Fair tonight and Wed- ner day. No change i n temperature. If It's Newi You'll See It First In The Daily Advance VOL. NINE ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1920. NO. 136 PASSENGERS ARE LUCKY WHEN CAR TAKES A PLUNGE IS NOW CERTAIN LODGE IN KEYNOTE SPEECH SCORES ! PRESIDENT WILSON AND HIS DYNASTY j . ( Secretary Hays Refers to Republican Party asj United and Says There Will Be no Bolt at' This Convention. I Coliseum, Lhiriuro, Juno Convention was called to order at 11:31 a. m. today. Soon afterwards Chairman Hayes appeared on the plat form and was Riveted with rounds of applause. After Hays rapped for order Eishop Woodcock, of Louis ville, Ky., o fie red the opening prayer. At the conclusion of the prayer the audience broke into the Star Spanjrled Banner at the request of the song lead er. Then three cheers were called for the greatest country on earth, the United States of America, and rolling cheers rocked the hall. Alter the official photograph, Secretary Miller read the con vention call. Secretary Hays then introduced Senator Lodge as temporary chairman, and after the cheers had died Sen ator Lodge began his keynote speech. It was the general under standing that agreement wouid be reached to accept the tern-1 porary organization and chair man as permanent, thus con tinuing the gavel in the hands jf Senator Lodge. Chairman Lodge's addrers was nunetiiated bv cheerino-l applause wnun was when he referred to the Kepab 1 ipi n n:i r1 v nf 1 XCiO Roars and cheers marked his declaration that everv one con- nected with the "dynasty Woodrow Wilson must of j be driven from power." William Jennings Bryan from the press table listened intently at Lodge's hot denunciation of Wilson and his associates, and stroked his chin thoughtfully but maintained a poker face. When Senator Lodge reached the hall he took his seat with the Massachusetts delegation where Speaker Gillette was talking with friends, and they had a brief conference in which Fred Upham, National Treas urer, joined. Theodore Roosevelt, jr., was ' amonc- trip earlv nlatform ar-1 - i I rivals, and on every side there Was evidence Of a new genera - tion in' politics, including the sons of Roosevelt, Leonard! Wood and Senator Aldrich and the grandson of James G. Blaine, who was sergeant-at-. arms. When the band began I to play "Dixie" Southern dele gates found their first oppor-j tunity for the rebel yell. ColJ George Harvey and Senator! Brandegee met on the platform j for a talk. Secretary Hays in opening! the convention said he could-report progress, and by next No- ember the majority of the Re publican party should be at least .".,000,000. "In spirit," he said. "I report more than pro gress. 1 report fulfillment. The great party of the union ha: become a union. It shall con tinue. There will be no bolt at this convention." John M. Morehead was elected Republican National Committeeman from North Carolina. The convention adjourned at 3 o'clock until 11 o'clock Wed nesday morning without taking any Important action. . I 8. The Republican National x. '. dmuigatiox m sv. Chicago, June S. (Special to The Advance) The North Carolina dele gation can cussed on committee as signments today and the friends of John .Motley Morehead were all placed on the several convention com mittees. Hue to K. Carl Duncan's physical condition, .Morehead had him named on the committee to notify the Pres idential nominee. Duncan gave this place to I. .M. Meekins. Duncan requested the privilege in the event of his absence from the convention to designate his alternate. C. R. l'ugh being the first alter nate at large followed the example of Morehead and accorded Duncan that privilege. Chicago, June 8. Unique in the annals of the party, the Republican National Convention assembled to day unbossed and unbridled, with no presidential candidate having enough votes in sight to assure the nomina tion. j 1111s miivt'iiiiuu ooiiuses iu ut: u I record breaker in all respects and 'may cast more ballots than any Ile- 1,111,1 "iii convention since Garfield was nominated in lXU when 3fi were cast before the party stan-,!,.-,! i ..... .. i ) I witiu iii iii, i ii n v. 1 1 v,s 1 1 , Overnight reports and rumors from uiie in to-day, but dele gation headipiarter-i could .-bed no . light on t he situation. i A triangular deadlock be, ween Wood. I.nwden pea red certain vu: ing st rough and Johnson shl on the tii'-i iii Wedne.-dav or T ap of 1 1.-- day. with probably more than a si of favorite sons, dark horses or indi vidual selections -baring more than half the total vole. Koll call, however, will give lae 1-1 cb.ir intimat ion of what the 111,1 s of unins: nicted di.degates have been thinking There is talk of cutting the conven tion preliminaries by making t:he temporary orgarnizaton wth Senator Lodge as chairman, a permanent onvention convention structure, hut no dclinite step was taken before the first session Hours before the doors opened at (he coliseum, thousands were waiting and hoping to get in. Only a frac tion of those applying for seats were admitted despite the capacity of more than lii.eini. Political activities moved out of the hotel district into the coliseum 1 itself with the assembling of the lirst sesson Today's proceedings in ! lie hall had 1 to do with the actual nomina tion and were merely routine though !ill(isl)(,n - able preliminaries to t lit session to follow. I lie Keynote speeen ny senator Lodge, temporary chairman, was really the big business of the day. While the last minute arrange ments were being nfde there was no change in the lineup visible and var ious managers admitted that ihoy saw no evidence of which way the wind w as blowing,- and were si ill looking forward to the first ballot to develop to point the way. The convention actually opened its lir-l session at 11 o'clock, Chicago t one. Henry Lincoln Johnson, Atlanta negro, who led the fight of the Low (L ii deb-gale.-, before the Republican na: t illl lolial Idlll 111 II lee, n.is eiccieu 11.1- :;il committeeman from Georgia by llie State delegation. Wood dele gates announced that they would carry the fight to the credential commiltee in favor of Koscoe Pickett, defeated committeeman candidate. Labor After Palmer And Burleson, Too Montreal, June 8. Resolutions covering political and economic con ditions in Hie United States and labor's demands upon the adminis tration forces of that country were presented by a score of men when the American Federation of Labor opened its session here today. One resolution demanded the im peachment of Attorney General Pal mer, and another condemned Post master General Burleson. Hii ,FOND DU LAC. Wis. A street car loaded with shop workers crashed through a bridge, plung-' Ing into thewater. Passengers escaped through windows and while 17 were bruised nobody was, killed. Above picture shows the car half submerged in the stream l Y. M. C. A. TAKES ONE FROM CUBS Yesterday's Seven Inning Con- J 6 test Contained More Errors Than Thrills For Local Fans Ill a game which contained more than the usual number of errors, the V. M. C A. yesterday won from the Cubs by the count of 8-to-4 The "Y." started the ball rolling in (heir first turn at bat, Lowry making sec ond base on a ball thrown over lirst by the Cub shortstop, whereupon Dennis walked, Lowry was forced out at third on Wood ley's grounder which put him safe at first. Dennis scored on errors, while, with Hen derson and Woodley on base, Fer rell baited out a clean single to light, scoring the two. When the side re tired, and the -moke of ba'tle had i a red a w ay. t mragiiig start III the s roll e Y" ''ll-e be "Y" of tliri I ami ! 1 1 1 e I ' had an e:i- e rni: Ihird innings ,l'orei two runs. .111.1 .11 ;iie lonrm ami .n It 111 'lo L w ry ' Y !r.iit'.!i! in 'lie 1 ig h ' Ii and I: tally The C tie -et ii lirst oil a lirst. hit waived lr: a nr-i home, hi lust ba.-e put across two inns 1 11 il iiin.ng. N'orris , infield grounder, ! p ' 1 Iter, while Wil'i :'ie b:;sn- u : !.: which brmigl: which tailed lo W. 1 la v is wa a Ii ; n 11 g to Heals to I Davis 1! Terry : Norns net him ' a: In.,: by Modi!!! - error In the -i!li ! In more runs. V. w :Ti h lit ill Ilea ! s. Cubs scored two Davis J ngling to right, while J. Il.iv lirst. T. Twiddy then was safe at ingh'd, scor- ing W. Davis, while Caddy singled i to ceiili r. .-coring .1 . I avis. ' Hui'hos. iu the ho for the "Y", lasted throughout the game, but J. Davis, of the Cub-, was succeeded by T. Twiddy at the beginning of the fourth inning. Twiddy only allowed one run in his four innings in the I box. The feature of the game was 'the all-round work of Dennis, second liasema 11 for t be " 1 I '-' ' 1 ' Davis. T. Twiddy and Caddy; lingoes and Rogers. Today's game is be tween the Cubs and the Klks. I.KAGI K STANDING W. L. Pet. Y. M. C. A 6 '! .607 I!. P. 0 K :i 4 .429 Cubs 3 r, .375 BOY SCOUTS CAMP AT ARNEUSE CREEK The Hoy Scouts left Elizabeth City Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock for Arneuse Creek, where l hey will bold their annual summer camp. The scouts are under tho supervision of Scoutmaster Combs. w),0 will remain with them until the camp is in good j running order. . 11 uijiuoie. sc-c-I reiary of the V M '. A., and Mr. iShumHker will ul.su be with the scouts ;dur:ng their slay iu caniinp. A reg ular good time is anticipated by all in the party. Those who are iu llie .'expedition are Scon: masters Combs. Venter; and Pendleton. . K. GU niorc. scouts C. Perry. Hal Goodwin. Harvey Goodwin, 11. liaus.m, M Griggs, I! Dawson, F. Kenton, liavis, A. Rollinson. Joe Dean, Iloulz. I). Speuce and Cm. Hedrick w It. JACK DK.MI'SKV ON TKIAL San Francisco. June ,X The trial of Jack Dempsey and his manager. Jack Kcanis, on the charge of con spiring io evade the draft law, is scheduled to begin here today in the United Slates District Court. WAXTKH AT 0( K TKLEI'IIOVK operators. For day and night work. Pay while leurnlng. Apply at tele-1 phone office, No. 509 East Fearing , street, or call chief operator. NOK-i FOLK & CAR. TEL. ft TEL. CO., C. W, Orlce, Manager. J.8-2tnp :;..;: vw 't ..... WHITE GILDEN v A (j ii ic t ma n -lag.- , "'f.'1' ''!,'' ( .Methodist i'arsoii.i Madeline Gilden bee ciuy Fearing W hin ; niond performing tli 1 mk pi, hi ho; at tile .o when .Mon First .Mus, ime the bride of K v. J. M. Or l enionv. The wedding N a surprise lo friends ol 1 lit bride and groom, as both are so young that their parent-.' consent bad to be obtained in order for them to secure the marriage license. The bride is the lb-year-oiu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Gilden, of this city, and the groom is the 17-year-old son of .Mrs. C. II. White, of this city. A few friends and rela tives witnessed the ceremony. A number of handsome wedding gifts were received .Mr. and Mr- While will beat home in this city alter the K.th of thi monl h. Saved Chautauqua From Darkness Lailcy Motor .-nd D. R. Scott Did It Flying Parson Was Guest of Rev. Mr. Hall Heir Tin came cau-e strike the si, I). R .Motor lighted tor Pa: -1 dillicuii ge'1,1... night el ( I11 u t a 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 lieini; a tragedy be lt r c I ig lr - went on a me lantern lit : broke I but shortly of 1 lie Farm i.i 1 1 y saved tin si age. using a a 1 lerw arils Light and night and Lallev 111 o- Maynaril spoke under great I x-i a ii -i of the delay in . the program started and the I order in the audience caus Mie darkness. lai k ed !n II,- - description of bis trip across niit incut and back over was iic and thrilling but he had to n on thru the latter half of his re in which be urged food pro ,i, unselfishness, belter schools, ; to the church, and llie right .1' liotne life a s remedies for 1 lie r i roubles o society, and w as gi' ip has!, sort llio' burn II almost against Ins own will and certainly against the will of his audience in order lo catch the train While nard wa -lus Hall, bovs and in the city Lieutenant May the guest of Rev. Roniu Maynard and Hall were school mates and class males together list ministers, I a nd but h are Ii i p io Mr. Hall ha- not yet sought tl cept. il may realms of the air ex- . in oral'iiv. KU III ITING IWKTV AKKIVFS A 'raveling recruiting party from the Norfolk Navy Recruiting Station j Arrived in town Monday evening Chief (Juartcrinasler Ames, of tii party, is pa 1 1 an la rly anxious to get I in touch with former service men. Ie i slaying at llie V. M. C. A and will be I here for -ever.il days The new scale of pay which we;i into effect May IS. ranges from a mini in ii in of ?".:! per month to $l.'u t per inon'li with all expenses paid. ; All former service men and others la re cordially invited to call at the Y. M. C. A. and obtain further Infor mation. I HOST VM.K KKADKItS The front page of The Ad vance Is Retting so cluttered up with advertisements that we are compelled to charge more for front page readers . Hereafter the charge will be twenty cents n linn, or four times the charge for other page position, with a minimum chargo of $1.00 for any front page reader. " -W.J t GAS COMPANY ASKS HIGHER RATE And City Council Would Co-operate With School Au thorities For Better Schools Representatives of the Southern Gas and Improvement Company ap peared before the City Council Mon day night to ask their approval of an increase in the gas r.ites from $2.00 a thousand to SL'.r.u. The al- Mormon were notilied that the com pany would appeal to Hie State Cor ipontion Commission for this iu- cease. The matter was turned over j to City Manager (V'Miiander for iu 1 vest igat ion. I The aldermen appointed .1 coni- in t lee of tll' i e, ciMii posed I. Ii. 1 Leigh. Philip C0I10011 and I!. S. Saw iyer 10 confer with Hie County ('0111- ini-sioin rs. Hie Chamber of Com- ''ce and !(!("! Si 1. I'd pr .1 (). 1' M and the : ik Heps it" housing I II r 1 1 11 1 1 I l:e -e 01- II ! lie CHIP- con ference ml P. lard 11 villi in; ad ei 1 1 .I'. I 'o- : choel 1 a in ; e. lo ll Iii I . . " ' w 1 1 I lie I'llle II lor 1 1 1 in can 1 111 it I nl; t T it lllli Of -11 lji 1 1 Tue day nig hi . ca-e of G W 1 w idily, police- 11. that was turned over to the , rmeii from t he I'oh.c ( oiirt , was erred to City Manager Coninian- for inve-: igat ion. SI WIIIIIvS IIMIINSION NH LAND SIIOOl, OSKS The six weeks extension of the llicl. School Dearlineni of New-' land High School, under I he direc ( ,i,n or Pi iucial Ira T Johnson, I closed Friday. June 4. The alien dance wa- as high as for any like period during the regular -ex-ion. , The extension enables tin school to have a graduating cla-- nev year, and to give the full four ear high school course. An en I erl a in men t Friday night featured an original play by Wnnn maker P.iiance, one of the plipil- HIIV. .1. M. OHMOM) T'I HM)l(i Mill IIODIST SI'. MM UK SIIOOl. Rev. .1. M. OniiHtiil left Monday night to attend the Meiliodist Sum mer School which begins its third session al Trinity College, Durham I his week. Mr. Orniond has been one of llie managers of this school since its organization and also holds for the third year the position of one of the instructors. The young n coming into the Coiieroncc are required lo pass four courses of study - one each 'year, popanlion for which, in con- nectain with their regular paslorial work keep- I hem very busy lutii ouiir-e. are reviewed am The pass- v examination al this school I. r the in -' ructors The summer I "ol also gives an opporluni'y toi,,,,,, in ni -ler- In hear a group of men r,ed national reputation An ex-, lial.p p a I i of ideas on l he subjects ol i tnportauce is I'tio ip raged Spe- i -ai aMenlion is being givi n the . :..!- School and i il r 1 1 i li il f In s 'I i(. i also promo: ion of good fellow -hip among llie ministers by Ihe 'wo week; association after lab orinc logo' her in a common cause throughout the year. Among the list of speakers who will address the school this year are Ilishi.p I V W. Darlington of West Virgin. a Dr .('. L. Goodell of New York, Professor M. A. Dawber of liostiiti l niversliy, Dr Harris F. Hall of Chicago KF.VI'.N lvl!J.KI IX FOOD KIOT I Vienna. June K. Seven persons were killed and u score injured In lighting between police and citizens yesterday during a food riot resulting I from protest ugainst the high cost of food. , Offtciril Returns Give Griffin j Plurality cf One Hundred And Twenty Votes Over ! Pn;quct3:ik Man. I Oir.cinl ret'ir: f I ie count ies gave Dr. :y of ltJO of !';:! S.-'i:::!;iri.il i!i !r ( 1 r of ( 'liowa n, a ; n o'.e- Mil ; W. V reie e. in 1:' race l'u.' t !: d Pasqno- !' a'e Senate, a r.'i e.ved in ii'inau of the i ae let i; ; a ; li;;ve ! c:ri ( :::,e from t he c ii coun'y hoard cf elections and are be lieve,' correct. Krrors may have occurred in trans mis ion, however, or iu getting the figures into type, and these figures, though believed accurate, should not ( be taken as final. The ollicial vote as compiled by The Advance follows: Si:.TOKl., DISTRICT HM'K. i bee Wiuhorne Griffin a Hi 4:i.1 lle 'si 402 ;".4L' r,7 2 426 :,m .mi.-, 99 24 1 ,Ml!t :il)6 1 Hi .m:', :io:s 2t;:i 920 r62 24GI! :! ,S 4 3 26211 ClI I T! I uck Camden r.isiniota ii k I'eniuimans Chowan Gates Hertford Totals SECOND PRIMARY HELD JULY THIRD Raleigh, 1:15 p. 111. According to the News and Observer's tabulation late last night of returns received from the Statewide primary Lieut. Governor O. Max Gardner was lead ing Cameron Morrison by about 3,000 voles; and as former Congressman Robert N. Page apparently has been eliminated from be race 11 was con - alcred alino-l certain tod iv that Cai ilner and Morri-on would have to encage in the soiond primary to be heid on July :: to ile'eriiiiue the w i mo - of 1 he 1 ieinocr.it ic nou, i 11a I ion for governor. Tin- New and Oli 1 '-pi based on cninplf :111ns from lolly 10 tually complete ollii ' lor'-, iy cn'iiili c: -HI. Morn on '.'el 1, . r unpila- unollicial re : '' - and vir- il ieiori- lrom Gardner 42.- P age -i.l '.Ii. Tin I Oil I leen 1 1 Uilll le, V ( ' I I (i 1)0 heanl t loin iisuallv iiii.I a 1 11 1 1 1 vote. a lid was not expelled returns from Itloni would situation. Indications materially change llie a re hat Associate Jus leceivi'il a majority of I mil have io d in the t a o Hoke hie voters and wi second primary W K. Cooper Is apparently inaln lain'iig a substantial lead over F. C. Harding for Lieui. Governor. The last News and Observer's ligures from the Sixth district gave Lyon a slight b ad over Representative Godwin, but a second primary probably will Irs necessary lo decide llie winner. DARE MAJORITY WAS FOR SMALL But With One Precinct Claimed By Ward to Hear From Ma jority Indicated Small Indeed Kfforls of The Advance to obtain complete ligures today on the Con gressional primary have been un availing All the counties on this side the sound, however, have been heard from, and ollicial reMirns show that Ward has apparently failed lo carry Dare County. Hoi urns from Dare are not fom- I pb-te. Ihere still being nil" precinct (l ar from. Ther however, thai it the inls-'ing pr is no indica Wafd has car clnct liis ma il llie lent to off iu the whole jor, i v t hen has been majority - ,. Small'. con nly. W it ii one precinct in D ire I he follow ing is l he ollicial vi I he coi; lit ies 1 isli il : missing te from ONGKUSSIONAI, IHSTKK T HACK. Ward Small Currinirk :!!" 361 Camden .r.:n 134 Pasquotank 5'iU 371 Keauoit 7(il 846 Washington 2,'4 69 Chowan 449 248 Dare 112 191 Gates 353 124 COUNCIL PIIKM'S Hon j a in i n Dawson Council and Miss Uuth May Phelps, of Newport News, were married Saturday after noon by Itev. J. M. Ormond, pastor of the First Methodist Church, A

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