"MY 80ff. , . deal with men. " . who s-vertise, yon will never ', lose by It- Benjamin Franklin. WEATHER Generally cloudy tonight and Sun day, northeast winds fresh to strong on the coast. vol: v ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31, 1920. NO. 27 - ISREK NRlV PATHS FOR COMPROMISE - ; COMING FAST ' : . .j Sudden Breaking up of Bi-par tisan Conference Leads The V Democrats f s Plana to Make New . (By Associated Press) . Vv. Washington, Jan, 81. The sudden '". ; .breaking up of the bi-partisan con ference on the Peace Treaty without accomplishing results has caused . Democrat leaders to seek new ave nues for reaching a compromise on the reservations. Arrangements are being made for a conference between Democrast and Republicans pf the mild reservation , group to decide on plans of procedure. -DECLARE SOLDIERS KILLED KOLCHAK ' Bolshevik Organ Publishes Ar ticle Saying .Leader Died on Bayonets of Own Men (By Associated Press) London, Jan. 31. A Moscow wire less today brought an extract of an article printed In the Bolshevik or gan Prards, staUng that only "a tew days ago Supreme Ruler Kolchak was bolsted on the bayonets of his sol diers." TO FIX DATE OF END WORLD WAR . --. (By Associated Press) ; London, Jan. 31.- A committee of counsellors has been named1 to de cide the official date of the ending of the World's War. It is declared that thousands of dollars are Involved in legal proceed ings which are held up pending au thoritative decision on this point. ! 0 SEVEN ARE KNOWN BURNED TO DEATH (By Associated Press) Pittsburg, Jan. 31. Seven persons are known to have burned to death early today when fire destroyed fif teen temporary residences occupied by employees of the Carnegie Steel Company's plant at Clairton. An office building was also de Btroyed. The buildings were reduced to ashes in fifteen minutes. 0 - BREAD RISES CENT AND HALF Chicago, Jan. 31.-The retail price of. bread will be increased '.a cent a pound Monday, the bakers here an nounced today, making it eleven and a half cents a loaf. CENSUS WILL SHOW ECONOMIC SITUATION Washington, Jan. 81. The enum eration of the nation's industries starts March the first, Director of Census Rogers announced today. 4 The-complete statistics will show accurately the economic situation of the country. ' . , , . o SWISS SEND NOTE ABOUT NEUTRALITY Berne, Jan. 31. The Swiss gov ernment has addressed a note to the League of 'Nations asking that' the question of Swiss neutrality, be first uealt with at the meeting of the Council of the League in London on February 22nd. ' ' .' AMERICAN WIDOW " WEDS PRINCE TODAY Geneva, Jan. Sl.-r-Mrs. William B. Leeds, widow of the American tin plate magnate, who is to be married today to Prince Christopher ot Greeee, srrlved last night trom Mon treaux accompanied by : Dowager Queen Ouga ot Greece. , The .Prince arrived laterv . . " - "" Hean the soot scale out ot your lines with Anti-soot, if yon are hav ing trouble with your heater. , No trouble, no odor, no danger and harmless to yonr beater. For sale by P. W.jaellck Co. It : o ' . . .' Ned OTlffln, formerly ot this eity, but now ot Norfolk, wss In the city Saurda . V- , ', . FEAR VIOLENCE DELAYS TRIAL Deemed Unsafe tp Remove From County Jail Restaurant Proprietor Charged With Horrible Crime (By Associated Press) ( Jackson, Miss., Jan. 31. Fear of mob violence prevented the prelim inary trial of H. W. Fay, restaurant keeper charged with attacking four ljttle girls. The district attorney and county attorney at the time cheduled for the trial said that they did not be lieve it safe to remove the prisoner from the county jail. 0 : ' WILL LOOK AFTER THOSE WHO VISIT A; E. F. DEAD (By Asooeiated Press) Paris, .Jan. 31. VThe Young Wo men's Christian Association has per fected plans to look after women rel atives of American soldiers who visit the graves of loved, ones In France. . o . MAY MAKE FIFTH AVENUE . ONE WAY STREET SOON . , (By Associated Press) New, York, Jan. 31. Fifth Ave-, nue. may be made a one way street soon, traffic in the morning being southward, end, in tne afternoon northward. The tremendous flood of traffic at Forty-second street makes some such step accessary it would' seem. Twen ty eight vehicles cross this street every minute in the dsy. ' .... O . BIG RAID IN DUBLIN . OF, SINN FEIN LEADERS , Dublin,' Jan. 81. Msny Sinn rein leaders were arrested in a big round up here early today. They . were taken tp an unrevealed destination.' . Seven newly elected members ot the Municipal council and Joseph Mc Gratlv.Slnn Fein member ot the House ot Commons, were among the arrested. , More than twenty were, placed 10 Mount Oy. prison. The ar rests caused great excitement In the city. - -. ,. , ,. 0 OFFICIALS SKEPTICAL - : 1 OF ODESSA REPORT 'Loindon .Jan. II. Offlciali here ars, skeptical M report through Vienna that the Ckranlan Bolshevik! had captured Odessa. . , , BASKET BALL GAME TONIGHT There will be a basket, ball game Saturday night, between the local High School girls team'and the Eden ton Highs. The game will be called at eight o'clock. Admission fifteen and twenty-five cents. Reserved seats wj,ll sell for thirty-five cents. Come out and boost your home town team and see 'em beat Edenton. THIRTY SEVEN AREMCTED (By Associated Press) Chicago, Jan. 31. Indictments against thirty-seven members of the 1 W. W. were returned by the Spe cial Grand Jury investlgaing radical activities. Chief among the indicted were William D. (Big Bill) Haywobd, and Thomas Haywood, Secretary of the organization. 0 IN POLICE COURT Stephen Hughes, colored, was fined $60 and coats Saturday for carrying concealed weapon and assaulting his wife. The wound Inflicted on his wife was not serious and the fact that he was provoked to the act by find ing her with another man got him off with a light sentence. Hughes also has a .good record which stood in his favor. W. A. Leigh, white, was given four months on the roads for stealing a skirt from Joe Ellis, a Syrian mer chant on Polndexter street. Judg ment was suspended on payment of tfosts. Leigh must appear before the iudge'each month and show good be havior." He must also show that he is supporting his wife. -u NOW WAITING (By Associated Press) Vienna, Jan. 81. Dispatches trom Bucharest say the Bolsbevkll re waiting at the frontier to offer peace terms to'Roumania. If the terms are refused, advices say the Sotlet troop will advance. r vr o- r ' ' HUNGARY IS GIVEN . STILL MORE TIME m Associated Press) Paris, Jan. 11. Hungary has been linwn' till February llth to coft - .M.r the neace treaty-submitted by the Allies. ' ? BOtSIIEVna ARE BESS CITY WINS FROM HERTFORD ? Boys Basket Ball Team of High School Adds Another to its String of Victories Defeating Hertford 47 to 8 The boys basketball teani of the Elizabeth Ciy High School added an other to its string ot victories when they trounced the hard playing Hert ford Highs ut the "Y" Friday night by tne score ot 4( to s. i (,r it is in Gates County Mr Pag(1 The score does not show the real . Miw.sts that application nt this time strength of the Hertford team. They j K. Illade for funds t0 conHtruct a (l;r, showed the best form of any of the , ro;i He suggests this bemuse a teams who have played on the local , rulld )ullt through a 8Wllmp ke th,s floor. Elliott, their big center, was ; W(JllI(1 need Ume tQ 8eU,e ,ind b(cause effective in breaking up the passing , ,u,si(le8 gtate and Federill funds ar0 of the locals a number of times. The,, 0 far from beng equa, (() tfce real star for Hertford was Morgan. : nmoun neede( for the proi)08cd pro. at guard. He played his position llke!j(.cU Beeklng ald from those fundg a veteran, and fought gamely to the I Hu i9 surfl that the Bniounl required end to keep down the Elizabeth City fo(J a paved rQad acrogg tWg swamp score. I would tint h For Elizabeth City Modlin, Lamb and McMullan all played a splendid offensive game, while the Hertford score Indicates the effective work of the guards, Qulnn and Seyffert, on the defensive. The line-up was as follows: Hertford ' Ells. City right forward Dozier Modlin , left forward E. McMullan ; Lamh center Elliott . . v 0- McMullan right guard Morgan QuInn left guard Wlnslow .C. Seyffert Substitute, F. Seyffert for LamD. ' Field goals, Madlin 15, Lamb 1 4, a McMullan 4, Dozier 1, B. McMul lan 1, Elliott 1, F. Seyffert 1. Referee, Holmes. -O . JOHN A. WHITE DEAD John A. White, aged 18, died Fri day morning at the home ot his aunt, Mrs. John Spence, on Body Road, with whom he had llted since a small child. His death followed an attack ot Influenza which tan into pneu monia. He had been working at Norfolk until his illness.- The body wss sent to his old home at Gum Neck, accompanied by Mr. Frank White ot Belcross. The fun eral and interment will take place on Sunday. . . ... Mr. White was the brother ot Miss Lula White ot this city. , ; o I jjTI-800T cleans out "choked up - nei ,n4 gives you the benefit ot all i th, he,t from your heater. Bold by I P. W. Msllch Cd. : r , 1 ' :tn PASQUOTANK-GATES MAY ASK AID FOR ROAD ACROSS DISMAL SWAMP Project to Connect Elizabeth City And Gatesville Revived by Chairman Page's Attitude to Pro-' ject on Visit Here Friday. Delegation Goes to Gatesville Monday "Gentlemen, you open up this road to Gatesville and more will have been done for the development of Pasquotank County and Elizabeth City than would be brought about by any road from Elizabeth City to Norfolk." bo said Chairman Pagre of the North Carolina Highway Commission to members of the County Highway Commission as he stood with them Friday on the edge of the Dismal Swamp in the Tadmore section of Newjand township. Mr. Page had just been brought OVC the County roods' irmio-Vi P,;,V100 nA xt. land townships. He has im pressed with the splendid agri cultural resources of these two townships and was especially surprised to find how thickly settled was the Tadmore sec tion of Newland township. The words quoted were spoke'n when Mr. Page was told that Acorn Hill, in Gates county ' u.. . i was but three miles from the spot on which he stood. Pursuant.to Chairman Page's suggestion a delegation repre senting the Pasquotank High way Commission, the Chamber of Commerce and. the business interests of Elizabeth City will leave here for Gatesville Mon day to put the matler before the Commissioners of that county and endeavor to induce them to act with Pasquotank County ina joint application for Federal aid to build this swamp road. From what Mr. Page said members of the Pas quotank Commission are confi dent that he is favorably dis posed to the undertaking. The proposed road across the Dis m;i! Swamp is a little over three miles long and something like two-thirds i Though not committing himself definitely Mr. Page gave the members of the Pasquotank Highway Commis sion who were with him to under stand that with the road across the swamp open the State Highway Com mission would be disposed to con sider favorably the application al ready in for State and Federal aid on a hard surfaced road from Elizabeth , City to Hlnton's Corner. Eventual ly, and as additional funds are made available from Federal, State and County sources, the entire highway from Elizabeth City to th"e Gates County line could be made a hard j surfaced road A pavod road from Elizabeth City to Gatesville' could be linked with the proposed road from South Mills to Norfolk and Mr. Page intimated ! that it would not be unreasonable for Pasquotank and Camden counties to seek State and Federal aid in the construction of this link. He was not disposed to believe that the road from' South Mills to Norfolk would be built at any early date because he did not believe that the Virginia Highway Commission, with the other projects before it, had the funds to build that part of the highway which is in Virginia. Neither Is there any prospect ot beginning at any early date construct ion ot the proposed district highway trom Edenton to Norfolk, In Mr. Page's opinion. He seemed to in cline to the opinion that the only way such a road could ever be built would be by each county's undertak ing to huild Its own part ot the road. He was confident that nothing conld bs done on the district project until NEWBERRY JURY COMPLETED TODAY (By Associated Tress) Detroit, Jan. 31. The Jury which la to decide the guilt or Innocence of the hundred and twenty three de- I fendants in the Newberrv election conspiracy was completed today. It contains six iarmers. -o- TRI-WEEKLY AIR SERVICE HAS BEEN INAUGURATED Buenos Aires, Jan. 7. (By The As sociated Press.) Tri-weekly air-' plane passenger service has been in augurated between this city and Montevideo, Uruguay, by the French aviation mission. No charge is made for the trip, the passengers being se- lected by lnTltatIon' t early in Feb-, ry, it is expected that the service will be operated by the Ffanco-Amer lean Aerial Transportation Company which will charge a fare The mis sion will dispose of its equipment to the company which, by establishing this service, will be the pioneer com mercial. aviation company in South The airplanes make In about an hour and a half, the trip across the mouth of the River Plate to Monte video that takes a fast river boat 10 hours. Machines carrying 25 pas sengers or more are expected from France for use In the regular com mercial service. MEXICAN MAIL CENSORED Mexico City, Jan. 17. (By The As-' soclated Press.) The United States government, in Its light against Bol-' .;bi;viMii, is exercising a strict cen-.. sorshlp on mall from the Mexican stales of Tamauiipas, Yucatan, Vera Cruz, Sinaloa and Sonora, say news papers of this city which assert the information comes from government sources. It Is said here that the above named states are regarded as llolrfhevlk centers. u - GERMAN COMMANDER SEEKING A HOME Berlin, Jan. 4. (By The Assoc! ated Press.)l Field Marshal von Mackensen is advertising for a home. He formerly lived In Dantzfg but re fuses to reside there now that the city has been Internationalized and made a port for Poland. The formeD German commander seeks a resN dence somewhere in Germany with a dlttle land to cultivate In the neigh- Knvhnnrl r f nrnnHs or)i orn ho l an Aft a little shooting. ERZBERGER IS NOW RECOVERING (By AnHoclated Press) ; Berlin, Jan. 81. Mathlas Erzber- ger, Minister of Finance, who was shot Monday, received visitors yes- lerday and appears to be recovering from the wound which splintered his shoulder. ' 0 . Wm. Weatherly left Friday night for a business trip thru the State. v the Legislature is again convened. The Pasquotank Highway Commis sion hopes to present the Joint Pas-' quotank-Gates application for aid on the rbad across the Dismal Swamp at the next meeting ot the State High way Commission to be held sometime between February 10th and 16th. Those with Mr. Psge bn his tour of Inspection Fridsy were W. J. Woodley, Wesley, Foreman,' L. D. Case, A. B. Honts and W. L. Cohoon. Upon their return the party had uncheoa at Dlnty Moore's. t 1.

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