i Buy W..S"&'Ajid, Help tp Bring The Boys Back Home H 7 " ' : .' ;f fr' . WEATHER ,' V 1 l T, ;J) :' 11 II f fl I M yVi 11 Si ftN 'trWJi7n lr In central, and east portions NJvr &SV ' (VK?vAnj d,l5r-fa,r wUh Jreh north wind, on .', . . .,.- y . ' ' I ' IT: ; ' :l " va"4" cuzXcin cm, kcstii cat-cuma, Wednesday evening, FEcraunY iFisi:""-" . ' ' 1 ! 1 ..LjiL -rrr?-rrr7.rrv - - - Ji: . :!V :'i ' ' : ' fo,0 . ' , ' . DATS After the forma wer ail oa - ewt Manhall wired that It would be necessary for him to poetpoa tha dt of hla epeaUeg hare oa accoaat of official bulaeas. Tha etory below and tba adv oa tf back pa therelore Incorrect a a . a e a. 1 , i r . JJext Wednesday night, 'March th Fifth, It is txpuUH 'that the Alkrama will be packed with town and fetintry" folk "who wfji father at that time to hear Vice President MarihaiL The event la being advertised throughout the section and jests go on sale Monday at Selig's Jewelry Store. 1 V It has been' many months since the community has had so 'distinguished a visitor, and those who were disappointed last 'year when Mr. Marshall only passed thru the city and was not .able to stop and speak here will be especially glad to hear that he is coming this time without doubt. CDAT.IBSU PLANS TV0 BIG DAYS Axnoal Dinner Asm! .Victory Colebration To Bo Hold Soon llembors Voto ' - x Two red letter daya were et on the calendar of-"the Chamber. o( Com merce TueaSay Bifht when toe men?- bare la thalr regular' monthly met- i&S Toted that tha ro-orsanlzed Cham 'bar ahould celebrate Jta flrat annt eraary with a dinner ' and s that BeUey'i Bra ret borne trbm fav war ' ahould be welcomed with , Uf rlc torr eelabration.i f -.. , The annlreraary dlaerk.lo f4 made a regular event',Vci , je&vaiid la to be the blgeet aoclaMajr on the taienaar or ut unamMr, or com merce. President 'rtouii will In' the vary naafctatura appoint a commit tee on arrangementa to secure apeak- era ana maxe me omer preparaiiona for the occasion. ( ' , For the Tlctory celebration . an other committee ia to be apprfnted. More definite detaUa of the plans for each day will be announced later. VOTE OF TIIATiKS t TOSUPT. . J Superintendent Vaan was glren a tote f thanks by tba Chamber, of CoBBaoeree at Its .regular meeting oa Taaaday alh tot hls'taloed aaslat iaca to ths 8ecrlar arta4 Qhaav ber la connection wlta tha lllaatrat ad lectarea which Mrs Cat had been detlTeiing throughout tha eosaty la tba Interest of better roadi and bet ter conditions of rural llfrf geaerai ly. Superintendent Vana has cen tered Secretary Case from aplat U point In his automobile a,nd then op erated the atereopticoB during the lecture, thus, adding greatly to Its effectlreness. Superintendent Vann dejoted his time to this work from a feeling of the close relations of bet ter schools and better roads. xniMixmr centers' . In his monthly report at this meet ing Secretary Case stated that tnehe lectures had made possible the es tablishment of community centers throughout the county, sad that these organiaatlona would be to their feepectlTO communities what tne Chamber of Commerce Is to Elisa beth City. Ilia recommendation that tops be taken for organise tiieM eertttrt met hearty endbrse.-neut from the members of the Chamber,1 smw at an early date Pre dent. Bovta wilt appoint a committee to take up this matter. , riMlUIAf-V HA WE.1TBCS ' Mr. 0. M.. At-., at at the S'aad ard Pharmacy assuree The Advaaoe tbtt thr tnt time rjnct gainv wea.ber man takes a day off and refugee te give The Advance .th- woe-.-ier on a legal holiday, rtf SUnOrd Pharmacy. weather bureau win Iw right a .the Job. Th 1'r ;arn h..a gmr!ha a mechnnVal weafhT man who works twenty Totir i urs to the dsy an', 'f ! Bays 'to 'fhe 'week, with never a day. oIT for ny ocpaslon, and ' rTd t rf-"-a a f -t (, f0 (V,, VATN POSTPONED V ; . . - the area thla afternoon Vice Freal- TO PRESERVE WAR TROPHIES k moTement to preserre mementos ind trophies of. the war was Inan gu rated at tha Chamber bf Commerce meeting Tuesday sight when 'Presi dent Houtt waa directed to name a committee to organise a- local his torical society for that purpose. . ' The names of those composing tha committee will be announced In a few daya.. . . f . PRESIDM PUSY ' IN.VA ..aTON Max?y(IfagclA i Much LegUtlaUon IU . j Atten tion 'During ihart tUf Here (By Associated Tress) . Washington,. Feb. St. The resl-' dent expected to go to the capltol to day If engagements ' permitted to meet aena tore and discus the leg Is latlve yltuatlon. In addition to urging prompt ac tion this session on big appropriation bills, tha President will endeavor toj expedite the".passa'g of the oil leaa- 'ng and water power bflls continu ing the United States Employment service, and Secretary Lane's bill to appropriate a bunded million for the recl4mat,toar of land to be opened to soldiers -and sailors. . BILLS 'AVORABLT REPORTED . Wsihlagton, Fob. II A favour- able report oa tha bill ta appropriate a hundred million to make public, lands available for settlement, tor, discharged soldiers and' sailors waa! ordered today, by tha Senate Public Lands commltte. A almUar bill has beea reported to tha Houta. The Senate Naval Committee tit day ordered tha ITtO.OOO.Id') ap propriation bill favorably reported. URGE REPUBLIC FOIl S. AFRICA iTy Aaoociated rreea) Capetown. Feb. 21. The Nat!on alUt Party Union of South Africa la sending a deputation to England snd Paris where arguments In fsvor of establishing a republic In South Africa wfll be advanced.. 5iad: aimrn natl mmm Corrtmitteo Votes For Reorgaiw izatlon For Agzretaive Dam ocratlc Campaign ia 1920 itlf Aseoriated Prens) . Wartlngtoa. Feb. I. Homer 8. Cummins of Connecticut baa beea elected chairman of the National Oemocratlc Cemaalttee and the torn nlttee has voted for complete reor ;aalsatloa for a a aggressive ' cam is 'gn la le20.( . The rslnatlpa of Vaace UeCor nlck as cbahmsn. tendered aeveral nctths ago was acrept'd formally with teairluibm of thinks for his vork. A n'ni lar resolution was 'depted acepp 1st the ro ga lloii o. 'artrr C! as Secretary when lie iiwaire Pecr?Ury of ths .Triasurre. U Ji Nawcomera T Thm City Find TkemulTas JnhU tot Ifcnt 'Homes And ClaimLar Of CommarcV Ska Ramedy ' . 0n of tha most acuta and pretf Intf pfobiema with which B lUabeth City lr ionffonted today li that hoinf. tfitif deweomers arrire In the city expecting Ut make It their home and And theiiltorfves unable to rent houses or sometimes eren to make satisfactory arrangements for board. ' This matter was presented to the attention of the Chamber of Com- merce In the Secretary's monthly re port Tuesday night and President Houti was directed to appoint a committee to look Into the matter and aee If 'any way could be found to remedy it. Tha problem la difficult ona, un der praaent nnaettled conditions, but It la hoped that the Chamber of Commerce may find a way to a eola tion. 1 STORM WARNING jxorweast atorm, Jacksonville tot Nantucket disturbance on Virginia I coast moving northeast lasreaslna and another over' northwest Florida , ' committee to look into tha prac movlng,east w'ifcds will becorao north-.UcahUity. of providing. the Secretary west and strong Wednesday with 'wa aoautomoblle. clearing and "much, cojder "treather. I . SecreUry Caaa, stherefore'; jineicl . ' ' 'pates, that h,f will be ready for the FREKQI SENATE 17f (By Associated freee Parla Feb.. 21. The French ate Tuesday rarva" the. government vote of Confidence-after the address by Victor Beret, Bllniater of Pro-, visions, during which he outlined activities of his department relative to meeting the high cost at living, NOW IN READINESS:: Tha M. P. Gallop sew grocery' la;; . , ' now In tidy readiness for customers.; allasrrel, aong. plantation, melo Struggllng thru tha erdeal ot getting dies, comedy and dramatic sketches Into the, new building and getting Intermingled with wit and Jokes wfll tha stock It order, whHa constantly occupy tha board Tuesday . night, filling orders baa not beea easy aor March 4th andar tha ausplcet of tha could ft be rapid. jT. U. C. A," But.he result of It all js most! Many new faces snd novel ftature pleasing and Mr. Gallop may be aeea 1H be Introduced and ac efiort at almost any hour of tha day hold- . ing a regular reception tor the bene- fit of visitors who bsve come to see his attractive new etqre. When he ia not entertaining, his partner Tdr.M.B Sawyer ia, while Miss Mary Owens, the efficient bookkeeper for the firm, who has aeea the fire and the war thru with the company and held things' together under trying elrcum-ltDe reheara.ila of the minstrels wut stances, declare that she Is behind tna assistance of C. o Hardman of with her books under the excitement 'tlie Governn.-Mii IIopiial end the plessant task ot showing! Mrs- I-'N- Loft In U arranging a friends the new store. novel act which will lie a complete The clerks are doing their b't. too. 'Bnow ln lielt "! promises many along thla line, for no' one .calls for delightful aurprises , , even a loaf of bread without stop-! A,ide from. the gron acts there ping long enough to speak of the wil1 b individual turi.a of a varied new atore. The clerks are Messrs n'u- , Noah Garrett, J. E. Corbett, V. M. TLe proceeds from thla enertai Howell and W. J. Alexander. -ment will go to retire the se.ion.l uf i And the "tronn n ..,.. est members of the force are f,arHeita 8prull end Roscoe Sitith. I Mr. Gallop has already spoken hi ' approval of the HouseHivei Leafu and !t Is even rumored thst he w'll krve refreshment! to the Inip.-tlcrt Committee. . FRESH REVOLT : . ft'- ATMANIiHEIM' f By AM4aieil frer Copenhaf',n. Feb, 2a A fresh revolt brok out' at Munnheiin to day. 4 . The Spartacans occnp'ed the pot office, telegraph offices und rail way si st tort. , . . Berlin. Feb. 2. Msnnhslm ad v'ces today ssy that Peasant revolt are bresktng out !n various d strict! of r.sfl-n as a rmtilt of tVe tot ;' ,.-.- ,.1:,.K.,n , i nunc Ufn,r1nr h ,M a.Sert n rCOUiilYSCnCOLS ChamUr of Comaarc Will Uadartftko Surrey of Condi- '"tion And Naods Cotk In City And. nural PUtriU In tha near ttttnN th4 ;iizAbtti City Chamber of Conimerf will utt- ofidarUka a surrey of the city and rural achools of Pasquotank' County with a riew to making a report on their condition and needs.' This la In line with the movement for better schools expected to follow J the Improved highways In the county to be constructed . by the Highway Commission from the nroceeda of the sale of Pasquofank's half mil lion dollar bond Issue. President Houta will name a com- mlttee of the Chamber to make the 'survey, and report to 4he uienibar their ladings. CASE TO HAVE RUNABOUT Secretary Caaa will soon bare a runabout In which to visit points at a distance to whieh his 'work calls him, if plans inaugurated at the Chamber of Commerce meeting on Tuesday night coma to fruition. On motion 6f W. L, Cohoon Presl 'denf-HoutS was authorlied to andoint good roads-rj-when Pasquotank gets em- ' f 16. uk I I ,8uperimedent Vann: Jihderiakasl .".lea At. I. 1. - ' i . i w. hi-wi uvn , uuu i uv rvaue no body wHl aver nab Case for spading. jMf. ,ya.nn who "hal Hbehfi takiflf ha Sen-Jjeeretary above over the coutttf fof rllumbeT"ctweTts'liSls1ts that the top speed af which the Secretary will permit the car he is riding In to run ia ten miles an hour. VAUDEVILLE ON TUESDAY NIGHT "M b apared In asking thla tha .biggest show r-i tha year.i I Vr. '.Lbwftnca Smith, formerly Dramatic Itritctnr of Elmlra iN. T Collego foi-'Womcn hu kindly 'endered his servlcea in -taring the dramatic iketchti tnd wl't alto take t1 Mr- F- HasinKs is ronduci.lng tlie mortgage bonds, on. which there , ' ' ( MHS. ' WILL GODFREl' DEAD Mrs. Will Godfrey died at her home In Shlloh Monday afternoon ki' about four o'cloxk of Infiuensa. ' She la survived by her husband and by three children, Roy Godfrey, aged 7, Melvin Godfrey, aged I. and au Infant only ten days old. She was the sister of Mrs. William Prltchard of this city and Is well known her.' Lest week Mr. Godfrey returned le his home Low Norfolk with la .'.uonsa. Mra. Godfrey contracted It from him and he Is se tousty III now. There are a number of other cases in 8hlloh also. ' M.'lSOMf MKLTIXG TONIGHT Cr-'oke" r&rpter, Roysl Arc Masons will Bset . tonltht at . b M. or ihe fmrm,.e of con- HI- I u.. . "LI-.'- CASUALTY LIST SBcnojf i. Waihlnctoa, Feb. . MThe follow taf caaualtlaa are reported by the Commanding General of iha lmi. can Eipedltlonary rorm: . - Wonnded ttrerely (0 .Total . ,, , . ,,,,,',, ii i , II NORTH CAROLINA "CASUALTIES' . wounaea severely aDnlel JV. Blggerstaff, Kannapoils BECTIO.V fl, " Washington, Feb. 16 The follow log casualties are reported' by tha Commanding General of the Ameri can Expeditionary Forces: Killed In action . . . , , Died from wounda Died from accident and ether I It causes ; . uiun ui aiaease 20 Total SI NORTH CAROLINA CASUALTIES Died of Diaoaee : Ale S. Holloman, Hookertcn. v m louewing cabled corrections ra laaued as an appendix to tha reg ular casualty Hats at tha request of tne several press associations: Wounded Severely, Previously Re ported Missing I Actio Joh,n H. Monroe, Concord. Wounded Slightly, Previously Rel ported Missing In Action Hubert F, Reddish, Lilesvjlfe. . '..; . '..' . s ', ' - section a. Washington', Feb. tl The foliow'l ing casualtlei are 'reported1 by the Pnmmanillna si... I . Jt . ' . uonmi a i me Amen. caa'Expsditlonary Forces i .' Wounded (degree fcndeter- .,, mined if Wohnded allghtly hf iota i .....,,1,141 XOETH- CAROLINA CASUALTIES L Wounded ( Degree, l adeterailaai ) lobe p. Sanford. Ellerbe. . George W. Saunders, Wilmington. Kick Bradley. Cherokee. John I. Smith, Parkhlll. John D: Ramsey, Aahevllle. 1 Chester H. Allen Four Oaks. Jessie M. Trotman, South Mills.' ' Thomas Barker, Banham. i Luther M. Seal, Mount Airy. . Wounded Slightly Walter Morgan, Ansonvllle Eutab Northea, Belhaven. ,Jamea H. Clifton, Benson. ' Luther T. Russet), "art Barnwell. George Yanghaa,. Durham. . .. Klby M. Boyatti Goldsboro. , Ernest R. Smith, P1ndvlllet ' Noah A. TowBsend. Banner Elk. Samuel McB. Poston, Shabby, Jamas Lowry.. Pembroke. William B. Soesbie, Mara HUL ' George E. Thorpe, Olla. , WUllam H. Ledbetter. Marshalls-' Wle. ' '. , .'; ' SECTION 4. Washington, Feb. aWThe follow ing casusltles ire.'reported by' tha Commanding General of the Ameri can Expeditionary "Forcea: Wounded . (degree undeter- . . mined) ...4 477 Wonnded slightly 7 Total 1 .1.222 NORTH CAROLINA CASUAITIBH Wounded (IVrrft I ndrtemilned) Maurlre V. Grlffln, Hiaabeth tlty. WiU'am J. Vaughah, Altapass! W'lllam Thornton. Littleton. Srmnel. A. Turrentlne, ' Winston Salem. p-vse p., Warren.' Blounts Creek. Henry D. Tedf. Hatlnboro. Percy T. Dark. Slier City. Robert H. Dula., Leaora. '. Lawrence W. Bnffatdi Allen. I Joseph Harvey. ! High Po nt. . Frank Graham.- Marshall1. Martin L. Lefler, Harriaburg. Arlo J. Martin, Brasstown. Major. B.. Reavee, Bug Hill. . . ' Sam Sm'tbwick. Ktnston. Otho Tsylor, Greensboro.' i Lureco 8. Venable. Pinnacle. Wont Nliht y , Edwin ,0. Peterson. In gold. s CU"V W. Onnter. New Hill." ' WlllUm B. Lyerly. Woodleaf. ' Walle- O. Aver' C"ipi. Bowman C. Staley, Roaring River. Garland Raines, WatnesvMI. Edw'n 1. Underwood, Neuse. ,- Allwrt L C.nii'i-W. Coneo'd. ' . Georn Htnlth. Srntland Nect. Thnmfi F.. Trotmsn. Trollle. Clauds L. Turner. Fairmont. .'Andrew Mcbhee. Oiford. FrH 'urrl:l. r i f ' n 1. : r. v. , ( ,r-t. IVli l;ti... n r " Chamber of Commrc To I VoaUgato Tht Poigli:: C EsUbliahiig Such A Hero ?! -. . r:. ..ThS Chifflbif af Cbmmerca' hw rsrivad Intots.t iw iha plan to a tabllah a parting j,Mt ia tiuthmh City. , , ' la' the- early months '1 the? fir there waa lively Interest in thla pv,. position here, but capiui was tl.:. ; and plana to finance tha undertak ing were never put through, With tha return of business con- dltlons to something approachlr r normal and with tha added Inters t In livestock in this section that tl war, together with tick eradication, haa brought about, it la now believe I that tha packing plant project la feaalbld. ' Added to other favorable elrcui. stances ia tha fact that tba Chambtr of Commerce haa undergone a re organisation since Interest In tba packing plant waa allowed to laoia and has established a record , for bringing thing to pass. It ia hoped with tha Chamber vigorously behlnl tha movement, tba Elisabeth City packing plant, may become a reality. The matter It now In the hands ot tha New Industries Committee Of tv 1 ASKS PROSECUT it: . ,ftJy Asiata4 Praas)! Si Washington, Feb. 26. The De partment of Justice will be asked by the Navy Department. - Secretary Daniel aald today to prosecute civil ians and others t not , under naval; Jurisdiction- Implicated In tha bribery scandal In the Third District. LONDON WELCC: 12 SURVIV .t I i (By Associated Pre) Leadoa. Feb. 21. the seco..: batulioa of Greaadlar Guard 'n celved an eatbualaatla wekoma their retire ta Leadoaf front Cer-, many ytrday. ' " . Of tha original aait 'which , L England la '1114 paly twelve mti survive. , 1 ; - AD RATE at awsii ji CARD The Daily Advance ' 1 1 inch .25 3 inches :50c 6 inches ........ .$1.00 10 inched .' ..V.J1.53 20 inchei ...... ; .' ',$3X3 30 inches p4 pag e). $3.73 60 inches' ( , pare) . $U 0 120 inches (page), $15.CD The Semi-weekly Advance For rates ia the semi. Weekly edition published Monday' and Thuraday'a dd 20' per cent to tht forejolafV . .. " 30 inches ( pag e) .$4X3 CO inches (Vg pace) .$3X3 123 lacW (pbfe).$lS.C? ' Want ada and readers1 re inserted m the run c f the paper at the rate cf 8 cents line with a ish imum charge of lwer.?7 fire cents. Front taj want ads or readers ac cepted at the dlscrtt'oa cf the publisher at double 'tLa usual rate and wt h a r !i- "1 c 1