"MY BON, deal with mem who adTertlsa, 70a will never lose by It" Benjamin Franklin. WEATHER Showers this afternoon or tonight. Colder Tuesday. West and north west winds on the coast. VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING, MARCHfl920 NO. 76 16 YEARS OLD HAS KILLED TWO Ursula Broderick, Slayer Of pather and Stepfather, Now Facing Trial On Charge Of First Degree Murder (By Associated Tress) St. Louis, March 2! Examination of prospective jurors to try Crsula ISroderitk. 16 years old, confessed slayer of her father in 1 1 1 G, on char ges of ha vini? killed lior stepfather, Joseph E. Woodlock. April 14th, llll'.l, was ordered to begin in Juve nile Conn here today. At the Cormier's inquest, the girl testitii l she -hot and killed Wood lock when he attempted to attack her. I'Yaring him, she said, she had slept with a revolver concealed in the folds of her night dress for .several week.-, and when on April 14, hi' came to her bed and embraced her she drew the revolver and tired. After the shooting she surrendered to thi' police, uikI last May was in dicted for tir.st degree murder, but lias been at liberty under $5,000 bond. I'rusula liroderick was only twelve years old when she shot and killed her father, Thomas H. liroderick. In that case a coroner's jury exhon orated her after she had testified that she shot him because he was beating her mother and was about to strike her with a hammer. Mrs. Woodlock i.s charged jointly with her daughter in connection with Wood lock's death but will be tried later, lioth Woodlock and liroderick were plumbers I'nder 1 lie Missouri laws, if the girl is convicted of first degree mur- tier her punishment may be the same as if -lie were an adult. The mini m 11 111 i- ten years in t he penit en 1 :;i i v I f, n,w ever, she is convicted j el' any dt gree of manslaughter, she; ill be sc nt t o an industrial school until she is I! l . it was explained. j chowacollege GETS$300,000 K F. Aydlett returned from Ral dgh Saturday where he went on pro fessional business. While there Mr. Aydlett attended a meeting of the Hoard of Educa tion of the Baptists Churches in North Carolina to whom is entrusted the duty of apportioning the money raised by the Iiaptists in the state, during the $75, 000,000.00 campaign for educational purposes, which went over the top. and considerably more, last fall The amount raised in North Carolina during the campaign was one million and a half dollars. Mr. Aydlett reports that the Iiap lloard of Education has apportioned $300,000.00 of this sum for the pur pose of putting Chowan College the list of A. colleges. With on this endowment, the venerable institution will takejjn new life, and the town to which it may be moved, will reap the benefits, educational: cultural, religious, and financial, that will ac crue from having a live, wide-a-wake, up to date institution of learning In its borders. "Now is the time for Elzabeth City to wake up to the op-'set the disparity in numbers between portunitv knocking at lts doors, and, the sexes. make every possible effort to bring Chowan College to her young wom en." urges Mr. Aydlett. 0 Coroner's, Verdict ! Death Accidental , in- Isaiah Fearing, coroner, tie-1 , 1 1 . .I after investigating the cause of tV d'.i'h of Nathan Warren, the , ,- 1 . I man who was killed near the i;.,K Southern tiepot rsaiuruay th.r ti" jury was Decennary In the The mule Warden was driv ing liVi;ine frightened and ran away, Jerking Warden backward and break ing his neck Heath whs instanteous. and the afla;r was entirely accidental. 0 Mills Are Closed By Hif?h Floods BoRton. March 2'.- .Swollen rivers caused by mountain thaws continued to menace river front property in many New England citiN today. The mlllg at Lawrence. .Massachu- setts, are closed by the floods which SAY WOMEN MAY OUTVOTE THE MEN Suffrage Leaders Admit Men Numerically Strnnar Ruf! j e - Believe Women The Most In terested Washington, March 29 Ballots cast by women in the coming Presi tlental clecton will fall short of the potential men's vote by over L'.IiOO.uoo provided the suffrage amendment is ratified and state re gistration laws enacted in time to permit women all over the count ry to'ihar and simple, and by participate, aocording to estimates ' 1 hem Elizabeth City can keep the re by the National Woman's Party 1 potation it enjoys of being one of With the 1910 census as a basi the Woman's party estimates th number of men eligible to vote at 29, 577,61m, and the possible woman voters at 26,883,566. In 11116, however, the actual vote cast for all various peresldential candidates . was 18.528,743, omitting ballots thrown out for cause, which leaves over 11,000,000 possible votes un-1 registered If as large a proportion 1 of men voters remain Indifferent in - the coining election, women political; leaders here say that the eagerness of women to exercise their newly ac-; quired privilege may more than off- I states, moreover, j In Ave of the wonnieu of t he voting age out number the men. Massachusetts lias the greatest prcpoiidcrenre of women "voters" with TiS.264 more women than men North Carolina in next with women's majority of lii.NN and South Carolina with lll.aMi? Is third. O SHOT GIRL THEN KILLEDJHMSELF Travelling Salesman Crazed By Her Refusal To Marry Him Kills Miss Ethel Hirsauler In New Orleans New Orleans. March 29 In full view of hundreds in the financial dls- trlct here (h morning. A. W. Fav. alora traveling salesman, shot and klHe(1 MlRB Carle Hirsauler, 22 yean old. and committed suicide. The g-Irl's relatives say Favalora wag craiea by her refusal to marrj THIS WEEK IS CLEAN UP WEEK1 City Manager Commander! Asks Co-operation Of All The People In Campaign Against Dirt And Disease. l iiy Mandager .1 C. Commander is askig the citizens of Elizabeth City to co-operate with the civic authori se this week in a city- wide Clean Campaign The town ordinances regarding cry sanitation and cleanliness are observing 1 lie cleanest and best cared for towns m the state. Especially in regard tn the ordinance concerning the placing of garbage, should the house- j holders be careful. The City Man - ager has had the regulations In r.-- ' gard to the rubbish and garbage 1 printed In circulars which are being distributed all over town, and he en - joins the public to carefully observe the same at all times, and especially thruout this week, Chickens must be kept off the street, and out of the neighbors yards, and unenclosed lots; lime should be freely used, breeding places for mosquitoes, who love old tin cans partially filled with water, low places, any place where stagnant water accumulates, for their habitat in breeding season- all these should he thfne away with, that the niotiiito may be no more heard in the lanfl Vines and shrubbery I should be pruned, and fences and till out houses wh ite washed. "We claim that Klizabelh City is inn- of. if not the prettiest towns in He' state, now b 's make it the clean e-t. and ids do it this week, and evry week in the year." fays Mr. Comma nder. n Submarine Force Was Inadequate Washington. March 29 The Navy submarine force was entirely Inad equate to meet the demands of war with Germany and It took nearly two years to Eet the Navy Department to realize the Importance of building suhmerslbles capable of combatting the 800 ton German U-boats, Rear today be-j Ing com-( Admiral Grant for the Senate testified investigating PALM SUNDAY WILL BE REMEMBERED As Great Day In History Of First Methodist Church Be cause Of Evangelistic Servi ces Palm Sunday at the First Metho dist Church was a day that will long linger iM ilr memories of the hun dreds of people who participated in the services of unusual inspiration morning and evening. Special inn-ic wa.; rendered bv the ureal volunteers choir under the lead ership of Mr Huffy. One of tin most effective numbers was the duet by .Ir.s J W Foreman and Mr.s Thorhurn Dennett, the choir loinlng j u. (-ii0rus Th(, lonling service was especially for Sunday School. The pastor sakl U l. hilV(, ,.lk,.n (he 1)08 d;ly ;iml t h,. best hour in the series of (.Vange stic meetings for our Sun- ,ay school He then read about the man who built his house on the shifting sands and the other whol founded his on a rock, and preached , a sermon from the text "Itmeniember now thy Creator in the days or thy youth " Few preachers can '-!' fectively talk to little children, bv Mr. Orinond is a master of that dilli cult art and he held the close atten tion of tin- adults as well. Anion;, ciier,- tiling- he said- "To build a h ni.-e one needs a foundation, materia . '"ols and a plan. Just so. in tbe building of a life there must be a plan, great h: and tie tool s , and tie given In dalion i iud .I'-sus Christ is the lo i lei after. The soul are the material only bod y The 1 1 r i i hand . school, ch u rdi. o'her human and (!od nd the only sure fonii di'iice to God. The bov or gill ohserv rock 1 1 w-i Im .iis Cod's .sayings and in-ill builds upon the one it i more enduring than eter- nal hills And in order that ho may not have to tear down and rebuild In Inter years the Creator should he re membered, respected and obeyed In one's yout h." it the evening service the sermon was a powerful appeal for "Life vestment " So effective was it that at its close nearly every hand went up when the minister said "Let eery One who now purposes to more com-1 pletely dedicate his life to the ser- j vice of God and humanity raise his WIRE COMMUNICATION DEMORALIZED AND DEATH LIST STILL INCOMPLETE Thousands Homeless In Six States Following Terrific Cyclonic Storms Sunday. Fire Fol lowed In Wake Of Storm At LaGrange Lagrange, Georgia, March 29 Fifty per sons were killed and 125 injured in this sectioain yesterday's tornado, the latest reports show. Property damage amounts to half a million. Hospitals and public buildings here are filled with the injured. SWEEPS CENTRAL STATES ('h'u-agu, March 2!' With wire communication demoral ized, the known death list stood (i 1 today with hundreds in jured, and property damage amounting to millions of dollars from the tornado that swept the Central States yesterday, but l'orehodinj-' rumors eame in today I'rotn Michigan and the rural districts of Indiana and Ohio, which are said to 1)0 in the twister's path but are cut olF from communication. Increasing Interest In Revival Services Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church Last Night Crowded to Overflowing. .New Addi tions To Church Pastor Evangelist G. T. I.umkin will continue to preach thruout this week at .'!.'!() in the afternoon and al 7 at night at Itlackwell Memorial liaptisl Church. To a crowd partly sealed in the annex of the church tint preacher ap pealed Sunday night for personal work on the part of every Christian in what he tor d the "Crisis" ot the III ee I i I V From the text "Due thing thou I o k 1 . t " In-. I ,u in k 1 n at the Sunday nighl '-ei ice j r 1 . 1 ! 1 1 1 1 on the Mili- j.-'-t Wh.i I- i 'i" Cli ri -I i. in I, ilo' Wort h I'a.V to i- 1 1 ' ' i v o 1 1 1 1 g i 1 1 1 1 r , " Mr. I.iiiii catne to .I.--H.. ;i n x ion-1 :' lo- should im to inherit Inn In- went ;i way .sorrow -' In- w;is to.' willing to pay In- i i 1 1 1 1 1 not give lip In, Tin' young in, in was 1 1 1 - ''I'lio i i Km .-;n, I ,i ;, . nj; w .-, - mil in to' becall.s Mi i i. . I I ' lies. right, honest, pure, frank and posc.ss oil high mural ,iiali; v . Vi t w it !i a 'I this splendid life Christ told him : line thing thou lurke-i ' "There arc only two dii..ohs in ihis and ii'iicc tonight- not the rich and Me poor or the intelligent and the ill i'i rale - but followers of S ean and believers in Christ "The reason hai l of every sail life, of every story of crime, of ev i t v disgraceful can-i t is summed up in lie- words 'one thing thou lackesl.' The preacher especially appealed to the young people to take Christ with them In their career. "Morality is lieaut iful, virtue is pralseworty ; hut 'there Is no other name under heaven wherehy men can be saved.' What value are a few victories in the battles of life If at last you have a Waterloo and a failure " At the Sunday night services In addition to the special music by the , choirs the congregation eiijoyt l a 'quartet by Dr Clarke. Mr Lumpkin, I Mr l!urges.s and Mr Skinn-T At the morning service Sunday .Mr. iaimkin'.s text was "Heboid tin Lamb of iod that Taketh Away tin Sin of Christ the Wot-id1' II.' presented s Cod s expression or love lot world; as the I i v substitute t-.r h" sinner; as tie adequate and w ,: ug .sinbearer of tin- world II" iVd to the Illls. iv -! to look to I In., Jesus and In- saved Those kit. t, ii additions In ' be i bun h al the morning service and a large number i.f iiu'-rs Ills it 'he Siinay miiooi 1 1 ;. 1 1 1 1 1 v I and r '-pen - A '.tided tie- .service Satiuu iy 1 three candidates lor liap . received. very one that sayetn unto I. ord. shall enter into the of Heaven" was the text y I he preacher Saturday "Not . M- -l.ofll Kingdom llioe-ll b night Win ii Christ lived on earth.'' Mr. I.uniiikin-ald. "He was grieved very In-imuch that more did not heed his ' teaching.-; w"8 compelled to say Ye would not come unto me. The preacher pointed out to his audience that every man wan either building hi lif' "P"" "e golld rock or upon the sands of Satan. Men and successful In Thousands are homeless and relief is necessary in a number of places. Twenty-nine were killed in the Chicago district, eight in vicinity of Toledo, eight at El gin, seven near Liberty, India na, five at Zulu, Indiana, and lesser numbers in smaller towns. Lima, Ohio March 29 Sev enteen persons were killed in small towns nearby in last tonight's tornado. Property damage is immense. Interurban trallic is suspended and wire communicat ion paralyzed. HITS SOUTHERN STATES Atlanta, March 2!) Thirty six are known to he dead from the tornado in Alabama and (ieorgia yesterday, but it is esti mated that the list will reach 7(1 when full reports are in. .Many of the hundreds injured were seriously hurt and hun dreds of dollars of property damage was sustained. LaGrange, (Ieorgia, where 21 bodies have already been re covered; West Point, Georgia, with ten reported killed; and Agricola, Alabama, with the loss of live lives, are the heav iest sufferers. Three hundred residences were destroyed at LaGrange and fire followed the tornado, destroying many frame build ings. The Red Cross rushed from here to the stricken towns. Property was damaged by the high winds also at Macon, Washington, and Warrenton, Georgia. RAINS FOLLOW WINDS Macon, Ga. March 29 The Ocmulgee River overflowed its banks today as the result of the torrential rains that followed the windstorm last night. One death in this vicinity i.s ,.(,j)()1.t,.(t that of a negro struck ! hy lightning. Property loss is several hundred thousand dol lars. Wires are down and there are no reports from outlying sections. I.ATKST HUPOKTS Latest reports show the following t ornado deat h H .1 : (Ieorgia. i 1 ; Alabama 1 . Ohio. :',!!, Illinois '.; hull ma 27. Michi gan, fi , Wisconsin. 1 . Mi --ouri. 1. 0 Mmsos Kva Mi'Mullan and Nell Pal mer spent the week end in New Hope, the guest of Miss Alice Palmer. business but If they are not taking Christ Into their business they will fail when the cloudy day comes. When we build our lives on the Solid Hock Christ become our architect and he will never fall you when the storms come " The public is Invited to Hie services tonight and each evening and after- re the highest In many years. hm A mlttee. (may be popular and successful 1 non during the week. i e ii n -

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