WEATHER Fair and warmer tonight Friday Cloudy. If It's News You'll See It Flrt In The Daily Advance ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 15, 1920 NO. 90 VOL V. fa LITTLE NEWSBOY TffiDTO STAKE Rescued By Woman After Be ing Badly Burned. Police Searching For Five Who Committed Act Boys (By Associated Press) Lancaster, O. April 1". The police are searching today fur the live boys who tied a little new -hoy to a stake piled kindling and papers about him, set lire to tie' papers and left him. The boy wa- iv. i ir'il by a woman after being badly burned. jtnei: i. m:i: i k or mm:v i.oi ise spkn e The funeral of I i t 1 Mary Louise Spelirc was conducted from the First l!apti-i Church Thursday af ternoon at lour o'clock, by Rev. II. K. Williams pastor of the church, as-i-ted by Dr. George W. Clarke of ISI.n kwell .Memorial Chhurch. The pall bearers were Lloyd Saw yer. Frank Harris, Willis Leigh, Lin wood Sawyer, George Twiddy. J. El wood Weatherly, and Thomas Hughes. There were many beautiful floral offerings; and several stores in the city were closed on account of the death, among them, Spence & Hollowell and the Hat Shop. The in terment was in Hollywood cemetery. HASK BALL IlKGINS The junior base ball league teams .ire out for practice every day. and Tuesday the team from the First Melhodi-t Sunday School played the boys from Main street. If the sched ule r. are played like Ibis prac- I j, ,. r. . p. niy of good base ball j w ;ll I" enjoy d by :ho-o int.-iested .-rough to g t mi' and -co I he boys 1 ,l;i y The -cure Ha- 17 to 10 j for the First .b-i hod i-ls. The lineup j follow-: ! FIRST M. 1 1 MAIN ST UK FT , I Win Daih-y Catcher .la' k Jennelte Marvin Mann Pin Ii k lli tnon .lames Fearng S S Joe l'oool Tom Gray 1 Ha-e Max Wood Marion Harris - St' wart Wood L. Markham I! liase Julian Morgan II Goodwin C F. D C Perry Aubery Heath R. F. Mathcv Weeks I, F. Hill Jennelte Mr Gilmore, Secretary of tin V M. C. A would like to have other teams that want to enter their play ers in the league report to him so tha dates may be reserved for them on the schedule. Any boy attending school is eligible to play on the league It is preferred thai teams be recruited from the different Sun dav Schools of the city MARTIAL LAW NOW IN SONORA Agua I'ieta. Sonora. April la Martial law was proclaimed here today In preparation for a possibb' attack by Carranza soldiers should they break through Sonora's border troops Carranza Is reported IMio miles a way. Shipping Board's Problems Before Business Men Washington. April Hi The data of the Shipping Hoard's problems i urn crnlng the nprraMnn and dlspci-1 -Non and operation of the govern i'i ' rt- merchant marine was today I'eutteil In the conference of bilsi-j ":eii and congressional com-1 ! loT" I IN POLK K t ()l l!T V poll 111' a colored boy. was in Thursday morning, disorderly conduct, larceny of n pocket Sawyer fined him ten t s for t he first offens v iir' charged w;li and al-o ' 1 I knfe. Judge dollars and -' and costs for th otid Robert Ketiiny. colored was In Police court Tuesday morning, charged with turning an auto truck around on West Main street He w let off on paying th" cost as It wa hid first offense Louise Mitchell and Willis Whlte hurst Jr. colored, were fined 110.00 and costs for disorderly conduct. Newland Necroes Are For Drainage District Enjoy Stereopticon Views. Many Sign Drainage Dis trict Petition. V. K. Gilmore. L. D. Case and W. L. Cohoon attended a mass meet ing of the colored citizens of New land township, held in Newland school Tuesday night for the purpose of interesting the colored people of the township, in the drainage dis trict proposition, necessary to secure the i 'o-operation of the State High way Commission, in building the proj.i ted ..road from Tadmore to Acorn Hill. Lefore the talk by V. L. Cohoon on the subject of the Drainage Dis trict and the new road. Mr. Gilmore delivered a lecture on Thrift which Mr. Ca-o illustrated by steropticon slides; alter which Mr. Case gave an illustrated lecture on Good Roads Mr. Cohoon then talked to the as sembly of the many advantages the proposed road wonlih bring to the Newland people, and of the necessity of organizing the drainage district. A number of names were signed to the petition circulated asking for the establishment of the drainage district. The audience was delighted with the stereopticon views, and request ed .Mr. Case to give a series of these lectures at the school during the summer. Mr. Case will make ar rangements to comply with their re quest. HOAR ST. STARS DEFEAT POINDKXTEK ST. ,11 MORS Quite tin interesting game oc curred Tuesday afternoon when 1 h ' Koad St. Stars and Foindexter SI Juniors (T0--01I bats on the Star's Diamond. T ; 1 Stars were virtor- ioll - In 1 lie ! 111:0 of 11 to l Tin' Mine was ilitere-t ing all Hie way Ihi 11 and it 1 .okeil like the Juniors v..,,. going to defeat III" Stars ill I'm -even ' h inning w hell tiny light the -1 ore up from a to .1 to nine to eight I'.ul in I he IM h inning tie- Star.- made I run- and retired the Juniors in one two three order. ,1 Wood. the Junior's pitcher. iutn bed fi nu n and walked f men. while he wa- pounded for H hits. M Nixon pitched II inning- for the Stars and punched I! men. walked 2 men and allowed only 1 hit. Rus sell Davis pitched the remaining innings and punched G men, walked only I! men and did not allow a sin gle hit J Wood wa.s the only star for the Juniors and Ru-sell Davis wa- the only star for llie Stars empires. Ward and Davis; Score keeper. Trueblood ( OI NTV SITERIN'TKNRKN'TS TO HOLD tOM HItKM E The Slate Hoard of Examiners has , ailed a conference of the superin tendents of rural schools in ten ' a-t em nniiities. to be held In Elizabeth City Friday morning. April 16, at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of di.s-cii--ing plans for organizing sum mer schools for negro teachers, in the larger towns in these counties The conditions In the negro rural schools of North Carolina are de plorable Aside from the poor equip j f ihiKu schools, the teachers tbemselves are, in the majority of cases, ill prepared for their work Five out of every seven of the m" pro tea' hers hold '-'nd grade cerli lica'es. or none at all Of the IF.uii ,, .o bcis in th" negro rural schools. '.,iki have no first grade' --j-ijesp to,f.)(.rH are desirous of improving themselves, and taking a l,iL.her -land in h-ir profession, as was -hown by lb" attendance in llio-e place" whet'' S 11 IlllTl'T Schools fr n. gt " " " hers were held la-i ,- ,r i' i -uuolaiik .- record for in I th ,.,.,, !. - i- -lightly better l ban ' p" are to no the given by the Slate OiF unpi. -pared, of the IT ' e hers In these schools, on :n it y again -12 held In-' grade certificates, a the law of C holding snon.l trade, or none j he Cod I"" Miss Ha'tic I'arrott of the S'ate and saw that Hoard of Examiners will meet witli'no. not one the county superintendents, at the ' gone apt ray , l. ...... !.-(' 1, i O,i in . izaoeui vuj. nil day HPKf'MI. AMV HA1.K JrHT i-ecelvpd 1"" boxes of those dell- clous Chocolate covered nu'i"--. , Cream Chocolates. Special pr,re . (or Saturday only 44c per box. Stan dard Pharmacy fp - & fnP GROWING CROWDS HEAR DR. JESTER Number Attending Revival Ser- vices In Progress At h irst I r 1 01 u tu . 1 wuu..... ... . uany increasing Increa.-ing crowds are hearing Dr. J. R. Jester m the revival services now being held at the First liapti-t Church. The congregation on Wed nesday afternoon was double thai of Tin -day afternoon and on Wednes day nig hi was considerably larger Ih an of Tuesday night- The con gregation at the night service, it is all 1 ady indicated, will be soon over flowing the ma in and .' or i 11 111. Dr .1 i a n a ; iter and 111'' pa-tor "! lac e both urging a larger at at t he a I ! ' 1 noon service, of the church and Chris- n-mlum . ' Member- liuii- of all ( ions ai ,iue-!e, in make an earne-t le- fi'ort lo attend these services for the coin paralively short lime that it will be possible to do so. Those who have ieeii attending the afternoon .services have found them very helpful and a source of genuine inspiration. He ginning Friday the afternoon service will be held at half past three o'clock instead of at three o'clock. The hour for the night service is 7:4a and Dr. Jester has not yet kept his night congiegation quite an hour. The twelfth verse of the fourth chapter of the prophecy of Amos was the text Thursday night: Pre pare to meet thy God. "Amos.'' said the preacher, "was a herdsmen sent by Jehovah to the Northern Hebrew kingdom as a prophet in an age of prosperity and profligacy, when the rich were grow ing i n her and I b poor were grow- when 1 be 11 ly were alb their ,owity and . levelling in their af- 1 n g 1 ra iiol'er, d In n 1 w . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 of A:i , ii, not H'i'1 the prophesies .,y witboir I'eel.iig thai i n no ib liM r d ' bi nie--age i no b a man Such a man w a - tt a I w a i.'fi'l. w b ' t her we aglv'1 wit b w ha' he says or not. i i prophesies "I Amos were liier.-iily liillill'-d. I challenge you 'i, lind a nation that -iil'tered a more terrible fate than did the northern kiia'ilom oT l-tael. the kingdom whhh was compo-eil of what are now known as the ten lost tribes of l-r.ol. "Hut the words of Amos which I hav taken as the text of Ihe even ing bring a iii' --age to us today a call for preparedness The doctrine id preparedness is one wilh which tin- war made us familiar by seeing the unprepared condition of our own country when the call to arms sounded "We see the need of preparedness as we look upon the great array of people entering u pon life all unprepared to face its battles and meets its problems "Hut It Is from the spiritual stand point that I wish particularly to itn-pre-s this need. Why prepare to meet thy God? "First, because all men must meet him There is absolute certainty about that. Soon or late every one of us must stand before the Lord of Heaven and Karth Second, we should prepare to meet Hun because of the b.i-is upon which we are going to meet him. as Judge f ,,,ir life Some one anked lan j, Webster wh,r was Ihe greate-t iL-ht that ever pas-eil tlirougn ni 1 Fixing hi- questioner with burning eyes the great htale and orator replied Th" gp- it though' that ever passed throiu-h ' w mind is my personal arcountabil io C.od ' n the ib id place. a should Cod because we are The carnal mind Is Cod is nol subject to d. neither Indeed ' an , d down from Heaven there was none good. U we like sheep have we have turned every ,n way. Ye must be nun uiin (- born again Kxrept V repent 'p .hall all likewi-" perish. Man In bis natural state M a sinner. Jem Christ came to seek and to save the Inst. The lost now mat itb horror The most dam- . , nab,e doctrine tauKht In the world today Is the doctrine that man need atonement and that Christ a aeam . MURDER OF GIRL IS CONFESSED Harry Miller Makes His Con- feg.ion In Revival Meeting ,8 Turned Qver Tq c, .a oucriii uy ungregawon (By Associated l'ress) Steubenville. 0. April la Harry Miller was jailed lu re today after publicly confo.--:ng la,i night durng a revival service at Reach Cotton. Wet Virginia. Chur. a. that he mur dered eleven old Frances South. Members of tin; ( .mc r. gat ion turn ed him over to t he sir i ill . KHI.OM.I R TO AMI FAMILY Kim N.lsll U,,- the i ii. df the I 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 in at lei' living v, a r- old. i colored woman totally i I ( 'a indi'ii county Sunday I to be a hundred and m . j She belonged to the Nash family in Ithe days of slavery and wa- one of Hie best servants in the county, re maining loyal to lo r "white folks" during the War of Secession. Revenue Cases In Federal Court A suit brought by the Fulled States against Willis Hanks and Martha Hughes, of Currituck, charg ed wilh illicit distilling, was dis posed of in the Federal Court Wed nesday. Hanks was found guilty, but Martha Hughes was acquitted. At close of court Judge Connor imposed a sentence upo Hanks of four month- in l'a-(iiotank jail and a fine of $lun no and cost - V T l'i ,ii i ' ami Haywood Hanks, sou of Willi . Hank-, si I trial for p. Mill 1'. .1 lllsl lllel V The j 1 1 IV I I'. in.' no: y ii ill . and I la n k -I. in . ing and ' "le i (ling ill,' J ,;. C Oltlor im g'l : I I r, d a llill 111 J.lll i I- 'lb. I 1 .1 w a i d. -I ri, . :;' III . on- :.b fa! I Hank. i" tub lit 1 I'nilv. upon III - 1 1 n 1 1 1 , i , ' : ' line and c o. I s 111 lie - ,, March. nil M' ( kills of Ko.iiioki I i',d hat 'gel with viola inn; ib. w ,i nine prohibit mil act. the jn, v rend' nd a verdict of not guilty. Th., con' ordered a nol pros in the ca ot W A KriMoii. (barged with earning on a pawnbroker's bu-siii'-.- without paying the federal lax I 1,1 MM I V (ilKI.S WOKK W.M. by. pril la Wellesley ('!, ,,, gills t oda y vol 11 II leered to act as wallers to work Ihe grounds, as the result of tin- servant sbnrlage The -in, .. ni laborers will receive thir ty cent- an hour and lb'' waiters a -mailer w ige I5HCOMHS r. S. UTI.KN Fgon Fran. Tapper of Tunis look the oath of allegiance and became iin American citi"'n in Federal Court l(.n, iit the dose of the morning session Wednesday He Is the so (.nil (leiinaii to lake the oath lo re durng tin I' t'tn of court. on the i ro-s wa- a useless sacritb e In the next place we should pr"- parp to n ' Cod because he has commanded us to do so. He com mandcth men that they should all everywle re repent Are you willing to fly in i'h ace of Divine Wisdom and sa com ill a : plea- " Villi w ' of Oil' ' lit you will OlsieK.iMi in-i,iit- and do as van You bav" no certainly I bat v,, until to-morrow Hu' . r vnil are certain. Vmi ,,, have to face your inak a, i , ady I" meet hi til " :, lo ineel llilll. d" I i. r a re I w o step- The , I, no . The second is . i w ii keil man forsake a. unrighteous man bl. ; , -inner his -in anil . , , l : .l II, inn er. Af How you ask lirst i- i faith I. his wa t hmi i;b ' him tur live mi u i ., the Lord I lieu '"' Lord Jesus Christ and ,-aved. pare to meet llilll. Seek tl thou -halt h "Wh"ii pi ,,,, whil" b- may i- i"' ' 1,,. is calling you Isn't It the glrang- ii umi Him while Hi is near while , est thing in th- world that when . Cod's spirit Pleads with men they steel themselves against Him and turn a deaf ear to him? Now, Oh Soul' Now' Now Is 'he accepted Today Is the day of Salvation timi An(, today 1 you .hnuld near His narden not your heart Are Hard At Work For Drainage District Party Goes To Sweet Gum Grove To Present Situation , To Newland Farmers Members way Coniin Hoard of of the I'asquot ink High ssion, and of the county Commissioners, with a parly of prominen: cti.eiis from the cit who are working to establish a drainage dist rict ill .Newland tow n ship that will insure the construction of Hie r.i.l.'noie Ac iru 'llill road, left Fliabe'li City i i Thursday, to I I Willi llie citieus of Newland Township at Sweet Cum drove School, w Ii, re ;i full d iscu.. ion of I be project .1 i m pi ovetiien I - a ud l he way- and 1 1, an- tor i lie, n.i I iz i I ion of l In- pia ns of 1 1,,, friends of I he liiovciii lit w a . held. hivlsiou I In !, incer Kus-(. Snow den an 1 1 1 pa n ii-d I lie pa rl y . ItOV SCOl'TS IWMUT The Hoy Scouls me: Tue-day night al headquarters with Scout master Combs and Assistant Scout master I'endleton. Plans were made to have talks hy the business men of the city and for Seoul tests each week. Next Tuesday night there will be tests in first aid and bandaging, and all scouts are asked to be prepared for the test. At four o'clock Tuesday after noon there will be a hike to the park where tests In track and scout pace will be held. A number of scouts have organ ized a photography club. This club will meet ncx l Tuesday night. I.ADIIIS All MKHTS Tin- l.adi'- Aid Society of lllack well Memorial Clinch wa . ell 1 1 rt a in -ed Tue iliN afternoon by Mrs (' " White ,,i:.l Mrs .1 M Weeks al the lion I M i Weeks mi Main si re.-t The I.,, I,, ; ,,' oil lo - , '., I he p I III' and his wife. Dr. and .Mis. (Jem-go V, link.. :.i lie In rn Ha pi I t C i ii x i u I ioii in M a II ' be b 1 1 . i 1 1 ' wa- I ra n -ad '-d and re I res b m , n ' . Were scfM al Simmons Files Notice Candidacy l.'ab'igli April la 1'iirnifold M Simmons, North Carolina's senior senator, late yesterday afternoon libd notice of his candi dal y for llje presidency wilh the Sla:e Hoard of Election-, to be voted on in the June primaries S' or Sim mini s na me w as i ': I-' n unanimously by t In- Stale Ii' Hon ra tic ( '(invent ion la.-l Th n r--l.n a- Ihe Stilte's (boi.e for prisi d' liiial honors, hi.- name being un til, .ried to be placed on the ballots in 'be June prlmarie-. and it is likely now that lie Will receive a llallering vote from all sections of North Carolina I'ltODl ( ED I ItOM K El. I' SI. Louis April I fi America w ill soon be independent of all countries for iodine, bleaching, carbon, and in a large measure, pota-h. all being produced from kelp Dr J W Tur renline of the Agricultural Depart ment told the Ameri' iii Chemical Society lodav .. McN AlU E I'ltESSES AI'I'KEt IATION Lon nzo D Ca FX''' II IIV Seer t (TV. ha III her of ( inn 'in t ' ''. II, zabctb risv. C Dear Sir: I wi-b lo en,s to Mr Era . ; and to t he ot :o r Mi .0 ; and ' , ihe- of the coni ii, i ''' i . my a p : i , , i ' i . 1 1 1 of tie Ojiji'it't iin it y I I to be pi isi ii r a ' I lie a n una! ' , i, g ol tin I !i i :u lur of Coin -p.. r- Knil.iy It w as in .! I ,i privie to be pri'senl , i b a g.c lu ring and I am T 't .'. obliged to VOII ,1- Well ,, ',, Co- others for your cour-le-v. and the pains which you look t" inak" II agreeable for - no I'm -t nig that I may have op- pi ir i ii ii n v to make further ac- (iiaititatice of the good citizens of Elizabeth City. I remain, Vet y l ruly yours, Win S McNair. Colonel, K. A . Commanding Officer STRIKE LEADERS ARE ARRESTED Six Officials of Outlaw Unions Charged With Violating Lever Act. 24 Other War rants Hssued ( Hy Associa'cd Press) Chicago, April l." John Ga nau, president of the iiisurjrent movement which started the unauthorized railroad strike, was arrested today hy Federal atrcnts who raided a meeting of the strikers. Chicago, April 1 Six ollicials of outlaw labor unions inn1 arrested h.-re today charged with violating tho I. ever Law. Warrant - have I n issued for 2 1 mm e b ailers. i:i;si:i; us i ai.i.iik oi t New York. April la The polico reserve force was called out here to day when strike sympathizers at tacked trucks. MAKE STATEMENT LATER Pittsburg, April 111 W. Z. Foster, leader in the recent .steel strike, Was today accused of being the leader ot the railroad strike. He said he had only been out of Pittsburg once dur ing the four months and that he would have a statement to make later. WAITIMl FOU BKEAK Washington, April lti Railroad officials whose lines are crippled by the unauthorized strike today wait ed for the big break In the strikers ranks which they hoped would fol low Attorney (ietieral Palmer's an nouncements that Ihe strike leader ship bad bein traced to radical i nai l i i s CONDITIONS IMI'F.OX IN(. Condition in ihe central and far wet an- r.i u m in g l o normal wine- their i ; ma i I, i d i in re i-e ill the Ireii'ht and pa :if, V v n ill 111" Fa-I, Plan Drive For C. of C. Members At a special meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce Thursday morning a spring membership drive was planned lor Tuesday. A prl l!u. T T. Turner w;i.s chosen chair man of I he general c illee of captains composed of O F. Gilbert, F F Spencer. W Hen Coodwin, W. O Saunders. J C Sawyer and Tay lor Crandy. The ca plains e.n !i as follows: W O, Saunders, sidle anil I,. E Old O F. (lilhert, A J I! Leigh -elected helpers M C Murri- H Iloulz and Gallop and J C Sawyer. -A. It. Nichol-on. E F. Spencer. -Hob Fearing am Tavlor Crandy. M Stevens and St allngs. W. Foreman, P II bans Williams, and J C H Ehring- PLANS WENT AWTtY Wa-.hlniiton. April la - Plans In- troducing a resolution looking to the Impeachment of AAssistant Secretary Fust or lb" Labor Department for his attitude towards the deportation of radicals today went awry. The : resolution was withheld with the ex- plaiiation that Republican leaders wanted to study it further. CANCEL DEPOKTATION OK j UII.HIIIM "N IHtlCKEN I Washington, Apnl 1 "' - 'l b" Labor Department today cancelled deporta jlioii proc "dings again -1 Wilhelm Vmi P.rleken. former mili'arv attach.' ! ,,f the Cerman Fmba-sv at San Fran cl I w WllO W.IS Sell' I'll. ' 'I in i - i ar . in pri -on Im ' m firing to foment a tevolu'ion in India against the Hi i i . .-1 1 III TT Ell DEALEK AKKESTED Now York A April 1 ' A whole- ' -ale butter (b al'T w,i- arresleii tooay hy the ag 'nts waging war l prohleering Th aler made I ..... ( t ImMar " I ten renls a pound on a (' " "-- I hi- proliis totaling ov r $69,000. II NANCE COTTON SHIPMENTS Washington. April 15. The War Finance Corporation has advanced $1, son, ooo. io in banking corpora tions to help llnatirc cotton shipments to Ciecho-Slovakla.

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