I,, . mww. , ., V? r InVri Uv f " WEATHER -Benjamla Franklin, . S22)) ANsys" s , not much change 'In temperature, ' -' ' . (5-5' ,'. '. gentle northwest wind. . VOL V. a CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7, 1920 NO. 33 4 MANY TOMS AREKOLATED Wew York Still Making Desper . ate) Effort to Recorer From Worst Storm Since Year of 1388 (By Associated Press) New York, Feb. 7. Snowbound New York marshalled Its forces to day In a prodigious effort to extri cate Itself from the paralysing grip cf the storm which approached the blizzard of 1888. All except the vitally . necessary trues, traffic was suspended for three days. uepanmeui stores turned' over their trucks to cart away the snow. The street cleaning department has 10,000 shovellers at work. Traction companies are struggling grimly to restore traffic. Many outlying towns are isolated. The coal and food situation is brighter today. The newspapers are hard hit by newsprint shortage. O SUNDAY SERVICES IN CITY CHURCHES All Denominations In Picture City Invite Townsfolk And Visitors to Go to Church Sunday ' 'im MISS MARY WIXSOR Following are the announcements of Sunday services in the various churches of the city: BLACK WELL MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Geo. W. Clarke, the pastor, will preach Sunday morning from the subject "America's Samarias," and in the evening at 7:30 from the subject "Some Hard Doctrines Simplified." Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., E. F. Aydlett, Superintendent. Junior D. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. Senior B. Y. P. U. at 6:45 p. m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. M. Ormond who has been preaching to the young women of Louisburg College this week will re turn Saturday and fill his Sunday appointments. His .morning subject at eleven will be "The Birth of Jesus." His evening subject at 7.30 will be "The Good Samaritan." The public is cordially invited attend all services. who speaks at the Alkrama Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the woman's party, has had thrilling -ex periences in the countries of Europe during the war. She Is a graduate of Bryn Mawr and has taken post graduate courses at Columbia Unl verslty. At the time war broke out she was" in .Germany, where she was Investigating conditions of women She fled from Germany into Austria, from there to Italy, then to France and on to England, thus witnessing mobilization in five countries. miss winsor assisted the women oi England in obtaining suffrage and has been a most ardent worker in this country. While she is a mem oer oi me militant party, she, as well as other members of the wom an's party, believes that there Is now no further need for militancy. Miss Winsor was a member of the colonial Dames and a number of other organisations, bu has now withdrawn from them In order to give her entire time to suffrage work. There will be no admission fee and the public is cordially Invited to hear her. The hour is three o'clock. O WINTERV1LLE LOSES TO ELIZABETH CITY BOYS to FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH H. K. Williams, pastor. J Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., S. G. Scott, Superintendent. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 9. m. by the pastor. The morning theme: "The Sad Farewell of Re jected Love." The night theme: "Heaven." Special music at both hours, morning and evening. The B. Y. P. U. meets at 6:30 Sun day evening. The mid-week prayer meeting at 7:30 Wednesday evening. The Teacher Training Class at six o'clock Wednesday. There were four teen present last night for all that the weather was inclement. The public is most cordially in vited to attend all these services. CITY ROAD CHURCH 9:30 Sunday School, G. F. Seyffert, Superintendent. 11:00 preaching by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Bradley. His subject will be, "Four Anchors that Held. Paul Steady." '. ' 6:45 Epworth League services, Chas. R. Fulcher, leader. "; 7:30 preaching iy the pastor, the .subject being, "Taking a Census of Your Life." CHRIST CHURCH Rev, Geo. F, Hill, rector. , Sexagesimal Sunday, 7 Church School 945 s. m. " Morning prayer,' ante .communion and sermon 11 ft, M. : '. ' Evening prayer, and sermon 7:80 p. m. 1 .' A cordial welcome to all. There will be held ft meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary , of Christ Church parish on Monday at 4: 00, p. m. at the home of Mrs. ,J.'B. Flora on Main street. . ', CATHOLIC SERVICES ; : 'There will be Catholic 1 services Sunday morning at ten-thirty o'clock In the Catholic Chapel, Room 8 JI Hlnton Building. ' ' ' AIRPLANE LANDS SAFELY Cairo, Feb. 7. The airplane which , left here yesterday on the first stage ot the trip to Capetown landed at Assaun, 425 miles up the Nile. ; Fighting all the way the Winter vflle High School basket ball team went down in defeat at the hands of the local High School at the "Y" Friday night. The most of the Win tervllle team were handicapped with vaccinated arms, but played a steady game. The superior team-work of the locals was responsible for their victory. The score was 64 to 14. Tripp, at guard, and Tugwell, at forward, were the stars for Wniter ville. Tha stars lor Elizabeth City are hard to pick. Modlin stood out e"s pecially in the first half with nine field goals- But in the second half four Elizabeth City players, Modlin, Lamb, McMullen and F. Seyffert, se cured three field goals each, which shows the uniformity of the playing. Jones did the best work at guard, but was not far superior to his team mates, C. Seyffert and Quinn. The line-up is as follows: Wlnterville Eliz. City Carroll R.F Modlin Tugwell L.F Lamb Davis C. .... .McMullen Worthington R.G. ..... .Jones Tripp L.O. . . .C. Seyffert Substitutes, E. .City: F. Seyffert for Lamb. Wlnterville: Croom for Worthington, Vandiford for Tugwell. Field goals: Modlin (12), Lamb (6), McMullen (4), Jones (1), Car roll (2), Tugwell (3). Foul goals: Modlin 3 out ot 7; Lamb 8 out of 6; McMullen 1; Car roll 4 out of 11. Referee and Umpire Daniels and Holmes. -O WlNTERVILLE TO PLAY BANKERS TONIGHT AT "Y" 600,000 oWl9-000 CITY COUNCIL ELECTS COMMANDER CITY MANAGER OF ELIZABETH CITY Action Taken at Adjourned Public Meeting of Board Saturday Morninar bv Unanimous Vote. New Manager Will Be On Job Begin ning Tuesday Morning, February Tenth. Joseph E. Commander was. elected City Manager of Elizabeth City at an adjourned public meeting of the City Council called by the Mayor Saturday morning at half pasfT nine o'clock. The action of the Board was unanimous. ATA irr 11 1 mi im r or ine Past year or two Mr. . NEXT SUMMER Commander has been farming in Virginia, eight miles from -Norfolk, but he is an Elizabeth '. City man and was Elizabeth .' City's first City Manager. Confronted with the neces?.. ,.. v r&MTnAp thowitha ehlMffntloBallbfKJaitnaBvo tWTnunber ot children now 4elng UA -throogh Hho rimDan iCt Area's Relist Pund of tho AnttrioaaeUet4sUiilalttnUoBta wwaber who should bo f ed U deaths tr iumtloa art to to ciow3 Jha hMYy figures show tho aomber ot children being Ced.fm lUht flenm show th ntmber.wno shotld tefed firoajaovmatatho tut1 SECRETARY LANE WON APPROVES HAS RESIGNED ! HITCHCOCK PLAN (By Associated Press) Washington, Feb. t. Secretary Lane of the Department of the In terior has placed his resignation, ef fective March the first, in the hands of President Wilson. His future plans are not fully ma tured but will be announced later. O - iPITZBERG'S JOB TO PUT 'EM ASUNDER (By Associated Press) Washington, Feb. 7. President Wilson has written Senator Hitch cock approving the reservations to the Versailles Treaty, which the Sen ator presented to the Bi-Partisan Conference Committees which re cently failed to agree. O TEN MEN LOST And Crystal Ice 6c Coal Com pany Hopes to Give Patrons 1 Satisfaction in Service and in sity of securing a man immedi-. Quality of Ice , ately to take the office left va-' ' t, '! cant by the resignation of for hauling, put In a great deal of new Council felt that the latest " equipment and new machinery and course under the Circumstances hopes during the coming summer to was t0 ffet a trip j if rive the Ell.nhAth f!IMr n,,hll .11 WttS 10 el a mea man " n they can expect in the way of quan- were available. The committee '" tity, quality and service when it got in touch with Mr. Com- comes to supplying their patrons with mander and as soon as it was 1 don't want to claim too much." learnea tftat he would consider v said Mr. E. C. Conger yesterday, "and the position he was invited to - we are still experimenting tor better Elizabeth Citv tn kippI fi ' resulU with the thing which Is giv- .f. . , ing us most trouble our water but miee appointed to recommend ; present indications that we are not a new manager. Mr. Com only going to be able to take care of mander met this committee Fri- ' the needs of our customers during j j v 1 the coming summer but we are also ay and hls election this mom going to be able to do it in a way ing followed. - 'V. to satisfy every reasonable expecta-! The new Citv Minsrr will asaume the duties of his office : tio'n as to service and quality ot ice. We are installing a new filtering sys There will be a game between the Bankers basket ball team ot this city and the Wlnterville team at eight o'clock in the "Y" to night. A close game is expected. .... Ad mission will be fifteen and' twenty five cents. . , 0 ... WILL MAKE EFFORT TO REMOVE PASSENGERS (By Associated Press) Geneva, Feb. 7. Russians arriv ing here say former Minister of Jus tice Spltzberg has been installed at Petrograd as "Braker of Marriages" and 500 or 600 divorces are 'being granted weekly, no investigation be ing necessary. The signature of the person desir ing freedom is the only requirement. -o POLAR BEAR IS ADRIFT AT SEA (By AssooinU'd Press) Boston, Feb. 7. A boat contain ing ten men of the wrecked steamer, Polias, of Rocklan,d, Maine, left the vessel today without the master's per mission am! lias not been seen since. The cutter, Acushnet, rescued the captain and 25 men. O i;olshf: iki advanc e along SHORE OF BLACK SEA (By Associated Press) New York, Feb. 7. The freighter, Polar Bear, reported In distress 600 miles off Hatteras, is drifting help lessly today, according to a wireless message. The Polar Bear carries a crew of forty and was bound from Bermuda to New York. o CONFEREES AGREE ON RAILROAD BILL (By Associated Press) London, Feb. 7. Bolshevikl for ces are advancing along the shore of the Black Sea, 20 miles northeast of Odessa, according to a Soviet govern ment tsatement. In the Caucasian region the Red troops have occupied Blagudarnoe. O DEMOCRATIC SIGHTSEERS WILL BE DISAPPOINTED tern and we are certainly going to next Tuesday morning, Febru- -' spare no expense or effort to give ary 10th. "I am not coming back to plaj' politics," said Mr. Commander Satur day afternoon. "I am coming back to try to serve the town. "If the people will help me, I be-, ' lieve I can succeed. If they contln- . ually try to cripple me, I will be'un-v able to accomplish anything. "There is one thing that I want, you to put In your . paper. I want you to say to the women of the cltjr ' that I appreciate the help they gafa me during my former admlnlstra- tion, and that I ask for their sunnort 1 Elizabeth City the very best Ice pos sible." Mr. Conger then went on to state that new delivery wagons have been ordered and are on the way here. He said that next summer four ice wagons would be operated, one in each ward. ENTIRE QUESTION UP TO GERMANY (By Associated Press) Washington, Feb. 7. A return of five and a half per cent on the aggre gate value of railroads would be guaranteed by the government for the period of two years under the bgreement reached today by the Sen ate and House conferees on the Rail road Bill. The return would be fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission af ter that. Leaders hope "for complete and final enactment of the bill neiore (By AsMM'iated Press) San Francisco, Feb. 7. Those who 1 may come to San Francisco at the 1 time of the democratic convention! the latter part of June with the Idea of experiencing a thrill by Visiting the "Barbary Coast" will be disap pointed. Many of the resorts, celebrated in story and verse as the scenes of des perate adventure, where 'cheap boarding house operators, commonly knwon as "crimps," freely plied their trade of shanghaiing sailors for un scrupolous sea captains, are perman ently closed. Others have but the 'name oT the places that once flamed with- color, music and revelry. Long before national prohibition in the new administration that I am Ambassadors Decide On Deliv- about to begin, it Is In their power - ery of Extradition List To of great assistance to me." , , Mr. Commander was in the city Germany by rrench Charge Ulltn the afternoon train for Norfolk; In Berlin ' Saturday. v ' I The news of his election had got (By Associated Press) about the streets and while here hs Paris, Feb. 7. Delivery to Ger- was being congratulated by a host of ' inn 11 v hv th Frnnch Clinrefi d'Affalrs friends. - 11 Merlin of the list of Germans whose Q extradition is demanded by the ai- lies is the proper course to pursue under existing' circumstances, the Council of Ambassadors decided to day. it is understood that the Ambassa dors also believe that the entire question is now up to Germany and further Bteps by the Allies should ; await German action. O METHODIST BISHOP RECEIVED BY KING LOOTING CAUSES ENORMOUS LOSS the railroads are returned to private eenerally considered a poseibll- control on March the first. 'ftv ..na,harv Coast." a section of Q " 1 lPorifi( RtreRt extendlns: back from METHODIST SECRETARY. !tne bay front, a half dozen blocks to DIES AT PHILADELPHIA where Chinatown touches the Italian . district, had been rendered Innocu- rfv Associated Press) 7 iQe proniuiuon 01 u.b u. 1 x New York, Feb. 7. The 014 Do minion liner, Princess Anne, aground oft Rockaway Beach since Friday, successfully rode out the night's gale and snowstorm and efforts will be made today to remove her 22 pas senger. -0- FRENCH SENATE ADOPTS DAYLIGHT SAVING BILL Paris, Feb., 7. "The Trench Benite today adopted a daylight saving bill, effective. February 15th. , , ; Miss Floyde Spence leff Saturday tor t Tialt to Norfolk. ' Phnadelnhla. Feb. 7. Rev. Fre- raan Dalley Bovard, cilice secretary of, the Methodist Board of Home Mis sions, died here last night at the age ot 69 years. ), . O -v . NOW SAVING MINUTES liquor in the long row of dance halls there. The main artery from this district to Market Street, San Francisco's principal thoroughfare, is Kearney street, where once It Is declared, within a hour enough reckless spirits could be picked up to start almost any sort of desperate enterprise. Now Kearney is one of the quietest and most respectable business streets. FAVORS MODIFICATION LIST Liverpool, Jan. 2?. (By The Asso ciated Press.) , "Save-a-mlnilte Cluh has been started at ofte of the targe wma "ZZ I REPORTED LLOYD' GEORGE whrtse emDlovees recelvS a weekly " Y. y."Z... prlzeffor the best one-nundred word letter as to how the writer has saved . a minute in the execution of work, j There is keen competition among the employees, who not only save se? eral minutes dally but Increase the production of the factory. - , . .. o J, C. Spence Is out after being con fined to" his home on Fearing Street with influenza. . , s (By Associated Press) London, Feb. 7. Premier Lloyd George 1b reported to taror' a sub stantial modification , t , the list ot Germans demanded by the Allies, according to the Westminister, Ga zette. ; - f . 0 FOR BEST CAR SERVICES F.7-2tp Rome, Feb. 7. Rev. William Burt, Methodist Episcopal of Europe, was received in private ajidlence by King Victor Emmanuel today, who takes great Mnterest in the work of the Methodist Church relief work in be half of poor children. O MARRIAGES (By Associated Press) " New York, Feb. 7. The wholesale looting 'of merchandise in transit on the railroads of the country caused the loss of approximately $45,000,- ' 000.00 last year, according to the Railroad Administration statistics. . This is double the loss of any pre war year. , ; , O- V $50 FOR STATUTORY OFFENSE ELLIS URfH Oscar Alexander Ellis of Newport News and Miss Violet Itoella Urle of Baltimore were married by Dr. Geo. W. Clarke Saturday morning. SPENCER YOUNG Hermon Olson Spencer, ot Norfolk and Miss Louise Young ot Charlotte were married at Dr. Geo. W. Clarke's residence Saturday morning. RICHARDSON MUKDEN Lie wily n S. RlfchardBon and Miss Janie Munden, both, of Norfolk were married In the city Friday., . The bride is the fllece ot D. R. Munden of this city. . MOSS-WINSON "Ernest Moss and Miss Almo Wil son, both,ot Perquimans County were married by T. B. Wilson, Justice of the peace, Friday. , ' , ( , ' -0 :, FOR BEST ,CAR Phone 192, SERVICES Joseph Walker and a Mrs. Wicks, of Charlotte were in recorder's court Saturday for unlawfully living to gether as man and wife. Mrs. Wicks was allowed to return to her home in Charlotte tinder su-' pended judgment while Walker was fined fifty dollars and costs. . ' Walker formerly lived with his lawful wife whom, he is now sepa rated. It was from the wife at her Michigan home that information came which led to the arrest of the defendants. Mrs. Wicks and Mr. Walker were ' in the employ of one of the hosiery mills In the city. -t To the Shareholders ot the Albemarle ' Building and Loan Association? The regular annual meeting of the shareholders ot the Albemarle Build ing and Loan Association will be held in the, Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Main and Martin streets, Elisabeth City, N. C, on Tuesday, February 10,' 1920 at 7:80 p. m. You will take notice and be governed accordingly. 1 rtr nirxf nnnnwiw t- Phone 12. . P.7-2tp ftM( Secty.-Treas.