' ' - ' . .. - .'v , v ' ' - ' . . . .. ' . ' , ' ' V. , , - I FATHER ' lose by It" ' " ' ' s2 02Sy and Friday. Moderate northwest ' DonJmin Franklin. '-, '. 1 ' v ' " -", , . , faJ I : y-- - r' winds. 4 VOL.V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBR UARY 26fi 1920 NO. 49 ' , i o - r v: V; 8 0 INSTRUCT VOTE AGAINST REED .. . . ' Jasper, County, Missouri, Dem ocrats Denounce Senator As '' Disorganizer of Party (By Associated Press) , JopllnMo. Feb. 26 Jasper Coun ty Democrat! in convention atWebb City last night unanimously adopted a resolution denouncing Senator Reed as' a "disorganizer of the 'Democra tic. 'party." The county's delegation to the State Convention was instructed to Vpte against him for delegate to 'the National Convention. -0- Jack Johnson Says He's Coming Back Former Heavy Weight Cham pion Pugilist Has Long Been Fugitive "From Justjce (By Associated Pretes) New York, Feb. 26 If Jack John son, former neavyweignt cnampion the world, lives up to his express- determination to return to this country and surrender himself to the authorities within the nekt few weeks nls action . will terminate a long period of wandering through foreign! climes. Johnson who has 'been, convicted of violating the Maan act, slipped out of the United States nearly seven rears ago. He '. has been sentenced at Chicago to serve one year and one day in prison and to pay a flns of one thousand dollars out he forfeited his ball and after evading the Federal authorities, land ed Itf Canida in June, 1918.. When Johnson left Chicago he started: on a journey which; brought him through most of the European and Latin-American countries. Dur ing his period of wandering Johnson initiated Russians In the mysteries of wrestling and boxing, 'appeared In vaudeville in English music halls, fought bulls in Spain and Mexico, lost his championship title to Jess Willard at Havana, Cuba and tookJ part In over one hundred wing fights In several parts of the two hemis pheres. When the war broke out in Eu rope Johnson and his wife were in Moscow, Russia. Aided by some military ffrlends the pair secured places aboard the last train leaving Moscow for the west. They passed through Poland and Germany and crossed the Belgian frontier, finally reaching Paris. Later Johnson went to England and later to South Amer lea. From Buenos Aires he returned ' to Spain where he lived for some two years.v Last summer Johnson arriv ed in Mexico via Cuba and up to 'a few years ago was a resident of. Mex ico City. !Hla gamut of experience as a fu gatlve will soon conclude according to his own statement with a return to the United States as he desires to . live at 'home again no matter what punishment the courts of Justice may , Inflict on him. With this object in, view, Johnson Is expected to arrive here within a 'short time from Vera Crus with the intention of surrender ing to the federal officials at Chicago. 0 "LITTLE GIRL .DEAD ' News was received here Wednes day of the death of little Margaret Marie Oasiins bt Norfolk..' ' Her parents, Mrr-and Mrs. Fred Gasklns were formerly of this city, Mrs. Gasklns, before her marriage was Miss Gladys" Richardson; daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. .James Richard- soft of this city.' The body was ta been brought to Elizabeth pity for burial but the mother of the little girl Is extremely' til with Influenza and Mr. Gasklns is In -the United States Navy, so Interment, was made ; in Norfolk. .. Russia Offers To Make Peace Lodon, Feb. 26 The Russian Bol ; shevikl government has 'aent notes i to the United States, Japan, and Ru , ! mania offering peace with 86viet Rus ; sla,'aecordlngtq a .Moscow wireless. ' ' - Q - ' FOR SALE LOT ON WEST MAIN street meat Besirable property In ; - Elizabeth City torbuildlng home or good Investment. ' See Geoge t Wright at Standard Phramacy. r., ,t 4 '- ' I V--' - r ' TO STANDARDIZE QUALITY OF GAS State Corporation Commission Taking Up Question of Regu lating Quality of Gas Sup- - plied. (Spedlal to The Advance) Raleigh, Feb. 26 Through repre sentatives of (he Bureau of Standards at Washington, the State Corpora tion Commission expects to standard ize the gas service furnished by the companies in North Carolina. The commission has taken the matter up with A. I. Phillips of the Bureau and" has agreed to send men into the State for the purpose of Investigating the quality of the gas now being pro duced by every gas company in North Carolina, as well as.the service being rendered. , The quality of the service Is the main point in contest in the case which is now pending from Winston Salem. The Winston Salem gas com pany contends 'that it is impossible to furnish a better grade of service unless more revenue is obtained through increased rates.' The city of Winston Salem contends that the patrons of the gas company are not willing to pay the increased rates un til it Is represented to them that they will be given better service and a better grade of, gas. , With a set of uniform regulations which the oommisslon will receive from the information and suggestions furnished it by the Bureau, experts, it Is pointed out that something tan gible wilt oe at hand Upon' which the Winston Salem case and .other cases of ,a slmjlar. nature may be decided. If this schedule is , adopted by the commission It will be made applica ble to all gas companies la the State. . o i ; i ; "i " HUNGARY ASKS LOAN - ; :-p .O- BudapW Feb. 1 .26 Hungary's peace delegation asked that Hunga rian prisoners of war be repatriated and has asked Japan and the, United States, for loans to carry on this work MEET THURSDAY NIGHT TO , , V, ORGANIZE POULTRY ASS'N. .All who are 'Interested la organis ing a D6ultrr association In Pasquo- taakCount? are asked to meet in the County Farm Agents office in the Federal Building Thursday night" at seven4hirty.-i'f".1 ; y- ri. PADEREWSKI RETIRES I . TO COMPOSE MUSIC London, Feb. 86- Paderewski, former Polish Premier, will never ap pear on the concert-atage again,1 nor will he. re-enter politics, according to a Dally Mall dispatch from Swit zerland. 4 I'aderewskl hopes to devote the remainder of his life to composing limbic. SUES TO RECOVER STOREJIXTUES ! While Sarkis Tady Was Sup- posed to be Dead His Clerk Sold His Property Too Low. Raleigh, Feb. 'fa'; is '"death" being pretty well established 4n the minds of friends, and especially in the mind of a clerk in his Clinton store when he had neither spoke nor moved for four days. Sarkla Tady has Instituted proceedings against C. F. Collins St Sons who bought a Part of his store fixtures when it was repre sented to them that Sarkis had cross ed tbetgreat divide. The exaggerated account of the Ra leigh man's ' death was sent broad cast over the State, friends Journeyed here to attend the burial ceremony and but for the inability of his loved ones to agree as to the-kind of cas ket, his remains should be placed in 8arkls Tady, his friends say, would have been the. object of a very, mean jokethat of full burial services In advance of hi actual death. It was while an' argumont was "underway by friends and relatives who ,'had gathered about the Tady ' bier that the ."corpse" straightened ' up ' and Inquired why the talk of oaskets and funeral proceeselons. Ho was far, ffom death's door, and made it very plain' that his "burial certainly ought to , be postponed .for the time being our of respect to the living. , Returning to his place of business On South .Washington street he found that, his business had been conducted even as be would have 1 But at his Clinton store It ,Wa's re vealed that his clerk alter receiving notice of his "death" sold part of his store fixtures to C. F. Colltts. &,Bons, Clinton merchants: ... ' ' v - ' k- .Salt has been, started: in Wake bounty Superior-. Court' , by " Tady against the purctiasers of his Clinton tore equipment tov obtain the full MUST LIST STOCK AT FULL VALUE Merchants Required Under Re valuation Act to List Stocks At Full Value Regardless Of Indebtness in Purchasing Them. (Special to the Advance) Raleigh. Feb. 26 In order to clear up a general misunderstanding which seems to have been put On th matter of indebtedness of merchants, the Sta,te Tux Commission has Issued a statement. which makes It plain that (le(luctionsvHlHuld not be made when the merchandise carried In the stores are listed. ' Recently a number of inquiries have been received by the commiss ion as to the point in question, In dicating that It was not understood just how to go about it. The following statement has been mad a public: "Stocks of goods should be listed at their actual value. Indebtedness owing by the merchant cannot be de ducted from the value of the goods) on hand, whether such indebtedness Is fgr the-purnhase price of goods or otherwise. ' The merchant is also Re quired to list all solvent credits, and he can 'deduct from such credits any Indebtedness owing him at the time. PLAN TO ( KLEBRATB MAY FLOWER TERCENTENARY ,Plymounth, England, Feb. 9 Correspondence of the Associated Press) A, branch of the Anglo American Society to aid in the cele bration In September of the' tercen tenary of the "MayAower" and Pil giam Fathers has been j organised here. A suggestion was made that Plymouth subscribe to a special gift to be sent to Plymouth, Mass, FOB SALE TWO riOUSES AKD lots. ' Water and lights. Good con dition. Terms reasonable.; Apply to W. S. Overman,. 110 Broad st. feb 23 6t pd value of the articles bought. It Is Tady's contention that his clerk dls- J posed of his fixtures at a price far below .the true value, and he Is ask ing thai! the court order the return of his fixtures. or their true value. Vice-President's, Adopted Son Dies Washlrigton('Feh. '26 Morrison Marshall, the yonu adopted son of the yice President died to-day ofter a brief illness from .acidosis. The child had been ' tor , three years a member of the Vice Presi dent's family. He was never legally adopted. He was taken to Mr. Mar Hindi's home when ten months old from a diet kitchen here where his mother, employed as a chamber maid, left him because v her duties occupied her time day and night. The Vice President and his wife have no children and the boy was first taken to their apartments for a visit by Mrs. Marshall who was touched by the child's plight. Marshall and his wife became so attached to him that with the con sent of his mother they made him a member of their family Open Revolt Has Flickered Out (By Associated Press) Iron River, Michigan, Feb. 26 the armed forces of federal agents who came here to "put flown the li quor rebellion in the Upper Michigan penjnusuia." today have been with drawn and the "open revolt" has flickered out. Dalrymple's announced Intention to arrest Iron County officials as par ties to the 'rebellion" has been aban doned under orders from National Prohibition Commissioner, Kramer. : -o NEW YORK. DEMOCRATS HOLD MEETING TODAY Albany, Feb. 26 New York State Democrats held an unofficial conven tion today to select delegates at large and alternates tor the National Con vention and to adopt a platform. WOMAN AND CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH Montreal, Feb. 26 Mrs. M. Greg ory and her four children were burned to death In the home today. The mother and the two day old bnhy were on. the second floor when tne other children down stairs acci 'dentally set tiro to the house. MEEKINS DELEGATE TO CHICAGO 1. M. Meekins was elected delegate to the Republican National conven tion at Chicago at the Republican concessional convention held at Ply mouth Wednesday. Wheeler Martin was elected alternate, and Henry T. King of Greenville, presidential elec U r. Attending the meeting frojn Eliza beth City were I. M. Meekins, C. It. Pugh, and J. W. Johnson. 1. M. Meekins, C. It. Pugh, and J. (J. A. Wood are delegates to the State Republican CoSventlon at Greensboro having been elected at the Republi can County convention here last Sat urday. 0 ASK VETO RAILROAD BILL Washington, Feb. 26 Represen-, tatlves of the Railroad Brotherhoods and of the Farmers National Conn, cil Called at the White House today to ask the President to veto the compromise railroad bill. 0 WHAT 18 "INABILITY?" Washington, Feb. 26 What con stitutes the "inability of the Presi dent of the United States to perform his duties" was discussed today by the House Judiciary committee In opening hearings on tour measures related to. the subject. . rj FUNERAL LOGAN Ev SMITH The funeral of Logan Smith was conducted from the home ' of bis father in law, Theo D Mann on Front street, Thursday' morning at teh-thlr-ty, by Rev. H. K. Wllams. , - ' Mr. Smith was killed by a tall at Newport News while at his work as electrician. He was a member of the United States Submarine Corps and two years ago had been married to Miss Jessie C. Mann of this city. , Besides hie wife he is survived by two. brothers, John " Smith and Roman Smith of Norfolk; and, two liters, Mra -Harney M. Parker of enneylvanla, " and, Mis. ', Chss. M. Schomsn of Milwaukee. . s . ,1 , .'. .;..". "I. NO MENACE OF USWJTHDRAWAL But President Wilson's Message -To Allies Insists On Adoption ' Of Adriatic Plan As Agreed -London, Feb. 26 The President's note to" the Supreme Council regard-' lng Adriatic settlement Is ready for consideration this morning, . t Altho officials made no statement ' relative to its contents, it Is .under- t " stood not to contain the menace of , America's wothdrawal from European V' affairs but insists upon the adoption of the Adriatic plan as agreed upon on December 9th. HE MADE ruiuc Washington, Feb. 26 The lioes exchanged between the President and Entente Premiers on the Arlatlb set tlement will be made public late to day It is estimated that they will total 12,000 words. -T-t o ','.; Red Cross Seeks Community Nurse 5, And Is Endeavoring to Co-oper ', ate With All Welfare Agen cies in County, Especially " ' Supt. Vann. The Elisabeth City Red Cross Ex; . ' ecutlve Committee 'met Wednesday and teok up 'further1 the matter of securing a community nurse for Kits c i ' . abeth City. Doctors Fearing and ' Peters who were asked to assist the Red Croea in securing a nurse ex-' ' ', , plained that every effort is being made to secure a graduate nurse for 7 this work but so far without success, . ; .; though they have been in commuBjp, cation with the national headquarters . of the Red Cross, with the National jf oclal workers exchange and also with U the associated charities o? a number f of large cltle. It is hoped that when the lnfluensa epidemic has abated ft nurse may be secured. . , ', t In an effort to secure better co-or-. dinatlon of the work of the County Welfare Agent with that of the Red... Cross, Superintendent of Welfare- t .Vann was dlrctod to Investigate cases t , of need coming under his observation and report them to the Red Cross. L The local chapter Is now doing the- ' work In the city formerly looked af-' 4 , ter by theassociated Charities. . 0 DEFENDS CLAIM , OF AUSTRALIA ' Sydney, Australia Jan. 26 Aus-, " " s tralia's. claim to the right to have one vote In the Council of the ' ' Ltague f Natolons was defended by '.V..V Sir Joseph Cooo, Minister of th J Nevy who was a delegae tp the Peace Conference In a recent speech here:' Commenting on the attitude of a sec- Hon of the United States Senate toi " ) t wafd the League he said: i "America Is making objection to clause X 'n the League's charter. The objection is political from arst ,. last. I h(l!eve that when the Presidential election Is over all ob- A Jectin will end. On the Question of Austrian representation in the Coun- , ; ' -ell of the League, Sir Joseph ssid? . . "Tho Amarlfani 1a1 htr GLanatA , " . Lotrts aay that the British Emlpre ;, should have only one vote., Senator : I. Lodge's party obpects to the Empire . , , having five or six times the voting ' " power of the United States. It is not a fair statement. All the ather ,' ' states In America have onevote." . : . . Sir Joseoh ehumerated under this ' ' head Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, ' Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Haiti, , '' Nicaragua. Panama Peru and Uru- guay, aifd plonted. out that the pop- ,i ujrftlon of these countries were y largely Indian or negro. "The South American states," he continued,-. "1 ave twelve votes. How do tbe British Dominions stand! .NSw Zea-' " ' r lard, Canada, Australia, South Af- ' , " rloa, India each Has only one vote. - ' J, v .Australia's sacrifices in the war , . 10,006 dead were greater than ! , America's, and all died in an effort 'V to make America safe. America was tor three, or four years oui ot the , war while Australia was helping to v . keep her free. ' : . " . , ' "It has bben said that there Is no,- . force by which to carry out the ? Treaty. . There Is no force In the k J , penalty of ostracism and the boycott.- ' ,- '' No . nation, unlese It can conquer the , world, can Ignore these penalties." '-Vf. " -' , k

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