if. 6 WEATHER Euy W. S. S. And Help to Bring The , Boyt Bacjc Home ' u D.oy-fi) DID n C5i Kulr In until, pioimlily ih.h ia woit poiiloil toLlgllt uf Vt'llileXii.i), ViUI'tU C, ..;...Ie. rit J '.v.:ida becoming south. V0L4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, 7"J.5DAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1919. No. 36 1 6- e. "Hp X1 V -IP CONSIDER NAMING ! , T SECRETARY Y. M. C. A. Directors Meet , Wednesday Evening to Di- euss This And Other Topic; LECTURES ON POULTRY Lectures on Poultry . Raining will be deliver tbruout tbe county next week by Mr. A. O. Oliver of Raleigh, On Monday night, Feb. 17th, the first lecture will be delivered at Riverside Bchoolhouse. The directors of tbe Y. M. C, A. meet Wednesday evening at five o'clock at the Y. MjC. A. to hee. the final report ot tbe directors' cnuvusi lor funds for the oarren year's bud get. As the success of bte canvass assures the operation "of the "Y" this year as a community cente rthe mat ter of naming a secretary will be taken up by the directors. Secretary GUmore fo Camp Wads "worth, who was here to see Mr. V Houts laa tweek, la regarded as one ofs the best prospective candidates for tbe secretaryship. Mr. Gllinore lias had eighteen years experience In "Y" work having served both as physical director and as general sec retary. For the past year he has been In charge of the physical activi ties Ot three units at Camp Wads worth and la recommended to the Board of Directors by T. Delos Crary, formerly of this city, who is now In f'J' work(at Camp Wadsworth e.nd has been" closely associated "with Mr. Ollmore. Mr. Gilmor met the di rectors of'the Elizabeth City "Y" at upper whllee here and made a most favorable Impression. ' . . GERMANS ADOPT ' CONSTITUTION ; (By Associated Tress) Weimar, Feb. 10. The German National Assembly has adopted the provisional constitution with little amendment. ! The national' president, will be elected Tuesday. BOliilEVIKI : ARE REPULSED (By Associated Free) London, Feb. 11. The Bolsheviki launched an Infantry attack Satur day agatnat Allied positions near Sredmakrenga, southeast of Archan gel, and . were repulsed, according an' official statement Issued by the war office tonight In operations Friday In which Americans, British and Russians - . -I tAnrnVnd thefr nniltlnna nn tha Pa. Another question to be taken 1 trograd ro,d ,ontB of Kadlsh, the i eat, vuuwviasj wru UlBtHlaJg) W til : be that of the method of electing directors under tbe new plan of op erating the "Y." Heretofore the di rector have boen chosen from the membership, but the terms of all l the directors now serving have ex iplred and all members 'tip have been (abolished. In who: o hr.ada the mat ter of -determining the personnel of the board Is to ret must therefore tbe decided before the Association Un dertakes the work of the new year. Yesterday the campaign for funds .far the budget w'aa epp;ted r. hav ing passed tbe three thousand dollar mark, and since that time still fur ther progress has been made. There no longer remain the (lightest doubt of the ultimate success of the campaign. . , , , , . Below are the list ot contributors to da(t: Calvert Crary 150.00 Globe Fish Co. . 15.00 M. P. Gallop Co. ......... SS.00 Jennette Bros. 15.00 iC. W. Steven Co. ......... 16.00 A. F. Toxey A Co 25.00 .AnJa,"- Qaa Engine Works. . . 25.00 C.'jL. Cooke 25.00 Bolshevik! suffered heavy losses. P. W. McMullan ...mi,,, 26.00 M. O. Morrisette Co. , 21.00 Thos. J. Markham 25.00 P. W. Melick ,Co. .......... 26.00 A. R. Nicholson 5.00 C. R. Pugh 25.00 Dr. A. L. Pendleton 25.00 R. E. Qulnn Co. . t. 2600 CO. Robinson 26.00 buaf Belle ..,..-.,.. 'ti Diy John fialiba . , '. . . 25. 00 M, Leigh Sheep Co. 23.00 S L.' Sheep 25.VO 25.00 26.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 . O. Saunders 5. R. Sift Co. . I E.- Skinner" Srence ft Hollowell Co J as. T. Stallings Sfcarber ft White Hdw Lr. W. W. Sawyer .. Stevens Jobbing Co. A. B. Seeley ft Son C. E. Thompson Week k Sawyer Jack Well John Well Co.. , iwver 2 1 '.V. 2 80.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 2SiJ)0 26.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 RETURNS MERELY ; TO SIGN BILLS i 1 1 " President Wilson Will Be In ' Washington Only , . Short .Time Hurrying Sack to The Peat Conference (By Awsociated Press) "Paris, Feb. 11. Evidence of tbe president's Intention not to abandon the Peace Conference upon the rati fication ot the Society of Nation's KING GEORGE URGES PROGRESS Speaks From Throne to Houses Of Parliament For Elimina tion of Poverty And Unem pljyment (By AMM'lated Press) London, Feb. ll. .King George in his speech from the throne, to the Houses of Parliament today urged tho legislative bodies to act reso- plan was found in the disclosure lutely in stamping out poverty, dt today that his plan Is to return mlnlshlng unemployment and lm from Washington to Paris by March .proving the health of the nation. 16th. j This Involve a brief a utay In tTl?!? 171) 1717 DTT I Washington as to permit only the rljULuLlJ DILL signing, of bills during the closing - Annr,T hours of Congress. IVI 1 1 H X II I KXHI I GERMAN Qt'EHTIOX POSTPONED ' v ' ' vfP. In view of tbe complexity and dl- " , , verslty of problems raised by the Chamber of Commerce) in Favor armistice the" Supreme War Council J Qf mprYta Highway To tas appointed a committee ot eight ".. D . ... . member to which ha been entruet- j Norfolk But Would Assess dh task of studying these ues-L Each County . On Basis of Udns. .The"CouncU therefore has MUea - rQu0ty postponed temporarily the adoption!" . . ,( ... , of condition to be Imposed upon " " ' " J4, Germany. - Tha directors of the Chamber pf PROHIBITION, CHILD LABoa 'Icbmrnerfc?. Monday night endorsed Two- Important feature of the Bt0' 'rabee's bill for a concrete Amerlcan-BrltUh Labor programs. highway" to' Norfolk except a to the were accepted today by tbe Comml- intter of ' tour ninth of L it on International Labor legtsla- nignway tion and alll form part of the whole M'f - PasquoUnk. The director project of International regulation considered thl amount excessive;- in- of labor which will be submitted to Mmuctt ?"luoU.rk will get only the lull Peace" Conference,. . one eighth of the .. gh way. . They . Yl.es- are prohibition, child lor'went on reC0M " orln n under-slsteea years, and unifumlty 8f88ment tast each vunty on the of siaman wagee. u"10 Ul lu" "e0 cuumy. JAPAN KMTEKA1EH 'LAIM in movement on root at Houti Japan ba reiterated her intention M11,B t0 et t wnerete road from 'to .hold Marshall and" Carolina SaMills into Portsmouth wa Island in the Pacific which she taken P Bnd the Alncton went on took from Germany duriu? the war w " couumtung me cnamoer rwU aa to,lnalBt upon tb "eiceui "" wnuenee tiori of Jer agreement. reached last, toVard eetUn ad from September with China regarding b"th Clty t0 the PaQotank line op Shantung. . A formal statement to posite Sonth Mills If the Sbuth Mill,-. hi. 'ffrf h J.DflnMe 1-enre.u.nU- Portsmouth highwiy becpmei . a fact. CASUALTY LIST ( HEtTlOX 1. Washington, Feb. 11 The follow ing casualties are reported by the Commanding Oeneral of the Ameri can Expeditionary Forces: Wounded severely ;,, 97 Missing In action 1 ' i Total 8 NOltTH CAKOLIXA CAHUALTIKH Woaiuled Hrverely 1 Clyde H. Stlcklabd, Cumberland .Jills Bernard H. Calhoun, Ruffn. 1 ' HECTION 8. " Washington, Feb. 11 The follow ing casualties are reported by the Commanding Oeneral of the Ameri can Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action 5 Died from wounds 6 Died from accident and other cause ................. 1 Died of disease io; cording to official . wounaea severely ........ us JAP ATTITUDE IS GRAVE THREAT I ' ' !. f I J V Nippon forbids Chinese Dele gates at Peace Conference To " Make Public Secret Treaties , Between "Theli" Country And Japan at Peril Of War ' tlve was made public here today. MEETS WEDNESDAY "E. City Shipyard Ce., Owen Bfcee Co. . ,:t. D. M. jJoaes Co. . . . D. Morgan ....... W. S. White ft Co. Mrs. John A. Kramer. J. C. 8. Ehriighau . Mr. C H. jrJhlnon Jchoree iLodae L O. O. F. Charle .Davfcs : 10.00 Geo. A. Twlddy BouthermPa. Imp. Co...... 24.00 S. H. Johnson , . O. Grandv ft Go 25.00 ,L. S. Sawyer C. A. Cooke ........ . fc 25.00 Brock ft Scott 25.00 Eldon Jooe v... 0.00 Frank K. Kramer 15.00 The' ADoiaeeary Shop $30.00 P. H. William 25.00 W. J.' Woodley 25.09 3. K. Wilson 25 d J. Q. Gregory '. :..I20.00 City Drug Store 20.00 Zimmerman ft Co. 15.00 C. J. Ward 25.00 .A. B. Holloman 26.00 J- B. Jones 25.00 I Dr. Julian Selig 25.00 'O. O. Markham 'T: DeLo Crary apt M. P. IHtO, O. F., Gilbert N. LofUa.,. ........ J. R. Morgan Co. . ... . D. M. Jones Co 'Owen Shoe Co. M. W. Ferebee Cahoon Jackaon E. F. Aydlett .Standard II fg- Co. , ;' -m ft C. Tel. ,TeU Co, , , . . . Xk t. Blades KJ. V. .EeySert t ...... 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 26.no 25.M 25.(0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.001 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 L. E. Old . 10.00 T. T. Turner ft Co. 10.00 Talula Encampment I.O.O.F. 10.00 C. F. Garrett . . . Goo. C. Culpepper L. E. Thorpe ... L. Frank Bwaln O. W. Fall .... W. Frank Midget t J. W. Modlla 25.00 Cha. Reld . 25.00 C. C. Blades' W. Boettcber H. W. Bundy . . . L. D. Case ..... Edgar Cbadwlck . E. 8. Chesson, Jr. f75.00 iW. L. Cohoon kfl. 01 A. K. Davis . K.ut M. Q. Haskett L. ... The Directors expressed themselves as opposed to the Bryan bill provid ing for raising the funds for a sis months school term throughout the . The I. N. L. Circle of the Woman' ,t,le- The3r elt that the ode Missionary Society of Blackwell Me- Propoaed In thl. bill are unfair to mortal BaptUt Church meet Wed- Paotank and tbe more wealthy nesday afternoon with Mr. L. E. ount,e Skinner on North Road .treet at Teh Erector. alo put the Cham- 6:20. The fifteenth chapter ot the ""r wu rwuru 'vv" vrv Mission Book will be studeed. P01 t0 uke the Col rrom All member, are requested to be aan VTY,ion oi tne Federal nrenent ' Treasury Department and put It un- der the supervision ot the Naval Dqr Cant. -Jesse Ward of Norfolk Mrtment. on the ground that naval passed through the city Saturday to Prvlslon would lend to Impair the attend the funor.il of his bother. Capt. John Ward ot Nag.i 'lead, ADVERTISING RATE - CARD .. .A. 'E. Brothers ......... . T O. Sawyer 25.00 i F. O. Jacock ri. nmiMii -15.00 M. G. Jone t f t I . r mine H. C. Bright Co- lL . Bank llile Clark 'Culpepper iUdw. Co. . .. . .. .. . Culpepper, OrlfflajOldGrJce. "W. IP. Doff PlantK Co. ....... U. City EHctrie, Usht Co. ... E. City Iron works Sup. Co, J. P. Greenleaf , t)r. U. M. HarrU A. B. Houts . .. "W. L. Galther . lu 1R. Foreman IH. G. Kramer . j. P. Kramer , . J. H. Iroy ... 'G. R. I " ' ... . - J. T. ' ........, 26jB0 C. H. Lane -15JM) J- B. Leigh X5.M P. Delon tlM II- O. Parks ......( "2SQ0 Coca-Cola Bttl. Works...... , 25.00 M. E. Pappsndlck ...... ... ,40.00 Ceo. F. Pappendick 1 23.0 A B. A. McCoy , 25. 00 Talmrdg'e Miller .......... 2SJ)t Herbert Fec;e J5.00 Lloyd Fcny 60.00 Ceo. J. Spcnce 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 so.oa 10.0-0 lu.va io.oo 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 io:o 10 0Q 10.09 10.00 io.oo 10.00 10.00 10.04 10.00 .10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 iu.no 'lo'.rfo The Daily Advance- 1 bch 25c 3 inches . . . .' 50c . 6 inches ' $1.00 10 inches .$1.50 20 inches .$3.00 '30 inches (Vi page) .$3.75 60 inches (Vt page) .$7.50 120 inches (page) .$15.00 i The Semi-weekly Advance ' For rates in the semi- weekly edition published . taonday'e and Thursday's ' add 20 per cent to tha foregoing. efficiency of the Coast Guard Chas. H. Robinson tendered hla resignation a a member of the Doar dot Directors and U G. Galth er was elected to 011 the vaaency. C. R. Pugh tendered his resigna tion as a member of the Good Road committee of the Chamber and L. R. ' Foreman was elected In his place. i Secretary Case was sent to Ral eigh to assist the trustees of tiu Negro State Normal here in obtain lag an appropriation from the Gen eral Assembly ot 632.000 for im provermmts and for such addition t& the equipment as will make possible the teaching of vocational training la this Institution. ; - , (By Assoclutcd Press) .-( .... Washington, Feb. 11. Japan's attitude toward China in the Peace Conference ia arousing grave apprehensions among the i representatives of ' other associated powers, ac- diplomatic information reaching here. ' Japan; virtually has threat-", enecj wal? if China makes pi'V ' lie the secret treaties betvveea . the two countries And fails to oraion. . . The following cabled conectlon I w, v vr agreeraem 10 make Japan the successor, o Germany in rights and proper- ' tic licld by Germany at , tW '. outbreak of the European war. : . China ii . relying on th Peace Conference, where her ' representatives are said to have made an excellent im pression.' She is seeking the ' support of the United States ' Total . .. i ... i i 186 NORTH CAROLINA CAHfALTIEB Wounded Severely Joseph Copeland, Belvklere. ' Charlie L. Cummlng,' Broadway. Jec.es P. Harris, Ruthertordton. Issued as an appendix to the regular casualty list at tbe request of the several press associations: - Retimed to Duty, Previously Re ported Mlaeiag la Act toe Claude Hamby, Wilkeebero. ; SECTION s. ' Washington, Feb, 11 The folio w Ing casualties are reported by the Commanding General of the Ameri can Expeditionary Forces: Wounded (degree undeter mined) 210 Wounded slightly 428 land Great Britain. Total , 38 NORTH CAROLINA CASUALTIES Claude E. Harris, Embro. . , Woumknl (Degree I'ndvternilncHl) Clarence S. Hope, North Charlotte. Haskell E. Page, Benson. Willie IL.HewetL Shallotte.' Tullie.li. Docier, Moytn-k. John H. Pjirrls, Marshall. Wouaded Bliffhtly Blaine Gray, Colfax. Jame W. Narron, Smlthfleld. Ellis B. Rone, Franklin. Joseph A. Singleton, Sumter. 'John W. Ormand, Bath. Edward O. Brook, Nashville. Benjamin A. Averltt, Newberne. Claud Gettys, Hollls. Everett B. Hoglen, Clyde. Morris Johnson, Charlotte. SECTION 4. Washington, Feb. 11 The follow ing casualties are reported by the Commanding General of the Ameri can Expeditionary Forces: Wounded (degree undeter mined) 267 Wounded slightly ......... 212 When the Chinese delegates ' to the Peace Conference ar- f rive!l In ' Paris, information now available discloses, they rapbtted that their copies of the " secret ; Jreaties between China and Japan were stolen from their baggage while they were, passing through Japan and that consequently they are " unable to carry out their intention -of making these treaties public at the Conference. TO SAVE NEW (By Associated Pre) ' Wsshlngton, Feb. 11. To save e the new threo yea4 naval building 30 inches ( 4 page) .$4.50. J Lry coup the HoUM RuIea Com. 60 inches (V page) .$9.00 ' ir.lt tec today ordered the report of a 120 inches (page). $18.00 "1,e makln ',,tat,oi "tliorltlng 25.00 25.00 E. F. Spencer 10.00 W. II. Weatherly, Jr. 25. Ou J- E. Weatherly .... 2J,00 H. Grmly Williams .. IS.00 L.J. Wlnder, Jr S.fC W. V. V-'i.ixtlny, Jr.. in.no 10.no IJ.'iO in ow 1') 1'0 Want ads and readers are inserted in the run of . the .paper, at the rate of S cents a line with a min- imum charge of twenty v fire cents. Fron page f want ads or readers ac- cepted at Ue discretion of the publisher at double the usual rate and with a min- .the construction of ten battleships. ten scout cruiser In order for House consideration as a part of the. $720, OOO.OOOtOO naval appropriation bill. Vote on the rule will be taken after two hour debate. TRADES UNION CONGRESS OVER Total 470 NORTH CAROLINA CASUALTIES Wounded (Degree t'ndetrrniliMMl) Bunnle Lunsford, Tlmberlake. Arthur R. Stewart, Lllllngton. ; Robert W. Hunter, Concord. Meek B. Pearson, Castonla. Walter W. Hughes, Oxford. Wounded Slightly Bass W. Hartness, Murphy. Warren E. Fulcher, Raleigh.' Lee Rogers, Henry. Emett B. Sherron, Youngsvlile. CltED FOR UIHTINGI'LHHED 8ERVICB TANK STEADIER ; TAKING WAT rr (By Associated Press) . Hallfai, Feb, 11. Wireless tall say that the American tank steamer J. M. Guffsy, Is taking water In her forehold and sending out distress signal have been Intercepted here. The vessel' position Is given a oft Cape Race. .. , I HAVIS VALENTINE H.OC1AL the distinguished-service The Ir.dlos of City Road Church will hnt'e a Valentine Social Fr'.day niglit In tho ennex ot tha church. I An interesting and am uslug pro. 'gram baa been prepared. Ice cream, rfhmitf anil ntaa fllf Ka a m A k The eemmander In chief,' In the- i. m . , . . . ," . ii? pr uuoriui win w Miacu afc uw duos' and tha nnblle ia inyiled ta at. CrOSS tO ' . t a ..u-.ln. anil anaftil a the following named oCcer 01 the ; , . . 9 k ..i.iiiI atratilna acts of extraordinary berolam'des-. ' . crlbed after his name: . ' ....... !TL , Coipt. William Curlu, Company F. h " 0th Infantry, A. S. No. ', 8. For extraordinary heroism u h neaK Medeah Ferme, Fraace. fber 3,1 UK. Corpl. Curlee, t Air wlthl' The Friendship Wesley Bible das will hold It regular monthly meet- !ngiwlth Mr. Lea thorn at the home At ha i Mnlhtr lira flarall. ad four other men charged . machine- f t gun -eat containing hre. heaTy m.. All mwVm M - mrt9A t9 b. cnine guns ana capiureu ine iur guns and 20 prisoners. Home ad-! dress, ' Mis Jedle Charlotte, N. C. present. Curlee. sister, FOR MALE (Bv Associated Trews) Berne, Feb. 11. The International imum charge of fifty cents , Trades Union Congress adjourned today after deciding to mt again In May at a place to bn selected later. eac h. Januarv IS. I'M - - e e e I will receive brts until Monday, February 24th at 12 o'clock M., for R. Kllky, cashier of, the!to, n-rch,., af , n. C. State bond tor 11.000.00 due July 1st 1953 e- 1 one bond tor $500.00 due July I t, 4 per tent Interest payable semi-annual. C. E. KRAMER. Est. Estate Mrs. Mary Whltcomb. ;F.ll.l3,U,ll,20,2J.npd. John First and Cttlsena National Bank, returned today from Orange Coun ty, Virginia, wnere ne naa oeen wun 1950i botn bondg drtw Mrs. K:iby wr.o is K"pt aouia j, the serious Illness of her father. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis spent f the week-end at Norfolk, the guests of Mrs. Pavls' sister. Mrs. A. Mercer oa EtaJTord street. Mf Margaret Beymore has r- F. turned from 0 vlult to her mothr, G.sal,-, ;t N'orMk. 1

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