ANSWER TH3 (KIMS ROLL CALL OF TIIE ALBICAN RED CROSS. ALL YOU NEED IS A 1IEART AND A DOLLAR Buy W. S. S. And Help to Bring The Boy Back Home WEATHER Fulr tonight and Thursday, n change lu temperuture. Fresh nortk winds. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1918. No. 297 VOL. 3 ftP MUCH TO BE DONE THIS WEEK ; FOR CHRISTMAS ROLL CALL Bad Weatnef Has Seriously Hindered Work. All (. : Hearts Urged To Respond Without Delay And Without Urging ; , Three day of Ued Cross'itoll Call wmk have come uud gone, and but five more duys remain in which lo enroll the allottment of members assigned to KlizabtHh City and' Pasquotank County. There will be no ex ternum of time W the jltpll Call, and next Monday night will mark its ter mination. If 'the quota for thin community Is not enrolled by then, the 'record at Washington will forever show that this city and rounty failed ,to make its reachable .ullottnieut. I It is to be r'cijre'tted that the in- " clement weather of -the ,pust. three' dars made-it imwnelble for the wo- Men workers to begirt the house- house canvass. It would have been folly lor thorn to have braved the j elemeuis eveh in the interest. of bo good: a causa,, Then,, .too, the most attractive booths," designed to be set up pa tli street, in the downtown ectioii, Aave, not been erected be cause of the rain and cold.. In (act, the weather has made it impossible lor the worker to carry out any part of their program, except the staging of. the'teasquo Monday, night. it is sincerely hoped by Chairman Little- and his staff of assistants that tme people of the city and county will dine forward with their dollars and memberships, and not wait to be called on by the workers. Neces sarily 'much time has already been lost, but the Roll Call will not suffer If the people will take the initiative, and send their money and applica tions to either of the team leaders, MtfP. .0. Jacocks and Mrs. George MTtUlamson, or to Mr. O. It. Little, Chairaan, or L. D. Case. Director. .The women hav4one all that any ne could expect of them lu ilia face C the weather for the pant tew 4ays. But the fact that only 127 members have been enrolled Is, to say the least, disquieting mid leaves . to be secured daring the next Ave days. Them ' are"Tiurety"ttht many people In the city and county who are ready and ahxlous to join the, Red Cross, and the local commit tee appeals to tbem to send In their explications and money. A telephone message to the Chamber of Com merce will be enough, and a collector will: call later Tor tUe dollar. , Ee- canse ot'tlje nature of the appeal of the Red Cross, and the Importance Of its worV to, the nation at large, and this community in particular. there ougltf to he hundreds .f calls going .into the Chamber of ( onimerc dally. CLEARED $50 FOR WAR SAVINGS The C. M. B." Class, Blank well Me morial Sunday School, cleared about 50 for War Savings in their bazaar last week. The class wishes to thaik the 3. R. SIff Company for the iter rous use f the lg windo of rbeir store wfrere the bazaar wis held CITIES CONNECTED BY'AEROMADi Bj Associated New York. Dec. 18. Tbe sl'rst flight' ef idaliy mall service between New Tort and Chlcage began today. One airplane left. Long Island this morning, the mall to be transferred to another plane at Belief onte, Pa-, which will take It to Cleveland where a third plane will make the trip to Chicago. The last plane is expected to arrive at Chicago late today. C M. B. ELECTS OFFICER The C. II. B. Class. Iflackwell Me morial Sunday School, mot Tuesday evenfng with Mrs. J. W. Thompson Queen Street. Owing to the bad weather only fifteen members snd three visitors were; present. Bible Study of the coming year was pnd Unkford Jr f N)irf(,k M. Fulcher. Mildred latum, llwsfa White. Helen Williams. William Jen planned, and the following ameer Twlford. Dollle M. Mar.'ton. Clnude nlngs, George Modlln. Francis Sey- were elected. IAYHT HATI HD.W TWO WEEKS ! Rfolrncll. lrvin Swell). ffert. Roosevelt Stowp. .Mrs. m. r.. irr , '"""" Miss .MamiH nasunKs. i f- dent; Mrs. J. W. Edti-y. 2nd vice president; Mrs. J. H. Hales, .trd vice president; Mrs. &. W. Hastings, i Treasurer; Mr. '. E. Overman. Sec- rotary; Mr. R. T. Venters. Toucher. ', WANTED tlOOl 8KMn-l!AM One h onto ton spring wagon N. 1 MImsh Clrrs and Dona While of G. GRAN'Df ft CO .FiMit Mahthrwn Wistall svono bro Wednesday shop St., City. D.U-31 p at YkAR KH IfltKlf 1 Li! 11 Uul UllL to- l .ftlJi lit UU1 Vil -jTIMfe ARE NORMAL So Says Secretary Daniels Ad dressing Conference of State Governor at Annapolis To day (By Associated Prcxs) Anapolis, Dec, 18. At least one year,- possibly two, will he required before the nation can return to nor mal peace conditions and "we will be fortunate if conditions abroad make demobilization possible at so early a date." said Secretary Dan iels, addressing the Conference of State Governors here today. "The Navy," said the Secretary, "must be Increased, und strengthen ed to enable the I'nited fitiaes to contribute as many units as any other nation to the International p0'jce Korce He added: "I look to see the Peace Conference put an end to competitive big navy building. Mil. AXD MRS, J. K. GOODWIX, SR. CELEBRATE GOIJEN WEDDING Mr. r.d Mrs, J. E. Goodwin. Sr.. celebrated their Golden Wadding Tuesday, December the 1 7th . at their home on Martin Street with a unique and delightful family reuu'on and dinner, at which twenty of the 32 members of the Goodwin family were present. This was the first time that nil of Mr. and Mrt. Good- L . . th ' homa of thfilr nar,,ntl, ln UM(y ycars Qne Krtuidchlldi Mtag jr-- nne Ooodwln of this county, ind Krandson-ln-law , Mr . Lunkford I o Xorful wt.r( vMc ((, aUend th(J ,, The celebration really begun on Monday night when the ten o'clock train brought ln several mi'inbers of j the family. The climux came at the big family dinner Tuesday. ATter an old fashioned before the war feat, eppropriate gifts were preiented by members of tho family. , A feature of entertainment that provoked much merriment was the presentation of a bag of money. Tin: coins were of cardboard, uml each represented a member of the family1,' his worth, his childhood traits und prophecy regarding his future, Many were the memories revived and t !io hours sped by rapidly. , Later the en tire dinner party assembled at the photographer's where tho day's Joy continued ia the making.. of group pictures wotil tsm members of the family had to deport for their dis tant homes. Others remained oyer until Wednesday. Miss Rose will be here 4arlcg the holidays. The members of the family are: Mr. and Sin W. Hot Goodwin and children, Eunice, Harvey und Elea nor, at Elizabeth City. Mk Curtis Ooodwln, Mr. Rey Goodwin, Hollowoll and Adrlenne Goodwin, of Etttaheth City. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jones und children, William. Weldon and Eliz abeth of Moyock. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goodwin, Jr.. J . N f lk Miw noHP.(iufniw,n lf 1H w TrB,nlnf LlMilll M. Mr. and Mrs. Iinkforil f.ron.irv fR0, brown Hpotted l.Uch settor. t,riln, ,., u. ward for return to Stu.irl Uii!;;er ' W'iiKr.iiis. Allen lie!! . Fifth ;mde ' j Mba Tarker. TcHcltor Ada Pal- 'mer, Edna Cox. Olivia Benton. Rita Orders ncrw 'being taken for Xmiw ,wry. ( e. il Patrick. Eunice R'cli flowers. Louis Selig. Jeweler. 2t ar , tAUan KlrhBrrlson. Edna . ' :l"m:H. Vernou Clwippell, Raymond HONOR ROLL The Honor Roll for the school T Thos. Jullun Crnbbe of Oldhans, month ending December C, Is the lirst Vit.. and Mtaft Manila Lee Lougsorth to be published by the Kll'.ubnt h City j of Ocrun, Va,, were married Tuesday Graded School, To make the Honor ( by Justice of tile Ponce J. W. Mun Koll it Is necessary for a pupil to den. f a general average of ninety on Win. W. Crocker und Miss Cuth ull work, of course, not falling be- erine Spann, .both, of Norfolk, were low tha'-pass. murk.ifin iriy -subject. ( married here .Wednesday by Justice No .pupil who has been lardy or has of the I'eace ,).' W. Munden. more than two absences may make j Geo.. Robert Mlllinor and Mrs. the Honor Roll. Even In case of two j Minnie Hoover; both of this city, absences the uhsences must' be ex-' were married here by Justice of the cused. . PRIMARY H( HOOI, N ! Ii-st (JradcM Miss Hlnton, Teacher Katherlno Horry, Klf.abelh Kvans, Margaret Jfjrdftli ,' lles'Slo1 Sawyer,' Mary Chick, Wealthy Berry, Newton . Jones, Kl liort Mann, Stanley Simpson, Burrus Tillett. Miss Stevens, Teacher Lenora Bundy, Myrtle Hill, Evelyn Hettrick, Selma Horner, Sarah Mandrine, Bir die Price, Josephine Silence, Elsie Scott, Marguerite White,' Rosa" Twl ford, Blllie Cartwright, Horace Jones, Harold- Munden, Thomas Norrls, Michael Payne, Jac kTasker, Norman Gregory. Miss Dew, Teacher Eula Brick hoffke, Lucile Brickhouse, Clarence Iloyre, Dock Twlford. Miss Zoeller, Teucher: Martha Berry, lna Brothers, Rosalie Cole, Frances Pendleton, Evelyn Prltchard, Mary Saunders, Melvin Bunch, Dur ard Jones, Robert Lewis, George Little. Alton Poole. Ennls Raby, Wal ter Swain, Wesley Trueblood, Brent Wright. Mrs. Brooks, Teacher Mary Ball, Ida Batemun, Nrllln Glbbs, Evelyn Uumpulett, Frances Jenkins, Edna Johnson, Shelton Cooper, John John son, Alvin O'Neal, Haywood Harrell, Ammon Jay Scott. Haywood White. Advanced Klrwt GrudeH Miss IJames, Teacher - Edith Bundy, Augusta McPherson. Mildrsd Parker, Cabe Ollden. Second Uradee . Miss WilllsT Teacher Katherine Cartwright, Emily Hall Brock. Dorrla Abbott, Evelyn Cox, Holland Wil liams, William Hooker, Carl Qulnn. Miss Bell, Teacher Katie Ames, Margaret Butler. Lucy Mldgett, Juanita Nooney, William Carter. Hs'rry Uendason, Samuel Qver.nuu, Samuel Twlford. Mrs. Etheridge, Teacher Kliza Ix'th Chappell, Elizabeth Creecy, If.mes Black. Edwin Culpepper, Roy Ion Daniels. Miss Sheep, Ti'acber Marjor'o Forlien, Lnura Leigh Gray, Mabel Gordon, Emily l)av:s, Kut:i; enport. Isabel Munden. Elizabeth j I ircous. ilkins, Wilbur West, WiUJt m Gordon. Third f.riidos - Miss Blunchurd, Teucher Neuhih Rappr. Katherine Humphries. Mfxs Vv hitehurst. Teacher Inez HulL, Evelyn Puckett, Edna Sunder tin, Gladys Tillett, "Lucile T.nmbiood, Milton Self. Selby Stokes. Mrs. Skinner, Teacher Vlrgllia Banks. Lyillu Cohoon, Ruth Dozler, Mary . Louise Bailey, Flora Griggs, Louitie tlarrUi, Clara Prltchard, Doro thy Richardson, Pearl Sklles, Vivian Turner. . Julian Aydlett, . VVinneld Baker, Rollins Daniels. Aubrey Gal lop, Francis' Jacocks, Julian Rper. Suphus Sawyer, .Tyer Sawyer, James Wood, Robert Williams. , GRAMMAR SCHOOL friurfK firades Miss Brockwelt. Teacher Edna Morrlsette. Hazel Long, Helen Bright, Julia Baiter, Maxine Shephard.Esther Williams, Katie White, Clurcnce Prltchard. Oscle Davis, Clarcncn Sanders, Dcvld Streughsn. Ilessi Horner, Elizabeth Stokely, EHie Madrln. Miss White, Teacher Monterey Cartwright, Margaret Counery, Mary O. Gregory, Elvle Jackson, Ida Lns sitcr, Helen Leigh, Lillian Twlford. Clara Carter, Vera I .arson, Niuno Woodward, Marcullus Corbctt; il'Mi- jnle Gendason. Edward Walker. ! Mis BuniKiirner. Tt h :.. Miss Ro'U. Teacher - Katborinn :'ar' ni Sett. Mm i i Whli . V.-dr!n. Mlhs Burns, Teacher- Msry J.'in"s, Mury W. Wlurlo v. TCVti l.ih T'owler. Oule Sample. Larry Skiu w:!; at:;. T,nc!p frki. Louise Out- er, Nettie Tit t tin. .. . MARRIAGES Peace J. W. Munden, Wednesday. PROHIBITION BY NEXT FEBRUARY (By Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 18. Ratifica tion of the Prohibition Amendment to the Federal Constitution by next February the first is predicted In a survey of the situation ninde public today by the Board of Temperance and Public Morals of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Fifteen states have approved the amendment and the board declares that thirty other states, legislatures of which meet next mouth, will vote favorably. REPORTS DENIED BY THE VATICAN (By Aoclutd Trots) Home, Dec. 18. Reports that there has been a settlement of the controversy between the Qulrlnal and the Vatican and that there is a possibility that Pope Benedict may leave tho Vatican are emphatically denied by the Observators Romano, the official organ of the Vatican. it w, Grace Pendleton, Margaret Sawyer, Margaret E. Sawyer,- Mar Jorie Skinner, Louise White, Eliza- lna k Tlinm nittn A rxn La U!ai A - I brtme Fowfer, Kennedy Houtx." Regi - nald Lowry. Mrs. Pearson, Teacher Ruby Bright, Mury Butler, Margaret Davis, Helen Lewis, Annie Midgette, HuMI i'uekett, Lillian Wllklns. Carroll Abbott, Laurance Aydlett, Calvin Curten, Dockory Dally, Thomas Jen kins, Robert Lewis, Macon Nixon. VVIlHam Perry. Sixth tirade Miss M:d:ick. Teuchei- Ruth nr.'ght, Bt ulah Jones, Mark Sawyer. Mbs DeLon, Teacher Loons Munden. Mary Crency, Elizabeth Le- j I'.oy, Emily Commander, Dwight Sylvester. MHry Dozler. ' Glennie Morve, Elizabeth West, Sutliu M te Wood.. Margaret Griflln, Vedle Swain Burgess Perry, Willie Sawyer. WI1 ui er Bollard, Thomas Johnson. Mrs. Pool. Teacher Elizabeth Baum, Ellzubelh Harris, Margaret Hullowell. Mury Horner, Margaret X'wh, Hilda Xoopey, Alildred Perry, Mary H. Prltchard, Nannie M. glomes, ' Itiichel Williams. Marion Seyffert, William Scott, Oscar Williams. Seventh Grades Miss Elliott. Teachei' Margaret Commander, Oertrode Harrell, Gol die Jsnies. Grace Jenkins, Ireena Kontz, Mary Trueblood. Wllborn Harrell, Julian Ward. Elliott Ward. Stuart-Wood. William Daily, Cath erine White, Vernon Davis. -Mli-s Harney. Teacher Evelyn Bright. Maxine Fearing, Lillian Har ris. Helan Little, Mary Owens, Rosa Lee Wood, Constant Fearing, Sam Henderson, Zack Owens, Bradford SandHr. Joseph Bpeiwe.Clemant Twl Tord. ' HIGH SCHOOL Eleventh tirade Annie Ilurrls, Geneva Roane, An nie S'lverthorn. Wynona Splrey, Helen Welch, Rena Ward. Tenth Grade Oracle Davis, Elizabeth Kramer, Maude Leigh. Ruth Murden. Mnttle Ninth AAlvah Waters, Evu Si wyer. Katherine Skinner. Eliza belli Ethnrldge. Grafton Love. Ninth Grub' II and C - Mae While. Murgetet Jin mil I. Edna Siokeley. Claud Ward. Selden Lsnib. Ulilney Evans, St. Clair Bailey. Carroll Parker. Eighth Grade A und B Amiuboile Abbott. Lonn Lewis. Muttle Sfuc. E ghMi Grade C Hit I H Oleta MitS. CLYDE V. HARRELL DEAD Mrs. Clydd V. Harrell, died at her home on Morgan Street Tuesday af ternoon at 1:40 o'clock following a severe attack of influenza which lasted nine days. She was twenty six years old und is survived by her husband und three small children. The remuins were taken to the old home at Columbia on Wodnesd-ty. ENTREAT ALLIES OCCUPY BERLIN (By Associated Press) Paris, Dec. 18. Unolllclal reports still persist, says I Matin, that the Ebert-Haase government has en treated the Allies to occupy Berlin. PHYSICAL TRAINING IS IMPERATIVE Chicago, Dec. 14. Fifty per cent of the 25.000,000 boys and girls of school age hnve physical defects that impede nefnial development, Williard S. Small. School Hygiene specialist of the Federal Bureau of Education, suld ln an address today before the American Public Health Association. After declaring that the nut Ion's need of "physical educntlon" is Im perative, the speaker pointed out that 2,000,000 men In the llrst draft were disqualified for active military ser vice because of'physlcal defects, und added : "Being unfit for military service, they were therefore unfit to render full service In any capacity. They were unable to get full returns from life in work and happiness." The physical education needed must assume physical activity as tbo bsslc thing, the speaker added. There must be wholeaome physical environment. Individual physical tx amlnation and record, aud medical supervision of schools. ."It should provide for all persons between alx and eighteen years of age "hftuld benellt. to youth above the compulsory school ag. R should provide federal aid to permit states to carry on effective systems of physical education. This federal aid should be limited to preparation of teachers for skilled service und pay ment for sklllPd service. "The progrum proposed will raise the positive coefficient of the physi cal life of the nation. It will build molality upon the solid foundation of physical soundness and vitality, will be a powerful influence in Am rerlcanlzutlon." HYDROGRAPIIIC OFFICE FOR WAR (By Assocbited Prow) Washington. Dec. 13 UeortraM' zutlon of the Navy's Hydrogruphlc Office during the war so ua io i..a,t It largely independent of foreign sources of Information Is shown to di'.y In the annual report of Rear Ad miral Beaton Schrooder, chief of the office which In maintained to supply marine maps und charts and all sorts of scientific sailing advice to the navy and merchant marine. "Cur entry Into the war made It an absolute slue quanon," Admiral Schroeder said, "und although thu tlnal result cannot be Immediately achieved of covering the more re mote nntravellod seas wlht our charts the office has been reflnltely brought to a position of virtual independence and self-support. And that position will of necessity be maintained from now on." Owing to tho wnr. tho only sur veys now being carried on are around Guam. In Lie Gulf of Foiiseiu and near Guantunamo. Submarine uper- jations, the report said, have added Flightly to the sum total of hydro- jgiuphlc Information. FOIl HALESIX ACRE! ADJt)IX- lug Weymouth farm. Will cut up Into fit) or more lots, or can be cultivated. Two small barns and under wire fence. Also 4 houses Mid lots on Brown Street. I will ofler these for e ,i than you can li , 1 1 t the hoiiKi'H and it u (fn,n i r ; 1 1 T n prnp-f'y. w.i- r Prlti ha d -town -i:i;. V A. ,(r,ii l"h'i'.lA-l (',. W. UeyeriiUe. liib-nMl service, Is ill home aga'ii. frun V. folk B. Carter has returned lo Nor irmlly here TO CONFER WITH KINGIMMANEUL President Wilson Feels Warm est Sympathy for Italy's Part in the War. Much in terest in Conference. (By Associated" Pressi) Paris, Dec. 18. Much inter est attaches to the canference which President .Wilson will have with King Victor Imman uel who is expected here to morrow., I .... . It has been said by the Presi dent's associates ;that he will. Ko further into the subject, of' Italy's position at the Pe"ace' Conference in his conversation with the King. ' It is known that the Presi--dent feels the warmest synv-, pathy for the , purposes which " led Italy to enter the war'. CONFERS WITH FOCH ' Paris, Dec,. 18. President Wilson and Marshall- :,Floch talked for half an hour last night, mainly in reference to ' the armistice between the Al lies and Germany. PEACE IN JUNE Marcel Hutin of the Echo de Paris states that most probably the peace treaty will be signed at Versailles some time about the beginning of June and Foch will lead the Allied arm ies under the Arch of Triumph in Paris within fifteen days af ter peace is declared. PARIS PAPERS PLACE DATE This morning's newspapers variously place the probable date of the opening of tha Peace Conference tit from Jany uary 10th to 15th. Meetings preliminary to the Conference will be held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Premier Clemenceau pre siding. Prior to this important conferences ewill take place, including one which President Wilson will have with Lloyd George. KARLSBAD ASKS FAVOR Copenhagen, Dee. 18. -Vienna dispatches to the Co logne Gazette report that the town council of Karlsbad has asked President Wilson to recognize Karlsbad an ah in dependent republic under American supremacy. DOCUftiENTisilOW PLANS OF MURDER . i (II) Associated Prew) London, Dec. 1M. Documents found on' one of thoso arrested la connection with Iho ssujjinution of President Paeft Sattrrduy show that an extensive plot had been originat ed. Partlclpnnts In It wer drawing lots to see who should strike the blow :igalnst the president. POLISH GOVT. . MHENTEFfTE (By Associated Pwwj Copenhagen. Dec. 18. Tho Polish government has declared Itself ready to coprtude military and political iirutice with the Entente nat'.ons, according to the Cologne Gazette. NEGRWDIERS LANDED TODAY (By lu ted Pr) New York. Dec. is. The llrst de tachment of negro soldier to return home landed today when the steam ship Celtrlc reached the pier. The vessel curried a total of 2.30O men and officers. Orders now being taken for Xmaa flowers. Louis Kcllg. Jewelr Jt