WEATHER iP Showers and thunderstorms prob ably tonight and Friday, gentle-lo moderate south winds. uttott VOL. 4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1919. No. 109 3 Y i r iff'' EYES OF WORLD TODAY ARE FOCUSSED Opinion Seems To Be That Germans Will Accept It But Pressure May Them To Live Up To It : r ' ''.'.: Washington, IJay 8. The eyes of the worlcl today are locussed on the treaty of Versailles. 'j; J:.i . Statesmen and diplomats everywhere are turning over the phrases of the official published summary of terms to form opinions.- - in the United States the questions are being asked, "How does it affect America?'" "Will the Senate ratify it?" "Will Germany accept it?", V Official Washington, with the President and Secretary of State in Paris, with Congress in adjournment, and many leaders on both sides absent, seems rather devoid of opinion. The gen eral belief, however, seems to be that Germany will accept the treaty but that it may require economic pressure to bring about the fulfillment of some of its terms. THE AUSTRIAN TREATY n it n mi m ' rans, may e. ine council of Four with Orlando of Italy present today began to arrange I fiJStor the presentation of peace ian and Bulgarian delegations. The Austrian Treaty has be gun to take form. Portions are already drafted. It appears that .instead of Germany being required to pay the entire indemnity demand ed "by the Allies, a consider able sum will be demanded of Austria, the estimate at pres ent being five billion . crowns. This indemnity ' provision and the delineation of new states' frontiers wll be the main features of the treaty. TO CONSULT GERMANY Intimations reaching ' the Peace Confeience lead to the h.elief that two or three mem bers of the German peace dele gation will probably return to Germany to consult their government-, the others remaining at Versailles. Germany has not yet sub mitted any communication re garding the peace treaty. All exchanges between the dele gation and Berlin are being kept secret. A copy of the treaty was sent to Berlin last .night by a courier. MANDATORY FOR ARMENIA It is expected that the Uni ted States will be asked to be come mandatory for Armenia. Indications are that President iWilson will submit the matter to Congress. : - PEKING CUT OFF The American ' Minister, Heinsch, at Peking has inform ed Secretary Lansing that all wire communication';' out of Peking has been cfct except one wire to Siberia. I NOT BE PUBLISHED The full text of thy."-' Peace Treaty with Germany; iq 'not to be published until lifter it -is jignWthEcho 4e Paris seys t today.. - - - -v - i--.-- KERENSKY IN PARIS ' :x Alexander Kerensky; former !'ltuseian Premier, is in Parh It. became known today. ' - He has not, however,: made his 'appearance in Peace Con ference circles. ! The French foreign office re ceived the information today that the Austrian peace del gatfon left Vienna yetternight vfjatfd would reach St. Germain .probably tomorrow. p.- ; yt ANTEDA FARMER TO . TAKE chart ot a two horse term within on mils of the Court Honse. Crop half pleated and remainder of laid ready Cor planting;, Every tnlaf furnished. A. E. , Conooo, 191 8. Road St Pkoae f I0-L. ON PEACE TREATY; Be Necessary To Get FLIGHT BEGUN THIS MORNING v..,- Three Naval Planes'' JUave At Ten O'clock On; First Leg of Trans-Atlantic Jotirney (By Associated Press) New York, May 8 The first trans Atlantic flight was begun when the three navy seaplanes left Rockaway Beach at ten o'clock this morning on the lirst leg of their Journey from Rockaway to Hallfax540 miles. NC-3 was the first plane o leave, NC-1 and NC-4 follow Opely. They are expected ' ,(j'. arrive at Halifax before nighty ilience the route runs 460 miles to frepassy, 1,350 miles to the Azores, and an other 800 miles to Portugal and on to Plymouth. England. MAKI XG GOOfrilM(JKEK Newport, R. I., May 8. The naval i-2llo station heie is :n constant eom niiiiKcal'on with the three naval plane is they puss along the south ern New England coast to Halifax. The fliers report their machines working satisfactorily and making gocd' progress. PRESIDENT WILL CABLE MESSAGE (By Associated Press) Washington, May 8.' As the Pres ident will not attend the opening of the special session ot Congress on May 19th, he will cable his message from Paris and it will ' be 'read im mediately after Congress -convenes, the White House announced today. REACH THREE BILLIONS TONIGHT -v-rv . (By Associated1, Pre) Washington, May 8. New reports of subscriptions to the Victory Loan today sent the nation's' toUl above the two and a half billion mark and managers hope it will reach, three billions by tonight. 'r'4 " RETURNS FROM MEETING , ' . -J . V .Rev. C. M. Warden-has lust re- tumed -f rtniir'lshtnitc: i '-f phere-i hsS-beeivsttandlng Cen tenary meeting 'of the Coast District and says that the great Centenary Drive now on It going over the top. Mr. Warden further says that he has a rare treat In store for his church next Tuesday evening.May 13. Watch for program ' In Monday's issue of The Advance. LOHT lOC KETBOOK WHICH contained identification cards, "passes and about 30 in cash. Finder, pleaae leave '. th pocket book and other 'contents with clerk of Southern HoteW and keep the money. X VISITING DAUGHTER Mr. aad Mr. Jackstm Twiford ot Kitty Hawk ere U the city visiting their daeghter. Miss Mettle Twiford. HOW TYPHOID : REAPS HARVEST,- ON SATURDAY .PubIIc Health Ucture of Vital Importance at Courthouse Tonight Under Auspices of Chamber of Commerce How deaths from diarrhoea! d!s eases are greatest in the fly season, . make the Memorial Day adress here how typhoid reaps its harvest during on Saturday afternoon at half past the months when the fly is most in. two o'clock at the Confederate monu evidence, and how a number of the ment. diseases most deadly to human be- J The exercises are held under the ifigs are most prevalent during theauspices of the daughters of the Con summer season, will be brought out foderacy and the public is very cor in the illustrated lecture to be given dially invited to hear Colonel Olds. by Dr. Zenas Fearing at the County! Court House tonight V murtiuuy j. T 1 . . . 1 . ' I May 8, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Fearing will show how flies breed only in filth, and the slides will illustrate the procee3 of develop ment. Ninety percent breed in horse manure, and carry deadly germs wherever they go. , j The lecture will show how it is not necessary to have flies in the hoosa or in the city. It will show wtial has been done in other cities to rid them of the fly curse, and Elizabeth City can do what other towns have done. Effective measures for com bating the fly will be fully explained by Dr. Fearing. No admission will be charged and no collection taken. INSPECTION WORK COMMITTEE REPORTS An interesting report of the work of 'the Inspection Committee of the Housewives I eague was made tS. Wednesday's meeting of that organ ization by Mrs. K. It. Outlaw, Jr., Chairman of the con-.mitte . On Tuesday the committee was assisted and instructed in the art of inspecting places where food is sold. Storekeepers and murketmen every where gave them a cord'iil welcome and expressed their des'.re to ro-oper-atelir eei) wa-ywirh the-f ensue" .or -sanitation and good health., Mr. Allen of the State Department of Agriculture who Inspected with the ladies was' pleased with F.l'zabeth ('i'v and feit Mire that suggestions iimcle by him would be carried okw and react to ttie good of the coin- munlty. He was given a luncheon by the :npect!on Committee at the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday afternoon. FOR THE BABIES At the meeting Wednesday it was decided that a special Milk Inspect ion Committee be appointed. Since milk is secured from private fami lies and not from dairies here, it would be impossible to Inspect all milk supplies, but the committee hopes to be able to And a number of people in the city who will make a gpeclal effort to furnish certified mflk for babies. This step was taken as a part of Baby Welfare Week work and the committee will report at the next meeting, the fourth Wed nesday In thia month. Mrs. V. C. OUmore is chairman ot this commit-. tee. I MEMBERS WANTED j A vigorous membership drive will i be waged this month by the League. Mr. Allen urged that every woman In the city Join this movement tor sanitation and health, since the summer season is most dangerous, especially to children, and a few members cannot accomplish for the community what a large and active membership will. HUNGARY REFUSES RUMANIAN TERMS (By Associated Preset ' Copenhagen. May 8. The Hun - garlan communist government re- fuses the armistice terms offered by Rumania and decides to fight to the utmost, says a Badapest dispatch. BUXTON' WHITE NOW . FIRST LIEUTENANT r I Df aief Mrs. 3. H. Whits have re ceived tlat their son, Buxton White, has been noUftled of his promotion to quested to notify Mr. J. Kenyon Wri the rank of First Lieutenant. . Lieir- 'son-in the Hinton Building .whether tenant White did not receive notlfli- cation of hi promotion -vntll he had beea released from service. COLTOLDS HERE ' Make. Address at 2:30 at Con federate Monument Lunch eon At 12:30 For Soldiers Old And Young Col Fred Olds of Raleigh will At twelve thirty a luncheon will be served in the Y. M. C. A. for Vet- ierans and their wives and for the sol fliers and sailors Just back from the war. HIGH SCHOOL LOSES TO FIRST & SECOND Wednesday evening the crack team of the E. C. H. S. was defeated by a fast bunch of players which ljall from the First and Second Wards by a score of 6 to 3. Both teams played good ball toward the last but the first Innings Bhowed rotten play ing by both sides. Lowery of the Highs thought lie would pull off at line play in the first act and by doing to let the ball through his legs, giv ing the left tielder a little work to do. Then Holloman on second, or ''Fatty Arbucles, Junior," trlde to tatch a fly and do a little grandstand fttunt for line ball and caught it not. as the ball hit the ground letting in it run. Then many numerous bone head plays were also pulled off. For the First and Second Wards, Morrl ette mlFsed a line ball in the air. lie also must have been sleepy, too, js he was caught napping on first. Then Davis played a line game of fuissluf t shcrt stop. TUe features vere'the misses and not fine plays at nil. ' The I'mrs got their too, as usuul. Good thing there were no bottles near Ivy for they would give the local doctors a little extra work with sore hea ls. The crowd whs nofl up to the staiidiini. nut tne tnreai eiied rain was responsible for this. 'Iu the lust part of the game a little more pep was shown by all the play ers. The neVt league game will be played Friday: Cubs vs. Third and Fourth Wards. vThe Cubs have not been beaten as -yet. Come out and see them licked maybe. Today the All Stars vs. the Third and Fourth Wards tor practice. Box score follows: High School AB. .4 .4 .4 .4 R. 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 H. 3 3 2 1 0 0 -0 1 0 10 H. 0 .0 0 0 E. 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 , yBu Ul Hoom4n 2nd 1 M ... . . m ,Gregson, r.f 3 Sherlock, c.f. . . 2 Jennings, l.t. . . 2 C. Jones, C 3 Stowe, P 3 Total 3 I First and Second j AB. R. E. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 , Stanley, p 2 Aydlett, 2nd ...2 Lane, 1. f 3 Woodley, 1st. . . 3 Morrisette, 3rd. .3 Davis, s.s .1 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 9 0 .6 Hale, r.f. .. Homan. c.f. Bagley, c. .' ' Total .2 .3 .3 HOLDIERS AMD BAILORS DINNER 1 The Daughters of the Confederacy invite all soldiers and sailors, who have served in the present war . to I join with the Confederate Veterans in lunchepn to be given in KHz' bet City at the T. M. C. A. build ing on Saturday the 10th of May at noon,' as a part of the Memorial Day exe'c,8e- There will be exercise In that morning and also In the after- ii'Mndon. Col. Frea oia. or Kaietgn, will be the speaker of hte day. Al! soldiers" and sailors are re- or not they will be present, In order that proper provision may be made U.I.Mrs. BALTIMORE FOR TREATMENT Mr. ,F. F. 'Cohoon left Wednesday afternoon for Baltimore where he will consult a specialist for ear troub le with which he has' been suffering for a number ot weeks; He was ac companied by his son, Attorney W. Li Cohoon, who will go from Balti more to St. Louis on professional bu siness and will be absent from the ci ty for about ten days. ROAD EXPERTS HERE SATURDAY Mr. Geo. A. Ricker. Secretary of zation: the I'nited Cement Association, and "The War Department thru one of the greatest experts on road the Treasury Department will construction in the United States.'g to thg Fifth Federal Re. win appear at t lie AiKrama theatre, Saturday' morning, May 10, at 11:00 o'clock, under the auspices of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Com merce. Mr. Ricker will bring with him a Good Hoads motion picture and a set of stereopticon slides, both of which will be exhibited at Saturday's meet ing. Mr. Howell, his assistant, will also accompany him. The Chamber of Commerce hopes that the residents of Elizabeth City and Pasquotank Pnnntu ur 111 r.vall Ihamaalvag et tlila opportunity to hear the Good Roads problem discussed by one of the greatest authorities, and that all who have any questions to ask will have them .eady for that occasion. WAR REVEALS THE NATION'S WEAKNES (By Associated Press) Cleveland, May 8. America's national weakness as revealed by the stress of war "Is discovered to lie in our 'liHecure and bud lndustr!al rela- Hons," sulci Earl Dean Howard, of Evanston, in., l'rofessor of Kcouo- mics and Finance in Northwestern University in au address today before the Federal Council of the Clnirrhe of Christ in America, "industrai autocracy, wheiher in the form of domination by corporation or by unions is our enemy at home even as German uutocracy was o;ir enemy over there," continued Professor Howard. "Hie idea of democracy as a method of adjusting human relation ships, both politically and industrial ly, has taken deep root in the world, and this country may not hope to escape the logical consequences of the development of their tendency. The masses of people who depend upon industry for this entire liveli hood are losing confidence in the system of free enterprise which is still largely autocratic in its meth- ods. "Unless the government and bus- iness management unite to restore a week and was recognized by tb.J general confidence in our industrial police when brought to trial. system, it Is Inevitable that social j . forces which are already-in existence MAIN DEFEATS CEDAR will find our country as unprepared The Main 8treet ball team de to meet the supreme test as we were feated the Cedar Street team by the) to face the war with Germany, and with much less hope of a satisfact ory outcome. All of the construct ive forces whether on the side of management of organised labor must join to satisfactorily adapt our in dustrial relations-to the needs of the post-war conditions so as to deprive the racial and destructive forces of thetr power. "If employers, by collective action or otherwise, are unwilling to shima Mka M-tnatKlll tr fnp m AaM ti m r ha suiuv i vnvuotuiiii ivi 4i wviug e human needs or workers witntn in- dustrlal management itself, then as suredly responsibility will be as sumed by organized labor or by the government, or at the very worst, by the proletariat in a Bolshevik form of government. " 'Democracy in industry' Is even now becoming the foremost topic in economic discussion. It may be translated 'Righteousness In business relations.' " ESKEY HUGHES , Mendel D. Eskey and Miss Irene A. Hughes, both of Newport News,' Va., were married here Thursday. HAS RETURNED BOMB Mrs. Garland Mldyette bit retain- ed to bee-home at Jackson after vie it to her slater, Mr. 1. H, White aad C. B. William. NORTH CAROLINA " MAY GET CANNON Will Be Awarded as Prizes in Victory Loan Campaign To States. In Fifth Federal Re serve District (By Associated Preis) Raleigh, May 8. The fol lowing telegram has just been' received from Mr. Edward Robertson of Richmond, Chair man of the War Loan Organi- serve District tnree capiurea. . . . . ii j German cannons to be award ed as prizes in the Victory Loan campaign. "These cannonv will be awarded to the three states leading in the percentage of their over-subscriptions of their quotas. 'jn yjgy of the numerous war trophies collected at the National Capital, the District of Columbia has graciously waived all its rights in this competition SO that the Contest bj beUveen Maryland; yif- ginia, West Virginia, Nerth Carolina and South Carolina. "It will be impossible to' ob tain any more cannon. "The cannon will be present- j ed to the winning states thru their Central Liberty Loan committees to become the per- manent p(.operty 0f these re, . . Pective States. "Shipment will be expedited US (julCKly &S pOBS.ble and it is i-otv --4 tat the cannon Will be i nthe hands of the winning ,.u;..i thirty days after' the campaign closes." SOLDIER IN JAIL F I Martin, w-aring the uniform of the American Expeditionary For ces, is In jail here In default ot $206 bond. He was convicted of the larceny of clothing and a raior amounting in value to (100. He had the razor in his pocket and the clothes In his suitcase which had been taken from O. R. Bell. The same fellow was here last December with a stolen pony aad was. taken to Norfolk to answer tor that offense. . "' f On this latter visit he had beW stopping at the Southern Hotel tut score of 18 to 4 on Wednesday u ternoon. YOU CAN DEPEND ON TUB MAN WHO ADVERTISE Nine times out ot ten you will find that . .the man who adver tises is the man who. most wil lingly returns - yotfr.;wfley 4 -you are not satlsr.ea. He has'' too much at stake to' risk losing your trade or your confidence. You can depend on him. ' -i ' ; ; He Is not In business for to day or tomorrow onlybut for next year - and ten years from next year. He know the value, of good will. . . . -; You get better merchandise t a faiier price , than he could ever hope to tell It it he did not, have th larger, yolnme' of bne -iness that, comes from legith ' mate advertising and goods that bear out the ; promise t " the printed wotd V Doe't miss the advertisement. '. Thli warw Am til Mr rill Vour &t ' . " . - - - tentlon to vaje that tomorrow you will be sorry . yonV o-V looked. ;. . v- ". ' DON'T J MJS8 THE ADVE& ' , j . TMEMENTS - ' -V ,' e -e.e e. l tor 4 heir eatertemmont - i

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