BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS AND HSL WIN THE WAR W WAR SWINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WAR SVWGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ELISABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY EVENING, MARC H 22, 1918. VOL. 3 No. 69, British Holding Lines Against Teuton Attacks jj! LOI GET Dr. S. Parkes Cadman to De liver Address on Night of Allied Defense is Firm Before Long Heralded Drive of German Arms NoW Launched in Full Force With the l'ritish Annies in France, March 22. The Bri tish troops are holding the Germans everywhere and driving them bad: alcag some parts of the line, the latest reports indi cate. The Germans began their long advertised offensive yes terday attacking in tremendous force. At least nineteen divisions of the enemy have been iden tified in the attack. By noon yesterday they had succeeded in penetrating tne first and second trench defense system. At five o'clock in the afternoon they delivered a power ful blow on the northwest front but the machine gun fire mow ed down the advancing columns and checked the advance. Airmen on both sides are handicapped by foggy weather. With Tin- Krit'h Armies, France, March 22. 1 :1." A. M. The British troops with their customary coolness Imlilicd u after a Jiarrane of L-as shells and liifjli explosives at the start o! 1he hiu' enemy attack and met the first rush wearing pis masks .mil with machine imnin-. Advancinir waves of hand to hand ii'htiii''- were freoiient. '. T, . . . . .. . . . .i l- A tobacco warehouse with a seating J lie nnusii soldiers occupying sironu' poims in uie 1 1 1 1 i v , fought it out with knives and havonets. ' ; '., j ; i ; ; )i - hurled their storm of troops against the "imi iim :ml hundred- of Hats will ii i i . ,i i ! n i i- i i i r 4 I 'a nsl'orin the Interior into a red, lin lsh iiuht llank, tolh)win a hriet hoiiiliardniein on a lort v- , , , , ' . w Ii il a ml lou. nest to ma ke t lie eagle live mih' front. The l'riti-h artillery and niachiiie uuns cut sj, ,, , ,C)W llk(, ., ,,,.,,.,, ,,f shwr pride. I)r. I'ai ruM lies,, hoh- b I . n il 1 1 lias lici'ii i; ii; ili'- limit, '. . I , 1 1' .:i't an i r ' 1 1 m I Ii '-re lot ' i ' Km'-i- : I .'ii h a hand ; " ; ' i i n il -laud XINSTON TO HAVE BIGW. S. S. RALLY April 2nd. Kinsiuii, X. ('., March 21 In-. S. !'arl-t Cadman. pastr o( t K Ceii tral Congregational Church at lirook ivn, will be the principal speaker at a ar thrift rally hen' the- night of Tuesday, April 2. Dr. James M. I'ar "ott, thrift chairman for I.cnior coun iy, announced the engagement of Dr. ''adman Tuesday afternoon. Lenoir County will hohl the highest patriotic demonstration in the history of the Kastern part of the State, ac cording to plans now being formulat (1 The War-Saving and Liberty Loan committees are jointly back of the movement. The innciing will lie thrown open to the people of the en tire section. Kvery auto-owing fartn 'i' and mwii (I wilier ::i a dozen coun 'ies will be invited to gather up his neighbors and Mrx.u.nlly conduct '!u in to "the greatest little display of 'arspangledbannerism rv. r pulb d olT lereabouls." 'Golnjj The Limit.' ipai ity ot thousands will he reserved for the occasion. Hundred-; of vards -Wat I e elie'llV I'atlKs. l'dieiny h'mh velocity uhik In"-:; hi slielliim towns lar in nn- rear ,i- the t.MUe c-imii-eie "I. Tlie.- tiled r. uularly thru' . . . i . . . -. t ... i . . . : .. ; . i ,!.'- I I I "I ,1 !. I "I M 'I '!U ' 'I' I I I 1 fi l( l , . . ... ili. I ' . the 1 i ' K . r i i t h . ,. . . , ,.'n I i , , ! III.' ' I'- : : . wi ' ' t :vnicn , , , . , . 'I . . I I '! . ". Ii ' ' " . " I i I ' ' ' I I ' line c i rn i ' ii' nil i ' '". :ic -i a 1 1 "i ii I -it - i'i cc . , , , . i.,.. i i , .,. ,, s - V id! ;.;!.! r..;i .'. II'.- ail !ii 'U reii.l ti'.l -V N.V"!:-H. w I'M uie ncl'ia.v CM' lit' ' f 1 V I lie To Re-Organize PfilSi TElSiChamberComVce Verdict Of Guilty of Burglary I , , In Second Degree Fulton j Lowry Confesses to CW OttO Field Sorrptn Several Bur- I Sries lcail GitV Blire.111 Mprp Tn Rrrin, M, UWgllA Work A verdict of guilty of second de :n burglUry was returned in tin Lowry case at S:l." Thursday night and the defendants John and Kulton Lowry weie sentenced to serve a long term in the state prison at Kaleigh. Fulton was given a maximum of L'a yiars or a minima mterm of K.. and John was given a maximum term ot I " yt ars or a minimum term of in years. The case went to the jury at about ii:0 Thui,I.iv afternoon. After the verdict was bnu;',ht in Kulton Lowry confessed to the rob bery of the Ierrickson home on Main street in August, while the herrick ens were spending two weeks at N'ags Head. In the raid oil the liei rickson h.ome many values were stol en, consisting of '.otliing. groe ries and about Siliili.nii werlh of silver va re. In court Thursday night after the verdict was brought in Kulton con fessed to the robbery and said that the silverware was buried inier the Derrickson home Kriday morning at about 11 o'clock, very iiiielly and without show. Kulton, the youngest of tho brothers, led the Sheriff and a I'olice Ollicer straight to the place of concealtiienl : under a woodliouse in he vard "'' the person from wlmni ilie ";' I n, i . . i e l 1 1 i i: . Mr (! K. Hell H k- ''II The pri .i 'lief' - in i ii a "i- w.-i -lib .1 ! .i'I'."-- '' !'' H '!! '! 'I'-' Ai li f - i e -l . ' hi 1 -w 1" : I. I U e il.el : C 'I" ' I ' ' ill f I "Ml ' '!, i l With the ai rival of the American City Bureau represen tatives who com, from New York City, plans for the rc-organi-zatioii f tlu Kliao. ili City Chamher of Comiucmr have begun to take definite f.irm. The Unreal is the m -aniatiou which has been engaged hy the l)ircct..r . f the U-,1 Chamlier of Coinnierce to complete l.v re-orani.e ami place on the mod,. in hasis the local business men's association. C. V ( 'it -. Field Secretary of the Bureau is now in the ' itv and Is makim,' a study of local conditions, preparatory to Mi" l.iunchiii.o' ..f the,on. ( ),, ,.X Monday another rep reseiitative of the Bureau will ariive and will remain with Mr. Mto during the entire period of the campaiini. ! '" ii'cordance with I ho policy of tut I l.iireau. from two to three weeks tlm j' I'e.-essary for the laying of a thor- i'"igh n daiion for an intensive (membership campaign. During this j preliminary period lreiuent meetingi of the business and professional mea will be held at which time the plan of the new organization will be thor oiic.blv gone into and studied from even angle. "We could come into your city and j -iav only a week or so and 3ecure the ii'' membership for your or gaiii.alion." said Mr. Otto when inter i' m l ti"i.i'. lull 'i is the policy of i i ii . n-! i -.1 ii to not only HIS II 5 ULIIUUIIULU U lUl I- I ! I"( I )' s I IMI.S ( . ..', f. f' 1 "',11, 1 ' i ' Calls Seizure of Ships Ineffaca ble Stain on America's Record ( lt l nile.l 1'iess) Ii' ! ' ' da in. Ai.o. h 2 i i iiw I ; ' ie i ' .I '-i ,i ' e. .el n i .. ; ; . HI I " ' e.l'l ' i" A- I .' el ' . ' ' i '.' : 1 -' in ! i ' : i n: ill :ui i i,i' : i,i. .. hie-' v :H pi i Id-, he en i. : , ,1 T.i'i'i!. D.'iV lie da' I liev I'llO .' fi vri e I. -"Ii :i v '- I I., 1 1 w I Ii i ii i - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 I rum h lull a i -i.. in I nun,'. Ho I in , I r 1 1 ill I. lie" lli-l. T'.is I'm: 1 i Ii - A pier n a i, luis ait inter na; itoml reputation lie has been i' " r hep on , 1 1 1 1 1 i i i, i ipinii lie i - a - .;: ''I: , t K'."i;,lv.. ci uronie a- 'OKI I ,'i- illi'X weie cici ii"i:'i'ii. u.i n; u.n no; (';l,i,nin vv , ,a ,,,, (,,. ',, . atfiied I 1 1 IM ii ' ! I CI I u':- COHIpli tc p!'i c I 1 1 i oil I ','IV I iv day liioliHi: I'uiv in the lt in '"ri-i- ' Mali;' took counter precautions. .! c hi 1 1 r. u I y . And it hod a.- if the hi'.; ol'eii-ive i i,ii. London, i. i'''i '11. "V hold ilie i in :h ill out I'.iitle I i ion -" ) ii e ! -- Field Mai -1,.;!' I i;:i ' i : i . ' i'.i It !e 1 1 1 1 i t i i : : - :; i r if ;'. - direet ly I..-', i d 1 lie Ii r -I line (.!' in lii'ii,'-.. i " '- -t ; I'diii ft v. i ".lid iudic: te 1 1 1 a t 1 he ( !ci tann ,, poind rat ion is limited. SAMMIES GO OVER THE TOP .'. ' I ' ' I I il' '. I'd l i i;ei f ! HIM N.l 's 1 HI l'i'i l . AlL'll I I '.Ml. Illin b". II . eei i ei'ell . e I I III r llll f 'll II lil''l' III'' 1 1 ( . i i ii k-.i.ii home or found in i i i raid i ; '-. l.i - . 'e 'lie on S.-p' '11. ii rv V i : i ! . i , nn Ule N an rican Armv, Fra Man i ii., i ' i 1 ' i l;ir i old Ii en 1 1 -i i I . n T Pt'VPPCnM . ... , , ,.,.., jr! nod ACQUITTED OF CUARCE ..I - Mil,.- will p '..tot J I..,.. , -.i"l Ii'- Hi.- I. " " ' t. . .. ' H . .,- i : '- i em! , ,i:mM ! 'lii n.i., ; ,U, i- ir. ii!-i,i!iiis an, i urn. - I j Ii 1 loir 1 1 . ',!;, i , h I j, ,, ( ; , , h L. ,. eili'S. 'I'll' - i n I lie lifi;i-i ,i:ii ill '" j .j ,,,. ),.! eiuler the I- in lien am. !. I 'et e r on. I ,i i I e nn.i i . r Corps. I ' ( M i i ,.. N. ( '. ; Albany, X. Y.; and ii-li.-aiM-il ami .!.- iplin."! ). kei-p npl'.'i;, In .-t.i.Te-l I Ii , Imnie wv. m! ; S , c-inip Ja- knii. dia fL"il with ''..; 1 ., Olii.i. were all built under the a d'll'll I'I ( ii. lun or llll'ee II " II r - I ' 1 1 a " I'ii'll Wi1! li-u't il tho die !1 i !! C ol'IVa ll"'' inn .i - to the aims ' i i' it modern Chamber of e "'!' 1 ii 11 I 1 ho 111 III lo 'tsKi W , i, . ''.'.,- his hep i 1 ': i : ' - i.o ' I li i ; w 1. 1 , so tic 4 a a ...;inl H loii 101 o 'f ''.ii.,!,,,) v r The iii'iiian t'itv Unrenii an' ' no Ha. aide The I hi i . a ni ,',,,1'iai j.,,, wiiicii builds chamber h.- blow with a ilianii'. i,i I'limn in every part of the ' Ho mall eoiiiiirv ', an 1 miei eno-, iolnts with pride ' 1 Cow. r for m I'M, us in- u,., .,. Iinudred of the strong- . ip.'.iiii' iinui in the Knited States , ih ; n"iii'i of it's efforts during such strong ana i . ' a 1 u e i ha m hers of Com- ' i lint, Michigan; l 1 i in. i'.i . eel, i bo'ii.i f'ity, Okla 'ii 'ie 'i "in ; .I.icksonville, Fla.T . :i ii la h 1 o a -The American Jieo'i- at dawn Wellt over the lop in a Wooded tin- lloml traits to turn thousands of toff shrouded secinr for til" second time wit I ili''' the (iel'llKHI lid 'ilie t I'el'.clies. 1 llo's elltef- dollars into the eollers set aside to 1" reive die tnonev with which the I'. S A s wili shatter tile vert ei r:i o of rr.i "11T1 1 fl' I ,' I I llCV Wel'r iieeompanied hV V rellCll milts. I heV lo'llld ;,,,nslef who has blazed a loiit',' I n-lunied to 1 heir li i 111;' Up the derm , l 1 I'l iiches. iliirin:' Ilie laillil''- sla at , he cm e-l I of 7.i;nii wlile lie il i . I i an ol' I lie 1 1 ll rca II . ad iw.K pa ma Hi i ciueral ot ili. Nor t h Wn;, i.,. illiiition which will be , i ii i ...... l ,.i' i I, .. M'a ro i n a a I ioiia I ( ! ll :l lal v a s a a i n i I - umi Iv m "ri"iii''.i'', ,.r il,!H VlnJ .'. ; 1 , 11 I , ' i I . ll I ' e ll e i ... o , i . , ' "i I'llH AlllU, I i, , ,,,! ll, .hi l l l.o.vry. a von 'iner 1 led by Die jurv. u hieli tn'onirht in ts I :i ia h"! Ii ( ' i I hou Id be able to build I , . , , , i , , , of the boys. were c!ia;"-'"l ventiet ''" moiinn,; The juiy did a I hanih'r of Commerce' which Will with l.i'ina ana s.-ories lo tho crinc ,!:' i'eiiiire milch lime to arrive ni its h ,. i.e-aiuc, credit to ,ho city and to ... i! w.iiih' desperadoes, by conceal-' dccidmi. Alter the coui't'i -ion of Hie i;. em n it v. no eiii j, ,- t roop: ; hoi'l I V after clean ,r;''' "'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 " " 1 ' 1'oland. jl!f, t M, e. mils. The case anain, -t I ariiiiiienl there was never much liilell a - II ill'1' -o-1 o -u nset record ofji , rv and lior youmuT son w a ; doubt ill the in i inl s oi I li 1 -o, y. ho ol ITAj rriTT fi l Vtr7 TTwTT A KT TTTT T 7? T "V. I )icki r -en of North Carolina is amen'.:' the honored Mpociacuinr leatnifs will in- add al. ,1...w1 Tr.. l-;il,.,l ;,, i' ... I ,,,.,-;il u,a.... The commit!"" will not stop at cir- O OI, illl (1 III 1 I ' I ill llll ijiiiii: ill' ,-" I i 1 1 , FRENCH REPULSE RAIDS i! !!-lirium. and p-it t he win Id . , n, s,, perior Coun Kriday in. j low oil Up Ilie i a -i 1 loi i I hat Malm' I'd - jiUL. lion, ilefi'iidanls pi led not 'i r-on would he a'.oiii'i d ,:' the chai'K''. I As the Major lo aid !! M'l.licl he . ,. . , , i .. , ., almost broke down Tea is sprain.' to i he i nin-t dismissed I ne b.'loi e . i sniats if thev are available. I he . LENINE STILL FIGURES IN RUSSIAN POLITICS Whole thiiiK will be darinc, and some Fans, March . - St ron.u' (icnnan raids over a wide area damn; spirit has suwstod ti' ior 'ii the French front weiv repulsed, the French war office rejiort- of :) ,"'CiU, from a chmch -, , , - -. f,n wliich to play trie Marseillaise. f'(tl()(la. Th(i ,.ommjttpP on proRram's mem- At one ioint the French drove the enemy from their ad- lirrs are taratchinc their heads for vanced positions. j "something different." FIGHTING ON ITALIAN FRONT i ;iauic. Rome, March 22. Fiirlitmjr lias increased on the whole' ir. l'arrott states that u is intend- 'ed to make the rally tne most gisan- I'endants wore released. (Uy l iiil.Mj I'ress) I ' r . .. ,1 M .,..1. 'II T I Ibis eves and he thanked each nieni- ' ' -' 13 f i, t .1... i,.... ,,ii, i,,,- n,.,ir ported that N'ich'dai I.eiiine will as- , " i "i in. jut ni i ,, confidence in him. In this lie was TRIED TO ROB BANK OF AYDEN tice thing Kinston has ever staged. We are preparing nor for a meeting ot Italian front, the war office reported today. -BULGARS WITH GERMANS Wasliln.trton, March 22. Berlin advices today that the; hundreds, but of thousands, it is to T,ulp-ars are now htin.?; n the west front alongside the (!er-!,,p 8,1 -.lucationai as well as patriotic , . , . v . , , i'spectacle' call it a 'spectacle. We mans ;'iid some Austrian aroused immediate speculation lierej,u,p cnn(, (0 SPt ,,,,, fwt of hundreds vfis to the jirohahility of the Fnited States declaring war against J0f the indifferent to stampins the Ful""aria ?erpent'n head. ' . ,, ... , ,i, "7 resulta of tniw rally, if tnc noveninn r.T auinornies s;iiu inai tne decision 'niiin n,f w)ia w, p,lllt tkm t0 i. will k await lurtJier Jacts as to the extent ol Imfu'arjan )art icipat ion whether they are faciuu' the British) and also the Americans. REPORTS TROM BERLIN ' Berlin, March 22. The news tiiat the hi-? ha.ttle has lie uiiu on the West front was v(feivel here (piietly. A few Bulbars are .".lso on the west front. (lennan trotrps stormed hroad sectors from a point south cist of Aras and southward of LeFeie. Everywhere they cap tared the first enemy lines, the war office announced today. Copenhagen, March 22. ''We have entered the decisive battle or general pence" declared the Taclischc Itundschau. a Mr v m Mitchell. Prof emor of OeH""njiewsTviner, rnnicd ,,f whtoli were received hero today. jnathematlcs in the city schools, who i i 1 . enuiva'ont to taKinp t ome niiii'ii -f yards nf trenches to a depth of a marler of a mile or the bonihinc of a heoond-chiss Ceiman city by a fleet of ,!r, .lirphuii't. Wn are poinir to put ;oni"thi!ut over wl'iicli would make ilie whole German sronernl staff sick for n short time." (Janlner to Follow I'p. Lietit.-Oov. Max Gardner will fol low up thig. rally after Pti Interval of ihout a week or two. r.. f, Creenville, March 21. The little city of Ayden almost experienced a real hank rohhery at some hour dur ing Tuesday nifdit from appearances surrounding the First National and Farmers and Merchants Hank of that city this morning. An attempt was tnado to enter the huildiim by way of the front door and the robbers went as fur as boring a hole through the lock but they soon discovered that this was a long and,! Mime the portfolio of agriculture in ioiiied lie hi wile, who had remain- ,lu' ,:"w K"SH!a" 1 ab,"et to help the ed by his side during the entire proceedings. pi l?Ult:. His reason fir taking the step, it ' is raid, is lo w in out over the left elo- inent. HOG CHOLERA VERY SERIOUS TREATY WITH ENGLAND j TO BE RE WRITTEN Dr. A. ('. Yow addressed an audi-1 . n ence of farmers at Cumberland school i ' (y United Press) house in I'eniiiitnans County on Hog Washington, March 22. The draft Cholera Wednesday. 1 of the treaty between the JJnited "Over a million dollars worth of Slates and Great Rritian is to he re hogs die from hog cholera in this : writ ten by the State Department, state annually, said Or. Yow, "when ! Trouble over some . delicate ques- to prevent this great number of hogs Hons that have arisen since the treaty iiiote was submitted to the Senate Commit. inn $2,(11)0." tee on Foreign Relations mndo thU -- necessary, members of the committee I ...i.i'. ..i I "re lniorieeii dvina it would cost iiist a li I.. .11...,, l.,l- l,i,,l, 1,1 .w.oll.l-' rn. iiiire several hours to accompli'-h !:eir iiiirpo1!', ho Ihey lift the door ifd wi:h the aid of a elans i-uuer r-I iiKVIV.t Ii lil-;c;iNS .VI v lived one of the large -plate glass j I'lltSI' M I .I'llOIMST windows and made their entrance by,' ". 1 I ! 1 that route. i it is thought that the robbers were ' at Hie First. Methodist Church Sun i lightened awav as no attemtit. was.dnv. There will be nr clung at :S0 :n,ide to enter tho batik vault. If such in f'ernpf. was made there were no dgns left. DESTROYER MANLEY Revival Meeting Will commence REACHES HARBOR The announcement on tho streets ef Ayden yesterday morning created t great deal of cxc.item.ent, and re norts fire Uiat nhould the robbers re turn again to complete the Job thej ,, i'l 1 .. ,..,.'1 rnnnl-,I nMcMil ft (Isy I'lilted Press) o'clock on every evening of next week London, March 22. The destroyer by the pastor, Kev, Ormotid. 'Mauley has readied tho Britldh har- The pastor's subject for tho even- bor saf'dy. It was damaged when a ing servlco will bo "Sin, What it ts depth i harge aboard exploded killing And What it Does." Next week being Fellowship Week, there will be services at 6:15 every morning during the week. I four men and injuring several. WEATHER - - Fair tonight and Saturday, little FvervVindv 1i Invited and urged to clianrft in temperature, gentln r ' h

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