.,( , ... . , WEATHER Fair tonight and slightly wartnc In central and west portloni. Bund. , fair and warmer In Interior, gent, to moderate nortbeaat to souther; wl ndi on the coast. 1 VOL 4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, APR IL 19, 1919. Np.94 PAftADE PLANS NEARLY COMPLETE A., LINE OF FORRIATION EXTENSIVE 4A11 Who Take Part Urged To Clip Order of For mation And Follow Instructions Carefully BBBB ,f' Ntxt Monday Is being looked forward to by this entire community Because on mat aay me victory Farade will be held and It promises to be .the beht arranged, most elaborate affair ever shown here. Every day finds more people signifying their willingness to enter and those who do win the iprzes will have the satisfaction of knowing that they won over a large field tof contestants. The voluntary closing of the merchants at four o'clock Monday is meeting with the general approval of the public, which is always l appreciative of patriotic moves on the part of our townspeople. The Parade Committee wishes that all of those who enter this parade will please clip the line of formation which appears below and accordingly take their proper position on Pennsylvania Avenue not later than 3:30 p. in. Monday. The formation is as follows: The band will fall in directly in . Iront of Heath's store, followed by , : the Chairmen of the Liberty Loan Committees, Mayor and City Officials, and then County Officials. The Boy Scouts will form in front of the resi dence of Mrs. I. N. Loftin, and be hind them will be the Victory Em blem floats, convalescing Herpes, Naval Divisions and floats. The .Army divslion will form in front of "" ;jthe residence of J. B. Jenkins, fol lowed by the Red Cross, then the Coast Guard. Fraternal Organiza tions, Decorated Cars and the Fire Department. , SUBSCRIPTION COMMITTEE MEETS MONDAY BRITISH AVIATOR FELL BHRISH SEA Neither He Or His Navigator Injured And Aviator Hopes To Fly Again Monday (By Associated Press) Limerick, April 19. Major Wood, the rBltish aviator who left East church, England, yesterday In an .airplane for Limerick to begin his t MMia! trans-Atlantic flight, fell Into the' 1 The Subscription Committee of the Irlgh Sea durlng the nlght yictory Liberty Loan met today at Neither Wood nor Cantain Wvll. ten o'clock In the Chamber of Co:n- his navigator, were Injured. merce rooms but because of the Tne alrpiaiie wai rec0vered and small attendance It was decided td taken t0 Holyhead where it will be postpone this business until at ten repairei. p'clock Monday morning in the Chamber of Commerce rooms when ,antlc aight Monday it is hoped tnat all men whose names appear below will be present: Rev. Geo. W. Clarke, Latham W. Cox, W. O. Saunders, S. B. Parsons, 31m Ferebee, W. P. Knowles, S. H. Johnson. H. T. Greenleaf, P. H. Wil liams, Dr. B. C. Hen'ng. C. D. Gal lop, i. W. Wilcox, J. B. Leigh," F. A. AIcDougal, N. Burfoot, Geo. J Srenc9 J. W. Dawson, Jbhn Wells, J. W. Mundoii, J. J. Hughee, D. P.. Mci gan, 5 L. Sawyer. W. L. S nail, A. S. Minn, S. B. Parker, J. C. Brians, Rev J. M. Ormond Geo. Twiddy, 9. M. Grice, Sr., Mr. Thorpe. M. L. 1 INDIAN UPRISING sneep. W. J. sawyer, i. i. innwr, WORST IN YEARS J. V Greenleat, Henry sand-srs, J. G. Gregory, W. H. Weatherly, W. Ben Goodwin, R. E. Lewis, H. T. Greenleaf, P. G. Sawyer, D. G. Brock ett, D. W. Harr.3. Wood hopes to begin his trans-At- SOLDIERS CHEER JOSEPHUS DANIELS (By Associated Press I omenz, Aprn. ls.-f-rsseoreiajjt juan iels1 .speaking to the men of the Sec ond div'ston yesterday sa'.d he hoped the army would be taken home as soon as possible, which brought cheers and "How soon?" , A PROCLAMATION Honor is finer than honesty, as sentiment is higher than thought. There is scant virtue In merely keeping the law. "The fear o' hell's a hangman's whip, To baud the wretch In order; But where you feel your honor grip, let that aye be your border." In the call to buy Victory Bonds honor grips hard. To achieve the victory we pledged our lives, our prop erty, and our sacred honor. The pledge of life' has been fully redeemed. The blood cost of victory was paid with solemn pride. To fail or falter in meeting the money cost would immediately brand us with infamy and ultimately mark us for destruction. Our sacred honor drives us to offer our property as freely as'our soldiers offered their lives. They "fought a good fight." We must "keep the faith" or wither in fires of self contempt. The Imperial German Government asserted that a solemn obligation was but a scrap of paper, and that government has been consigned to the scrap-heap of civilization. "God is not mocked," and this nation will surely become as Nineveh and Tyre if we keep back the price of our redemption. No nation can survive that advertises to the world that it holds money dearer than manhood, that while it was willing to sacrifice the only son it cannot spare the firstlings of the flocks. I beseech all ministers of the Gospel and all men and women of every class and condition who have faith in the final perseverance of moral values to enlist in the great Victory Campaign to the end that our national honor may be redeemed and our destiny secured. Done at our City of Raleigh, this the 3d day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun dred and nineteen, and in the one hundred and forty third year of our American Independence. By the Governor : SANTFORD MARTIN, Private Secretary. MRS. GILBERT FALLS AND BREAKS HIP T. W. BICKETT, Governor. Mrs.. M. V. Gilbert fell Friday night and broke her hip In her room at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. N. Loftin on Pennsylvania Avenue. Mrs. Gilbert's eyesight has almost entirely failed and the has suffered with rheumatism for several yearB, being almost helpless. For the past week she had been in bed. While the others were at supper she at tempted to get up and walk across the room. She fell In a heap to the floor but was able to call for help. She is suffering a great deal. Dr. Kendrlck and Dr. Williams -are at tending her. , Mrs. Gilbert has many friends in the state and In the section who will regret to learn of the accident and to know that one who has suffered so much and so patiently must un dergo more pain. MANY Cm BEGIN DRIVC Without Waiting For Formal Opening Committees Active ly At Work For Subscriptions FUNERAL JOHN P. HUGHES The funeral of Mr. John P. Hughes will be conducted Sunday afternoon at three o'clock from the First Baptist church by Dr. B. C. Henlng. The Odd Fellows and Junior Ord er will attend In a body. (By Associated Prers) :' Washington, April 19. The first reports of the Victory Loan campaign reaching the treasury today disclosed' that the drive has been started in hundreds of communities with out awaiting a formal opening. Many committees are active ly obtaining subscriptions ' to be officially recorded Monday. In order to raise the four and a half billion loan, the coun try must subscribe at the rate of a quarter of a million dol lars daily. REDCRSNEWS All Red Cross Members are urged to meet at the Courthouse promptly at 3:30 Monday afternoon to form in line for the Victory Parade. It is hped that every member wilj be there. Some have hesitated to join the parade, owing to false modesty about their efforts in Red Cross work, but every member is wanted in the parade Monday. ESTABLISH BUREAU TO HELP SOLDIERS 3ED CROSS HELPS CZECHO-SLOVAKS IN MONTENEGRO APPRECIATE Y. M. C. A. PRESIDENT WILL NOT INTERVENE (By Associated Prc:s) Bv."no Aire. April 19 C,9neral ICezpr, commanding the Argentine troops 'n the' northern district, say the Indian uprising in Formosa and Chacow was the worst in years and the task of suppressing the uprising was difficult owing to the extensive t3rritory. ""' " (By Associated Iress) Washington, April 19. Col. Ar thur Wood j, special assistant to the Cettinje, Montenegro, March .13. Cheliabinsk, Russia, Feb. 20. (Cor- Secretary of War, announced today frnrrPHnondence of The Asaoc'ated respondwice of The Assoc'ated Press, the establishment of an information Press.) This little Balkan country Kenneth Miller, formerly head of j bureau to assist dtecharged soldiers has been tasting the benefits of the John Huss settlement at New , d' ' bonuses, insurance, civic American Red Cross relief work. York City, is now directiug an Amer-1 rights, vocational training, and to Major Edwin G. Dexter, of New Iran Young Men's Christian Associa- ( lot , them know in general Jut't what York, and a staff of forty-five cssisf- tion enterprise at Cheliabinsk which 'the government is doing to help ints,' including physicians and is greatly appreciated by the Czecho- them re-establish themselves in lurses, have been feeding the poor. Slovak troops. Having lived in Bo- civil life. .o-;n fnr .ho b,,h in-.t'tnt.ne hernia he knows what best pleases Letters of inquiry should be ad- Vmerican Sanitary methods for sev- the Czech army and so he established dressed to nun ai me war uepari--r,.i wool Tho rpaiiita havp evoked a sausaKe factory and bakery. The ment. varm expressions c thanks from the sausage factory is turning out tons government. Rolie' stations have of sausages and does a business of TEXT TO PRESS NEXT FRIDAY In Case Germany Refuses. To Sign German Delegates wCl Return on Special Train ; (By Associated Press) ' Paris, April 19. The text of the preliminary peace treaty will be transmitted to the press Friday or Saturday next, the Petit Jarlslen says. In case Germany refuses to sign, the Echo de Paris says, a special train will immediately be put at the disposal of tho German delegates tor their return to Germany, and the Allies. will,. take military and. naval measures to enforce the treaty. . ALLIANCE DISCUSSED The question of an alliance be tween France, Un'ted States and Eng land Is still being discussed by the newspapers. 1 ' (By Associated Press) Paris, April-19. President W o:. cabled his declination to the request of New England governors to Inter vene In the telephone strike, saying that he couldn't act intelligently at a distance. SOON BE SETTLED Boston. April 19 Assistant Post master General Koons, chairman of the Wire Control Board, tol rep resentatives of the strik'ng te!?hnr.e HIGH 8 LOSE TO HERTFORD The baseball team representing the Elizabeth City High School Journeyed to Hertford yesterday expecting to play the High School team of that place, but found a team opposing them composed of the best Hertford has to offer. However, under the leadership ot Captain Stowe the Elizabeth City been established rt Cat'aro, Podgo ritza, NlUIiIts and ...ttii.je, and sev oral hundred tons of su;p'.Ies have already teon d strlbu.ed t the needy and to the hospitals. The Ar.-.eric: n und Red Cross flags which f.y from the Red Cross Mis sion's warehouse In this ancient and 300,000 rubles monthly. The work is done by twenty-five German and Austrian prisoners. Every day the bakery is making eight thousand of the rolls so popu lar In Prague. Everything Is sold at cost. In this practical manner, Mr. Miller has "made good" NOT TO START ACROSS TODAY St. Johns, April 19. Weather conditions were slightly Improved with the tday and it was considered lmprob- COUNT CZERNIN B ARRESTED 'By AsMoclutcd I'reaat t . ' Berlin, April 19. Count Caernln, Austro-Hungarlan foreign minister, was arrested Wednesdsy by ty9 German-Austrian authorities as he wu about to crocs the frontier Into Switzerland. ,7p";: ,: BL,u wnerallv It ble that eltner Hawker, Australian picturesque city have excited wld 1 Bohemians and people generally, u . ..,, interest among the Montenegrins. ; was at Cheliabinsk that the Czecho- P of the SopwUh rplane or .u. fc...lcwv inU,,rtrt their cam- Raynham, British pilot of the Mar- me memuorB ui iu iuidbiuu uutc oiv 'jeen made the guests ot the Monte negrin government. 'paign agaln3t I Magyars. H'ghs gave Hertford all they were workers today that he saw no rca-on lookJn teT- Httd dame fortune why the strike couldn't be ?ettlod within a few hours. He said he had lull power fror.i the Postmaster Oeu eral to adjust the difficulty. OPEN BASEBALL ; SEASON TODAY (By Associated, Press) ' Boston, Apr.l 19. Boston -!( Brooklyn opened the National League Baseball season today with' morning and afternoon games, which' were iwell attended by the Patriotic Day Crowds. CAPTURE THREE V- U.S. SOLDIERS B f - - r 4' ,(By Associated Press , Washington, April 19. The cap ture of three American soldiers by jtha Bolshevik! in North Russia was reported today to the War Depart- stent The meh are being taken to 1obcow. , stowed her favors equally the home tea.n would have returned victorious. A !t was the gsfr.e went ten innings before Hertford got the da.csion b a score of 14 to 11. I Stowe had decidedly the bo.t end of the p tch iig battle allowing a few h'ts and strik'ng out th'rtoen of the l.ertford batters. McMul!r.n pitched a good game for Ikitford but most of the Elizabeth City teen: found him for n hit. !t was the batting ot Fleetwood, a student ct Wake Forest, that won the game finally, for Hertford. The same two teams play In Elis abeth City, probably next Friday, and the Highs are confident of vic tory in the second game. AMERICANS LEAVING FRENCH PORTS NOW a : I . nl . K A .ml .1 ntlAm r trt ito ft the Bolshevlkl and unyu today on the propose tran3-Auannc c ight. . , . . . , 1 w m, ujj WILL PLEAD FOR IRELAND JUNIOR ORfcER MEETS I Members of the Junior Order are requested to met at their hall in , GOVERNOR AUTHORIZES SUNDAY' AMUSEMENTS (By Associated Press) Paris, March 15. (Correspondence ne Kramer Ridlrg t 2 p. m. Sun-! Albany, New York. April 19. jf The Associated Press.) The I . . ,, . th funeral services Of rsf,vmnr Smith tndav ula-nod hills ii 1HXP .WASTED rr Oil, ! ,N for boarding! room. .Also .8 or S ' ladle's for t JJiSBlDi, department V Aptly blUUiClar' Xii:ery TO ADVERTISERS -. V- American actiyity which, during the past few months has. characterized he life of several French ports has ceased with the withdrawal of large American units. The ports arc be ing hrnded hack to the French and are resuming the'r peace act vlt'es. Rouen is' always on a peace basis r.n:! wholly controlled by the French. Havre, Marseilles, Tonnay-Charenle, Rochefort .Marans, La Rochelle and Lea Sables d'Olonne soon will be de serted by American soldiers. The ports mentioned have handled 2,586,634 tons of American army material. At Havre 648,438 troops were disembarked. the late John Hughes. 1 authorizing movIeB. Sunday baseball and NOTICE TO ODD FELLOWS Advance advertisers are here by notified that all advertise- menta of a quarterage or over accepted for insertion la Tne Daily Advance are- also to be run In the Semi-weekly and charged for at thVucnd-Vfely ' rate unless exprtrfeljr-agreed otlirrwlse before the advertise ' meet appears. ,, r 1 W. J. Newbera, Jr.; of Powal rVnt wis la tha city Saturday, All Odd Fellows are requeued to meet at Achoree Lodge Hall Sunday at 2 P. M. to attend the funeral, of Mr. J. P. Hughes In a bodv. wfi'fii will be at his late home on Pennsyl vania Ave. at 3 p. m. r?.CM CHICAGO TO LONG ISLAND I (By AsMirluted I'rosn) i Chicago, April 19. Capt. E. F. 1 White, army r.vlotor, started at 9:;0 th.fi morning for a nou-siop (light to (By Associated Press) Paris, April 19. Three delegate ent by Irish societies In the United States to place Ireland's case, before the Feace Conference called upon Colonel House this morning anl banded him papers relating to the case, submission of which wae get for today. """XKjH' J RECEIVES LETTER ABOUT BON ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Florence G. Hughes who lives on Hunter street has Just re ceived a letter from Congressman1 FinLil lelative to tl.e do.eired dla-, charge of her son, Charles E. Hughes, from naval so: vice. Cj-sreciia Smull was in receipt of a letter from the commanding officer on the U. 8. N. L'Luwana, on which ship younf lluehes is sorting. The officer com-, ATTENTION KIR KNIGHTS Sir Knights ot Griggs Commaa- dary No. 14 K. T. will meet in their Asylum on Sunday evening at 7:30 P. M. in full uniform fo the pur pose 0- fattending services at the First Methodist Church, South. Ser mon by Rev. J. M. Ormond. " All visiting 8lr Knights are cordially A vited to.be present and go with the Connnandryv . t " : 1 I hereby announce myself a demo cratic candidate for Alderman for the Fourth Ward. Any support will be appreciated. J. P. GREENLEAF. New Yoik and hopes to land thin at ternoon :it M'neolu. He i'.ew yes- j ...ended the you&a u.au in highest 1 - , terms, saying tl.ui. hu would be Im- med'ateiy promoted again and was terday from Dayton. Qhio. ' Mr. W P. knowlee (la spending Easter with L'eut and Mrs. Pope In Norfolk. - ' D. D. Raper, suffering from an at tack of appendicltla, ia very in at the home of his mother, Mrs. D. D. Raper on West Church street. IMPORTANT NOTICE All the men of Elizabeth City end Pasquotank County who served dur ing the late emergency In the Uni ted States Army are requested and urged to take part In the Victory Liberty Loan Parade, Monday, April 21st, Jn regulation uniform. The parade will form on Pennsylvania Mr. W. P. Knowles was elected on 1 Avenue at 3:30 p. m. Be there at Friday night to represent Achoree Lodge, I. O.O. F., at AshevIIle in May when the I. Q- O. F. State Con vention it held. . " . ( Mr, and Mrs. J. 8. Tucker of Eden top are here on visit to Mrs. Tuck er's' mother, Mra. C. T. Bcott. on West iit'n street, In line for higher promotion. .Tho it Is-impossible for him to be re lented at present, the officer thought that he could be released before many months and that meanwhile hla mother could be extremely proud ot his service for Uncle Sam. . . He is 18 yoars old and haa been In tbe service 2 years. t - this hout-when the Sergeant blows f Mrs. 0. W. Switier and ton, H. O. the whistle to "Fall In." , , Harry T. Qreenleaf. WAIflEP TWO . B ALE8LADIES. Liberal salary to .right parties. Apply' at once to O. F. Gilbert, at Uitcbslls Dept. Z'on. A.1I -tf Switier. and daughter, Mrs. Harry Gregory, have gone to Baltimore to attend the funeral ot Lloyd 8wltier, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mr. George D. Switier.; 'v J. W. Fisher ot Jarv'.sborg wti t be city f-turJir. '

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