) Wa-'u'iiv.l Hi, Jan. 11. - Thy bojv a il fli i" ii oiiuv rin-1 Au-'tria had a mighty sliiu Christmas, ac- corilli:ir in i l'iiial iov.-'i'iimia.t JiJ- ACIIOREE LODGE MEETS The Elizabeth Lodge will meet to night at 7:30 with the Achoree Lodne, I. O. O. F. Snpper will be served.and all mem. bers are urged to be present. , This was. tho fourth war Christ mas ami holiday paekaees have been more and more scanty since tho first war Christmas, but holiday seanon was ever quite no barren as this. I MUST ORDER SOME CREAM puffs for Sunday's dessert. Every body loves them. Koch, the baiter makes them. Phone. No 182.