WEATHER Partly cloundy tonight and probably rain Sunday If It'i New. You'll See It First In The Daily Advance NO. 116 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1920 VOL. V. : 'M !t BAPTISTS STRONG FORTEMPERANCE Declare That Efforts Cannot Be Relaxed Because Liquor Traffic I Seaking To En compass The Earth. Washington, May H. The choice of the convention city for 19 21 1b before tne Southern Baptist conven tion with the committee on reccom nieudutlons favoring Chattanooga, Hot Springs or Birmingham. After a spirited contest, Chattano ga was chosen. The committee on tmeperance de clared today that the denomination cannot relax its efforts In the Inter pol of prohibition, because the liquor traftlic is seeking to encompass the earth and circumvent the law. "The Baptists must see that only friends of law and order are elected to of fice whether president or constable." What Southern Baptists are doing in providing relief for their aged ministers and their fanilles and es tablishing an annuity for ministers after they reach the age of 68 was set forth in the annual report of the Relief and Annuity Board, as pre sented to the Southern Baptist Con vention today by Dr. William Luns ford of Dallas, corresponding secre tciry iMtOTECTIION FOR MINISTERS From the recent 175,000,000 cam paign, $2,500,000 was appropriated to this board and a movement will be launched to ralse the sum to $7,500,000. The maximum annu ity' will be $500 a year for those who hpn eneaeed In active denom- m.iinmi work for as long as thirty years, prior to reaching the age of Pirht. WherP the pastor or other worker has been serving the denomination for a lesser period man thirty years, the annuity win ue ie rdintr to a regular scale UUICU " , , , in thP event of the disablement of a minister prior to reaching the age . .,. .x. ,,.! tippnmes Immedi- Ot u o . Hie. aiiuu'tj ately available, and in case of his death his widow or orphan and de- i,.i rhildren will receive 60 per cent of the annuity which the hus band and father would have receiv ed. The annuity received by membeis is in addition to the relief funds that are given them in case of need. There are 10.000 Baptist minis ters in the South. ,,..-,, BETTER PAY FOR PREAt HERS Pastors of Baptist churches must have larger salaries If they are to do their best work and the churches are to serve the human family as they should, declared the annual report of the daymen's Missionary Move ment of t ie Southern Baptist Conven tion, nf presented by Dr. J. T. Hen Htmn "D iieneral secretary. Whilf'Jthe Laymen's Movement has been Insistence for twelve years ana has for Its object the bringing about of greijer religious activity on the part ot the lay members of the chur ches special program has been formulated for better payment of pastors, adoption of the tithe as the minimum of giving to religious purposes and encouragement of men of means to make bequests to relig ious institutions and causes. Much activity on the part of men identified with the Laymen's Move ment in the 75 Million Campaign was reported by the general secretary. Twenty-eight members of the excu tive committee of that organization contributed $444,870 to the causes represented in the campaign. Local and general members of the com mittee were active In every phase of the campaign, while the general sec retary traveled 24,674 miles in the interest of the campaign, made 120 addresses In 12 states in its behalf, and assisted the men of more than a dozen cities of the South in the or ganization of active Men's Lnlons. Many laymen who had never been actlve in religious work were reach in that way and became leaders in (he promotion of the denominational program. ELKS WINNERS IN FAST GAME And Teams of Twilight League Now in Neck-and-Neck Race For Pennant $25,000 MNTUCKY KIDNAPING IN PICTURES In a hard fought contest, the Elks defeated the Y. M. C. A. yesterday afternoon by the score of six to four. This was the llrst defeat of the season for thL. 'Y' team, and the se cond victory In three days for the Elks. Davis, the star pitcher of the 'Y,' was knocked out of the box in the second Inning after allowing three singlet), one double, coupled with a base on balls and an error which netted the Elks four runs. The Y's got off to a good start in the first inning when Armstrong singled, stole second and scored on a bad return to the plate 01 a sen sational catch off Dennis by Twiddy. The Elks scored in the same in ning. BeVeridge was safe on a fum ble by Dennis, taking second on a passed ball, advancing to third on a fumble and scoring on Tinner's tap to short. The Y's scored two in the second. Davis singled, advanced to second and third on a fumble and a fielders choice, scoring on an error. In this same inning, Modlin walked, stole second andthird, and scored on Fer- rell'8 single. In the Elks half of tne second Twlddv started the fireworks by a single. Reld fanned. Stanley walk ed, after Cropsey had singled, filling the bases, Beveridge followed witn a two base hit scoring Twiddy and Cropsey. Hughes singled scoring Stanley and Beveridge. Davis was at this point yanked from the box, Wodley relieving him, Roger8 going behind the bat, and Lowry relieving Stowe at short. Pinner was safe on a fumble, stole second, Hughes tak ing third, and later scoring on Wea therly's infield out. This ended the scoring so far as ttio Rika were concerned, Woodley allowing only two hits, both doubles in the fifth inning, but fast fielding saved him on several occasions. The Y's scored their last run in the sixth when Batron singled, took second on a fumble of Lowry's grounder, advancing to third on a passed ball and later scoring on an other passed ball. Elks mum my -a ,;'.'.w,v.i,v.'.'V..r." .ti m n. m m a wai. . W i 1 1 mi ' i rJfHi, 1 Mtfcd U' h i'a-Jt. II V fas km A ,1 fill . te - ? UOU I m 'jT 1 " ' PRES. CARRANZA HAS SURRENDERED With Eight Hundred Loyal Men Is Taken Today By Re volutionists Says Commer cial Attache From Nogales. vAt left, Mr. an4 Mrs. B. R. Little, parents of the kidnaped boy, who is now safe at home, and the Little residence. Above. Paul Little, the kidnaped boy. The kidnapers lost their nerve and allowed Paul to phone his mother. She went and got hiia! t th Pbanl HoL New York, May 15 Presi dent Curranza and 800 men have surrendered to the forces surrounding them in the Mex ican mountains, according to information to the revolution ists' commercial attache here from Nogales. K,l(l,IKIt KKI'OKTED KSCAI'K Vera Cruz, May 15 Carranza, who has been lighting against the revo lutionists near San Marcus for the last live days has escaped his captors accompanied by a thousand of his men. H broke through the Insurgent lines and is believed f 1)6 ln tlie mountainous country between Pue bla and Oaxaca. SUNDAY SERVICES IN CITYCIIURCIIES All Denominations In Picture City Invite Townsfolk And Visitors To Go To Church Sunday ser- AB H H PO A E Beveridge, 2b, 3 2 1112 Hughes, ss. 4 11111 l'inner, lb. 4 0 0 5 1 0 Weatherly 3b 3 0 1 3 0 1 Evans, rf. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Twiddy If. 3 1 2 3 0 1 Cropsey, cf. 3 1110 0 Reld. p. 3 0 0 0 2 1 Stanley. c 2 1 0 7 2 0 Total 28 6 6 21 7 6 Y. M. C. A. AB R H PO A E Armstrong If. 3 110 0 1 Dennis. 2b. 4 0 112 1 Henderson rf. 3 0 1 1 1 0 Woodley p&c 3 0 0 2 3 1 Uavis p. 1110 0 0 Rogers c. 2 0 0 5 0 0 Batron cf. 3 110 0 0 Stowe ss. 1 0 0 0 0 1 Modlin 3b. 3 1 0 0 0 1 Ferrell. c. 3 0 1 6 0 0 Total 28 4 6 18 7 5 Two base hits, Weatherly, Twiddy. Double plays, Hughes to Jlnner, Hen derson to Dennis. Base on balls, off Reld 2. off White 1, Struck out, by Reid 7, Woodley 5, Davis 2. Passed balls, Stanley 1, Woodley 1. Umpires Hawkins and Bell. Time of game one hour and fifteen minutes. Standing of League BOUND FOR FUN MEETS The Bound for Fun Club met at the hem,, of the Misses Albertson Th.,r.biv night, and enjoyed an ev ening oT games and music. Plans made bv the members for form lng a tennis club and laying a tennis en,,, nn the grounds near the Elizabeth City Hosiery Mill; and thin move mav lead to the grounds beln amiinmied with other appara tus for other out of doors sports, at a later date. Those present were Miss Gertie Scott, Miss Thelma An derson, Miss Mary Scott. Miss Ina Cohoon, Mlsg Wilma Sawyer, Miss Jennie Cooper, Miss Maude Evans, Miss Ida Swayer,, Miss Margaret Sawyer, Miss Eliza Davis, Miss Pau line Stokely, 1 1 2 ' 0 i 0 Tie 1 1 0 Pc W Y. M. C. A. 1 Cubs 1 Elks 2 Score by Innings Y. M. C. A. 1 z u n P O E. 1 5 0 Batteries, Davis, Woodley and Ro gers, Item anu sumcj. . Following are the announcements of Sunday services in the city . churches. (' 11 HIST CHI IU'H Rev. George F. Hill, rector. Sunday utter Ascension. Sunday School 9.45 a. m. Morning Prayer, litany and mon 11a. m. 1 Holy Communion and sermon 8 p. in : A cordial welcome to all. , 111. ACKW El.l, MEMOKIAL Rev. .1. II. Hall, Presiding Elder o't the Methodist Church will preach at Blackwell Memorial church Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. , L. 1). Case, Secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce, will occupy the pulpit at the night service. : FIRST BAPTIST ( Hl'KCH H. K. Williams, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., S. G. Scott, Supt Preaching at 11:00 a. in. and 8:00 , , , i i i. ii p. m. 1. V. case win .suppiy uie pui , pit at the morning hour; and Herb-! ert Peele will speak at the evening hour. The pastor is away attending the Southern Baptist Convention, in Washington, D. C. The mid week prayer meeting Is on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The B. Y. P. U. meets at 7 o'colck Sunday evening. The public is most cordially invit ed to attend all these services. CITY IIOAD ( 'Hl'KCH Sunday School at ten o'clock; G. F. Seyffert Superintendent. All teach- ,ers and officers are urged to be ten minutes early. Preaching at eleven o'clock by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Bradley. There will be ho Intermission between Sun day school and the morning worship. At which service several children will be baptised and received into the church. Epworth League at seven fifteen. Preaching at eight o'clock. At the close of this service adults will be baptised and received Into the church r J7 ri r I !V you Rtivr wiuVwtwpf 'Turkisk Sultan To Resign Throne In Protest to Peace Treaty Pre sented Turks By Allied Pow ers, Says Rumor Constantinople, May 15 The Tur kish Sultan will resign his throne in protest against the severity ot the Peace Treaty presented Turkey by the Allied Powers, accbrdlng to a rumor which Is credited in many quarters. Break Records For Increase Population Washington, May 15 All records for increase of population in the present ceimus were broken today by Hamtramck and Highland Park, suburbs of Detroit, which showed 126(! and 103 1 per cent increase re spectively. Thes(, increases were due to De troit's automobile factory workers settling in these towns. Both ex ceed 45.U00 Inhabitants. PEAS BRING GOOD PRICES And Crop Surprisingly Large Big Shipments Going For ward Daily 500 500 r h e 04 6 5 x 6 6 6 000 1 Every body is welcome. CASK DEMVEKS LECTURE "STORY OF THE STARS ' L. I). Case, secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce, will deliver a lec ture, "The Story of the Stars" at the night service at Blackwell Memorial Church, Sunday night. The address will be illustrated by beautiful ster onn att.ips. and a most interest FIRST METHODIST ( HI RIH The pastor, Rev. J. M. Ormond wil preach at the First Methodist Church South Sunday morning- and evening. The hours of worship are respectively eleven and eight o'clock. L. R. Foreman superintendent will open Sunday Schol at 9:30. Presi dent of the Epworth League, R. D. Sheeley will conduct the young peo ples service at 7:15 p. m. Every body Is cordially invited to all these meetings. Although the truckers in this sec tion entertained litle hope of a good crop of May peas this season, on ac count of the long continued cold weather, the farmers and commis sion merchants have been pleasantly surprised. R. C. Abbott, local forwarding merchant, stated this morning that last week hp began by sending only a few baskets to northern markets, but tills week he has shipped three solid cars of May peag in iced refrig erator curs to New York. The (irst car was sold by Smith & Holden at $4.00 per basket, and these peas were the smaller variety. Mr. i Abbott expects to load Iced cars ev-' ery day this week, commencing! Monday. Next week's nh!pments will consist mostly of the large peas, i which will bring much higher prices than the smaller ones have. 1 CHARGE WANTON AND UNINFORMED Says Secretary Daniels Before Senate Committee Today Re garding Sims Attack on the Navy for Uupreparedness. German Communists Plan Insurrection London, May 15 German commu nists are planning a new insurrec tion which may be attended by whole sale murders according to a Berlin dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Quoting a statement by Von Graefe, conservatve member of the Reichstag. DECREE MARTIAL LAW Moscow, May 15 The central ex ecutive committee has decreed mar tial law ln the provinces of central and northern. Russia and Archangel. Washington, May 15 Secretary Daniels today attacked Rear Admir al Sims charge that the Navy De partment lacked plans and was otherwise unprepared for war. Before the Senate investigating Danlels said that the charge was "uninformed and wanton" and de clared the testimony of members of the general board has proven Sim's statement unfounded. IX POLICE COl'KT David Warren, colored, arrested for being druk on the streets, was fined $5.00 and (..sis by Judge Spence in the police court Saturday morning. Ellhu Banks, colored, was fined $10.01) and cost3 for assault on his wife. SAWYER & MEADS STORE ROBBED FRIDAY NIGHT LOSES PI RSE AT SHOW Henry Pool, proprietor of the Southern Hotel Barber Shop paid dearly for an evening's pleasure, Friday night. While attending the negro minstrel show In this city, Pool found that his purse containing $40.00 had disappeared from his pocket. URGES PENSIONS FOR CONFEDERATES HONOR ROLL The following route boys are on thn Advance Honor Roll this week: eopucon biw". - , , , , , , . ...... .n,nioui oonopinllv to Uniinweil fJnodw in. Randolph Dossier ing evening i l"1"""'"' - those in the congregation who are Krauss Walker, Joseph Spence and ltBonin nn with the projected at- Harvey Goodwin Washington, May 15-Pen8lon. ben efits to all Confederate soldiers wbb urged today by Representative Up shaw of Georgia, speaking in the House on the bill he introduced to extend to Confederates the benefits of the act of 1912 and to direct the Secretary of the Interior to accept certllled application filed with his department. John A. Ferrell, an employee In the store of Sawyer & Meads at Weeksville, on entering thp store at six o'clock Saturday morning, found the back door broken open, and about thirty-live dolars worth of , ..I. 1 n , I .. 1 1 l.,...ln I goous. cnimiy niiue uim uuniui j, missing. I Sheriff Reid was notified at once I and some effort made to secure' blood hounds to trace the robber, but as the nearest place where blood hounds can bo found is Suffolk, the llrm derided to abandon that means of apprehending the burglers. There Is no clue to the robbery and members of the firm have no Idea as to w ho the guilty person may be. W1LIIELM TO DOORX Doom, Holland. May 15 Former Emperor Wllhelni arrived here from Amerongen today. NICKY ARNSTEIN GETS ARRESTED Says He Has Been In Pittsburg All The Time The Police Were Searching the Conti nent For- Him n,Q nnrt oi scientists, io: reach Mars and respond t,o the friend ly signals which a number ot the as tronomers believe the inhabitants of that planet are sending to this planet. AT ALKRAMA TONIGHT FOR TRIAL JUSTICE Thomas J. Markham Equal Justice to All 14tf SAYS HANDS OFF "The Adventures of Ruth", featur- Indianapolis, May 15 ' National ing jRuth Roland, will positively ap- commander Dolier of the American pear at the Alkrama today and every iPKi0n In a letter today to the New Saturday the management announces j(,rsey Btate adjutant declared that the policy of the Legion is hands off Miss Gideon Tlllett of Camden was M all disputes between employers ln the city Friday. , and employees . ELECTED METIIOIMHTH HISIIOI Des Mones, May 15 Dr. J. L. Blr ney of Boston University was today elected bishop of the Methodist church by the general conference here. New York May 15 July Nicky Arnsteln, master mind of New York's million dollar bond theft, was arrest ed today in the district attorney's of fice when he appeared with his wife, FInnle Brlce, the actress. Arnsteln said he had been ln Pitts burg all the time while the police were searching the continent for him. Arnsteln was Imprisoned in the Tombs ln default of the f 7,500 bail.

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