44 ' Buy W. S. S. And Help to Bring The Boys Back Home Thankful for Peace?' Then, Give To The War Work Fund. a VOL. 3 WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1318. No. 285 fe PRESIDENT WILSON ! FOR ALLIED Joe. With Determination To Crush Militarism in Any Form. Sailed on Transport, George Washington y S New York, December 4. President Wilson sailed today for Europe to participate a one of the five representatives of the United States tojthe Peace Conference to be held in France. t' The transport, Ueorge 10:15. Prior to the PreSident'i 4e goes determined agahstVmilitarism in any form. The crushing of Prussian fr the future peace of the world the President feels, accord istg to persons who conferred with him aboard the ship before Hailed. ' As the transport swung out into North River President and Mrs. Wilson stood on the flying bridge at the highest point to which passenger could climb playei-' Over There." , . IHNDENBURGTO . . REARRESTED (By Associated Press) TJopenhagen, Dec "4. The So.ldlers -sad Workers Council st Leipstc has decided that the German general headquarters shall be dissolved and Field Marshall Von Hlndeuburg ar rested, according to the Berlin Lokal Aaselger. tUBD CBOHS WKLi'OMJC HONOR ROLL JHyw that the . ' "v "War h over, f tbe Victory's won. a Might has tost ' 'And rigiU has won," 'a soldier boys wilt be eomlsg home, It Is the wish of th Elizabeth City i'Cfeapter at the American Rod Crow . ta welcome the beys and show them . - la ever? ' possible our gratitude fsf their volent service. The Home Service would appre ciate any information from pareoU -regarding the (lay et arrival of tol- der boys. The names wili be- pub- . lUhed ta The Advance us thfose boya J- arrtTe. Mrs. Msry Miller Lamb, Chairman Home Service. GET IT TOUAY. That stylish bat yoa've ieen ' wanting. They're going tea hairy At VltchoUa big; sale es millinery. ' XOTICH ' . Ta the local No. 20S United TJro 4harhood of Carpenters aud Joiners ef America: la Important araertinc mi be bel l (sight at seven o'clock at the reg alar place ot meeting and a matter of great ImporUnee. especially to tace who tallra aick benefits, will he brought up. Every member la arced to sttond. ' 0. G. BAWTXM. Fiaaaclal Sec. Oet that tat you thought you eetldn't afford. Inhere T At theig Millinery aale at MITCHELLS. CTES NICHOLAS WAS DEPOSED (By AseocUted Frew) Paris, Dec. 3. The Royal Monte negrin government has Issued a state ent denying the report that King Nicholas bas been deposed. , HTS, good looking hats. New est stylee. We've simply . thrown them all on the counter abd are cleaning up our Millinery Depart ment. It's your chance. Come to MITCHELLS.', IXWT ON HLMUV, WXS. 1ST., ON Martin or Main Street, between the residence of A. 8. Neal and Dr. Pendleton, o )e chill's silver wrist watch. Finder please return to Dr. Pendioton. D.4-3'.pl MILLLNFKY AT "JHTCMHLI.J5 That's the slogan, -and fen'd bt 'marry mad get Oe bat rofl't bocw -wgatlag. SAILED TODAY PEACE CONFERENCE Washington, got unaer way ai departure it became known that militarism was a part of his plan .and the army band 'on shore, . - It BURN HOMES OF CHRISTIANS, TOO London, Dec. 4. Recent pogroms ln'Lember release! Ukranlan crim Lembecg inals, who also sacked and burned many homes of Christians, according to the Polish Press Bureau, quoting a Stocffiolm dispatch. v Allegations that tho Jewish press Is incriminating the police and sol diers were declared false. WILSON STARTS ON IDS JOURNEY Now York, Dec. 4. i'rei.i-ot Wilson's special train arrived itt Hoboken T : 80 tb's nornlnr. BEAUTIFUL MILLIbTKUY at most reasonable prices. WleroY Why, at MITCHELLS. BARUCI! RESIGNS , 5VHSfACCEPTS .Washington, Dnc. 4. President Wilson has accepted the resignation of Bernard M. Raruch as Chairman of the War Industrie Board effec tive January 1st and hah agreed that the War Iadustrlea Hoard shall cas ta exist aa a Government agency on that date. WILSON TO VISIT , MANY CAPITALS Manchester, Doc. 4. President Wilson, the Manchester Guardian said today that it understands, will spend a few days conferring with Colonel House In Peris, ho will then go to Rome, returning to Italy to spent! Cbrlstmss tn London; and go Ing agaia to Paris will spend the remainder ot bin visit In that city. WANTS WILSON TO INTERPRET Washington, Doo. Ge joral d'a- cosslon of the fourteen points of President W11ous peace principle fwas utartd in the Renutd today by the nfvweh of Fintntor Frellnqhiiyti advocating s resolution introduced by hlinanlf call'ng upon'. Prea'de.-it Wifton to make a public dTclirRtion 'nterprettng the prlnrlp! tilfcif? announcod. - TI1IS DECISION UNSEATS SULZE!? (By A'K-'ihm1 Fre) ' War.h:nton, Dr-e. 4 !i.:ij,t V.' "k ersli?m, n-'piijllrnn. ..-i "b'rtMj AlsrVn i1o!er-.a in I? II iy -r ("mr Ih Suitor. I)i THjcrr , th. llouu '.t!or Cf)m:r.'e t"W. m ,i;l.'y. Su'w rttr ';(. ; fr,':'"") ol W''? ftv '' prnr-tnl p;i tn 111 9i fi: lo v i ifttjj tbf SECRET'RY M'ADOO MAKES HIS REPORT Sets Forth Financial History 6f America's Part in the World War Today Washington, Due. 4. The finan cial liintory of America's iuct in the war is not forth by Secretary McAdoo in hih ueuual report drafted bolero hit) resignation, and mude public, to- , day by the Treasury. It In the his- tory. of how the Americun people piild timrtum hud been wnt to the Ger blllionn in tuxes, raised four grnat'inan government becatiHe all locomo liberty loans and created a troinen- livus lo bo surrendered under the dous pool' of credit with which the, terms of the umiiUc cannot be do Treanury through it's muny war'livered immediiitely. agencies paid the bills of the army1 The newspaper buys it 1h true that and nuvy, tho Shipping Rourd and Germany In i:ot keeping up to the other government dopartmenU. loan-! Bcliodule and General Fo'ch haa given ed billions to the Allien and millions warning that Germany will bu repon to war InduHtries, iielpod support tho dlble tor further delays Jjut hiiHn't tainilles of Blodlers and Kullorn nnd flxed tho time limit for ourrying out tided farmers over periods of li nan- the clauuci relative to railroad equip cial stringency. (- . 'nicnt. "The payment Into the Treasury i 1 of vast sums InWar (axes and from J lug eKtlmutod receipts from -.rdiiury bond sales,"! gald Secretary McAdoo, sources St. 846,000, 000. In addition, "und the transformation of our vai - 'be figured roughly on i 'AVU tnor led and complex economic 11 fo to the than $5,000,000,000 from further It. supreme tank of winning the wur.nues of liberty bonds rn.l $1,200 have .been accomplished without 000,000 from war saving. The shock or tinnnvjal disturbance. The figures added to receipts from Lib credit and business structure of the erty Loan bonds already uol..l m.i nation remains sound and strong. $14,168,000,000 tho total of pop The results of the four liberty loans lar borrowings expected during tne are a tribute to the patriotism of tho year. On this basis total estimated American people and .to the ecouo-, receipts would be $21,02,000,000 mlc strength of the nation." tor $6,6(5,000,000 lews ttmu tents- The report constitutes Secretary tlve estimates of disbursements. An MrAdoo's final accounting of his sto- tual developments are expectod to wcrdshtp before rot Ir ing as the Na- change these calculatiotm grwutly. tlon's limine a minister. Throughout The United States' public debt the report, Mr. .AlcAdoo Mfnrs re. lest Juns 30 was $12,56,000,000 pectedly to the remarkable achieve without taking Into consideration ments of America's civilian popuU the $1,319,000,000 fre balance In tion in providing the money und ma- the Treasury to partially offset the terlalH for war, and acting as lb" t'ebt. Tba public debt Lks been ia "oager second line of defease." creased since then by tho Fourth 'Commenting ou the show-in of Liberty Loan of noarly $7,000,006,-, financial arrangements la greut' d. 000 and by Treasury curtlflciatos ot tail by the document, Treasury Ubra- indebtedness amounting to several riuns recalled that the flminctsl bis- hundred jnllllon dollars, tory of tbo Civil War la burW la a Tba report disclosed' for the first great sjock of mwtty lodgors. tual time tho activities of the Tresaury's proaonui juorer.wui Vu omui; eon- Pd. For the nftoen months ending lj:t Jane 80 Secretary McAdoo estimat ed that Us actual cost of the war. with allowances for tbo governments ordinary expenses in ordinary times, amounted to $13,213,000,000. Near ly bAlt ol this or $6,4,Oe.O0O. wrjt into permanent investments. iu the form af shlis, shipyards, war vessels, army camps, buildings, and in loans to Allies or to Amric&a war niuustrtea. ui toe yui a ou- 000,000 were first Liberty Loan con see 31.6 per cent came from taxa-' vrted bonds. ' tlon. : Tho report also showed that lae The civil establishment of the gov- War Finance Corporation, up to Oc ernment daring the year spent $1,- tober 31, had made loans amounting 407,000,000. while the War Depart-1 lo $67,716,000, of which $29,863. nient spout $j, 484, 000,000 and the: 000 had been repaid, leaving advsn navy $1,368,000,000. For support CM ouUUndlng $17,863,600. Most of the army alone the government ' tne loans, or $64,739,000, went paid out $4,413,000,000. The naval directly to war industries. Public expenditures Included the construe- utilities were the principal borrow Uon of now vessels, machinery, arai- r. while lumber companies, coal ament, equipment and improvements operators, manufacturer snd ntock at navy yards. Total ordinary dlo ruihers rank next In number of ap- burscmeeu tor the year amounted to 8. 966, 000, 000 and ordinary receipt Tbo magnitude of the work ot the excluding money received from Lib- Capital Issue Committee was indi erty Loans, amounted to $4,174,000,- std by the report that store iu or 000. Loans to Allies during the year ganitatloa last May 17 It hoe etam amounted to $4,739,000,609 addt- IbmJ near'T OOV applications from tlonal. Looking forwsrd, BecreUry Mc- gregatlng about $2,880,000,008. Adoo found great dlfflculty in fore-; "About 30 per cent of thoee nppli castlng exiHnditurs for the rurrent 'cat'ns were disapproved" said tbe fiscal year which ends next June : r"purt, ' and three wire meetly of on account of the sudden coining of 'iisractir involving new extensions pence. Estimates which he pre.oot- n would not be contributor;- lo sd are bauod on calculations of each tfeo winning ot the war. Tk pro department In sdvanrtj of revision of approximately i. ince thu signing of the srmi-tip l t onnwsary. " ituiM wlilch ind he does not rocsider them re! a- t-'uld be pontvonod wa:t an Import lo. With this explanation Mr. ile- bat contribution to the:onorvatiun Adoo forecast oipeurtltures for til's J the cs'.lon's rono'irceV year at $20,687,000,000 for govern- . , ... 1. , Mr. VieAdoo took tn.i occasion to uiuui purpurea nnu f ,i a.eow.ou'J for Ice.ns Altf,r"1 im --'' 000 fnr- rcdemptinn nf fntl fe -! rrt:.c-t: J ct':-.r i;:e .j-.d i "on. Totrl estimated d: iiureinoii.: for thu year were put rt "7.'l .,- IMl0,i'H'l. TP-nut tl.Ia ei't'Ksati r"a!"!' ' nu tip"ne a st the rr.f i t r lift;. mor". then a billion nu'l li.'f UI lars a r.:onih to !nle. In !(..; high. Mr. .McAdoj n r'i:! f 1 i'i:.r the government will r,-c (. V..it ' "i.OCO, !.'. "'' bro;e tl: m! t 1 ! I ' sol yecr r.ext June au. from In-:r jr..'Iihr.it:o;t nnd wlae tat policy. It ' Pnu t.".ei, l.-.Ct-6..'-deWe and neciwssry from the jiCl Jr. m o;hcr us.-s, liO.-.Mn.ooti view point of the Treeury In con Too'lima htid 3;A,e,vco f?.m Cjnsltg the period of readjustment. in . IrneoUA eourcea, tnt'udti(f '7. od rro mtbf tlewpotat of labsr and B00.SOO from lncr--4 5trf cmU '&i.:',tT g-aefsllf. SAYS TIME LIMIT . NOT YET FIXED General Foch Has Warned Germany However Against Further Delays in Armistice I Schedule (15) AitNiM-inteil 1'ienN) Loudon, Due. 4. The KxprexH c!aiin to be able to deny the report from Herlin yeHtenhiy tliut a new ul- spending, fund to. buy up Liberty J ' Bonds In 'an effort to keep tholr price from falling far below par. Up to November 1, It Is shown, $244,030, 600 worth ot bonds,, face value, bud been purchased on tho open market for $234,310,000." or' at' ail average prion of about 96 per rent. nd s"H " nently held by the Treasury. Of thin sn, $1 72,446,a were aeooiul i-t percent isus; 70,V3j,000 Wsre hir.l Liberty Loan oondi ,anrl $.'. plications. i proepoctlve lanuors ot securities, ag- t,fiinlrr5 ut;aln the irrfportancq of lit. 'c n r cnaciment of tbeT r?venuc h II n w pend'ng in Congress. ' t nln.'s 'the measfwio becomes a law !;i the near future." he bald, "it . rill nn. J,j ph7!c::lly p isible for p.'r( -il tit t--amn 11 1 llrtci-i'i.rv rcrr.lr.'.lnM end to prlti snd distrl-j Hvto t'te r.er(ycary forms before the j ''.in ) r.nJ t -.1'., ic.i! !n da1. T: f ! 1 .'i rcnir.i-u; of V.-2 law v 11 nnt;es- J i'y hn Uv.f -rllic 1. ' j Iho r; f'ioai of su'.u tct.on is e ;!'al!j !iy every round ccononlc KALF.M C'LL'll Olt(i AM.KS 1 OK WOULD ItKLIF.F About twenty-five members of the Sulem (jub Jiiut the Homo Uonioii , strutor at Sale in sclioolliuose Tues day afternoon at three o'clock. MIhu Albertson, who is C'hulrmun of tho Woman's World Hallef work In this county, presented the subject of Food Consei-Hitlon und World Re lief and practically all those present took the pledge to save food in every way posslblo for the starving imliniiH overseas. A committee consisting of "Mrs. J.ihn Horry, Chairman, Mrs. Martin Scolt'iihd Mrs. J. O. Urown wus ap pointed to huve cliarge of the World Tlellef Club, to get members, und to hold meetings ouch mouth, telling how food had been saved in each home. Resolutions were drawn up und forwarded to Food Administra tor l'uge, embodying the action taken at the meeting. The subject of War Savings Stamps was brought up anoTllie mem bers promised to do their best to sell stumps and have pledges redeemed before the end of the year. A Dread Club was former among the girls who will compete for a prize on the best loaf of bread buked. The Club meeting wus a most en thusiastic one, and the only diutur bating feature of the afternoon was the distress caused by the furt thut the County Commissioners have vot ed Home Demonstration work out of tho county. Intense Indignation wus expressed and genuine regret In re gard to the action. Mr. McAdoo reviewed the financial irr.ctlces of the year, Including the outing of short term certificates of udebtedness in advance of every ..bcrly Loan to prevent the' dlsturb u t of the money market sy the oans and to obtain the money need ed by the Treasury in advance of loan eceipts. He said the war savings movement had resulted not only tn fathering In $$34,000,000 for war purposes up to November 1, but It tad helped to teach the American ,eopie thrift and economy. "This war-time exporlmont has '.een.so Successful," he commented, "that It la hoped war savings eertl- lctUes will become continuing fea ture of the nation's financing even after the restoration of peace." The report explained at length that a feature of JJie Treasury's pol icy In distributing the $8,171,000. 000 rredlte to allies during the ycir, hod been to stabilize foreign ex change rates and "bring the dollar neerer par , In Kuroeean countries, but did not mention tbe specific acts undertaken by the Treasury to ac complish this. In exchange for cred its, France gave the United States In Franco of $631,375,000 tor army purchase. Ureut Britain nMtablLsh ed similar credits ot $115,633,000 and Italy $5,284. Qeo. Turning to the enormous tajik ot collating $3,694,619,000 Id .taxes during the last fiscal year, or more than four timet the record collection of the yesrprevlous, tbe Secretary emphasized that this bad been ac complished largely through the co operation of businosa lntermu and Individual tax payers. "During tbe fiscal year 1914," said the report, "tho Bureau of In ternal Revccue has been able to col loct the largest tsx ever rolliKtod by any country, an amount which represents a larger proportion of the nation's war burgsi thaa y vkr holligeroat engugod In the preoeut war has been able to defrsy from '.i;x revenuee.' From would be lax dodgers the revenue bureau now expected to col oct several huadio.1 ujIIUou dollar iUdltional tjxes. Concerning tho tremendous part ilayed by tbe Federal Reserve' sys-. em during the war Secrottry- Mr Vdoo hsd this to say: "The federal reserve "-ystem hr permitted tbe enormous transactions otmected with the f.paii-liirf of the sr to be cprrled through without hock or dli turbnncn rtnd Itn servlo will. not be4ess Important to the gov rtiTuent and to the nation In farlll ntinit the readjust me-t front t wte to a iK-uce bi-,l:enl to m.-Ist tt . I f(Htir th'-renfter the d'Vclop!n,nt ; i. jtn , o, iiui!'..lr l.uj ij:n- ;n '.! r t yr:-.. I j .n i i i. ... tor?.-." Mf. M"Ailao dlt t:t length Wltil he srcnmpllshmeuts of the .War lUilt Icnirsnce Bureau, which h lullt up an organisation of fourte4 thoand employee, neeeeeary for ti w.fcato of about a million ebeeks CARTER GLASS SUCCEEDSM'ADOO (fty Assoc in ted Press) Washington, Dec. 4. Word went around unofficially on the House side of the Cupitol today that Rep resentative Carter Glass of Virginia, Clittiriuaur of the Dunking and Cur rency Committee, bus been chosen by i'resldent Wilson to become Secre tary of the Treasury. The announcement during the duy rrom Secretary Tumulty in New York who is seeing the President depart for Eurnpe is exported. Congressman Gluss, it is under stood, was In conference ut the White House last night just before the I'resldent started for bis train. NATIONS AGREE . -WITH LLOYD GEO. - ,.'." (By AwHooliiied Press) '( London, Dec. 3. All nations rep resented at the Inter-Allied Confer ence here today maybe regarded as in agreement wltb the policy of Llpyd Ueorge In rgeard to compell ing Germany to pay to the limit ot her cupucity. Allied representatives are also agreed on the proposition ot bring ing to trial those responsible for the outrages on humanity drrlng the STYLISH WINTER HATS for ladles and children are being sold at exceptionally low prices at Mitchells. WA.NTKD CAJIR1KB BOY VOR Main Street route. Good oppor tunity for bustler. Apply to Mr, PeMe at Advance Office. WEATHER Fair tonight and colder In west and central portions. Thursday fair and colder near tbe cooet, moderate aorth west, winds. - very month V soldiers or their de pendent for allotments, allowances,' disability compensation sad lnasr aea. "It IA certainty one of the great ast business enterprise in the world he said, "and Indubitably the Urg-' est life insurance concern on tba globe, having nearly $31,000,096, 000 of life Insurance In force." Tho report dloclOHee that Liberty Loon conversions bavo been made m follow: First Liberty Loan S 1-3 per cent botds exchanged for 4 per cont bonds. $568,220,000; First Liberty Loan1; 1-2's and 4's exchanged for 4 1-4's. $183,II!000: second Lib erty Loan 4's enhanced tart 1-4'S. ?1. 641,681,000. Tnte lndieuies tho'' mrwt bond buyers have failed to take iidvauUgn of ths Treasury's offer ta convert puut Isttios Into bonds bear ing a higher rate of laterent. It si nowoo lste to convert. i U-ferrlng to federal tarn loans amounting to tlK. 628.600 during tbe year ending laA September 16, tbe report said: "The existence of thu astcm operated under govern-, mnnt supervision, granting onlg-term " loans at Masonable rate of interest. bas unquestionably saved the farm ers ot the United Bute from masy ciaetlua. foreclnerueii, sod denial ot flnt,nc!l aceomodations daring this' . period. Tbe system has been a har bor ot refugee for tbo borrowing farmer. Through its ' competition with other loaning agencloa It hso. reduced Interest rates almost every where In the t'nlted Slates and fcss savd the fanner In large measure from tho Snanclol troubles which otherwise must tisve bmt him. it has coa.itituted the Eroa'c-.t cQ oihnUl ayem for flnnnclcj the bra-e -'.wlTf'iho United State- that of agrlCwlfjro." The report also dealt with the Treasury's activities In licensing and supervising the liquidation ot enemy Insurance cotMpanM operating In tbe fnlted nto'-; the Publle Health Service's trTnendnis serompilHh ments In cnib.iltln thi lulncnxa (plrH mt' and timintilft'ug eanltary rondit.'iir.s nlwiit rnmpv; thi Inter national Hlh Co;nmllon's sucrM In proninting uniformity of coniintr ciel r-KUlstlons between the I'nited State and Latln-Amrlca cr"untrt. and h taeks Itapoeed on lt Cat - horn. Mnrvlce In sonaeetlei tits rs.UcLtg cf lurbon during the ar.

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