HEAR TASKER POLK AT PATRIOTIC MASS MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT w$ lint V J it ti 9 0 WAR SAYt'WS STAMPS iESl'i-'j HY THE UNITED STATrS GOVERNMENT No. 85 VOL.3 ELISABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY EVENING, AI?EIL 10, 1913. I s Americans Get Into Thick Of It Sammies Have Reached British . Front And At The Same Time Germans are Attacking in Sector Held by United States Troops Paris, April 10. Mutual artilleryiu on a lij scale is in progress along a wide front held by American and French troops from the south of Verdun east of St. Mihiel. Along the left hank of the Mouse in Aprimont Forest and in the region of Fliery there was great artillery activity. North west of Kheims, in the ( 'hoinin-des -Dames sector, where Ann-pi can troops are lighting a successful raid ly the French aim Americans resulted in the capture of some prisoners and also northeast of Mon Uenaud some prisoners were taken. After a number of engagements in the region of Hangarden Santerre e Germans were driven from the lnira and cemetery. West of the stel region German attacks were sanguinarily defeated. OENHRAL HAIG'H REPORT London. April 10. HeaTy fighting bontlnued yesterday afternoon and last night north of the La Basse canal, the British holding desperate ly along the Lye and Lawe rivers. A counter attack on the southern, flank resulted in the recapture of Givenchy by the British. Seven hun dred and fifty fiermnn prisoners were taken. On the British front nouth of the Somrae, local ('mbting is in progress tint the situation is mi "ha need. North of Ypivs and the Comities canal heaw ho-dUn bombardment was mad" early todav FighMpg is in pro press in the '.onthern portion of this front at tip- Hinc AMF.KICWS 111' II BRITISH ritovr if With 111" !li"'ti-li Armies in France, April 10. Th" first American troops have arrived on the Brits.ih front and Include infantrymen, airmen and en glneers. tJKRMAXS ATTACKKO VIOLENTIV r'ih the British Armies in France, Aprll q Germans attacked violently Iar, ",K "n '"llalr of 'vernment. British and Portugese position, from i Foo' Administrator Henry A Page La Basse canal to a point, southward, is amicipatliic a ready response to of Armentiere at eight o'clock this appeal in North Carolina, especi- lally since no lnancial gain to the far--jnornng ..i... Jmer is possible through further hold- enewy gained a1 Appareimy . oat nf T.p Platln and Pe- , , n. . luff tillon an dat Bivenchy. On our lett flank we are apparently holding Arm. : Hot fighting still continues. The j German attack followed a bombard-( 4 roent opening at four or five o'clock! Jin the morning and continuing for an; J hour or two. There was quiet then( until the attack. j HIGCJKST ( ASt Al.TV LIST Vl T Washinigton, April 10.- Tlio larg 'est single casualty li-t Issued by Hie Vnr Department was made public to Gay. The list contained 283 names (livid ed as follows: Five killed in acdoii. Three dead from wounds. Eleven dead from disease. Seven dead from accidents. Ten wounded severely. Two missing in action. Wounded slightly 245. NOTICE Stock-Holders Meeting i Notice is hereby given that a epo clal meeting of the Stock-holders ot; the Savings -Bank & Trust Co., is call-i ed to be held at its Hanking Jiouso In Elizabeth City, N. C. at 4 o'clock P. M. on Saturday tlm 2ith day of April, 1918 to consider the following recom mendations of its Hoard of Pirectors: (11 To increase the Capital Stock from $ 10,000.00 t .$ino,fH)0,oo. (2) To amend tho By-Laws ho us lo. provide fr additional Directors and to increase the quorum, It, 0. KKAMEIt, April 10, 101 S. Cashier. WEATHER Partly cloudy tonignt and coldet In southwest portion, frost tonight. Thutsday fair, moderate west, to northwest wlrdi. WHEAT ON HAND IS CALLED FOR Food Administration Asks Fanners to Market Resi due of Last Crop Promptly Raleigh, April 9. No general ord er requisitioning wheat has been sent out by the Food Administration. Tho various State Food Administra tors have been instructed in what to enable the continuous shipment of wheat .o the Allies to appeal to the farmers in the middle and southern states, i hat ihey should market their residue df wheat after si cd roiiniro nieo! Iiv May ' . and in the extreme 11"! 1 hel u State- by A1 ay .".III. Tit ' i ,itor ( lent I f t1 I".- b". II ,:!!! i "; lo a I la i in e I in i ii ,'a i ne I to the s of i: i'i f,i -i iiiii ny nini n lo r I'i , mark. I a i ni's such i it, ul their '.vleai Aihni IVc I ; Li ll ,l illVesi " and to dii ei i such per , ons to at once market their wheat. No publicity will he given to individual cases unless they should refuse these specific directions and it should he come necessary to requisition such Iny. Even if the price of the new 11 UP "1 WUItll IB IIAtld a L rt IllVlltl " J l' th"n Prevails at present tho now Pri(; ' 't PP'y " wheat not n, ves,e(1 thl 'car- IN POLICE COURT In l'olice Court, before Trial Jus t'et! IV .L Sawyer, Monday morning, I.loyd t'tanii and t'laudo Hunch we.v ihat'ged with an asanlt on Myrtle ! '' a :;k. and f.r lack of ev idem e t lo ia-e was dismissed. CO Oil S1KE Refuse To Go On Duty Unless Their Salaries Are Raised The entire night force of the Elis abeth City Police have struck for higher wages. The night policemen reported at the l'olice Station at the usual hour Tuesday evening but. refused t.) go on duty until they wow; promised moroj wages. The raise was not given them j and Kli::abcth City was without, its Jilgbt police Tuesday night. Chief, Thomas with two more men, .1. L. Alexander and Cruham Moore, served all the night. Police onieer Dick Ore-' gory stayed on duty until one o'clock i V.,1 n,..:fl!i - ninvn inp. 1 I The City Manager says he expects , the officers who struck will stop at 1 on a month. They were getting $fi5 la month before they went on the strike. The officers striking for more money were the whole night force, I consisting of B. F. Roughton. J. C. Dudley, J. WV BoUb and L. E WU-', kind. , . , , NIGHT POLICE f OXZ BANK TAKES TKN MTTRtfPSWTt i Tv e itv i,i ,"(i ni unlierships M-re I a'iiUd to t!:e list of those joining the ( hamlii of Commerce todav. Tlii-i, nunilier iie 'edes the lirst plural mem ' t hership riiiorttd so tar, the First a j n . National Bank subscribing for tenA Ulle f Terrors of Deep membi rships for a period of three Dma'ed by United States years By such action this strong Vessel financial institution places itself , squarely on record a a believer In l.v UnilcMl lYews) the future of Elizabeth City and In ( Washington, April it in a tvrPnt, the plans upon which the new (.'ham- minute running battle with two ber of Commerce is being organized, j Cerman submarines in which many Their action is in awcord with thelsntB were fired on -n.-th sides, the best banking practice today, practi- American armed guard Fl Occidents cally every bank in the most pro- I'"1 both U-boats to flight. gressive cities being strong support r,s of Hie rhumlier of Couimi n-e nun ,, nieiit A in, I !i t pi ii ra I mi ::' bet .-.hip a -; pet il '. Captain (iilbi rt, ih. ' II Robinson Cu taking two ineinber sliipp. The total number of niemb. v- hip f. 'pmied to date is forty-seven CIRST WOMAN JOINS CHAMBER OF COMMEKCE All- Y W lie.atehel' is the lest i . ma ii in join i lie ( ' iia in ber of Cem tioii" II. r th i in 'ici sK.pi was turned in todm in the lunclieoti liy ('aplain (lilln 't, who is doing splendid work in t lie campaign. Hv her action in joining (lie Cham ber of Commerce Vri.. lioettcher Is following the example of women in many cities all over the country. Not only do the women join, but they al most always lake an active interest in the work of the organization and represent interest with which they are closely familiar. May many more Elizabeth City women follow Mrs. Boettcher'g exam ple. (Sy l'ni'l I'rcss) Amsterdam, April 10. An extensive mutiny occurred on Monday in the German mili tary camp at Beverloo accord ing to reports received here from the Belgian front. German soldievs are said to have fired upon their officers, killing three and wounding many. Seventeen soldiers have been arrested. FISHING GOOD THIS SEASON Five hundred boxes of shad and throe', hundred barrH f nerrlng were shipped from KHzaheth City to v,.'-'heiMi innrkets Ttlesdav. 'i he 'di were eanj'lit down the soiiiii! no tnr ns htttmpy i onu. i.'isliinp Hi is .von r is timtsuallv trood and especinlly for shad and herrin i I RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS TO KNOW , (Tly United Press) Petrograd, April ' (Evening.) The Russian Government has wired the Governments of the Allied na tions asking thorn to state their posi tion on the Far Eastern situation. . Ilflli c "' 'i iiih divers snrtcred a de- '"oi!sn,, pe,oScopo wMi was Mvin h hc Yankee gunners 'ri. . i: . . . shot 'I I'll I iic-iii, ,,,, tv.i eiiruarv M 1 4. A Ac Yl- nl I he iaii I Wmic.,,1 llllll o.hiv. M ', I e i and adv., I, ini i iriie d.'M.MI". Fa rn u in leadeir imp H 1 ! i hat -inilinr ad'e.rui-,,, n U i n and Kosernarv Theby in the parts Thi-i i-. flj ( t u ,-, . t tint the lovers of nivstery will aitireciate. This picture is one oh the best Blue birds releases and you will at-'ree when you seo the picture at the Xew Theatre today. Also a 2 part Key stone comedy, "The Grave Under taking " WEEK OF PRAYER Wednesday afternoon the woman's Jirayer service for tfome Missions at Blackwell Memorial church was led by Mrs. .1. v. Lambert. The subject was "The Call of the Homelem Church.' Thursday afternoon the meeting will be led hv Mrs. .1. H Aydlett, and nie sniie. ,,; "Woman's Work Hie New , )!.: I- all " for NAVY NEFD3 MEN WANTP VOLUNTEERS While the draft ut horities are busily engaged securing men for the army, the fact should not be lost sight of that the N'avy needs men and offers exceptional opportunities for traininf and advancement. It is not generally known that there are over one hundred different ratings In the Navy covering all kinds and classes of work, mechanical and clerical. Tho Javy conducts schools for training Its men to be officers and hundreds of men have one commis sions in these training schools. Tho, Xavy and the aval Unserve Force are both entirely volunteer or ganizations, depend' nt for thrr per sonnel, upon those who volunteer for service, and this fact lias been provld- "o mr i iimi" i iei T'i'e M'rvico I . "ii latinno, -which p'Tini1; registered mmi o join ntion pt-"--, nt Inir a statement 'V'fjtn 'heir !.cai hoard that are not n ill enrr, nt draft. ,(Hola. Tho rg 'ire f rotn 1 to ?,'.' Enlistments can be madn and in formation pertired at thn Navy - Re cruiting and Enrolling Office,, 101 Main St., Norfolk, Va. GERMAN AMBASSADOR ARRIVES AT MOSCOW Moscow, Apsll 9. Count MirbacTi Perm an ambassador, arrived here IqIs week. VESSEL lit! SillES - 2m' V t n 3 .a Better Crowd At Luncheon To-day And New Enthusiam Instilled In to Workers Those vlu attended the Chamber !' Commerce luncheorl Wednesday listened with intense interest and with the keenest appreciation to the address by Rev. Dr. Kirkwhod of Middle" town. Xew York. With the exception of (lovernor Uickett's speech heard here on the occasion uf Klizabeth City's celebration of National Thrift Day no patriotic address henrd in Kli.nbet h City since the opcnini;' of Ihe war has met wanner response. "The war lias come (dose to me," said Dr. Kirk wood. ''Many of my schoolmates are "over then my congregation are (load in Franco. I'. (liy United Press) Washington, April 10. Sen-1 ator William J. Stone of Mis- SOUri Was Stricken With an at- tack of paralysis while on his way to the Capitol. He was rushed to a hosprtal, accom.pan- ;, -1 1,.. C TJJ f TVTit. i souri aim sergeant ai Arms Hi:"jin,i of the Senate. . i . , A dis comhi 'i.n is said to be .eriou.s It !!'. Ct IS FLIER KILLED I Accident Occurred in Mid-air Collision of Practice Planes Dallas, April 9. Cadet John ln slgger of Greenleaf, t olorado, was killed and Cadet Kalr K. Zimni was Hightly injured on Love Field today when their plans collided in mid-air. Both cadets are American fliers. IN FEDERAL COURT f, J, : I i ',.. rt of t h V disl ri. I con -rn -I 'I'le sda v. with .IipIl-c II (!. t 'el i;or ot V IISOII Oil I lie llecl Case DIsiiiIsmmI Tlie (onrt held chariM's against 7 negroes tor not regisiernig ior ine draft at Hin proper time. The cases were dismissed, because the slackers had registered later and are in the draft. Chho Continued. The case against. Rubel Bennett, colored, charged with violating the jiosta llaw9 of the United States, wm continued until neit term of Federal Court here. Charged With Making Liquor Tho case against Graham and Er nest Hardison of Martin county and Herbert Hatjnes of this city, who were I'leirt'ed with violating the prohibi ten laws of the T'nited States, In th manufacture and sale of ltiln-ie;it;nc loioors. w'13 the tie:.') case to lie tried. I'be Ilardlson-J were rle:fd ntnm 'l:er,t of their part of the costs. The caso against. the defendant 'V-'iicv was continued nn'Il Hie next " i,,'i(i belni' nnahlf to atipear on ii'connt of H'ncRS. Answers t' HislnT Court The case against Mantt'-f Klnsey, h reed with violating the prohibi ten laws of the United States by bringing liquor Into tho Htato, was dismissed and his appearance bond was cancelled, it appearing to the -onrt that the defendant Is dead. ' The court adjourned Wednesday morning. ANOTHER INJURED rr is d lis Hearers " Two members of Those fellows died lighting forme i and when 1 ask myself if I am worth. I dying for I feel like a yellow dog. And I have sent n.v replication to i Washington offering my services to the Government in any capacity la which I may be accepted. ''Surely if tho boys In France tra willing to die for us we ought to be willing to live for tntix. If they M willing to tight to make the world safe for democracy it becomes us to consecrate ourselves lo mnko nur democracy more nearlv nerfect And the more worth fighting for. How will we feel when as many of our boys as are spared to do so rnmft bai l: Mi Miildleliiwn and i ion., Imelr 1 1" t'ilv if we have 'Intlfl not i' tow; d til, Kin" lli homo Bonds,'' ,if" no oil '.lairs ve ;i"ver lie was vs Io n he d : -cIosrd e to live i iv l.ilirrlv .1 ll Id la; , ' 'i i '.v III I i .11 I hotels 1'ial ill to llli'.' Ii). and It ua. ; ! h a c prod ii i them Ml "ll I H the ih 1 1 1 1 1 v tea a, n the bonds had i. Idee him a regular incomo as ihal he had not in all the years tiiai he had owned telini clipped tha coupons Irom them. "There are hundreds of people living in your city with splendid un touched and unused, who ought to become members of your Chamber of Commerce and who are abundant' ly able to pay a sum of less than fifty cents a week to become members." Dr. Kirk wood spokfor nearly ait hour and the business men who heard him felt, amply repaid for the time that, they took from their worlC to attend tub luncheon. ( Hvv Press Agent ) vVi'lium Desmond Is at the Al bania todav in a big picture entitled "Captain of His Soul." A Triiinglo drama of supreme merit and one with more than the usual message of sin and corruption. See (his master drama by all means tonight and you will go away with a feeling of satis faction and will say that, you have seen one picture that is worth look ing at and worthy of tho most ele vating comment. Also "His Nina Lives.' 'A funny comedy. NOTICE A Special Meeting of the Stock holders of The Citizens Bank of Elis abeth City, will bo held at. Its hanking house in Elizabeth City, N C., on May 9th. next, at. 3 o'clock, V. C. The ob jects of which are (at to net upon the reciinnneiidat ion of the Hoard of Directors that, a, -merger of this hunk with The First National Hank of Eliz abeth City. X. ('., b- accepted and fb) to transact, such other business a 3 may to the said stockholders seem de sirable. Hy'onler of the Board of Directors, M. U. GRIFFIN. April iitli, 1918. Cashier, NOTICE TO POMj TAX I'AYI RH OV PASQUOTANK COUNTY If your Poll Taxes are not paid on or before the first day of May you may lose your vote. CHA8. REID, JLl-lit - ..?.'. Sheriff, j n I