431 H- H- Buy W. S. S. And ' " Help to Bring The Dcyt D&ck Home Y WEATHER & " VT'Vi !trlM Fair in east, cloudy In went por lien tfHi:!;t, vn-mer. Thurnday ciourtj'j probr.'ily rn'n crpt near the roHKt, warmer in eust portion, moderate south wind. ! I -J j I I J l- VOL. i ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1919. No. 37 .Am ill K .s J -n l u ;i in 1 1 i ; i V Jj i. I i U. S. UNAVILL1NG 4 V Feel That They Could Not . Commit Country to Monetary Credit System With Euro- . jpmn -Powers i By AaiAclated Pre) , I "Paris, Feb. 12. Dealing vlth,ninnvrAninri financial problem., some delegate. I DJU UllltO commit tbe Peace Conference to the adoption of the great international pooling, system of debts which shall Include all neutral nations whether they wish to or not. This will meet with determined resistance from American delegatea -who feel that America did her full share In aiding the Allies by furnlvh ilaj troops and almost unlimited supplies of money and materials. They are understood to be will ing to rtd France of the nightmare of German power in extending fur- Uher credits, to permit France to re- inabUiUte her Industries and enable) aar and Belgium to hold ner cwn In the world markets. W they thor oughly eppreciate the fact that it la beyond their power to .commit their eevotry to tha participation In any i monetary credit system with Euro rpeaa powers. STUDY BELGIAN CLAIMS ' , It Is hollered that special com- mission will be appointed to atudy transit about fonr weeks on ac Belglan claima aa waa done In the count of the congested con- conslaeration of territorial problems. n of the express company. In addition. , Marshalla Foch, Pe- "SECOND. . Just. about the time tain. Halg. Pershing and Dias will the copy arrived the draft took sev- attend today's session of the Supreme War Council to deal with the re newal of the' armistice. IUWIAN I .08! ECT8 BETTER Pro nD rn hri. itnn fnr . tsembllng at least .four of the Rus- Ing at least .four of the Itus-'snd , slan factions at ibo Conference to be'ilepartment, from the manager all ibeld at Prlncjs Islands. , hhe WT down. The department was ' Wort ini from i:krin ht If a disorganized for mdre than two government. .will participate. , It Is reported that the Indecision of Ceaeral Benlklnes government has given way to the desire to Join the conference. t Tbe covernment of Crimes has al-f r , reaaj wcciiuw, m una sibu iii nur laa Bolshevik I government. BELIPIJOCLAIM EBEtPpIDENT Fvrt First Tine-, b- History f Carman Cboo Th. ' Head cf Thevr Own Slate , ! k 11 ' 'X , , , (tig Jsi'cUtca rre) . Weimar. Feb, ll.i'rtjl" hurrh Wis announced ts tUe people of Weimar this .a'lemooa that Oernian - c, .v .,. .. , a .. k, u.a ion ior me nm iiwv in umiwr u I ... CbdieHtbe bsd tf tMir owa state. (JIan simply called attention to es- G. W. Clarke At BlackweH An...-Frtidrtt-li -EWrt. saddler and so- tabllshed procedure, according to I al. Dr. Clarke preached a spec's cl<et lii&fr kmrbxrrt latef ndiwn,cn ether government has any sermon to the boys, at Hie reu Iv d aa PrfSet. 1 wf t'.erny right to publish confidential correa- 0f the Scouts', and after 1.1 e'io. the'olaud'U rc 'frl? 1 marking the P"ndence without previously con- Scoutmaster Hlte of Troop One .a-d appearance : '- Snatch 0 h olher- ' hrt but ltere,i.i.g . . . oLe .Vrigniat xcJ lb. pu.iy to which . said that Japan had no inten- ,, ta detail to the-peopie what In. TsMent Ebcrt betoagi o "made tlon to Interfere with any demands ont Movement . - a., ...... . ,So or -contentions the Chinese prefer to and what the member. i..- v. ain ef men uuwort to jar i.ie , ... t a " , present to the Peace Conference and ganlzation are do.ng to w..e. name of Oer that Teklng and 'Paris reports to the ether points of tho i 031 . J OFFERED POST , AS AMBASSADOR s i Vm'u. It. Vt Robert IBoMen CaauJ s jwemler. now at .v. r,',. rr,-nafe. has been of- lerei the post Vt British Ambassa dor to ths UniHd Istes. according to a report lu sewspsper circles In London recelrsi b the Canadian press here. 'WON ATTENDS - Bill? Parla. Tu'.i. 1 1 rift..det ami Mrs. Wilson eaiatW tUe gala r- formance of V' erranned In their honor li & The prore-duf h P9r! ' " the fund toi rP"!'' Wben Mr. Ma ilr. V'lW" " tered th,e al ap plauded, the ."Md-isl f;o 'V acknowledges tv Allen IC K J" 111 at his bo 'V"-t . -i tor a rnaji i-r.- . EHKIXGHAUH MADE DIRECTOR FIRST AND CITIZENS DANK Mr, J. C. B. Ehrlnghtus of this city has been elected to tbe director ate of the First and Citizens Nati onal Bank, Tha directors of thia atrong and growing Institution held tbelr regu lar monthly meeting Tuesday after noon at their banking house on Main atreet. ARE NOW HERE Publication And Delivery De layed on Account of Flu, but Will Be Appreciated Because Badly Needed Tbe new Elisabeth City director ies are here, and their coming will without doubt be greatly appreciat ed because they are ao badly needed. Their publication and delivery was delayed by the Flu and the pub- Ushers themaelves are making the following explanation of Elisabeth City people. As publishers of the Elizabeth City Directory we think It Is only fair to the Southern Directory - Agency that we make at explanation giving reasons fro the late date of issue of the Directory. ' ' '"FIRST. The copy was delsyed amI nf ah hMl vAiin man Inrlnn. ing ihe foreman of our printing department, which were were unable to replace. ' THIRD. The "Jlu" came on later took the rounds In sna toon ine rounas in our printing months on this arcouut. " 'Lnder IheseefrcUmAailees- know you will appreciate conditions v h,ch had n0 contro' !wl" sccept your booka as per con- . a. a t i. . ts s ii rt a t hlch we had no control and cept your booka as per con In behalf of the Southern Dl i tory Agency we wish to thank yju most heartily for court ecles ex tended." NO INTENTION TA lTTI7DI7rDr I 1U liULlirLUCi ' m ' 1 4 j JnM" C.A" tentioa of Chinese to Etb - lished Procedure " r i Toklo, Fe. Vice Foreign Minister Shedehara of Japan, re-' gsrdlng the publication of Chinese - .. . . . ....i treaties wltn Jaoan. aaia loaay usi contrary are absolutely untrue. GIVEN' Hl'Ki'RIMK 1'AItTY - M m Eliiabe.U Williams was given a tery Ue..ghtful surprise party at lie.- ltom on Panama and Baxter si ecu ..ui.t seveu to n ne-th.rty u'tloi it Ttie.-dy nlifht In honor of her twelfth birthday. . Various games were plsyed. after wh.ch da.nly refreshments were ourved. 1hoe present were: Misses Emily , Comma idor, .Buth Bright. Ruth Scott. Helett Tbarpe. ' Ellen and Anse Melick. Cor and Lillian Hun- tr W.UiB4,'Mofltrey sad Cathjilue Cartwrlght, Lydla Cohoon, Monterey DeLon Lomsx, Vivian Turner, An- n o Wmslow, Mary Harney Prlchard, Nellie Davis. Francis Pendleton, Eu- n.ce Coodw n, Margaret and Helen Wells. Rabecca llir ey Coodw n. 8teveos. .Masters Krauss Walker, ie eiiee, Tnomas jonnson. (ts.pk Wtl bx. Francia. Jacocks, Mr. . ,.J i'r . U u Fe;elee and ir. J .. .CI. .'. : Camden of Hazelton, Pa., la T i l a hi a lr, Mrs, U. C Me. C4 ai U home of Mr. inl Mrs. C. W. .'-ie. ' in Jiatihews Htiet. I r i . s I Ka.4 h It C l "KriwiiT. Ud wa BAKER. APPOINTS ARMY COMMISSION To Liquidate Business And Fi nance Affairs of The Ameri can Army in England And France Washington, Feb. 12. The ap pointment of a commission to liquid ate business and financial affairs of the American Army In France and England was announced today ,by Secretary Baker. Edward Parker of Houston, Texas, is chairman. Fl'NKKAL MItH. JOHIAH WHITE The funeral of Mrs. Joslah White was conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 and Interment was made In tbe family burying ground at Salem. The funeral was conducted by Dr. B. C. Henlng. . ', Mrs. White died at six o'clock Tuesday mornln got pneumonia fol lowing Influensa. 8he Is survived by her husband and two small children. The baby is now critically ill with pneumonia. , i WHITE FORBES I William Ernest White of Coleraine and Miss Ruth R. Forbes, daughter of Mr. C. Z. Forbes on Dyer street, this city, were married Wednesday afternoon by Rev. J. W. Bradley, i CELEBRATING ANNIVERSARY To Have Big Meeting, Which ' Will Be Open To The Pub lic on Friday Night t The Elizabeth City Bou Scouts of I. Tjroo XXnJH Jh "ee are eel brat- Ing the National uoy kcoui Anu.verr sary this week. , Anniversary week began on last Friday aad will last through' Friday of this week, closing with a union meeting of both the local Scout Troops, at which It Is hoped e-cry Scouts' parents will be present. Friday, the first day of Big Week for the Scouts, started off with a union meeting of k the Troops In Scout Headquarters, the Y. M. C. A. Building, at eeveh-thlrty o'clock. Saturday, tbe second day was cele brated by an all-day hike out in the . Animtn On Rlinrta tha HCOUtl ,m - rche(1 t0 the First Methodist Church at eleven o'clock that morn- Ing and to Black well Memorial Bap- tlst Church that evening, 'ihey weit greeted heartily by the pastors o, each church; by Rev, J. M. Ormond ..... iat tbe nrst Memoa.ai uuu i ui week were diawn of' u.it 1 NvVJ.r,. day, which v. as ciuou ,u 'all the Scouts. Then the.e ...! ' nothing ou Tliurwl.y a.. feature for the rfjc a .o.ju.-. wm be the meet ng ou Fr d u ,'i This meeting will be he.d ut : iu o'clock In the llttjdquu;. j. j A local Troops, on liiu iu ;u ..uwr w the Y. M. C. A. Uu id i.i. A p. gram, showing iu part tiia acUv t e of the Scouts has been s.'.auijd aa. refresbmeuts will be se.vU. A ioa ,ral good time is CMtf-i -u hoped; for. This aien.uj ,r 'A u open to the public: to Dolors, yer. Uerchauts, i reudlie... i'.u.e era. and to everybody in town, bull y0uug and old,. "Scouting at this time . uu;e t. lean uSad.cauiKid Ixtta-j u. .um 0f leaders." say Stout o .10 v yult a.e .'iUe.es.ed In the local ico. Troops and the bo . - . v aiunltv got In lima iu .v 1 er Hlte or ScouiuiasUr l'ae a: and volunteer to t , t u. a to You u.d jujm.u Ct.en." Ai;ret B. Moore an J W s II ("sills of NeW'ioi't 'Newii -'ri m r ml iy J i tr of ihs .ci J. 1 Muadn V-I .a . 4 .erUn oa 3M sire:. , PADEREWSKI ML BE PRESIDES Polish Assembly To Adopt Constitution . Today. Pader ewski Expected To Have no Opposition (By Akoclatel i'ress) , Warsaw, Feb. 11. The Polish As sembly which opened Monday ad journed to meet aagln on Wednesday when the constitution will be adopted.- Poland's form of government as juniedly will be Republican. It is expected that Paderewskl will meet with no oppoaltlou 'for the office of President!. FRIENDKHIP WESLEY BIBLE VIAHH HOLDH MEETING The Friendship Wesley Bible Class of the First Methodist Sunday School field Its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night with Mrs. Leathers on Ehrlnghaus street. " ' The subject for the evening was "Co-operation In the work of the Kingdom." "Tbe needs of tbe girl of lii waa read by Mrs. Claud Ives. Mrs. Wesley Foreman prepared aIBCh001 Ul 'ctloa to be held on short paper on "Team Work.' or Bear Ys One Another's Burdens." The next topic waa "Trlplelxlng a 8unday 8chool Class," and the three!01 tter achool taciiuies. rracti- Items, Organising, Energising, and." u "ters signed the petl- Advertising," were read by Miss Flos sie Mann, Miss Lina Mason snd Mrs. eathers. After buslnesa matters of the clase were discussed, del clous refresh ments were served by the hostess. Those present were: Misses Lydla Williams, Elisabeth Derrickson.Mary Casey, Katheryn Hlnton, Una Mason, Mltftte Fearfng, Hattie Daniels, Flos sie Mann, Bessie and . Claudlne Koonts, Mary Wwt, Mra. Claud Ives, M. 'Wesley Foreman- anT) Mrs, I.V NEW YORK ,M!ss Almeda Carr la In New York bis week buying goods for the L. P. Gilbert Company. HAVE YAIJEMTINE WXIAL The,Jadles of City . Road Church wltl have a Valentine Social Friday night In the annex of the church. ' 'An Interesting and amusing pro gram has been prepared. Ice cream', donuts, and pies will be served. A illver offering wHI be take et the door and the public la invited (o at- land, met a valentine and spend a pleasant evening. ' ADVERTISING RATE CARD The Daily Advance 1 inch ...25c 3 inches ..50c 6 inches ... .$1.00 10 inches $1.50 23 inches $3.00 20 inches (V P8) $3-75 CO Inches (VPf 3) $7.50 120, inches (page) .$15.00 The Semi-weekly Advance' 'For atts in the semi weekly edition published Monday's and Thursday' add '20 per 'cent to the foregoing. ' 30 inches (4 pagi).4J0. 60 inches ( Vt page) .$9.00 120. inches (page) .$1S.C0 Want ads and readers are inserted in the run of itie paper at the rate of 3 cents a lino witty a min 'imwm charge of twenty five cnts. ' Front page went ads or readers ac cep ted at the discretion of ' the publisher at double the usual rate and with nt irn'um charge of ifj stats tch.. January IS, 1319. e - . WILLIAMH -BKITE 1 A quiet marriage took place on Wednesday afternoon at t o'clock in Newland Township when Miss Annie Brits, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. p. Brlte, became the bride of Mr. Chferlle Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Williams of Newland. The ceremony1 ' was performed at the bride's home by Rev. Mr. Smith. The bride' was attended by M!s Nellie Brlte, sister of the bride snd I MIbs'' Delia Williams. Tbe bride-' groom was attended by Mr. Shirley Williams, U. S. N and Mr. Charlie! Brlte. The wedding march was ren dered by Miss Marjorle Williams, 1 slater of the groom. . Mr. and Mrs. Williams will make their home.in Newland. SPECIAL ELECTION IN TOLLS DISTRICT,';. Prospect Bright jority Vote School. For Big Ma For Better Moyock, N.'C. Feb. 10.The Cur rltuck County Board of Commission.. regular meeting on the Jrt k7 rs.ornary oraerea a apeciai .Mwl 1!tl ,B Tu,u CPeeK Cl tr,ct Tha P0Pl ot this community ! hT rllsed for sometime the need tlon calling for this election sna tbe prospect Is bright for a good ma- Jority of votes being cast for a long- er term, a better paid teacher and more thorough instruction. With the Tulls school operating . under a special tax there would re- main only four districts In Currituck County to adopt It. namely. Shaw- boro, ,8nowden, Gregory and Barco; all of which are in Crawford town - snip, petitions are now oeing c.r- dialed through these districts for tbepurpese of caiyng an eluctiou early n the" spring. Tho welfaro of 176 Children will be placed la the hands of the voters in these com- B8 wasteful of feed, and wasteful of munltles when these elections are tg owner's labor, and declared the held. The only education, or pre- unjjmrt has served Its purpose as a paartlon for life, the vast majorltyrnecting link between the old ob- of these children will get will conij80jete ,ethod of farming and new from the schcfisla the communities I irosieRRjve methods. "Thousands 6f where they n inererore. 11 n necessary to Ooteiop tnese smaii rural schools to the pVnJ where Jie chl'ld will have the bel t Is In it brought out. To do thlsJls neces- sary to ralae money. To raise th's money the only fair and Just wy H for the people to eeneeat for them selves to be tsxed. it Is money well Invested and should be sdvocaieu by those who are Interested In th. progress of their communities. The Currltutk Reading Circle Class with 14 teachers present, un der the leadership of Miss Genevieve Holleman, met at the- Currituck schoolhouse last Friday autf du. cussed the subjects of writing, com- posltlon and grammar as outlined from Rapeer's "Hov to Teach Ele mentary School BuoJecU." Ji tu'J Jects for discussion Paturtlry, Tu mmy llth. w.n Da riMJ riiu: arithmetic for the upper r...J 'uvie: grades. A nieatins'of thj cj'.o-.eJ ieacitor. of Currituck Ccun.y w 11 Le IwW i ; the (ouuiiJu-o Satu.vl'. 7jlru-:y 15th. The colored buMU nj connuittea tjr Crawford District No. trjporteJ con slderable progiess be ng mado iu tha assemblage of building mater at fur their schoolhouse lor which u- ,. secure assistance froui the Kof- enwald Fund. " is visitim; i)AioHTi:it Mrs. W. W. Bums and I ttU laughter. Alice, of II cky an vUlt- Ing Mrs. Burai daughter. Miss IjJ e Burns, who is oiii of t:i LI h m.Ii City teithers snd bositU with Mrs. J. H. Duke on ilcMorr n stree . , CASUALTY P.EP0HT v i vv-r a n rn ' J (fir 4wrlilnl Washlngtiu. K'i. 15. ca'I t. dsy front Amer'rp't Army Html quarlera !a ?rfi 'ie t st cnvusltiee u i tin r-in Ut- ;we 'n fcei a Ij F.i'i as-y . I s 1 1 ffi"r , ' . k l. iH nf vous l u.ij Ja-juee, w;iaJJ anv a'saJig, MUST IMPROVE ' TUEJJVESTCClS Every Southern Farmer Urged To Make The Scrub Cow Ex tinct By Breeding The Bet ter Kind (By Associated I'retw) New Orleans, Feb: 12. "It the United States is safety to retain the agricultural leadership ' established, by war, we must Improve both the- quality and quantity of , livestock, declared Dr. J. K. Mohler, Chief Of -the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Departmen tot Agri culture, In an address here today to tho Southern Cattlemen's Associa tion. "Failure to maintain our livestock proportion to our population meaner dependence on other countries," said Dr. Mohler. "It means dependence on them for meat, for leather and for animal fats. - It means depend ence on them also for fertilizers with which to maintain crop yields, in the sbsence of manure. It mar en me, dependence on them for mlk wltn WBB l0, feed our .cbUd- reil( M Europe lately has been de pending on the United States for milk In condensed or powdered form." ' ' . Complimenting the Bonth on clean jng tne feveT tick in leas than jj Jnn trom two-thirds of the area or gnally .infected, noting that a few yetri more 0f vigorous work will ,uppreM hog cholera entirely, and remarking that "a healthy beginning ha baea made In the systematic era- dicatlon of animal tuberculosis by tne accredited-herd plan, Dr. Mohler declared, "with these three scourges at igt olU 0f the way, or reduced to , potency, and the lessej ailments tut jown jB proportion, the United States ghoujd.be a livestock region wi,ere animal improvement shoura continue with accelerated progrese.- ."Borub" livestock Is o longer fit fo'r perDetuation In this. country; the Bpeaker said. He described the 'scrub'. ar,ers In th's country already have discarded acrub stock and are better r Vcause of that decision, , Dr. Mohler continued. "Pure breds are worth more to keep and are worth mon t0 seI. The scrub animal has been ussfal as a eoanectlng link, but our aisa trem now on should be to make the scrub extinct and to make It the miasdag link ao far as livestock is concerned. , That csnnot be done immediately, but it Is the goal toward which we should work. ''' "Animal evolution Is constantly .xolng on. . You are working here ta t le South where the field for Improve ment la ripe. If you are Just begln- 'nlng. begin right. If yon hsve stsrt- ed wrong, get right as soon as you ti u. Th s means the wise choice ot li.cednj annuals and following, out iv tenement plan. The kind of llve-t-tirlt wh.ch the south Is to have M.oiituu::y s nierely the sum total ot vitm e-ch farmer chooses. You can lie p to tvake tl- unprotitable scrub row e.t ;.ct.' The n-e.hod 's obvious - -,ui step br.oJ'ua thst kind. Vou r: it cor.t nue the extermlnution of ...e piinc pal animal diseases, and kucj they are stamped out. the qnar- at no services ef the bureau and ,tr0us states will see thst they not g4 back." BBfflSl VESSSl VISiiSUAT. ifpift ' ' . Return With British Stearatr Cessna Which Was Interne J There During War Kg Associated Pren) Aristerdam. Feb. II. A British l'dekioyer weat to Hamburg Sunday late with the British ateam- OHiua. wnicn was mteraea mere Uuriog the war. 1 MASONIC MEJkTI(l THVRHDAT :i ?3. Coutmsndry Knfj'.its Tem pi j . r 11 hold a special concave In :.laun'c Hall Thursday evening .1 ,:3 . m. p omiMly. All E'.r I'K't'" -e retueied to Se en haai pruuip'l uiil 'a tuH uniforua t tis ''" J'-?:w-i w 11 m cifive!. '','.' Ijst l will errJ 'Ur