In the columns of this paper you will find the advertisements of alert, progressive merchants and manu facturcrs who are telling you some thing they believe you oncht tn iMlJlfi 111 WE HER : know, i , , vy - winds. t V w a . u - I ' munuAl tVENING. AUGUST 4 1010 5!,l --. m - . NO. 1ft , " I ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAnni ima 7,.. . - mm mwnuAT tVENING. AUGUST A inio Ttnw . - . Waaan . vMimm LEAGUES f REV1VAL ATz AUiUl nUllUUlTIEiH e'er at. Is conducting a David L. Fultz Says "We Aren't Uoing to Lose Just Because Majors Made Bad Bargain (By Associated Press) New York. Aug. 3. Demanding that the major baseball leagues live up to the agreement entered Into with tho minors at the conference tn thta t 1 i t v10 tllJ, lasl January David L. Fultz. president of the International Mgue and spokesman for the m:nor associations, stated today "We are not going, to lost the fruits of the ar rangement made last winter simply "ov"u o ino majors now find that mey maae a bad bargain." Fultz in a specially prepared state ment outlined the case of the minoi baseball leagues. in part, as follows Altho the Minor Leagues of Pro fessional Dase Ball have, since their organization, been the great develop ers of playing talent, they have never received tho financial reward their important position in the base- hall tifA.M wouia justify. On the con trarv. Tint a rar h J j ca, yuuaes mat one or more or the clubs even in the AA ciassincation docs not have to seek jiuanciai assistance. "TM- . .. . uonuuion was unqucstion aiy brought about to a large extent y arm rule which permitted the -jur leagues to arbitrarily take om eacn Minor League Club at th Grid nf ' Bcasun one or more of layers ae stated prices for ecah Viucaiioii. From each AA club iur insiance one player could be ui-xiea at a price of only $2,500 and this in spite of the fact that the Player's services, if 80ld in the open market, would bring not less than 17,500 and possibly as high as J15,- revival at Sawyer's Creek this week THE "WORLD" AND THE NEGRO 1UXD CONCERT TONIGHT Tho band will give a concert to- NOT INTERFERE WITH HUNGARY ZlT:z?J,7TLb!. CALMEST NIGHT uio mai ir.e r'n-itcl In K., ' ' Premier Clemens ia. tu - wvnua llliO numcu IU KUO ian Military Mission at Budapest , (By Associated Press) Copenhagen, Aug. 4. Premier Clemenceau. President of the Peace Qlt0riai Ln Conference. rniin . ....... I edltor,al dealfnS of the colored laity and clerirv for this particular edition of the WnrM It was all on account of a certain with the race con- a wireless flPt ln Wuo.i .. . .. , ... "u.ii6iuu, me nign lights Conference, replying to message irom tbe Italian Military . Mission at Budapest, declared that .'7-. the Supreme Council of the Peace 1 . Conference does not tntn 1 "clcrr,ng to conditions fnrn with .. . 1 " aecia vc luvciuauuuai DOI1CV Of 1.1 1. Ik. it. . " uioca V . UUIltlK, in the following ex- in the In an endeavor to lessen tbe bur den of this unfair rule, the majors leaeue. hniri in m. v 1 urn uy, on me iota day of January, 1919, re iuesiea a revision upward of the orart prices placing that for an AA nayer at ?7,500. This request Mr Herrmann, acting for the major -issues, at once denied, and stated mat under no consideration would the Major Leagues or National Com mission consent to any change in the National Agreement, i He said, how ever, that if the Minor League Clubs wished to do so they bad the consent of the Major Leagues to withdraw from the -National Agreement and operate alone. This offer tho Minor League at once accepted. "The National Association on th following day drew up a tentative rorm of agreement embodying the rrangements made at the Joint meeting and appointed a committee of six with Mr. A. R. Tearney. of cnicago, President of the Western o-", uu me 1. i. 1. league as chairman, to complete negotiations on behalf of the Minors. "The tentative agreement was sub mitted to tbe Commission hut was never signed by them. Since the meeting. Mr. Tearney has, on behalf 3 our committee, made every possi MHe effort to arrange a conference " pth the commission for the purpose 9 jlf perfecting the formal agreement l JUt thn rnmmliiilnii i i y ""miui( uas 1101 ueen cce88ible. s "On the 30th day of March, 1919, the Minor League Committee met in Chicago and passed a resolution ex pressing its willingness to meet the ! man is to condemn h.'m to tnr. RUMANIANS ENTER BUDAPEST i.u atB' and reseitment on Paris. Aug. 4. Rumanian troops V C eia t0 Just,fy entered the suburbs of Budapest yes- '-TT comPlaccntly dig- "men nace Kiot Cases will Be Tried (By Associated Press) Chicago, Aug. 4. After tile calm- jest night in the Black Belt for Oft I tr Mho! . "v'"vl",s i grana jury before which win come the cases of white men and ut-erues who are accused of partlcl- lift Finn n tk. . . - r . 1.. mo rm-e riots wnich caused me death of thirteen whites and twenty negroes and injury to nun dreds. fin octu t vmj iiim, 1 ransnpifoH . ... iu- assisted by his singer. II. R. R,,nM Ington for a codv of ti,n v . UrS Dy negro robbe operating by niBllt at the Pasquotank Bathing Ro- l?Td- -ch W !' Jly."rd, but found n'o Z8t 2"". f 1 v .ou aua 8M& n. m.. and thn :pi. nnany in the filn nt fK ,u . "vv"'tuiei ana two or nKii. 1- ' . morn mnrHn . ... '"""c 18 coraiany invited. mry or congress. The news man me union Station told me that demands of the quickly exhausted nosrro hnvin , . . o "uuurea ex- n-io L . . . tra copies. A negro nre.irhp, . a". sl lnal looh3 at all hopeful ,. . told him he was ,!,. " lirom tne P"ce point of view .mri I orK "egun loday of Select U. " . 0 U3D 11 aa one of the f.ivrti u , ... nix C. 1 1...... , I ms Sunday morning ser- a i , omciaiiy 1 0 jury oerorc mon, and wanted to kn .u. tne extenuation of noli T I . .... . I . uuuui IIIO i,nnrvt.,.. "epiy to Wireless From Ital- c nances of supplying the resulting 1 "'sau.sed negro crime demands of his congregation , Protection. At last It may interest the readers of thi, I, ? Waa a con'ParativeIy mild out- paper to learn the re.-isnn tr.r fi, u ,miUaieiy, and straieht- way the neero mnh 0 " "'" 'or more armed band. , ZT " "y ! "?n . .a week' the k n of -h.uuj Dc:i:eu auto- mobiles and ripped and snort,..i ahot and killed through the streets of Washington, while the raping and the robbing went merrily on and B0U' or the New York WnrM e fiiio ik j.,, . . .. " res that "to accuse s' 7 gnt ttiat " '"owise u""eu "y ny thought of pity f.r white women outraged and beaten mm insensibility by negro brutes, of peaceful merchants robbed ami killed ViaKva ot Dusiiioss, of a whole city terrorized by roving bands of armed negro criminals. And the negro preachers will preach the World editorial, the i.egro terdav. aecorrtin,, . ,",ucu us rce wars. o umuaicu r- .r, .. ceived here from Vienna. "epioraoie as all this lawlessness SOVIET NEWSPAI'ERS J response of the SUPPRESSED L man t0 th0 whl,e "an was Snvit nwCn . . !Dound to come sometime ul tJUUanest v . . . nriEoi, 1 ... have been suppressed, according to ' Z a.? taking part ,n th ' e J.n :P"'"'oa.I a dispatch from the Hungarian can ' , 11 are assaulted or;" " as the gos- ital. S "unamu caP- .shot, they are assaulting and shoot- 1 C a new racial or'- and negro The city is reported calm ing " return- , crIn""aI bent here, there BELA KUN GRANTED RFFI PP "Wh ,9 fool,sh eno&h to assume a"d ev"y where will bo inflamed to Vienna. An, 4 111 " Sf!1 that wit" 239,000 colored men l rb. a"d re 'rdor. his assistants have been granted an iU,n,frm frm U, So,Uhern K L ! 1 'I AmlcA ,Uat negroes asylum by Austria to avoid distur- ' m 370,000 Wh'te n,en 4n the s '.ih , Cr"e' W,'ng bancee and bloodshed at Budapest. h, "ack whose "ooa and Pa-Couh; pvSo0rUthh-nobody but a '00I .triotism wore thus recoenizod nnrt i ould ever havo supposed that the PRESIDENT BACK FROM POTl'C TRIP TROOPS QUELL RIOTING MOBS Cruiser Valiant And Two De stroyers Moved Into River to Protect Docks at Liverpool (By Associated Praul Liverpool. Aug. 4. Pioting crowds were driven from the streets this morning by troops charging with itxed bayonets. ,, The rioters filled thn , - - -i.ouia uur- 'ng the night and it WAS nnl ntll daybreak that the soldiers wera rt,. orders to charge. The cruiser, Valiant .and two de stroyers moved into the river to pro tect tho ocks. STRIKE ENTERS FOURTH DAY Invol (By Associated Press) Washington, Aug. 4. Present rn 1 cm men to Warhlngton tliia inoining from a weekend trip down the Potomac on the Mayflower. . It is understood that the rresl.lpnt Is devoting his attention to the h!Hi cost of living problems. ves Two Hundred An4 Fifty Thousand Railway men And Will Spread Over The Country It Is Declared ' National Agreement, but "stating that ,0reVCr t0 be neA- d.Ju8tonl8 couId be completely these leagues would respec ,er bUrDed at tho Btake or ef" f Wlthout s,lfh- "at millions vations, contracts and territory of 1 d ,nt concealment whenever Afrans could be translated from .. . u lerruory or ,r011oc,!0 j a condition nf oio... . . the Majors and fulfill all agreements lCauCas!an deBPeradoes are moved to made at the New York mt.n ,cneage in these infamous pastimes? copy of this resolution was sent to the 1 W gr'eVe Ver the liardshiPa of . . many subject neoDles a ion? mtqv r.rr u.v.mucia ul iub commission . .j , 0 ' and to every Major League Club , uU81n manifest something owner. illke '"dignation, but ln all the world a condition of slavery to full civic equality with COBLENZTOBE HEADQUARTERS (By Ankoc luted Prom) Chicago, Aug. 4. The ntHi,- l Federatod Railway Shonmen nt Us fourth day today and had alrnnV involved approximately 250,000 men It will soon spread to evcrv r.ocrlnn i'f the couutry local officials of th union declare, unless the demands are speedily met. the dominant men without friction hurtful to both sides but when the World says that "ln all the world there is hardly a popu lation so God-forsaken and law-for- "Mr. Tearney has received a letter th6re hard,y a PPulatl God- 8aken 38 our own b" it states knwn todfly whpn General Per8hing transmitted to Congress by Secretary from President Heydler stating that lew-forsaken as our . , ,a "'"""rousiy raise and what!"' , cu Bn nnal tour of battle- IaKHr ly- at a meeting of the National Leaeue " Whether it is agreeable , uu Piausioie grounds for be-"""- I '"ouon hy seniority would be . . Hanuum league n . IllOV tn hn r,.o 1. . Antwern In t K .1... , . . hhnllulu.l . MO - ... u ,,, e,vt.s currency 1 r " " ";se port or "ar uving shown the sys- (By Associated Pre) Coblenz. Aug. 4. Coblenz will be come headquarters of the American forces in Europe when the American grand headquarters at Paris are Closer) Ihniil A on.. .. . nusu,i ijin, u oecanie PLANS SUBMITTED FOR PEACE ARMY (By Associated Press) 1 Washington. Aug. 4. Plans for a permanent peace time army of HO' 000 officers and men and a, system '. of universal military ininin. . . , . ---......,B ncio Whether it is agreeable Club owners "It was unanlmonslv . ' tllereroro- h Washington resolved not to enter Into nv tn,. "ulule'1K a warning to all Ameri mai agreement Leagues, unless with the Minor the right of the Major Leagues to draft players was 1 cans that their race wars hereafter are going to be race wars." From first to last there runs thru included x x x." r article a note of intense exulta nt, therefore, annonr. , .u. tlon over lhe fact that the negroes f -rrv"'u l u a 1, ma , National League, at least, has gone ir T C Vltor8 ,n tne BattI of on record as statin that h I "-" mai mey naa inflicted ment made with the Minors in Janu-' , r fUr tlmes as many casual- ties as they had suffered. , 4 yapei, uuu mere is 1 , . 1 a clear Intimation that the Majors ' that we may the better eipect to again draft Minor League v uu iae 8,sn,ncance of the Players. If this is the case, we feel I .or,d rt,cle' ,et ug et the setting that the cards had lut ..11 k- 01 tUa bttle which, though its cas- " w w 1. laid on the table and a frank state- not large tlkiM wrltw ment be made of our position. as marKing tbe begianlng "In asklnir for coneiAn. t... lof a new ora 'n the relationshins of .BU- . . uary. the Minor Leagues asked only,:" ue "na co,oreJ 'ace ln the tn n 1 In it ..o wim-n, in association with other evil Implications of th r.i,i in Question is pregnant of Illimitable mischief. the American contingent which i.i to.,em to bo defective remain on the Rhine Indefinitely. General Pershing intend to sail from Brest about September 1st. BUYING MILLINERY NOT WAGE WAR ON TOBACCO Missc lor something which would permit them to live. Their number had dwindled from 41 to in 114 to 8, showing that the margin of profit was so small that after a few years of poor business four-fifths of them United States. Lincoln's Proclamation of fcmanci- pation was fully effective in Wash- ington from the date of its promnlga- non, and it is known of all men that from that dav now mnvo ZtZ1 tl e?tenCe- t nUmb6r f yea" 60ne' t0 the Prc8et outbreak clubs in the Leagues then existing the laree an r..nM,.,- 1. were without h.lnr, a . . 7 . . ""S . ... " " ui V U I U III- the others were heavily in debt. The bia ha. enlov . f . point had been reached where It was civic rights with the white race-lno no longer possible to interest capital theoretical only; but in HterarTact and some real change had to be 'tup hn. hon" LJ . " . brought about, or the Minor League segregatio abu willingness to meet the ! organization would be a thing of the right and Drivllee h. hoJT,. Commission at any time and place past. and privilege has been frankly to conclude the arrangement. This resolution was sent to the members of the Commission and the various Major League Club owners. This action on the part of our Committee was as ineffective to bring about a meeting as had been all previous ef forts. Mr. Tearney then made num erous calls in person at Mr. John son's office in Chicago but always found Mm r,if ' t i . ' recognized and Hrnrnuoli, n j I "For sentimental reasons many of For exactly tbree-founhr o the 5S tn w 1 iaVOr ai880lv,n8.yoar period tho Republican party the National Agreement but preferred the polltlcal guardIa flnd an equitable change instead. Hdw-'the colored race hag ever, our plan as already mentioned tlve control of the government 1 .SJSS- ere has been no alfegatZra't tne uT7 .1 u ulSBU,UUUtt' Ovil rights of Washington As a rulo, tho negroes of the South aro prosperous, contented and sin cerely attached to their white neigh borsnot one in a hundred has bvop had tho thought of being wronged. To poison these relationships, to arm negro agitators in and the pulpit with propaganda of hate w .B A,,mcaUa p) and strife, to Incite negroes to appeal Lh , B ' AUg" 4 Wflyne B to arms for the redress of their I ler' counseI fr the Anti-Saloon wrongs, real or fancied all which !or,An,or,ca' took Issue today with the this World editorial does Is to in- fu T ' "U Ro0t' W,11,am D- cur moral resnonslhiiitr .ana wiinam L. Marburr. riot and bloodshed world without T6' fr the Un,ted 8t4t" Brtw-1 ena. . mai tne oroDOsed well Memorial mi.. . no friend of the negro race rnsTu!lonrf0rCement " M' l?" meet t0nlght ,a tha nn ' the tters lt wlth cunnJng 8UWgt. 0.-BtituUonal church, al, member, are rented to nonors and benefits to h '. . . "' """sue iorces ,uc present. es Almeda Carr and ,.!. Spence left Sunday for northern markets to buy millinery for the L P. Gilbert Millinery Company. 1- AT NORTHERN MARKETS Mrs. Jennie Prlchard is buying millinery in the northern markets for Prlchard Millinery Company. MEETS TONIGHT The Euzelian Circle of the Black- in race war. Thn WnM ... better advise the negroes to co-on- "mpa,n- waie wnn tbeir white neighbors In 1 to start an anti-tobacco I stamping out negro crimes aealn.t fWP AD f A I17T 171. white womanhood, the chief cause of racial conflict; but trifles of that sort seem never to have Interested the World. The Negro cannot promise himself GRASSHOPPERS AFTER krtV 1 RICA h MAY RECOVER permanent gain through armed con- "usly Burned Yes terdav in flict with tho stronger race. When-' fre FoIIowine Bomb Avr.M . . 1 . r ., .yiiiv,uiauiy 10 vvoria suggest ion, it becomes a matter of race policy for negroes to kill white mon in defense of negro raptlsts, the negro race will be in serious danger of ex termination. ' ion That Wrecked Home (By Associated Prcg) The soy bean crop of this county is reported hard hit by grasshoppers. PAINFULLY INJURED Capt. J. H. Gard was nainfiill in jured Saturday morning at two o'clock when the steering wheel flipped out and struck him across the wrist. are was agreed to. "The lifting of tho draft moans an Los Angeles, Aug. 4. Oscar Law- I 1... ..... ! It is a rankly new Hn,H,( . ' " 'urmer a8fiant United States ' 3 working out here in America Z V" 0enera1' wh weenena with Mm t t which Wynn. . ' " LIVE LOCALS Mrs. Sara'i Cooper and grandch'l- America.the Zl Wb0 wa8 ""'ously dren, Mary and Bmh lit ' Ulll IIHII VUD mm n tr 1m IL. a m . uvuuuau which thpv thomeoivo ,,.0.f . . " roes living together on the H.-im an . . .u iue nre iouow- spent thA l. . j .uuu.uv..uu "ltvnsu HIltTArori linfa rl.,i I ..... ui - . . icioiduu found him "out." it thnn k..- . , Washington as the "Negro Heaven" Perfectly apparent that the Commis-, possibly $100,000 to each one of the ?Ji as a nilro ir Si" slon had no Intention of meetinr class AA ten erne Ttnrlnr tha old nr. ...... uouuvbb , 0 . . " nimaoir or Wilson, two nttoriv iD.lmii. . . ,nB the bomb exnloslon It has been customary to speak of .by law eaual civil rC!". . wrccked hls h a chance of ----- n u a'iiCiiii- . Since about thn mMHio Ar t which would Washington has suffered more from than with us, nor of. formally embodying rangement there isn't a club with the in writing tbe oral arr.i.igement , International Leaeue made at the meeting in N'eur Vnrir nni i. k.. j j . . " -"- " - " - w . ... hv IVOV VS UDBL UlQtri H 11 II II 1 1 II Ml- . i . ... 'In fact, Mr. Herrmann had alreadr fh nth., a a io-..n- .u. ueBro c"m,na"ty than any other written Mr. Tearney. that the National same nosition. That we are not going Z BlZ lZ7TtZ Commission wa. not authorized by to lose the fruits of the rnngL- the Major Leagues to act In this made last winter, simply because the dozeraPe" t- capacity. ' Maior. now tin . "1UJUCU vea Bome 01 "em accom- Majors. now find the made a bad ni Juh V v ,. v . 0m" bargain, roe. witho J .Av,. Th. pan,ed wUh- Wyable brutality; ship, peace between tho races. Is an Z"V,!0rdlng l physiclan8 th!3 ! Miss Ora BuTge" of Baltlmc Indispensable condition of the success V 8061,18 certaI" that daughter of George Bnr. ore. success f ..,. z.u . " uK'er oi ueorge Burgess, who ... experiment. Hostility and l-' wa" a180 burnod- wil1 formerly of this cltv. but i, . 'Z! strife can only lead to tho ultimate ,eral manager of the Baltimore Bar. of the destruction of one race or the other Lr. mept. .the characteristic race wouia go down. gain House, Is in the cltv vUt.inir Mrs. C. C. Thnmnann nn on..i..- mallfnllv of tho xrniA . . v. ...v, . . ui iii avtiniiA Innirit II.. ..Hi . .. I """"3. Frankly. I susnect an ,,i,Cr. r""" ",ulB feoP,e 01 lna Buth. , tlve for the World's outbreak of ho-. ...fu ! !!" C.aBe " may rla- Duke" Cronsev. Oor n.. tllltv aealnst th fi v." " iUO I'alIU, "covery that after Km.. . ... ( uu jonnnio uuiiklns "Mr. Tnarnav t)ian - ing of our Committee In Chicago, for STtUtId'Sl i" 'UfflCe t0 check theso " the loth day of July, l.lf, at which Uuancr In .ajing that Tn read 'D the 'ame pftpeP of meetlnr a reiolnfion ... no nOTliancJr a "ring that In iplte murder of noiici a . . - w v eauu uiinrniHn rlngth. Minor Leagues, T virtu. X of -till more cruel wrong" la. arrangement already made la t0 M ont ,: ,nnA taTtr" , " 10 woman, all at the hands Hw York, no longer bound by the hwt" : e0B" 4fwio on the same day. : ' . : . ' 9 . , -. . - Nop wm rapeh. Inly crime. Hold- tillty against the Southern white. The World holds the South 66 years of equal rights and equal ,u noia, me south respon.1- pr,TlleMs fullv realised ,h7Z "V?.' "penl th weekend at the Albemarle oi ior national prohibition, and in found with hi. ...iZ I. 6 "Cottage at Nags Head found with his passion of rape un it, passion for the liberty f mv ,7 . w"u 1,18 is a. ready to hit . "Z " "Tea ana ft new "Pt of belli. It 1. Marlon Seyffert returned Sunday, weapon i. -a .u. ... - .1 - iu itai u iuo wnira mia - iuuuer. antecedent, would i- i . " " ""iucu ounaay. indicate that It 1. rather more .oiimt. I., " v- ..." 1 am "P0ed to a two week's atay at Nags Head. bu. forth, drinklnt: nrlv Z, L?"7 "V"". 01 Washington Northern whites than for the ranlna ZZ. . . " m lW 1wora rf.n.M o !. J.V.. . Pnient of one right and ona anil r..,...). vt Bvuuisru piuu. foi h tn ii ' ""ia reiurnea Miss Once Esnderlin returned