"MY EON, deal with mem . who advertise, r ' yon will neve - Iom by it." Benjamin Frankllk. WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Thurs day, somewhat colder tonight In east and central portion, gentle northwest winds. ; ' ; , -.ABETH CITY, NORTH CAROU NO. 36 - i J i ' . - 1 ii m - FLU STILL GAINS ;INSOT0WNS Number of Cases Reported Yes terday Largest For This Year. But Epidemic Has Spent Itself in Some Com- -. muniUes -' ; Raleigh, Feb. 11. The Influents epidemic -continues to make rapid - strides in soma sections of the State while in other communities the dis ease seems to hate spent Its force ' and is now on the decline, altho the : first, tabulation of reports reaching the office of the State Board of Health , Tuesday showed a total of 3,216 cases of Influenza and 77 of pneu " monla. Deaths reported, for the past , twenty-four hours were 21. , . Reports reaching the health offi cials Tuesday brought the largest number of new cases In any one day since the inception of the epidemic j in toe state. It is the belief of mem bers of the State Board of . Health that the large number of cases, re ported Tuesday Is due in part to the fact that at this time the communi ties are making more accurate . re ports and that are more active in sending in the information asked for. As far as possible the Stats Board of Health is keeping in touch with the situation over the Stats and in tends to send help only to those com munities which are in distress. Be cause of the sesrclty of nurses and physicians considerable -preparations must necessarily be made before help Is tutted from one locality to an other. From reports reaching the health " officials, the communities and cities throughout, the State are thoroughly impressed with the fact that the dls ase needs Immediate and urgent at tention. Precautionary measures are ttein gtaken in virtually all of the cities reporting an epidemic.. Emer gency hospitals have been established in several cities and in others quar antine regulations are in force. Tuesday's report, made by Lexing ton, topped the list with 611 new cases. Winston-Salem reported the second largest number of cases with 475 follows: . Cabarrus, 160; Raleigh, 140; Salisbury, 145 with two deaths and pneumonia on the Increase; Wades boro, 150; Johnson county, 125; Durham, 130; LeaksvilleSpray, 125; Wilson, 129; six pneumonia and one death-; Forsyth county, '8 8, two cases of pneumonia; Gastonla, 98; Edge combe, 97; Greensboro, 40, ten pneu monia and three deaths; Davidson, eleven pneumonia and four deaths; Albemarle, 79. . . - PAGE POSTPONES RALEIGU51EETING Prevalence of Flu And Illness In Own Family Cause Of Change in Plans' Raleigh, Feb. 11.- Because' of Illness-in his own family and "because of the prevalence of Influenza, Robert N. Page, who had called a meeting here Tuesday of his friends and sup porters, wired persons invited- can celing the conference. The meeting was planned for the purpose1 of considering Page's pros pects for governor and to map out a campaign, establish, headquarters in Raleigh and to name a campaign manager. Friends of Mr. Page have been-In the city sesrchlng for suit able quarters for Raleigh headquar ters but so far have been unsuccess ful. The plan at the present time is to continue the campaign from Mr. Page's home st BIscoe until a manager Is chosen and offices at Raleigh ars opened. The postponed i (ing will b held as soon as an sment in ths inflnensa epidemic ited.. ;;; ' - -. ...... n . . T GERMAN PAPER TO INSTALL WIRELESS Danzig.' Jan. It. (By Ths Associ ated Press.) The first German pap er to install a wireless plant tor the collection of news UUbs Danslg Ga zette The first dispatches hsve ar-.rf-ed' without mutilation. This is is "irst concrete result .of the O - FRAMING OUTLINE - PEACE CONDITIONS Werssw, Feb. H The work of framing an outline - of peace condi tions to be communicated to the Rus sia soviet government was begun by tne roiistt . cabinet today and it is planned to present them to the Diet next week.'. " O ' FLU IS BED ; BUT SPREADING Estimated That There - Are) 'About Sixty Cases in Town. Doctors Urge Prevention; PLANNING FOR . COMMENCEMENT Currituck Schools Show Excel . lent Attendance. Will Gather At Poplar Branch in A Few Weeks : , " The health officers estimate that there ars something like sixty cases of influents in Elizabeth City and perhaps twenty-flvs In the . county. All of these cases are mild with the exception of one or two which were contracted In Norfolk. There are, however, innumerable colds and coughs and sore throats and the doctors urge everybody to be careful In the matter of spreading d'a ease and in letting an ordinary bad. cold . develop into something worse, - , , , - O ' ' BUILDING AND LOAN HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the share holders of the Albemarle Building and Loan Association wss held in ths T. M. C. A. Buidling Tuesday even ing. . The principal business trans acted was ths election of a Bosrd of Directors to serve the Association for the ensuing year, The new Board consists of ths following; J. P. Kra mer, J. C. Sawyer, Wi Ben Goodwin, C. R Pugh. T. J. Markham,,A. G. James, M. G. Morrisette, W. H. Zoel- ler, J. L. Wells, P. H. Williams, A. R. Nicholson and M. P. Gallop. The last two named are two members. The Secretary-Treasurer presented the Annual Report and this showed the Association to be In a prosperous condition. The next series of stock will start March 6th and a large Other reports received were as Bumber of 8hare9 bas alreadT been DOOKea lor mis series, a coneeneu effort will be made by the Directors to make the next series the largest of any in the history of the Associa tion and the Indications are that this goal will be attained. O RAISING FUNDS FOR WAREHOUSE W. D. Cox of Moyock, Superlnten dent of Education in Currituck coun ty, Is making- plans for Currituck County Commencement to be held at Poplar Branch In about seven weeks. Mr. Cox reports that attendance in Currituck schools is better than ever before In the cburity. In Poplar Branch High School the school census fs 117, and the enroll ment, is 125,- soma pupils coming from other districts. The average attendance is 112. Between 8 and 14 years, the enrolment Is 50, and the average daily attendance is 47. C. U. Williams is principal of the school with Miss Griffin of Manteo, Mrs. W. H. Walker Jr., . Miss Esther Ray, Mrs. C. U. Williams, teachers. In Moyock the. school census is 79, enrolment 68", and average daily attendance 65. -Between 8 and 14 the enrolment is 34 with an average attendance of 12. C. J. Ash worth is principal of the school, with Miss Agnes Ferebee and Myrtle Burgess, teachers. In Currituck High School the cen sus is 10 with' enrolment of 70 and average dialy attendance of 61. Be tween snd 14 the enrolment is 8 with average daily attendance of 37. Miss Bertie Hsrrell is principal with Misses Genevieve Holloman and Pauline Talt, teachers. . ' 0 -v HAD MONKEY RUM, ; ... -IS SENT TO JIOADS W. C. SpruiU, colored, was given a four months sentence on the county roads Wednesday for having, liquor in his possession for ths purpose of sale. ' The liquor in question was of the monkey rum variety. o : Dr. T. S. McMullaa has returned from ..Oxford where he was called a few days ago on professional busi ness. GERMAN SUCCESS IS ; , ALREADY CLAIMED I London, Feb. Jl Indication of Germaasuccess is claimed on the face of first reports from ths Sch lewsslg ' plebesclte, according to an Amsterdam dispatch. ., Final results will not be made public , until to night : :.t U i O . - ' CINCINNATI FIRST ' - TO COMPLETE CENSUS (By Associated Press) . Washington, Feb. 11. Cincinnati was. the first city to complete the 14th decennial census enumeration, the Bureau of Census announced to day. The last portfolio was turned In February 9th but it will be about two weeks before the census can be checked and the final total an nounced. Th District of Columbia com pleted .its count today. Cleveland, Chicago, New York and a number of small cities have nearly all their port-' folios in the hands of the census bureau,-and officials expect that the result of today's checking may reveal a number of other cities have com pleted .their count. .--: o SELECTED TO SUCCEED THOMAS NELSON PACE WARNING Sore throats, coughs and . colds are first cousins to flu. , If you have any of these, you had better go to bed. Even if you are well, stay away .. from.. crowds. In homes where there is flu, parents -are warned to i that K children stay away from school, church, moving pictures or any public gathering whatever, as they may be carriers of the disease. DM. WM. PETERS, City Health Officer. , WILL DETERMINE ABOUT STRIKE Meeting of Director Hines And Railway Employees This Af- . ternoon of Intense . Import ance - . - , MOYOCK BAPTISTS DOING GOOD WORK Rev. O. P. Harrill begins his se cond year as pastor of Moyock Bap tist Church on the First Sunday in March. - Under- his leadership both the church and Sunday school are doing work and progressiva plant ... (By Associated Press) Washington, Feb. 11. Robert Un derwood Johnson of New York, au thor and editor, has been selected by the President at Ambassador to Rome ' good to succeed Thomas Nelson Page, of have been made for the work of the Virginia, who has resigned.' 'coming year. The President expected to sendi n the nomination to the Senate soon. 1 Johnson was born in Washington , CITY COUNCIL WILL 67 years agor He wat formerly edi tor of the Century magailne. O HOLD MEETING MONDAY City Manager Commander has re quested the City Council to meet at an early date to go over a program -O- WOUK FOB JONES BEAVIS BILL Raleigh, Feb. 11. The North Car olina committee of the National Pub lic Works Department Association has launched a campaign in the State with the hope of developing a nati onal public works department in North Carolina. Professor Thorndike Saville, of the engineering faculty of Tha rotton Growers of Pasauotank 'ne university oi Nortn Carolina, is County met Saturday and (Started , chairman of the Stte committee, raising funds for a warehouse here. The purpose of the campaign is to The sum of $6,600 was raised at the .arouse public opinion In favor of the meej abal is FIRS Jones-Reavls bill, which will create out of the Department of the Inter ior a national public works depart ment, and the object of the depart ment is to co-ordinate all the govern ment activities in engineering .and construction. These actlvttleB are Lnnrinn Jan. 28. IB The Associ- now scauerea mrounn urae uytiri ated Press.) Two large lnternatlon- nienta and thirty-nine bureaus, re- meetlng. ' . A meeting will be held this Satur day at two o'clock at tha courthouse. -O TO BUILD AERODOMES al aerodromes are to be constructed by the Dutch government, one in The Hague and the other in Amsterdam, f it is stated In a despatch received here. The cost otjhe venture will be more than 166,000. 0 ' FOR PRINCE OF WALES ' Portsmoutfi, Eng.,' Jan. 13. (By The Associated Press.) The battle ship Renown has been fitting ont here to carry the Prlncs of Walet on his Australian trip. Additional cabin space has been made and a steam laundry Installed. . O DANCE THURSDAY NIGHT .bsrts plan to establish an entire chain of wireless tiauoo. ths larger papers of Germany.. ELIZABETH CITY BOAT UNIT The steamer Oreensborough hsT .g been thoroughly Tj.1 rseum. her regul.r schedule leaving her wharf Saturday svenlng ' o'clock. 1 1U . espials W. K Perry of South Mills was la ths elty Wednesday. ' - . Ths Elisabeth Cky Cotillion Club . j will give Us pre-iemen obbcb iu- day sight. Kemp t orchestra wui furnish the music' ' . Wright's saxapbone orchestra has been secured for -ths club's Easter dancs. s - - - q. ; . , CHURCH NIGHT t. At seven-thirty this erasing st ths First Methodist Church, South, ths pastor will conduct a devotional ser vice of thirty, minutes after which other group meetings will bs held. Everybody Is Invited, ' - o BASKET BALL TONIGHT . J . ; - Creecy Institute will filay ths High School Second Basket-Ball team to night at 7: JO. : Admission Is I and 10 eents. No reserved tests. V ' t, o , -,.v Mr. snd Mrs, Louis Belig Mt Wed nesday afternoon for Norfolk. suiting in Inefficiency, inter-depart mental competition and waste: North Carolina's delegation in con gress' will be asked to support ths Jones-Heavl bill and rotary and other civic and commercial organi zations in the State will bs asked for assistance. MOY0CKS0ONTO ESTABLISH BANK 'Moyock is planning to establish a bank In the near future. ' ' . The, capital stock of 126,000 Is al ready practically suDscnoeu. Plsni for a hosiery mill ars slso under way. - - Q . WALKED FROM CAMDEN r Because theyr real ' sports- snd were all dressed up and nowhsrs to go isst Sundsy, Misses Msry Jones, Ida Ballance, Linda Thornton, Mattle Whits and Mr. Butbee Jones bor rowed enough "dough" to get to Camden and having wasted their sub stance In rlotiout living they footed it back to Betsey. ' ; ., . - -O WAR-ENDED ON' JANUARY TENTH , London, rb; 11 It wst snnoune ed todsy thst January- 10th wss the official dateupon which ths wkr with Oermsny termlnsted. . Thlt date was Died by Us roysl order. ' - . o- . . Mrs. Wm. K. BUlllngs has returned to her boms la Norfolk sfter a visit to her parents, Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Jenkins is PennsylvsnU Avenue. COUNCIL LEAGUE MCPTS IN LONDON of work which he has outlined, I The Council will accordingly hold , . v. !n adjourned meeting on Monday London, Feb. 11. The Council of,' the League of Nations met here to- ' day, Leon Bourgeouls, French dele- TTAmnT n rtrvn gate, waving the opening .address. HI I I H I V l,H I RnlB-lnm Rraril. France. Great Bri- AlVflUUkJ UUl tain, Greece, Italy, Japan and Spain were represented. O night of next week. C- FIRST RACE ON JULY FIFTEENTH PERFECT SCORE And State Board of Health Congratulates Pinehurst Ho tel Managers (By Associated Press) London, Feb. 11. The first race for the American cup in the inter- Raleigh, Feb. 11. A recent in- national regatta between Sir Thomas "i-" i ic icuuii noiein, uve LIton's challenging yacht. -Shamrock In number, by special agent Jtfhn F. Four, and the New York Yacht Club's Gordon gives the dlffeient hotels per- . . . ... . u.i rprT apnroi nnlnr tha nrnvla nna nf unnamed aeienaer win oe saneu u " Thursday. Julv 16th. according to tne Mate Hotel law, entitling all or nn.,om.nt mod. hero tndav. '"fin io a certincate irom tne state O 1 isoani ot Heaitn, aesignating that a PLAINTIFF RECOVERS IN ,"t ul lu" V"1 uoul nBS "awu FLETCHER VS. HOLLOWELL ur tne noteis tne inspector says: "The management of the Pinehurst The plaintiff recovered In the case hotels Is to be congratulated on their f i r FiotrhRr vs. 3. G. Hollowell methods of maintaining sanitary con- in Superior Court Thursday morning, ditions in all five of their hotels. All Tne case was one Involving the es- i"ou nanuiers ai rineaursi uuiem . i,nr livo hoATt Tii Afl 1 1 v oYnmtnprf and eaoe or came irom nuu-Biuv i territory into stock law territory biui iuiotu u"rat"' through the county gates. . Aiiogetner i employes were em- Th law eovernlng the case re- ineu, so oi wiubu are nuiu,eu u stricted the plaintiff to the recover the Carolina Hotel alone. The hotels of damages to the amount cl the mspeciea are uaroima, nuuywUUu impounding charges and nominal Inn, Berkshire,. Plnecrest Ipn, and damages of one dollar. Country Club." In the case of Houtz vo Ange et als the .plaintiff took a non tult as : " to Ange after the court had ordered , "ROXANNA" IN POUT a non suit as to W. T. Sprulll, one of the defendants. This case was The yacht Roianna DT disposed of Tuesday. . Large Anderson, former smbassador The case of ths Baltimore Pulver- t0 . and Mlnlitar tn Rnlrlnm Izlng Company vs. L. L. Winder was WM on the wtjr of th8 EUaabtn taken up Wednesday city Shipyard Company Tuesday. rr,.v Tne Ranna was on her way to CELEBRATES NINTH BIRTHDAx Charlegtoni WBere Mf Anderion w, ' await her arrival, vo.tpr Lorrimer Mldgett enter- in-j . number of his little friends 0 Lt hls-hom. on Burgess Street Tues- .v nKAn day p. m. In honor oi ms m u..v.. j - mTwerO?iyed ' reached h.r. Tuesday of ths presents. Many m wars P7 dflath of Mf Q 0verm and delicious refreshments we , hom8 ,n Derk,ey Mrs. 0Tirniail Served. ; .. h a.(A. of D A Mnmn nf thfa 0 (By Associated Press) Washington, Feb. 11. The result of. the railroad wage conference to day between Director General Hlnes snd representatives of employees will probably determine whether the rail roads will be tied up by a strike be fore the government 'surrenders con-, t'rol. The situation is regarded as criti- cal by the Railroad Administration and union officials. The conference set for this morn ing was postponed until 3:30 this af ternoon. BOOTES IN CONTROL ODESSA And Ten Thousand Refugees Are on Ships in Harbor Awaiting Escape v Constantinople, Feb. U. The 1st- est Information received here from Odessa says that the Bolshevik army now controls the city. Ten thousand refugees are on ships in the hsrbor awaiting a change to escape. . . Ths American destroyer Blddle is enroute to Constansa with refugees. , . O SAYS MIDDLE CLASSES ON ROAD TO RUIN London, Jan. 6. (By The Associ ated Press.) Sir H. Rider Haggard, the author, believes the middle , classes of England are on the "road to ruin." -This opinion he expressed in a letter to the general secretary ' of the Middle Classes Union, regret- ling that other work prevented him from assuming the presidency ot a branch of the union. 'I sympathize fully with your movement," he wrote. "The middle , classes, by which I take to mean all beneath the rank of Peers who v do ' not actually earn their living by the work of their hands are, without .j doubt en the road to ruin. Owing principally, or at any rate very large- ' y to the Incredible expense of rear- . ng and educating children their - ilrthrate is decreasing In a most ilurmlng fashion and probably 1 Is now exceeded by their deathrate." . .. He declared that against these .. classes the profiteer Is given a free lianti and that "under pretence of a nebulous Anti-Dumping Bill they are now threatened with ths loss of . the blessings of free trade which . enables many with fixed, or dwlndk- , ing Incomes, to live at all." He said that 'only combination to protect themselves and their Interests could save tlrem. It the middle class remain dls ... united and In consequence are bullied and plundered to death, as happened. to" the Curlales before the tall of ths Roman Empire, I am sure that with them will disappear the wealth and .. the ancient greatness of our coun- -try," he concluled. o OIL LAND BILL TO PRESIDENT ECZELIAN8 MEET MONDAY The Euxelian Sunday School Class Thoss present were: Hsrry jonu- r.-l. Dntihv t Jt1t. Oll- SOn, rnuip ' ver Gilbert. Jr., Dsvld gtrsughn, Bur- . -nun Asher Scott, Jullsn Scott, l"':" v.-.. urn. Juiisn Will iwuu.u, "'"" -: r RlackwftU Memorial Thnrch . lll Baper.V Vernon r--r . m, at 'wltn Mrs. W T Svke. on Broad street Monday night at 7:!0. This Is a farewell meeting In honor ot Mrs. Sykes who hss been oas of the best workers in ths clsss : snd leaves next week, for her new horns In another county. It Is hoped thst all Eusellans who csn do so will bs present. ; O , MEMORIAL SERVICE SUNDAY Ths W. C. T. U. will hsvs a Pas tes E. Wlllsrd memorial service on 8unday sftersooa at three-thirty o'clock at ths First Methodist church. . O W. L. Wilson of Moyock was Is the city Wsdnssdsy. , ter Jr.. Wslter Bauer, vui.. - gett. Delbert Dudley, Kollns Dsnlels. 5ohn Chsdwlck. Leslie Armstrong, kelth Saunders. Misses Mary Btd Mders. Kathrlns M.an, Ismm Houts, Evelyn Mldgett Leaahi Msr rrstt Rogers, cnxsoem -KAw Twltord. Dot snd Lillsn Twl- er, Maxlns Hopams. Hasel TUlett . - Mr and" Brs. Percy FeVebes ot JJrr.w..r. . on a VUIMO -J. rerebee'i pareaU. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. rerebes on Bsrgess tre- (By Asiwclated Pre) Washington, Feb. 11. The snsct ment ot the oil-land; leasing bill was eompleted today with ths, adoption of the conference report by ths Sen ate. Ths bill now goes to ths Presi dent for bis signature. ' . 0-; ( DESCRIBED AS FINE GESTURE But Crude Americans Might Co So Far As To Call, Crown Prince Martjrrful Poaer ' , Amsterdam, Feb. 11 Former .Crown Prince Wllhelm sent his tel egram to the heads ot the Allied gov ernments offering to surrender him self ia the plsce ot ths Germans on ths extradition list slmost on ths Im pulse ot ths moment, according to an Interview published la a Dutch news paper which describes wllhelm's ac tion as a "beautiful teitare." O- OCT AFTER ILLNESS Walter Wood Is out sftsx several dsys Illness st his boms oa West Msln street, ..- O W. H. Wsatherly, Br, left Wed nesday tol New Bern ts attend the freight rats hearing there. V

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