! tf tfi ift Buy W. S. S. And Help to Bring The Boys Back Home WEATHER (ii iKTally cloudy tonight, and Fri day, probably riin. Warmer tonight In Interior, gentle to mode, at north mat winds. V J: VOL. 3 THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1918. No. 292 tt NORFOLK SOUTHERN Engine Left Track at 5:25 This Morning - Two Cars Derailed, Nobody Killed, And Nobody Seriously Injured The Norfolk Southern "Night Express" from Raleigh to Norfolk jumped the track Thursday morning at 5:25 between 1 wo and three hundred yards before reaching Hertford station. The engineer was seriously injured; and the fireman and bar. gagemaster were slightly injured, but the passengers suffered aothing worse than fright and a severe shaking up. The cause of the wreck is a mystery. . Conductor Singleton said that the switch at Hert ford was properly closed and that he could not explain the accident. From Norfolk South ern headquarters a long dis tance phone message shortly after noon today stated that up to that time no explanation of the wreck had been found and that a party was, already en route to the scene to make a thorough investigation. The wreck was a severe one, iind that there were no fatalities seems almoHt a miracle. The engine turn ed over and now lies on its Bide In a peanut field alongside tlio track. The baggage car was detuched complete ly from the ri'Ht of the train and started across the same peanut Held at right angles to the train, continu ing Its course until it hurled Us nose In the soft dirt. The Jim Crow coach was derailed but did not leave the road bd but plowed along the cross ties until it occupied the plane with reference to the engine tbut the barf,' !, i i. i' i i , . "'.I Lvation has been received by gage car had done. The train mufc lr, , , ,. .1,1 " u ioard of Directors, out hi being have been going at something like Its URual speed when the wreck oc curred for passengers describe the shake-up as u severe one. and the cross lieu where the engine and two front cars plowed into thou were' literally splintered. Passengers for Kllzaheth City were brought here by a special train and arrived rt ll:3u. or over five hours late. The injured are: Engineer Thomas M. Bishop, bad ly scalded and severely bruised but no bones bro':en and no inj.cation that he will rut recover. Fireman Tun TimMall. colored, who was considerably ii.ut-ed but not. iipparenl.y, Herioiis injured. He was able to wdk anout when the fptelnl train reached K: :h City. Ilagsugemaster C. I). Wainwright, badly Bhi'.keu and snft;-,- ng from pheck but apparently suffering no visible bodily' hert. Among the ICIiznheth City pas sengers on the train wen? -Mrs. D. B. Simpson ami Mr. A. J. Armstrong. There were also a nii.-.ibcr of school girls returning home ';ir the holi days. . IN THIS MATH Body of Frank Warden Dead From Gunshot Wound Brought Here Tccay But no Particulars Avliasle The body of Frank Warden, eight een years of rge, was brought here on the Special train Ihrt v-ent o t 'V.e off the passengers from the wrecked Night Express at Hertford Thursday morning. Young Warden came to his death In the woods near Eden' on fro:n n gunshot, wound which took effect In his right sido. A ; telcgruui announcing these meager detalia was received by the boy'f father Wednesday ntght. A telephone message to the Chief of Police at Edenton this morning (of the Flret Methodist Sunday school elicited only the information that the j will hold a fancy work sule ut the matter was being Investigated andM. Leigh Sheep t?tor Satitrdiy of that at that time the police depart- ment had r.o Information as to how the hooting occurred. Frank Wurden wh employed as a logger. The moot plausible explana tion la that he ehot himself accident ally while out hunting. Hto father 'discountenance report that the boy vu a suicide, as he believes that he had bo reason on earfb tor such an -act- 1 ' Wardcn'i botiy m eeut from NIGHT EXPRESS GAITHER ACTIVE Elected Director in Plies of D. P.. Bradford And G'.ven Im poitant Office on Ro.it d W. . Galther. Jr.. former,?' cashier of the First & CitUciu Natl-) onal Hank, who recently returned . from camp where he has been .11 the 1 army service, has been elected crer-1 tor of the Hank in place ol the late j 1). H. Bradford and has been made AUa VIce-rresldent of the n'stitu tlon. Mr. John K. Kilby. cashier of the First and Citizens National Rank, since June 16th, has tendered his resignation subject to the action of the Hoard of Directors. Mr. Kilby's resignation was tendered, it is un-j derstood, by reason of a feeling on 1 his part that men called to the colors 1 should, upon their return home, he offered back the positions they gave ' 'ip. to serve their country. His rese ttle held in abeyance und will not be acted upon immediately, it Is hoped that the bank will be side to retain the services of both men. 1 Mr. Kilpy came to tl'.o FliHt and Citizens National '.lank from the, National Bank of Commerce ut Nor I folk, about the time that the merger I of the Citizens Bunk with the First . National was effected. "The institution had outgrown its system of. book keeping," said one of 1'ie directors this morning, "and Mr '. !H y instituted a new system, thor- 1 oughly modern and up to date. He , has managed the affairs (.. liie in stitutlon with admirable ellicieney. of the to the entire satisfactory Board of Directors, and v:e b;liee. to the satisfaction also of the slock holder and the public in peueral We feel that he lies rendered valeed ervice to the Dank under vV,y try ng circumstances, ;i.d we are anxi ous to retain so valuable a 1.1:1:1. "The Fhst Mid CiCz-'-is Nai onal Bank has been confronted with many :lit:icu!Ues during the last tlx mouths it has been bumpered tor l.e; of room. Numbers oC '.is tiv d and e : ;ier enced employee:; were called in !o the military service of t'no.r cuor try nrd the bank had to f.'"" the necessity of llllins their pl:'es with new and less experienced help. V.'he;i ihat period of adjustment had pass-id riio inliuonza epidemic cuine upoi: Jlizp.iH'th City, jind the b.-.i'l; .. corn . of workers was cut down by t rav ages of the d!:!f K;e and la still pliorl t Its full worXin; strength. Thi:; lias entaili'd extra end arduous work Jor the remaining member?: of ih 'orce. "The work of erecting the addition .0 the rretent b i'lllr.f :r lvfii le gun and is being pressed as rapidl as possible. The influenza epldem'c seems to be on the wane. The First ind Citizens National Bank feel.; sure that with little further in dul(rnco on the part of Itscasto- mers, the bank will soon b in a position to orve them better tiiau ever before." - HOLD BAAAAH HATl'HDAV The Friendship Wesley Bible Class .this week. The proceeds will go to Armenian Relief work. "Come r-ml buy.ypur Christmas glftc and h-lp great cause," urge ti meniher.i o' the cIub. Fd'eoton on liie Night Kxpres thL morning. It wnn thrown from th car In the wrerl; n Hertford nnd th I -rMcM iri"-. "e to rnp .rt. r that an Fllxabeth City man ha' been killed hi the wreck. 9,000 MORE SOLDIERS ARE ON THE WAY HOME (II) Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 12. The sail ing of four army transports bringing additional units from France Is an nounced today by the War Depart ment. The ships are the K. II. Mal lory, the Rhuppuhunock, the Levla thun and the Celtic. They are bring ing about 9,000' men. KING GEORGE NOT COMING TO U. S. A. (By Associated) Tress) London, Dec. 12. Reports that King George contemplates a, visit Jo the United States arc denied here. OFFICIAL VISIT . LASTS TWO DAYS (By Associated Tress) Pans. Dec. yi.-- 1 lie lengtti of President Wilsons official visit in I'aris has been fixed at forty-eight hours, according to Le Matin, The remainder of his stay will not he marked by any state ceremony. MAY CONVOKE REICHSTAG NOW (Ity Associated I'rctw) Berlin, Dec. 12. The German Cabinet, anticipating the refusal by the Allies to deal with the present Government and the Soldiers-Workmen's Council, according to the Mer lin Tageblatt is considering cotivok lig.the Reichstag to give the Gov ernment parliamentary basis. The Reichstag session, the Tuglebatt says, may lie expected to begin nest week. BREST IS DECKED " i IN GALA ATTIRE ! French Port cf Destination In Touch With Presidential Fleet (R As4rrintcd Pre) Brest. Dee. 12 Brent lias put on '"'''''ay uli'r'' alll is -eagerly 'await- :;t: (tie nrnal or presidential Mi ft at noon tomorrow. The American naval establishing' hi to got 111 direct- ' wireless touch Iks morning with the Presidential i -.-i approaching tit s port, wliiili !.s i -1 vv not f;.r oil" liio coa.it. m PRICE COTTON (By Associated I'res) i'-ago, Dec. 12. Stunning ad- .: i.ees in the price of corn, resulted today from the Government crop re ;.r: shewing, the ylidd for 1MK th" i ri;!lct.t in live years. Values tan up as much at seven c ;a;i a but liel over yesterilny's finish fi tlie grain market. EXTENSIVE RIOTS occurinbohemia; (By Associated Pr"s) A rlerdam, Dec. 12. t'xtens'-.e ricts o'-curred yesterday In AiiKg'g. ;.het:iia, according to Prague dls .'thea. pnd machine Kuns mid r'l'ei were useTl against' the mobs, Thro1 arc' reported killed, Jlv .-rloi:vl7 i;-..'ured rnd a r.' '' ' 1 i.,,r f , jy woundud. ff fJIy Associated Prss) I 'rl:n. Dec. 11. Dr. Solf. Mini-' " of Foreign. Affair, has tendr"d . -, - .P,i..ctinn W.r, j, he,,n flr. ; 'ept'sJ by (he Cabinet. : 'tct'it Paul Simple of the S. V ", '. 1.: Titn'.ty Colore In home on i i ''1crrr for several day!". He irU le- ve Uuuday lor Norfolk. "a JAMKS SAXDKItMV DIKH IX FltANCK In yesterday's casualty list was the name of James K Sanderlin. Ho died of meiilngltes in France on Nov. 15lh.. Just before he left this city for Camp Jackson he was given a silver wrist watch by Achoree Lodge, I. O. 0. K. of Elizabeth City, of which he was a member, "for his regular at tendance and loyalty to the Lodge. And upon the bracelet was engraved his name und the name and address of the Lodge. The Lodge received lu cable an nouncing his death somo time ago. Ho leaves 1ioth in Elizabeth City und In Camden, his former home, a great many friends. BEGIN ARMISTICE NEGOTIATIONS (By Associated Press) Paris, Dec. 12. Negotiations for the prolongation of the German arm istice began today at Treves In, Rhenish Prussia. Le Matin says that the German delegates have requested the allies to reinforce their troops at certain points to aid the German authorities In maintaining order. The newspaper udds that in pl'.ie -s where Germans are In authority and control the Allies will limit the sending of troops Into German ter ritory to the necessities of the occas ion which may arise. LITTLE BELGIUM A BIG BORROWER (By Associated Pre) ';h'iigtuii, Dec. 1 2.- - Belgium's loans from the Culled Slates nov total more than f 2 1 :!,i.i0il,n00. A (redil of $:!, '.ilHI.lilio extended Bel fUum today brought the a. regale of the loans made Belgium by this J 'J'.yiir). '''"''' l'"lt Hiinre. Credits now authorized for all the allies total more than eight l.iilio is. ( IIR1ST ( ill lit II Pev. (;.-). V. Ii:il Recter in fhan:e. Third Sunday in Advent. :i.,iuiuy tviiool !t:-i."i a. in. llol t 'oinmunlun anl Sermon 11 a. 1:1. i:-.en'ng i'rsyer fciid.-r.:rn 74S' ',!. ;n. ;)'..; tlotj Meeting with oy ; I.:: nitiiiion Wednesday 7:"a p. in. 'iiii- iiiiblic is cordially Invited to 'very rervii'e ut th's Cl'iin h CASUALTY LIST AK'i iJRVOON l;L! ok I' V;!:-!;;ngt:!l, De-. 12 Til t'g atiiiiiHies ure reported, ' '" "land. ng General i the follow by the Ainer.- can Expeditionary Forces: K.lleJ in action Di'-il (if wounds ...... . . iutd 01 accident ut'd oth'T cause 1 1 Died of airplane uccident... Z Ded of d, sense 2P.& Wear. di-il severely 1,411 Wounded IdegrcM umleter- mined) Wound.-d slightly 249 Mi.-Kiii!', In nction 2 Oh Total '. 2,8 U. NORTH CAROLINA CASl'AI.TIKS knled in action Dalton K. Smith. Trinity. James W. Arrowood. Arden. Wlei Itrop Ward. Weldon. W illie I'.. Kington, .Madison. Kiiv.iird Royster, Ilend'Taou. yV,ie-''K.' nui.t." Crldgewater- TU-odore Sidhury, Wilmington. Waiter Mason, Chapel Liill. 1'irnt Reed. Coldsboro. .I(d;n A. Sneed, Eagle Springs. Clifford 0. Wilson. Zton.ivitle. 1)Iih From Wound Krneht Haiton, Carthage. IBil of Disease Kain J. Caudle, Norwood. Donict I!. Tiirklngton, KUwibeth fity. Ben I. Taylor. Gold.horo. William Klncald, Cobern. mO-,-;ii I ear on. V'V C'rce!:. II( . e.i W. Davis, Cutherlue I,Bl;e. Vi:i;i.d- d h'cverc'y MIh.i ... , lias r. .turned from Philadelphia, Pa., where ' aha tine hiM, attflnriln thm Pnnmik School. - Iroy Cartwrlght ef We kivllle wiw la the fclty Thur4ay. RED CROSS MASQUE TO BE GIVEN BY E. CITY CHAPTER MONDAY NIGHT Pageant Not Staged To Make Money But To Present the Work of The Red Cross To The People of The Community Mr. Jl. W, Lewis, one of the heroes who participated In the engage-' ment at Chateau-Thierry, the Gettysburg of the great European War, will participate In the Masque, to be staged at the Alkntmu Theater by the Local Red Cross Chapter, Monday night, December 14, at 8:15 o'clock, Mr. Lewis was twice wounded, and is now convalescing at the Elizabeth City Hospital. Besides the hero of Chateau-Thierry, eleven other sailor boys are members of the cast, all of whom have seen service under the flag In the struggle for democracy. They are also at the hospital recuperating from Illnesses contracted in the service. . . Tlio Masque, or Pageant, visual- tv-)wt-j Tf1)Afn iW.i'H In dramatic form the work of Dill Y Hi INLllIlVJilJ Ith0 110(1 I"HH Hlul waH wrlttt'u CH- wwiiinr I,e,'-'u"y ,or 'iecl ('rr':';' Christmas FROM HOIyiKv'1011 ('u"' u ' fr""1 tlu! ,"n o( the 1 IIUlll IlUilllAJ j Kjr,H,i (r;llimtl(! writer, Mr. Percy 1 McKay, and represents in symbolic Following Lynching! in Green R.w . ah m groes Given Notice To Get Out (lly AssM-latel Pres) Ogdi'ii, l'tah, Dec. 12. Negro refugees from Green River, Wyom ing, arriving here declare that all negro men, women and child en have been ordered to leave that town, fol lowing the lynching Tuesday of Ed ward Woodson.' a negro charged with killing one railroad' switchman and wounding another. Nearly nil the negroes had left their possessions and their homes in the town ut last reports. They were given only until laid night to move. BRITISH ENTER CITY 0? BSriN ( By Associated I re is) London, Dec. 12 Brit Nh advance uards have entered the city of Bonn I und have taken possc-islon of the bridge over the Rhine there. ' Lt. Basil Snnwden of S'iow-l'ti, was killed in a motorcycle accident in France recently, according to a cablegram received by. his brother J. !i. S:ioudi'ii of t:i:s cty Wednculny .ilvhl. BUT(S REAFFIRM i7f i (By Assm !ali"d Tress) Amsterdam. Dec. 12.--The people in the soinl'.ein p. rt of the Dutch province or Llmburg are excited by the repeated recurrence of the re port In Belgian i;tid French news papers to the pos-sinle severance oi i inirt of (hat province from Holland. ! Forty nine hiiroinas'ers In t'.e' region have telegraphed yuen Vil helniina expressing their Indignation at the iepo,:s arid assuring le-r if ti e;r allegiance. MOOKh I 1CI,SM I Mr. William Robert .Moore and i 'Miss Klizabeth Fresson. both of Dare, Vu., were married Wednesday night by Justice of the Peace J. W. r.iunden at his residence on tteldcii St n-et. j ATTFMIOX M!L AlTOMOI.ILi: j tiW.NKIt j I wish to anuouueu to the public that I have returned to L'llzubth City In order to open up the most modern and up-to-date vulcanizing business 'In Kltzabeth City. I will use nothing hut new equipment Just from the factory. I am 110 stranger to tho peoplo pf Kllzubeth CJ'y. I a-i wah the Anto Supply VulcanU Uig Co. on Water Street for 3 years und the u(o owner knows what my work Is. My place la located at the old Vt lnslow Oil Ktatiou alun !Mc of A'knixa Tl'er're. I vP.i ;i to dron in and look my equipment over. I guarantee all work to suit ynu. My nrlr arlll Km MaindaKht nnil nnv support you may .give me will be highly appreciated. The real vulcanlicr. D.l!pd BRANTLEY McCOY. form all of the war and pence actlvl-' ties of tlie lied Cross. Tim luuiitii, lu Iw.luir tirumitmil is under the illii-cl ion of .Mrs. Kdsou Worth Carr. Mrs. t!arr is a graduate of the American College of Physical and Dramatic Kxpresslou, located ut Chicago, and famous among the, schools of tin' country.' She also studied dramatic expression under i'roi'. Clarence Ruluwaler, of Chicago I'nlvMislty. Mrs. Carr is spending a few weeks with relatives in Eliza beth City, and is generously giving It-!: time and strength. Indeed, she has, at the Invitation of the local Red Cross Roll Call Cum 111 It tee. taken upon herself the entire respon sibility of the Pageant. The Com mittee counts Itself must fortunate in having secured the services of Mrs. Carr, and her experience is a guarantee that the Pageant, though the uork of 11011 -professionals, will not be "amateurish," but a product ion to please the mo:t fastidious. The l';ij',ennt will he staged Mon day 11 c, ill t-i the A 1 k ra ma, and the curtail will go up at h;l"i sharp. A nominal admission will be charged 10 meet the necessary expenses. The .Masque is not being given to make money, hut to visualize the work of the Red Cross, to fnmlllarlze th people with the various branches of ItK beneficent aeri Ice ill War and In Peace. Reserved eats will be on side at Selijj's Jewelry Store. Ad mission: l.r, 2T nnd :'." rents. The cn"t follows: CHARAlTl.KS The Mother (All American Mothers) Mrs. Clevelaiel J ksoll, The l.-;,ioi!er (Tlie !'. f War) Mr. T .1. Varliliam. ' All Hearts (The Red Cress 1 MiiiH Mahala M r i.His. The Woman lYiMing V. oir.anhood Miss Margaiel S!ieep Voting (iirl ((lirihoo-ti Al's !iiyl,-i Ihirl.eH. Children ((.hildhondi tiirl - Kllen iMeia-;, Boy I'lsiiin I Miff. SONS SildierMr. It V Levm, I 3. Marine Corps. !i uliji - .Mr. .'.I. C. ;.tM jin. Av!.;tor--V,r. T. K. Marller.l' S X. Laborer - Mr.W.S ll 't.imitt, U.S.N. I'OI.I.OWKK.-; !.' .UK Dl'Sl'iULKR i iroi -Mr. J. M. KMly, C. 8. N. I: p'ne - Mr. A. K. Coyne, V. S. N. !i:l -Mr. A. W. ,Vmi!J. C. S. K. Va'n--Mhs MatUe Whitehurst. Ilmiger Mr. T. C. Tatiek, U. 8. N. Povi-rty Miss, Elols-j Robinson, resilience Miss Margaret (Culpepper IIKRaLdiJ: Courage Mr. U. V. Adame, V. S. A. Mei ay--Mr. It. B. Reynold.!, L 8. A. Reason- 0. B. Cook, L'. S. A. Love II. A. Jenk. V. 3. A. NEW COATS TO BE SOLD 0ND2R VALUE 1 Junt returned trn Nw "Wit wMit 1'went to buy hd'ns cotitj. ' I brought thepe cuats hack wttli me nnd now have them ready for In spection. This assortment Includes all the good materials, shades and stylo of (he season And we are going to sell them nt prices that -ore only a frac tion of former value. Come early, r"t first choice, brand new coals at ridiculously low price while this lot lasts. M. LEIGH SIIERP. Mm. C. W. Hollowrll. Jr.. baa )ust returned from a two week visit to Philadelphia. Fa. j