ill: "MY BOS, deal with mea ' who advertise, you will never Iom by It" Benjamin Franklin. WEATHER Fair and Colder tonight and Saturday- ' Fresh to strong northeast winds- - VOLVV. ELIZABETH, CITY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDA IT EVENING, MARCH S, 1920 NO. 56 I. . v.- 7 v 5 0 v, STORM REACHES COAST TO-NIGHT Strength of Blizzard Almost Spent But Another Frost For jv Florida. It Forecast . CBy Associated Press) Washington, March 5 The March y Jlizzard will reach the Atlantic coast j :.Wgbt wttn Its strength dissemina led In part. Snow as far south as Alabama and ilnusually low temperatures in the entire South is the forecast and ano ther. frost for Florida. Will Duscuss Selling British West Indies . . (By Associated Press) London, March 6 The proposal to sell the British West Indies to the United States to help balance the war debt will be discussed tp the House of Commons Monday by the Premier. 0 SOME LITTLE CZAR IS LEON TROTZRY London Feb. It. (By The Associat ed Press) The special train of Leon Trotzky, the Chief of the Russian Red Army, is a most elaborate affair, consisting of fourteen cars and two powerful engines. It is supplied with a wireless Installation capable of receiving communications from Nauen, Lyons and London. One of its meet Interesting fittings Is a printing office which prints Trotsky's paper on the war. The greatest cu riosity of the train is the "garage" which contains six -cars, on a pow erful French automobile Which be longed to the late Emeperor Nicholas MERCHANTS MEET ON FRIDAY NIGHT The members of the Merchants As sociation will meet at seven-thirty Friday night In the Chamber of Com merce rooms. s. At this meeting they will nominate the directors of the Association and transact other important business. The Association is now on a solid footing and will employ a full time secretary to look after such vital mat tars as the correction of overcharge In freight and express rates, estab lishing a credit bureau and so ons The members of the Association have already found that such co-operation is ot much value and in these reconstruction days will help mater ially In reducing the cost of running their business establishments, which will, of course eventually help to sta bilize and lower prices. H is hoped that merchants who have not yet Joined the Association will do so at once. HJ Violin Concert On March Tenth Artists To Appear In Elizabeth City Under Auspices Of La dies Aid Society of First Me thodist Church : o Hatt Fisher, the celebrated violin ist, will Te heard In Elisabeth City Wednesday evening March 10. The largest cities of the United States and abroad have acclaimed the music of this "eminent artist, and the people of Elisabeth City may feel proud to have within their gates' a musician whom cosmopolitan audi ences have honored as one of the foremost exponents of his art. Mr. Flshr occupies a unique place before the musical public. He comes not as a hectic foreign prodigy, but as a native-born t American n artist, and as such speaks through the voice or his violin to American hearts as yeihaps no-other violinist of the day with added delight comet the word that CSV. Quirfno Camllli. -Operatic Baritone, will appear here as an ussiMing artist wkh Mr. Fisher. To those who may have heard Slg. " Camilla ln ,he Ur8 elUe." t,u aouncement will suffice. , To those who have not hear him the tribnta often paid him Is " reprlnted-r"tbs ' volume of Titto Rullo, with the . quality of Graveuer.'' . The Ladles Aid Society of the : First Methodist Church aader whose " auspices Mr. Fisher and Slg. Camllli "are to appear, to to be eongratnlat- J ed as sponsor for this euperlatlvs musical event - WARNING .. ' , Chickens most be, kept at home .' and not turned out on the streets or ' on the neighbors premises. This law .--will be rlrlrt'y enforced. Leon Holmes, Cl;Mf cf re! :.- , i MISSS MATTIE V. WEBB DEAII Miss Mattle V. Webb died at her home on Cherry street Friday morn ing at halt past tour o'clock after a week's illness from pneumonia. - She was about twenty-fire years of age and is survived by her mother, Mrs. Maggie Webb; by two sisters, Misses Katie Lee and Mary Webb, of this city; and by three brothers, John and Charlie Webb of this city and ' William . Webb of ' Salisbury, Maryland, - ,- v Miss Webb had been with.' the Prltchard Millinery Company - here for several years and was popular in her business and ascial lite because. oi ner gracious manner ana otner splendid qualities. She was a mem ber of the First Methodist Church and Sunday School. Will Webb arrived Thursday night from Salisbury to be at his sister's bedside. The funeral will be conducted Sun day afternoon at three-thirty from the home by ber pastor, Rev. J. M. Ormond. Interment will be made ln Hollywood. . . 0 Primary Children Make Fine Record Members ot the Mary Shotwell Savings Society of the . Primary School of Elizabeth City are keep ing hp 'their record for activity in the thrift and savings movement, ad, cording to their report for the month of Fbruary. V The seventeen children belonging to this society saved $11.95 which they Invested in Thrift Stamps last month. " " .Walter Newborn, of 400 East Cy press street; Is secretary ot the So ctety. . In March It is boppd that these boys and girls will make another fine showing, as savings dur ing National Thrift Stamp Week, March 1-6 are expected to be unusu ally large. ' NORTH CAROLINA WINS PRIZES FOR COTTON William Petorson of Clinton, Sampson County, North Carolina, captured the bronze medal and 1250 cash prize for the third largets yield of lint cotton in the United States tor 1919. This prize was one of eighteen offered by the Farm Jour nal of Philadelphia for the best three years yields of six important crops corn, wheat, cotton and bats, alfalfa and 'potatoes. For each crop a gold medal and one thous and dollars, a silver medal and five hundred dollars and a bronze medal and two hundred and fifty dollars were were the prizes for the best yields. This contest was announced in 1918 at a time when every one ex pected the war to last Into 1919. The purpose of the contest was to stimulate production of those crops which would help to win the War and help to feed and clothe the world after the war. Five acres was to be the minimum for each entry. Thirteen states captured the eighteen prises. The average yield of cotton for the last ten years In North Carolina has been 248 pounds. The prize win ning yield, is over four times the aver age for the state. This shows the greatest, opportunity there 1s for the cotton grower If bemuses, as Mr. Pet ergon did, the best seed and reinfor ces It with good methods.. 0 COTTON ASSOCIATION TO MEET SATURDAY The members ot the Pasiiuotank Cotton Association and others Inter ested ln erecting r general warehouse are requested to meet Saturday af ternoon at two o'clock ln the Colnty Farm Agent's office In the Federal building for the purpose ot dlscus- rilag matters pertaining to the ware house and to ta ke subscriptions of stock to the warehouse. The farmers of Pasquotank have subscribed over ten thousand dollars to this- fund and It Is hoped that the amount needed for the establishment of a warehouse may soon be reached. . Th membership of the association continues te grow snd each member has the opportunity to tske from one to twenty shares of stock and so have a financial Interegt In the warehouse. "II y feel Interested and think such an Institution will be beneficial, attend the meeting Saturday etter-soon- . la the County Agent's office, room .107 Federal building," says County CUIrman Eugene S. Scott MRS. riUXK 1. GOULD s TO BEOOMB MOVIE STAR London March "I -Ura Frank 1. Qould, recently divorced, ha signed a contract to become a moving pic ture stsr with a British corporation at a fhftiom!iial salary. ' .J "r jzt r . 1 Fj . tr - x-" ' JmoM 1 , XrK '-''2 t .'Ofjjiftss to and fro and nltimatum nil ihn sir chiefly over o .1'poFltion to be made of the two ports, Flun,- and Zara. oath AdrH:; ,jea. Italy dumanda thai Flume be part of a buffer state, but that toe port itself oe Uallanlted," while Zara bo a free port, reprei sented lit Its foreign affairs by Italy. President Wilson s proposal la that Plumb be givea to Jugoslavia, despite D'Annunzio'a coup, thoi tara r grait'tf j pedal autonomy as a free port LAY PROPOSALS BEFOREJpSIDENT Democratic Senators Still Hop To. Save Treaty From Dead lock. Simmons Active In Ef fort . Washington .March 4 Still hop ing to save the Peace Treaty from deadlock, Democratic senators today moved to Isy directly beforr the President the latest proposal discuss ed as a compromise basis tor Article Ten.' . ' v ' This move-today hss gtofra out ol negotiations 1b progress for several days under charge ot Beaafof Sim mons ot North Carolina aad Senator Watson of Indiana. . . rniMlSEXT B18HOP DEAD , t - . - Boston Md. Warch I Tb Right R.rerend Williams Torbet Adams, Btohoa of the Episcopal Church died todty. . ' - HOT SO SICK AFTER ' ALL STORM CENTER and Alleged Murderer Under Heavy Guard Constantinople, March 6 Charles Marshall was brought here under mil ltary guard today to be tried for the murder of Robert Miller and three members of the family near Amory on January 15th. Only the persons directly interest ed are allowed In the courtroom and the jail and court house are guard ed to prevent violence. 0 ' WRECKS FORE AND APT Three freight cars are off the track at Moyock 'and . there la a freight wreck on tfte Norfolk Booth em somewhere bet wen here and Ral etgh so trains from both directions wen delayed many hours today. Wad-.y'straln, first to arrive, did not reach Elisabeth City until nearly twelve o'clock. ' .--,. Adherei to League Christiana March I B tor thing roted 1M ta SO la favor of sdherlng 'o th Lesgae of Nstlona " NATIONALISTS ' LAUGHAT ALLIES Predict War In Spring And Say Allies Cannot Fight Success fully In Interior Asia Minor Constantinople, March 5 The Tur kish Nationalists are expected to bo prom in.'ii t in the new cabinet. The nation's list of organized fc. is estimated at from half a mil Hon to a million and It U becoming clear that partitioning of Asiatic Turkey will not be peacefully accept ed Nationalists SSpporters predict war in l ho Spring If Greece Is leTt Sni) nia aiKl French Cillcia and lancli at the Allies threats and naval displays. They say the Allies caniuit wage mi crx ful war In Interior Ala Minor Condemn Pictures Cause Delinquincy (I)y Associated Press) New York March B Kev. Walter A. Hendricks of Portsmouth has been :innnlntif tn tiikp clmrirp nf the wnrk 1 of the PrpKhvter'an Hoard of Tem-! perance and Moral Welfare In reform !;iK t!ie moving pictures. Effort will he made to condemn I the pictures characterized n a men ace to child weliare and t It 3 uu:o of Juvenile delinquency. 0 I..AKK EIUK REH O VThl) Queenstown, Feb. 14 (Correspon dence of the Associated Press) The American steamer Lake Erie which was sunk eight months ago at Pen arth Road after leaving Cardiff, ou- wsrd bound, has been refloated. She has been towed to Queenstown for repairs. MADK FIRST TRIP 1IKKK SINCE XIXKTEKX HUNDRED ; I teachers. Pupils In both private E. W. Daum of Narrow Shore, ; ,nd publc ,chooll raay enter th- con. Currituck County, was in the city'tetti titn0Ugh itudents In colleges, . Thursday for the first time In twen- business and normal schools are bar ty years. He was aniseed at the'reja changes and Increased population of two flrgl prte9 of flTe doUars the town. Mr. Baum Is an old man'Mch( lwo ,econd prUeg oI two doj, but be is In good health and he say's Ur, ,nd a hll( eBch, ,nd two third , he's coming back : wfthln the next prllei of one doIU; Mcn ans offered twenty years and won't he be mors ln tnl, iUW. Prle winners will also amated than evert , We'll sly hs'rtcelre personal letters of congratu- lll- ' Red Crott Needs Auto On Saturday Mrs. Marv Mliier Lamb asks that someone lend the service of thtlr at-! tv a Satarday morning to help die- trlbate food for the sick. CAIN BROTHERS DIEJN CIIAIR First Double Execution' Of White Men In The State. Neither Display ed Slightest Emotion Raleigh, March 5 Joe and Gardner Cain, Surry County County Moonshiners, were el ectrocuted at the State Prison here this morning for the mur der of Riley Easter. This was the first double ex ecution of white men to take place in the state. The brothers were baptised this morning by a Methodist minister and both went to their death declaring that they were ready todie, Joe be ing executed first. . ' . Neither man displayed the slight est emotion as he was led from cell to death house, both merely saying, "I am ready to meet my God." Easter was killed when the Cains and Joe Bawles attacked the home ' because Jim Easter's son, they claim ' ed had removed the whiskey still be-, longing to them and reported them to the county. The Cains and Bowles were tried January 19, 1919, ln Surry County Superior Court and were convicted of first degree murder. The three were sentenced to die In the chair. The Governor recently commuted Bowles sentence to twenty years Imprison ment but declined to InterfeP with mem but declined to interfere with HOLLAND'S REPLY GIVEN THIS WEEK Will Express Willingness To - Guard Kaiser And Prevent -Anything From Disturbing European Peace The Hague March 5 The Dutch government for the se co:ic' Hme has refused to deliv- , er the former German emperor J to the Allies for trial. I The note addressed to Lloyd ! George promises to take all i precautions to prevent Wilhelm 'from endangering peace. The Hague March G Intimations are Riven that Holland's reply to the AIKps fpcoiwI note relative to the (xtrudltion or Internment of the former emperor, Wilhelm, will be handed to Lloyd Ucurge thin week and will express williiiRiiess to guard the erstwhile monarch and prevent anything that might threaten Euro pean peace. O SENATE DEFERS ACTION ON COLBY NOMINATION Washington, March u Action on the nomination of Ihiinbridge Colby for Secretary of Slate was again de ferred today by th nial Foretgn ifter members delations Committee objected to the vole uiit.l they bad more inforniat'on. O ELIZABETH CITY CHILDREN MAY .WIN - Every child In Ellzaboth City Is Invited to try for one of the prizes offered In North Carolina for the best original thrift posters made by school children. Six cash prises will be given In this state, and, in addition, the competitors will have a chance to win the two grand prizes awarded for the best posters In the Fifth Fed- rra Keterve District. The prise -. are offered by the War Loan orgsn latlon of this district. The contest Is now open and wilt close March 31, at which time all pos ters will be In the hands of the. diltni mirnmA hv tha director of the District War Loan Organisation and by the governor of the reserve bank -of the Fifth Federal Reserve . Dis trict Printed rules governing tha eon- ' teel hsve been sent to the principals and teachers.. Those who have aot received tksm, It was anaoanced. nay get them by writing to the War 'Loan Organisation, at Richmond, Va. , (.

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