. WEATHER Partly cloudy and con- tinued cool tonight and Saturday, Northeast winds If It' News You'll See It First In The Daily Advance ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1920 115 VOL. V. b ' MAIL CAR ROBBER SHOTTO DEATH Stars In Thrilling Episodes While Getting the Money And Endeavoring to Elude The Police Chicago, May 14 A man entered the mail car on a train arriving here ....i.,,, made one clerk tie the hands and feet of live others, and took sev eral hundred thousand dollars in currency. He was pursued by the police, dropping a bag which contained one hundred thousand dollars in Mb flight, then took refuge in a build ing and was shot dead after two hours sniping- Bickett Postpones Battleship Inspection Portsmouth Va May 14-Governor lAkett lia.s postponed the inspec tion of the battleship North Caro "liiia unt:! .June. 10. k. . - 1 ' V ALT Kit li. MAIN SHOWS lkahk elwabkth city Want Mnr Pnv For School Teachers And Local Post of American Legion Is To Have Chain of Prominent Speakers Here At a meeting ot I'erry Post of the The Walter L. Main Shows. Main Elephant s to be seen at Circus Ground g today with the Walter L, The first circus of the year under the title of "The Walter L. Main Shows" delighted the many who saw it here today. One of the biggest crowds that ever lined Elizabeth City streets witnessed the long street parade, and one and all pro- ClUilllcu 11 o" , The gaily painted and decorated wagons; the many open aeus . u animals: the irresistible music made by the two bands; the clowns ..i,p. the niotureaqup Wild ve. n-ni' the two calloipes all went to ' ., nriulp well worth the Illilftr lie " i' seeing. The afternoon performance was , .. i , li -1 well attended. Hegmniu.', Grand March foiled by twentv four numbers, the program was pi De nounced excelle,,'. Th. vrie;y ot the acts vms s.i-. fut everybody was pleased There were acts to la-ugh at; animal acts for the k'd dies and one voung lady in a "dea'h ,l,.fyiug slide from the peak of the l,iK', provided the thrill "that one ,1)ln,.s in a life time." Worthy of spe cial men! ion are the reasonable i,,r,t lv the Main shows prices, " 1 n' " , ,, ,l,is season. Sixty cents for adults with the war tax included and halt pI-ice for children makes a reason able price in these days of high .sts which is unusual especially whe combined with the excellent program that the Walter L Main Show offers. HALF BUSINESS IS COMPLETE Southern Baptist Convention Today Stressed The Need of Financial Compensation For Denomination's Preachers. DOESN'T IT BEAT THE DUTCH? Lead Story already set Washington May 14 The Sou pleted half its denominational husi :hern Baptist Convention has com- ness. The need for financial compensa tion for preachers was stressed. In the 140 educational institutions maintained by the Southern Baptists a healthy growth along all lines was reported by Dr. J. K. Dillard, acting Secretary of the Education Hoard, in the first annual report of that body to th,, Convention. The physical property of these institutions is npn, (100 and approxi .siudents are enrolled valued at mately 20.01 in them. The board OIT'M ' I A I RKTl'RNS IX iiirmingham May 14-With two counties missing official returns gave rnderwood 1.800 majority over his opponents in the race for the long senate term. Heflin apparently won the short term. HAH(iKI) WITH lUCAMY Albany, X. Y. May 14-Mrs. How ell Price was jailed here today charg ed with Bigamy. It is alleged that she was the legal wife of Frank Red dish when she married Price. PUIANTS ISLAM) CM H III YS YACHT "NAM The Durants Island Club has pur chased a beautiful little yacht, the "Nadi" which is anchored in the harbor, and will undergo a thorough overhauling and painting, after its voyage from Falmouth, Massachus etts to Elizabeth City. The name of the yacht will probably be chang ed later. SOCIALISTS CONVENTION KNDH New York. May 14 The consid eration of the reports of committees loday concluded the Socialists con vention here, which goes to Wash ing ton to participate in the demon . -rations for the release of political j.r.-uiier. d m i DK.XTS KXI) STHIKK ihaiiv. X. Y. May 14 The stu llt , ,-e ended their strike today when the ludge uissoiveu me porary injunction against Goden Koff who was expelled for alleged radical utterances. ASKS UKI.KA8K 1)KHS ... , . , ,1V 14 Attorney Washington, a 1 ' General Palmer received socialists here loday from New York. The body was apointed to visit officials and petition for the release of Debbs. KNOCKS OCT H. D. Walter Harris is the man who knocked out the High Price of Clothing tor men of this community He tells more about It In his big dis play adv In today's Advance. organized a year ago with headquarters at Birmingham Alabama, is charged with the ex penditure of 111. 000. 000 among the South-wide educational institutions. t 1 inctitiitoiis ar cared for by! their states, while the mountain schools are supported by the Home Mission Board. Luring the first year the report says the Education Board has mule, a marked beginning in its general tine in) nurricula ;nul i pi lift i a 111 in ..v . . ..r -I- - - 1 standard.-, for Baptist institutions,; aiding them in raising their stan- , 1.. .. f,, ..,1 In tr the nrnnertv of I these institutions to the denomina tion, serving as a clearing nouse mi, all educational matters for Southern I Baptists, including well uain.o voung men and women to offer their lives for special Christian service. establishing a teachers bureau lor the aid of the colleges and universi ties publishing articles of public In terest in behalf of Christian educa tion, co-operating with all general denominational agencies in dissemna ting a wider education and promo ting the development of rural pub lic schools. rr,,. .. I).,rrl ll ! O !irrallPC(l tl) CI11- 1 He IlUlUlt i.uo rt lv a student secretary to conserve! Baptists interests in colleges and universities turnout the South and is lending its Influence toward in- erasing the attention given to reli gious instruction in Baptist schools land colleges. I I Another effort of the board is di 'rec't ed toward encouraging men of !nu,,ns to make larger contributions t current support ana euuuw, ... of Christian schools and colleges. Operations of the Home Mission H().ird have I n practically doubled during the las. year. Dr. D. B.Gray.; SOcre,arv. reported. In tlif general of ,he boa.il. carried on by fifty white general evangelists and sing ers one special missionary to Hit deaf mutes and three negro evange ls more than 16.000 persons were added to the churches during the last year Evangelistic and educa tional work among the people of for , ,,, m the South has reach- led large proportions, this work be- rioted in seven different '""SSvention gave the Home Mission Hoard authority to build a million and a half dollar hospital at New Orleans. Jrf4 sr- flS ' I , Wills 1 JSg--f .-. the Seth Kdward American Legion last night the organization went on record as favoring the Increase of teachers salaries so that their pay may be on a par with the salaries pa id for ot her voca t ions. i The local post is planning to have a chain of prominent speakers in the city from time to time. A com mittee composed of Roy Chesson, Went worth Blount and Noah Burfoot Jr. was appointed to look after se curing th,. speakers. They have alm- 1 ed their lirst gun at Josephus Dan iels. It has been learned through the Wilmington 1'o.si that Theodore Roosevelt Jr. will not visit North 'Carolina thls spring, as he had for merly planned. However, the com mittee will communicate with Mr. Roosevelt and ask that he come to Elizabeth City when he is in North ' Carolina. j WITH SALVATION A KM V ! As was not doubled th,; local post was "right there" when the Salva tion Army drive was brought up. Commander Flora spoke entbusiasti- 1 caly of the way the Salvation Army had "Delivered the goods" over there land of the Importance of the work lt is now doing In this country. I The folowing comittee was named to co-operate with Chairman Wood In raising Pasquotank's quota: An drew Sanders, Clarence Reld, Charles Wilson. Tom Commander and Miles Bright. War Risk Insurance Officer Sydney Etheridge railed the attention of Legioners to the fact that those who had dropped their Insurance and wish to have It reinstated, must do so before .Inn,, 1 . Buxton White was named as vo rational ofllcer of the Lesion and ex-soldiers interested in vocational training may see him Finance O Mirer Calvin Twidily at the Savings Hank and Trust Com nanv has inein hers h i n blanks and will rereive dues from ahv cx-serviri ATTEMPTING TO RESCUE XARRANZA Loyal Troops Are Losing To Rebels and Efforts Are Be ing Made To Get President Away Safely Mexican Rebels apparently gained the first phase of the battle with troops loyal to Pres ident Caranza which have been fiphtin? for a desperate battle north of San Marcos for four days. Vera Cruz advices indicate a break in the Carranza lines and rebel reinforcements are being rushed up. The British consul is with Carranza and attempts are be ing made to rescue him. French and British warships have ar rived at Vera Cruz and four American vessels are there. of men who the Lee At the lis. Hie wMl to been m ion . request Legion I bet's Flora as drill mas! Hoy Seoul i named Kdward r for the senilis Says Sims Refuted His Own Charges Washington, May 14 Secretary Daniels today declared that Admiral Sims charge that the Navy prolong ed the war four months was refuted by Sims own testimony. King And Queen Postpone Visit Bucharest, May 14 The King and Queen of Houmania have decid ed to postpone their visit to the Un ited States until next Spring. u S. GARDEN ARMY HAS ORGANIZED fc NEW YORK Gay Fifth Avenue Has fallen' Wooden shoes are i aODearing in the fashionable sho; and ;iie fairer sex are airxady I slipping in and trying them on. Th- clun, ; , v. t durable feet ar.pt.re j from Holland may yet get a fjcthold m America if the price ot ' leather keD Koirm ud. WfJIE BARS WORRY mm, o "SfeS1 KILLS VETERAN OF SPANISH WAR Tragedy Occurs At Old Sol diers Home In Johnson City As Result of Quarrell. Ver dict Justifiable Homicide There 1b trouble in Dtmriark , and reports say the king's jot. is , none too secure. Many of the Danish people aro clumonng tor 1 a republic IJtit whai s in ;t throne, when (he bubbling win.i still flows? The plctuie? Sure It s i the king! Johnston City, Tenn., May 14 John Omara, veteran of the Span ish American war, was killed today by Luther S. Sands, veteran of the Civil War. at t he Soldiers Home here. The killing was said to be the re sult of a (uarrell following the ejec tion of Sands from the grounds. The coronet's jury returned a ver- of justiliable homicide. Warehouse Assured To Elect Directors Suflicient .stock has been .sold to , make the erection of a cotton ware house for Pasquotank farmers an assured fact. An important meeting of I he mem hers of the Warehouse Company, and of all fanners interested in the i warehouse, Is called for Saturday I afternoon May li 4 . in the office of county agent Falls, at which time the board of directors will be named. Definite work will then begin for the erection of a warehouse. Plans andcontract.s will be received, and 'work on the building will be begun during the summer, and completed j by mid autumn, it is believed. Membership in the Pasquotank ' Cotton Association is rapidly Increas 1 ing. A majority of the farmers in , the county hav(. joined the organiza ition. and many others have express j ed their intention of adding their 'names to the niembershp roll. Coun ty Agent Falls hopes to have all the farmers in the county lined up In the association befor,, the end of the vear. 'I'be Kliabeth City branch of the P. S Carde,, Army for 1 '.t-0 has or ganized in the Crammar School with .lame. Hill as Captain. Marion Sey l'fert a; Firt Lieutenant, Mary L. ,1a me- as Second Lieutenant . In the High School, Carlton Woodley is cap lain, 'there are forty fiv,. privates. The crops grown are tomatoes, pumpkins, lettuce. heels, collards, onions, potatoes, (sweet and Irish, popcorn, watermelons, radishes, okra running beans, snapbeans, lima beans, turnii. eggplant, dwarf peas squash, cucumbers, cabbage, pars nips, corn, greens. The work is directed, as last year by Miss Hattie Harney, which Insures that I- is being enthusiastically and successf ullv done KKPOUT NKXT WKKK Des ones. May 14 - A special com mittee to report on th,. plan ofunifl cation with the Southern Methodist Church will report next week to the Northern Methodist Church Confer ence. It is understood that senti ment is not strongly favorable to the proposed plan. diet (iKTTIXU LO; WKLL W. P. Knowles underwent an op eration at Sarah Leigh Hospital. Norfolk, Tuesday and is getting along quite well. IKS I Kl AT GALLOP'S The little three year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hurdl,. got lost Friday morning and was picked up at the M. P. Gallop Co. store and taken care of until called for. He j was royally entertained and fed In ! the effort to dry his tears, and was found safe and happy by his family. IHI'K 'TOIl M 'OITTTK.D New York, ay 14- Police Inspec tor Henry, formerly commander In the tenderloin district, was today ac quitted or the charge of neglect of duty In connection wth the vice crusade by order Judge Malone. ri.KA SKLK DKKKXSK Creenvile, S. C May 14 Jake (iosiiell. charged with killing Sheriff Recto rtestitied today that Rector had his hand on bis pistol when he shot. I Kl HAKlK'ilLMOIlK WINS Louis Selig offers every week a prize of a Baby Kodak to the boy who guesses nearest the score won by the victorious team in one of the games played by the Twilight League Last week the lucky guesser was Richard C.llniore, son of V. H. Gil more, Secretary of the V. M. C A who is now the proud posessor of the Kodak that was on exhibition in Seligs's window last week. There will be other games next week and annthr kodak for the boy who guesses nearest the score. Di-ivp I On For Salvation Army( The drive for Kli.aheth City's as sessment of if 4 00 0.00 for the Salva tion Army Home Service Fund began early Friday morning, when the I teams from various fraternal organ izations started out to solicit contri butions to the cause that Is conceded to be one of t he worthiest that the world knows. The drive will end Thursday, May 20th. and by that time Walter Wood, chairman expects that the teams will have handled over to Calvin Twlddy, the Treasurer, the full quota for which the rown and county are assessed. Mil. SKI.HJ IMI'IIOVIMJ M. Louis Stdig wlio has been ill Si Christopher's Hospital in Nor ,lk for several weeks, is reported , improving and able to sit up for -hurt time each day. TOOK oriTTIMi IIAItn Chicago, May 12 Miss Mary u'i,it,, uiu.t herself here today after her leap year proposal to Joseph i Keller, her friend for several years, ! was rejected. The wound did not prov serious. IIASI'.DALL TO-DAY The Klks play the V. this after noon at a.:!0. A big game is ex pected, a full account of which will be published in Saturday's Advance. FOR TRIAL JIHTICE Thomas' J. Markhara T T. Tl IIXKR & COMPANY HKAD quarters for Meiig Straw Hats, the hat without a headache. T. T. Turner Company. Iv 1'KKSS A(iKT KOI5UKI) Spoknn Washington, May 14 Nine thousand dollars was obtained by robbers here today who kicked the expn'ss agent into insensibility, ac cording to the agent's account. IHIANK WOOD ALCOHOL Indianopolis, May 14 One man dead and two are in a hospital here ns a result of drinking wood alcohol today. TWO IUMMIK1) VOlN(i MUX'S; three piece suits one-fourth lined. Sizes :!2 to 42. All colors. We must move I hem quick. Spcial prices $2.r..0U to $4,r).00. T. T. Turner & Company. HACK FKOM HOSPITAL Dr. L. 8. Blade8 Is hack from a Washington hospital much Improved. (iOI.D IX SIHKIUA Nome Alaska, May 14 Reports of the discovery of gold In northwest ern Siberia reached Nome today. VK HAVL FOR TODAY AND To morrow Fresh Snap Deans, cucum bers, celery and May peas. Call be for It Is gone. M. F. Gallop Co. ltnpd NOTK K THK LOTS IN THE cemetery have been restaked. Auy paid up member whose lot Is not staked will please notify Mrs, W. S. White or Mrs. 0. W. Ward. 14np

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