1 S J C"S' -'N'NvS? dr. w.er tonight In central por- , ' ' Uon. entl shifting winds. ELlZABETIf .4 - - v w st n fi n n w t iiNfe v rirruiur . ar .. - 1 iVICTORY LOAN.DRIVE STARTS WITH GREAT ENTHUSIASM Half of Quota Already SuUcrioed. Paquonk expect. I o Be Qyer The Top by Thunday allotted for this oun1 iT? 0Be thlrd 0f the am by bond buyer and Te weHM , 8UCh enthu8," been shown these toSlZX"' l "e cla-,nK for other than nntrin T " DUU"U '"vesiment ror those Inspired by The great momentum which this cheeks. the auot o7 " ri. f ?? , re, - nu lull 18 SlV drama' "Pr,Ce f Peace" ' Your SecretarV has been here since o April Zh" anTthat Alkrama F6brUary 19th aDd th'8 -Port": "e v, ,-v CAllI UllCU ISl. Here on April 30th. Pasquotank will not loss any of the Victory Loan r Financial During the campaign to raise 5 s: rr? ,-- - e 1 - ,!64 loan is meeting with a,h ... Dormitories and general approval not , "7"' .. rooms are full at present. Two but all over the country. SAFETY LEAGUES IN WASHINGTON COUNTY ' Raleigh, N. C, April 21. Writing of the organization and work of the North Carolina Safety Leagues in his county, Superintendent of Public Schools John W. Darden, of the Washington county schools, paid the follwvLng tribute in a letter to Com missioner and Fire Marshal James R. Young: "Mrs. J. G. Fearing came to this county about two weeks ago and we visited several o! the schools, ten or more, and the organ.zod Safc.v 1 Leagues In cvciy school tht Visited. Sin!e Mrs. Fearing was here I have had occasion to visit most of the schools in which she organized the leagues and I find them busy doing the things that she left for them to do. I find that klmnat vrV one 01 tne schools that ahe went to have now put In metal mats under ine neater.. Most of the arhnni. i the county have observed Clean-up wee ana hare whitened the trees ana the like. I am glad Mrs. Fear rag came to our county." rooms have been newly fumlah.d for .March the rents amounted to ?:4.oo. Misicul "Owing to the late start wo hnd :n F,e:t.'ng gym classes organized they jliave not been as well attended as 'v.e should have wished. Batha are being used mora and the Gas Com pany hve egreed to place an instan taaloua heatw in. the banamrtniii maiiL' no charge for the upe of "it. Dm-'jig the summer montlu this will c mure economical than coal and paying a man to look after the heater. DETAILS OF THE VICTORY LIBERTY T 1 P,uoUnk. Quota $351,000.00 Amount of Loan 14,500.000.000 Maturity of Loan May RedeetaabU at option of United States. .June 15 or Dec 15 1922 Date f Notes May 20.' 1919 Rates of interest: on notec of limited tax exemption.. 4 3-4 p.c. on notes of greater tax exemption .. 3 3-4 p c First interest date December 15. 1919 Regular interest periods June ,5 and December 15 Final interest date May 20 1923 DEXOMIXATIO.XS OF BONDS Coupon $30. $100. $500. $1,000. $5,000 $10,000. Registered bonds of above denominations & $50,000. $100,000. PAYMENTS Initial Payment 10 rer cent by the subscriber to his bank with his application on or before May 10. Instalment Payments July 15th. 10 percent; August 12th, 20 percent; September 9th, 20 percent; October 7th, 20 percent; November 11th. 20 percent. Payment in full will be allowed with application when the amount of notes applied for does not exceed $10,000. Payment on subscriptions made on the Government instalment plan can be completed on any Instalment date with accrued interest, BUT NO COMPLETION OF SUCH PAYMENTS CAN BE MADE EXCEPT ON INSTAL MENT DATES. On subscriptions exceeding $10,000 each, the initial payment of 10 percent should be made by the subscr'ber to his bank on or befoie May 10th. Such subscriptions will be included in the bank's subscriptions to the Federal Reserve Bank on or before May 20th, accompanied i by the Initial payment of 10 percent. After allot ment (which will be made as soon as fossible after May 20th) such subscribers will be given the oppor ,unity i0 tI,e balance due upon allotments against Ihelr suhserlptions with accrued interest to the date Of Wrtnt, or such subscriptions may he cirrled on the regular government instalment plan. SIX MONTHS FOR fuxinu WHISKEY ITALIANS FIRM so is xmm ,vvTOneaay mornlnj for selling whls,f Pra Improbable That Difii, Ho noted an appeal thru his at-' culty Will B Settled aft an torney W. L. Cnhnnn t- i . " n. I' whlt Wilson, white, was given six months on the roads In police court Erly Date. -Council Dia- cusses Japan And China torney W. L. Cohoon. Wilson. It was said, had been tak- lng money from those who wanted nquor and getting It for them. When . , arrested he named several prominent r ! AaaoclMc Pwl i citizens as having furnished him with ! . nS' APril 23 The It the liquor, but reversed his testimony ian delegation to the Peace in court and as no further evidence Conference reasserted todav was brought up against them and their determination r f- the case against them was dismissed, 'firm on thTSim. f Wilson is still In jail iD default of ? . thG F,Ume question, in- a lioo justified bond. ,aicating that unless the Coun- i en cuantrpd its nnc'ti i.i delegation would not return to the Conference. Early settlement of the Hiffl-' culty is thought improbable es- peciallv as Wil The rumor stood to be equally firm as the TURKISH RUMOR NOT CONFIRMED London, April 23 that a soviet government had been Ttni;Q - SPf ,.n . Italian delegation ... u.nC; wincn attracted , ir-i. n much attention here yesterduy Is not 1 Wlt" Premier Orlando still ' confirmed and is now treated with absent, Clemenceau, Lloyd lttty- George and Wilson resumed it is declared that Odessa, where this morning the consideration the report originated, is In Bolshe- nf nlloaf SiaeraUon viki hands, and that British of ?uestlons concerning Japan .ships at Constantinople with wire- E China. less plants might have been exnertpH I ORLANDO THREATEN .to report the fact if the rumor is! RETURN , " ? trim hn nnllik. 1 . . . ' "'"'I' u l uuLiiiiiK 11 Us HHfin hoarri II . . . m yjiinnuv tnreatens f. " ; t0 return to Italy unless satis- VENTERS brothers 'wtory adjustment of the ..viume aid Dalmation ques The marriage of Miss Act nmh. 'tiors ,.,Q,l " ,ers to Mr, J, t4ryari Venters was' Piem'pr I InvH r, i 'solemnized Wednesday mornina-at Lloyd George is try-- the home of the bride's parents Mr PeiS'Jade Italian and Mrs. J. T. Brothers, in Weeks- ,eader to main in Paris while vllle' he contirves his PfTnrr TU. . 1 M.V nome was prettily decorated 'COnCile the '1 ferns and dvg'vc?d. o,iv , . w-v i-wiillt. mediate fa;.,.ly and c fu im,-I .1 ucuie uiea ungue opposing view- J Willi friend3 were present SATURDA Y IS THF TDIE TO REGISTER The registration books open Sat- ro.y. AprH 2th at a. m. and close Saturday. May 3rd at 8 p. m. Many people are under the Im presslon that previous registration for a eounty primary makes them eligible to vote In the coming elect Ion but this to not true. The only safe way la to go to the proper poll ing place and see If one's name Is on the books, and If not, to register at once. Following are the polling places, registrar and pollhollers for the coming city election: Fl w,rrf rtnAtrtj' 8ore. H a Godfrey, register. H. W. Berry 8econd Ward. Williams a.or,. Charlie Williams, registrar. L. B .Tnornton and J. c. Manden. poll holders. Third Ward. Whltehursfs store. H. F. Whltehurtt. registrar. C. O rearlnf and J. H. Bargets. poll! holders. Fourth Ward. City Market E. F. Sawyer, registrar. D. W. Harris U W. O. Poo!, moia-trs. ' Two ba-p !,a:i ler.gm.s have been orgj-nized, cne In the High School a: (I ono for the older players in the ! f" J'. 'May has been promoted in the c.ty and county schools during recess periods. Prof. Vann and I risked 14 of the county schools during Apru giung demonstrations of play activi ties we had in army camps. Hocial "Several hiking trips have been taken with the boys and Boy Scouts. Three billiard tables are in use and new games are being added for the boys. Educational "We have subscribed for u m... zlnes and the American lMhrarv As sociation has ffven n sao vni., n,. wBia4iiw oi nooks for our library. There Is a possibility that we mv mat O au v s v books from this source and with thi. collection we are In a fair wav to CITY BEAUTIFUL : CONTEST IS ON : ml . , , I (lit nr'na rn " -" uudul nttnnHoH k., ..... ... CeSSfllllv rln. U J: " "isier, Miss Alma U4U"s l" UiSCU8Sl0n j. Prothera. and by M ss Evelyn Daw- lfl8t naTht to reconcile the vieW- or bl.znleth City. The irrnmn points Of Wi'lsAn onJ . viiaiiuu Dun S. 'I; I'lKX I AMATIOX! Secretary Case Launches Cam faign To Make Bess City Cleaner And More Attract ive Home Town The Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce has chosen hl bb an siianli(niia n.Amnn. . .. i . uiuiucui in inaugurate a1 City Beautiful Contest. I, Elizabeth City has Just had two I. clean-up weeks but neither accom-'. pnsnea all that was desired. And Secretary Case believes that yards and premises that have been cleaned up should be beautified bv the ulant. lng of flowers and shrubbery. An Investment for such a purjose. he argues, will more than Justify Itself from a financial taniinnini -...t,v.Ui biuiio, mm I the beautifying of any property adds j start a public library from this As-! 6- But- b"'lM. City relation. i Beautiful contest. It is hoped will. in making for a cleaner city, also help to make the home town health- Religions 'We have made no nnhiir Hmn stratlon of rellcloua artiin. ik in the Association. I have had the ier and Its people haonler Moreover. Elizabeth City hopes to opportunity to make several religious hrome " clt ot bomet rsther than alks outside of the Association. C,ty W,tI C0Mlderable floating pop- Have also done some personal wnr , -- uU- oin.ng attracts home seek- wlthln the bulldlna with moH le', wlth tronHer appeal than beau- suits, tiful surroundings and an air of Ou May l there will he hM i clenines and thorough sanitation the Y. M. c. A. a community and K""beth Clt PePle feel that few welfare CMterence at which time n cl,le" of ,h coastal plain can show of the directors are urged to attend mre beautJr "Pt8 than the Picture perKer from outside of the city rasquotonk. but they will be here and an Interesting nro-1 0 rt'alu ,nt there are ugly and Tram will be put on. Miaeea Matt! Weatherly, Msud HIT.I ItlSEIl OX fJIRTHDAV About tweny-flre or thirty friends of Frsnk Venters gathered at his home oa North Road Strt Mnn.. evening and wished him the best of "d mor B,,Uf,, c"y that the luck in the way of a surprise oartr lCB,lnb, of Com,n i putting on unsightly place about the cltv that will not be overlooked by the eye of the close observer. And they know. too, that the sanitary laws of the town hare not been enforced a rigid ly as they should. It Is With the Idea nf tlrrln. In. , , , . ,, ' mention these prizes became terest In better sanitation and nf. . . uecanse arousing enthusiasm for a cleaner). lX ;!" and more beautiful nt lhi i. . . " " o niaae Every citizen of Elizabeth f'ftv hould he vitallv it. i ... luicira'u ill malo'iiB their home town the most beautiful City in the state. They should also lJH interested i" tiie improvement of the health conditions of the City. The Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce has instituted a "City Beautiful Campaign." Such a campaign will be a great benefit to the City if each indi vidual will co-operate with the Chamber of Commerce In mat ing this campaign a success. It will not only pay us ae a City in dollars and cents hut it -m add to the beauty and cleanli ness or tne City. Such a cam paign as this will g0 a long ways in making this a clean City, and In doing this we will bring about oetter health conditions. It will also tend to stimulate interest In those who own their homes, and will tend to awaken a de sire In others to own their homes. We have a beautiful City In many respects, but there are some ugly places In it that need Improvement. The Cham ber of Commerce Is offering those who enter this contest some valuable prizes. The en tries will be divided Into two classes. Class One will be those who do all their own work, and Class Two will be those who mulntain a hired man. Cash prizes will he swarded to those only who enter In Class One, and honor prizes will be given to Class Two. The first nrlie In Class One will be Fifty Dol lars; the second Thirty Dollars and the third will be Twenty Dollars. Two honor prizes will be awarded in Class Two. I mention these prizes because I 1 war atte:xl( d I y Mr of Elizabeth City. The ceremony was performed by I B. C. Honing. p:l. tor of thf Pint Daptlst church. Mr. and Mrs. Venters left on the morning train fur Washington, N C. where they will make their home. Mr. Venters is the ion of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Venters of thU city. Both bride and groom are very popular with the younger set here. "is uii me uaiian situation. This became known todav READY FOR GERMANS The Allied and Associated EO'.er.-imerils have infnrm - mmm WS tlie German to-, ernment that nlt'" til'O I'PIll V tl It. .......... icicive ins tie. uan delegates at Versailles on April 23th. f RACE RIOTS IN CHICAGO AGAIN (By Associated Presi Brick., Club., Bullet., And Bombs Used in Demonstra tion Ust Nif ht Chicago. April 23. One nrn .m probably die. many negroes and whites are Injured as the result of a series of fights here last night. Bricks, clubs and bullets were used promiscously. Racial feeing is gaining in Inten sity the police ssy since the encroach ment of the negroes from what Is known ss the Southslde Black Belt Into the district further southward where the whites reside. A number of bombs exploded In the district recently. BURNT HAN Rh MANHATTAN LIFE IS I I'ROGKEHHIVK AND PATRIOTIC I The Manhattan Life Insurance Company, which made the first 000 subscription at th nH Citizens National Bank here oa the opening day of the Victory Loan cam paign, carries an attractive and In teresting page advertisement la The Advance today. I This company Is on the alert la Progressive and patriotic movement. During the Fourth Liberty Lbaa campaign here, the company. loo ser I bed $10,000. This makes $20,000 Invested la' this community by the company. Thl amount has In each Instance helped the bank and the county to reach their quota. HERBERT HOOVER GOES TO BERLIN (By Awmclated Prcee) Berlin. April 23. Herbert Hoot er, Chairman of the Inter-Allled rood Commission, arrived here yesterday with a largo staff. luck in the way of a surprise party CBlnb, of Commerce is putting on on his eighteenth birthday. Itb,, con,e,t- AnT one may enter It. ' "Varloui and ttsefil'tifta were re-but n,y on entry w,n b "ccepted fOed br the aamrUm k- .... .w. .'ro fsmlly. I r - x uvt, must ma I ..L"C 'J- V ?"M mn W ded winner. In the con- J-Imer. If. . J" " ! . "w ,M r cake wa. test and fall n-rtlclar. .ho- ,h. . . fl .to lav. k.d tynilt Uae, t ,rI(, " If m it AAAaa t m .utirne. I urge and csll upon my peo- 'pie. to not only enter the con- test but to urge their friends to enter, and to co-operate la every way possible to make Elisabeth City one of the most beautiful l tarn In I.hIL .mi" hv dvuiii. Respectfully, P. 0. 8AWTER. ... .. , Msyor. e i A Quiet bnt nrpftv ma..in.. - uiua(( iuok m yesieraay afternoon at the t nome of Mr. B. L. Banks. Sr.. whe . s,l" Vlrgllla Mae Banks hecam. th . bride of Mr. 8prlgg Brent of Covin ton. Ky. . The rooma were beautifully decor , sted with evergreens, spirea and , cr.ndles. The ceremony was per t formed at 2: IS o'clock by Rev. Matt , M. Simpson, of Norfolk, cousin of , the bride, and was witnessed by , relatives and a few friemls. The , wedding march was played by Mrs. , H. D. Walker. The bride wore a handsome trnvellnc suit nf rfnrk cloth with hat to correspond and her WILL ClVr PI ivt flowers were a corwge bouquet ot Vf PLAYS orchids. The mstrons of honor were FRIDAY EVENING Mr.. B. L. Banks, Jr., and Mr.. M ' N oVerton of Norfolk The grooms Mrs. L. . gklnner and her Iftoe aa1 " . i. W,a0r Mr We" "-'' Ch-rch for th. W wtdtB trip and on their return will mb.k- t. twenty-five cents t. f-lde la tlUabet. City. . ;JaDlw cordlariy lartteT ' : REPORTS ON ! VICT0RYLOAI, j (ny Atnocbted Prese) Washington. AprU 2 J.t'noffltai reports to the treasury today Indi cated that aggregate subscription, to the Victory Losn approaching $500,. 000,000 had been reported Isst nihL