STORES CLOSE FRIDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK DURING JULY AND AUGUST THE WEATHER i CIRCULATION Wednesday 1,140 Copies i ' Generally fair tonight and Friday. VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 8, 1920 NO. 160 ftfe EXPECT DISCUSS her iielre, .1 rs. poner on Herra Cox and Roosevelt Will H ave ' More To Talk About Than Mere Conventional Pleasan - tries. Dayton O. July S Cox after work ing several hours In his newspaper otllce today was expected to pilot a nuniberof visiting newspaper men about his home and the haunts of his boyhood at Jack.sonburg. It is now expected that when Roose velt arrives their ensuimr conferences will result in mm Ih 'ii m i re exchange I of felicittiliuns I Chairman Cummim;s and several other lilirty leaders are expected to participate in the conferences. underMond th a' pli i-' s of the plpaii;ii will i.e ,': eussi-d especially isterj who have entered the minViy plans fin-' official notification. This from the Shiloh church. An inter notiiicatioH wi'l pi iiiibiy occur at the esting program will be rendered In governor's houie la (which these visit iir ministers will t ANTI-SALOONERS IIEETJULY 22 Executve Committee To De termine Attitude IOWa Cox and Harding in paigrt -am" , I - Wa'erlille ().. July 8 The execti- live rointiii: t ee of the Ant i Saloon League will nice: will nice: at Columbus on Julv 21 to. determine the at tit ml,' ol the League in the cnining cam- paign The l.eai'ile ha- no! statement ill I . f 'I'ellre on Cox and 1 larding as ye' i: o i' - , c. I II d 1 1 .1 l.l s IIF.M.F.Y Charles Augustus Lucas of Ral eigh and Mis Cecil Snead Henley of Norfolk were married Wedne-duy morning by Rev. J M. Orniond a' his residence on Church -i n-ei Refuses Consider Suffrage Amendment Baton Bongo July S The lower house of fjie Louisiana legislature re fuses to Suspend the rules in order to lake another vote on the suffrage amendment'. It is expected to ad journ late today. BAXTEIt WIN'S NOMINATION In the second primary in Currl tuck between J. A. Taylor and T. W. j Baxter for the Democratic nomina-! Hon for Register of Deeds in that county T. W. Baxter was nominated . to succeed himself by a majority of Wniiams; Messrs Carlton Woodley, about forty votes, according to re- Larry skinner, Mercer Bailey, Wey ports received here today. mouth Davis, and Stuart Wood. CUBS AND HERTFORD FRIDAY AFTERNOON Hertford's crack team will arrive In the city on Friday to ake a shot M the Elizabeth City Cubs. The Cubs are well aware of the fact that Hertford has a strong, lively team but Manager Perry will be ready for them and assures the public that a snappy game may be expected. The game is called at 5.30. "Hertford and Edenton have be ' come so much interested in Base ball that both towns have been guil ty of getting players from out of town and paying them good salarjes to help each town defeat the other We are hoping that none of this kind of baseball ever happens again in Elizabeth City," sa- V. R. Gilmore.. "The Cubs have no hired players and are going to give Hertford o good game." EXTEKTA1NKM AT CARDS Mrs. P. G. Sawyer entertained at Bridge at her home on North Road street Wednesday morning In honor of Miss Janle Hunt, of Oxford, N. C. who Is the house guest of Mrs. E. R. Outlaw, Jr. Cut flowers were used as decora tions. A delicious salad course was served. Mrs. A. H. Worth won the prize. A guests prize was presented to Miss Hunt. Those playing besides the guest of honor were: Mrs. A. H. Worth, Mrs. E. R. Outlaw, Jr., Mrs. F. G. Jacocks, Mrs. W. P. Skinner, Mrs E. S. Chesson, Jr., Mrs. A. L. Pendleton, and Mrs. Evelyn T, Ay dlett. ntvmplc games'. Thirty nation! ntm I l NF.ILIL MRS. HOLLOWDLL The funeral serva- f Mrs. 1 1 1 - llollowcll who dud Wednesday morning at eiKhl o'clock at the home Koad . were coin ucied !. G go w. Clarke at ihe Jackson lm ryiitK 'K1,ll,lul - ,u';"' ruWnrv Th..r.-day morning at ten o clock. Mrs. Hollowill w;i; fifty-two years old. Her death followed a lingering illness of several months. She is sur vived by her neice. Mrs. 1'otter. Home Coming Dav Shiloh Church July 21 The Haptist Church at Shiloh will ihservo Home Coming Day on Wed- "e'dd.J''l5 21 It is expected '.hat most of the former pastors it is who are now living will be in p.t.on-cam- drice. as well as several of the ntiii- take nart The npnnlo nf tha part. church wll serve a basket dinner on the grounds. I All members of the church are urged to be present. A cordial invt- jtation is extended to former members and friends to attend. ilzed in 1727 and is the oldest Bap- tlst Church in North Carolina. It has long been one of the strongest and most popular churches in this section and this Home Coming Day, bringing I nee-her as it will lints of friends from I ir and ne:ir. will he an occasion of much iov and good fel- lowship. MISS SAI MIKKS KXTKKTAIXS Mi-- Kl . . he! !i Saunders ,e hos- y enjoyable on Kir-; -'n rl uuell T.i' silay ! i i i y in i g ! 1 1 to ; e 1 1 : i , Kl..ibft!i (Miai II ol :ord e with , - u . i e a i ' is . ! ! I i a: a -cut flower- and pnt'e.l - The glle-! we! I , : . 1 door by lift 1 1 ' Ma ry I'.y rd S 1 11 n They weiv 1 1 1 11 1 1 -! i . 1 1 , i 1 1 1 , , a , ng room w here pum 'i u a . hy Mi-s Ma'l.e Speii-e 'Ihe tor t he flow er i in'e-: . a he in hex of writing paper, was won i i prii t ,1 ul by ('ail' 01 Wood ley. The booby prize w.; won by Miss Dorothy Card. I'rogi ts-ive conversation was played. After i lie games were over a deli cious ue course was served Mi-s Saunders guests were: Misses Annie Miller Seeley, Augusta Sample, Evelyn Hooper. Lillian Wilkns. Mar garet Sawyer, Lula Balance, Marga ret Davis, Grace Jenkins, Mattle spence. Elizabeth Chappell, Dorothy Gard ()f smithfteld. Va. and Rachel MKT TUESDAY NIGHT The Ladles Senior Bible Class of the First Baptist Sunday School met with Mrs Claudia Lamb at her home on Martin street Tuesday night. The business of the class was trans acted, after which a social hour was jenjoyed. Those present were; Mrs. jSam Leigh, teacher; Mrs John Saw yer, Mrs. S. E. Jackson, Miss Eliza jPritchard. Mrs. W. D. Shepard. Mrs. Ida Steger, Mrs. Andrew Bray, Mrs. Mary Fleetwood, Mrs. Enoch Speight, 'Mrs. J. C. Seeley Mrs. Florence Gar rett, and Mrs W. H. Hedrick. I Mrs, Worth Eiilci talns 1 Mrs. Wintield Worth entertained , Tuesday by a delightful sailing par ity on the Nandl complimentary to Mrs. Clarence J. Rhea of Windsor. ! Those invited wen ; Mesdames Frank Scott. Wilson Hollow-ell, Al bert Worth. Sidney Ktheridge. Sin clair Chesson, W. P. Skinner. Franci Uncocks, G R. Little, J. C. 11. Ehrlng Ihaus, J. P. Greenleaf. Duckworth Clo ser. John Outlaw; Misses Carrie Sta ples, Hattie Harney, Nan Burgess, Margaret Hollowell. Nell Ktheridge, lAlmeda Carr, Maud Grlce. IKM'KAKKLLKK CELEBRATES EIGIITV-I IRST BIRTHDAY Tarrytown. July 8 John D. Rock feller celebrated his eighty-first birthday today. IN POLICE COURT Hamilton Brook? color it', charg ed with Indecent exposure of person, was found guilty and sentenced to thirty days on the roadi la Record er! court Wedeiday. Ackers, botfl 01 JNortoiK,- wre uii-i Tintinnahulating Doomed to Minor Salvation RoL ! ! ;y:i,,1. v Mm mm. V. IiJl I ZKgXw. -J t v: ;. - saivaiion army headquarters, -I v; Yv)iK CITY rp 1 .Me. 'lie .', I.i . ,--l ill" tllinlni ' 1 ' : . i i e!;e, ; t r s e j i. e a! ,, i ! . ,r no r ii- ; ii-".' , -i r i'-e. hae amo II uiii r- irv in "i i1 Sipiiii II 111', 'I nil nlle Mpi.lil, nriW, ( le-ed ! died. 1 about the lass iei American In jard. Home life since. With the And II ng of another bele Btllution- the front hasn't been the sunn advent of skyscraper tenements ind flats front yards vanished. Now the heads of households whn they come home at night worn out with arguing golf at the office all day have to sit on the front doorsteps or go to the movies. Suspenders have gone too. And fona are 50 cent Sunday table d'hote dinners, and family surrcya, and all-day lackers. And now tha tlma honored role of tha Saltation Army lassie's ttntlonabu- SAYS LYNCH 'EM IF REPUBLICANS Henry Lincoln Johnson Tells Senate Investigating Com mittee How 'tis In Geor gia Chicago, July 8 Henry Lincoln Johnson, negro Republican national national committeeman, from Geor gia, told the Senate Committee in vestigating expenditure today that negroes who have voted Republican have disappeared. The committee was questioning Johnson about lynch ings.. "Why they don't lynch men for be longing to the Republican parly, do Ihey." Senator Kenyon asked "Oh. yes they do." Johnson replied. PINCHOT CONFERS WITH LAFOLLETTE Chicago. July 8 Amos I'inchot. member of the Committee of Forly Kight, which meets here Saturday in its National Convention, left today for Madison. Wisconsin, to confer with Senator LuFolleite who is men tioned as a candidate for the third party presidential nomination. Radicals Work On Plans For Strike London, July 8 A Merlin dispatch reports preparation proceeding for revolution in Brunswick. The ex - treme radicals are declared to be joreenvllle, Misses Marlon and Wln worklng on plans tor a generalise Wilson ot Tarboro, and Miss itrike at the week end. I Dorothy Aycock ol Pantego. Tambourines At ! T'!' sSJ urine Is till'l tie-., nice ion lines I l. 't' nt Sahatinii ,: "i lie TI.- I.i- li. an. in.! b. ! ..I I 'mi, ii in land liaa Mill " el l. ;a;i L'l'hi I'll 1 1 e- -ei 1 : 1 1 1 --1 1 1 11 V. J-, !T tlie veir i mind ta:a liourine C'lllccl mg mill a;,peii In nation iii'innilly for finale ;-il approval. The l'.r.'ii Appeal is selieihiled for May 101 1 1 to 'JOfh. The lassies will still bent the tarn bourines in the Salvation Army praise services, however. They quote a num ber of 1'salms as authority. Here Is Psalm Mit. ,'1: "Let them sing praises unto Him with the timbrel and harp." The "timbrel" Is the ancients' name for the modern Salvation Army tam bourine. Well, foodby, old tambou rine. We'll uilss your chertn tlnklq and the acknowledge- mile of your mlstres but you did your bit General Larga Starts Uprising Mexico City, July 8 General Larga has started an uprising In San Luis, the war office announces. He has only one hundred men and the movement is not considered impor tant. KNTKKTAI.VS AT WHIST Miss Sue Grice and .Miss Margaret liondurant delightfully entertained at Whist and at each table there was Ea-st Fearing street Wednesday morn ing from ten-thirty until noon, in honor of Miss Marion Wilson of Tar boro, guest of Miss Fannie Owens, Miss Winnie Wilson of Tarbnro. guest of Miss Anna Whitehnrst, Miss Fran ces Whedbee and Miss Ruth Andrews of Greenville, guesu of Mis Marga ret McCabe. The color scheme id yellow and green was very beautifully carried out. There were lour tables of "Whist" and at each one there W.. a deck of rards given as a priz.e. Fav ors of fans were given, and each guest of honor was presented a cor sage boiiiet of sweet peas mid roses. A delicious salad course was served The guests were: Misses Margaret McCabe. Virginia Flora, Fannie Owens. Lurllo Jones, Anna Whiie hurst, Nell Grlce, Margaret Griggs, Kvelyn Hughes, Evelyn and Maud Moss, Maude Palmer, Mrs. Frank Selig. Mrs. C. D. Morrlsette and Mrs. V. J. Woodley, Jr., and Miss Frances jWhedbeo and Mlis Ruth Andrewt of iI'ii!.i r it 1 1 1 1 en i ei! Ii l,x Ihe him -lo- 1 M e emu ' I line !: !T:l I '10,1 I ti '1 s ,.',,. . , I I ! Im ' i i i:i;.ii joiin The funeral of was i "ml mi ei at S;i leni i 'I'm' a! ' morning by Kev K Map" I. C ii! was made in Salem t 1 1 u r 1 1 p : i I be, i rers w ere A. .1 Jen- .1 (' .leiininj;;, .1 )!. Ual-'aa. W. W. Kves . W. Mundeii, and C W.ilston, M .Mu ti ll. Muti- Sawyer dided Sunday after noon following injuries received Sun day morning when he was run over by a horse. He was about seventy years of age and one of the county's best, citizens. He is survived by his wife and an adopted daughter, Mrs. C. R. Angell of Baltmore POLISH COUNCIL FOR VOLUNTEERS Calls On Men Unfit For Active Service To Release Office Workers For Duty On the Front War-aw, July ,S Volunteer for (Hate servce against the Russian Bolsheviki forces are called for today by Ihe I'olUh council of defense. The council urges men unlit for active service lo register in order to relieve ollice men for service at the front. TO DECIDE FATE OF INTER-CHURCH Future of Movement To Ce De termined Today Three Plans Have Been Suggested By Committee Voik. . I ii ! s i i Inn 1 1 iiiom day by ' he it - rca n , 1 1 . - hi 'I In be ,h a ' de, W i 1 1 1 1 I So. ond. C a brief p.-rin in .niiiin; nper ii e.n I bill mi a dill basis Third. along .sugu'i'-ti'd by the denomination: movement Villa Modifies His Peace Terms Mexico City, July S Ellas Torres who conferred on behalf af the proo vlmonal government with Villa said that Villa had modified his terms and conciliation is lkely. WILL MKKT T4) NIGHT There will he a meeting of the Elizabeth Lodge I. O. O. F. tonight at the hall. The semi-annual In stallation of officers will take place. All officers and members are urged to be present. KKPOKT WAS I'XTIU'E I. -ndoti, July 8 The report from Ilerlin last week saying that a thea tre in Philipolls, Mulgarla, was blown up with heavy loss of life was declared untrue today by a Reuters dispatch from Sophia. MOVE TO ST. LOUS Chicago, July 8 The Senate Com mittee Investigating campaign ex penditures will move to St. Louis to nght to take up the investigation of Attorney General Palmer's cam paign for the presidential nomina tion. Chairman Kenyon announced to day. Wilson Will Call Meeting of Leapue Paris, .Inly S -President Wi'son ha- acrepte I an invitation from the la-ague of Nations to call the meeting of the Assembly of the Lea-ne in November. It was annnuni l m the lions'- of Commons today. I ITtl lvA OFFICERS INSTALLED Eureka Lodge, A. F and A. M. No 217 infilled the following officers Tuesday evening: Tims A. Commander, W. M ; F. K. Kramer. S. W.; G. A. Cox. J. W.; A. G. James, Treas.; E. R. Spence. Sec.; C. V. Hallard, S.I). ; I, W. Cox. J. I).; 0. W. Etherldge and C. H. Twlddy, Stewards; J. C. Uombury, tiler; J. D. Orlggi, U. E. Lewis, C. M Jlgg9, house committee, I Intel 111 ''iliviv VLTJOFFiaAL RETURNS IN PASQU ) i t. How Various Precincts of County And Wards of City Voted In iViond Primary on July Third ('aim ran Morn mi's in ijorlty in r.i-,iiot a n k in 'lie sc-'.iin! primary of duly :!. .icninling to official ret u rn was 111 Th" Clia i lotte man ran well ahnve the l'orcasts of Ids friends, haiil on early and Incnm plele re - in ns, cairwoi; every ward In this cilv and l"iimi; in only three ruril I'l'ecuicli. in Iwn of which the nle was' llee.n.;.ile. S. 1 1' 111 Went lln aiiiliinii' l lor ' ; . 1 1 . 1 1 m a- l'i; to ii. At N' i X I ' 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 Ihe ele was f,,' (lai'llller :! to s At I ' ' i I w i it- hi' ' s.hool house i was " to I', lor II il'ha I. All nth. r preeincts Wenl n , rV lie ! m 1 1 1 1; I ' ..- .Morrison. The I nl ,1 Ml.' WIS M.'l'l IL'O ;. miner 'JT'.I The IllainlitV HUII.'S a small nne ill a cniin'i'v thai can muster somewhere around a thousand liemocralic votes, but considering the fact that only fiO'.t voles were cast iii Ihe gu be rna I or i a 1 conlest the majority was a handsome one. Hurbam's majority over Took In the rare for Slate Auditor was 2'T.. the total vote being Durham 421 Cook H'.S Siae's majority over long In Ihe race for Associate Justice nf Ihe S iprellle ('..Mil W IS L'l',7. Hi,. i; .1 vole liehlir Si m v Loiilt ' Oil,' I'M 1 L' I pr. i I'll and I oi! (,o i i;oit (iariloir Morrison Fir-: W n l r,7 7f, I Second Ward I'.'.i 7 - i Third W n il :; t 7 1 IFmirfh Ward L' !l 7 1 , Salem , L'T, o Newlaiid '' I 17 I'lovol.'llee I IT, Vxoiiiini s :: I'ihiN 1 T. .Ml llernioii -I L'l ( ' a' l w i . I'. 1! To' a. I 7H I2ii I oi: si ai'ihtok 4 'nuke Durham l-'r-t Ward 4" V Second Ward s I Third Ward :t!t r,-J Fourth Ward 11 71! Salem n -J.-, Newland 10 47 Providence 9 ;) Nixon! on 4 4 Pools 4 28 Mt. Hermon 7 19 artwrlghts C 1 Total 168 423 FOR NITKKME 4 Ol'KT long Ht-tu-y First Ward 20 110 Second Ward 27 97 Third Ward 35 6 1 Fourth Ward 16 75 Salem 1 25 Newland 1 60 Provdence 6 7 NTxonton 7 2 Pools 8 2.T Mt. Hermon 8 23 Cart wright C 7 Total 124 491 HARDING WORKS ON HIS SPEECH Does Not Dictate To Stenogra pher But Writes It With Pen cil Like Regular Newspaper Guy Marion . Julv s- Harding arrived at his i. Mice earlier than usual again today in order in accomplLsli as much as possible on his acceptance speech. Instead of dictating to his steno grapher the senator follows the news paper habit of wilting with pencil. The ofllce force said the senator makes clean copy and few changes are requir er In his manuscript. May Compromise On Six Months Spa. July 0 Compromise with Germany on the time allowed for dis armaininent, fixing the period at six months. Is expected to be the proba ble outcome today of the conferences among Allied delegates here. Germany had asked for fifteen months, fX0J fn-inlr l.i In Vw Yor't nn 1ni!"""v

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