If It' Newt You'll See It Firt In The Daily Advance ftfe WEATHER Fair tonight and Friday not much change in tem- perature. perature VOL. FIVE ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 1920 NO. 137 AC ROSS DECLARES FORJIORRISON Bob Page's Campaign Mana-1 ger Will Personally Support ! Charlotte Man in Second Pi i-! mary. I HORSES CAN NOW TRAVEL IN C0MF02T VIA AUTO j Charlotte ; 'special I') tabulation county in H (he lead by Tim . .lime I" The .VI , of reli,;:. i Sta'e ,, i ,i5 I -1 1 ; . s .I p. in. Today's .ii every 1 1 I i su i ill . ITU. have ii fit from some of He incomplete. Mur- ligures arc .Morrison. 1 Gardner. I Page, :!o.ii!)(i. Though all counties heard froin tlll'SC coil 111 rison force claim. however, Ilial the final co u 11 1 will not Hi.ijige materially llic relative standing of cillicr con testant. Campaign .I,hi.ij.'it Ross has dcli iiitely declare I for .Morrison and so lias Tirol !'!. , son of R. N. Page. Page supporters in .Mecklenburg according lo Morrison headquarters lore, will support Morrison almost to a man. .Morrison headquarters also see "strong indication that Page leaders in the East will support Morrison." ATLANTIC FLEET FIRED BIG GUNS The Atlantic Fleet returned to sea again yesterday after spending a week at Annapolis and last night engaged in night firing off the Vir ginia Capes. The rumors that they were firing because bodies of American soldiers were being brought to Norfolk from France seem to be unfounded. It ap parently was just a part of the rou tine practice that was all. SIPI1 l X" 75; - z iim)ii ) . ... . ...... .JJt-fk ..y. liVimim .'::...L.. REPUBLICANS CLAIM AGREEMENT i ON LEAGUE OF NATIONS PLANK After Half-hour Convention Tcces3 Till Four O'clock to Await Preseiitallori of Platform lly Committee. Threat cf Fa. L. Zphi Ended t Inril! riall- li'.i I j, ll ,1! pi'CM i i !" ' i' ' i i! ((.!::. -s " i l ulll' p. in. I iT iidupl ion. plat dil a when w ' a.t'O, .1 (i:ir ill.- , jil, UMlli'ill'l' llic Ki Dilllie -hour Si s. iull ni!;,y, I ( ii i , plat liu in is cit'flc(l hi he A Lcajri"' "I Naliiuis nlaiil tic id c rryiioilv was liiiamiiimi adcn!,i hv i n- r..J m i.m j .-nlicnmnii! !i c, appaivnt I y nidiiiK all lliivat nl' a jiarly split over (tie lraKtif istic. It will lu pri'sinl ru in Mir full committee and incorporated in the platform on which the committee is work- arcd to be accept- The difTirulties of transporting race horr.os from tr.Mes to the race track has been overcome by a motor horse box which has been so constructed as to comfortably accomodate two horses and four stabb '.ids and their kits. Picture shows a horse leaving his "parlor car" through, a side eit. A back door furnishes the entrance. WILL SUPPORT PARTY NOMINEE j Ferebee Will Abide By Primary , But Continue Work For Dis trict Highway Aivrecment was ter a conference Mc( 'ormick accepted the Smoot which drawn In cached af f Senators and Lodge resolutions LAISOK KKJKCTS PROPOSAL XON-PAKTIS.W SHIP POLICY NEITHER SOUR NOR RESENTFUL John H. Small Gives a Message To the People of the First District Will Support Nomi nee of Party. .Montreal, .lime in. --The American Federal ion of I.ahor today rejected I he proposal to create a permanent educational department to distribute propaganda tirt,'iiiK the support of the federation's policy of non-partisanship in politics. CASE TELLS US Daily Advance rough your paper i 1 1 1 1 - -a ge lo th" pi ople in -in - - ion. 1 1 D -' rici . T reccn t prima ry mil it a I m of Says Concerted Action of Chambers of Commerce And Traffic Associations Brought Freight Adjustment Lorenzo I). Case, secretary of the Elizabeth City chamber of commerce, who has returned from a State-wide meeting of the chambers of commerce in North Carolina held in Raleigh Tuesday, says: "The freight re-adjust men t recent ly made by the Interstate Commerce , Commission, putting North Carolina on an equal freight basis wi'u Virgin ia cities, for which our North Caro lina cities have been clannoring for forty years was brought about by concerted action on the par: of the chambers of commerce and the I raf fle associations of North Carolina. "Organized effort started eighteen months ago by these organizations had such weight with the int'Ts ate Commerce Commission, that that body has at last consented to the re adjustment of rates that have for years been prejudicial to the cities in North Carolina. The recent decision of the I. C. C. knocks Virginia cities ,out of forty million dollars a year, and we shall no longer hear of the Nor folk and Richmond Gateway. "But tlio victory is won for the Carolina cities, the chambers of com merce and the shoppers must keep up an eternal vigilance lest the fruits of victory be snatched from them, and the ruling just made be of no effect." As an outcome of the meeting of ll i chambers of commerce on Tues (1 iv at which 12 cities were repre sintMl. it was unanimouly agreed that ii federation of these organiza tions Into a state body should ho made. A l omniittte on organization was appoiMed. to he made public at a later day A meeting of the chain lers of commerce of the state will he held in Wilmington about the middle f July at whii 'i a permanent State organization will he made, and on! which occasion Colvin Brown, secre tary of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and other promin ent men will, speak. Kditor The I lieu til niiinica'e a the Fir-t (' 1 1 -lilt of ill' t;,i si li i tion of Hon. II. S. W ard :i the Democratic nominee fur repie -dilative in ('nnmi'-s .My puMn- ilu lie- pre i n ! ed mi' from i -n in i: Ho Di.-t lift rcep' fur a Iir.ei p i.nl '" lore the plenary. I part iiu I i rly w i.-h the I lemon .i ' voters i ii t he il i- ! rji ! I o know : ',, i ' I a m mot her sour n n' resent fill or . -a-billon il in spirit I accept their vn diet i In i rliilly The people of '!; district have been kind and gene; oils to me. At Hie end of this term I will have served as tlieir repre-. n laiie for twenty-two years. I have been greally honored I am distinc: ly tlieir debtor. I shall, tit the end of my term of office, retire to priva'' life and strive as ever to be a good (it iell I po-scs- one asset which cannot be taken from me. I retain my sell respect and a clear conscience. I have been diligent in service and I have tried lo nrove faithful, bone-t. just and loyal. I shall surrender the commission with clean hands. It i a source ol satisfaction to recall lhal during the primary campaign no one seriou-ly attempted to impeach my public record. My present term ill Congress will expire on March 4 next. 1'ntil that time I shall remain a public servant and I hope my constituents will con tinue as lormeriy to command me. Of course, I shall support Mr. Ward for election. He shall have no cause to doubt my sincerity in this respect.; I hope he may make even a bett r repsentative than 1 have tried to be. I In conclusion. I wish to thank all j the devoted friends who have en- couraged and supported me in sun shine and in shadow. Among the e I include the women. Tlieir appro-. h,t:on has been an inspiration a!- w a -. JOHN II SMALL I cant BLAMtV I TPfel t ' I' pon the face of the returns avail able it appears that Dr. K. J. Oriilln of Chowan has received a majority of scarcely one hundred votes cast for the parly's nominee to surc'd me in the I'pper House of the (jeneral Assembly and 1 herewith pledge my best efforts toward securing his electlion in .November. While I concede without prejudice or pesonal feeling the noininaliin of Dr. (iriftili. I cannot belive Dial such opposition as was registered against my candidacy wa- ba-ed upon an in telligent a ppreci.it ion of Hie merits of Hie District Highway program as supporled by no Report.- Ironi dif leront sec' ion - of tiie il i i iit assii re me thai Hie loter.- were i n 1 1 ueiii oil ' proparatala jndn Iv ili lribu- I ed -o a i o ob en re ilo i -sue in .i' li indu aliial Inc. ilit y I he real i - sue in I lie ia mi pa i v ii w a ; not my a nil id. icy. lui t h w In" lor u e should 'ippiii'l and pi" nut" to its ai'coni 1 1 . i iiuient an organized and well do l::e '1 l oad proj' ii r poiisoi , ( ,y I In i" iuiiii www "i . a a 1 1 a o I e anil iiiiik in:' lo the di i ! j i 1 1 1 ui ol our si f the State or w il "I her ihu Root bi'fore his dt'parturi' for Kiirojx;. It omits I'lidorsemciit of the Li'ajrue of Nations covi'itatit and provides for a new agreement with oth er nations which shall include a tribunal for settlement of in ternational disputes. IWKTY HI'LIT TIIKK.TKKI) When Hie resolutions .subcommit tee met again today the League of Nations plank was still threatening to splil the party, and a tentative for eign relations plank was under con sideration declaring opposition to the tiealy without reservations but fav- t "in lollld I'el'u ail th,. mien, diss li t linking roe aiiinng dividual lo road lir : I i look aero - - the I enei rose in our neighbor's pale all pro-pets for tin li gliway and linally dis- oiirselves because each alily is unable to build This -pirit has never MISS NASH'S PUPILS GIVE ECITAL FRIDAY Its. IIKASI.KV lK.l M t w I'll pils of Miss Minnie Na-li will give a music recital in the high school auditorium Friday aternooii at four o'clock There will be no charge for admission anil the pub lic is cordially invited. Those who will take part in the recital are: Miss Gladys Tillet, Tom White Weeks, Miss lola Hathaway, Miss Frances Pendleton, Miss Ruth Harris. Miss Minnie Lee Ilrockett. Miss Helen Little, Miss Marjorie Ferebee, Miss Mary Gladden Gregory,! Miss Katherine Duff. Miss Annie Miller Seeley. Miss Lyda Tillett, Mis Margaret Nash. Miss Mary Harney I'rilrhard. obert Fearing. Miss Louise Outlaw, Krskine Duff. .Miss Ronnie Parks. Barbara Iteasley. eight ly years as stricken with paralysis y night and died at the home -on. Joseph Morse on Queen Wednesday night at !l 4U. Mrs i- survived by three sons, ,i,rse of this city and Lemuel of North Hanks, Currituck bv two halt brothers, r,njan Tlles.la of her St I'eet . lieasl, ; Josi pa Hea-le; I llllllll ! 1, ' j Woodhou-e ol tills cny. anil vv imam Woodhouse of Berkley, Va. Xhe body will be taken to Kitty n.uk Kriilav on the Jones, where the funeral will take place. 'will rkti:ksi:t mkkciiaxts ASSOCIATION AT ASHKX ILLi: SllirMF.NT OK I'OTATOKS K.R.MilNCi -,()(() I5I5LS. DAILY Reports from the freight, station and Klizahe'b City commission mer chants show that the shipment of potatoes from this section, while not so heavy a- usual for the season of the year. av. rage about "..HOD barrels a day. and are bringing from $11.00 to $11.50 a barrel. "it" WANTED At OXCK TKLKPHOXK operators. For day and night work. Pay while learning. Apply at tele phone office, No. 609 East Fearing etreet, or call chief operator, NOR FOLK & CAR. TEL, & TEL. CO., CVW. Qrice, Manager. J.8-2tnp IX I'OLK K COI'IST Iiettle Hiunette and Ella Mae Hun ter, colored, were in police court on Wednesday morning charged with af fray. Ella Hunter was pronounced not euiltv. Ilettie liarnette was fined .States wi $5 and costs. A. M. Arm -t rung, colored, was in court charged with failure to list his taxes, and paid costs and taxes. CUBS WILL I'li AY EDKXTON' The Cubs' baseball team will pla; Edenton here Saturday afternoon at Miss Estelia Johnson, secretary of the Klizaheth C:lv Merchants Asso ciation, will leave Monday for Aslie v i I It' where she will represent the local organization of merchants a' the annual convention of the North Carolina Mert hin's A--ocint Ion, thai meets in .-l:eville June la-17. at Hallery Park Hotel, A number of speakers of Statewide and nationwide prominence will a! tend thw meeting to lead in discus sion of matters of importance to all classes, and all sorts and conditions of merchant. Among the speakers from other be Edward K. Roberts. ! of New York, editor of the Atlantic Coast Merchant, and A. L. Oliger, of Topeka. Kan , secretary of the Kan sas Retail Association. Among the well-known North Carolina speakers will he Calvin Woodward, a whole sale merchant of Wilson, and Dr. D IMtKSIDEXT HAS TEX DAYS IN WHK H TO SKiN DILLS Washington, June in, Attorney General rainier has made an Infor mal ruling that Hie President has ten days after Congress adjourns in which to sign bills and resolutions. The ruling may change the status of a number of bills which the Pres ident killed by pocket veto explain ing i hat he did not have time enough to consider them. ELKS WIN GAME V't proieo'eil progic-- and I fear that it will not build oil r roads I Il ml iu 1 1" il Micieiit consola lion in the know Ii dre that Hie forward looking en ii n - of the disl rift s ha t ed my vn ws in this particular and supporl ed me, and right here I want to as sure my Iriends of my genuine ap preciation of their loyal -iipporl. To tho-e who hav appreciated the sign ihea nee off the di-trat high way project in Northeastern North I arolina let me say that I propose to use my best efforts to have the bill perfected al the extra session of the General Assembly which meets in Ju ly. The results are of course prob lematical because the extra session Is expected to deal only with State-wide problems. However, the supporters of Ihe movement may be assured of my every resource in the interest of the measure at the extra session as well as my influence in Ihe next reg ular so-sion of the General Assembly, if necessary. M W. Ferebee with American framed after the not accepted by also condemned Mexican policy; declared Me a a u n i.i nie should bo d null willing and able to quale guarantee for protec- iiiern an light ; pledged t ho party to a consistent, ct i ve po a y I own I'd Mex- oiiiig raliticatlon rights safeguarded a I i 1 1 i 1' h I se - ion bil I t lo irt'econeilables. The I cnla I i ve d la ft Wilson 1 1 1 ,i I u I ' ' ol' Il give ai Von of 1 1 1 pu Id lea ll l,riu and i IT n o and t i enioiri iv poet for Ihe Aiio-iaan ll.ig. " and proect Ameri ' all i.i a li . .in, pi opel't There was no dneit i ei rem e i o i ni erven I ion : ii le ii o The propo .a I for a man dale over Armenia wa ; condemned SPENCER COMPANY HAS INTRODUCTORY SALE T lilt! illg i II g (lav. i" Spencer Company opened their "luctoiy Sale Thur-dav niorn oid good sport" have been wend t lnii wav in that direction all The Elks won iday iilernooti. as rotten from from the Cubs yes 2 1 lo 11 The game start lo finish. A picked team from Elizabeth t ity win ,v Edenton at that city this atter- ... I . I... V M noon, while llie i.ikh ami ioe i . ..i. A will play on Ihe local diamond Friday afternoon at a. .10. i esier- lay's game between Chicken Corner mil Hertford was called off because the visitors tailed to snow up. Spencer Company 'his spring with men's wear and are ailed in i do luxe lining the ing ill the way of dressing I ' 1 1 llo ws of the C in in u 11 it y . ;ii'ii' i'i' w ho a I ways I ikes to ' s w i! Ii a real flourish, plan- I LIKE AT KIYEIIHIDE Ll'MIlEK CO. An alarm from Box 7 2 Tuesday night called the tire company 10 iiverside Avenue, where the roof of . t...M.ll ni,al,la one ol me uuniiiiiK" ui uiu omu Lumber Company was found on fire. Carroll, Dean of the School of quick action on the part of the com- 4 o'clock at the West Main street Commerce, at the University of North pany extinguished the blaze before grounds. Carolina. I any real damage was done. 'I he lltl 1 lie line of swell i Ihe sm Mr do thin ned a ln' opening with music and folwers. and everything. Hut much of the new goods ordered was late in arriving on account of delay In transportation, and the Spencer Com pany Is starling this Introductory Sale Sale now instead in order that men who like to be well dressed may gat acquainted with this new store. "We believe you are more interested In real bargains than in music," says Mr. Spencer and the action of Congress in pass ing Hie peace resolution approved It was iiiiln aleil that although the plank referring to the League of Na tions was in llie formative stage the sii In om in il l ee would probably accept the tentative draft as far as it re- iios io Mexico, Armenia and the I'l .lil1 I esolllt ion William Howard Tali arrives here oinorrow from the 'e-t en route to New York. He will t lor a few hours, but il , . said thai he will probably not vi-i the convention or participate in the plalloriu confer ences OPENED DOI I'.I.V DEADLOCKED Chicago, June Hi The third day of the Republican National Con vention opened with party machinery doubly deadlocked. There was no 'agreement either as to the presiden tial candidale of the party or tenta tive draft of vital planks in the platform overnight. The League of Nations i-sue swept suddenly up ward to a po.-ition of overshadowing i in poll a nee ami almost of menace. The special ha mioll i.i n g subcom mittee on the platform split after hours of fruitless labor toward com promise and were unable lo agree on any declaration proposed to be ln ccrporated in the plat form. The sub coininitlee adjourned long after mitl- Jnighl Disagreement in the report ol the ai brum m it tee faced the full jcommii'ee on rosolulion- when it as-' isenibled today. J Meanwhile the convention itself I marked tune and no real progress could be made wit 1 1 its work and an other early adjournment seemed like ly today. Indefinable rumors of serious ruptures between factional leaders were abroad today. There was talk of bolls and of what delegmes would w alk out in I hat case, but nobody could say from where this talk came. I. O. O. E. MEET TONIGHT Elizabeth Lodge I. (). 0. F. will meet tonight al ti o'clock. This will be a very Important meeting and members are urged to attend. All Odd Fellows welcome. BOOKKEEPER WANTED LADY with experience in bookkeeplug. One with stenographic experfiftce , preferred. Applications conlldenOwf1'--Apply In own handwriting or In per-. Hunter Sawyer of New York City son. 0. F. Gilbert. Mitchell's Depart Is visiting relatives at Weeksvllle. ment store. tt