Thankful for Peace? Then, Give To The War Work Fund. 4 Buy W. S. S. And Help to Bring The Boys Back Home TUESDAY EVENING, NOV MBER 12, 1918. No. 268 VOL. 3 ....1 I - EIZABETII CITY DISTRICT FAIR OPENS UNDER FAVORABLE AUSPICES Exhibits Now Practically Complete, A Daily Pro gram of Free Attractions, Good Races And Clean Amusements Promised. The Elizabeth City District Fair, under the auspice of the Albe marle Agricultural Association, opened Its gates at the new fair ground on Tuesday morning, November 12th. 'Early visitors out at the ground before noon found the exhibits taking shape or already In place and the midway attractions ready to open. A -number of race horses were on the track warming up for the after noon races which begin at half paHt one each afternoon. New exhibits were coming in all the time and the prospects are good lor a successful fulr. With fair weather there is every reason lo be lieve that the section will have a geod fair. Secretary Goodwin emphasizes the Idea, however, that good weather or tad each days program of races and tree attractions will be carried out as planned. Though the Fair was open In all its departments Tuesday, Wednes day. Novenibur 13th, is down for the really Jed letter day of the Pair. Wednesday is the day set for Eliz abeth City's patriotic demonstration inaugurating the active work of the War Work fund campaign. The demonstration staged is the most elaborate thin of the sort ever planned In Elizabeth City. The j school children are to have a noli- ( day. The townspeople are expected ! to be spectators of or participants in J th parade. Out of town visitors are expected here in great .number. And when the war work demonstration is over the whote crowd is expected to go out to the fair. ..There are live free attractions for those who attend. There is horseraclng every after noon it 1:30. There are splendid exhibits of ai rlcaltural products. And In the exhibition building the Red Cross Is prepared to aorve at tractive and tempting lunches at moat reasonable prices. - TEN DOLLARS IS THE PRIZE Ted dollars Is a lojof moaev in these days, but tftat to the sura Mr. W. P. Knowles has generously donat ed the Thanksgiving Demonstration Committee, to be awarded the owner of the most beautifully decorated cor In tomorrow's great parade. 8o fine a prise ought to stimulate a lot of Interest, lead many a-tto own ers to decorate their cars, and fall in line at the apimintcd-hour to morrow. NATIONS NOW FACE GREAT PROBLEM Ilr United I'ret-s) Washington. Nov. 12. America nnd all the Allied nations now face the great problem of thwarting re bellion In Germany and the spread of Boliftievlsm throughout Europe.' President Wilson fn hlR address to Congress anuounciug the armlHtice terms carried a dlreut appeal to the German people to strive quickly to galnSelf control In their present sit uation. . Dr. Bolf. German Foreign Secre tary, has sent an appeal to the Uni ted State to assist the new German government In preventing rebellion'. SOUTH AMERICA IS CELEBRATING (lly United Trtti) Buenos Aires. Nov. 12! The greatest celebration in South Ameri can history Is in full swhTg. All business Is sfiut down. . WAXTKD Wt I.I I. IKK TO BUT flower biill of any kind. Tulip Narcissus nr Hyacinth bulbs or any Others. Phone 223. N.8-3tnp Vim HALF THKAP IJUKKKT AM set dining room chairs. Address "Buffet" care Advance. N.U-Stp SEND NO MORE . QUESTIONAIRES i (By United l'rcss) Washington, Nov. 12. No more questlonaires will be sent out by the draft boards of the country, the office of the Provost Marshall General an nounces. Those which have been sent out, however, must be answered an if" re turned to the draft boards, it is ex plained. . . All present draft culls are cancell ed out. it . is unlikely thut men sent to camp under previous calls will be returned until peace is declared or the German situation definitely clear ed up. ' MINISTER DEAD STRIKE CALLED (By United l'rcw.) Copenhagen, Nov. 12. A general strike will be called In Vienna to morrow, it is learned here. I A Vienna dispatch announces that Austrlun Foreign Minster Adler is dead. ' GRAND DUKE IS ARRESTED (By United Pre) . . Amsterdam, Nov. 1 2.- Tbe Grand Duke of Hesse Is arrested, according to accounts reported bore. HOUSE WIRES LLOYD GEORGE (By United Pre London, Nov. 12.-Colonel K. M. House. President Wilson's represen tative at the Inier-Allle Council wired from Pari." to premier Lloyd George to-day: "My sincere congratulations. No one has done more to bring about vlrtory than yon." GERMAN SHIPS RUN FOR HAVEN By United London, Nov. 12. The German wireless has commenced to warn German merchant ships to run for the neurest port. By tho terms of the u mi 1st Ice the allied blockade Is still in effect. Any German merchant nhlp on- the seas will be seised. The wireless Is prob ably sent to German ships fn the 11 il tie and Black S'ja. which the all'e- had not been able to penetrate when hostilities censed. SOLDIERS AND . MINERS FIGHT . . (By United Pr-is) t Copenhagen, Nov, II. Tun moo' violent fighting orci:rrI at Doinftvor Hungary, between the miners r.nt' soldiers of the old n-'me. The miners wit hthft aid of weap ons smuggled from Russia are said to haw defeated the soldiers. LOCAL BOARD CANCELS CALLS The Local Exemption Board today received a telegram Irom headquart ers instructing them to cancel all calls for the entrapment of :lra(tod men. A number were to leave on f duy of this week and three oll'ur calls had been Issued. All of thse are now cancelled. MEETS TO-NIGHT The, November meeting of the CTtambeY of Commerce membership will be held at the County Court House tonight (Tues,uy) at 7:30 o'clock. The October meeting was not held because of the influenza' epidemic, and tonight's reports will cover the activities of the Chamber for two months. I. The general public is invited to attend the meeting. It Is not neces sary to be a member of the Chumber to be sure of a welcome to the month ly meetings. The Organization not only invites, but urges all interested persons to attend any of Its gather ings. RED CROSS NEWS Let no otie suppose that the work of the Red Cross Is finished. Mil lions of American boys are still un rter arms. Thousands of them are i ek or wounded. Owing to the short age Jn Fhipplng, It may take a .year, Fiance. Hut whalevea the time, our tr more to bring our bpys home from protecting arms must be about them Slid their families over the whole period which mut elapse beiore tne normal me or peace can ne resumeu. .Our soldiers and sailors are en listed until the Commander in Chief tells them there Is no more work for k ihem lo do In the war. Let every Red Cross member and 'worker show our returning soldiers and sailors that to care tor their health, wolLire and happiness, we are enlisted for no less a period than they are. Tho cessation of war reveals a pic- ttife of misery such as the world has never seen before, especially In tho many countries wntch cannot neip . t - I rrl- 1 .nln inrosiven. in milkman j7 r.gret his Illness, and nope lor his will expect the Red Cross to conttnu HpW.jy recovery. And the War Work to act as their agent ia repairing -erg are, mtTf to , m viable and braken spirits and broken bodlos. ' 'efficient a worker in the present drive. Our spirits must now call us to - (( , wtton 0f the Pnited show that It is not the roar of can non or the blood of our own alone that directs our activities, but that a greut 'people will continue to res lion and opportunity to serve man pon.i greatly and freely to its obliga klid. The Chapters are Instructed also to hold until further notice unlinlsh- fA uunnlieu of mirelrnl itreMKlnirR ex ! cepl Army orders, lou are asHureo surgical dressings in our warehouse .!,,.,. that there are ample supplies of In this country and in France. The RIO NEED at present Is rush work on REFl'GEE GARMENTS. Surgical dressings workers should be urged to enlist lu thin work because we will be asked to make many inoo refugees garments in rush time, as winter Is near at hand und one gar ment will he of infinitely greater ser vice In saving life than many gar ments in thre or four months. Crown Prince Reported Shot Paris, 2:55 p. m., November 12.-An uncon firmed dispatch from Germnay received by waj of Amsterdam Announces that German soldier arrested the former Crown Prince as be attempt ? dto cross the frontier and shot him! EARLIER REPORT FROM LONDON Lcnilcn, November 12.-A Central news dis I'.-cii loporls that the former Crown Prince Sa. ccn chot.' , , . No details are given. !SU I'AI'KK 'MttlUKIWIVV In appreciation of the faithful Work of its employees, uud In cele bration of Allied Victory and the Ellssuboth City Fair, The Advance gives a holiday on Wednesday, Nov ember 13th. , All important telegraphic bulle tins will be posted. EMPEROR KARL HAS ABDICATED (By United Press) Copenhagen, Nov. 12. Dispatches from a private source ut Vienna de clare that Emperor Karl has abdi cated. DOUGHBOYS ARE FILLED WITH JOY (By United Press) With the American forces, France, Nov. 11.. (Night. )-r- Hostilities are over in accordance with the terms. Cheering doughboys passing groups of prisoner at work on the roads to day Invariably naked, "Well, whaddu ye think of It now." The prisoners with never a come back, worked sullenly on. Track drivers unearthed Hugs nnd docorated their trucks. Troops yelled boyishly at the passing stancars full of daughlng officers, and all salutes were forgotten. HEADQUARTERS SOON TO METZ (By United Press) Paris, Nov. 12. It is generally be lieved that fne French general head quarter wlil e transferred , to Meti within ten 'days. "" I The Petit Parlsienne says it un derstands that all Allied Premiers will soon meet at VersuilleM to con Mef p,.uotl and there is h strong; probability of the peace conference' being held there. J. C SAWYER IS NEW CHAIRMAN Mr. A. B. Hout. Chairman of Uni(e(i War WorU campaign in E,.,uh.n cltT. i e0n fined to his ., , ,,,,--1, inn,.f,ji The mRn frtt)nd8 of Mr. Houtr. will great I . A ! War Work allottment. The illness of Mr. HouU has nec essitated the appointment of u new City Chairman, und Mr. J. C. Saw yer has patriotically consented to act. It Is certain that Mr. Hawyer will spare no effort to rain I he city's nuota. He has a. reputation for put ting his heart nnd soul into wlisvrr he undertskes, and so great a tao. e . Inu that nf the nunmirt of tint V. M, , I . A. end allien onouiiznuni. i- vw that deeply appeuls to blm. WEATHER Fair and continued cool tonlglu and Wednesday. Ligiit nortti to earft wlttd. WAXTKD AT.ONCK DKMVKItY mim or woman. Apply to Vbe marie laundry. ,lt BIG THANKSGIVING DEMONSTRATION WILL BE HELD HERE WEDNESDAY Patriotic Parade at Ten O'clock Followed , by Platform Meeting With Music, Speeches And Dedication of Pasquotank Service Flag Tomorrow morning, Wednesday, November . 13th, Elisabeth City will stage the biggest and most unique patriotic celebration ever witnessed la tills part of the country. It has beeu decided, because of the termina tion of tho war, to make it a great THANKSGIVING DEMONSTRATION, an occasion for the expression of the people'a grutltude that peace has Ilnally come. XOItTII CAROLINA AS1AI.TIES Killed in Art ion Hun K. IMxon, Uastoniu. Archibald V. Llmer. Afton. Graham T. llbiley, Raleigh. John R. ('iii-roll,' High Point. Raymond II. Crabtree, Henderson. Ernest E. Frazlur, Warren i'laiuos Jesse J. Joyner, Loulsburg. Jesse T. Lewis, Mill Springs. Lawrence Tatein Peeler, Hickory. Hamit N. Powell, Henderson. Leon L. Powell, Marmuduke. Durun ('. Shaw, Lumber Bridge. Oliver W. Howell, Durham. Roland 3. Cox, Olive. Alfred M. Single, Franklin. Virgil V. Alexander, Raleigh. Wude W. ltrnnd. Reldsville. Ernest L. Twine, Tyner. .1 in nes H. Gardner, Fountain. Edd Cox, China Grove. Claude Cannon. Charlotte. - David L. Cohonii, Columbia. Hurre. Cunningham. Wllmot. Charles G. Stowe, Belmont. P Reginald N. Holcombe, Candler. Charles H. Howell, Green Moun. John C. Lnney, Rhodhess. Jake Sosnik, WInston-Saleiu. Henry N. Strickland. Louisbnrg. Newton P. Thomas, I'olktyn. Oliver Thoniasou, Lexington. Dewey H. Thompson. Durham. Oscar Webb. Macclestleld. Wllllnm Williams. High Point. Ilenjamine T. Willis, Wllllston. Harmon G. Young, Ashsvllle. Wlllliim I). Harmon," geagrcvB. John N. JudklnsJautego. Bred Ki rryt)urham. d'J. Partin, Willow Hprln. Raymond fttfiry Flody Pearnou; Oibsoi Neth K. Perry, Oklsfco. Wllborn Rflrt. Jennings. Died ot Wounds John M. Faucette, Durham. Jacob A. Alderman, Magnolia. Rrwlif C. Graham, Gaston'a. Charles C. Hastings, KernesvilU William A. Jordan. Middlesex Kuoe H. Fretz. Wilson. ,Aarn B. Rowers. Moxley. John H ,K7.r.e!l. Rocky .Monnt. llled t Disrate Kwart J. Jamerson. Swiss. .Marlon Godwin, tselma. Willi- II. Uryaiit, Reihel. f.nke Ham. Hundrson. j James A. Johnson. Angier. ' Boss Pe'l. Jamesvllle. , Horace Wlllluins, Llttletou. ; Julius A. Wood, Kipling. ' Claud IjCwIs. Chudborn. ( Jesse Perry, Wendell. ; Wounlpl( l)i!e-xte I ii-leferniineil ) i John C. Shiitr, Winston-Salein. ' Dorrusn I,. Mercer. Oolivia. : Crrrol! P. Williams. Oxford. Robert .1. Steele. Selms. Woumleil Klighfly William Wynn, Jamesvllle. Robert Watson, Gwldsboro. Missing In Action Edgar Bedford, Wlndom. Robert P. Grubbs, tireensboro. John 11. Carlisle, Tarboro. kilbxl In action L'vle R. ltnylos. King. William T. Havoge, t)ak City. Albert K. Hinltli. Pilot Mountain. Isauc V. Norman, Mount Airy. Harry I- Plgott. ShlloTte. Wllllom C.Smlth, Buffalo. Kllsa Trlplett. Durham. Julian C. Walker, Durham. Died From Wound JnmeK L. Bryan. Catherine lnke. Itennle A. Kakes,' Oxford. John W. Perry, Mct'ullers. V.i'iiu'le l (ISoutii X ndelermlntii ) ."( I T r'.irJi, Morganl-iwii. !. !.:-! .V. .Mii In. Wl!i.abiiw. Arel:!e E. IVf.A A !, ii . . I;. Jf. ,n ll:iml I kli iTotil. , 'xoj-y Kill" t ill Action 1. '-I! M. T-l'-.-!i;v. U iU.'.jh O. i ;;r W. White. Kden-i.n. r.r..'-t F. rinrt'ii. Mount tiv. c ; '. ti, a J. Il'iinii' i t. Wt 's'i. It-'i -. The Purade will move promptly at 10 o'clock. There will be no wait ing for the tardy. The following In formation will be of Interest to those ) who ure going to participate, and to the generul public. GRAND MARSHAL Dr. J. H. White. AIDES W. P. Knowles, Chairman. T. J. Markham, J. T. Stallings, J. L. Lltchlleld, Fred McDougal, J. WhifehtirHt, W. L. Small. Claude Ballard, The organizations listed below will assemble in-front of the following residence on Road Street: Hoy Scouts, Miles Clarke's residence. ('. S. Sailors, K. E. Quinn's residence Miss Liberty. L. L. Winder's residence I'ncle Sam, L. II. Jonnette's resl- Allles. c. i. Brock's resldencf-. Ij. H. Zelgler's Band. G. Wood's real. ! Hoy's Army and Navy Division,' High School Grounds. Service Flag Division. High School I Grounds. l'ncle Sam's Little Girls Division, High 8chol Grounds. I'. S. ('oast Guards, Mayor I'. . Suw I yer's residence. ! Distinguished Guests, j Mayor, Orator, District Chuirman, etc., Roland Sawyer's residence. Red Cross, Cliff Sawyer's rHsidenoe. Fraternal Orders, M. fi. Sawer's reel j denco." i County War Work Committees, J. T. I Mailing s rusiuenoe. 'Decorated Automobiles, J C. Rponces rfHi.tenee residence. I LINE OK MARCH South on Road to Matthew. .East on Matlhews to Martin. South on Mnrtjn to Church. East on Church to Polndexter. ' North ou Polndoxter to Vain. ; West on Main to Court House, j PLATFORM MEETING The platform meeting will lintue jdiately follow the disbanding of tmj i purado. i PRESIDING OFFICER j Hon. f. M. Meeklns, District Chalr 'nimi, I-n I ted War Work Campaign. 1 INVOCATION Rev. D. P. Harris. ! DEDICATION SERVICE FLAG ! Hon. J. C. B. Ehringliaiis. CHORES ! ' Keep the Home Fires liuming." j'i'ho Victory Chorus, j ORATION tir. C. B. Lewis. PreMuVnt West minstfi' College. Maryland stoi.n ; Iiattlo Cry of Freedom." Miss j Clarice llenlniC. SOLICITATION Dr. (J. W, Clarke, Chairman. Dr. II. C, Heniiig. Rev. J. M. Ormoiid. i Pev. .1. R. Black. Rev. J W. Bradley. IIhI ot lhsruM Ar'bur R. Iiowoll. TtK'.ni'tvlDe. R.jU-rt Baker, Meadow ,faKM;r L. Wise, Foutaflora. Woumleil Kliglitly In WUn Ernest L. Murray, ARauiMhaw. Will Robinson. F.llerbe M.L M Mllhlt OF i AsrALTIKH Tl HATK. IN(l-lllti TIIOKK RKI t)RTi:i) ABOVE: L'll'.l In ucfloii t'nclinling H' 7 at sert , 12.12S Di'd or wniitids 4.711 ! !,( of diseas . . 4.TS D:J of uirllent mid othr enures 1.421 W. undi d ,ii action . . . : . T.S.TO v n ; In ut I iin iml ing j;r'wili'Ts .fiTI it.. ,ii io M.;e fiS.t.'il : 1 'i 4 i i s