ANSWER THE CHRISTMAS ROLL CALL OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS. ALL YOU NEED IS A HEART AND A DOLLAR WEATHER Itiiln tonight, colder. .Wednesday much colder and genet-iilly fair. Mode-rule to fresh southeast to south winds, ahlftlng to west and north west Wednesday. Buy W. S. S. And Help to Bring The Boys Back Home VOL. 3 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24, 1918. No. 302 W FORMER ELIZABETH CITY BOY IN DEATHLESS LOST BATALLION Survives As By Miracle With Clothing All But Shot to Pieces To. Tell Story of Hairbreadth Escape First Lieutenant, Maurice Vaughn Griffin, a former Eliza beth City boy, and brother of Miss Mattie Griflin and W. W. Griffin, who was with the "Lost Battalion" in the Argonne For est, in a letter to his wife, dated November 7th, and written from hospital in France where he is recovering from his wounds, has the following to say of his experiences on that occasion: "If you have read anything in the papers about a Battalion ; t::k :rr?tJzr:m more paper ua j Of jwu tan juni ni ji i. viimv your hubby was one of them, : and believe me I. was glad to , get out when we were relieved, j A Lt. Alexander, who was in j the Hospital with me, from Charlotte, N. C, says that some of his people had sent him a clipping of it from one of the Charlotte papers. We weje re- j lieved on October 8th. The pic ture 4 have of you has a hole in it from a piece of shell, it went in my pocket book but not through it. I have the piece of shell as a souvenir. I have four bullet holes in my overcoat and my breeches were torn to pieces by a grenade, but I onlyU)f rhlbH of NorUl Carolina, has heen had my knee cut a little and the, added to the list. The executive , ., , . , , , T-, I committee is now composed of the bullet in my shoulder, Kvery-Statc ls Com , R Young M. one says that I had my "rabbits 'liuiloweii of Goidshoro; Mrs. cun foot" with me, but I think it1'"'""". I"rli'- Mr- Alderman jof Henderson. Mrs. Johnson of Hal- was something else that.,, all(1 MrK. j. G Fearing of kiu- Watched OUt for me HO I could "'"'Hi I'ity. Mrs. Fearing having come back home. The Strap to my field glasses has lien, me a part of the educational was cut with a bullet. My gas s-vM"1" s,taUiaml ,,JS vu' nor iiickolt and other state oflicials. mask was cut in half by shrap- dorsiM, ,,y Slipt ,,. v joyner. c.over- nel and my helmet had a dent Kvery teacher is urged to organ r , ., . t i il l-i j. Ize a Safety League in their school. from a bullet, but they did not ,ri , . ' ' The ohject of this organization is to get me. The last Seven days We help aid in the Prevention of Fires had nothing to eat at all, ex- i,,ul C arolina. I cept tree leaves and roots, and j most of our drinking water was j rain water from shell holes. I ! certainly am thankful that Ij got out of it as I did. j I have some clippings from'"1' iH ,;,rdia,lv lnv"wl . , . I' The music programme is as fo- the London Papers and Pans' lnws. papers about it but the Censor ; l. Prelude-war .March e,f the , . r I- Priests. Stegall rules prevent me from sendinr , n them home at the present time, j :, -The Lord i, in His iioiy T-tn-It looks as if the War was ' i'1''-" , . 4 i i.ite. HchneckiT. nearly over now that Austria; . (.(1I.(H s,.llll( ,,.r Jli(Vill. has (Jtlit. I don't know when 'son and Nelson. T ... . . , i ,,, j I will re.iom my regiment but; the Doctor says 1 will be behind the lines for several months as S my nerves are "shot to pieces, but I don't fed so badly, just nervous. The major in command on; the "Hill" was promoted toj Colonel, given, the D. S. C. and! nt bT. hi, narT e -1 wnuu'iscy ana me negimcnit was from Nw YdN. I hope I have r.ot violated the Censor rules, but am told I have not. MILUKOFF HAD TO LEAVE PARIS (Hy AwocUted PreoiV rrls. Dec. H. Paul N. Milukoff, former Runnlan foreign minister, ac cunel taut Jul; of German leaning, has been obliged to leate ParU, ac cording to U Matin. HIa pranc atr was bUTd to kA uacftssrf. UNTIL FRIDAY There will be no issue ef The Advance on Christ- h mas Day. and on Thurs-' day, as The Advance', fol- lowing its usual custom, will give its force two days off ItKTUiXS KKOM H.UF.TY MKKTlXg Mrs. J. G. Fearing has just re- it urned from Raleigh where she went to he present at a conference of r Safely League Workers, called hy I he Stut Ins. ()in. Mrs. Clarence Johnson. President of I he Federation .charge of Kastern North Carolina, i This wonderfully Important work insist HI IU II There will he a special service held in Christ Church Christmas morning at eleven O'clock to which the pub- f) Festival Te I I'll in. hud! . Jiil1Mfi , .. ; i. k. s Hymn :.4. r.nck )lldev ;i dlona inn. Anon, lo Hymn r!. ! 1 1 II. irk. the lier, Id Angels sing. -ad. Il Star Sp; .. nirled Mniiner ll in 11 ' ., 14 1'iistUnle. Mil ri ill (i. Itafl'. HOHENZCLLER NS ARE m PAUPERS (lly Assoc In led I'ross) Itaxle. per. 24 The Keizure nf liroperty owned by the llolicnzollcrua would Jiroduce lniiuedlalely nine hundred luillimi murks, according lo figures compiled by the Frankfort Naelirlchton. EM' COKN SAVE VHMT IMIKPKMIK.N'T The Advance begs to acknow ledge a debt ot appreciation to Editor Saunders Of The Inde pendent for the fuct thul the paper lias been able to appeur for theJast two days. There was a serious smash up on The Advance press yes terday before all the papers had heen run and without help part of our subscribers would have missed their paper yesterday and ull of them would have missed it today. Kditor .Saunders and The In dependent force came to the rescue under these trying cir cumstances and at no little in convenience to themselves en abled The Advance to appear as usual. We ask t he indulgence of our readers for matters in which The Advance to day Is not up to the usual standard of tho Christinas edition and plead the extraordinary demands upon the time of the editor for the last twenty-four hours. INVITE WILSON SPEAKATCHURCII President To Be Asked to Ad dress Congratulation in Eng land Worshipping in the Church Built by His Grand father (It) Associated Press) Carlisle, Kngland, I lee. 24. Ilev. Fdward liooth, pastor of the Con gregational church here which was built by the President's grandfather and where his grandfather was min ister for fifteen years, has Invited the President to address the congie gation during his visit here next Sunday. nmij u IS WIPED out Opinion of Advocate General, Sustained by Baker, Says Militia Revert to Civilian Status When Discharged (Hy Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 24 The opin ion of the Judge Advocate (ieneral's ollice, improved by Secretary of War Raker, holds that ollieers and en listed men of the National (Juard will revert to civilian status when discharged from Federal service. The effect of Hip ruling will he lo virtually wipe out of existence the National (Juard as organized prior lo i In' war. (! .s-"ci.ilcd Ti'i'oi I ',i- I'ee. 1 I. Tll colnlitloii ,,f Miijnr (ii'ie .;;il ( hiirles i. UIukI'm. who v;;s injured in Ull itiriil.iiie full III I.eilVies. llnrllieii.-t of I'.iris, Moil tiny s hiiwi ure;i lin prm enient diM-. lite night. Ill Hie ;;rcil!i ,,f ,t, iiiin h !! ;ied i,Mi a itrii iwli otlh er Were ktiied. ... .,.(- (P ,n, j,r tr,e'A;.Ti- '"" Areii.:ticf Coiiimltnti iind was he hr .t Anterlciiu i i n. tl otlirer to enter tn rini;.:!i e i . r t . in DM inn (ienill , WIS MtUM . nn, tut lit . of "H lifter the He wa-i f. r- tlie l;,l .llll'.W RETAINS OFFICE (Ilj A""! Ilttlll N'M) llasie, Dec. 24. An agreement bus been reached between the Iler lln K.iverninent and the (German gen eral staff by which Field Marshall Von lliiidenburg and General Croe ner. Chief Quartermaster, retain their offlcea. according to the Lokal An;.eger of Ilerlln. VOH RKNT OK LEANE HTOHE now occupied bjr A. F. Toxer A Co., aa a wholcaal grorrt jr. poa mmIos Jaaoary U(, 11)1.' Ctu. li now. D--cr COl'ltTKNY GENERAL RHODES MUCH IMPROVED WILSON VISITS CLEMENCEAU Leaves tonight to Spend Christmas Day With j American troops, goes Then To England J (lly AsNocluled Piths) j Paris, Dec. 24. President; Wilson this morning visited Premier Clemenceau. Paris, Dec. 2:5. The Presi-1 dent's plans for visiting" Ameri-1 can Army headquarters at Chaumont, then proceeding to' England, are now complete. lie will leave Paris late Tues-; day night and not return until j New Years Day. DINNER WITH TROOPS The President will have Christmas dinner with the troops, eating from a mess kit with the soldiers about him. He ' will have a'formal dinner with General Pershing and his offi cers later. After receiving the rtoops, the President will deliver anj address, leaving Chaumont late Christmas Day. ' He will then go to Calais, arriving next .morning. From 1 there he will go to Dover and directly to London. i CHRISTMAS SHOPPING President and Mrs. Wilson went Christmas shopping todav 1 1 visiting many of Iho principal shops during their two hour tour. lloth hiu! be i n about the city before but this wsa the first time they had ventured into the shopping district together, as they often do in Washing ton. Few Parisians recognized them, but all Americans, with whom the center of Paris now teems, gave greetings, which the President and his wife re turned with smiles and bows. TM KKTS OS SAI K. Till ItSIMV Yirkcls for the V. M ('. A. Vllilde. Ville New Vein's Kve on hale on Thursday. Announcement is found in our advertising columns. The name of the old favoriteM il natii!K In the program. - Cam Melirk. Hill (' " Sawyer iinil 11. Cuy I'.riK ki M I:. Miflic'ein guarantee for many a laugh Mr. .Veih-k will he in-.-.r.l in the I e,p .Moiiologiii' "l.y Trou bles.- "i'.il! ("' and (Juy Itrockelt have a YlddMi Ta!kfa:t ending net wiih the siu:g "Can on Tame Wild Wlm i men .' I Mr. J.i.-lie Waldorf appears in a black f.n e novelty musical sketch ending Ips act with the song ' In tm Mac'n r.;ml f t'm'f V,! It. .!; n .f V." !, M u t 1 . " Vi lli. Tainindge .Miller will have a clever dancing i.i I and W"'-ley Wood-t-y A.i! iiiiniil-e tie1 aad'ence in i( Kiii(ilgiji' "lie Art of KKsinc." CONFERENCE AT (I!) A-sim ialed Pros) Pans, her. 24. An important conference In the effort to Iind ground for co-operation between the Allies and the t'nlted States on the one hand and the patriotic elements In Hussla on the other, was held yes terday at the Russian Embassy, to day's papers reported. The Entente governments, press accounts' declare, are completely In accord In the decision to refuse to undertake a vast military eipedltloB Uto Russia, CASUALTY LIST MOIt.MNU REPORT Washington, Dec. 24 The follow ing casualties ure reported hy the Commanding General of the'Ameri ran Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action 171 Died of wounds , . 69 Died of disease 14 3 Wounded severely 66!) Wounded (degree undeter mined I Si) .Missing in action mm;) Total 1,471 ill c.vitnuw casi aiiids NOK Killed in Action I'liigene Rachel, Spokane. Died or Disease '.linile Amnions, Clintoif (ieler W. Atkins, High Point, .lohn K. Faircloth, Koseboro. Albert F. Jones, tireensboro. Wounded Heverely John Whlilock Wallace, Klalesvill George C. Mauney, Murphy, Alex P. Arnold, Wakefield. Dennie Presley, (lastonin. Moody I. Kern, Ether. Raymond Itarnes, Taylorsvllle. Alex C. Hrown. Fast Dend. James K. Lunsford, Klk Port. Willie O'Neal, Selma. Kagle Pamell, (ioldsboro. John Henry West, (lastonia. Lonnle C. M HI Ik In, I.aiirlnbiigr. Solle L. Morris, Aulander. Joseph S. Mozelle, Sunbury. Kdgar M. Sattertliwalte, ltansoni vllle. Robert J. Itntson, Vista. Wonmled (Decree Ciidetermined) Thomas C. Sinclair, Haeford. Filch K. Rector. Cressroads. Missing in Action J James M. lirickhoiise, Coliimli I in in !' Fox, ftlorgantown. Hubert F. Reildisli, Ulcsvllli AFTKRNOOX ItKPdltT Washiiiglon, llec. 21 - The follow ing casualties are reported by the Ameii- 27:i 20 6 commanding ticnoral of the ."ed'Uonarv Forces: Killed in lotion Died of wounds Died of accident ami other causes I i'd (if ,iirplaiM- accident Died iif di.-.ease WllllClled (.I'Verely Wounded I deer..,, undeter mined i Missing In act inn is !i I I I 622 Is 2 it ! Total i,r,sj NOItlll AKOI.IW CASI AI.TIKS Killed in Action Walter I,. Parsons. Km kingham. 1 homiis t. Speaks. Jennings. Died of Wound-. Kdward ('. Harris, Wotidell. Thoiuas M. Iliilla, Kayettevllle. Clark U. Slewarl, Middlheiirg. Carmel Kich. Holilnsville. Kddie Parks, Seahoaid. Ilieil of Disensr liavid T. Carroll. Mansou. Kred J. Stafford. Ophlc. John H. Seiigrove. kaudolph coun ty KreiU rh k Ciihey, Swen Springs. Cl.illdi' M. (ia.skills, .Merrilt. Itergis H Flowers, Taylursville. 'riioinas ti. Nance, ThoiiiUHVillo. .Marshall K. Watttnn, Iarby. Woniideil Severely .l.iiiii i A. I.ockharl, Wudeshoro. Ah in I.. Ilelitoll, i .is 1 1 1 ll l ,i. Arthur (iihuii, Canton, loin li. Chalmers, Uai'ii;h William I,. oii. y. Mariuu. .lal.M'.- !'. Ilnilileii I U-l fii in I . W illie J. (.aliiui r, Wilson., i hi , . Pond .. Charlie S. Long, Swerti. 'Andrew J. 'I'lioiiipsen, Spray, (iiie Michael, (in i nslioro. t,niu1F It ,tfltn-itill, H'p!llle. ' ( a.irie.H K. ..iet.rfe, I'iiinacle. ii.i N. Clifpei, 1 1 ,. wtde.ilioro. K. liiil, ;Corv. noil. I II. 1 d u .. : i. , i! J i - i ; i l; in Anion I 'i h j . a. ( I 1 1 1 . i . I.I d li (11) AiM l(Hcd Press) Paris, her. 2 4.-- The Germans have not completely compiled with the terms of the clause of the armis tice providing for the delivery of all their submarines, according to Le Matin. The newspaper points out that the j submarine cruiser t'-157 Is no at Trondhjem, Norway, a submarine of the newest type ot eighteen hundred tons and credited wtlh having made a emute of four moatbs vjiaout auklaf port. - JIM WILCOX IS NOW BACK HOME Arrived in City This Af ternoon on Train From Norfolk And Given Cordial Welcome Jim Wilcox is back home for ! Christmas, a free man. I He arrived in the city on the train from Norfolk due at 11.35 1 . I I ! 1 . . dui wnicn aia noi arrive un til nearly two o'clock this af ternoon. . .He was met at the train by members of the family, who through all the years have held to their faith in him, and his reunion with his loved ones at the Norfolk Southern made an affecting scene. Judging from the general tone of comment heard at the depot today and about the street since news of Welcox's pardon has been received here, the welcome to the pardoned man is felt not only by those are his relatives and friends but also by Elizabeth City people generally. The feeling against him, once so strong here that he was taken to another coun ty for trial, seems to har passed, and the general senti ment seems to be a feeling of tatisfaction at the one-time prisoner's pardon and return. . .Wilcox was convicted on cir cumstantial evidence and there have always been many who questioned his guilt. WOMEN ARE" Paris. Nov. lie. ( Correspondence of The Associated Press. He want ed to buy a Christ ma1 present for the girl back home so Hint she could show it lo all the o'l er 'iili. -md destroy their pence of mind li-caas'' il had come from Franc lie knew Just what he wanted, too, but every time be thought of eolnz into 'he shop and trying lo ask In Freio li f ir the tiling he wanted, he gat r"l be hind the ears. lie bad gone uvei the top in the past, unafraid, bat he couldn't do litis. Al last, when his leav ! was ail up, he wenl Into the calitee.i and asked the V. M. C. A. woman there lo make the purchase for him. I'e gave her the address, and hoped it wouldn't he too much trouble ;o Mi.d the package. ' Oi cour e it nii't." s.'id the V. M. C. A. woman who Imy. do' 'tis ol ii'h fill-1 each week. "I'll enjoy i!. I'll :" t!i;,t the piick i ; go'-s all i :)!. i-eil, ;r you l.k I'M writ" her a little note ton, lelhe,', Vi.v avcII you re looking." "Thrt will he nice " said Ho. ; -vale lie coiinti ii out th" III' lie, a iVi.erons amor nt. Si ill he ling ered. I.imi jt- was evident that he bad so'il I th':ii; el e ;,; hi, i; -tiid, ! Anything else ( c.iii do f o- yoii,' I a- 1 '.! ! lie V.'olitiiH. ! ! ' I U.e I Ills." I i n the H : ill.-, j liesjiiil n.My lie . .:,,..!, s-vallovieil I fff ttf ff,.f M'l 5i.nOl "V.- ' j I-.' careful what you kv in that note, won't j!,u Ma'aiii? N H'l : et - jay i girl - hhe'd funny about some things ' . ' ii.'U'! t'i : i Ji'll, you Know t . now no non .. I'M': !o- Hie pri vate wisl ly. 1 ' I'll iel ynu 1." . d the Alli ti;ill II. I if e her I en- i d tnceting you hei-aitse I have a son In the army myself. W'dl (hat do?" "That will he line," mi!iI the pri vate heartily. "I wouldn't bare mentioned it. only you know how women:" He smiled at her tinder standlngly. n.'uted, turned mid went out. AMBASSADOR CALLED IIOjIE Parle, Dec. 24. - Ambassador Sharop has been called to America by the severe Ulaeae of bis brother Airrtft 04i. E Uarea UaJitu.