WEATHER ON SALE SATURDAY JUNE 7T1I Chautauqua tickets go on tale on Saturday, June the 7th. Chautau qua begins June 13th and last seven Joyous days. - , Showers probably tonight and Thursday, except fair In northeast portion, gentle to moderate east winds. . , VOL, 4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 4, 1919. No. 132 EXPLOSION PLOT ORDERED FROM RUSSIAN RADICAL HEADQUARTERS r John Johnson, I. W. W. Leader In Pittsburg Makes Partial Confession Involving Bomb Maker in Cleveland 1 Pittsburg, June 4. Evidence that anarchists responsible lor the bomb explosions here Monday were operating under orders from the Russian Radical Headquarters in New York is in the hands of the local police today. J ohn J ohnson, president of the local I. W. W. organization, who was arretted yesterday after a fight with detectives, was the directing genivs of the bomb plot in this city. In a -partial confession Johnson is said to have named a Cleveland man as the maker of the bombs exploded here. This man as well as Johnson is said to have operated under orders from Radical Headquarters in New York. NEW BOARD MUST SEE NEWMANAGER Does Not Propose To Act Hast ily In Important Choice And Will Not Employ Any Man "Sight Unseen" The new Board of Aldermen of Elizabeth City will not employ a City Manager without a personal Inter Tie w with him before the, ".hole Board. This seemed the undoubted sense of the Board at Its meeting on Wednesday morning, when applica tions for the position were taken up No step was taken toward definitely employing any applicant, but corres pondence with the applicants who seem best qualified for the position will be continued and they will in turn be invited to come before the Board until the Board has satisfied Itself that It has found a ..rUsfactory man. "Everything depends," said Mayor Galther at Wednesday's meet ing, "on our choice of a city mana ger. He is the man who will make or break our administration." At this meeting the Board also took occasion to Instruct D. Guy Brockett. Clerk to the Board, to put the meat and fish dealers on notice that when their present license ex pire none will be renewed except up on condition that these dealers do business In the city market, except In thejone west of Harney and north of Parsonage streets. Meat dealers! -will be permitted in this cone, be cause of Its great distance from the city market, provided they pay the required license -and provide the proper sanitary equipment for keep ing meats. On motion of Alderman Leigh Aldermen Cooper, Parks and 8awyer were constituted a committee to make recommendations to the Board relative to the peddling and sale of green groceries In the city. It Is the earnest desire of the members of the Board to find a way to encourage farmers to bring their truck to the market and offer It for sale from their wagons at the market house curb. At the suggestion of Alderman Parks Mayor Galther v appointed a wood committee to look after the cutting of wood purchased and paid 1 .V. LI.I. Lm ..111 n Ik. I IOr DJ IIHS 11 wuwu obiii vu tut? stump and which the city will lose unless it Is cut and removed by De cember of the present year. In answer to a letter from the Housewives League pledging co-operation of that organization with the Board in every movement for the general betterment of the town a letter was sent to the League ex pressing the Board's appreciation of this pledge and its earnest desire to co-operate, with' the League in its work. ( The Board took a recess to meet subject to the call of the Mayor. The members of the new Board of Aldermen sr.: 0. F. Derrlckson J aUon , ft wou,d R. Bowden,C. M. Cooper, J. B Leigh forecMt Mim fa!lure and W. A. Worth. P. C. Cohoon, Baseon ,n of any uch . corporatlon ,f u SawyV and H. 0. Parks. . ! stockholders continually made it a Officers elected by the new Board point to antagonize Its board of are: W. 0. Galther, Mayor; Walter directors. L. Gohoon, City Attorney; and Dr. ! W. A. Peters, City Health Officer, j "The sooner each citizen realizes Other City Officials are retained that ha l' component part of this pending the election of a City Man- town' wlth MrU,n dMl ter ager, the City Charter providing that "u d that " A ow cep thess shall be elected by th. Board U1? ty to thia town, the sooner on recommendation of th. City Man- 1U Ideal place for ager. ('- . r la speaking of th spirit of tht .1 Washington, June 3. Altho the authorities are working In secret in their efforts to run down the plotters who planned the widespread bomb outrages Monday night it was stated today that no tangible clues that might lead to the apprehension of the plotters was found overnight. Department of Justice agents today had radicals of dangerous type un der surveillance. U. S. MARINES AT COSTA RICA (By Associated Press) San Salvador, June 4. American marines have been landed at Punta- renas and Port Llmon, Costa Rica, on account of the revolution against the government headed by Gen. Tinocp, according to dispatches printed in newspapers here. NAVY DOUBTS IT Washington, June . No Infor mation regarding the reported land ing of American - naval forces in Costa Rica has reached the Nary or State Departments and Secretary Daniels said today that he doubted that any landing htid been made. If any men were sent ashore they were sailors as the only marines detach- ment ,n the vicinity Is the legation guard at Nicaranga and it can't be moved without authority from Wash' Ington. Orange Blossom Talc just out prepared to suit tke most fastidious taste. Trial box 21c. Large slse S5c at the City Drug Store on Water St. present Board of Aldermen today, a member of the Board, said, "As I interpret the spirit of our Board there Is a pronounced desire for the co-operation of every citizen, regard less of sex, age or color, for the up lift of our town in every phase of community life. "A cordial and sympathetic co-operation of every citizen Is necessary if our town Is to make the progress, materially and socially, that every one desires.- We must forget 'act ional differences and realize that this town In which we live, and in which we must rear our children, deserves our best energies, even sacrifices, in i its upbuilding. I am impressed with the thought that the result of a pros perous, cleUnly town of pleasing so cial surroundings, Is a result that would fully justify the sacrifice of any desirable citizen. "I believe I voice the sentiment of your new Board in saying that It in vites friendly criticism and suggest Ion and certainly courts friendly co operation. Your Board of Alderman is nothing more than a board of di rectors. The individual citizen and tax payer is the stock holder in our municipal corporation, occupying the same relation to the Board of Alder men as the stock holders of either , mdnatrial nis or ner aooae ana a aesiraoie nluM fn Mia 'au-tn fit kM mi ka cludr.1 AN OPEN LETTER TO ELIZABETH CITY PEOPLE With the approach of the Chautauqua season It will occur to many thoughtful people, "What Is the unique value of Chautau qua this year?" v Last year Chautauqua was one of the most powerful of the forces whose part It was to maintain the nation's morale. So successful was it in this task that President Wilson was moved to call Chautauqua "an Integral part of the national defense." Great and important as was the service of Chautauqua during the war, we believe that its opportunity this year is even greater, and if possible, more Important Out of the chaos of the great war comes the world of 1919. Many of Its former leaders are gone, its old standards are shat tered, Its economic traditions are upset, and Its ideals are plastic. The architecture for this new order must, in the Reconstruction Period, be moulded in a new pattern. The great political and moral problems 'must be solved by a people well grounded and informed on the questions of the day. The correct solution of these problems can be arrived at In one way, and in one way only. Those questions must be discussed without partisan or sectarian bias In the various communities of the land. In no other way can our priceless democracy be preserved. And Chautauqua is the people's university, the one free forum for discussion In America. It creates that community Interest which banishes individual selfishness. It calls together the peo ple of the community to discuss with the nation's keenest minds the world's biggest problems. It is a steadying force for the right kjnd of progress in this Reconstruction Period. Chautauqua is more vital this year than ever before. Local Chautauqua Committee, GEO, R. LITTLE, President DR. B. C. HEMXG, Vice President GEO. A. TWIDDY, Adv. Mgr. WILL WEIGH AND MEASURE BABIES Next Sunday afternoon at five o'clock the Better Babies Commit tee of Blackwell Memorial Sunday School will weigh and measure the babies In the Sunday school room. A physician wllLba preseaUreeoids will be made of each baby's health standing, Better Babies literature will be given out, and practical In struction given by the physician and his helpers In regard to the babies welfare. All babies under three years of age are Included and mothers are cordially invited to bring the little tote at this time. The invitation ap plies not only to the Cradle Roll or to the Sunday school and church. Any babies will be welcomed and an effort made to give assistance and Instruction to all. The pastor, the superintendent, and many others are much interest ed in the welfare of the babies, and It is hoped that mothers will under stand the spirit In which the work is undertaken and co-operate with the committee for good health and good will. SENIOR PLAY TONIGHT The Senior play "Macbeth A La Mode," will be given In the high school auditorium tonight. Tickets are selling at 25 and 15 cents. An immense crowd Is expected and a splendid evening's entertainment Is assured. The grammar school commence ment will be held at 10:30 Thursday morning and the closing commence ment exercises Thursday night, at which time the high school graduate will receive their diplomas and Lieut. Col. Ansell will speak. ORDERS GERMAN TO BE READY Paris, June 4. The report has reached , Peace Conference circles that Gustav Noske, German minister of defense, recently made a tour of 'German coast defences and directed the personnel to be prepared for emergencies. MOTOR TRUCK FOR SALE ON Saturday, June 7th, 1919, at 12 o'clock M., I shall offer for sale at public auction before the Court House door in Elisabeth City, N. C., for cash, one Reo motor truck of two and one-half ton capacity. Motor truck In good condition. A. B. Walston. J.4-3tp STRAW HATS WITHOUT A headache. Self conforming sweat hands, won't blow off. v ;. J TC1NIR ft CO. fr Clothing Store TO INVESTIGATE EXPENDITURES (By Associated Press) London, June 4. Five separate Investigations of War Department expenditures are to be made by House committees each composed of two Republicans and one Democrat, according to a plan disclosed before the House rules committee today by Republican leaders. Inquiries would center about avia tion, ordnance, camps and canton ments, quarter master corps and ex penditures In foreign countries. 9100.00 IN PRIZES The merchants of Elizabeth City are giving one hundred dollars in merchandise prises to the boys enter ing the Public School Athletic Meet, Friday, at the High School grounds. Boys from six to eighteen are enter ing and a real athletic program will be run off and this will show the boys where they stand with respect to thr boys of their own age. There will be eighteen - events for boys in the different age class. Boys over 14 in the senior class. Boys between 11 and 14 Intermediate. Boys between 8 and 11 Juniors. Boys under 8 Klndergartners. In each event there will be three prizes for the first, second and third place. COUNCIL MEETS WITH EXPERTS (By Associated Press) Paris, June 4. The Council of Four met this morning with experts on territorial questions and repara tions. Clauses of the Austrian treaty dealing with reparations are now complete. Through the courtesy of 8cott ft Twiddy, Cafe on Main Street the In ternational Correspondence Schools will hold a window display until Saturday, June .14th. The repre sentative In charge will be pleased to explain the method and work of the' schools to anyone Interested. A special discount will be given to students enrolled during this period. BATHING ' SUITS - JUST RE ce(ved shipment of bathing suits for tad and the boys, sizes 28 o 44, trimmed black with orange, 'green, red or white, get our cash store pri ces beforo buying. T. T. TURNER ft CO. Leading Clothing Store Have you tried Orange Blossom Talcum? It's Just great Trial slse, We, regular slse, J 5c. At The City Drug Store on Water street. GERMANY HAS NERVE TO THINK THAT AMERICA OUGHT TO TAKE HER PART Sentiment Grows in Hunland That United States Must Form Alliance With Germany And Be corrie Protector of That Country Berlin, June 4. There seems to be a widespread demand on the part of Germany that efforts be made to induce America to enter into a sort of limited r- " " WW...;, e ' "a vj v. iiiunjr uuaukui mu and protection and taking in return the lion's share of profits of tne country s industrial activities. This sentiment which first ber aDDears to have become stroncer rprentlv ELECTED PRESIDENT OF KRAMER BROS. CO. J. Howard Kramer has been elect ed President of the Kramer Bros. Company to succeed the late A. K. Kramer. D. Ray Kramer has been elected a director of the company to succeed his father, the late A. K. Kramer. The present officers of the com pany are J. Howard Kramer, presi dent; Harry G. Kramer, vice presi dent, Frank K. Kramer, secretary and treasurer. WILSON RECEIVES AVIATORS TODAY (By Associated Press) Paris, June 4. President Wilson received Read, Towers and Bollinger of the trans-Atlantic seaplane , this morning and congratulated them, expressing pride In the work they ac complished during their flight. J. W. POOL HURT J. W. Pool was thrown from his bicycle on West Main street Tuesday afternoon about three o'clock and painfully Injured. Mr. Pool lives on the corner of Main and Panama streets and works with Fowler and Company on Water street. He was returning to his work from dinner and near the corner Of Main and Dyer streets was struck by a truck owned by the city and thrown against the curbing. He was badly bruised and his left collar bone was broken. He had two bottles of milk In his pockets and tho these were smashed he was not cut by the glass. The driver of the truck made his getaway as quickly as possible, leav ing Mr. Pool lying helpless. Some one saw the accident and summoned s car to take the Injured man home. Dr. Kendrlck and Dr. Walker were called to set the broken bone. Mr. Pool continues to suffer greatly and slept little thru the night. BLACKWELL MEMORIAL CLAIMS VICTORY After a fast and furious game be tween the Blackwell Memorial and First Methodist Church teams yes- i terday on the Methodist Church lot It was found that the score was tied. However, the Blackwell Memorial team claimed the score keeper made an error of one run In favor of the Methodists and upholding sacred tradition the Baptists beat the Meth jodlsts In the argument and won the game by the score of 13 to 14. 1 It was a game replete with bril liant stunts and grand stand plays ' throughout. The playing of Judge Leigh at the third sack was the most brilliant feature of the game. WILL SPEAK AT MT. LEBANON CHURCH Througb4the courtesy of Elizabeth City Business College, America's fastest calculator who is installing the system in the college, will give a chalk talk Thursday evening at 8 p .m. at Mt. Lebanon A. M. E. Zlon church. This lecture Is given to as sist the colored people In liquidating a $13,000 Indebtedness. Don't fall to see the greatest demonstration ever given !n Ellzaboth City. PIANO RECITAL Th pupils of Miss Covert's Piano class will give their recital in the High School Auditorium Friday af ternoon, Juno th, 4:10 o'clock. The parents of pupils and public are cor dially invited, alliance with Germany to take made its appearance last Decem c ,,. CUBS LOSE TO GRAYS Cubs Suffer First Defeat Of Season to Tune of 11 to 9. Umpire's Decision in Seventh Contested ine long winning stress: oi ine Cubs has been broken. At last they have lost a game, and that old thou sand per cent is gone, never to re turn, nooper, pucning lor mo Grays, blew up in the third, permit tin r six runs, but the lead of the Cubs was a very temporary affair, for the Grays established a four run lead In the very next inning, and though this lead was cut down later In the game, the Grays came out victors by a two-run margin, thus nanaing ine uuds me nrsi aruDDing they have received this season. Three pitchers were used by each side In a desperate endeavor to clinch the ffamA anil Vita iimnlrd'i HaAlalin mf fecting the batting order in tho seventh was hotly contested by the Grays. The box score follows: CUBS: , Ab. R. H. E. 4 S 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 a Twiddy, 8b 6 Dixon, p., 2b 4 Perry, lb 4 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Norrls, r.f. . . Johnson, . Beals, c.f. . . . Cooper, 2b, p. . Brtckhouse, c. Evans, s.s. . . . White, l.f. . . . xQarrett D. White, p. . x Caddy Total 9 6 10 ' GRAYS: Ab. R. H. E. Twiddy, s.s. ... 5 1 0 0 Beverldce. 2b. . . 5 2 4) 1 Henderson, lb, p. .5 4 S 0 Cropsey, l.f 4 1 0 0 W. Weatherly, 3b 4 8 0 1 Hlnton, c.f 4 0 2 0 E. Weatherly, If. 4 0 1 0 Raper, c 4 0 0 0; Hooper, p 2 0 0 0 Falls, lb 1 0 0 0 Reld, p 1 0 0 0 Total 11 6 2 ' The score by Innings: Cubs: 0 0 6 0 0 1 2 9 6 1 , Grays: 3 0. 3 4 0 1 011 2 v Sacrifice hits, Dixon (2). x batted for White In 6th. ' 1. . 11 1 t TITU I 4 1 SlL Batteries: Dixon, Cooper, White and Brickhouse (c); Hooper, Reld, Henderson and Raper (c). BUILT UP KOOL SUITS FOR men, sizes 34 to 60. Stouts, slims,' stubs and regulars. Hair cloth fronts sweat shields and reinforced seams. T. T. TURNER ft CO. Leading Clothing Store FOR SALE ONE FORD TOURING car In good condition will be sold at the courthouse door Saturday at 12 o'clock. F. A. Crank, ltnp LOST ON STREET BETWEEN 108 Church street snd business dis trict, a Twenty Dollar bill. Finder will please return to Mrs. J. H, Duke, 103 Chuich St. It A new talcum daintily perfumed Orange Blossom Tale at The City Drug Store on Water street. BOYS WA8HABLB SUITS, Middy Blouses snd other styles made' of weighty, twill material, navy blue ' trimmed. 8peclal 12.16. T. T. TURNER ft CO.. Leading Clothing Stort