"MI BON, WEATHER deal with men who advertise, you will never Iom bj It" Rain tonight and probably Sat urday. Somewhat colder. Fresh south to west winds. Benjamin Fr VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1920 NO. 68 HENRY B.ANSELL DIED LAST NIGHT Funeral Arrangements Will Be Made As Soon As Lt-Col. An sell Can Arrive From Wash ington. News was received here Friday of the death of Henry n. Ansell, who died at his home at Hareo, Currituck County, N. C Thursday night. Mr. Ansell was about eighty eight years old and lias been jn failing health for some time and. Ins death was not entirely iim-xp. ( i ,.j He is survived i-y his wife, .Mrs. Henry H. An.-elJ and seven children, one of whom is Lt.-Col. Samuel T. Ansell. of Wa.-diiiigion, ). C. lie leaves a gro it many friends anil rel atives ihruout this .-n-iiun of North Carolina. Mr. Ansell was hum at Knotts Is land ;u:d was one of thL. oldest and most highly ie.-pected citizen of Currituck County, having lived there all of his life. pur a inf, time he wa.s clerk of the Court of that county. The funeral services have no' yet been made as they are waiting for his son to arrive from Washington r 1 f i I : '$ I t i v . i I 1 '& I, ' I I :, t :tA I fytjfc i t ; A x -o- one mouth on ' fi-n.-e. a total the roads. Sen ROAD SENTENCES FOR SPEEDING Judge Cramner Does Not Re gard Violation Of Laws Against Speeding Lightly And Will Do His Part to Break Practice Up Speeders coine'ed of violations of the i.iw in the l,e.,.r courts will do will not to aiu".il lo superior court it they are to answ r for their oflen.-e hi tore Judge ("runnier. ( h. u lie Crank. . ., icted of speed ing 1:1 I iiree ca e- , w,l ..ellteneeu iu he roads for each of ni three nion'.hs on teni-e imposed at the close of Friday morning's session of court. "It usually takes some accident to arouse the public to the importance of observance and enforcement of laws against reckless driving," aid Judge Cranmer in imposing the sen tence. "1 am going to try lo break up speeding, or at least do my part to break it up. before some one is killed on your streets." JOK WILLOCGIIKY CONVICTED Joe Willoughby, colored, in court to answer to the charge of store breaking and larceny, was found guil ty by the jury which tried him Thurs day. The jury returned its verdict at 6:30 after having been out about ten minutes. "Joe" is chauffeur and general util ity man for E. F. Aydlett. A dozen witnesses, white and black, went on the stand to testify that his char acter was good and that this was the first time that anything had been heard against him. He has been In Mr Avdlett's emnlov for sixteen years and was especially popular with white people, toward whom he was always respectful and obliging. Early last fall Mitchell's depart ment store was broken into and part of the stolen goods were found in the coal room of the building occupied by the store. Joe, as janitor of offi- 1K. J. It. JKSTKK pastor of the First Baptist Church at Church at Greenwood, South Caroli na, who will assist Rev, K. K. Wil liams, pastor of the First ISaptist church here, in a series of revival services which will begin on the se cond Sunday in April. Efforts are being made now to secure someone to direct the song services. An nouncement concerning the music will be made later. The prayers of all earnest Christian people are so licited and everyone is invited- to attend the services. IT'S EDENTON OR ELIZABETH CITY Chowan College is to be Moved. Some of the Advantages Of Moving It To This City Are Presented Courts To Settle Amendment Fight Claim Made Ratification Of Suffrage Amendment By West Virginia Irreglar. Italeig, March 19 Governor Kick ed, three days after he had made public his intention of advising the Democratic partv to set on the snf- e ' band wagon and that he would urge the special session of the j ' li :!:;! .Wein mv to rati v I 1 Su-an It. Anthony Amend nient . leieiveil a telegram from J. if. Cains, repre sent 'li'-: the iinti suffrage league of Wi-i Virginia. Mating that We.-! Virginia had not laga 1 ly ra t died the amendment. His purpose of Hot ling tl: governor straight v;i in the interest of letting the public know the facts. The West Virginian wires Govern or liiekett that suffrage was not as inevitable as he seemed, to think when he wrote Uepresntative W. X. Everett of Buckingham, saying that "woman suffrage was as certain as the tide." The telegram indicated that the cert ilication of the ratifica tion would be fought out in the courts because of irregularities in obtaining parage of the bill in the senate. 0 (By the Publicity Committee) The people of Elizabeth City havi heard a great deal concerning Chow-! an College in recent months. They have been told that the College1 which is now located at Murl'rees boro is to be moved and located more advantagiously than it is now. I There is no further doubt that thej College win ho moved. Several places have been bidding for it. The1 place- must prominently mentioned! are Aao-kie, Edeuliin and Elizabeth! City. The opinion seems to pre vail in the minds of those who are Diii-t competent to give expression relative to what will most likely take place is, that the question re duces itself to a choice between Edenton and Elizabeth City The chalices are that the college will be moved to one of these two places, and opinion seems to favor Elizabeth City. The argument is made upon "good and sufficient grounds that it will be advantagious to the col lege to he located in Elizabeth City. All that is said favorable to Eden ton can be said for Elizabeth City and more too. Elizabeth City has substantially the same advantages to offer that Edenton has and some additional ones. At the present writing the people of Elizabeth ('it v, including some amounts from the adjoining coun ties have pledged something like sixty t linn -nnl dollars. This is not pre.- ;on of whal people are j pledge and pay during a , ! ti ve y, ai-s, A mere vig il pa ig ii won Id bring a larger ! from t he city anil county I i !il 1 1 u ill ies. Tho-e who ' .id v pledged . if grea I man v ' of li'"i) iliilrles.s, would be willing lo iii'Ti -a.-e their sub-cript iens. One hundred and fifty lliou-and dollars ! could be had once the peoplp become, awakened I i the real worth and val- ue ni locating a splendid college in our iniilsi. j It is a mistake to consider simply the linancial advantages that will accrue lo the City in locating Chow an Co'lege here. There will lie such advantages, and they will be such as lo thoroughly justify Hie invest- DUST STORMS CAUSE DAMAGE Chicago, March 19 Terlflc dust and sand storms continue in the southwest and a blizzard In the northwest today, causing much dam age to property. Dustclouds have hidden the sun in northwest Colorado the railroad tracks are covered in dust so deep that trains were compelled to detour in order to reach their destination. Great damage lo wheat is report ed in Kansas. RESISTEDARREST SHOT JO DEATH Negro Mortally Wounded In Fight With Authorities Tak-j en After Wounding Two Po licemen EBERT GOVERNMENT HOLDS POWER BY BAYONET RULE IN BERLIN Revolutionary Forces Departing Fire cm Hooting Crowds At Unter-den-Linden Killing Num ber and Wounding Scores. SOVIET GAINING LITTLE HEADWAY Leaders of Forty or Fifty Thousand Soldiers In Revolt Will Be Arrested. Amnesty For Others. i fair able I.. perind i ro;n ca amount d adj v e a ! : Baltimore March 1 ,S liiddled with bullets and mortally wounded an unindentilied negro was taken from a barricaded house here lodav after a three hour light with the police in which two policemen were wounded and another negro, mistaken for the In a ii wanted, was shol by the police and beaten by a mob. The negro defied arrest for engag ing in a fist fight iu the theatrical district. The police chopped holes in the walls of the house and emptied shot guns into the negro's body. o Bryan Celebrates Sixtieth Birthday New York, March lit William J. Bryan arrived here today to speak at the haiiiuet to be givin ill his honor tonight al lie- Alduie Club mi the oc cas n nf hi.- sixtieth bin Inlay. MISSlssll'I'l li.WK llli imiti:i 1 latt ie Inn bank at ('-:: namife.l ard i The nun. an: ile: . n,i men Bloodhound S i-i-lle Mis . Mi Mini Man h lh The :.-sippi was dy-hi- morning. it luet has not Ix'en been seal (0 the Ilei'lin is still under bayonet rule, but today Ebert troops patrol the streets. The revolutionary l'orees have departed but they left chaos as a rear mai'tl. The departing revolutionists turned on the jeering crowds at Unterden-Linden killing many citizens and wounding scores. More bloodshed occurred near the parliament buildings while in Charlottenburg and other suburbs clashes resulted in the loss of lite. Reports from outside of Ilorlin are of such character that a clear view is unobtainable. While Soviets are said to have been formed in a number of important industrial districts, it does not appear that the movement is gaining momentum. Forty or fifty thousand soldiers are said to have been in volved in the revolt and leaders will be arrested. Amnesty will be granted to the others. BERLIN BARREL POWDER London, March 19 All Ger many except the southern states is rebellious and Berlin is a barrel of gunpowder which may ignite at any time, says an exchange telegraph dis patch from Berlin. Hundreds have been killed in the mining districts of Germa ny in collisions between miners and troops, declared reports received from Copenhagen. Kighting has gone on in prat tit-ally all the thickly popula ted areas where soldiers and EXPECT VOTE ON Failure Predicted, Followed By Motion To Reconsider. Re publicans Hope For Demo cratic Support 1'he Se- the President Expects New Agreement Washington. March 1 !t President Wilson e.xpeet, the coal miners and operator- to work out a new agree ment on the basis of the majority re port, the Coal Strike Settlement Com mission announced today. Says Disapproves Of Questionaire Washington, March 19 T. C. At kinson, Washington representative of the National Grange, today announ ced his disapproval of the question- jaire for the presidential candidates prepared by the National Board of Farm Organizations and disclaimed "responsibility for myself and my organization." Demand For Furniture Cannot Be Supplied ces in the building, had access to this coal room. A search of Joe's home disclosed goods which O. F. Gilbert, proprietor of Mitchell's, iden t it'n d as having come from his store .. i i ii., ,i,iii(.i iniliar io kouiis ami im" ""u in stock. Mr. Gilbert testified rl That the .-tore had botn bro ;roni the eoal room, and , ! !o-1 Usrty suits of men' - m to other niercliaii- or a l.e 1 cli Tin !, i - not yet pronounced WWW lUitMMi sentence l!l kivtv 11 V S I '! Ambrose Kahlek. colored, con victed earlier in the week of barn burning was sentenced Friday to two months on the mads. John Crank .l.r. was sentenced to the roads thirty ileays each in two cases of assault. In all a sentence of elxty days on the roads. A decree of absolute divorce was granted in the cases of Joe Johnson vs. Ethel Johnson and William James vs. Hattie James. The James couple are colored. GLYNN SK CEKDS ItAKBOUK Kaleigh, March 19 Alonzo E. Glynn was Wednesday eleced by the City Commissioners as chief of po lice to succeed C. Ii. Barbour, the present chief, who quits the depart ment to enter the wholesale grocery husinss here. Mr of Wake County and at the present time is attendance officer and juve .. ; i r , ...,eii i, la, -r for the city of ga- men!. I'nder proper management I he Colfege's location here will be a financial asset Hut we need to net beyond the money phase of the ques tion There are girls by the score and hundreds in all this part of Kns tern North Carolina. They will he the wives of the young men to-mor ....... ...wl ,l,n 1...- . ,.f I Iw. n. ..u ,,,-- u. s.-,,ua- Greensboro. March 19 Demand lion that is unborn. They will be i ., . . ., , . for furniture throughout the coun- thc home builders of tomorrow; and there can be no real homes Vv is of immense proportions and it where the woman is inferior lo the is impossible to make the sptiply man from neglect of training and keep up with the demand, accord- education, or is considered inferisr ! ing to manufacturers who attended and valued chiefly as a domestic 1 1 he meetings of the National Coun servant. Trained and encouraged ' ell of Furniture Associations held by earnest sacrificing mothers boys j here. There is every reason to be have grown up with high ideals andjlieve, these manufacture says, that the training and memories of their th demand will be Increasingly great mothers have been the most potent in the future. At the iame time factors in their lives. it was agreed that the lumber We may build structures of mater shortage was the most serious dlfll ial wealth and create eras of prosper-j culty confronting furniture makers ity, but unless these rest upon a stye and no material relief is in sight at foundation the superstructure ' will ! present. come down In a heap and we shall find ourselves buried; beneath the ()f circumstance and opportunity. We debris. The world Is not suffering must build upon the principle of mu- WaJiincinii. .March 111 1 hi nate expect- to r.acii a vine on Peace Treaty tonight. Manv si asters predict ' bat treaty will tail ol tie- necessaiy ii I bird - majority and a mot ion to re- , n -ider it wall be made. j Kepub'.'a aiis are hoping for some j workers opposed eaeli other. Diihouatic u I ol lie pan aii.-i I(J BLKLIIN iUINLtAY I re.onl.ng objections to tile reseda- s,;ittfrart Alai'eh 1'.) The Eb ' ort jj'ovcrnnient has decided to j proceed to ilerlin Sunday. I ."Uainritv Socialists leaders On Wet Ticketj have demanded the resignation of .Minister of Defense Noske who complied but decision as to his acceptance has not been' ma tie. o lions. Hitchcock Out Glynn is a native l(,day for a lack of prosperity, andlluai a(i, ' developed into the law of Ua ie mari'ia GCl.l, IMU (,!, S P. oh Midi ol Hid Mi . K -a Mae liouglas both of Nor foil, was oiiieily solemnized Tue.s d ,, i he late i rain by Uev- It 'i. i , at the home of Mrs K . ,. on Riverside Drive. M dl returned to Nor- fol v -.in 0 TiMiV.I,OU T CITY MAKKKT Wl) HATIKOAY ThVj.-.'icHf' First Circle of the 1' ".tor ii?' i J'Ay of the -First Method?.; P-.,tA'V;il hold a rum mage Hi o :)(-. ''My Market Friday and SaKfrtai; tu week. the seething unrest in the world Is not because there is not an opportu nity lo ania-.- fortunes. Labor has le vi r received wag- such as it does today, and still labor is disconleir ed. l.r nes- men d - lare greater pro Hits in-day than ' r befoi e in t h history of the bu-an .-s World. "There is mote wealth in dollars in the fail ed States to-day il .an there have been second.- of time -oire the Garden of Kdcn." Anil at Ho1 same time there is nil apprehension I hat a great storm , Is brewing an an impending danger j a-hington, .March 19. Senator Hi chi ock or Nebraska declined to co n-iil on the published report of his (digram to the Democratic din ner at Omaha announcing his candi dacy for the presidency on a wet lick ei The telegram said he thought ; laiiwl'ul way would he lo permil tin ale oi light wines and beer. 0 UCOWN I'ltlNCK I'LTS MASTII'F Wiercngell Holland March A huge mastiff which the former Ger man Crown Prince Frederick Wil I ia in has adopted as a pet and which accompanies him on his daily si rolls ihrough this village has been made the subject of an official complaint to the village council. Schoolmaster de Kuyter charged that the dog bit him and wanted it declared a imlsence, but the petition apparently was tabled. 0 ;)VUKNOK KI'KOl L KKHKL8 Harrisburg, Pa. March 19 Gvern or William C. Sproul has decided not to avail himself of the time hon ored privilege of appointing a per sonal stall, lie reoeiien ai uie thought of being followed about by a retinue decked out iu gold braid, swords and military trappings. He will struggle through his imiii as gov ernor without II. i a in . Me: I co-opera! .ve service. An opportunity presents itself for ervice in iliara'ter building If Cho w a u Colleg. i i located in Elizabeth City. May pn .-ibilify of locating i ais colb ; in Kli.abelh City be a gla-s thrum h w iiich we shall see hun dreds and thou -anils of young wom- iii coming here through the years to I morn in; lie traito d and educated. .May we j I boa a n inn the dull ii ii Icksil ver of our I and o'.h nn selli hnes.s behind the glass, so that the opportunity for service and character building will not be a trane- Favorably Report Colby Nomination Washington, March 19 The nom ination of Hainbridge Colby as Sec retary of State which was the sub ject of extensive hearings before the Senate Foreign Kellalloiis Committee was favorably reported today. O M Hl'SII TO STAKK CLAIMS Jonnannesburg. March 2- A rush of diamond seekers to stake claims Is reported from Heyenspoort. In the Pretroia district, where rich deposits are said to have been located. Two thousand men, Including law yers, civil servants, dusmicsb mcu, land owners, artisans and clerks took part and the whole ground was peg ged out in a few minutes. Some of the more corpulent em ployed professional runners to secure the claims previously selected, says i news agency dispatch received here. HANK PM'KKTKI) HY WOMKN Dynamite Bank And Carry Off Loot Is threatening. Men are obliged to j,.,,.,,, medium through which wV know that there is something more may see strong and stalwart woman In life than the increase of material ll(), al,d motherhood. Elizabeth Al.i i i h 19 Itobbers dyn . vault olMie farmers and Hank at 1'lea-anl ville this Hid escaped with thirty dollars in liberty bonds -ei n rit les. 0 Remonstrance Made By United States goods. Money ami material wealth must not be the basis of our social structure. We shall build upon cha racter, and then the bitterness of class struggle lh the world will cease; and there will not be any Inequality City's failure to do all that Is possible and necessary to bring the college will reflect the character of our peo ple and proclaim to the world that we are lacking In vialon. And where there Is no vision the people perish. Washington. March 19. Strong remonstrance has been made by the fnlted Stales against the ruling of the Allied Reparations Commission that tho sale of certain German prop erty In neutral countries can be forced to satisfy the initial German Indemni ty payment. London. Feb. lis An unpreceden ted spectacle was witncs-ei! lu re tho other day when the Hank of Kng land was pieh,,.d by women strik ers. The wailro -; i s of lb.- bank's can leen had struck fur higher pay, and the cooks and the kitchen staff walked out with them. The wait resses' wages were la (shillings a week and tips. They demanded two pounds, ten shillings a week and no tips. 0 EFFORT TO ORGANIZE A TENNIS CLUB HERE A meeting to organize a tennis club will be he-Id In the Y. M. C. A. building tonight (Friday) at 7.30. All those Intrested In tennis are re quested to come In and Join the club.