WEATHER Showers and cooler to- night. Friday fair. If It' News You'll See It First In The Daily Advance VOL V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY, 13, 1920 NO. 114 CLOSING IN ON-CARRANZA Rebel Forces Surround Former President And His Army En trenched Between San Mar cos and Apizaco Rebel forces seem to be rap idly closing in on President Car ranza and his army entrenched between San Marcos and Apiz aco. Governor de la Huerta has been named supreme leader of the revolutionists and is prepar ing to go to Mexico to take con trol. ( AKK.WZIST V APTl KKS TOWN Yuma, Arizona May 13 A former lieutenant of the C'arranza forces, after shooting Captain ('aliens to death at San Luis, Sonora, took po session in Die name of C'arranza to day, j rronliiiK lo a telephone mes sage received here. ELKS TAKE CUBS SCALP Win Their First Game of The Season Over The Former Champions LEGION MEETING 'REPORTS WORK AT COURTHOUSE! FOREIGN MISSIONS I: f;..i5 S. A. 11120 BUDGET The Salvation Army in making 920 appeal is asking for 000. (Kin of which $4,000,- . i . O0(i is to cany on its evangelic- Lively Time Expected Tonight Dr. J. F. Love Urges Southern . Ih !,nri l,Iitf w,,rk 1 000 st"' xu r c ft . D t. ,. - . , . aratt, centers. :!. mill. mil) for re- When Ex-Service Men Get Baptists To Lay Plans For Vw work .,I1U,I1K th(, 1H,(,r, work . Together At Eight O'Ciock ! Alliance With European '"' mothers and children and To Discuss Live Issues Baptists ("h,'r so( iil' work l""1,r lvin- j ( ciul and divisional headquarters ,,- ,. . , o.OOO for tlit, maintenance of Washington, May 13 Pres- . n:,;i!K1, :iml t,.r,,U)ri;il ,;uI. . 1 .- 1. X I f T l . KICIR. Wilson 111 a letter tO the1 quarter.,; $4110, nun for rescue homes, nurseries, hospitals slum A meeting of the Seth Edward Per ry Po.-t of the American Legion has heen called for touch! bv Commander J. 1!. Flora . The meet- Uineni l.aptisl C OllVeiltlOll ing will he called to order at eight today said it Was of o'clock in the county court house. ' nc, n,. i . I his meeting promises to be the most important yet held by the local ln'u K Cat CiUTStian conven ing up NEED OF HIGHWAY HINDERS PROGRESS Elizabeth City Man Voices Re gret That Community Indul ges In Indifference While Work Needs Doing 1,, ' i . post, many important questions roni tion was beintr hold horo Iip.i- , . ' ' . " i oi new property made necessary pause Hie nation laces trie by the 1!0 extension program. question of whether it is to T,H Ari"y is !lskilK for -"' '- i ... i . ,i l,l.- ..i .,i ..I .'""" aim not mi' maximum - ufijj murium icuin' in outer parts of the world to "realize their ideals of justice and or "If Flizaheth City really desires to becom,, the home of Chowan Col lege," .says W I,. Cohoon, "it must lirst appreciate the importance of building tin' highway from Elizabeth City via N'ewlainl. Siinbtiry and (!a: i'villi- to Wintoii. Such a road w ould b a part of North Ca nil i na 's i n g - n i sy-tim nt highway-, and thus afford lieale wal Tom Hughes' long clout to the left held in the. first inning set a pace for the Elks that was caried out with fair consistency Wednesday through the seven fast and furious innings. the termination of which found them with their first victory of the season safely tucked away in the ol' war chest. The failure of t lie always formida ble cubs to unravel the mystery of Heed's twisters probably accounts for their failure to put a run across. Two cubs died on third. With the exception of a slight let As vel 1,0 omcial actlon has 1)0C,n down in the first and third innings r'M'n ;,x U) llie slana 01 l"e l0(':" "msl the last season champs put up a ! 011 1 '"' ,l,s li'sl'" which is now strong defensive game, being credited lC:,,,HinK s0 iIller,s' Hiruoui the with only three errors. country as well as in l ongres, anil White fr il. nnlK nitr-lio,! a n,u question will be finally settled. game up to the sixth innng. when the'"- laI' as 1,10 loi:al "H-s is concern. nl (lei'ly peace.' Elks began to hammer him all over '-'"Khl. The Convention adopted IV- i i . ; . ; i. n... the lot and Hoyce was substituted.1 11 ""i""""" . ,, nm, .,., ;,. Reed's twirling was the ot. big '" "hether a ...ember of the ,,., ( solutions Cd lintf on DemociatlC feature of the game, he letting the ll)SI "' ""' -'gion or not. be present ; and Kcpublican parties to usually hard hitting Cubs down with ' f"r ""' 'li'ussion which will take ;uopt planks calling for strict only one clean hit. jl'1'' "H''-s "1hii lance ' 1Mf.)rcpm nt f -i n,()hil)i) ion Despile th, chilly breezes one of "i" "" .Uscussion of the es- 1 -1 1 01 COmt 111 01 111(1 PlOhlbltlon the largest crowds of (he season wil- lilllls raided by the executive com- 'intendment and Hot to llomi- nessed the game. ;"iit f th(. state l.egion meeting liate a candidate for President Folowing is a report of the game i"'1'1 ''''eiitly in Greensboro i i Tli ( i I t mi rl ;i ti on ti t t lui t'r i r m or tin .ing.s ol llie local post lias been very , iiiilcu iu luib put u , . Washington Ml- i:i. S n . .i r-n Itaptists should lay plans for an alli ance with liaptists of all the world, Dr. J. F. Love, secretary of the For eign Mission Hoard declared h-ro to day to th' Southern llaplist . jnven tion, in his annual report. As a start in that direiiio.i i; was announced Du re will h,, a con I'-m en.'e of all Europe oi Hapiis' in i ;,ii y organ i.i I ;otis ,ii l.innl.i i ti rnn-idcr a Eiiropi-an lt.iilist pro;:ia.n. I ihIii .iiit-g the growth in f r vgn in i-.-!nii ii i m ol S'.u I In i ii I .a p t 'st il ii i : n r tlir l.i-l nil. e i f . I ne repori - 1 nl that in 1 s 7 n . s;n!i t :,. rn It,' '' ' ' had 1 1 fur. rn hi -s, ,n i :'n in ' ! 'i II u : i h a i 1 1 1 1 v . ) i hi . in !" -V CHARGES SIMS WITHFORGERY? Secretary of Navy Tells Senate Signature of Telegram Pur porting To Have Been Sign ed "Daniels'" Was Spurious. po-ts and other institutions for wonn n and childnii; 1 for retired officers' pension fund and $ L'.l' for the liquida- i who was not known to be corn- First Inning Cubs to bat Twiddy out. Keid to Rratifying but the larger percentage Pinner, Caddy out same way, John-' of ""'inbers seem to be from the sur son struck out rounding country, more Interest be- Elks to bat Ueveridge beat out I'1"? "'""'ft by them than by the an infield hit which Twiddy had had ''x-service men living in town. It is trouble in handling on account of hoped .that the meeting Thursday the slow diamond. Hughes made wi 'i'"1 ,lu 1',rK''sl t"nlancp a line drive lo l.fl whirl, w:, nnnrlv ''' as ' Ls "nlv K0,)(1 suPIrt that th,. handled by No it is, lieveridge scor ing. Ilughes being thrown out Irv ing to make third. Pinner out. pili her to lirst, Weatherly struck out. Second Inning Cubs lo ha Norris out in fly to third Coop-T -ale on fumble, laK- u Perry' out to Mrs' . out on ',y to riuht American Legion can continue to be counted as strongest but youngest, nonpartisan organization in the conn Irv today. Elks to i.' '. a ii -drink out. UNCLE SAM IS WILLING Tp PAY amount. In making this appeal for its hotn,. service fund, the Salvation Army stands not alone upon ils record of service in times of war proud as it has a right to be of its record. The Salvation Army was on the tiring line of the home sector, battling with pov- erty. sickness and unrighteous- ness, half a century before the (iermaii guns roared at the gates of Belgium. And it is upon this long record of servic,. lo human- ily thai the Salvation Army rests its case with the public. Washington, May II! Secretary Daniels charged before (he Senate . Investigating Committee today that the cablegram presented by Admiral Sims as a part of his criticism of the Navy Department which purported to have been signed "Daniefs" was a forged signature Me said he found the original in the British Embassy through which il had been sent and th,. name signed lo it was "A. F. Car ter, by direction of the chief of naval operations." Circus Coming Here On Friday Show Pronounced Up to High Standard In Goldsttboro Where Recently Shown t i the pc 'itlle ol' i In -e cou lit ie - West of 'lie Chowan rtver easy means of U nion out. - hot" to Mr-'. K id s;n- - )'' .... . .1, i ., ., i.' 1 1 ,., i,. .. i, c,,. i , ii.. ' ..... I ... i i ... ,i,,,..i ,,,, ii.i. a : v v t- I" " ' 'I " "' ' .. 1 ' e.l I : lie- ' I. !,. ' '. '" "" lit' S HllXlOUii I Ul 1 UU 1 M In vr, continued .Mr. ( oiioon. ''that attempted steal. if we could line given reasonable Third Inning as-urance lo the trustees of Chowan Cubs to bat While tnn k out. Colb-ge. at then meeting Monday. ; Tw id. ly on'. -Imrl lo lir-t. Caddy out The Waller I. Main Circus will be here Friday of this week, with a big parade in the morning and a big, -how a ! ' enioon a nil n g hi This j -the vciicl of I I old - nun w here this c i I en - wi :! i i -I w eek FUNERAL OF N. R. PARKER The funeral services of N. U. Par ker, whose death occurred Wednes day morning were conducted from the home on Ehringhuus street Thursday afternoon al four thirty, by Rev. .1 M. Ormond. pastor of the Firsl Methodist Church. The burial was in Hollywood cemetery. A large number of beautiful offerings and the many business houses that clos ed during the funeral were evidencs of the good will and esteem in which Ih dead man was held. The following were the pall bear ers: M. N. Sawyer. T. II. Wilson, N. S. Leary. P. II. Williams. J. C. lirooks, J. M. Bright, P. O. Cohoon, Enoch Ludford, T. P. Nash. LITTLE CHILD INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Convert Your First And Sec- v, ond Liberty Bonds Into Higher Interest Bearing Sc curities ' , ' Hi U ll'lo I II ' . I M i i , 1 1 ; . I ! 1 1 r 1 1 ' g ' ' . I .-- :. - . Tw. I ' ' r. or ,n I s !i .. . w !i that thi- road would be constructed en ilnnl within a reasonable lime. that! Elks lo bat -Ctop-.v s.nrleil. we would have brough' C ho wa n ' Lane hit to pitcher on an attemp'ed College to Elizabeth City'' i-aciillce. Crop-ev being forced at -"- lend lieveridge safe at lir-l on"1'1'"1"' I'"'' U,'"r,.v """'' " I his road is ol grea'est ""l"ir" , ilnnl,!,. Lane making second. Hug':' . ''an draw one fourth of on. lance to Elizabeth City. Il will open., ( Uir( n lMf,K,.( ,;i,. percent re inter,-, t by , ending the Wa -Ii i n g' on , M ay 11 itig into til,. ba,e. Bevi'fidge taking bonds luimedintelv to their hanks second. Hughes lirst. pinner sale on which will forward them to Fed up not only ('.ales County but Hert ford county as an altogether new trade territory for Elizabeth City. ' ,,, ,,, With two out and two l'r;l1 " rV1' Bank of Richmond for !:i!ked wiih a number of prominent j ... ... ii..,i U'..-i i loot v ,ir -. ''oiiver-ion into 4 1 -4 per cent bond,. long two base hit to left, scoring Ii.-. according to an otlicial announce- vans out third 1111111 I''"111 Washington In order. however, thai these conversions may men ol llerltord county and they " l M, . ,..... , ,-idge and Hugh, Ilia ,, ol I ae people ot I lerl ford I ( (i j ( county, to say nothing ot dates! I Fourth Inning bat - Johnson singled I' I Cub- I'..- (1...! (.....,.. r . . I , , . I ..... - L',,.. I . . i i i o i e 1 1 i . i , I ' i . i . . i e . 1 1 ,s ii.i,. . , , .... i . I ... v . . tie oil U lot otl ot Renl , On Nul l i - '' ""'il, , ,b.r,l. Johnson was forced :, can,,, to our fair las, fall driving , hn)W ,;,,,,,,,,, ""'ir 'i"ii"l'Hes. and that they;,n (.. (in ;; ;inmpt(,( ,,,,,,, really enjoyed the visit. not with- Nims n jr,, N(r,.is s,,1(. standing .he miserable nnT, and ! , (,1.l,..s ,.. ,, .lie cin u.tou- mine i,, ... ...e j,,.,,, r N, .rU , ('i""' j Cooper -ale at lirst Cooper s, mi, i rerry grouniieii out lo nr I "The six counties north of the 1 rl.. s;,,,,,,,l .,,,,1 ,,' llie' E i k - Chowan river, have been regarded 11 r 1 '"" 0,1 fi' "' l,,fl' ( l'"l heretofore as a pari of Virginia m out on second to lirst. Cooper , ,1 , u,,n.l,,rf,.l ,,,1 , I- some respects. At lea-' w,, nave ........ ..h been Virginians bv association Put " ,llsl "' cairn the runner there is a very certain and deter mined sentiment on the pari ot 'hi people west of the Chi, wall river to' error, stole second. Davis struck out have il,,. Slate of North Carolina i on U'1""' " '' flv "' l'""'her. Twul'.v 'in,' a bridge across this river ..' "in on fly to second. Win-on and thus tie the.,,, count.-' '' - '" few 'Hit ' ;n closer relations, A bridge i- n -w ' r Ib veridge popped to pitch, r being constructed across the Roa com . the ,b siotia r llteUI 1.. ' 1 ' for I'm, ca Owners , ?' 1 -"' ' I x lllnre 1 1 . : fol Ig ,1 I i'a i ii il 1 1 ii ne : lion - I oi : i .-log ran her of co: , (ill! I' I' t ' '' t hail en I" In add 'i 111 i. I"e 111 I i le ' be made prompt a, -lion must be t a k - . ! "'' 1 1'" 11 1 1 ''el' Holders of the 4 per i en' Liberty " '" 1 ' '' "s ' ' " 1 1 in iora ry" Ponds of the second is sin i ha t i- bun d - ' o w h ich w en attached four coupons should have V""11-' " liie.r securities in tie- hand, of th I-', deral Reserve Punk of Richmond ""' !" , ,1iri tne later ihan May 1 1 Holders of , I" ' " 1 Liberty "lemporary Ponds of ih,- first i-.-ne -houlil have ibeni in the I1"1'' " i la -l met : n W.i - h :n gi , e , , : " r toll had s 1 l ore !g u mi ; 11 ! II,. lield . . 1 !l eh II i ch i 1 e : e a ml Mi,, col , ri ons a mis ion- amounted to 'o w . the , , n ven I ion ha -1 en mi n,n i r ies in ten , M -, many I hou-aiid ; of : ,Iih-. a lid the colli ribll ' la - I Veal lo I i ireign in is- . t he ill il 1 ions The nu ill "II ha in a iti I I. ' boro. bu I it 1 not to' goi ' j here lodav , j 1 1 a i n I a 1 1 c Il a long Ian- since I 1 1 I u S'lll,. iled Colli old. I i me I pu ! at ion w a , and lie people ,l 0 greet ll a all old ie 1 I'd W clcollo il .1 COI'd I I Lolta Simpson, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J L. Simp--on. on llurge'ss street was struck by n molor car and sustained a number of painful, though noi serious, brui-e and t ills. Weiliie-d ,y after iiooii. as -ho v. a - play ing in I he . t reel in front of lor pi ren Is' res idence The ca r w a-; il i n by M rs Claaile , ig'i i . w ho aw I be child and ' o j i ; , , a I the : 1 1 , 1 1 ; n 1 1 e Hal just t Mr .gb-r 'artel her car aga in. 'he 1 1 : ; ie g il I a meil and ra n d i reel 1 y thoroughly eiijov I j "' ln"" "; ,h' automobile She was k hoc keil down, 1 1 : o 1 1 y h: u : -ed and en I on l!, fa, .- a ml bead 1 Ir C. P. '',iics 1 1 1 1 ii,l thai no serious in- had III ell sustained 'And i' w a p. I I irma lice I ha I I lie i a ally gr-a I 1 . a I ' it L M a : n Slam - gave - !" 1 1 1 1 1 1 I he lir-l view of 111" pa rail , . I o ,.,1 mi, , ,, il s I il Ie :,s " ll.e, il , ' IP"'1 Rest Show- " 'The parade itself was eompo-ed ,1 a : rea I number of bean l il'ul horse TOItM( IN .I..I5.M Tiiacaloo.-o Ala May 1 :! A tor- a an extraordinary number Iliad, i al Loch Seven today did con- ,1 pe,i ,ie - with wild animals Two -i'1"1'1 hl'' "W- uprooting trees . . r i I. . .. I a .. O 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 o i ill, 1 1 ' I 1 1 n , , , .1 I O I ,' , , I ha ml - mad,, that ent i-ancing circu - a : year has been larger , , I No tore in to making availabl ml damaging hous"" lo-. Of life is repol-'ed ;,or' ,:" 'a I'll It : i ry w oi k . the 71. mil-! :a- plan! need more .. ;,.. loreii-;, li-ld-. the ; woh i nd n a ' : oi - that' of I he ( i i rained a and women among Sou 1 1 1 t w:ll offer I hem. . Ives for . n field during the live-year dKOSS.M I'l l! S ;i I I.TV ew York. May 11! Allien dross- man Ii in 1 1 -1 - that makes u- all young , again, and I h orou gh ly embued with I the cirrii spirit. There were two cal 1 ion. -. and some of the lies pa ii gb d 'co-turn, s were the be-: that we have loan, former army l eiilen inl of ,,r . ti wilh auv circus i Pal I inn, re, lodav pleaded guilty to I . afternoon show of iw.nty 'harge I w .. i n in bers w a- good all 1 lie w i v in. .'It'll There w. re a,:- lo .!e ise . - - v n on, ! ii nny c,,wn- iii.n hep, DIIHTItOV POLK I. I! ARI! ( KM Ii In good sni r it all the while I I i.i n, ' v . , nest ria n -. who did some la n, v oiling l hat a fl-me w or! Ii if lining received worth of ,'olen bonds I 111 hi in . May I Fit ecu pol ice barracks were destroyed today today -ii and live .1, noke River, as a part of the Willi, tne ton Norfolk highway This highway would i ome as near Elizabeth C:' as tJunbury in (lutes County a' whi-h po ::, i' would turn nnrthwanl toward Sullolk Such a road would tint only open up new trade rela- ' :' go 'ic on- fur Elizabeth City, but put Eliz '"' 1(1 '' ',!: Cily wi'hin easy niiiitiuuiini- ' I! d " with Suffolk at wheh point we Crop . tig ;'d sfike the main Virginia high- -1"-' eg N'ovfoi k to Rcli mond I Hug!,. walk-,!, advancing og I'm ; : r 1 , : 1 i ' ail'' w . i i id would nnh!,, I'iu . nun t y to obta in Si ate and h ro. (L-ite i throu: 1 nu in h, t ton.i. to niak,, p '- N'ewBlld t - Sunbiiry In d-f "I am iitroii-l there should 1 ! :n i he cops- rue ion of its Khz.ib.'Mi City to the! line, and thence on . county A stltririent i , li.wners in Newland bat -Hinlon out. second io r''u''''i .'-,,,, ,,,,- ,, ,,, .-, later Ihan June 1 4 -ion-, , The rea-oii for lhe-e delinite dat es , 1 be .1 : it th,, semi-annual interest pay p., -in on the -ecu I Liberty Loan I ( t its ( ROSS 15AIS ,, , - , ., .. .. .. .... I -ri,,. (' ii,. will cro-s bats with a Fi f t li I nn in g i a : is on .m a v i .. , a n a i ue i a : , i es, u n i " Cubs ,o bat Peal- safe on inldd "v hr-l Liberty Loan wil. b,. paya-jleau, ir e- Norfolk Sa-ufday al e,. hie on June 1 IIOOII on l - nan Ki'iiiiiie If anyone wishes to convert his 4 : end ot i Men .street The gam percent Liberty Iton-N into 4 1-4 iier'i- call. .1 for toir o'clock and i' is .ii Liberty ponds he must have hi- ' p,, , ,i to ! one of the mo-- -lionils at the Federal Reserve .tank "ing pi md of Ru hmond, il is anii'"i,ice I. before " the mleres' dates otberwi-e. if he 4 I M 1.1 1 I WINS K.E w i h, , 'o exhaust Ins per cent -, - Th- I , iir:';e, for 4 1-1 tier lent securities. l- ( ; . w''l hav" lo pav oie fourth of one meeting p. i , , t I of I he I ace value of the I .' :, .. it . ,. this being ' cover itit' re-t ,r be k ,..'', ' IIP 11 I ' " the I. ' i 1 1 t , T s . d 1' e '111 ll I! .- Federal It rve Rank of ,n .,.. I: ' nioti d 1' i :, n n uncoil (hi! It Is vr. , n... w in pos;-on to make deliveries i,H -" p. rmaiieiit 4 1-1 per c, nt Liber'v c,:,!, J ! t nl- ,,f lip ...cond issue in e- workini' w i i mge for I per e. nt bond- of the .,,.;,) r. - i--tte and i", or about May 1.". g.ven a! I Will begin to s, nd out petlllalletl' '!', I I 1-4 per I'll' bonds of the fir t i .itcbs ,.., -ii- in , cha,','" for 4 per cent of the n Mil Mr ' i-sue ' permanent" bonds ate j- 7 7 1 1 1,' tw,, kind- regi-tered and coupon f,,r sum, , I a in pa 'gti nlion coii-idered the re "' in Ireland bv arineil Seven. v Five Million 'lV "' '"' :"l,,lis '"" 1 '"" V "" "r : ,v ollic- Imrued 1 omiii:--,on. foreign in education board, and the '' " , It I II R K OR K ,' -eininar ska! ing. com ort ioni that I led I hem . !ve- 111 knots so Ilia! we thought we would have to con:,, down from 1 ,,ur s,:,,, and help t'em untwist ! Pli'-burg. May 1 I! Six hundred themselves : rail roa. I men who have been on "The , h phant act by M'.-- Hot Syn strike returned to work today, the il'T, 111" only elephant woman train Dickeron Company a 11 nou need today it ill I lo- world, wa. gie.'.il with big -- a plans Pi w , la till III,' ("l.-t wa- 1- ood There o 11, any of I h, tn. I h ii it would too much spec NEGRO SCIENTIST RECEIVES GRANT .' 1 , v 1 I I 1, - d. h : 1 ; ii g tile base- I a a 1, , t a w ea k g t on ndi "i. s!i o, 1 ,, hr S 1 ' ii I nn Ing l a ! . 1 o I, , ' ( 'a, lily out pit, he,' :., ' !'. flv lo ,i', -v r ' 'tort to lirs' IMn'oti out . pitcaer 1' Hv to cent, ,-. g. il 1 ' l"ft center L n , v , r 1 1 1 g " -'tin k out . -" -: 1 h I ti 11 ing 'a' Cooper mil. thjT( ,, 'tink oil ' . Ilea I flyiti : I '.1! Ml g 1 lie ga me 1-l'ks. Re. al and (11b. Ie Id i 1 1 ' : 1 1 ' la, a tv of the Fits' ''. ir monthly of Mrs v J , r 11,01 a' foil ' 11 ill j list ice to g , . ii, !,-10:1 lo any em ''' hiiu-toii. M:n 1 :: Hr E. E ,,e, ia! mention, howey, r, should Just, n u, hi" of C li a r b ,1 oji . South . ,,,, 1,, th,. f. ..otiable nr it ' 1- tne pis' negro si'ieniisi 1 h 1-. , t r . -i - .-'i T : e. p Cii'. lir-i P oil! to Pa-t, Whit-' Scor tigs : signed a petition the road through 1. thi- county tn s enmity." ,.' 'he opinion thit tn,, concert of Klkx Cubs 1 Action on the part "f the Chumhpr of ('ouimPrPe and M-nhi'i'" Associa tion and other nrear '' hnis In this I Wo', 'Y M C A 1 Cubs 1 P. P () E 1 H II E e u "--H S .1 ,1 n II 0 1 3 ,11ns Lost Tie pr 0 1 innn 1 1 r,no 2 n m ... , I t 1 1 Society W,s , 1 1 w ,, , 11 , ' Mr- .1 ,- . -,, -i ,1 of C 11 1 ie 1 . ai d p p. n:i,-i . ' T . C , , have b, en ' ,r'i, g effort s and a ; , Ir .,: i -i 1 jes w ., 1 iiig Tuesday in- i ii -i., bv Mo ', . 1 ' lr I" 1 report ,, g I ( 'in '!' L' 1 op,, 1 1 Tig 1. money is to b,, u-ed Mi,- f 1 rn ish ing - of the price I'm in 1 h 1 , an be cal'. d N pi 1 . Six I v , , 11 1 - for ad a I! - ' ' . -.. 1 , ., in, ' id 1 d . a ml hall ,r 1 a ltd t ,-n R 111a k, , 11 po s C , whole fan, ! ' ! o go . ' i I h, rt ,ii! 111 -1 de by t he intia 1 R 0-0,1 r, li Coii ;, I . accord ing i g on 1,1 , tio n t tn : ! -inlay UOI LP IIMHRdO ( oAL : hi. Pa !.i I : Representa I i 1: 1 : ng .-1 ' 1 1 1 . : 1 : I nl.iy thai v hi ' I 1 -i' roil a, , a 1 0 1 1 in Con - Cm -ti for the I All registered bonds are In perm a- now M-'hoili-' hunli As previous- ; IP til form it nd do not have to be ex A plannel. a "get-together" social f ehaiiEed except when they bear 4 per is n, be g ,n th,, winning circle. n rent and it is desired to Eet 4 1-4 per .; circle thit raised Hie smaller rent bond- Pertm.nent roupon bonds M.n have all 'oiipons attached coveting Cirrle 1 will entertain Circle 2 in Interest on the bonds until they ma near future turn. 1 county to the end that a well-defined KELI.Od SirrdllTH KVOX SIVILLS VVHITEHAD Vr. Pell,, Whltehurst of Cha- . UNDERWOOD LEADS BY iifnp tiiaiit 4 kin x T r. c INint I HUUJrtllU yJiCO ,-K an ema.Mg,, ,, ,.,, 1 : rn ngham. May I ' Returns ,,, n' c.i iiad-a n iuiaH.'fi upon -. , I by Mie i- II- raid Imw 1(fcJ 1, ai d pulp wood for pip T ., ,' 1 ,, 1,! . t o a long 1 et ui en a' 1 ' r . - - 1 111 111,1 ABOLISH HONOR SYSTEM ' : " :,ri' """" ''"''-:""l r'"' Chicago. May 1 :: T... lacillly lo- ' ' "' day aiioiincd th,. alio'.;, ion of the honor s,eni ani' iig "i- -'udents of MIIRI.P.V .WMll'NtK MVSI'IIF Xl ,r.i I ' " '"I f'T I'"- o'llre of ,.., , ., j , j ,,, s,d"ll's -liail ro' ''; Allorney for Pns, not a 11 k f.i(., , h , , ,,,,, ,.,-,, cnce Coinr;. ubjeet 10 the anion of the r.,., j,, them I), tin ' ra' a Primary I have lived, . in l-'lizahe-h City eight year, opera-' , 1(;IT IIKiMTV ltl(. HASH t,-, a b , 1 line, read law at nigh'. (.,, Edgar Chailwbk. I r II U p.,-, ,e Mi State par Examination alker. Pr J. I llaihaway and O. a r.t! f ieiTeil my lirense to practice p Gilbert left Sunday on a fishln ! v .11 Ihlii trp f(, Oregon Inlet and the Fresh I enlisted iii the Navy and did my 1 om, at Nag's Head (Pnul weather TWO PATIENTS HI KF.n alinetnn. May I.H enatnr Ixel- nilna Onl . Mav 13 Two worn- ,,.,,,,ki nn, W son SIvilIH ol til - , , ,.. ,,, u..r,-iri. nt our conitnon 1 1 i..i. i..j .1. .nni. nrni,.. . 1.. tl,l.l.. . ..... . .. ' -I. ' iHllll kiiiiii iu, n ,, , . i .up i- . -s.o ., , roaa ,,,.,--. , iippurdirnn. xuppnrte;i tne Knox rn patient were burned to death rpv were married by Hev. h. . . saw- (, v Your vote In the primary ) nlPn wn rot,n-d Wednesday morn immediate community, should be peare resolution today, saying It In here when fire damaged the Mater- ,,.r at his re-idenre on Pearl street w, ,n'appn.ri;,!e( W. Frank Mid-jnR wlt, ,trlnK f eighty big bBgH. agreed upon." - j necessary to end the Mate of war. nlty Hospital 1 Tu- fday nlifht KeU. 1 and a number of smaller fry.

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