"MY BON, deal with men x who advertise, yon will never lose by ltM Benjamin Franklin. WEATHER , Fair and continuing cold to night and Tuesday VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA,MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, 1920 NO. 52 .. , , . , . -. -v y , ' ' ... , 1 DARE LUMBER COMPANY ACQUIRED D? PROMINENT BANKERS AND LUMBERMEN v-" r-' ' . ; 'v ISJew Personnel Already In Posession And Wheel of Industry Soon to Turn On Bigger h X rf And Better Basis r , ' 7 The Advance is reliably informed that the property of the TOare Lumber Company has been acquired by a group of Bal timore and New York business men, who are now in possession and have already set iff motion the machinery 1 to restore the aaw mill plant to its former good physical condition. A new corporation is being f , - 1T5 " " .TO ARRANGE FOR Company will be started' on full time as soon as the abso lutely necessary repairs are completed. v The personnel of the new or ganization has not yet been an nounced but it can be reliably stated that the syndicate that purchased the property was formed by E- Newton of Bal timore and New York in conne tion with some bankers and.lum bermen of Baltimore. Mr. Newton is a banker and president of the Anthracite Coal Mining Company. Among those locally interest- ger or manageri who. will do the work d in the new Company will be lrom headquarters established In Ral Walter S. Taylor, who is well known here- He is a success ful lumberman of wide exper- Page men will depart from the usual iee, and will prob.My direct V'.'S 2J 5 Si the operating policy Of the new j appoint three or five men on a cam- corporation. Mr. Taylor first paign committee which will const!- became interested in North Car PAGE CAMPAIGN Conference To Be Held At Ral eigh Tuesday To Perfect Or ganization ft Raleigh, March 1 Tbe conference called by Robert N. Page, candidate for governor, some time ago and which waa postponed at the last minute beauce of the influenza epi demic will be held here to-wday or to-morrow, It was learned. It is the purpose of the Page men to perfect an organisation for waging a cam paign against Max Oarder and Cam eron Morrison. Some steps will also be taken to name a campaign mana- eigh. Following the announcement made recently by Candidate Morrison the ;tute the managership. olina timber over twenty years ago, and has in the last few years been more intimately identified with this immediate section through his extensive investments in farm lands, prin cipally the Providence Farms of Moyock. While the names of the other men concerned in this purchase have not been Movement Not For Organic Union 0 Declares General Secretary Of Interchurch World Move-J ment Says Merely Work-J ing Alliance i J MUCH. NKtS SOMfc I hi v.;:. ohc Tsa -HAS SURE- X ; TAl WT. BACK "HOtA. T THtV I BACK. THfr bPf YREtfT W ttlattT I iC l.J : ' PRESIDENT TO REPLYAT ONCE To Suggestion of Premiers Rel ative' to Solution of Problem By Direct Negotiations Be tween Italy and Jugo-Slavia PASSED BACK If 0 HANDS OF OWNERS New York Feb. 28 S. Earl Tay- Transfer Made So Noiselessly That Travelling Public Notes No Change. Director General Clearing Up Business Details But Without Authority Over Operations Tar Heels Taught - In Army Schools Four Men Who Could Not Read Or Write Learn In Five Months What Average Child Learns In Six Years Washington, Mearch 1 The Railroad Administration to day passed out of existence and the two hundred and thirty In. Hanaro 1 Hoprotnrv nf thn Inter- made public, it is known that chu;ch World Movement, made offi Hhey are business men of ex-denial this afternoon, at the. New perience and financial sub-j.York Headquarters, that the inter stance. W. A. Worth is general j church World Movement Is In any i Iwav concerned with matters of or- couns io r e v . lganic church union. Recent reports lines that were merged into one giganic system again came and has been instrumental in confuslng the C0:0peratiTe purposes j under ivate t interesting this group of busi- of this organization with various i v ness men in the acquisition of church union enterprises caused in-1 The transfer was made with the Dare holdings. ! uirv t0 be made ln New York iTom out incident and . there was . 1 nothing to indicate to the trav- was In the .. ... ,, , ,, ' , olinrr TMihli' That tnoro non fnrm nf fitplperam to E. R. Choler- r in the Courts of New York and ton of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Mr. , been a change. Pennsylvania over the stocks choierton quoted a newspaper dis-j Director General Hines re and bonds of the Dare Lumber patch printed in the South, identify i msins to clear up thousands of The litigation that has been m sources- A . . , Dr. Taylor s denial Company arising from the suits the terchurch world Move-i.Li.-j x. t r ment with the Philadelphia Confer- OtlVU KJJ VilV XllO Mi. U11VV Will missioners of New York and Pennsylvania" to unravel the fi nancial complications due to the aptivities of George F Mont gomerr and Messrs Birdsye in connexion with the Pittsburg Life Insurance and Trust Com- vpany, has as a result of this purchase been entirely settled o claims, contracts and 'griev- onim Knf la wifhmit Alifhnrifv ence of Church Union, which begins . ' 1 to-morrow. Dr. Taylor', telegram . over me operation oi me roaas LEYLAND LINER STRUCK ROCKS Hundred and Eighty-Four Pas senger Rescued By Tugs Says Radio Mesage k Halifax, March 1 The . Loyland liner, Bohemian, bound from Boston to Liverpool, struck the- rocks torty miles east of SamWo . to-day accor ding to a radio message received here . The one hundred and eighty pas sengers are said to have been , res. cued by tugs. 1 , 0- -.f:.: MEET TUESDAY NIGHT -TO ORGARXIZK POULTRY ASS'N All who are Interested In organls. ln s poultry association in Pasquo tank county are asked to meet In the County' Farm Agents office In the Federal Building Tuesday night at seven-thirty. said: "Interchurch' World Movement is no way connected with any move ment for organic union. Individual members doubtless have their own opinions which may be favorable or unfavorable but the Movement from the beginning has expressed its con viction Bthat all matters relating to organic union should be referred to other bodies which are giving their specific attention to this matter." The Interchurch World Movement, as Dr. Taylor explained, Is a working f MILTO.V WEST DEAD Milton West died at four o'clock Saturday afternoon at his home on West Fearing street after a week's illness which began with influenza land ran into pneumonia. He was twenty.elght years old and had been for many years with John Wells job printing establishment where he was known for his faith ful steady work and bis loyalty to his employer. He was affectionately FRENCH STRIKE PROVES FAILURE Believed Railwaymen Will Soon Compromise. Five Strike Leaders Arrested To day alliance of the various agencies, such ; nicknamed "Gam" and everybody as missionary societies, of the de. 1 in town knew and liked "Gum West." nominations, individual churches He umpired base ball games for the . uaU. amateurs, and was well liked by and smaller religious bodies, wag Q on(j ftf practical co-operation In conducting, town characterS( and wU1 be gen the business affairs of evengelical . ra,Jy m,Med. , ' ' America, all the various bodies, be- He sunriTed by his mother, Mrs. longing to it preserving their aUton- j Ada West; by six sisters, Mrs. J. B. omy in every respect but studying to Doles and- Mrs Thomas Zlrkle of work out nroerams of action In har-iDendron, Virginia, Mrs. Frank Up- mony. Dr. William Hiram Foulkes, Vfb,e- chalrman of the Executive com mittee of the Movement explained that the meeting referred to Is thai of a committee appointed two years Paris, March 1 So far the gener a) strike on the railroads is said to be a failure . Union men in large numbers are refusing to quit work -and the out look is distinctly hopeful although freight service is everywhere aban doned except in the devastated re gions of northern France. It is believed that the railwaymen will soon call off the strike, if a suit able compromise can be reached. Five strike leaders were arrested today charged with . interference with liberty to work and with pro voking disobedience. o : ANNOUNCE CAPTURE OF MEXICAN REBELS Mexico City March 1 The cantura ton,' Misses Ida and Ines West of j 0f Cirllo Arenas and Marcelo Carovo, Elisabeth City, and Miss Annie West reoei leaders, is announced" and the of Norfolk; and by two brothers, Lee newspapers report the rapid complete West of Norfolk, and Sam ' West ' pacification of tne eountry, declaring whoss whereabouts are unknown to that onlyilIa with a small force his family. , 'and Manuel Palaes . and Felix Dias. The funeral was conducted by both vlrtuallr nowerleu In th mi. ago by the General Assemniy oi,ro nii pastor, Rev. J. M. Ormoad, at reglon remtt!n 0f mln. rebels oner- Presbyterian Churcn iookiuk lurnu (me nn Memoaisi cnurcn wonaay- ation a year agCv arternoon at two o ciock. interment ; q was made 1n Hollywood '' , O- to organic union of evangelical churches of the United States. Ttls committee which has since carried on negotiations to th.'i end.. Dr. Pouikes stated, has no connection with the Interchurch World Movement, W. E. Cole has returned from a business trip to Norfolk and Newport NeWS. . ' V; LOST OXE LADY'S BLUE SKIRT On West Cypress Street Saturday night by Delivery Boy. . Finder , please returnto Cooper's Cleaning Works and receive 5.00 reward. ' WnsliiiiBton, Feb. 28 Waslilngton, March 1 Of a total of 17U.266 enlisted men reporting j for duty, in a recent check to see i what t lie army schools are doing for the promot'on of better citizenship and out' hundred per cent American, ism it was found that 93,423 or fifty four per cent were receiving training Unit wo iid fit them for vocations when . retiir,i"d to civil life. ortju;se men twenty-four per cent aN inking additional training (ed ucationul) In the Army Schools that have been established In 117 camps, posts and stations. A dozen special n rvico schools for cooks and baker have also been estblished. .The results of vthe educational schools were recently demonstrated in the office of the Governor o fNorth Carolina when four young Tar Heels, who five months ago could not read or write their names were presented to the Governor. These men had attended the school for Illiterates at Camp Upton, New York, and In four months had reached the sixth grade, having accomplished as much in Ave months as tbe average child accomplishes in six years. . The statistical branch of the Gen eral Staff War Department have is sued & statement of battel deaths by states, resulting in the war with Oer many. It is shown 75.475 "Tar Heuls" served ln the war and 922 were killed ln action or died of wounds resulting from action from. the enemy. Of every 1000 of this is 11.6 of these serving. The total number of the states dea dfroin all sources is more than 2,370 as that many memorial diplomas from the Frenoh Qbvernment are being de livered to tbe nxe of km to the dead. This number does, not Include all, as those have not been delivered for the men wha gave their business concern or the name ofi some friend as the next of kin. The state of Montana leads ln the percentage of her dead killed In action with 17.2 of every one thousand serving. 0 WEEK OF PRAYER Washington, March 1 -'-President Wilson has begun work on bis an swer to the British and French Pre miers on the Adriatic situation but the nature of the communication is undisclosed. The President Is apparently plan ning to reply promptly to the sugges tions that the United States join the British and French governments In keeking a solution to the problem thru direct negotiations between Italy and Jugo-Slavia. It Is noted here that Premier Nittl has already opened negotiations with the Jugo-Slovaks to this end. O Nitti Disposed To Compromise (By Associated Press) Rome, March 1 Premier Nittl I disposed to accept a compromise on the Adriatic question under which Italy will have no claim to territor ial continuity between Istrla 'and Flume, on condition that Flume be placed under Italian sovereignty, ac. cording to a message to -the League of Nations. . .. , o - PROMISE CAPTURE . MEXICAN OUTLAWS Washington, March 1 The Amer ican Consul at Nogales, Arizona, re ported today that Mexican army ofll. cers promised to effect the capture s of the Mexicans who raided the Amer lean side of the bofrder Friday. Details of the unsuccessful i pur suit of the posess across the line have not been received, the banuits having cut anil wires ln the vicinity raided, o SHOTS FIRED AT BRITISH MINISTER London, Mirrch 1 An unsuccess ful attempt has been made to assas sinate Lord Action, Hritlsk Minister to Finland. The shots were fired at the Minister while he was driving and were with, out effect The motive is unde termined. 0 UNFAVORABLE VOTE ON PEACE TREATY EXPECTED Washington, March 1 A.i early and unfavorable vote on the Pcaci Treaty was forecast in the Semite to day when Republican leader reply ing to the demands of the lrreeoncial ables reaffirmed tholr decision not to accept a change in the Republication reservation of Article Ten V O SUPREME COURT REVERSES DECREE Washington, March 1 The Su preme Court today reversed the Fed eral Court decree that the Sherman' Anti-Trust Act did not prohibit re sale and price fixing unless there was intention to create a monopoly. The Supreme ' Court upheld the formation of the United states Steel Corporation and Subsidiary comblna. tlons In the iron and steel Industry. SENATOR BANKHEAD DEAD Prayer week on home missions will be abserved at the First Baptist church, beginning Tuesday afternoon at three thirty. Subjects as follows: Mountain Women,' Mrs. Cleveland iackson; Wednesday "Mountain Mis sion School," Mrs. H. K. Williams; Thursday, "Cuba," Mrs, E..T. Bur gees; Friday, "The 'Negro", Mrs. E. E. Etheridge. . . .' Washington, March 1 - Senator Bankhead of Alabama dide to-day of La Grippe. 0 ONLY EIGHT BIRTHS FOR THOUSAND DEATHS Geneva, March 1 One thousand and thirty-two deaths, mostly child ren, and only eight btsths, are report ed in Vienna from February 8th to 14th, according to a telegram receiv ed here. , o ADVERTISEMENTS should be in the Advance office at least, one day prior to the , date of publication. Advertise merits combs in after 8 o'clock in the morning for publication the same day are accepted on the under standing that their inser- tion , cannot teed. . be - guaran- W 1