WEATHER OX SALE SATURDAY JUNE 7TII Chautauqua tickets go on sale on Saturday, June the - 7th. Chautau qua begins June 13th and last seven joyous days. Probably showers tonight and Wednesday, moderate east winds. VOL. 4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE ?, 1919. No. 131 V. 4 IV. G. GAITHER IS CITY'S NEW MAYOR Br. William A. Peters Made Health Officer And W. L. Cokoon City Attorney at the First Meeting of New Board of Aldermen - W. G. Gaither, Cashier and . "Vice President of the First & Citizens National Bank of this city was named as mayor by the new Board of Aldermen at its first meeting, held Monday night, June 2nd. Other city officials named by the new Board were Dr. Will iam A. Peters, City Health Of ficer, and W. L. Cohoon, City Attorney. With the exception of City Mana ger Jones all other city officials will retain their positions until a city manager can be elected. Under the ;ity charter these officials, which in clude the City Auditor, the City Tax Collector, the Chief of Police, the Sanitary Inspector, the Building In- mector and the Street Commissioner are elected by the Board on the City Manager's recommendation. City Manager Jones tendered his resignation to the Board at this meeting and it was accepted. Under the provisions of the Charter the Mayor is acting City Manager until nit Mnnnsrer can be elected. For the Dosition of City Manager the Board already has a number of teres(. wfts manlfest applicants. A committee consisting j County Agent G w Falls spoke to of W. A. Worth, J. R. Bowden and them on recongtruction work, stress C. M. Cooper was appointed to con-!lng tne vaiue 0f diversification in Aider these applications and make agrlculture their report to the Board at its next j Mf ghoemaker ot the Division of meeting, to be held Wednesday morning at nine o'clock. h a Kramer, as President of the chamber of Commerce, expressed' appreciation of an Invitation from the Board to attend its meetings and pledged the support and co-opera-inn of the Chamber of Commerce th new Board in its effort to to me new -"- mnrA make ElizaDem v;uy u5b , . beautiful and better city. A letter tures of the affair were the class A iTalso read from the Housewives work of Seyftert for the Pirates in League expressing confidence in the(center field and a home run by Bar e 8 , VnfiW Board tron, which was not permitted to Z'ZZZ the To-operation of . .. heTC I Bank and Trust Com- a mtv Treasurer for; ?he next two years, it being provided Perry did effective box work for J til Chlrter that this office shall the Indians until the last inning, total between the bank, of the when he was taken out and Woodley rotate between , m 'Tdermen Cohoon. Park, and the box for the Pirate, for three ton Leigh were named a. a committee to ings. Hughe, who followed him ntstilate the condition, of the tossed over only a few ball, and had Market hou.e with power to make to give up on account of a sore arm. Ty immediate repair, that they my Chory then finished the game, by hi. Ind necessary. Thi. committee was wlldness permitting five runs in the also liwS to consult with the City fourth, after which the Indian, did ... o o. to what stens are neces- sary to get the meat and flsii dealers th nwn Into the market house and to report their finding to tne uu t .- Board with sucn recommeuunnuuo they mly wish to make. tney may w Aldermen Sawyer, Leigh and Derrickson were named as a com - mittee to draft, with the assistance of the City Attorney, orainancw. mm Crankf lBt . the city and submit them to theBartron 2nd Board at it. next meeting. Modlin, 3rd. The Board then took a recess un - til Wednesday at nine o'clock. n-niinwlne adjournment the Mayor and the City Attorney were called on for speeches. Both responded, pre dicting a new era of progress and f Total prosperity for the Picture City on the j INDIANS : Ab. Pasquotank. Mayor Gaither pointed Aydlett, 1st. ...4 to the good road, about to be built ) Armstrong, r.f. .4 in the section as a sign ot an awak-j Bagley, 2nd ."... ening of a new and progressive spirit .Woodley, Srd . . .3 here. The million dollar highway avi., .3 linking Edenton and Norfolk and the towe, l.f 2 half million dollar, about to be ex-j cotter, c.f t pended within Pasquotank county , Rogers, e 2 ha said, would PprrT. n 2 low jwhuu" ww . mam more for the county, the city and the section than paved street, nave meant for the town. Mr. Co hoon declared that we have a town that 1. .econd to none as a place to live in and the best people on earth. All we need is harmony, he declared, and he aw In the large crowd pres ent, the largest ever attending an aldermanic meeting in Elisabeth City, an auspicious omen that Ellza- beth City is going to have harmony. I merce Secretary aneqaallea in abU He said that the people are tired jity in Virginia or the Carollnas, that spending Uetr " energy ta nseless no city of miiabeth cnyt twa any wrangling and are ready to get to-where la the Union k4 a setter gether, pnll together and work to man. : ADVERTISING! WHAT IS IT I Advertising Is telling some body else something about yourself. f Modern business has capita lized this idea through the medium of the printed page and called it commercial ad vertising. I To-day It is possible to tell the public in a dignified, forceful manner who, where, and what you are. f Advertising is a dynamic force working for you at all times. It multiplies the power of your sales argu ments by the circulation of your newspaper. It adds dally to your net profits. Utilize this force by advertis ing now. Tell the public about your business. U.S. DEPARTMENT OP LABOR W. B. Wilson, Secretary Roger W. Babson, Director General, Information and- Education Service GOOD MEETING AT NEWLAND An interesting meeting of the colored neople was held at Newland iMnnHov at nnnn There were sev- lira A nreaAnt and much In Markets, spoke on the value of the study of agricultural problems. MONDAY'S GAME WON BY INDIANS Yesterday's game between the In dians and the Pirates went to the Indlan8 by the tally of 8 to 3. Fa- count, because the umpires decided that Bartron iauea 10 ioucn bbcuuu base. The Pirate, plan to protest the game. not again score. The score: R. H. B. 2 0 0 0 1 0 14 7 3 pirates. ILm 1 0 2 0 0 0 x 8 5 3 . I Batteries: C. Jones, Hughes.Chory . c Jon(jg (c) . pmJ Wooney and Rogers. ipiRATEg Ab , Joneg c 4 R. H. E. 12 0 3 2 1 0 12 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 7 3 R. H. E. 2 2 0 12 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 10 0 10 2 0 0 0 ..8 5 S .4 .3 .4 .3 .2 .4 .2 .2 eyffert, c t. Gregson, r.f. Lowry, s.s. Jones, p. . . chory, p. - - Pappendick, I f.. .1 Total gether with malice toward no man and with charity for every neighbor. Mr. Cohoon also took occasion to say that Elisabeth City has a Cham ber of Commerce second to none In th atata and a Chamber ot Com- NEW ORDER BEING ORGANIZED HER Mr. M. McRae Faison. of the Loyal Order of Moose is in this city this .week to organise a lodge ot this order in -Elizabeth City. Organised in 1888 the Loyal Or- der of Moose has enjoyed a steady growth - and today its membership numbers over 700,000. It has paid out in sick, accident or other benefits approximately ten .million dollars and the total assets pf the order today are approximately eight million dollars. In the State of Illinois it owns an estate of over a thousand acres, thirty seven niles west of Chicago on the Lincoln high way. On this big estate is Moose heart, a Home and School for or Dhaned children of members of the order. This Home was dedicated to, its present purpose by Vice President Marshall and over two million dol lars has already been spent on its equipment. Mr. Faison hopes for a member ship of 1,000 for the Loyal Order of Moose in Elizabeth City. ISSUE ORDERS TO ARREST DR. DORDEN (By Associated Press) Berlin. June 3. The German government has issued orders for the arrest of Dr. Dorden, President ot the new Rhenish republic, the North German Gazette announces. ELECTS OFFICERS TONIGHT Eureka Lodge elects officers to night at their meeting in the Masonic Hall. The meeting begins prompuj at eight o'clock and full atendance is desired. SECRETARY CASE TO GET AUTOMOBILE Over seven hundred dollars has already been subscribed toward pur chasing an automobile for Secretary Case of the Chamber of Commerce and other subscriptions are being solicited by the committee. Following is the sentiment to which the people are subscribing along with the auto, also the names of subscribers and the amounts sub scribed: "inKwiaHnr the nresent usetul- o , ness of the Chamber of Commerce, and to the end that we may encour age the Rural Extension Work, we, the undersigned, subscribe the amounts set opposite our respective names, for the purpose of purchas es: an automobile for the use of the Secretary of the Chamber of Com merce, and in whom we repose es pecial confidence." Names Amt- O. F. Gilbert o.uw The C. H. Robinson Co 25.00 T?irt a rttizena Natl Bank . . 25.00 x lio w Auto & Gas Engine Works.. 25.00 i N. G. Grandy & Co 25.00 I - ok nn r Duff fiano uo Ij. s. Blades 25.00 nriffln.Old&Orlce 25.00 VUlcwi t - ' Foreman Blades Lumber Co.. 25.00 Foreman Stock Farms, nlc. . . 25.00 W. J. Woodley 25.00 Newborn Produce Co " 15.00 B. City Iron Wks&Sup. Co... 25.00 McCabe & Grlce 25.00 AW A A C. W. Stevens Co Savings Bank & Trust Co... 25.00 Southern Gas Impt. Co 25.00 Kramer Bros. Co 25.00 Di.i.t.1. t irht A Power Co... 25.00 Slff Co 26.00 S. R . r A A a ' f ' Toxef Co' . 15 00 A. F. Toxey co nmi It. Cox Tba City Drug Store 10 00 TP. Nash 10.00 rulnenner Hardware Co 10.00 in 00 Louis Sellg sTeven. Jobbing Co 10M m M. r.n i u.uu . 4JIUIU1C1 uttu Coast Oil Co v.... 10.00 W. S. White & Co io-uv D. M. Jones Co 15 0 Globe Fish Co 10 00 The Apothecary Shop 10. 00 D. W. Harris, Jr io H. C. Bright Co 10.00 O. R. Little 10.00 M. L. Sheep W. P. Knowles . . . E. 8. Chesson ft Co. 10.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 i.00 I.M 1.01 Albemarle Laundry Scott ft Twiddy John Wells tit Weeks ft Sawyer The Advance (MlllllAlMM UPTON WEST Elizabeth City Girl Wed Cam den Man at Early Morning Church Marriage The marriage of Miss Mary Ada .'West to Mr Frank Upton was quiet- ly solemnized at the First juetnoaist church Tuesday morning at 6:45 The bride wore a becoming travel ling suit of blue with accessories to correspond and carried a bride's bou quet ot sweet peas. Her attendants were Miss Inez West, Miss Ida West, Mrs. J. B. Doles, and Miss Lena Cartwrlght. Rev. J. M. Ormond officiated, us ing the ring ceremony. The bride Is the popular and at tractive daughter of Mrs. Ada West on West Fearing street. The groom is a well-to-do farmer of Camden county. Mr. and Mrs. Upton left on the ear ly morning train for northern cities. Upon their return they will make their home on the Upton farm at Bel cross. SENIOR PLAY WEDNESDAY EVE The Senior Play will be given in the High School auditorium Wednes day night. The title of the play is "Macbeth A La Mode," and it teems with school spirit and contagious Joy. Tickets are selling rapidly and a full house Is expected. GRAMMAR SCHOOL THURSDAY A. M. The graduating exercises of the Grammar School will be held Thurs day morning at 10:30. A very In teresting program has been arranged and the public is very cordially In vited to be present. CONTINUE TRIAL TO JUNE 23RD (By Associated Press) Charlottsville, Va., June 3. The trial of Edgar Morris, charged with killing magistrate Bluford Sullivan in the courthouse at Stanardsville on last March was continued until June t3rd when called before Judge Fish burned here today on account of the absence important witnesses for the defense. CAPTURE PETROGRAD (By Associated Press I Copenhagen, June 3. Esthonlan and Finish forces have captured Pe .trograd, according to an uncon- Ijilrmed telegram from Vardoe re ceived by the National Tidende. HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE MEETS WEDNESDAY The regular meeting of the House wives League will be held in the Hlnton Building Rest Rooms Wed nesday afternoon at 4:30. All members are urged to be pres ent. The Inspection Committee will make an important and Interesting report and other business of import ance will be taken up. FAVOR RETURN OF WIRES TO OWNERS (By Associated Press) Washington, June 3. A favorable report on the bill for the immediate return of the telephone and tele graph wires to the owners were or- flered today by the Senate Interstate (Commerce Commission after the maainn hnrt haon Amended 10 COn- iaa neen amenaea iu tun- ! Unue the existing telephone rates , u"" ' gress. I The Senate Interstate Commerce pommiuee vooay oraeru 'the bill for restoring immediately -the rat. making power of the Inter- DR. HENING IN ATLANTA Dr. B. C. Henlng left Monday for Atlanta to attend a meeting of the Budget Committee ot the Southern Baptist Convention and a meeting' of the National Baptist Committee on a Memorial to Religious Liberty. vwrnxa rklattfes W. W. Webb of Washington, D. C. Is Ylsitlaf relatives here for a tew j days. ANARCHISTS LAUNCH AGAINST GOVERNMENT LAST NIGHT May Day Follies Followed By Explosion in eight . Cities. Pamphlet Found Announcing Plot And Signed "Anarchist Fighters" Washington, June 3 The police today believe that they have identified the man blown to pieces last night in the attempt to kill Attorney General Palmer with a bomb as a Philadelphia anarchist They also are confident that the nation wide plot against the lives of government officials and prominriet business men was laid in that city. A blood stained conductor's identification check was found in front of Palmer's residence today which showed that the an archist arrived at Washington at ten-thirty last night. He went directly from the union station at Washington to Palmer's home and only a few minutes before from a streetcar a few blocks South Carolina. The police would not reveal confident that the facts they have lead quickly to the apprehension of the anarchist's associates who they believe are responsible for the May Day plotting which sent infernal machines thru the mails. The police are confident that would not have miscarried if the toe on the low coping six feet tripped the man and he If ell. Concussion apparently set off the bomb. Washington, June 3. The last night are apparently a sequel outrages when infernal machines were mailed to government officials and public men, and are believed by officials heTe to be another move in the anarchist movement to overthrow the or ganized government of the United States. Evidence that the plot was carefully planned was contained in a pamphlet found at the home of Attorney General Palmer, whose residence in the fashionable section here Was partly wrecked by a bomb. The pamphlet was one of a large number scattered about after the bomb to bits the author of the crime and was signed "The Anarchist Fighters." It was undoubtedly intended as a signal to show that a reign of terrorism is on. The full list of cities in which is: New York, Washington, Cleveland, Pittsburg, two at Phil adelphia, two at Boston, Patterson and Newtonvillet Mass. ELIHU ONLEY DEAD Elihu Ownley died Monday at one o'clock at his home in this county after an Illness of about two months. He was fifty-eight years of age and is well known thru the county and town. He served as County Com missioner a number of times. The funeral was conducted Tues day at the home by Dr. G. W. Clarke. Among those attending the funeral from here were R. C. Abbott, G. R. Little, Chas. Reid and J. W. Munden. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTS LEROY CHAIRMAN The Elizabeth City Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, composed of Ros coe Foreman, from the First Ward, J. H. LeRoy from the Second Ward, S. G. Scott from the Third Ward, and Dr. Zenas Fearing from the Fourth Ward, met Monday, June 2nd, and elected J. H. LeRoy Chairman and S. G. Scott Secretary and Treasurer. WILL PREACH NEXT SUNDAY Rev .0. L. Riggs of Wallace, who was to have filled the pulpit at Salem and Riverside last Sunday but was unavoidably tHetahre. -will preach next Sunday morning at Salem and next Sunday aiternoon ai niversiae. WAS HERE TUESDAY Corp. Fred F. Whaley of Belcrosa, who arrived in Newport News a week ago from overseas after about eleven months service, was In this city oq Tuesday. He was in the 29th divis ion, called the Blue and Gray Divis ion, Co. E, 116th Infantry, WANTED AT ONCE SECOND. hand Piano, Stleff preferred. Give best cash price. 'Phone HI or call this evening at ltl N. Martin St. This last day to make purchase. REIGN TERROR the explosion was seen alighting away by C. S. Briggs of Marion, the man's name but thev feel' gathered since midnight will the plot to take Palmer's life anarchist had not stumped his from the front door. The coping widespread bomb explosions . to the unsuccessful May Day prematurely exploded and blew explosions occurred last night WILSON MEETS WITHEXPERTS Discuss Replies On Reparation And Economic Phases Of Peace Terms. Also Counter Proposals (By Associated Press) ParlB, June 3. Wilson met with American experts this morning and discussed, the question of replies to be made to German notes on repara tions and economic phases of the peace terms. The meeting later developed into a general conference of the lull American delegation over the Ger man counter proposals. - , TWO CHANGES CONSIDERED Two changes in the German peace terms, one territorial and one finan cial, are being considered by the Council of Four it was learned to day. MARKET HOUSE TO BE RENOVATED The Special Committee appointed Monday night to investigate the con dition of the market house were for tunate Tuesday morning ot find a representative of the firm that sold the. city the cold storage equipment of the Market House and through him promptly got in touch with Ot- tlnger Brothers who agreed to send an expert to the city in the near future to look over the cold storage-' equipment and put it In first class shape. , At the same time Mr. J.- P. Kra mer has been directed to look over the buildlngtself and make needed repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Voss Tillet of Manns Harbor were la the city shopping oil Tuesday,