WEATHER Fulr tonlKht and warmer in ex treme west portion. Friday fair in east, Increasing cloudiness in went portion, warmer with moderate northeast to southeast winds. Buy W. S. S. And Help to Bring The Boyi Back Home r J, ;: r f, r. c I , VOL 4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27, 1919. No. 10 1 INNEWYORK .'Accepts Invitation For Tuesday Night Just Before) Time To , Sa,il Again For Europe ' (By AiworUtod Press) Washington, Feb. 27. The Presl 'dent today accepted an invitation to apeak in New York next Tuesday : night on the eve of his tailing 'for France. . , f William Howard. Taft 1b expected 'to be a speaker at the same meet lng which will be held under the susplcea of societies adrocating the formation of a league of nations. GCESTtt OF WILSON Members of the Democratic Nati onal' Committee now meeting Here will be guests of President Wilson i at luncheon at the White House to . morrow. CITED FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ' The commander In chief, In the :name of the President has awarded ' the distinguished service cross to the ; following named officers for the acts of extraordinary heroism described t after their names: Capt. Dennis C. Turner, 80th In fantry. For extraordinary heroism In action near Meiy, France, July 15, 1118. Although completely sur rounded and his ammunition ex hausted, Capt. (then lieutenant ' Turner refused to surrender. As sembling bis platoon of about 18 man, he made dash for our lines, through the enemy's machine-gun .and rifle Are, and by taking advan tage of all available cover and gren ades and ammunition, found on the way, succeeded In Joining our troops. Home address, Mrs. E. F. Turner, . Shelby, N. C. First Lieut. Frank A. 'Owens. 4th ' Infantry. For extraordinary fcere lsm'In action near Les Evaux, France July IS, 1918. After several unsuc- cessful attempts had been made to get patrols across the Marne River -at night, Lieut. Owens and two sol diers, crossed In daylight and re mained on the enemy side through Out the day. Home address, J. L. Owens, father, (17 East Seventh St.. Charlotte, N. C. Corpl. John M. Baker,' Company Q, 4th Infantry. (A. 8. No. 2333045.) For extraordinary heroism In action near Roncharea, France, July 23th. 1918. Corpl. Baker led a patrol thru heavy machine-gun fire, in an attack on aa enemy nest. Seeing all the members of his patrol lying about, either killed or wounded, he ceura .geously continued the fire, killing a sniper who had bee a Inflicting severe losses. Home address. Miss Carrie Lowery, alster, . Medenth College, Raleigh, N. C. , JULIAN IIAPGOOD (By Associated Pit) Washington, Feb. 27. Norman Hapgood Of New York was nomi nated today as Minister to Denmark succeeding pr. Maurice Egan who recently resigned on account of poor health. MASKED BALL TIE8DAV NIGHT The Elizabeth City Cotill'on Club will give a masked ball on 'iueoday ' "Bight. ' ' " :" - " - MOVES HERB FROM EDEXTON '.. Mr. J. E. Moras of Edenton has brought his family here and will make his home In this city. Louis Biff returned Sunday from Norfolk, where he had been since the death of his mother Mrs. Tlllie Sift. NOTICE I hereby offer my house and, Idt, for sale, situated on the corner t Burgeaa snd Center Stree't, Elixabeth City, N. C, poesession to be given at a time to salt the purchaser. Remsea for selling, I contemplate leaving Zllzabeth City. Terms of sale toaatt the purchaser. Will sell at a bar gain. Frb. H, 1911. - MARRYING JUSTICE 1 WILL HARRY NO MORE Justice of the Peace J. W. Mun- den who has probably married more couples tnan any parson in tne city though himself a comparatively young man, after March the First will marry no more. Mr, Munden asked Representative Saunders to get bis salary raised at this sesnlon of the Legislature and Saunders agreed to do It provided Mr. Munden wolud accept a proviso in the bill to the effect that the regis ter of Deeds of Pasquotank County may not hold the office of justice of the peace., Saunders N contends that for a bridegroom to be able to get his marriage license and then be mar ried by the same officer who has Just Issued the license makes getting married too easy In Elizabeth City., while Munden says that the 'marry ing of these couples at all hours of the day or night " has been more trouble than it waa worth. He puts the public on notice that when he ceases to be Justice of the peace he will Issue marriage licenses only dur ing regular oJUce Iioji. Elizabeth City has long been t Oretna Green for Virginia couples. After Marsh the 1st it will be no longer possible for them to come out from Norfolk on the night train and get married the same night. Peri haps these Virginia couples will now get the habit of going to some other North Carolina county seat. BOLSIIEVna WEAK ON BALTIC FRONT (By Awmciated Press) Stockholm, Feb. 27. Aa official statement by the Esthonlau army headquarters reports severe fighting near Narva, Pskov, Volman and Salisburg, and claims that, the Es tonians repulsed .Jthe; Bolshevlkl, iuflictlng serious losses. A. Petrograd telegram ssys that Bolshevlkl newspapers commenting anxiously upon the reverses sustain ed In the fighting against Esthonian arrivals from Lfbau declare that the Bolshevlkl on the Baltic front are weakening and ' their organization a pears near collapse. A1VERT1S1NG RATE , CARD The Dily Adrance , J 1 inch ...25c 3 inches ,! 69c 6 inches . .$1.00 10 inches ........ .$1.50 20 inches . . . . .-. . . .$3.00 30 inches (Vi Pg).$3.73 60 inches (, page) . $7.50 120 Inches (page) .$15.00 The Semi-weekly Advance For rates in the scmi weeltly edition published Monday's and Thursday's add 20 per cent to the foregoing. 30 inches ( Vi page) . $4.50 . 60 inches (Va Pge) .$9.00 120 inches (page) .$18.00 Want ads and readers are inserted in the run of the paper at the rata of 5 cents' a line with a min. imum charge of twenty fire cents. Front, page 1 want ads or readers ae- cepted at the discretion of the publisher at double the ' usual rate and with a min. 1 imum charge of fifty cents ' each. January 15, 1919. 10 0 a ee e ' e ' Mrs. G. W. Turner has returned Berry, Gertrude aiover..FraWi I'en to the city after spending s Week die ton. lues Pbrry. Evelyn Prlt'h.'.d. with her County. children In Parantmana V. J. Albertaoa of Kewland was In the city Tuesday. ron r tin one jr.r.Kv cow. Arr'T to W. S. Ovrmsa. 310 - i '"'fx. f.:t-?'t HONOR ROLL The honor roll for the High School for term endlnf February 7 Is as follows: ... . , w . .. . ' ' Eighth Grade Ersklne Duff.Oleta 17 1 .. a.. ...... ci i ' : r - . I ... .. - ' . -TV' w wh0 hold forth In .the High Skinner, Mattie Tuttje, John Twlddy, gch , Audltorlum , nlght( Annabelle Abbott, Leona Lewis, March 4th MltT!'9.u8nen?' u r.u :,V I Under the capable supervisors the Ninth Grade-Elizabeth Etberldge1 acU Bre rap,dly BmoothIng Alvah Water. Eva Sawyer, Eun ce out Bd ft bang up ghow ,g ftgBured Goodwin. Grafton Love. Charles 1 The u,ent fof th,g (hQwn h drawn Seyffert, Margaret Che.son .fr6m a wider 'range of territory than Stokeley, Mae White, Buth Fltchett, . perhap any eyer gtaged here ftg th(J St. Clair Bailey, Robert !, " ' Claude Ward, Carroll Parker, Selden Lamb. ' Tenth Grade Maude Leigh, Inal m. f -n Y.-" o,AH,AM friii. . abeth Nash, Mattie White Elizabeth Sawyer, William Jennings, George Modlln Francis Seyffert. Roosevelt Stowe, Elizabeth Kramer, Margaret Hill, Helen .Williams. Eleventh Grade Elolse "Chesson. Annie Harris Geneva Roane Wyona(atter th Kene q a Hom vc"- ". , ; . UKAMMAH IH HUUli Fourth flriwles Miss Brockwell. teacher Hazeli Long, Maxine Shepperd, Effle Madrln1, David Straughn, Clarence Pritchard. i HJIIaa' P..,lnn .l,.V..rin. ill l OB) vuii ionvuvi a&wavaavi Duff, Helen Kramer, Alma Mann, Martha Scott, Allen Bell, Joseph Kramer. Miss Bumgarner, teacher Claude Becknell. . . . Miss White, teacher Monterey Cartwrlght, Mary Gladden Gregory. Clara Carter, Lillian Twlford, Mar- cullus Corbett, Bennie Gendason, Edward Walker. Fifth Grade Miss Parker, teacher Oliv'a Ben- ton. Edna 8mlth. Rita Lowry. , Miss Burns, teacher Elizabeth' Williams, Elizabeth Thompson.Grsce Pendleton, Marjory Skidner, Louise White, Margaret E. Sawyer, Annie Seeley, Ambrose Fowler. , J Mrs. Pearson, teacher Margaret Davla.Oilllaji ..'VVUklfta,. . auranceajr U)fht Mareh third at JU) Aydlett, Calvin Curlen, Dorkery Dalley, Thomas Jenkins, Macon Nixon, William Perry. "r ' Sixth Grades Miss Hedrlck, teacher Ruth Bright, Beulah Jones. Miss DeLon, teacher Elizabeth LeRoy, Mary Dozier. Emily Com - mander, Sadie Mae Wood, Margaret Griffin, Wllmer Ballard, Thomas Johnston, Burgess Perry. i Mrs.' Pool, teacher Margaret Hollowell, Margaret Nash, Mary H. Prltchsrd, Mildred Perry, Nannie dty m0rnlng following an attack of Mae Stokes. Rachel Williams. W;i 'aeute indigestion. She was sick for Ham Scott. Oscar Williams."' ' ' only tlx hours. She was 28 years of Seventh Grades ,; age and is survived fcy her husband Miss Elliott, teacher . Margaret abd two children. Ersle and Kath Com mander, Gertrude Kartell, Ool- jeeBi die James. Grace Jenkins Loreftuaf Tna (uneral will be -conducted Koontl, Mary Trupblood, '.WUitam Dalley, Vernon Davis. Jullaa Ward, Elliott Ward. Stuart Wood. Miss Harney, teacher Evelyn Bright, Lillian. Harris. Rosa Lee Wood, Sam Henderson, Bradford Sanders, Joe Spence. f " PRIMARY SCHOOL Firt Grades Miss Bradiey. teacher Edith Bundy, Nellie Brlson, Augasta Mc- phnrann. Dmotl.v uausnton, tan Baum, Cabe Glldca, Luthc Jerul- an falrnn ThorntoU. . Mrs Brooks, teacher Wilton Houti. Eliznteth Jacabs. Isablle Barco. Shelton Cooper. John Johu- Munden." Ruth Sample. William Oor son Jay Rcott. Hcywood HprrelU don, Lorrlmer 1,1 Idgett, -George Scott. H.,h S.wv.r. Mary Ball. Ida Bate- man, Evelyn Humphlett. Helen Mat tery.' AHce Rowland. Mary Smith, 'iGold e Liverman. Graco Llverman. Margaret Chadwlck. Miss Dew, teacher Luclle Brlck honaa Honrv Haskett. Tom Vernon Harris Henry Sawyer. Twlferd Dock. . mi.s Hlnton. teacher- Katherine Mist Hinton. teacher- Berry, Mary Chick. Leille Johnson, Margaret Jordan. Bessie Sawyer. Elmer Evans, Newton Jenea. Grejn rllle Sawyer, William 8awyer. Miss Stevens, teacher Hettr'ck. Raima Horner. Elsie Scott. Rosa Twl- ford. Lula Temple. BHHe Carlwrght, Norman Gregory. Horace Jones. u u.,i.n Thnmna Norrln. nirVIU PIUHUOM, ..- ... - I Mlchsel Payne. Hdward Stevens. I Walter Salter. Jack Tasker.' Miss Zoeller. teacher Marth-i Marv Bvrd Saunders. HszmI Sllvor thorn. Dorothy Twlford. Marg.eeV'm Aydlett, Wlcflsld Baker. Rollins Wilson. Ruth FerebeeMjlvln Bun-li Dnlls. Franca Jacock. Hal Payne. Bobbie Lewis, Kenneth Mu.i.l.n, Ennes Raby,- Wesley TmebOu, Brent Wright. ficod Grei1 Mls Bell, teacher Uxtla Anc. r.i:r'-n Crtr, riii Tw'fod, REHEARSALS ARE NOW UNDERWAY the. Nightly rehearsals - are now orders for the Vaudeville, entertain- states of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Missouri and I West Virginia will be represented In 'addition to the local talent. ', mlugtrel ener f 30 nilnuteg FoIlowing . th w I come ln(llvidua, turn. and dramatlc 'gketcneg ' Tha " . . ... . . . on L1(1 lantJ4,lon an.amhla .nm..ho, Btanil ' Thl. latin part will be a complete ahow In Itself under the direction of Mrs. I. N. Loftln. jnjrwyjy nnxjTVm rll It KT I I llYlKxT "VMUI VUU X MJJ M. FOR VAUDEVILLE Following the usual custom a school childrens ticket selling . con- 'test will be conducted for the Vaude- Tme show Tuesday night. Cash priea of 15.00. 12. BO. 11.00 and ten free admission tickets will be .awarded to those sellinx the hleh- )Cit value of tickets. Tickets may 'ue secured at the Y. M. C. A. Friday 'afternoon. ! . ATTENTION' NOW KH giDAN TEMPLE A. A. O. M. S. , A permanent organization of a iocai Shrine Club will be made Mon- r.hem, our Recorder, says "go to it." All nobles are urged to come, bring their' Ideas and suggest stunts for the Interesting group of novices now preparing to cross the hot sands in .Wilson in May. Three Royal Arch 'cand:aate and "a big feed" will be ' present, . MRS. F. A. CRANK DEAD Mrs. F. A. Crsnk died at her home at 31S Cherry street at 12:30 Thurs- Friday morning at li o'clock by Rev. E. F. Sawyer at the home. Interment will be made In Hollywood. , Mrs. Etherldge, teacher EHta- i -v. Elizabeth Cheppcll, Myrtle Harrison, James Black, Allen taimlne, Edwin Culpepper, Ralpb Curies, Royilcn Daniels. Hiss Sheep, teacher Mattie Arm- Sirtng, MTUiy uavi, ivuineruir irav . n .... . t - tr . t. I T.. ' e.iport, Marjorle Forbes. Maoei uor- i.on, uaura ueign uray, Jeanne , vm"" vesi Miss Willis, teacher Doris Ab- tott. Em:iy Hall Brock. 1 (artwr:ghL. Evelyn ' Hill. Katlterlue Maxine I.opklns. Lavln.a, r.volyn .M'.dgett, r.uth burden. Helen Wells Elizabeth White, Harry Johnson, Albert Kramer. James LeRoy. Carl j Culnn. Tiav's Tuvnef. Ward Thomp- SOll. Third Grade M as L'.ancaard, teacher Jane 'Ellse Hastings. Miss WUltehurst, teacher Doris Crtwrlgbt, Evelyn Pucketl, Haster Vwlford. Randolph, Poolo. Selby Stokes. Milton . A H uJ t uckett. Sv!(, Mia. Sk'aner. .teacher Mary the aubject "btttle Foxea and Tend Loulse Bailey, Virgil la Banks, Lydia r Vines." , ' c-hon Ruth Dozier.. Luclle Ore- giiy. Flera origgs, Louise iiarr s, iLunterey Lomax, Clara Pritchs.d,, Rwbecca Stevens, Vivian Turner, Jn- , KPW- Htr aawyer. ieun n .1 m.' a t t A sinouin, wimw uuu, num. I nn- . lams. I M!S Mattie Bisks haa returned ,..t .o l 't . i'r In pj'-'-h. V. O. GASKINS DEAD ' Captain U. O. Gasklns of the Frisco Coast Guard died Monday .night at nine o'clock In the Naval 'Hospital In Portsmouth of pneumon- loniy flve dayi He is survived by his wife and tour children, Leona, Rebecca, Sybil and Edgar Chudwlck, aged eleven, nine, Ave and two years. Also by three sisters, Mrs. Sam Dozier of Manteo, Mrs. Harrison Meekins of Avon, and Mrs. Stewart Barnes of Columbian! by three brothers, Wil lie Ca'nklns of the Hatteras Coast Guard, Monroe Gasklns of Norfolk, and Rob Gasklns, In service on a U. S. A. battleship; and by his father, Mr. George GaBklns of Hatteras. ' The Frisco station has been re cently established and this Is the second captain aent there who has died. The first man sent to the station died within a week and Capt. Gasklns haa been located there about four weeks. ' MONARCHISTS ARE PLANNING COUP (By Associated Press) London, Feb. 17. The monar chists of Germany are contemplating an early coup d'etat In the opinion of the aMtl's Berlin correspondent who says that the old officer's class with the general staff have been gradually getting the whip In hand there since January 13th and now hold the government in their power. The threatened coup would be carried out In Berlin alone, the cor respondent writes and probably would for the time be successful, although tt would result in ruthless civil war and- unscrupulous political murders.. . ' MITCHELL PALMER ATTORNEY GEN't f By Awtrlated Press I Washington, Ieb. 27. A. Mitchell Palmer was today nominated attor ney general. Palmer will probably take office March the 4th, the date tentatively fixed by Attorney General Gregory for his retirement when he resigned several jnontbs ago to return to the private practice of law. The resignation of Palmer as Alien Property Custodian had not been nnrnnt and Ihara la no Intlma- I up. of who may succeed him In that omte. . - BASEBALL PLANS RFdlir, ANI7ATI0N (By Ancltr! Pre) Petersburg. Feb. 27. The d rot ors or the Virginia Baseball Letirue meei'liere todry to consider r.fpli catlous from c'tie.4 for me.r.beriii.p :n its organization. . BnT.ul reorganization It ex- Dertcd faSNER FUNERAL IMPOSING SCENE (Hr .A"mIh(nI 1'i) Berl'n. Fb. ?7. Munich odv'ces received today Indicate that the day pained wiluout disturbaucej. , .. , The funeral ot Kurt El.snr, Bav arian Premier assassinated lait week, was the most Imposing demon- fc'.ikiion that alun.cU eve.1 w.inoou. FIRST BAITIKT CHl'RCH Dr. B. C. Henlng will preach at eleven o'clock Sunday morning from the subject "Coining Character out ot Calamity," and at 7:30 p. m. from The public are cordially Invited. , . , RI.ACKWKI.L MEMORIAL . ruuu 11 A special Invitation la extended to the merchants, grocers, wholesale and retail, bakers, , butchers, and bankers, and their friends to hear Dr. O. W. Clarke Sunday night at 7:J at Blackwell Memorial church. Dr. Clarke's subj-ct will be "Our In'tpt-dneM to Our MrcliBU.' WONT SINK SHI. , Stephana Lausanne freckr That The Other Powers I Z j Do As They Please E France -Will Use Gerr... Vessels ' (By AmnocUUmI Presa) : Paris, Feb. 27. The French dele gation of the eace Conference will energetically oppose the sinking o the German fleet, says .Stephan Lausanne In Le Matin. The other powers may do . what they like with their share of th fleet but France Is firmly deter mined to use the ships which fall t . France when tha fleet Is dtvUk l among the Allies In proportion t the losses that each suffered durlr : the "ward Lausanne adds. ' GERMAN COM'IS'ON GOES TO BERLIN (By Associated Press) Geneva, Feb. 27. Swiss paper print a Berlin dlspatcr statlag th:. owing to the sudden suspension cT armlpt'ce negotiations the German Commission left Spa this morning for Berlin. The reason for. the sus pension Is not given. BELIEVED TO BE MISTAKE Washington, Feb: 27. ' Official ! here believe that Berlin dispatch published in Switzerland referring to a suspension of armistice nego tiations are based on misinforma tion or were mlscontrued by 8wl. i papers. No advices received here cast a doubt on the early dlspatchea re porting the conclusion of negotia tions . with the acceptance by the Germans of drastic renewal of con ditions. ' ,' , . ., ' ' . ' - ROYAL MILITARY WEDDING TODAY (By AaoocUtcd Frees) London, Feb. 17. Princes Patri cia of Connaugbt and Command -R. M Ramsay of the Royal Ksvy (were married at Westminister Alt at noon today. King George, Queen Mary and great assemblage of members of !r Royal family and distinguished o"- cU,,( of l 0Tr r Imeots attended. , SEND TROOPS 1U UESlU.ili .a. (By Aseodated PreM) Berlin, Feb. 27. The gojrernmer has sent an ample force of troops t Halle, Saxony, to restore order an I normal conditions. The officers ar directed to quell disorders In a stor manner. KKIXni KELLIM Jcmos G. Kellum and Miss Lu' Kellum, both of Norfolk County, Va., were married here, .Wednesday morrt ng by Justice of thV Peace J. V,'. Munden at his residence on Solde -tieet. ' ELLIOTT M LATTERY Robert Lycargua Elliott and 111 Margaret Leona Slattery, both r Ni..o:k, were married Tues! ; morning by Rev. J. M. Ormond ( the First Methodist Parsonage. r T in pit a it ntTT' TO ENTCIICE V. C (By AMuclat( rreee) Mxindon, Feb. ; 2 7. The Runs! soviet government, sirs s wire!" dlana'rh. la - mat It Dl'li a Vllam r registration prepan.tosy to entorc lag eompnlsory work for all. WK.HLkT MBLE CLASS Th Wesley BiHla Ci of r Road Church cerd tally Iot!- r both City men to wwt :.' - each Suadty morrs'ff at l:?0 1 i ;rkurrh auditor. ui.

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