"MY BON, " deal with men who advertise, you will never lose by It" Benjamin Franklin. THE WEATHER Purtly cloudy tonight and Thurs day. Mild temperature, gentle var iable winds. , VOL. 8 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCfOBER 15TH, 1919. NO. 244 COMMUNITY FAIR 5 A BIG SUCCESS Display of Farm and Home Products of Bayside and Riv erside Shows Prfcgressive ncss of the Section Tin) first of Pasquotank's annual Community Fairs was held at Kp worth School House, yesierday, and it was a splendid example of what the people of a rural community can do when they get started. The ar ray of farm products, livestock, poultry, canned fruits and vegeta bles, and of needlework was Indeed a credit to the skill and industry of the folks who live In that prosper ous and progressive section of Pas quotank. In the livestock department the hogs were perhaps the star exhibit. There were Durocs, Poland Chinas and Berkshires, all pure-bred, and among them several of the largest ever placed on 'exhibition in this county. Two varieties of sheep were represented, the Southdown and the Shropshire, as well as a number of banner cattle and mules. ' Geese, both tame and wild, of sev eral species, and some regular Thanksgiving turkeys were included in the collection of fowls. In ad dition there were full blooded Ply mouth rocks, white Orpingtons, black Minorcas, Anconiana, and white and brown Leghorns represen ted among the edible and egg lay ing members of the chicken fam ily A rnon of gu'nea chickens was also on display, and these kept up a continual quartette of their po-j culiar and well known whistles. J Indoors, the first thing to strike' the eye of the visitor was the dis-j play of needlework and embroidery. ' The hitter included some wonderful doilies, table spreads, dresses, pil- low covers, bed qu its of patchwork (.very possible means of finding the variety, table mats, and an assort- solution of the present industrial ment of fetchingly attractive femi- .s;tuat ion. nine garments which were entirely j)espjte his Illness, the President beyond the descriptive powers of a has been infonm.(i 0f the tense sit mere male. I nation in the conference resulting Canned goods of every conceiva- j froln controversy over Labors pro ble sort were to seen on the center ,,0Ffll f(. arbitration of the steel table of the main exhibition room. These incuuded pears, pickles, hon ey, beans, and many other good things to eat. In the other room were displayed cakes, pies, bread, rolls, biscuit, and so forth, in an array to tempt the fastidious ap petite of the most exacting epicure. nnth moms were tastefully decora-1 ted with an abundance of flowers, ( Cossack army advancing from the which served to set off the excellent south, and northwestern Russian displays in a most attractive man-'forces almost within striking dis ner tance of Petrograd, the Soviet gov- The principal speaker of the eminent In Russia is facing a cricis. Jay was Dr. E. W. Knight, of the Bolshevik headquarters in Petrograd Apartment of rural education of were closed last Thursday, the University of North Carolina, j who delivered an address upon cer" j FA ATllTP A D DRIfTC' tain phases of rural schools, after a rUUI If LAIl riiHJjiJ short speech by W. O. Saunders up- rfj rtfirpr) on the need for the formation in YlJj JJJJ, LI) W Ml Pasquotank County of a branch of I the American Cotton Association. t The following are the premium i New York. Oct. IB. -Footwear prl awards in the Woman's and Girls' dropped twenty per cent Department of the Bayside and Riv- August and will decreas fur- erside Community Fair. The awards ther after Christmas, according to In the farm products and livestock J- McElwaln. President of the Na department will be published in to-'01 Boot and Shoe Manufacturers morrow's edition of The Advance. j Association. Floyd Perry, Canning Club girl col-; lection of Preserves and jellies. Best apples,' best canned beans, best Rolls, Caning Club. chow chow, best Hliced tomato pick- Mrs. N. P. Jennings, Garden Peas, le, best cucumber pickle, best loaf Canned Peaches. Best exhibit of Jams of bread. Mrc. I). V. Pritcnard: Best button- Mrs. W. R. Perry: Best house dress "3 holes, best child's dress, best col- and best corn muffins, lection of embroidery. ' Miss Clara Pritchard: Best tat- Mrs. S. R. Jackson: Best apple ting by a child. Jelly,, best apple marmalade, best, Mrs. R. S. Pritchard: Best can of butter, best custard pie, best grape tomatoes, best collection of preserves juice. i in pint Jars. Naomi Jackson (8 years old): Hon Mrs. Mary Lou Smith: Best em otable mention on peas will get a broidered garment. pfize. 1 Mrs. Jasper Thompson: Best patch- Work quilt, and best collection of flow rrs. I Mrs. E. V. Pritchard: Field peas, best biscuits.three kinds, best lay-1 er cake, honorable mention on cus tard pie, best hand made garment, best brined vegetables. Ivirs. E. V. Davenport: Best ateam- HHn..M .., ' " Miss Louise 8mith (canning club girl) : Best collection of canned vege tables, best crochet trimmed gar ment, best dressed doll. Haiel Owens (canning club girt: Best collection of pickles. Mrs. M. R. Fletcher: Best canned SUNDAY SCHOOL STARTS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Pilackwell Memorial Sunday school in conference Sunday morning decid ed to launch a campaign to enlarge the membership of the school. Oc tober is enlistment month for the Baptist Sunday schools of the South and Superintendent Aydlett called on the school for some definite plan of work to accomplish the end in view. The classes of Plie school will be di vided into two groups and each group will be directed by a captain in the work of enlisting new members. The captains liamnied are Miss Lu cile Pass and Mr. Roscoe Wynn. Next Sunday morning the decision of the captains us to how the school phall be divided will be made. The rival ry between the two groups in their efforts to secure the largest number of mmembers, it is thought, will add many new members and Increase the efficiency of the school. CALLAUX TRIAL OCTOBER 23RD Paris, Oct. 14 Joseph Callaux, former premier of France, will be placed on trial before high court October 23rd, according to Le Jour nal today. Caillaux is charged with intrigu ing to, bring about a premature dis honerabl epeace with Germany. NOT SANCTION ADJOURNMENT President Wilson Urges Indus trial Conference to Solve Problems if Possible. Washington, Oct. 1F -President Wilton will not sanction the adjourn ment of the National Industrial Con ference here until it has exhausted strike. SOVIET GOVT. FACES CRISIS London, Oct. 15 With Denikine's Mrs. W. R. Smith: Best fern. Miss Ruby Jennings: Best collec- tion of crocheting tatting. best collection of Mlas Selma Morgan: Best table mats. Mrs. W. Q. Jennings: Best soup mixture, best canned pears, best can ned corn, best dried fruits, best can ned berries, best lima beans, best plum Jelly, best grape Jelly, beat ' ' , . collection of pickles, best peach pre serves, best pear preserves, beat I hand-made rug, best shuck mat, best cut flowers, best fruit pie, beet I roses dahlias and chrysanthemums. I Mrs: J. A. White: Beat strained ihonejr, best honey In the comb. BAPTISTS PLAN RECONSTRUCTION P.iOSMM BODY CHARGED WITH DUTY OF OUTLINING HOW 75 MIL LION CAMPAIGN CAN PROMOTE THAT TASK REACHES FIELD DR. LOVE OUTLINES THE NEED AND ISSUES CALL DR. lfa$W W fl) J.F.LOVE ilV- ft SECRETARY fe:5-;::;:, f MISSION , ' C55vs BOARD '' '& ' fc ill DR. t I t I l-VT Z.T.CODY H- i I Tf'Zd J 1 EDITOR I.ZVERETTGIL PT 1 VjUfl' MISSIONARY AT ROME f , 9 To make a general survey of the economic social and rdu"o is roiull lions in Europe witii u vi' 10 recom mending to tlio KapliUs of t h- South wlieie and how tliey can uitl most ef fectively in the rei'onstna tion of tliat continent through the Baptist 16 Mil lion Campaign, a commission. com posed of Ur. J. F. Love, secretary of the Foreign Mission Hoard at itii u mond, Va.; Dr. Z. T. Cody, editor Itap tist Courier, Greenville, S. C. and Itev. Everett Gill, missionary at Rome, Italy, who 13 returning lifter a leave of absence in this country, and wao will serve as nuide and interpreter to the other members, is now In Eng land for a conference with the Bap tists of Great Britain and will go from there for an inspection or France and Belgium. Another brief conference will be held with the Baptists of Switzerland, after which a trip will be made through Italy and a survey of the new repub - lie of Czecho-Slovakia conducted. From Prague, capital of Bohemia, the com mission will go into such pans of Rus sia as are open, and the foreign trip will be concluded with an inspection of Palestine, where the missionary work formerly done in Syria. Persia and Galilee by the Illinois Baptist As sociation has been turned over to the Foreign Mission Board. ' There are approximately 4,250 Bap tist churches in Europe today, with 8,000 pastors and missionaries and 566, 800 church members, it is announced by the headquarters of the Baptist 75 Million Campaign, and a considerable sum from this campaign will go toward succoring needy families of Baptists and others in the war torn regions aa was as in the propagation of the gos pel and the establishment of Chris tian institutions there, it Is announced. Before sailing on the Adriatic on his WEATHER IS IN MAYNARD'S FAVOR San Francisco, Oct. lfi. Forecasts of fair weather for the far Yet fur nished prospects that Lieut. Maynard would equal if not surpass his west bound flying speed on his eastward jouiney from Battle Mountain. Salt Lake City, Oct. 15 Maynard arrived here at 10:44 from Battle Mountain. BACK FROM BUYING TRIP M. Leigh Sheep has just returned from New York where he bought goods for the Womans Wear Store. "There is no Indication," says Mr. Sheep "that prices on woman's wear will be lower during the season. In deed there seems every Indication that prices will go higher." Mr: Sheep secured attractive bar gains In Woman's Wear. , LOST BICYCLE NOTIFY J. L. Wells, Phone 28S. Rubber off right Pedal , v ltnpd European mission, I Jr. Lovo made tlm following stale:ne:it outlining the pur pose of I lie commission: "When tlio ca'.l came to help save promote and secure democracy in En rope there came a louder call to help save, promote and Hecure evangelical Chrislianity in F.uropn. That which alone will ;;ow preserve and perfect the democracy for which nrave men have died on the battlefield ol Europe is the Christianity of the New Testa ment. Southern Itnpllsts can not lonp- j er profess New Testament Christian- Ity and decline a challenge like that which Is now presented to them to bear witness to their faith among the peoples of Europe Our people never before faced such a challenge and such a responsibility. Of course we can not go to the men and women of Europe who have been stripped of earthly fortune and reduced ' to direst necessity with a message of I Christian love and brotherhood If we 1 decline In our abundance to carry some substantial pledge of our love and compassion. Mothers will not be able to stay the crying of their little ones to hear us preach if we decline to practice the f -pel or compassion and feed these little ones and build fires st which they can during the com ing winter warm their frosted toes. Southern Baptists are under the most solemn obligation to help relieve the iwant and suffering of Europe. But if there were no reconstruction work in Europe, Southern Baptists nave mo tives numerous enough and strong enough to compel them to make a com plete success of the Baptist 75 Mil lion Campaign. I would therefore, as mj parting word to my brothers and sisters of the South, Implore them to give themselves to this campaign and carry it to a triumphant conclusion during Victory Week, November 30 December 7." SAMUEL GOMPERS CONFINED TO BED Washington, Oct. 15 Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, is confined to his home here in a state of nervous exhaustion. His temperature this morning was 101. and his physician ordered him to remain ln bed. NO SERVICE TONIGHT On account of the revival being held at the City Road church there, will be no service at the First Me thodist church tonight. Miss Mat tie Twiford has accepted a position ln the office of the Eliza beth City Iron Works. LOST AUTO TIRE AND RIM 82 by 4 somewhere between First Street and Epworth 8chool . on River Road. Reward for re turn to James M. Tatum, Pear Tree Road, City, or Deans Repair ' Shop. ; , oct 15pd bjnn, colored, is missing Fred llunn, Jr., colored, eleven year old son of Fred llunn. Sr., who lives on Hum Road at Hie edge of town, took French leave i f his home and his parents on last Monday week and has not been heard of Mm v. His father says that lus'kiiows of no reason the boy could have 1 r leav ing home except that he had for some t'me past been trying to till various jobs about town without consulting his pareuls. This self sudlcicn; ten dency nn Hie part of young Fred ban been the cause of some doinoatis up heavals in which the parental hick ory played a consoiciious :nid n:it,i. ful part. Tl, v. ... .... .iv trwj .t III Hill wants him to go to school and is very anxious to locate j the lad. Any one knowing anything I of the whereabouts of Fred ,Jr., will be doing both father and son a kind ness in notlfyin Fred Bunn, ft. F. D. 5, Elizabeth City. TONIGHT ON LEAGUE NATIONS Congressman John H. Small will speak at the Alkrama t0ISneel, D. R. Morgan, M. P. Gallop night on the League of Nations, ex- pfainlng Just what the League Is and what it means. There will he no admission fee and the public, is cordially invited. The address has been arranged to be' delivered after the prayer meeting service at the churches and after the lirsl show ill the Alkrama. It 1m1 hoped 1 hat men. women ami child-! ren will hear Mr. Small. Arrangement lor the Lecture was made by the Educational Depart ment of the Housewives League of diis city. ROBBERS HOLD UP RUSSIAN STEAMER Holoitiii. Caucasia, Aug. 2',) via. Paris, Sept. lfi. (Correspondence of the A-isociaied Press) Six robbers, travelling as passengers comman deered the Russian steamer Constan I ts-. ,-, ,,.p niMween inis port and Constantinople, and robbed a selected list of wealthy passengers! of 3O.OOO.U00 rubles. The robbery ' was conducted with the daring and finish of an American train hold up. The Constantine carried merchants from Tiflls, Baku, Bagdad and Eri- van. proceeding to Constantinople to!40o for appearance at the April . purchaHe Bood8- wlth caf,h ln Kld -ua ivuiiiBuuu rumes lor xne purpose. There was nothing to Indicate the ! character of the robbers until the- ship was within twelve hours of Bosphorus, when the captain and crew, at the point of pistols, were ordered forward and the engine stopped. The leading merchants were lined j Following are the Jurors for the list, and their persons and baggage . November term of court, up as their names were read from a John Cartwrlght, H. M. Pritchard. searched. It was a case of all Are- w. L. pritchard, H. C. Garrett, W. arms on the deck and arms aloft. iL. Cartwrlght, (Salem) W. H. Bal The crew and humbler passengers jance Thomas A. Corbett, C. W. Hol were not molested. Lowell, B. O. Morris, A. F. Miller. The captain was ordered to navl- Cader Temple, C. C. Luton, J. J. gate his ship close to shore, the pile ' Brothers, E. J. Spence, G. E. Harris, of llrearms was tossed into a life w. N Prcei Lemuel Cartwrlght, W. boat, and the robbers moved to land. '0. Overman, Elmo Stokely, C. E. They Immediately disappeared in the Kramer, Rufus Hewett, W. E. Grit hills of Anatolia. The members of fln j. j, Watson, Joseph Morse. the crew who rowed them ashore received a handsome tip. WILSON CONTINUES TO IMPROVE DAILY JOHN II. SMALL AT FORKS FAIR Congressman John H. Small was the speaker of the day al Forks Community Fair Wednesday after noon. THE ADVANCE FREE to NEW SUBSCRIBERS Subscribe to The Ad- vance now at four dollars a year and receive the paper for the rest of the year Free. ' WANTED CASHIER. HOURS 12 to one and six to tea at night Standard Pharmacy. oct 13tf ALLADIN COMPANY And Committee Appointed to Get the Necessary Funds to Have Chowua College Mov ed Here. I'. I'lnra. Walter L. Column and ('. Morri s"tee were selected M. as a committee to look Into secur ing a site for Hie Alladin Manufac liir.111; ('iiiiipauy and to see about the poo::liii:ty ol ojieriiiK the firm a free s to as an inducement to locate In I Elizabeth City, at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday I'l'K'H 'I'll.. 1, 1. ml ;!! ,w.,.l. - ,lMU" MM I tit I I" ( I ill (. Secretary Case read a letter from Mr. E. F. Aydlett asking the cham lier to take action in regard to hav ing Chowan College moved to Eliza beth City. 1 no, 000 must be rais ed by the town if the college is to be moved here and it must be assured Imfnra Co,ilaniln OQtU .. LI.L time the West Chowan Association meets to consider 'the offers of dif ferent eastern cities. At the sug gestion of Mr. Walter Cohoon, a committee of J. T. McCabe, M. Leigh an(l - Gilbert was appointed to appear before the Chowan Associa- tion and to learn In the meantime w,lat l'llv 's willing to do and wn:lt " must do to secure the College. TWO NEGROES ON For the tirst lime in many years negroes were seen this week In a Jury box in Elr;abel li City. Federal court convened on Tues day and among the jurors summoned were 1 wo colored men from Tyrrell county, M. A. Littlejohn and tl. J. Kousom. Both negroes are on the pet.t jury. Whiskey cases have consumed practically all of the courts time for the lirst two days of its session. S. C. Jarvls, under Federal Indict- ni(,,lt rr ,lidt (ru,c ln ,I(,uor( wa reiaK,.( ,, payment of costs, i.awm,ce Phelps, colored, was g;v(11 mu, year ln A(,iUlt.l and flned in addition $100 and costs, Tno Cil8e uglilnHt Martha Hughes, also coi()red, on the same charge, waB continued and she Is under term of United States Court here xhe ca8B agan8t WIUta Bar.!, col- ored re8Uited in a mistrial and he is under 400 bond for appearance at the April term of Court here. United States JlltOIW FOR NOVEMBER COURT , Washington. Oct. IB The Presi dent hail a good night's rest and 'continues to show Improvement de spite a slight headache. LIVE LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Atwater of Washington are in the city visiting friends. 1 Mrs. T. R. Jarvis has Joined her husband here. Mr. Jarvls recently came to the city to accept the posi tion as manager of the Peoples Bar gain Store. . , Miss Mattle Reld has gone to Bal timore to visit her brother, J. C. Reld. Mrs. C. W. Grlce and sister, Mrs Jake Wool, left Tuesday for Nor folk where Mrs. Grlce will spend some time with Mrs. Wool. : D. C, Newberry of Columbia was in the city Tuesday,, I