STORES CLOSE FRIDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK DURING JULY AND AUGUST H- H- H- H- THP WCATUFD Fair tonight. Local thun- ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 14, 1920 NO. 165 , opies vXXNy - (jlJ --MM------ -i VOL. V. Rrl And Elks Will Play Today MI RY TO SPEAR AT CHAPEL HILL Will Make Address At Second Session of State Council wu.rh Convenes August 17 -7 , llv ,4TUe first game iu the second series this ' Colorado Sprint,-. Colorado..!, ( ha pel lliii- V - -. " I f i moon at llve-thiry. The . Ramo 14 -One hundred years ago to-ua First Game of Second Series Called at Five-Thirty Promi ses To Be Interesting COLORADO SPRINGS FARM HOUSES IS CELEBRATING LIRE MANSIONS mrrison won (GERMANS ARE BY NEAR 10,000 Raleigh, July 1 4 The otlirial vote in the recent stat -m. ide primary , ... . j ' -is announced w-a as follow-: One Hundredth Anniversary of And Barns Still Bigger And ( ,;,,,,.,. First Climb Up of Pikes Peak Fuller In Progressive Ohio (J ', r ,u ,,,;: The Hods and Elk, of the T w L- Is Occasion For Festivity Says Marshal Jones of First M, .,,, "":''": .. .. ,. i i-i-i it ii . i uiil nlav the Nntmnal ! lor Auditor IE 11 ISUSeDilll -' - i . . , - .- . r. .t it., -i ml coin second session oi ' ' ,v counci.. to ;" 1 ,'itv of North Carolina. Angus, 1,-19. speakers Secretary of S,e Ham lutonor Franklin K. Lane, and to - mer Assistant oei.u.. - ture Carl C. Vrooinaii. Announcement to this effect has been made lu re re.ea'ly by l'rof. h. C. UraiKon. follow, im a conference m in, .1-1. i'V illiiM' with the Governor Htcket. m. head of the sta- department c, which tentative j.:.n were agreed upon. , . , The exact d.,'. and sul.jeots ot the talk- to 1- a.ado by the out-ot state .peak-,- have no, been (1(,fill:,(,1 Mi , the talks will cer tainlv relate Insely to North Car olina pnd.l-.a-. The l-ederat. . -the bli. Welfare Forces of the Commonealh, State and County. ,s ,he general subject of the confer ence tin, year, and at its tirst meet ing ,l,e plan will be to bring together sla,e and county ollicials engaged m all manner of public welfare pro ,,,,, , .hat they can relate tl.e.r workttpaUttle more closely n ,hev have heel, able to do heretotorr. Covcnor Itiekett will lead off in tins meeM.i: wi'h the open... "'I'l'-Ano.he,- with 1"' Odum. of miver.ity fiml.v -,hi, .,,,. ,. W.U give the .-O..U- ,v.,m.-i..!-d,.ili..vH. ,n..m-. we:,,e, l.-.l.'.. Uiulnvay and .at'e.v a rhan.-e ,,, s-e bow ihev can n, ,o a I. .:, i-.-d of doing ,. r,ve-il,i.'v The. game 14. One hundred years ago to-da promises to be Dr. Frank James a.-.on.M.. .. .... ...... , w seme ,, :.. ,... v..ii.,.,l '.nv eame in liv clin. hing t o t lie top of Tike's l'ea k M ,r1iail 11. .! j, el a 1 1 t : c 1 1 II' 1 1 1 'lip and NOT YIELDING But Allies Continue Firm On Coal Deliveries Question In sisting On Two Million Tons Monthly Durham Cook . . . fil.ll'JT . r, , t; s tiW count.'1.. Hit C.lMllel j Avtoriiile .Ins. ice Siiprenic ('our. ii inn r..... i.l.nve the sea. Since tin' , , ,t. I'.r-t and t'mnis N "' tinlt. 11,1100.0011 person, have made . ;:, k. of his recent aotomnlule .joun,e Hie trip and to-day Colorado Spring- I'o-n the Nmlli ami Mchlle West. is eelehrating the anniversary wh f ea , ing so, rwhd, ., .. .. I,,.- 'lie 'nioim iu' I on Hie Hudson ,,i..j .. :l nlll' I III 1 X lie SIM . . . l i..l 111 ' I II I ' " . r. - - . , a. j....- ill County man. died at las home , aul ()1:,ohile lughway to t ii',i,i,ii.uil iv nioinmtr at Uo i ei oss ' ii1" more than a week. E. M. SAWYER DEAD i.' m s!:ivvvit. a i.rnminent Camden St acy Dong ; 1.4:!' . 4 It. 1 '.HI RAINBOWS TO NEXT MEET AT CLEVELAND Spa. July 1 1 - No disposition Is shown hy the Ceriuans in yield to the Allies on the coal deliveries quest ion. The Allies continue linn, insisting on i he delivery of two million tons of coal moiit lily. Marshal Foch arrived today and Fwlil Marshal Wilson of Kngland is oVtm-k following an olness of two or summit ,. u,.,s. He nearly 80 years D;eulenan. ebu.on M Ilk ( ereditfd with the discovery ol tl "Vie is survived 1, h.s wife; by t lire mo u n , a i n in 1MM). As hardy a pi S(1I1S, Dr. Charles hi lsou Sawyer ihmt a, wa l lie " ...... i i.,i. lu-vn- ,.f Norfolk and ,.i:ir,.,i ,. neak was inaccessible u inosoi , i I'. Howard Sawyei i-au iuei ..--- , acdiuwtts; hy one a .miller. Mrs. T. S. I KolierLson (if I '.ell tier of steprliildre and by a mm.- COX MAKES REPLY TO SEN. HARDING Democratic Candidate Will De dicate Campaign To Bring ing Peace With Honor And Creating New Day Columbus, July 14 Charging that Harding made his "front porch a listening pos " Governor Cox to ,lay j,Mied a sMieinenl replying to Harding's sta'einent yesterday 'ha' He- Wilson administration ha- snl he l.e ,g:i- of X.l I "1. - I'"1 a ,e chief i in ia 1 nil i - -1 1 1 ' i , -aid the cunpaim. w oi' l Led to I he i ask of "hriimiii!' p. .. with honor, lo the r. adjn of t he a IT ins of i-i 1 1 ' O' ' 11 , real ng of a ii"W day out o , v. , a w e will w : 1 1 make ; he in ' 11 II. ei of the lia -I none dared lo doubt it until July 1 ' 1 S0. when D'Xior James. a no a her of :hi. Major Dong pe.l.:i succeeded in ' lo attempt. Major Doim rhrht.-ned tin- noon tain James pe ik but the pi a and plainsmen persisted in giving i H, ,. name of tie- discoverer and I'ik Peal; il has remained The history of tourist travel M this most famous spot of I be Km k ies has been thai of the develop ,,,, , hmhviay transportation First came a bridle pall. in I wo veal's laier a wagon road w.i lMil, .,nd in 1 1 a cog wheel rai real was cons: i in ' ed Win, the dee; ipineiit of the aa tnmohile indu 'o ( auie the d. aa. .a for a mo' or no I ml iu 1 '' 1 ' 1 -- 1-reaktas, exi ni...m ' exuected todav ,oi on Dike l-'.rie and tinalh the next 1 tirni 11 g h a in . Ala. July 14 ))S1' ,e!:I Miiirselfouthesummi, f M a: I h-w Tinley of Council Hluff.- ' f the Alleehaney ,i Peaks inu;. was el.-, -d D,e-le, of !..'. . ,i(.r:n ., ,,. "am feel louh at a halt million dollar (iljnhow Ve'erilis today and , -,, ,. ,-,,. , . i A he. and prevent hreaking up the son hot. I a-untile with ohi l""n iCleveland was selecled as the place. , :,-,,,, ,.,, ,, ,o r,,,iu ediirit eon eroiice, a series ol inlorml roll- ' modern amuse, mnl lioin a .atnin eon vent ion . . , ,v , , , ., .,,,.. I ferem es were arranged today be- . a l h . w 1 1 n l, a 1 1 1 . ,,. ,v, ,ni, i-esi i i,i. sithis ' itween Dlovd (ieorge and the German .a,:- ,he IO.;S eoUllhl d I' 1 e , o 1 T O - BoatS Slllk . , , ( duo lo W.i- hinulon il I- T ps il,, 1 -.-1 1 1 1 ) t u I moiiioain -cnei, ' Il lend i . Ill H k' d III il onl a few s Info.,- in rhe rfirl ' I ns,i(; hnrs hiik. live of which ra- 1 that the Allies were not bluffing and l-cle.s ski scrape, , and oih, , almost I . njssjll, ,, r,.u, of the j,.,., seriously lo take ineasur.'S "lll"l"in sirmtuies 01 N'.w Lok i,,,.,nc of Ma.'del Plata. ! t enforce the execution of the Ver io,, ,. n-ol looked on I In- work i i ! foreign minister followed hy one he- OA CAmAn nAwn'li.i'n Dlovd (Ieorge and Mill-rand. Dlovd (Ieorge emphal ically told Hueiio, Aire-. July I t Di f l een i ,e (jerman foreign minister Simons NOSCRAPTOBACCO SOLD THIS SEAAS'N 1 1 11 - lie .- A ihird se--i-,n will inelne 1": ' ,1 and coiiniy ollici C- l'l'('"'" plan- call for this Hiseu-i.M. "' I-' ,v U. I W. Connor, of Kale c'o T 1 romaii of Honder-on, '. . ' of Aberdeen. d ' " i Hotels And Mores m,,, ,,, ,,Nrmd. W. (' .Jones or mi-' ,.!,. Vn'or S Bryant of Durham. , il. Ma'theus of W:i.d-or. John Hill of Durham. Joseph Hyde ,,f Chapel Hill and o'liers Vl."ors coming to the Hill for the ,,! will be accomodated in .he more aoulern o f.I.e Dnv-rsity dor mi.(in,.s and at the ' 1 v ' ' ' llim,"; ln ,,, ,,,e number will be limited. rri)U,ssor Branson said, to 4nu. Music, recreation and moving -tures are promised in abundance, and ,he Dniversity and state officials in charge thnk they are going to heat the nral session of the council. whiclrmet here in September. iw Sacked and Burned ', ,, .1 u !v 14 Ho. el- am ' cloud ia to the Jugo-Slavs. were sack, il ai d hlll ll'al in a wild .Hit : Shi d. monsl rat Ion ' -' e. d i y. Sen,-, - of persons were injured and ... ino! : on of nroneriv is coil- i. e i iniiini; pre em mo'or if , a 1 1 I l ue :.: . a , vi - with tin 'i cram ' I1 ) ; . , i . . 1 , 1' lb'- h ! I ' i all a '. . I . : - : ! a 1 1 1 a ; 1 1 1 a : 1 1 I I v. i '.- 1 : ,;.-. who a Wei. r.iiway, will- , 1 1 1 in d .' ois rod, w a I mi :a- . mi the .. e ,,1 7 p r I lo pel- ( '- ee,-p- a' -'elided 'O Will Affect U. S. More Than Mexicq I ..,! ...;n.. T,,,.,i, .,l, . w enl v i our sea men ei e u i o ,- ii. . mih.-4 " " " ' "''re sec,,,, , ,e aere,,. the coal terms , . i ( ;,n l l n i li -ei i , a ino ot i ,os. , . , , . 0,11s, rureol cliffs, with the hillsides and alleys earpeted w ith v ery eolor ,,i ,,.. i liuliiiw, slretelom; away under . clouds, a mere man seems quite i i s. i - r , 1 1 1 . a 1 1 1 . Dveii Ihe N'a'ional Old , l ; . , oad. a m. .si r. (Ila rkal.le piece ',!,, e,,,, , ,-,,L' Imill and ma i ui.i i lied l.y ; r I ', d, i a I i:i. inmeiii from W eli . o .M i , i a- tie inoii ii I 1 1 n - : o the I ' i , , i ',,as !, I'1 ' 1 id, and Willi , , ,M, nl oida, a s - nio. ,1 l I - a I ..! . I ol ' , i ' O-' 10 lie Ml, . I e I he , l-l , II, , , f '. I I h e I ,h, ,l W 1 lid I lie. e I I , i 1 , I 1 i I - I e , . , , 111 ' I . , e, , of , e , , 1 1 , i I ' I I 1 ' e - u Ih it . Oil- 1 nil I il Hermans Mexico City. July 14 Ten t lion s- And Opening of Tobacco Mar- and ,,ei, oleum workers at Tampico ket Ha. Beeen Deferred-"'-' av demamling a seven.y- . 1-7 C 4 " -e I'ei 'no rom August n .o och-s'"-bcr 1. The SI I ike wiU aflei Stale, iii. il 'o than .M e i Ihe L'nited France Celebrates With Monstar Parade a I! I hi ' 1 1 i . will in ' ii ' IP !,, nelnr h v I'll o,l o III v. w.V , ,, . lie ee ,' h'O 111 ' f - le-. ' . . aa ,' .,. Pat of its kind in the country. That council attracted wide atten tion in educational and public wel fare circles throughout the Unitad States and is regarded here as the father of the courses for social work Confirm Reports Overthrow Bolivia Chicago, July 14 Confirmation of the reports of the overthrow of the Bolivian government were received today at the Chilean foreign office from Dopez. miles ia H-Sprum- and in on a ' i in i- i S p . i . i r - ' o or .-upply TAKIN.i EXAMINATION KOK (OAST GUARD PROMOTION air In the p....i'i r pa ri ol COhllolied bv Col , r ii.i rd Ihe . il y' I ,, April. !U!. i - el u men' u a r ,. lank at'emp'ed lo , ml. Hi" 1mk ( .. -a i. ,i blot ked bv -a ow drift A ..' ' ,,,,,. i, j,,,,.,- a en: pill ir tractor . . made the ascent i a , Walking races, i,,iit.. r ie-s. motor- 1 "' cvcie and autoniohile races have 1,,,,,,, held on Dikes 1'eak The first j ; airplane to cross the peap was flown over the mountain on Augusct tliird litllt, piloted hy Alexander Dendrum. of Colorado Springs. The record for motor over the 12 miles from Crystal Creek to the sum mit is held hy Ralph Mulford who made it In 18 minutes and 26 seconds. Next Sentemher the automobile liillcllinbing contest. discontinued o , I ,1 II p. I I , -lee l: j H. Jones of the Coast Guard is In ,.. eo,e,- no l M i i o ,, i -, l i , . I , i , 1 1 - . l , . a' i ' ' n i ' 1 ,ni, el and p.ori, - in I'.e -a ,i. h,,. I am not -in pin-, d Ih o tM l . is fin ni-lioic i he la , s,, oi i ii, h i i , for Pol h p 1 1 I ii - i Iii ' urn IV... I Ulldred mile- I lo o Ihi . stale IV. f nail houses tit . 1 would make . ,a Hie l.est homes in llliz il,, lli Cii !.... like s,anl a s and h fnni- , r's Do i ii was lamer than his house. Tie- premises were all clean and Ihlv and Mi,- .lie owners- n one in large white letters across the front of his barn. As far as eve ci.iilil s,., there were ureat fields ' priin cultivated with Improved m; -chini rv and these heaiitiful fields we e dotleil with oil wells pumpliiK oil far us to Dm n on our niiseralilc roads in le of il on, .I'i'v II No ." 1 1 1 , , he -, ,id ell Hie Cool's of N .I' i I , i-1 1 No: : 'i Car .'on i v. a r . 'a it a' . e""'d l 1 '," 'aehi . : I he Das'- i - N !'! t ' a i o 1 . i 1 i W In oi e A social ion during, the . ...null. 1' w i lb ad.-d C 'In ."0 a ml. f the ... M i .Pill 1 I' - I ', ida le , li i in; I nr. "!' I'1 da:- ni ,.nlia th, m ii Int I his ear 1 1 ,, ,. a 17 to Sepi em her 1 and 1 , led mil of ollioor wen- amour. ,,t ,. i' hiisiio -s ma i ' ei ; I r in -act ed I T,e ilre of open i n g the in i r k . ' j ,, - i hanred at ill- fi.iiifsl of ' n- j trade on acrouni of the pf in Ii ' sl "li0" ,, On Account of Rumor That 1 The re mi for d i -rout in u m g .! I . , ,i Net?roe Would Blow Up kale of scrap tobacco was that the IMegroe ,, f ..ncl, scrap ha. a. tendency to 1 own In Kevenge r or ..i Lynching p , , ,Dr II Driio . ieoiM' "1 , ile D i.v tod iy w HI n ler p i- ,e o ! I II o a a lid oldie' -'i , iii h and A noa I. a n I ' i g - !"' I d I he leia v puis a limed ,1 - pf. war pleasures I u i - i a : pia, g.roiiiid R0XB0R0 UNDER ARMED GUARD lower the price of the better grad ;,,! p is believed that the scrap wil be of more value to the grower il re lained on the farm and used as for! t izer NAVAL PLANE HERE MIICIlinnillK,. ... ,hirlng,e war, wil. be resumed. An . , J , ., airplane race from Denver arouna . . . are now being' j. n. juiu'ii oi me uam . airplane race uum erS of all kinds wtucn wUl ' Norfolk taking the examination for ,k (pak and re1urn w.ll feature the given in the; Hummer school d . , 8uperlntendeIlt. Captain (,vent I,, C. Covell ia taking the examina tion for promotion to Lieutenant Commander, a position which ik now holds temporarily. ir . .... t r i nvf ih k k i Public Welfare of the University. alSamatoday (By Dress Agent) To those whose memory of stage affairs goes hack some fifteen 'or twenty years the showing ot r.rim.h in Clyde Fitch's wonderful Buildings Wrecked And Grain Damaged of Sermon For Women Thursday Evening ttnnknne Washington. July 14-- Griffith in Ciyi.e . -.-. .,,, oanied bv st ane success of other years, - a vi.h. Timber t ,he Alkrama to-day and a rloudburs, wrecked buldings and 10 ""' eX,e'U ,l,IUKht WiU '". 1 ,.,..,, to ' Uwoiunnrls nf dollars in the IMlous the original ras; " i' ;ike the play famoua and Clyde , dim rirt. Kitel, rich are w. ". Miss ..rinna,. tluis assuring a -i''""'1"1 I,rfor"1- Cormie Cr.l' .'h is a star who is not afraid of com t ... risen. A dem- demonstrationof .l.i-ie -H. , . Annie Agues Stni'h will , r ,1,,. .i if is surrounded .Miss Aiiim picture where tin ai m,l,m.aeh a special sermon to women '-y Blrls of bewit m ;'"' a,nd1 , . ,.,!,., lr(.,., ehurrl. Thurs- -l,e suffers not a: all ' '""P"- """ . ,u. ,.,.. in VPsferdav's ;;i',!i,2;;::,;;:tnr,:;u: ,. . uugs a, Hayshore. Drea. South usual interest an s op LO..K Island. The mad social larKe number will attend. Ml the ultra rich and fashion- Interest increases in h n ing W,',M PveniiiE. Large crowds an a. ivldiy portrayeu. , Mluj ,,,.,,.. FPnm)ll, .eilfllllK ami are heiiiR much enjoyed. WANDERER IN MURDERERS ROW Two Indictment Expected To Be Returned Today Againt Man Who Slew Wife And Stranger Chicago. July H-Carl Wanderer IW1U slew his wife and a ragged s! rancor, was placed in murderers row i the county Jail here today The murder indict men ; s are ex pected to be returned today. Detectives Find Jessie costello il there because tiny learned a kih.iI while aeo the value of grind marls. kiiixI schools nun Miien oiiei .iK-ii,.,.-- pave the way for pnim'ess. Tledr fine thorofni's are Interlinked evetvw In re with hard -surfaced roads. Hut if the weather is unfavorable (lie farmer can rlisret: inl bis automobile. Step out tin l i;et on an inti'iairbati ear line and visit bis neighbor any evening. Prosperous towns of from 10. WW to pi.n.Kl are found along this route every fifteen or twenty miles "Whlh admiring (bis wonderful country 'l though of (heir dKiKrefahlc climate and remembered that (he Land of the Long Leaf Pine bad them all beat in (bis respect as well as in ol her natural ,'el ant ages. I Mir climate w ill permit th- growing of two crops In tna n v in ' a in'' and onr s. .il P' much ,,, adai.tob'e o dii .. s-ilh-.l farmi.'i TH ('"in 1 rv ought to wake up. P M a i it' ed a rill D . crave wiMl 1 "'h , ,,,p- la oclo-rl mil ID.xboro. July 14 -Humors that the negroes intended to blow tip iRuxboro because of the lynching of Kd Roach, negro, caused the author p jes to place armed guards about the town last night. . . . ... .... i .. ,. ...i it iii The n K It passeu quieiiy nun A rnit ed States naval landed here "7 ' ,. r ... , n(. trou. Wenesday coming down in the har- is believed that there wtll be no trou bor here, the crew going ashore on ble . KKWmW Riverside Drive. . , cwmnr Hick- and convictllon of any person who '"The piano left a. 4:40 Wednesday ' partclputo.l In .he ly.,ehinKjt Roach, afternoon. 1 . . . , 1 hird divisions HANGMEN STRIKE Veterans Meet . . . , i.... i Costello 1 V.. ii h to t Inio oiu of 'In se nils j Havana. J.U --' . ... ' , ,a . von em hardlv dauKhfr of Oello "f ; w., , vvM:ri. r !t Jack Detnpsey In Daredevil Jack ,ml a Mutt and Jeff comedy round ,,,,, a splendid hill. ...,vTfiini!l'ISBD YOIXO MAS dlsireS room and board.' State price phone 357, Advance office. 12tf Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cox of Frank lln. Va, have returned, home after spending the week end with Mrs 0. A. Cox on Cherry street. , DELAYS EXECUTION Chicago. July 14 -Three thous- Dondon, July 14 The Uerman hang- vp((ir.nis ,lf ,i1(, Third Division men have gone on a strike for In- ())(1,iy creased wages, according to a Berlin: Th(i (.(mV(Mlt0 devoted half an dispatch and the execution of a 1,111 1 ,, ,. , silent prayer at the hour the derer at Meiningen could not lie car- (jvi,ol ,,,,,! the drive against rled out owing to the strlKe. 'rermaiis on the Mnrtie two yearn I, n IIKIVn OKI) IIKItl. Till liSDAV j IK ' . pay LAST TRIBUTE - '"t "; "av" ,";;;n, T0 former express played here la-l Friday between H", IU rUIV,"t' Melt lord -I at' t e;l m a ml t lo' ' " bs Kvervhody thai wants .0 see , ,sh .. ' , , . . , . , : . . , i . 1 , . 1 , 1 1 I 1 1 1 e litlV II. loll 'he t H V OI t 11" , o if lI'T ie III l-l" ' '."vmirroa,.:. a re r, i , - , . a ,., ,.;llKenie , rn, ID ..... Norfolk here, he most do:.,. I r a -e.. ' ,my wi be taken to E..R- ag.-e. ii ' of our ram null. nriv. ' no i me , iu ,,,lssle since April, was ta- r'uPd 'today by detecMves who raided a house in the suburbs and arrester, a Kypsy woman. ;,..,! As for farming, tin' diff.Tenee i ii,:,, v, are firming with iir band VISITI(; SISTMK Wilson Sends Message Mr- J. W. Mitmleu ami children C CL President m v m B - u-oniieih. Dllzabelh and .loshu a Man ml l"'ble are farming w'"' I den, Jr. left Monday to visit Mrs! th.ii h. oi-. I Mnnilen s sister, Mrs Dav'.rl O. HrlwK-i Waslingtou, ...... - - I . . P-iffj ft nil TO (1 IE J II-l PRAYER MEETING TONIHT I K Corb.'tt will conduct the prayer meeting at P.lnckwell Memorial church tm,im,t in the absence of the pastor. Dr O V. Clarke, who is conducting revival .nrvlces thin week, at Indian-town. "A'.- mo", hnrii llu- lessor of good sehooi -, good roads'. Improved slm'k improved seed. Improved farm machin ery, and diversified farming." I OK SAI'E AN AUTOMOWI.K IN excellent conltlon, new tire Ptc., for $650. See Geo. J. Spence at once. 13 ley a' ( '. i r a pea k e, N, C. i American flag- floated together ......... in ron.iection with Mast ilo VISITING imOTHKIl '.over government buildings today in Mr . id NTs D F. Hill of New lla- connection with llastlle Day. rV-cMr-ut are visiting Mr.! preSident Wilson sent a messaR8 UW nrothcr, W.'L. HlU. on Uur ot congratulation to the President of street France.