HE ADVANCE HERBERT PEELE fditor and Pubh.hrr Mha. HERBERT PtE.Lt A-.oeit Editor JO&tPH PEELE ff Corrmpondnt with tha Color J All Y AND SEMI-WEEKLY ... . y.v t men op the associated press The Arfoe.'iited Prens is ei- 1 cluslvely entitled to the dse for 1 republication of n-jw dt'ipntche? 1 credited ,to It of not otherwise 1 credited in thin paper and also r. .'. i .. puifinneJ tbare- - id. ; i. 81'CtCRIPTION RATESi DAILY La ku mail flirfl month by mai of earner .ou I month by mail of earner 10 1 month-bv mail Of earner , 1 M,K-r 7iir...w.. W it Ml-WEtKt -1 months",., ...n...l1-v '. foreno ratea anoly only to suba. tdiona p4d in advanea. All arrears charitca at he rat of lOo a week, uevrivuoi a y mall are not entered r a, siicnc rsrlod tnun one month. ,, ii - i ... .I ,fc .r, i ' "-red t the poatoffiee at Illaaeeth v . y N. C a eeoend elase mattar. r KINSTON'S SLOGAN '"Every back yard a truck farm" is Kinston's 1919 slogan, end gardening is on a boom in that progressive town, accord ing to Kinston's correspondent to the, daily papers. The Advance understands that Elizabeth City is getting ready for a gardening cam paign and hopes that Kinstor won't have anything on this good home town when roasting cor time comes round. Tile ADVANCE FOR IT The Advance is heartily in favor of the educational "sur vey to bo taken by a Chamber of Commerce' Committee. The community needs to get the facts, and then to co-operate cirnestly to better conditions each year. The responsibility is upon this generation to see that every child, of whatever race ov color gets- a square deal, or somethipg akin to it. Co the race is improved and the thoughts of men are widen ed with the process of. the WILL DO GOOD The Advance received a message yesterday to the ef fect that the wife of Dr. Card veil,, the well known colored physician' here, has become greatly interested ;n the work of the Elizabeth City House wives League thru reading this newspaper and has asked to organize a branch of the league among the colored peo ple of the city. - , She a,nd her helpers did 'ex cellent work for the Red Cross ;,nd they, can render most ef fective service for their com raunity by co-operating in this public spirited undertaking. AN AMERICAN PRIVILEGE Ilallet Ward announces him self in the race. for Congress and straightway, goes to Kal eijrh and speaks against wo man's suffrage, declaring it to be "a political snare, a sociolo--:c u c'ili'skvH and a bk-lojricul lie." -As to that Ward is entit led to .'a own opinion it i.nov.-K vhct h'A 1?.lki,.-"T abort. l'i,t he oe3 fiuthor and -places i!ic Maine for the I. W. W. and j r various Iiolshevisllc tenden cies in the West to woman's : jflrage. x New," honestly, did you ever " - ..r of anything much more - less? The Adx(nce'has l-.vays liked Ilallet Ward, but ems to this newspaper that i 1 this instance he has availed J-im.-iclf of the great American privilege of making a fool' of himself. With every member of the u;-J of Aldermen elected by vote of all the people of whole city, it ought to be Mo to elect a board of al- :i with eye single to the ' welfare. Certainly it : ! ' t() rlcet as " 1 A QUIET, REFINED PLACE TO EAT SCOTT & TWIDDY'S CAFE HINTON BUILDING With our new Chef on the job wo euro in a petition Id give you extra gqod services. y Main Street ,' 7. PAI'PENIUCK LOVE New City Market Building . I'hone 303 Prtcea you py . Prices we elsewhere Charge 83c licet Steak and Roust (beat cute) .... 28c SOc Iteef Steak 25c 25c Htew Beef 20C 40c Veal Stew and Roaat. .... .80c 80c Pork Steak and Roaat. ... .28c 86c flausag .. .25c 80c Saaaags meat 25 48c Kingan Tork Breakfast Sausage 40c 85c Kingan minced ham SOe 85c Boneleae Pig feet 80c 80c Liver . . .25c 85c Corned Pork 25c SOc Hiked Ham ......45c Many other art Idea not Hated here we sell below what yon have been paying. Give us call, let na verve you. SUPPORT THE "Y" 4 "The work that is being done by the Y. M. C. A. ought to be done by the churches," one hears some of the saints say now and then. Well, if the churches are not running the Y. M. C. A. these .dayai just who" is, The Advance would like to know? rot i . ' i . . 1 ine institution .is managed i by its board of directors arid j the men on tbi3 board are put 1 there by the churchc3 of the , town. ' ! If any one church gets to the place where it is willing to add $4,000 a year to its budget and a gymnasium, reading room, game room, and so on, with the . necessary equipment to its plant, it will be time enough to . talk about that church doing for its members what the Y. M. C. A. is doing for the whole town, cut as long as the churches of the town do not or cannot make such provisions for its young people, let's support the Y. M C. A. The Advance has been handicapped for the past week by the absence of its master printer, Mr. ,Godfrey( Homan, who has been incapacitated by a sprained ankle. Mr. Homan turned up this morning and is again on the job. So The Ad vance'b again ready to handle all the business it can get and then some. A public library is a long felt, need in Elizabeth City. Can't the Chamber of Com merce start something in this direction? MAKE YOURSELF SOLID -WITH THE' FUTURE :Vv To those wh.i h:;v.' IrMiTcd by ts-:-nr.' iins I ( .' (f U bilild- !tiv libit 1'usn jiv-ciui.M u v'icnil;-. of accumulating s.ivinns no uigini; w II l .13 Itl'i.lll'tl. i'.nt lo yotMie: v.:", nrut wonson who huvo n t bi'cone . iro rurii js m.J way not be famiiicr with the Jiur poa of n bull-.titi(T and loan associa tion, It way be stated that" it fur nisheg one, of the best means of sys tematic saving yet devisvd. ' Shares cosst twenty-flve cents each, por week (payable monthly nt the name rate if desired). It continued for- 332 Weeks each share will be worth $100. - The Inventor may withdraw at any time, If desired, bnt to those remain ing In until the -shares mature the full ruto pf earning, six per cent. I a paid. " ' ... There Is no red tape. Simply make ejiplle.Htlon, gpt n bookx commtmoe paying and" make- yourself solid with the future. The 'ALBEMARLE 'BUILDING & "VAN ASSOCIATION starts its next ics on Mavrhxldt,.1919. Make np plicatbn for yonr shares now. -i. T. 1. Hi' i-r. Pr-stilnt. W.- V i; v H tt. r' Tr - ' i r -i ; Elisabeth City, N. C. . AGONY COLUMN YESTERDAY-1 WAS ABOUT TWO THIRDS SICK ' AND I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER V GET TO PRES3 I DID" ONE FOOL, THING" - -WZ" AFTER ANOTHER FINALLY MAKINb UP FIVE PAGES INSTEAD OF FOUR . BUT AT LAST EVERYTHING WAS DONE AND THE RES? WAS JUST READY JO TURN OVER , WHEN I GOT WORD THAT VICE PRESIDENT MARSHALL WOULD NOT BE HERE TUESDAY AND BELIEVE ME , I AGONIZED I COULDN'T TAKE THE STORY AND THE ADV ' OUT OF THE PAPER ' WITHOUT MAKING TtJE PAPER . TWO HOURS LATE AND BESIDES . I HAD BEEN LOOKING FORWARD. TO HIS COMING I1ERU THE DAY Hi2 EVER SINCE PASSED THRU ELIZA BE III CITY AND I WENT TO THE TRAIN TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH HIM AND FOUND HIM EATING BAKED BEANS JUST LIKE A REGULAR FELLOW I THANK YOU SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe To Brinjr Back Color And Lua tre to Hair Yotr can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lutttrous al uiost over night if you'll get a bottle of "Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those wjioxe hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van lubes and your locks become luxu riantly dark wul beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren'i v anted around, so Bit busy with Wyefh's Fape and Sulphur Com pound tonlK'at and you'll be delight; od wilh your dirk, handsome hair ; t.J y;mr youthful nppeai'anre with In a f"r das. , . oinitAitv The fin "riil of. Mrs. Lottie Union who p-iMsed away Saturday afternoon at 5 : 1 r, p. in.. In her. 7 4th year, toij; place at Ler ite'ic,IJ,".ice 312 Tettar street, Monday afternoon at 2 ,: a;. and was largely attended, litr ucny frienrtH paying trlbutp to her mem ory. " All who knew her loved her for her kind and gentle fanner. 'TIs another good motlier gone to her re ward. She loved her children with a fond affection and'- made many sacrltlces for their pleasure. Her two devbted daughters. Mrs. Harry Paulos and Mrs. Graham Hudson and thren sons Mr. Walt Milton Eum of Elizabeth City and Mr. Ananias of Virginia were all at. her bedaldetfiien the end came. She aiso leaves two sinters end one brother. The sifters aro Mrs. Snxan Sawyer'ot Old Trap and Mrs. Alathew Roberts of F.ilnbetli City and brother Wil liam A. HalMonV of Wecksvillt?. The services were conducted by Jl"V, II C. Henlng and lt-v. J. W. Bradley. The cl-.'ifr of the fit -i !' t eburrb !,.'!,V(. I f ! VS. 'ft,! I'viero. 'liix !. The pallbearers were Chief Police Holme, W. F. DuvIm, 8. J. Davis, T. L. Williams,, Capt. 11111 Simmons niid ilr. C. A. Long. Ther,e was a profusion of bountiful flower's.. WANTED TWO I'XFl HNIHlliCI) room to rent. For further lufor mutlon phone 730. F.2i-tfnp WANT ADS WANTED ROOMS 1 OH LIGHT lioiiNek.eepIng by couple (clobe in) or rooms and bourd with private family by couple without child ren. - AddreRi "J.'' care Advance. F.26-3t LOST FOX TERRIER PUPPY. Brown spot on each ear and In the middle of the head. Return to J. W. Sellg. ' Jtnpd f FOR ft ALE HI X ROOM HOUSE ON " West' Fearing, fourth house from ' Purse street. Also S room house ' on Pearl street, and' seven room ' house with five vacant lota on N. Road street. J. 0. MEGGS. F.27-lwp. FOUND AUTOMOBILE TIRE IN - the street In front of my residence on Cherry Street. Owner can get same by paying for this ad. L. E. Tharpe. ltnpd CALED NEWSPAPER FOB SALE suitable for us? In packing In place ofexceIslor, etc. Twenty-five cents' a bale. Also limited supply eld newspapers In bundl mltuhl for cheap wrapping'and to ue un der carpets, o cents abundi FOR SALE PIKE BRED OUKOT Jereey gills for sale, bred to far row about May 10th. nona better anywhere. Must Le p'en to be ap preciated, 'untitled ty reiBtratlon. F. F. Cohoon, Elizabeth City. F.13-tf AUTO TRUCK SERVICE I HAVE I secured a Republic Auto Truck and will be glad to help you solve your local transportation prob lems. Baggage transferred, freight delivered or any sort of truck ser vice you may need. Mack Jennings, Phone 97-L. , F.20-3t FOR BALE ; ONE v HOUSE AND lot, corner Morgan and Hunter streets. Two story building, eight rooms. Terms one fourth cash', balance on time, running from one to ten years at 5 1-2 per cent in terest. For further Information apply to J. Q. A. Wood, Elizabeth City, N. C. F.25-M.8 WANTED SMALL HOUSE OH 8 or 4 unfurnished rooms. We have 2 boys. Y. M. C. A. Secretary. Phone 890. F.25-3tp WONUEUFIL EGO PRODUCER Any poultry ralner can easily dou ble his profits by doubling the egg production of bis hens. A scientific tonic has been lately discovered that makes loafers layers. This remedy Is called "More Eggs."' If you try a. package of this tonic and are not perfectly satisfied, your money will be promptly refunded by E. J. Reef er, Reefer Building, Kan.Hus City, Mo. "More Eggs" tonic Is guaranteed by a million dollar bank. One pack age, $1.00 or 3 packages $2.25. This "More Egg" tonic may be fouhd at P. H. Williams store, 210 Poindexter street, Elizabeth City, N. C. A Uir, Feed At LiU! e Cost. Cr.r regular dinner arc rajJred to.suli th.r. per aon of taste. We rruaran tee quick service. Every thing kept clcanl We want your business.'- BUSY BEE CAFE ALKRAMA TONIGHT J. STEWART ELACKTON'S Big S-neciaW "MISSING" ; Also PATHE NEWS TO-MORROW "IN JUDGMENT OF" ---Also ' RUTH POLAND IN Y. 1,1. C. A. UCGULAiiOiv'S The following regulations were passed by the Y. M. C. AY Directors Monday night: ' ' The Y. M. C. A. will be' open to the public from noon to 10' P. M. daily except Sunday. On Sunday from 2 to 6 P. N Junior Members are not after 8 P. M. ' , . GYMNASIUM SCHEDULE , Business men, Tuesday 5 :30 to 6 :30, Friday 5 :30 to 6 :30. Young Men, 18 and over, Monday 7:30 to 9:00, Thursday 7:30 to 9:30. . ' , , Juniors, 12 to 14, Wednesday 3:30 to 5:00, Saturday 3:30 to 51 Intermediate, 14 to 18, Monday 3:30 to 5:00, Thursday 3:30 to 5:30. . , Employed boys, . 14 to 18, Wednesday 6:00 to 7:30, Satqrday 6:00 to 7:30, - I ; I -v rJia i,; Members Ulng, Gy,mnaslurri, must wear rubber soled shoes' and be dressed for exercising?- ' t jp littf "' I BILLIARD RULES ' Mi , 1. Each player to pay ( 6c a cue per Iralf hour. , When others are waitin, cue must be surrendered at end of half hour. 2. Junior members in' knee pants will not be allowed to play -unless they have consent of parent or guardian. Z. Junior members cannot use tables after 6:30. A. Junior member is a boy under 18. . . 4. Sign up at desk and pay for the time you expect to- play before you start. . 5. Be a gentleman at the M. P. GALLOP & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FANCY GROCERS W are now in our handaome new quarters, corner Main and Water streets, Junt'abovu J. B. Flora's old -stand. Vo bundle firHt class goods In a rst class way to firttt class customers. CIve us a trial ' . M. P. GALLOP & CO. - GltOC'EltH ;vears,from the crowij of his head to the sole of his feet. - C. A. Elizabeth City. N. C v OUR NEW STORE Is almost completed. We expect to move in a few weeks. - Before moving we wish to offer a few specials to our customers. Quick buyers will reap the benefits- A. F. TOXEY & CO. ' OUR SPECIALS FANCY APPLES RUTABAGAS FANCY ORANGES ONIONS FANCY LEMONS POTATOES JUMBO BANANAS CABBAGE A. B. SEELEY & SON . We Will Appreciate AUTHOR1TATVE MODES IN SPRING MILLINERY ' i iritod hats fall ef tprirtj delight, abound thru ct the dirplay. ThayVe hat? tf charmingpiquancy. Jurt'd there are ray s.r.ai! mode's that are proving quilo popular fer'we-r with tailored suits, and with' their glistening: straws and novelty trimmings they sctmahly to radiata rpng freshness. Of course, we are ahowin-j all kinds, for all purposes the one you have in mind among them. See them early. Mrs, Prichard and Mies Kate Sanders will leave Sunday for Hew York City to buy new spring millinery and upon their return there will be further interesting showings at . ., .. PRICIIARD ' Telephone 15 or 83 N G. GRANDY & CO. COTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, 'HAY,' FERTILIZERS, EGGS, 'PEAS, POTATOES, PRODUCE ' ? 'EIuabstH City, N. C. M. the reading room will be ope expected fb be in the building tables. f WE ARE SPECIALIST! We sell Everything that a Man or Boy Quality, Style and Prices guaranteed! ' COOKE Opposite Lore's Market A Share Of Your Business MILLINERY CO.

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