THE ADVANCE DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY PEELE & PEELE . Publisher HERBERT PEELE Editor in Chief . MRS. nERDERT PEELS JOSEPH PEELE ' Associate Editors MEMBER OP Tire ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is excln- sively entitled to the use for re- publication of news dispatches omwIHmI tn it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news puuusnea tnerein. - SUBSCRIPTION BATES: DAILY 12 months by mail or carrier $4.00 0 months by mail or carrier 2.00 1 week by carrier 10c , attMJ-WEEKLY 13 months 91-00 0 months ' S0 ' Tha fnreffoins rates apply only to anbacriDtknia Dftld In advance. All mari ar rhurced at the ratO of 10c week. (Subscriptions by mall are not entered ior a snorter penuu uiou one month. Entered at the Dostofflce at Elizabeth City, N. Cm as second class matter. ADVERTISEMENTS . should be in the Advance office at least one day previous to the date of ' publication. Advertise- ments received after eight o'clock in the morning for publication the same day are accepted on the under- standing that their inser- tion cannot be guaran- teed. Dollars saved now bear more than interest. For the time is at hand when dollars are going to increase in value Prices have reached their peak generally speaking. The farmer, as The Advance knows him, puts in a good part of his time berating labor. And ao The Advance can see no so lid basis ,of common sentinjent as a foundation for the so-called labor-farmer coalition in North Carolina- o We see by the papers that Superintendent Jennings is sav ing the County money on cray on, brooms, floor oil and other school supplies Good work .. for the County Superintendent of Education ! Picture of Elizabeth City belle has been stolen from the photographer's show case. Per haps some swain grew weary of seeing the public feast its eyes on a face that he thinks would be displayed to advan tage over his coffee pot. Ral eigh Times. Be cure io cod E&r Clods It's a remarkable clock nes nowmd?g An inexpensive standard dry battery 'tucked ' away in the base keeps the Tiffany a-ticking (or year or more. . Beautiful accurate unique - a most .appreciated gift"" essentia to home "-"office store. Come ln and look at this great innovation -the first revolution in three centuries of 'dock history. S V . . -11 C fcRIGHT COMPANY Irgl Jewelers la Eastera , orta Carolina , - I. - THE WOMANS ' PwA l-.r r"-"TV '1 -jUt - cfi if i ?, REDFERi ODRSET SHOP -i j is io (jeriif is a Gradu $edern Corpei Snop Scftoof ff and is fuffy yuaified in ifio lrCrt of Corset fitting and 'fcemiionS wiit a prucHcaffcnowCtffie of stocK-Keepintf and Witness our7fand &Scaf The above is a fac-smile of a diploma held by our Corset fitter which assures all those who need corset advice, or a more comfortable fitting corset of the very best service available here or elsewhei This service is free to you being only one of the many ways in which we are trying to serve the women of this city and section. Our new Spring Corsets and Brassieres are now on display Conic In and have your now corset properly fitted by an ex. pert, graduate corscticr. We handle Kedferu, Wurncr's and Frolasot Corsets Front or Back laced Three of the very best makes of corset in America M. LEIGH SHEEP CO. WOMAN'S WEAR HE WEARS WELL Secretary Case of the Eliz abeth City Chamber of Com merce spoke so well at the Bankers Meeting in Edenton Monday on "Business and the Business Man" that Elizabeth City people wanted to hear the speech, too. And so Mr. Case will deliver his address at the First Baptist. Church Sunday night- If you can arrange it, you'll want to hear him. He has a way of mixing up religion and business that is altogether wholesome and helpful. When first you hear Mr Case you are impressed immediately by the ease with which he speaks. But everafter you are impressed by the fact that he has thought out something to say on that parti cular subject and for that par ticular occasion. Consequently he has a definite message to de liver and he delivers it well. o if you've heard him before qn another subject you need not be -afraid that he will say the same thing. He doesn't do it TRY A WAN-TAD The Advance "Wan-Tad" gets results. The Little Editor advertised Thursday - for a white rabbit, the telephone jin gled with Inquiries until nine WEAR STORE (?) : .i r -. i, -. : Tx t: r ' - .'J,- lit" ... S.i . . J - -' , , . Jill- 5 ate or ScUrtrf- o'clock at night and by ten o'clock on Thursday morning Peter Rabbit was bought and paid for. Some time ago J- W. Munden advertised for an iron safe. The first insertion brought no an swer but the next insertion brought a number; and as a result Mr. Munden bought just One of the best tonics you can take this season is a liberal three times s day yeat made up of our standard foods. The way to keep well Is to eat the best provisions. The way to keep g-ood-natursd while doing it Is to do your grocery shopping here. "PHOME FOS ITT CIT &K I t aut I : si 1! " f Is 1 irV rwl CITY JTA the safe he wanted at half i price. Whether it's something to buy or sell, try a "Wan-Tad" A fifty cent advertisement has been known to save a buyer fifty dollars. MISS WELLS ENTERTAINS Miss Margaret Wells delightfully entertained a number of her friends Thursday arfternoon The party assembled at the High School and were escorted by her teach er, Miss Marie LeRoy, to the Alkra ma theater. After enjoying the matinee they visited Scott & Twlddy's, where all en Joyed Ice cream and candles. The little party was in honor of Miss Wells' eleventh birthday. TheHarley College, London, England, he gueats presented her with many gifts .was ordained minister at the famous and good wishes. THE UNION MEETING CANNOT BE HELD The Camden-Currituck Union Meet lng scheduled to be held at Shlloh Baptist Church on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week has been postponed on account of influenza thruout this section. 0 J. L. Decormis of Shawboro was In the city Thursday. Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Known as Snake Oil Will Positively Relieve Pain in a Few Minutes Try It right now for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen Joints, pain in the head, Back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one application pain usually disap pears as if by magic. A new remedy used Internally and i gregations. externally for Coughs, Colds, Croup,! The. strain of this work upon his Influenza, Sore Throat, Diphtheria undermlned constitution proved too aniiT511ltl8' . At itoo severe and he suffered a nervous This Oil is conceded to be the most i. . . . . . . . ... . , 'breakdown, from which now, how- penetrating remedy known. jt8 "u prompt and Immediate effect in re-!ever- he has coraPletely recovered, lievlng pain is due to the fact that Moved by a desire to serve his fellow it penetrates to the affected parts at ! men he has recently written a letter once. As an Illustration, pour ten drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and it will penetrate this sub stance through and through in three minutes. Accept no substitute. This great oil is golden red color only. Manu factured by Herb Juice Medicine Company. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale by Albemarle Pharmacy. PARKER'S FRIDAY & SATUDRAY SPECIALS Best Patent Flour Barrell In Wood $13.50 Half Barrel! Bags, Bbl. .$13-25 delt-Kismg Hour, Barrel! In Wood $13.90 This is an extra special and you will do well to stock up at these prices. Wafer Sliced Dried Beef, per lb 55c. Sliced Breakfast Bacon, lb . 55c Best Sugar-Cured Hams, per lb 36c 25c Can Salmon for . . . .21c Evaporated Milk, Large Cans 14c Pennsylvania Buckwheat per lb 9c Phones 256 and 396 1B.'KIIM . Successors To, D. R. Morgan & Co. Cor Poindexter and Church Sts c lllir MINISTER VICTIM Rev. Dudley B. Ashford, Noted . Preacher and Lecturer, Well Known On Three Continents Was Ordered to Give Up Work. Reverend Dudley B. Ashford Is an extraordinary man. Although still on the sunny side of forty, he has crowded more service to human Ity into a few years than most men (accomplish in a life time. i Soon after his graduation from i New Court Congregat'onal church, London. A short time thereafter he waj selected to preesnt the cause of Congo Reform and African Missions i before the people of Norway, and toured that land with such success !that he was greeted by enormous ' crowds at every meeting, I In 1908, under the auspices of the I Colonial MIslonary Society he was sen to New Zealand and for three years labored as a missionary among the Maoris, where his experiences were novel and thrilling. In 1916 he returned to England and served for thre years at Wood Street Congregational church, Cardiff) South Wales, the biggest Congrega tional church in he British Empire. It was while here that he fell one of the early victims of the great 1918 flu epidemic, an attack from which he. had not fully recovered when he accepted a call to the Queen's Road Congregational church, St.. Jonh's Newfoundland, where his forceful pleaching soon attracted record con- that tells how he was restored to health and strength. Moved By Gratitude This letter, addresed to the Tanlac Co.. Atlanta, Ga., is an eloquent ex pression of gratitude and is as fol lows: "Gentlemen: Your medicine, known as 'Tanlac,' has been such an inestimable blessing to me that I feel constrained to write and tell you so. In October, 1918, while a min ister of the Wood Street Congrega tional Church, ardff, South Wales, I had a severe attack of Spanish in Ifluenza, from the effects of which I i I never fully recovered. I lost twenty eight pounds in weight and was un able to recover my usual energy. "The, in February, 1919, I be came the Minister of the Queen's Road Congregational church at St. John's Newfoundland. My ministry wag attended with great success, but the strain proved too great for me a serious breakdown. My and I had Moose Meeting TO-NIGHT All members of L. O. O. M. are wanted in their Club Rooms to night at 7.30 o'clock. Business of Importance Don't Fail BR07N"0X-BL00D SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES '. Also PASTES and LIQUIDS for Black, lan and White Hat.. DALUT COMOftATKS LTD, IF Rev. Dudley B. Ashford, Noted Preacher, Lecturer and Missionary nerves seemed to go all to pieces and my digestion became ao derang ed that I could eat scarcely anything My heart gave me a lot of trouble; it was an effort to walk up stairs and at night I used to lie awake in continual dread lest my heart should stop beating altogether. "Then as a result of exposure one winter's night In a small boat, while in the execution of my duties, I was seized with violent pain in the right shoulder and arm, which nearly drove me to distraction. I consult ed doctors and specialists and under went massage and electrical tr3at nient, without getting ' much relief, I was ordered to give up all preach ing and public work for at ljast three months and I began to fear that my health was permanently af fected. . . . . He Had Been Skeptical . . , . "I had always been rather skepti cal of the testimonials concerning the merits of any medicine, but one day I read the sstatement of a man whose symptoms seemed to be iden tical with my own, and his praife of Tanlac rang so true that I decided to give it a trial myself. I bought a bottle and its effect was almost Im mediate. My nervous condition be gan to disappear and I began to sleep at night. My appetite so Increased that I could scarcely salisfy It, and I found myself putting on rate rapid ly. By the time I had taken the fourth bottle, the pains in my arm and shoulder disappeared and I am feeling better today than for a long time past. "I feel that I should be guilty of base ingratitude if I did not write and-tell you wha a boon Tanlac has been to me, and I give you this un solicited testimonial to use as you may think best, in the hope that others mya fine in your wonderful m dlclne the means to restored health and strength." All druggists sell Tanlac. adv. to be Present Shoe - . BUFFALO. Hlf. -J -