In (lio columns, of this paper you will Hud II 10 advertisements of alert, progressive nitei-clmiiU iiml manu facturers who are telling you some tiling they telle vo you ought to know. WEATHER Local thundershowers this after imioii. generally fulr tonight and Sat urday, mild teiniieruturo, modorato West winds. ' . VOL, 4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1919. No. ,163 , I RATIFICATION NOT SUFFICIENT New German Constitution Pro vides For Ratification By States Which Lose Territory DERRICKSON SPfcARMAN (By Associated Press) Paris, July 11. Ratification of the Treaty of Peace by the Miss Frances Elizabeth Derrick son Bride of Mr. Roy John ston Spearman in Beau tiful Church Wedding At eight o'clock Thursday evening, in the First Methodist Church of this city, Miss Frances Elizabeth Derrick son was wedded' to Mr. Roy Johnston Spearman, theJtev. J. M. Ormond MISGIVINGS HAVE WILSON DOUBTFUL BEEN DISPELLED ON DAYLIGHT BILL ' i Commission of American Cot- Indicated That President Con- ton Men Visit England In Re- i ridering Advisability of Veto- gard to Cotton Conference In New Orleans London, June 10. (Correspondence ing Repeal by Congress (By Associated Tress) Washington, July 11. It was In- officiating. The Church in its simple ' of The As8c'ated Press.) Mlsglv-', dlcated today at the White House German National Assembly at Dut tasteful decorations of green and ig8 Cheshire cotton men had re- that President Wilson Is devoting garaing the world Cotton Confer-, considerable attention to the rider on ence to be held in New Orleans in ! the agricultural bill repealing the I CUDS AND PICKED TEAM PLAY A TIE GAME Twilight League Apparently Disbanded. Baseball Situa tion For Coming Months Is Very Uncertain I weimjir vnav he halrl nnr. tr hp I sufficient, according to the Petit Parisien. The new German constitu tion provides that in cases where territory is ceded ratifi cation of the Treaty by the states which lose territory is necessary in addition to the ap proval by the central govern ment. Consequently independent action by Bavaria for the Sarre basin, and of Prussia for terri tory restored to Poland may be required. white was an appropriate setting for the happy event. Mrs. I. M. Meekins rendered the 0ctober have been Pretty well dis- weddlng march, and Just prior to the Pelle by the commission of Ameri- arrival of the wedding party Mr. Haro!d Foreman sang "I Love You." The bride, since her earliest child hood, has been conspicuous for her unusual beauty and personal charm. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Derrickson, of this city. She entered the church with her father. Her wedding gown was of satin foun dation and tulle, trimmed with pearls and on her arm she carried a shower daylight saving law. The President has before him can cotten men which has visited many petitions, some urging the bill this country. At first the Lancashire to be repealed and others urging that people could not see any reason for he veto the action of Congress in re having a conference at that time and I pealing the measure. no reason at all for holding it in America. It seemed for a time that there would be no delegates from the various organizations in Englund. I The Americans have pointed out to I the British that as I lie world relies I mainly on American cotton most of So far as can be ascertained the President's mind is still open and ho is holding himself in readiness to discuss the matter with interested congressmen. The President is also ready to meet the foreign relations committee of white roses and snapdragons. Her !tlu' l'rulllL'llls of hauling it arise there j either formally or informally and is i TBS VS. SCOTTSVILLE A. A. The Elizabeth City Cubs will play the Scottsville Athletic Association ball team a& the West Main Street ball grounds Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock p. m. The Scottsville team ' is very fast, having shut out the Portsmouth Grants 1 to 0 last Satur day and will no doubt put up a good game here. FLAG SERVICE ON SUNDAY NIGHT i J An interesting Flag Service will be held at Black well Memorial Ilaptist church Sunday night. Those who had members of the family in ser vice are expected to take their service flags. These will be deposited on the table and will be preserved by the church as record of service in the late war. ner W and it would bo a good thing to dis cuss them on the spot. They also Matrons of Honor were Mrs. C I I ,.1 1 11 . . 1 ,. t ,-. .. . 1. .. i : i . . f nn nuiiuweu, ainiei ui iiitt in me, ul i abeth City, and Mrs. Banks Arendel, , niaintainetl that although the Amer of Raleigh, both attired in orchid or- ' ,cuns were the flrst concerned the in gandies and carrying pink roses. Miss terusts of manufacturers and spin Marearet Grieea was maid of honor, i ners were nt inferior to those of FIRELESS COOKERS AT MELICK'S NOW The P. W. Melick Company now has in stock the celebrated Domestic Science Fireless Cooker, and house wives who have been seeking a way to save work and worry will be much interested in seeing these demon strated. They are inexpensive, too, considering the amount of fuel saved in a short time. adv. SIFF'S SALE GOES ON ANOTHER WEEK She wore pale green organdy and her flowers consisted of a shower of snap dragons. The other attendants of the bride were Miss Marie Martin, of Dover, Del.; Miss Spearman, of Lynchburg, Va.; Miss Nellie Grice and Miss Margaret Foreman of Eliz abeth City. Their costumes were of pale pink organdy with shower bou quets of yellow roses and sweet peas. The hats of the bride's attendants were of pleasing harmony, and their entire costume most attractive. The groom's best man was Mr. Gar land Alderman, of Greensboro, and the groomsmen were Mr. Walter Derrickson, o,f Elizabeth City; Mr. Allan Spearman, c-T Louisville, Ken tucky; Mr. Blair, of Lynchburg, Va. ; merchants and plants. These arguments have prevailed and Sir Herbert Dixon, chairman of the Fine Cotton Spinners Association has consented to head the delegation. The Liverpool Cotton Association has decided to send delegates and it is virtually assured that the Manchester Chamber of Commerce will do like wise. it has been suggested at Man chester that British spinners might get along with empire cotton and in this connection James T. Broadbent, one of the members of the Man chester Chamber of Commerce who met the American commission, spoke us follows: "You may just as well get going with the other English speaking people who helped to safe- also ready to confer with senators who may desire to discuss the peace treaty. R-34 IS SPEEDING ON ITS JOURNEY (By Associated Press) London, July 11. The British dirigible, R-34, was in direct touch by wireless with Clifton Station at jfour o'clock this morning. Greenwich time, it gave its position as forty three degrees and forty minutes, North Latitude, and forty si xdegree west longitude. The sped of the craft at that time was forty-live knots an hour. In a clean and closely-played game yesterday, the Cubs and a picked team made up of players from the three other clubs in the apparently defunct Twilight League, played to a tie score of 4-4, quitting on account of darkness at the end of the seventh inning. ( White pitching for the Cubs was fairly effective, but wild, as were both Henderson and Reld of the I other team. Cooper who succeeded White in the box for the Cubs, was highly effective during the last four innings of Ue game. It appears that the Twilight League lias disbanded, due to the withdrawal of the Indians from the League. The Indians took this step, it is said because of the impossibility of getthig the players to go out and play with enough regularity. Definite arrangements as to the continuance or disbanding of the League will be made public as soon as they are de cided upon. The Cubs are winners of the second series as well as the first, which came to a close some weeks ago, although the Grays for some time held the first place in the League, and were close behind the Cubs when the last series came to a close a few days ago. U. S. TO RESUME GERMAN COMERCE Trade Relations Between Amer ica And Germany To Be Re i L 1 ' I 1 I . coiauiisnea immediately (By Associated Press) Washington, July 11. Trade re lations between the United States and Germany will be resumed. Immedi ately, acting Secretary Polk an nounced today. 1 Secretary Polk said that blanket licenses would be Issued but that dyes, chemicals and potash would be excepted. Control over trade in these com modities will bo exercised by a repa ration commission under the terms of the Peace Treaty. Formal announcement regarding the resumption of trade relations , with Germany Is promised within, forty eight hours. TO BE AMBASSADOR TO WASHINGTON MERCHANTS SMOKER HAS GOOD CROWD (By Associated Press Copenhagen, July 11. Maximll- -lian Harden, editor of the Die Zu kunft of Berlin, will probably be' ap pointed German Ambassador at Wash ' ington as soon as diplomatic relations are restored, says the Fremdenblatt of Hamburg. and Mr. Vaughan, of Lynchburg, Va. I At nine o'clock, at the residence gllard tlie llberty of the wor'd an let us keep control of the cotton. DESIGNER MAKES NEW AIR MEDAL The sale at the S. R. Siff Store continues most successfully and will last another week. Bargains are get ;ing the attention of shoppers with their low prices and high values. Saturday will be a banner day and some amazing values will be sacri ficed for a mere' song, says Mr. Siff. HOLDS- RESPONSIBLE POSITION E. Fleetwood Dunstan is now em ployed in the bond departmqpt of the Mercantile Trust and Deposit' Company oft Baltimore, the largest flnp-ilal institution in the South. ,. s' MEETS MONDAY Jrhe Woman's Missionary Society ol the First Methodist Church will meet in the annex of the church on Monday afternoon at flve'o'clock. All members are urged to be present. Gt EST OF BROTHER , Mrs. T. A. Smlthwlck of Merry Hill is in the city the guest of her brother, Dr. F. O. Jacoqks. , . - VISITING AT SPEEDS Mrs. J. T. Stallings and little son James are visiting Mr. Stalling' sis ter at Speeds. WILL IAY FIVE CENTS EACH for the flrst three copies of The Daily Advance of Thursday, May .2ft. The Advance Office. Rome, June 12. (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Dora Ohlfsen, designer of Hie Anzac medal has produced in her Rome studio, a new medal dedicated to the Ameri can air force. The face side consists of the head of an American aviator, the model for which had served in the American air-force operating on Italy's fronts, surrounded by an alle gorical design symbolical of Amer ica's will and power. 1 The reverse side of the medal Is symbolical of the task America ac complished in transporting her fight ing forces across the seas and bear ing an inscription taken from Presi dent Wilson's message to Congress which reads: "There is therefore but on re sponse possible for us: Force, force to the utmost; force, without stint or limit, the righteous and trium phant force which shall make right the law of the world, and case every selfish dominion down in the dust." Miss Ohlfsen Is an Australian. The question of where it is grown should be only incidental." WILL OPEN GROCERY of the bride's parents on Main street, the bridal party and immediate friends were tendered an elaborate receDtion. Mr. and Mrs. Snearman leaving at half past ten on their CORBETT AND DOZIER bridal tour. They will reside at Lynchburg, Va. Mr. Spearman stands high in social and business circles of Lynchburg, and during his visits here has made many lasting friends. The wedding gifts were numerous and exceedingly handsome. Mr. J. E. Corbett of this city and Mr. W. D. Dozier of Weeksville are getting ready to open a new grocery Store on the corner of Water and Fearing streets, just across from The Advance ollice. All this week the work of clean ing up ami putting in stock has been going on and they had hoped' to bo ready for business by Saturday. How ever, the work is not quite done yet. "We will have some, fresh country eggs by Saturday anyway," said Mr. Corbett to a reporter for this newspaper today, and In a few days we will announce our opening." SINGING CLASS AT SOUTH MILLS The Odd Fellows Orphanage Sing ing Class appeared at South Mills Thursday night and won the hearts of a large audience. South Mills gave the class $63.00. LUTHER UPTON LOSES BARN Mr. Luther Upton of Norfolk lost a modern barn on his farm near the Camden County courthouse Thursday afternoon. LIVE LOCALS Corporal Wiley W. Upton has re ceived his discharge from Camp Lee and returned to this city Thursday. The Merchants Smoker held in the Y. M. ('. A. Thursday night was en thusiastic. A good crowd was pres ent, and It was decided to send a representative of the Merchants' or ganization to the State meeting at Wrightsville. City Manager Simonds was the first speaker of the evening. Among other things he said that the city or dinances are going to be enforced or takeh off the books, the police are coming out in new uniforms soon, there is going to be a regular traffic cop, and there are going to be police men In the station all night so that they may be called upon at any hour needed. Mr. Henry of Asheville then made a splendid talk on co-operation, de claring that men and not locations or natural advantages make the city, and illustrating his point with tho fact that Michigan City Is older and better located than Chicago, but It Is Chicago that men have made into, a great city. ORDER RESTORED IN CITY OF ROME (By Associated Press) Rome, July 11. Premier Nitti and Foreign .Minister Titlonl held a most " important meeting at the Foreign Cilice with leaders of various politi cal parties today. The attitude of the Foreign Minister at the Peace Conference relative to the Italian as pirations was the matter under dis cussion. The feeling here is that Slgnor Tittoni will need the support' of all parties to master the situation. MRS.M00NEY CALLS AT WHITE HOUSE BIG SALE OPENS AT BUSY STORE Mrs. W. W. Sawyer and children, Bessie and William Jr. and Mrs. Re becca Palmer are spending some time in Norfolk. The Big Sale at the Busy Store, McCabe & Grice, opened this morn ing. McCabe & Grlce's Sales have a reputation for real values that al ways bring the crowd and the first half day of(the sale was a busy one indeed. The store closed at one o'clock this afternoon, but Saturday is expected to be a tremendously busy day. The Sale continues thru next week. Frank Bray, who has received his discharge after twenty five months In the navy has returned home. WHITE MAN CRUEL TO HIS OWN BOY Mrs. Ernest Belangla and daugh ter, Ada, are visiting relatives at Jarvisburg. Thomas Forbes passed thru the city Thursday en route to his home in Norfolk. DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN PASSAGE WOODEN STEAMERS LARGE AND CLUMSY Stockholm, June 15. (Correspond ence of The Associated Press.) An other American wooden steamer, has arrived at Gothenburg and is offered for sale to the Swedish shippers. The Americans have expected this type of vessels to be especially suitable for the Baltic but the Swedish ex perts find them much too large and clumsy. Mrs. A. S. Mann and children left Friday for Nags Head to spend the summer. Misses Jessie Hedrick and Nellie , pappendlck left Friday to spend ten .days at Virginia Beach.- SOMETHING NEW. See our Boys Tropical Weight Suits. Sixes run from 9 to 19. Our Special Price Is $8.95 for Saturday only. Don't miss this opportunity. T. T. TURNER ft Company. . Tokio, June 12. (Correspondent of The Associated Press.) So difficult is it to obtain passage on any steamer for the United States or Can aad that advertisements are begin ning to appear In the newspapers of fering a premium for cabins or berths already reserved. The overcrowding is due to the fact that a large num ber of Japanese, are visiting the Uni ted States and Europe and that many foreign residents are visiting their homelands. Jesse Mercer arrived home yester day after twejve months service with the A. E. F. IN AVIATION SERVICE CARD OF THANKS To those who werp so generously kind to us In our bereavement and who rendered floral tributes and au tomobiles as the funeral of our hus ha'nd and father, W. H. White, July 4th, we are most deeply indebted and extend our most sincere thanks and appreciation. THE FAMILY. MRS. GERTRUDE POOL WHITE, MISS ANNIE GERTRUDE WHITE C. POOL WHITE, ltop Raleigh newspapers the other day carried a police court story of the barbaric cruelty of two negroes to a small colored boy In their employ, but, even more revolting was the case In police aourt here Friday morning when G. G. Sawyer, a white man, was up for cruelty to nis own son, eleven years old. Sawyer was al leged to have tied the child's hands above bis head and to have kept him in that position by a rope slung over the rafters for four hours. The last time that he inflicted this form of punishment on the boy, the father told the son that he expected to keep him tied up that way all flight, but the boy escaped about ten o'clock in the evening. Sawyer was fined $25 and costs by Judge Spence. He took an . appeal. WOMAN'S WEAR SALE BEGINS SATURDAY AUTOMOBILE LINE Chauncey D. Wood who has been visiting here has gone to Belvideref; to visit relatives. He was recently released from military service but re-enlisted for another year and will be stationed at Hampton. He Is In the aviation service. Leaves Southern Hotel every day at 4 o'clock. Leaves Eden ton for Elizabeth City at seven o'clock in the afternoon. Fares will be $1.60 to Hertford and $2.00 to Eden ton. 1 Levi crank, J.ll-2tp Phone 24. The Sale at the Woman's Wear Store is of especial interest to the fair sex Just at this season. The sale begins Saturday and many shop pers are taking advantage of the low prices on quality goods to pre part for their vacation trips. Others are looking ahead and expect to pre part against high prices that are pre dicted for fall by buying at this sale. (By Associated Press) Washington, July 11. Mrs. Rena Mooney, wife of Thomas .1. Mm who is serving sentence after his con viction In connection with the Pre paredness Day bomb explosion in San Francisco, called at the White House today and conferred with Sec retary Tumulty. It was understood that she desired to see the President In the Interest of her husband. Secretary .Tumulty explained to Mrs. Mooney that the President had done everything that was possible for him to do in the case of her husband. GERMANS STOLE FROMJLS. ARMY Wholesale Thefts of Food De tected Amount to Loss of Several Million Marks SOCIAL FRIDAY NIGHT FOR RETURNED WARRIORS A social was given In honor of the returned sailors and soldiers by the Blackwell Memorial B. Y. P. U. The amusements of the evening were un der the direction of Miss Rose Good win and the social was much en- Joyed. (By Associated Pres) Coblenz, July 11. A plot involv ing wholesale thefts of food, auto tires and other jtroop supplies for shipment to. Germany has been un covered by army officers here it was learned today when seevral Germans who are alleged to have had a hand in the plans were arrested. Three cars of American bacon and three cars of tires and tubes which were billed thru unoccupied Ger many as empties were returned to Coblenz today from the edge of Bridgehead. Officers say that ship ments under various pretexts have been at Gerngeon for weeks and pos sibly months. They estimate the loss to the army at several million marks. Mrs. W. S. Cartwright and chil dren, and Miss Anna Cartwright of Marlon, S. C, left Friday for Nags Head to spend some time.