HEAR MASONIC ORPHANAGE CHILDREN SING AT ALKRAMA TONIGHT If It's Newt You'll See It First In The Daily Advance WEATHER Fair tonight and Thursday, mild temperature, gentle variable winds, VOL. FIVE ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1920. NO. 137 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION HOLDS ONLY SHORT SESSION FOR PRELIMINARY WORK MORRISON GAINS ON MAXGARDNER hc!by Candidate's Lead Over Charlotte Man Only Fifty tsvcn Votes by Latest Returns. I-:?:. HP? RADY FOR EiJ.Sr.-SS! Resolutions Committee Not Ready to Report on Platform Before Midnight. Convention ad journs Until Eleven O'Clock Thursday Morning. Chicago, June ). The Republican National Convention began its second session at 11:20 o'clock today, taking up the preliminary work necessary before beginning nominations and balloting. Reports from committees were presented and adopted quickly, including that of making the temporary organization permanent which decided that Senator Lodge will preside throughout the convention as permanent chairman. The resolutions committee! LITTLE CHILDREN WILL SING TONIGHT Tonight at the Alkrama the Sing ing Class of the Oxford Masonic Or phanage will give a concert. These little folks are well-known here, and it Is helieved that they will receive their usual enthusiastic welcome to night. Tickets are on sale at Selig's or may be bought at the door. working on the platform sent word that it was not ready to report, and indications were that it would not be ready be fore midnight. .Meanwhile five minute speeches were in order with Chauncey M. Depew leading off. A delegation of negroes be fore the resolutions committee made the demand that Repub licans take an unequivocal stand for enforcement of the fourteenth amendment and ' J"f!"ar J Tlr"st,ees,of th? E,,z" , abeth ( it y Graded Schools, and com against the continuation of theittees representing the Chamber of Commerce, the Hoard of Aldermen anil the Y. M. ('. A. met in the court house Tuesday night to consider ways and means of providing better school facilities for the boys and girls of Elizabeth City. The school board realizes ilial the !( mt I ii , fh l J! i'V-MrV " 1 y-Jl Wit 4 v : Raleigh Lille !. I : IT. n in - -Tim i : i ( i ii u : 1 1 to ertiiu- (). Max Cameron Morrison for cut down id (iftv- to the latest returns from the Raleigh i ..ivu I'Dvei en" !:;is been seven vole . according . li!a; ion of unollicin 1 St ,i ( c witic primary by K .... ; ' " ami Observer. ! I be Mguros compiled lale last night , from LIMC! out of l.r,7 precincts in ini' Mate give Gardner 44.9(16 ill..- . . . 1 -M"i nsoii H.V17. The vote fo; on tiie same returns U L',S,!)r),r). The same compilation indicates the min.il ion of Jude Moke for As- Justice of the Supreme Court. BROOKLYN The American superdreadnoueht it ? T , about ready to be put into Emission It lTone , of , L i.L, launched just a year ago. is teet from bow to stern. largest scrapping crafts afloat. ine.is,rinfi 6:' WORKING FOR BETTER SCHOOLS ''reign of lynch law." After a short session the con vention adjourned till eleven o'clock Thursday morning to await the presentation of the platform on which the Tesolu tions committee is working. Working all nightthe credentials committee completed the permanent roll of the convention at 4 morning. Previous rulings on contests by the national committee were sus tained in all but three cases. Two delegates were taken from Lowden, one in Georgia and one in Tennessee and given to Wood. In the fifth Missouri district where the national committee hud refused to seat any one the credentials committee seated two Lowden men leaving the stand ing of the two candidates unchanged. The convention assembled today with the matter of who shall lead the party at the polls in November still a mystery. While giving uproarous approval yesterday to Lodge's keynote address calling for the destruction of "Wil son's dynasty.'' there was no sign of any preference from those whose votes will select the Presidential can didate. There was no demonstration even for favorite sons and no men tion of Wood or Lowden. Little business confronted the dele gates this morning with the tempor ary organization to be made perman ent. There was no speech of the pre- j siding officer on the program. The matters in order were reports from I the resolutions committee on the pro-1 gresB of shaping the platform and tfie credentials committee on the perman ent roll of the convention on whic'i the voting la to be done. The final sifting of Issues for t!ip platform began today In a special subcommittee of thirteen, while the remainder of the resolutions com mltteo continued to hold open house to hear last minute suggestions. The League of Nations question tds the renter of speculation as the riubcommittep began work. Samuel Gonipers was expected to appear before the full committee with suggested labor planks and a delegation headed by Frank Walsh will ask the party to declare for rec- i , i'ion of the Irish republic ACTUAL FIGURES GET IN SLOWLY Partial Returns in Congres sional Contest Give Ward Majority of 1,682. "patching system" that a funds has compelled them for the past few years, will no longer suliice for the necessities of the times 0 this'a,u' "le people of Klizalieth City are jat last roused to the realization that something must lie done, and done at once, to put our schools on a let ter basis. A committee was appointed at the meeting Tuesday night to draft a bill to be put before the special ses sion of the Legislature in July, to submit the question of issuing bunds sufficient to meet the demands of the schools. This bill will be referred to the' school board for approval, when drafted, and it is probable that a mass meeting of citizens will be called i i consider the subject before the bill i presented to the Legisla ture fur enactment. , The question of employing a gov ernment expert to make a general survey of the schools of Elizabeth City, and to report back to the school board as to what are the needs of the schools ot the city, was discussed No action was taken on the subject.! but it will come up before the board at a future meeting. The school hoard voted to agree to a proposition from the State au thorities put before them by Supt. S L Sheep, that the city school should co-operate with the county and State in paying the salaries of the vocational department of the Col ored Normal School of this city. The State and county will pay the salaries Tor six months, and the city will pay them for two months. The tuition tees of out-of-town students wiil help to supply the funds that the city will provide A committee was appointed at this meeting to provide for means of housing the pupils for the ensuing year The committee to draft the bill to ipres.nl :o ;he special session oi i u ' Legisl-nure are: K. F. Aydlett, I'. II. ! Williams. Walter Small, Thomas jMnrkham. .1 U Leigh and A. H I Houtz The Advance had hoped to present today complete figures on the Con gressional race in this dictrict. Failure oft chairmen of election boards in Martin, Tyrrel and Hyde Counties to answer telegrams re questing them to send in the returns I from their respective counties makes h,. it impossible to do so. lark of I However, The Advance will ron i follow 'i11'"' ,n tabulate the vote until it is 'able to announce Ward's majority delinitely. In the table below the figures as to Tyrrell were taken from the News and Observer and are incomplete. The remaining ligures are official . These figures give 'Ward a majority of 1, :i!IG. Adding the 2S6 majority for Ward in .Martin reported to the News and Observer gives Ward a majority of 1,682. 0.(;KKSSI0AL DIKTIM4T ItACK. Ward Small RATIFICATION TO BE MAIN PLANK In Democratic Platform Says Chairman Cummings of The National Democratic Committee. San Francisco. June H Declara tion in favor of I he ratification of the Versailles treaty will lie the main plank in the Democratic platform, according to Chairman Cu in in iugs of the National Democratic Committee, who arrived here last night lo pre pare fur lie- Democratic National Convention. EVANS ALLOWS CUBS NO HITS Elks Shut Out Their Opponents While They Score Total of Eight Runs. a n d I'age social! I I ItTIIKK IMI'KOVKMKXTS NUUDKI) AT rofXTY IIOMK Raymond Evans, pitcher for Flks, placed a no hit game to credit in yesterday's game with Cubs, which the F.Iks won by score of 8-to-0. This is the lirst bit game of tin anil the third the his the the no- season at this city, shutout registered. firs in the box fur the Cubs, ml iii the lirst inning, in Klks slacked up a lead of .1. Davis, who followed nd. BATHING RESORT OPENS UP FRIDAY is back from eleven llelliaven where he lights in the homes town, and is ready Re- Currit in k Camden Pasquotank lleaufort Washington Chowan I tare Gates Hertford Tyrrell PerquimaiiK Pitt :!9 7 fiat I a.", 1 1 701 2 r. i 4 4 it 11 .) 487 s r 4Sff it;:; 7 6070 361 134 371 846 69 248 199 124 D32 90 183 1 . Totals 6070 4674 Yesterday's tabulation of the dis trict senatorial vote contained minor errors and a corrected tabulation Is presented here showing Griflln's ma jority over Ferebee to be 130: SENATORIAL IHSTRICT ItACK. Ferebee Wiiiborne Griffin Currituck 383 510 435 Camden 302 484 402 Pasquotank 542 572 426 Perquimans 580 505 99 Chowan 241 5i'9 396 Gates 1 46 343 303 Hertford 299 929 562 Totals 2 493 3s,-,2 262: 1 J. W. 1 1 i wsoii weeks' unik in Installed electric of that growing to start i he Pasquotank Hat lung sort going for the season. I The lesort, Just bevonil the Hos pita!, will be open from .'! lo 10 j o'clock each evening. Tickets are 1 a , cents each time, or a book of $3 worth of tickets may be bought for. $2. There will be bathing suils for those who do not take their own. and refreshments wll he sold on Hie ground- A linle later the band will ; give concerts down by the river's i side. ! ' rr.ingenienls have been made for, a bo.r to leave town each hour lak- j K tMiise who wish to go to the re soi l I'lie schedule will be announced , tomorrow It is hoped that a bus ' schedule can also lie arranged. Whit was hit 1 which tin '.our runs him in t he box in t h a clean, steady ga Eventhing considered, yesterday's game was one of the best pulled oft on the local diamond this season i.KACii'K st.wium; W I. C. A ... O K 4 4 3 ' In his report for May to the County, Hoard of Commissioners at their meeting Monday morning Superin tendent of Welfore Vann made a re port of improvements made In the home since his investigation of con ditions there and suggested other im provements that should be made in order to put the building and grounds in more sanitary and comfortable con dition. In substance the report was: "The building has received three ( oats of paint on the outside, the inte reior woodwork has been painted, the walls nut In irood coiwIIMmi, m,u .rooms cleaned and the floors oiled, .llroken beds and furniture have been removed from the building, the offen sive fe;i t her beds disposed of and iho ' dining room put in good condit ion ! "A large woodhoiise has been built, ' two ' proof toilet , coinirucied with 'separate compartments for the Sex les mi, luces, and a s,il,(. ;,Md f,.ej. ill ni- ed by lado nicely, and of I be law n. m ini lire, wood V Ii. Cu Pet. 67 .500 ,333 milLK LASS MKKTS URGES ADVANTAGES OF JOINING NAVY but could all be v,. inbei s of the subcommittee were ron ii"iU that they could agree oil the I. i it u e of Nations plank WP! e ,- about how it done, r.'i-tering the predictions of sgreeni' :.' '.nwever. was the feeling that the I.e. km" of Nations question must not permitted to reach the convention ': r wl,pre everyone realized that r might set off fire works of a d" -rur'ive nature. Aside from the treaty Issue, most platform material w.i in such shape that only the finish. nc touches had to be added. It still remained to de termine tome details of the Mexican. declaration and some questions of the policy regarding Industrial relations. FULL AFTERNOON FOR BASEBALL FANS Baseball Wednesday on the W'es The "Chicken ( city, crossed b in- have a Tull afternoon two games taking place t: 1 Main s1 rcct diamond. imer team. OI lins i with a Hertford iteam at 3:3"; and the t uns ann wis contend for the victory at 6:30. i Results of both games will appear tomorrow. ; The Trade School which are op erated by tiie Nuy Department, are t ow fully equipped I" give the young men of today the full benefits of a wonderful education Not only that toil they also receive excellent pay while learning." says Quartermaster Ai'.i's. of the leiriiiting party here. The Navy teaches fifty-live dif f. rent tradis Any young man who is ambitious can master any of these trades in a short length of time. The instructions are so thorough that bv the time a man's two-year enlistment has expired he has the equivalent a four year apprenticeship "Anyone interested should call the Recruiting Offlre at the Y. M. A. Immediately " to at C, AT ALKRAMA TODAY l!y Press Agent Another triple bill awaits Alkranwi natrons todiv that will undoubtedly! appeal to all classes of movie patron- To begin with Harry T. Morey, tli.it j virile, red Mooded American, is pro- i vided tti'h wonderful opportunities I to display Ills arl in one of Charles j Klein's greaiest successes, "Th" Gamblers,' a telling story of love and ; finance 'In counter Ibis piece e re-! sistance The ill.ig" Chestnut." aj rib-spre.ider. will try conclusions with Mutt and Jeff in "On Strike." for second honors The inaUnee, begin-, ii i ii tr 'it 2 o'clock insteud of 3:3u, will j afford all a chance to see a splendid bill before the Masonic Orphanage Concert at s : 3ii o'clock The Ladies' Ilible Class of the First li.iplist Sunday School met with Mrs. W D. Shepherd on Shepard street on 'I uesday night . After the business matters of the i Ins, had been transacted a social hour was enjoyed. Delicious refresh incuts were served by the hostess 'I he members present were Mrs, s'nii Leigh, teacher; Mrs. Walter Lewis, Mrs Andrew Bray. Mrs , J. White. Mr- Martha Harrison. Mrs. Sue Sawy r. Mrs. Duvid Savin. Mrs. J. S Seeley, Mrs. Claudia Lamb. Mrs. .1 I! Stanley. Mrs. S K Jackson, Mrs. Ida Sieger, Mrs Florence Gar- rett, Mrs Henry Hedrb-k. Mrs. Ro- j dellia Barnard. Mrs Kdgar Williams; and Mrs H. K. Williams. tic visit ors present were: Mr and Mrs. Ed. Kramer. Mrs. V. L Column. Mrs I M. Meeklns. Mrs. G A Twiddy, Miss Mattle T. White, Miss Elsie Burrus, Rev. H K Williams and Mrs. J J While. PERSONAL MENTION Mr and Mrs. C (' Bailey motored to Edetiton Wednesday to attend the marriage of their niece. Miss Susie ZeigbT, which took place in that city We'lio -day at noon In St Chun Mr I Ii. .1 Paul's They were ai coin pan ied by M Broiiglilon and Mrs. "o tel. of Portsmouth Irish Sympathizers Are Against League Montreal. - v.npathizer- Fifty Japanese Sailors Missing After Explosion IIAlTAi yl A CitAUAXTOK.S SIGN IT FOK NEXT YEAR I lime 9 Free Ireland , in : he aim u a I con ven - j : .mi of the American Federation of i Labor today declared war on the' I. "ague of Nation rnt ificiition pro-1 grain recommended by the executive council. They asserted that they are J against any covenant that "bindi the ; American people to respect and pre erve the territorial integrity (ire-it Britain Trim flMlll C , t llclen ' year. Mi ni lb r. er's nr. Fen rim Aydlett Impel II at the ha- returned home i ill where be was a State 'Diversity this : Joseph Tie ker and i hildreti. 1'ird. at'" vi-iiing Mrs Tuck ii. Mrs T S M Mullati. on -: reet Mr- II D Spenec. visiiiiic Mr and Mrs East M.i'thews street of Gregory, Is T P Nash on of C L j Weeksvi , day. Ball and W. K. Ball, of 1. . were In tills city Tues- i Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry have re turned to their horn la Washington. Jteamhl today. mnvi -nailing Dir. sou mis. M. ferry on North Road afreet. The Chautauqua management had no trouble In securing the hundred Kobe, Japan. June 9. Fifty guarantors necesary to secure Chau Japanese sailors are missing after an tauqua for Elizabeth City to sign up explosion of gasoline on a Japanese jor jjjj Monday night. Only a lew The tessel was f year'i guarantors failed to elgn destroyed and other ships were dam- igaln tor another year, and their aged. places were readily Oiled. NO I'HAYKIt MEETING- Ashley Fii elwood. of Hertford In the city Monday. Rev. J. W. Bradley, pastor of the ( iiy Road Church left Tuesday night for Durham for a ten-days' stay. There will be no prayer meeting to night at this church on account of his absence. WANTED AT ONCE TELEPHONE operator For day and night work. Pay while learning Apply at tele phone office. No. 0D East Fearing street, or call rhief operator NOR FOLK & CAR TEL. & TEL. CO.. C. W. Orlce. Manager. J.8-2tnp nil died i ""in nil ill . j "The flowers plan : ' he city are grow ing I prove I he appi 1 1 ': IK i j "Hilt Hie h:o, ,. and rubbish still duller up the yards. "The demented man in the jail at l" noiiie is liavng a burd time; lli"i" are no screens to proieci dim rom the flies, the loilet arrangements in bis cell are bad. and the odor In I lie room is most offensive. "The home Is badly in need pf wa ter and baths, and will never bo in really good condition until those :i instill led. ! "The roof of the hoine should bo mended, and the kitlicen is stiil In bad repair. Fencing I- badly needed lo protect the yeard and .igr.'en t rum -lock. More can. and Judicious work should be given t he garden in the Wiiy or planting and cut- iv.it .ug This would be a financial saving the en tire year. besides furnishing fresh vegetables all the year throcgh "The well in the front yard should be put In sanitary condition by hav ing It thoroughly cleaned and a terra cotta pipe put in for curbing A pump should then be extended into the wa ter and used instead of the open well. If could he covered over and danger of epileptics railing Into It would then be eliminated." Superintendent Vann also report ed that a visit to the County convict ramp disclosed that It is kept In fair ly good condition, though the men should be rei uired to bathe more reg larly and frequently He com mended the work of the Ju venile court, and gave h,gh praise of Judge Lit'le's methods in dealing with the ca-es that have come before tins court Only lout (ases were 'tied In Hie Juvenile court in the in 'i ii Ii of May. many cases of minor i in pot a nee being adjusted by Super intendent Vann out of ourl In closing his report Siiih rliitca- d"ir aim nays: ' Tlo County Siiperitri-ndi'iit of ; Public Welfare has a mosi import ant work to do The ei mi nute, so cial, intellect u.il ii d moral siainLirdi of a ( inn in ifliit y will largely be de'er : mined in the future by the type of Milan lieadingg ilji. work The stau , dards ot by him will be the stand ards of the com in unit v A very ur inous responsibility i"-l upon the I nun having the power to elect him. The very bust man possible should be .elected, regardless of politics fear or favor "With this report your superinten dent tenders his resignation to take effect to-day. He got's lo become the President of Chowan College, in the auperlntendency here, he has done his best, and feel that the work is well begun With sincere thanks for every courtesy nhown him and for the confidence reposed In him, he leaves with the kindest feelings to ward the board and the loyal cltlien shlp of town and County.. i1 was

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