f , , In the columns of this paper you will And the advertisements of alert, progressive merchants and manu facturers who are telling you some thing they believe you ought to know. WEATHER Thundershowers this afternoon ami tonight. Thursday fair, not much change in temperature, moder ate variable winds. VOL. 4 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 1G, 1919. NO. 167 CITY MANAGER SIMONDS SAYS IT SERVES HIM RIGHT FOOD PRICES FALLIN BERLIN Illicit Dealers With Huge Con cealed Stock in Panic to Un load Before Lifting of Blockade WATER CAN BE MADE SATISFACTORY Declares That Is Within Power of Water Com pany to Remove Existing Causes of Com plaint And Believes That Water Company Will Co-operate With City Fathers To That , End City Manager Simonds Situation to a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen Tues day night. His findings, in brief, are as follows : The present source of intake is the most satisfactory avail able, except that it should be removed to a distance of about '200 feet from KnobbsCreek bridge, so as to preclude as far as possible danger of pollution of the water from bridge or road. The Water Company's pumping system is adequate to the city's maximum needs. The purification system is out of date but can be made effective, (1) by the installation of a chlorinator in the place of the present hypochlorite dosing tank; (2) by the installa tion of additional baffles in the present sedimentation tank which will have a tendency to give the water a longer period of detention in this tank, with a consequent reduction of the hydrates now in the water and popularly characterized as mud ; (3) by the installation of an additional sand and gravel filter; (4) by the installation of a laboratory and necessary equipment i'or daily bacteriological tests of the water, thus providing njfacilities for keeping in close and constant touch with condi y tions. " V The text of City Manager Simonds t , report follows: Elizabeth City, N. C. July 14th, 1919. To The Honorable Board of Aldermen: Elizabeth City, N. C. Gentlemen: . As per your request, I beg to sub- mated the rate of flow of water thru mit to you herewith a report cover- their sand filters necessary for com ing general conditions of the water plete filtration giving as a conse- supply system of this City. Yours very truly, F. N. SIMONDS, City Manager. SOURCE OF SUPPLY I have investigated the sources of supply for potable water for this ICty .the City, a few of which are metered, and am convinced that the only re- There are 97 hydrants on the streets liable source is the present one, i. e. Lf the City including 5 for street "Knobbs Creek" and the problem sprinkling service, resolves itself into producing pure j All mains are cast iron pipe) water from that source. 'which is universally used for water I find that the intake pipe is locat- majn purposes except very high pres ed some six or eight feet from a high- sure fire nlain8 in the largest cities, way bridge across the creek. The CONCLUSIONS water, however, is not drawn from j would suggest that the, intake the surface of the creek but from a pjpe i,e relocated as indicated prev point nearly to the bed of the stream, jously in this report. However, I believe that It would be , wouid recommend the Installa advisable to have this intake pipe tlon jn the, present sedimentation located 150 or 200 feet away from tanki ot additional baffles which will the bridge so as to preclude as far j have a tendency to give a longer as possible any danger of pollution period of detention in this tank and from the bridge or roadway. The a consequent reduction of hydrates Installation of a dam to prevent salt entering the distributing system. I water, from backing up is a understand that this will shortly be good idW but to me the increased done by the water company. There filtration units to be mentioned later ;ls however, In our water a varying a'JP f paramount importance. PUMPING SYSTEM - jhe boilers which furnish steam t ; the pumps are the same ones j WOulcl suggest that a chlorinator vich furnish electricity. They are be installed in place of the present thrpe in number and are rated at hypochlorite dosing tank. This 250 horsepower each. chlorinator will dose the water in a There are two pumps having a'much better, cleaner, and satisfact maximum capacity of about two mil- ;ory way tnan i8 possible with hypochl lion gallons daily which is far above rjte the daily consumption. I WOuld also recommend as the The standpipe is about 20 by 70jmost important thing that an addi- feet and has a storage of about 140,- j tlona.1 sand and gravel filter be in T 000 gallons. stalled. This will run into consid- & The domestic pressure rated at the 1 erable money but I am sure that if pump is from 26 to 34 pounds while 'thi8 ia done a good clear water can the by pass for fire pressure Is set 'be obtained. for 110 pounds. The daily consumption is an aver age of about 350,000 gallons. PURIFICATION SYSTEM I find that the water is dosed with alumina sulphate as a coagulant and tant touch with conditions, hypochlorite of lime as the steri-, t would earnestly recommend that 4lzation agent. Both of these chem- 'a contract for hydrant rental be made 3als are used In modern filtration jat once and that the provisions there plants although liquid chlorine is.jn be carried out. The hydrants superseding the use of hypochlorite. should be tested at frequent Intervals Under the (Conditions found the re-'and blown out regularly, especially duction of B. coll or disease carrying 'at dead ends. germs should be Urge and, assuming i belieTe that If we co-operate with that the samples of water submitted 'the Water Company that these Im are representative ones, the analysis provements can be made without un indlcate a very good bacterial re- due delay. luction. F. W, SIMONDS, The filtration system Is one known I City Manager. presented his report on the Water as the Grler system which was quite extensively used some yeasr ago but jnow generally considered out-of-date, in fact, I understand that the system here was the last one built by the firm. The troubles seems to be that the builders of this system over-esti- quence an effluent carrying varying quantities of hydrates. These hy drates are what we see In our drink ing water and consider as mud. DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM There are about 700 services in amount of vegetable stain which can I never be entirely removed hv anv known process. If it were financially possible I would like to see a laboratory and necessary equipment installed where daily bacteriological tests could be made, thus keeping in close and con- St- U What Will STUDY TREATY WITH GERMANY (By Associated Press) Paris, July 16. The Foreign Af fairs Committee of the French Sen ate met today and named a subcom mittee to study the Peace Treaty with Germany. Leon Bourgeois will draw in a general report and also a special report on the League of Nations. FOUR PERSONS ARE BURNED TO DEATH Raleigh, July 16. Four persons burned to death in an automobile collision with the engine of a Cary- Pittsburg passenger train at a Sea- hoard Air Line crossing near Cary Sunday evening is but another hor rible manifestation of the great danger that hovers about the travel ing public In every quarter of the state through t lie combined menace of dangerous grade crossings and careless and thoughtless driving on the part of automobile drivers, says James R. Young, who, as Insurance Commissioner and Fire Marshal, is using the resources and organization of his State Department, as vigor ously as possible for the prevention of fires and accidents through the medium of the North Carolina Bu reau for Prevention of Fires and Accidents. In the accident of Sunday evening the automobile approached the cross ing down grade at good speed, the negro driver, who owned the car, was unable to stop when the Sea board passenger engine, with clang ing bell, hove in sight close on the crossing. It would have been so easy and safe to observe the rule, "Stop, Look, Listen," before attempting to dash over the crossing. And if this had been done the machine would not have been smashed by the en gine, the gas tank exploded and four persons, Molly Hayes, Minnie Peace, her infant daughter Louise Peace, and Eddie McCoy, burned to death in the gasoline flames as they were pinned under the car. Commissioner Young believes that North Carolina has few more crying needs Just now that habitual obser vance on the part of automobile drivers of the regulations and rules of travel, made constantly more im perative by the steadily Increasing automobile travel. With the addi tional burden of propaganda for ac cident prevention placed on him by the last Legislature, the Commis sioner is seeking co-operation thru outs the state in bringing about gen eral observance of these automobile traffic regulations as a major factor in conservation of lives and property through reducing the number ot de structive accidents of this kind. be your Rating in the New Credit Guide! SINKING OFF MARYLAND COAST Steamer Allison Filling With Water. Coast Guard Cutter Going to Assistance (By Associated Press) Washington, July 16. A radio message received by the Navy De partment this morning said that the American steamer Allison was filling with water fast and will sink any minute. The Allison's position was given as fourteen miles from Fenwick Island Shoals off the coast of Maryland. The Coast Guard cutter Morrillis is proceeding to her assistance. WAR TRADE BOARD IS DEPARTMENT OF STATE (By Associated Press) Washington, July 1C. The War Trade Board has become a division of the State Department in accord ance with an executive order. While all functions and records of the board are transferred to the department this will not affect or Inconvenience importers or exporters in any way, it is said, as all licenses will continue to be issued and correspondence con ducted In the name of the War Trade Board. I. O. O. F. DISTRICT CONVENTION MEETS TONIGHT The district convention of the I. O. O. F. will meet tonight and to morrow, with Elizabeth Lodge 317, there are important matters to be attended to at this session of the convention, and it Is hoped that all members of the order will attend the meetings. A. 8. POPE COMES BACK A. S. Pope after twelve months service overseas will return to his old position at the Standard Phar macy on July 24th. W. P. Hedrlck who has been with the Standard Pharmacy for the past three months will go to Durham and engage in the tobacco business there. EDENTON DEFEATS GRAYS The Elizabeth City Grays were de feated at Edenton Tuesday by the Edenton baseball team by the score of 7 to 3. REBECCAS MEET THURSDAY There will be a meeting of the Rebeccas at the Achoree Hall Thurs day night at eight o'clock.- All mem bers are requested to be present. W. T. Harrison of Nixonton was here Wednesday. " 4 " ' , WORTHWHILE IN BUSINESS W. P. Henry, State Organizer for the Merchants Mercantile Agency of Pittsburg, is in Elizabeth City, inter viewing the business and profession al men to encourage closer co-opera tion in everything pertaining to bus! ness, and more especially to correct the long extension of credit, ellmi nate for the business men all unde sirame credit risks, and to more efficiently take care of patrons whose habits are prompt pay, through the publication of a new Credit Guide which will show at a glance your personal habits of paying your bills. Mr. Henry is now engaged in se curing this data, and since his arrival in Elizabeth City leading business men already interviewed are heartily in favor of the movement, as they have had the work before, and al ready are taking an active part to push as quickly as possible to a suc cessful conclusion the new prompt I pay movement. The work Mr. Henry Is doliie is koing (lone un(ler the aUHp)ces of the Merchant's Division of the Chamber of Commerce, who appreciate the fact that their problems and yours, Including the best firms In Pasquo tank, Currituck, Camden, Perqui mans, Dare and Tyrrel counties can best be worked out by pooling ledger information. The Greensboro Mer chants Association is now in the midst of a big campaign of this kind, with the unanimous endorsement of the Board of Directors of this live organization. SPANISH CABINET HAS RESIGNED (By Associated Press 1 London, July 16. The Spanish cabinet headed by Antonio which was formed April 15th has resigned, ac cording to a Reuters dispatch from Madrid. LAWN PARTY The Rebeccas' will have a Lawn Party on the lawn of Mrs. J. B. Stan ley's home on Parsonage street ex tended, Friday night, July 18th for the benefit of the orphans. Every body is cordially invited. J.16-3t GETS LETTER FROM WILSON Dublin, June 18. (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Michael Buckley of Clara, who recently pre- sented to President Wilson a number j or Irish blackthorn sticks, has re ceived a letter In which the Presi dent expressed his appreciation of tthe donor's thoughtful friendship and says that hs will nrlza th .tirir. M ft Tery interesting sonrenir. (By Associated Pre) Berlin, July 16. Prices on all foodstuffs have fallen with a crash in Berlin as the result of the lifting of the blockade. They began to show weakness when It was rumored that the block- , ade would be lifted but the real drop came only when Illicit dealers with 1 huge concealed stocks brought them , out in a virtual panic to unload be fore competing supplies entered Germany. TO ASK SENATORS TO WHITE HOUSE (By Associated Press) ' Washington, July 16. President Wilson has decided to invite the Re publican senators to call at the White ' House to discuss the Peace Treaty and the League ot Nations, Secretary Tumulty announced today. " Chairman Lodge of the Senate Foreign Committee was understood to be one of the fifteen Republicans with whom the President desires es pecially to confer. FARMERS BELIEVE IN ADVERTISING Ralelgh, July 16. Based on the fact that many of the most progres sive farmers in North Carolina be lieve in the efficiency of advertisings the Extension Service has recently issued Extension Circular No. 90 on "Farm Advertising." This circular deals with some of the main points In advertisrng the farm and farm products, taking up especially the matter of using letterhead stationery ; and giving the farm a distinguishing name. The use of the typewriter ; and desk, as well as methods of road side advertising, are also Included. It is i --Jieved that many farmers can greatly increase their cash In come by the adoption of progressive advertising methods. In fact, It has been f int d by a survey of leading farmers in another state, that all who have tried advertising find It to pay. Here is what some of them have replied to a recent question naire: llillcrest Farm We have been so successful with advertising our seed grains, that next year we plan on erecting a new granary and more equipment to cjean and handle grain, , and also on buying a new truck. Bevlngton Farms We have found that it pays to use the local papers. As to the farm papers, the best suc cess is obtained in those covering our natural selling territory. J. M. Tucker We have been so successful in selling little pigs thru local papers that we have been un able to keep up with the demand. M. A. Slocum Yes, it pays to let people know what you have to sell. People believe an advertisement since they think the editor stands good for its being true. Chas. P. McPherson lam sure It has paid me to advertise In the local and farm papers. Perhaps a neigh bor might want what you have for sale, and the way to let him know is by advertising. Bright Side Farm I am highly pleased with selling thru advertis-' Ing. A small ad in our county seat s paper sold all our pure bred eggs for hatching. My ads in farm papers have sold my Duroc hogs. Yes, I . certainly am in favor of advertising. MEET AT PARIS ON JULY 29TH. (By Associated Press) Paris, July 16. July twenty-ninth has been fixed as the daU which rep resentatives of Holland and Belgium will meet delegates ot the Five Great Powers In Paris and begin work on the revising ot the Treaty ot 1889. Rer. and Mrs. Rufus Bradley and Miss Hattie Daniels motored to Suf folk Tuesday. I