WEATHER . If It's News You'll See It First In The Daily Advance w Generally fair tonight and Friday. , Hi VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 29, 1920 NO. 102 ft " iwss 3faii AMERICAN TROOPS r AWAITING REVOLT Stationed Across Border From Juarez. Local Police Estab lish Dead Line Beyond Children's Service On Friday Night Crowds Growing And Interest Increasing In Revival at City Road Church CUBS HAVE GOOD SECOND STRINGERS Friil. iy will be Childten's night at I ; 1 A I . 1 . 1 : . . . . .... . . i-. ... m . n i v ' 1 u,,u " i mi it ii aim pu- Which Civilians Not Allowed I ,.., I i t-n i .-. .ni.l teacher., and children arc asked Id lie present. '1 he cliiircli al Wednesday night's scribe was tea ted alaiiist to ils cap I'-'i'il v w ilii member- d' ii'.u !k ally fiery lungivgaUoii in lie cily prus-I'llt. ( !y As.sociat ''d Pr, s-) Kl l'.i 'I'1 x,i. ,.; : ::i AmTi cnii I i'imii . today a a i . I i ho lirst -, i s i s ill' I In' nunc. i a . .ili al J ua i', z a i i'.is . Dii- In.."'. Troop. v . i . .: . . : ir the liurtlt'i and lacal pol a ' ' . . i -! t 1 1 a dr, id line layout! win . . vii.aus nrv not permit'''! . RELEASFD CONVICT KNTERTAINS PALS os-h-a : :.' v .! i: Si'vcii- t oeeli i ; a o r a ' S n a Sing were KH"!- .. ! i .. d : :. v r a i m n dv Wil- 1 iia in I'. rn u a i w..s i c!i' a -i ll al lor M; Ii . ,i I. II- ' . I' Ills 1 1 1 1 .Till . 'I 1 . .' ia '.d al I h" w.i r den's residenco. i - : i . 1 1 was r:i m muted la. ,,. i . . i a i'ii 1 1 r whose mi rdary in i. I l'i ary'- pnliti'ii".-s while serv . : : in ; !:! wa nli n's house Action Against Strike Leaders New York, April -!l -Federal ac tion li punch strike leaders in this section was begun when a number of witnesses were culled before the Federal grand jury al Newark today SAYS SENTIMENT IS STRONG FOR McADOO s'l in , w .11 ( mil lllu,. ! hi . week i "(I nr; (mod iuu-io i.- mining In I iie il I'.a'i IVencs.- of Hie s-'!-. !. !). Il choir and congi egai ion -inging wilh I'; I be old. Ian: i.i . r hi ui:.s t !ia! are beng ll-eil. t The text of the pa lor, Key. J. W. P.ruilhy. al Wednesday night's ser v i-e u as Konia ns 1 : 1 H : l''or I am not a- lami d of the aa pel; for it is the power of (;0i until salvation. His I heme was he pou er of God. Service; will In a ;, th.. church 1 1 -1 1 i k 1 1 1 al 7: la I !' -iilij.'..t of Mr ir i . ! I ' . ., r moil will be: Jonah and the Ilia Feb' and Son,,, chm-rli Member.; Ilia I Ought In I.,. Swailowd ' PAVING COMPLETED SKINNER AVENUE .Men working under cily .Manager J. '. Commander have complete the paving of the sidewalks on Ski'iner Avenue, much tu the convenience (,f the people in that section of the t'ly. The low places of the grounds around the Norfolk and South -ia station are being filled by the N, S. H. K. Company, at the request of .Mr. Commander, wilh I.illillington grav 1 1. a malerial which is proving sat-i-f,o lory on tin- roads in Hie conn' y l"!l!l Wil!. 111.- .;!' I 1 1 1 i 1 I (1 1 a P 1 1 1 I . a. i .. r ... .,.,. i" ''" "" 1,11 '' s '' s''-v" . r.iad (aunpaiiv f n rn i.-lies Ilii, gravel. Ha' le ' ITaela-allv every ! ;llla ,.,. ...... ... a ,,,,,,,, ... lea lid. I'. Wo : ,-ver i 4 M-mz? 11ULUU1' CASHIER Title of Play Given By Local Talent Which Promises To' Be Much Enjoyed "The Weeping Willow s- is the I Mlo ' o Cii.d. :. .. 'I i lite l'"ir.! Me: a i.ii t :" ' ' 'lie -day i.. .a.: ..' iae Alkr.i '!' 1 1 v. :i l . ! I p:i I o pro viile .in ' ' o- il. While Conductors And Chauf feurs Stand Outside Robbers Get Money and Make Their Getaway SSc r-v j v ii ii TIPS' - av , in: v. Tie -lar.- , .. ling Willow I- - r M t i ' 4i ' - "WV''' ."P ' IHTT L FILM JtH New York. Apr. 1 W . oe - 1 t V I , , e t'l II 1 1 llr ., j' '!. :t! ! ' ! a coieieu a . a i 'e, in lion! . 1 i a ( oin pa i -are all !. I., a by 1... al , ' .. ;..., band,!- . 1 ' n e i - ia nl on W. ep , .1 .. i the pom ' . i n i a l joti in Virginia .da i' I : om i . Willie Iwen I . ...a Her- con . I '. I ' Il A Veil lie ' CM:,;., laree .. lb o I ii e a iianlai' look ' i r du ring ! ae Cn ,1 War. I . . a, ; l'"ola.u a. ie ,..,.. i,i cliar.o '. is: - - ... ' " "" '''"'-ICMAMUtR D.'vIVF. ,.,::. nroek,,, BRINGS NLW MEMBERS Col. UoiM-i- j,, ll.i;. n ,,f ii,,. c,,n I' d' la : a II. )U ml Sari! Ca I lean r I 'i . a en . a I n ion a v ' airy Olla.r I'.iixlou While. 1 ' i pi I irk 11. 1 1 1 a 1 1 . ' . a I out i... a I. ' 'ell 1 Sll. I Ca.' Cdii.ird (I, li.nll o Hie Coafed . ., Wen I ..... a ...... , a . i. ' ' ' I " 1 'ie n 1 . ai h.a lap Iia W W,. i- ho.-:, r Crown, a loung man of ,, , . . ,. ' . " 'l i C'-ii.ti- the Noi'lli l.lovd il i i e lor meei I,. r hip u inler ' ' ' " ' 11 ' "I I'eiiiaierce 1. a I . a i ri -ae ,. still. Il I a y. iieen r. '' " '"' in ' '' " : , in one af- 1 '"Iloiwi:.- name; of l,r' "' - ima u ere added ill Tie ' I i ' e :" ;- I ' . i ro I i i a and li 'id . , . ... i i i A . I . . i , a - n. A' ;, I ' a i a s i I ,r ' a. a'. J'.iluiiT is not III ! l o w a -: a : . . I 1 1 ' a I e a i n . i a'.' ; .: i Ii I ' i a'- no m . v I'. ai ' . ' ai w i a l'a . a-r a rliing laid WT i a I d : .'a ' am . i , i ,, ., : a,. 1 1: i a I .; i , I ,n e Ii m.ii ,1 in i"1! 'ad' Ipiiia i . a i 1 1 : or ,..,.n.. V. iNi.n in I he la..; I e i ion St I ' i I ! A ( . I ' AMI !' oT MMITV Tllltl i: I MOI SAM) Wa li'Kgioii, April L'!' The cam paign for ratication of the federal w oinan' suffrage amendmenl has lu-i Hie National Woman's Parly ninety three thousand, il was announ red from headquarters today. French War Brides Miss Their People I" ! 11 oaial for . dew a Iks. the Cjt y i M in:iE' l' is noiv ri ady to lay the pay AW . 1,1 K fiad Mil, hell has built up a good t rv- for liis Cub team ot !!,. ,.,s M V.,.,1 good voung Ci.'.; v.h.) are showing well. , r il ,., ,,e Toi.v Schult, Mllv. .r.K l.oy (left), who is trying .., ., ;,, hi job Claience Twombb y (i:;bti. lirst liasenian. just a ',', ( idbge, .nut al. i t in Stol, soul! .-. .. lima South Dakota (C011 te , I., loiv is the .Malay Cub the Cub's i . ascot. Ssl vl la r 'l''.as I'ele. a 1'nion Spy and .Mes I .-ongei liaymond Slioeley. ' John, an Orderly Clyde (ireg-on. .Martin, a Confederate drummer boy, i Clyde (ireg-on. Kdith Preston, the Ceiieral's datigh- i ter. Miss l.ueile 'a-.. Minnie Preston, the Conenls young i 'si daughter .Miss Mahala Meek- ' ia Kihel Wainw right . Honor's affianced wife. M :-- Kallo line Ihnlon. Pannie. an angel of men y and com ; fort and Dji k'- I fed wife. I .Miss llallie Hai an y 'l'i' k. i- aie on sale M -onlay al So. ig'.s for an and 7 ."i con t - U. D. C. HOLDS FIRST YEAR BOOK PROGRAM i .a am , la!:,: .1 la elVe Caill I ('.a (' April L. 1 ! t 1 1 h. i: s;r ia n I hough in I la- sen -e. I i.-t 1 a " ion ni u - t pay you r p d 1 lax ! -' 1 !' bet ore ion call ml,, and Id in ii si he done before May 1 ;ianlage was taken of your ah -'in" under the Absentee '..'er A' I . w h :!e ail w ei e in t he -en j. e of i. on ooiincy. and you have an op portunity lo repudiale such ba-e in g rat it ud e I am taking it upon my.elf to ad FAIR PRICES DiLTA Ymm 1 1 1 1 . I'll.l o i I : : I ' ' ..d'.p:. 1 '.. ''.. ( i, a : .1 aa.l : , i : a.ei i ,. a , Mjoi, ,1 The paper ,. ,, lo " all Oil " Kl I . 'a del, lie ,!e - " v a ' ill 1 1 r. -' . n g I ea I a : ' 'l i .lea .1 "ie I' I It i II I u a ; I . , '.e - W ' I Ha i , i Si . W C ( : I.,, , , r I v , . I, l; r li. .1' -e Pii'caard. Dr. Inli.Hi S, lir. W T lieaiis. Ceorge K. I'.ilM'enila 1.. K ,. Wi'lamis. Krank ,; ll'ility. IT M Cox. 1. I). Knight. S S laairy. .1 K Wilson. Charles Carmine, Dr II s Wilh y, T. It. Jar vis. .lames llollowell, Dr T. S. Mc Miillan. N. . Smiili. Camden C. Piailes. I.. I.. Winder. Ideal Ksi .,y Company. I(iver-ae I, umber Coinpa ny. Itault's .y- Overman Pre-sing Club iito Supply and Vulcanizing Cotn- pany lie e.- he..e in ill b. -s. -ecu . ad I y ia'. d rue. 1 .", or 1 S men h , ve recent ly boned the Chamber of C. . in m "ice i , . 1 1 , i r . 1 1 i I y . Today Best Says He Didn't Confess Poll ' M o ' ir-on Oil.- - i Ml I- ill Mo Consider Need Of Trained Men jjo W ,. He j. Of I be , , of the al' I, if the III e la I : a :,i . lo i "i Coin ni i.--- . : I ., 1 i ' : a, i a -. ,ii i inlay I , i . a; i.-a. . ., 1,,- ,.., heie I I I., i -a i . r : 'a :a .-, of col 'land h -a a v, a ., n d lain pari a era 1 1 - e i ami . ,' Ii .a 1 . all a aail I V nubile indus- Says That They Do Not Mean firnrM nf l'nm;i.v I c P.-I-A AnJ TL. 17-!.. .. . A. Ihe ,e, ,,vc ",ai ,d,r cond bioMes IoLscape Being i,. , . !,. , wi, i. pu'iHshd. .,d ,..,., ,i ,. , ,.. , Price Committees Are Wea- Drown.-d. Much Livestock 1 ' " ) ' ' pons Against High Prices ; Lost in Mississippi x" '' S X ;l""'s '"" " "" "S"",h a-hington. Apr. I '.l -Attorney y ,. , i, C I" i a I Palmer toil.iy decla red i hat - , ., ,,,, ; : ' 1 ' i ni "t a ;r p: a e . " does not un a n , . I I . i : 1 1 K a price, but the exeia i-ing of la w I ii I discret ion. (II.-.- ei.av soldier ill I he fourteen "'' 111 ldl' lh- 1 ' 1 ! ' ' " " " countii - oi ibe Kirsi CoiiKn-sional ; "'"""'"'B "ba; the govern men l -, Di-trict And I am not so tnuch I " "" 1,1 n ;ls v'oiation of the law "Oi, erne, what ticket you vote. a- l;,ir I"'"' ''"H' "lit lee, ,.,,, ihal you pay your poll tax and vote "n' I"1 1,1 i(' wt'l'ons for lighling the , (1 ti... a , i;sing living costs. ' .ii vi' iioii . I lie 4 , o o o . lo oi . - - - . , I.- ,,. , . ., .... . l-l'li'T- -f this country, as indeed' ' I Ci I. - s I'OIM'SMOI III ; Wis p. i haps i be mo . ie , Ptttsburg April J! ---1 nrmnpa j . :, n.-aiM tive thousand from ' 1, is Jnmilr 1(1 , i: , -,, , , ., ,, .,. wa t.y ol American and 1-reach customs ,ric ,,, "so, H,e hair" on the WL 1 il iLl) AO .1, '- ;., n- S.ittinlay ;,,.,, ,. , of Ho- S.m. mis causeu; oi a pp . oaoiui i ,-i, ,.,,,,.,1,-r noliticians if von ml And Of 50,000 Who Came To America After World War Many Have Returned Home, i lately I f.n, (inn French war-brides to return to France, ccordiiig to Mrs. Kegi nold II. Johnson, president of the recently organized IVKnpoir Franco -American Club here. The club, formed at the suggestion of Millo Odette de Bouglon, of Paris, who was in Pittsburg recently, is expected to broaden the interests of French girls who became the brides of Americans overseas, and to make them content ed in their new homes. Mrs. Johnson, herself a war-bride, and wife of a professor of languages at the 1'niversity of Pittsburgh, de- QltlWMrD DCCinPNTC the in loil ie, loved bv S.nii hern mot b i V- -M-i: 'II'" er a, ol crandmolhe,.-. , included MAY IMPORT LIQUOR " "'" ' f 'el i familiar -oiigs. ranging Houi the Cm ; ii'iio'iiod ,. ,. . ,a -,,, her'- t.n "I.-. i aa ' ,l: ''I- : I'-'o had ,, : . a'anlalion song "Siving l.i.w .'ii.-l.i by ia,- ri-ing Sw, , . chariot " M - Ma rgarel llola.u . l ead a n ,:'' "'' i" tb'' ai'iia- on "Thi' Origin of the D.nir.h t1 '' bono , to es , ,- ,,f Hie Confeder.o i ." and ixhib Ail"i 1W' i"-k has ;l pi,rirai' of Mr Ciri.tina Mer rill, i Ho r (lood let I . no ' 'o r of t he i NEGRO REPUBLICANS FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE Toronto. Cauda A.pril '.i Suiu iio : re -jili'iit s in I In a : lo whether ' ; U- of ( a laid. i or Hie I n ited S: a 1 1 s may i in p. . 1 1 I n u or ! lie same a pel ma io n I i .. ah n I . o eord illg to tin- ruling of Ho- In. n -e com tn i iou lo I' ll i.- you. who can bury the fe, low in either party, who is Democrat or Republican for what he can get out of i' 1 am not a candidate for any ollice, but an humble citizen with an impelling passion lo help clean' out some "bunk" in our country's politics. The challenge now Is not "less politics but more people in pol- S. C. MURDERER Oil I ': Ala in-: n Mug nam I'he Reni- by Mr.-. I liale:g'i. X C April :".i The Ne- b ill ground, i: R Outlaw, Sr. who rave a ib-s gro I ! ' iu hi ea n (onieniain held here Ho- gaaa la be called a!.". Hill p. in. eripHoii of life ill those far off days Tl" v .''., hale mo of the fa les' :IMII ol Ho- iiiL'enuilv hown by the 'ania'ia: i:a- in ibe lid, .water The women of the Conl'eil.a ai y. in pro Negro Brought From Ohio To( il'' ' 'i.wn up to form in ib- viding home made coinlorls and con I.vnrKkurcr Tnrlav Pkn r.r1 ! 1(1:1 ' 1 ' tin- .- f i 1 1 n l-alenloii t - :L 111 and vollieiices when 'boilglll-i. goods" j - " J VIIUIVU V. ' f-l I l be-ii lei l g t w elvo deb ga'es to Ho- Republican Nation al ConvenHon, una mi inou-ly adopted re -ol ut ions favoring woman suffrage. With Murder of Police De-',,,,. ,, tective Mann ill ta-iag Ha Potl-inoiilh Dixies, and could not bi ll. Mr ( u! la w good gal, xpeeled to be a i a i y brought a number of curios and sou uiday. venir- of those dayj. among which were Hi, -buck bats ivhi.-h the wom en made and wore a g nly as they now mar the finest l-'n-nch creations HAYMAN HURDLE A uiei marriage that came Lynchburg, April :t-John Wil- itics for what they can put into il'liam . the negro charged with inur- lather than for what they can get tier ol t he pol Ice de: eciive Mann, was surprise to ail but a few of the friend, '"' l'1"1 "' (ll,t of it" Ibroiigh! here today from Ohio, and of the tnnb and groom, took piae- "''- 'i"''''1 : Sheiih Willis of Crecnvilie. tin. le.-a ..f Mrs C S l':,rlr ,,,, in increasing inter I shall as -t you in whatevi wing the Year! -no t ,-IH ce.s-ful ill I he meet ings Moose Entertain Friends Tonight The new Inane of t he Moose in the fourth floor of the Minion Building will be thrown open to mem tiers of Ho- oi Mar and their friend-; to-night w lo a an informal reception will be clared that members or the club are r;m , c,irri.ct such evils in our pol learning Knglish of course, but j,jr- slowly, and "when one cannot talkj p:iv v,,,,. poll tax before May 1. one thi'nks loo much." V(,.,, n Novemer. "We of France are individualists."! Your- truly, she said.. "We live within ourselves C Pugh. ,ad our own people, and that makes , ,. s spread litis poll tax news to a doubly hard tor the r renen gins . ,, ,,,. neighbor u '. , have left their homes and fa in Carolina identified the negro as the : Dyer -:r I hui-ilai morning a: . i I :n t'li t -r.. wli found the first h , j ,( wli,. ,1,,. W1V. - and sweet - I mail wanted for killing two polic , a . a ' here. i . Not t hat t hey do not love C o- iiii-band.s, to be sure, hut they mi Had'' people." wil l, ask iti; orvr j N. v York. Apr, I L'!t With (Jen-1 - . n i a! Wood leading Senator .I11I111...11 , Ui :i tra I.'. .oily a lew bundled votes in 1 la-' oHt: o. ui 1 .V u Jer.-ey ii e-idein ial pri ma ry . ! , ,, r ri. d ., '.lo'in-on's cunpaign manager aa lilie. oi i I con 11 1 ill ton r coil nt ie:'. 'lora has called a.pui i.,v for r.Uli. pay the 1!)19 noil i i l; SKTII 1'KKKV POST Comma:. J nie'dini: ..: th" executive committee of the lia.,1 Po-t of the American Legion for l'i "lay night at seven o'clock al l ie Y. M. C. A. Those con : "King the committee are: J. n. Flora. N P. Parker. Jo seph Peele, Ralph Pool. Sidney Eth erl'lKe. Calvin Twiddy. Other menibei'H ittierested in the administration work of the Legion are Invited to bo present apr 29 30 lion. .1 S. Manning. Attorney Conernl. Raleigh, N. C Mu-i a soldier away from home May 1st, l'i l!i who did not pay his DiSCUSS WHETHER loaned today that he would ;t-k l'..r I w-i- n-; ..,,. ,. i;,v .1. M (hinoiol o'clock. -.1 . ,, b.-r -i-ei. Miss Cb-in- ": ,l"' pr. r;nn.s Hi- "i- n.iu ,,f ,. noniber- are .specially ma Una! be, an" the bride ' -v.-r given. (inviteil. Kogi r H ! ! .villi'.. -on of Mr an I 'I lo I . . i a I l i d. r "I M "o .- i- on e of Mrs. T t llavinan of Hi a, city. FIVE ARE KILLED iHalaii"-: ore. air.atlons in city, and tlo ir rooms in the Mill ion building, wliidi hai recently (n ,, li u b- a ntilullv I ui a I Ii -.1 and i!ec j,. i mil. d. make ipia ri i is .f w hich the I" - I I 1 ii a - ban. i otaei y go w ; ,-l a d : . of da rk blue I ra .. . es-ort" , i o match, and i . r boi i t of rose, a ml TWELVE INJURED c 'Idle C erem on v 1 'i WANTED MAX NOT A I KAII) OF work to learn furniture business. Good opportunity. Morrlsette & Company. SERMONS NECESSARY tax before May 1. HHIO ln order to vote in November. Wire answer. i,,,ndon. April :!! Whether or ('has Iteid, Sheriff. I ,, ,w iiwl isi,r.n--.-ililu one of the iUi'Htions the bishops of Ibe Sheriff lteid. Anglican Church may decide at Ho Klizabeth Cily. N. C. I.ambelh meeting in July. Soldiers in active service ut list ing time l!Mlt do not have to pay poll tax to Vote. .lames O. Manning. NOTICI-: TO AliKHAMA I'ATKONS Annette Kellertnan In "The Daughter of the Gods'" has arrived, A I'TO LINK TO NORFOLK land will be shown at the Alkrama to Starts Saturday May 1st as adver- night. The picture Is decidedly th.' Used and every day thereafter. Make biggest hit ever shown In this cily. your reservations early every day. 'and will be witnessed by the largest apr 28 29 30 Phone 58 Edgar William 2t A.29 I crowd in the history of the theatre. pa -I o ; Chun 1; Mr. . a r, v : Kii-I .M'-thodi.,' I .! - lliviuin left on the . '1 i a t day morning for Neujioi; , a . which will be their flit tl re I i orn. Mich P b were k II- : a I ' a ,a a. I . a ' ''oi; 'an,- i,i. .I.,;. , .,'- and bo' l' ': 1 Tin- :o . ei a: i to tile II mb'-r. f, . I that llo-v h no a right I.- p mill -ei... i ., a- I, . ,. i!l l,e : g- IV. l'i' ' I"' el,,.MI , j,, real bona, waliuillg c . . e ! , r . ! i 1 1 g llle , . . , . .- l -1 1 1 1 1 e m 1 1 t , 1 1 : o 1 1 of ,' '..iiipi"ti'.n "I 'ii'' ". """"s. ...... I gle-l , w II be given I I"'. 1 n Iconic. There w.ll be no loiaua! progrum lor Hie evening but lb'' Alkkrama Mr . II... ai.n, in, one ,,f the em- NORTHERN BAPTISTS ! Orchestra will fiifui-h mu-i''. and a p'oyee- ia Hie l. I.elgh Sheep Com- TFT FOUR MILLIONS ' " l"''' of local men will make I II - pany store, and ha- a large cin of friends in I he ci! y. Mr llayaiau is a former resident . , i i .. i N-v York April 2H- An oir right '"'u "- .,, , . ..... : i u . lili I I llelre.. HIS Wl.l be -erved ,111(1 ILIW HI iwn ' " ,tr " ",' ' " ""' " ",,u"" pledge, lor an additional two millions """ " " of Kli.ab. ll, City, where ,. has many ,..., Sp(.man Rockleller I "njoyal.;,. o" friend, IP- Is now etnployed at the () ,,,, , , Nortll,.rn ap! '" ","'r" N"W""n S"v- ,i-f. N.w World Movetnct was an- I'KKMIT WOMKN T' to be a must lion in . ' I oda y Al TO I.IVi: TO NOItl'OI.K TO ItKCilSTKU Wavnesboro. Ca. April !'! Acting upon the reitiest of the Woman Vot ers l.eatue. the tax collector of 1 need your support in making this t Ti: VI!Klti:ii:s, STKAW IlKltltllOS lirkl. county is today permitting line a success and only that will keep Just received fresh Florida straw- j W()ml, , register for the preslden- it in operation. berberries. 6". cents a quart. T. V. 1 1 si 1 election If the nineteenth amend Phone 58 Edgar Williams 2tA29 Mittree, 13 N. I'olndexter street. ltp ! nient Is adopted by then.

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